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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
It's getting there.
Though I need help, I kind of want to read the Umineko VN. You've cursed me o3o
It really is.
lol you mean I blessed you :3 And the Umi VN is great, but also really long (yes, longer than FSN). If I can help you I gladly will, ofc : D Remind me, haven't you read (part of) the manga?

Aaaaah really? I don't image you as clumsy person at all xD
Haha just sometimes, it happens :lambirb Maybe you'll see it for yourself in 2021, who knows...

Like so many manga's that end up going downhill (such a waste how often the last arc of awesome series suck).
Yeah, that really is a common problem. Any specific series you have in mind? For me I instantly have to think of Naruto and Bleach :XD Then again, there are also a number of series that manage to end in a good way.

Ah, I binge when I can xD Focus is a bit of a thing there, but when it allows me to binge I prefer that. But like you said, not so much anymore as I used to (time is an issue nowadays xD I miss those chill days).
Feels like everyone had much more time back in the day haha. You only realize how much free time you had as a teen once it's gone :XD
Yeah I remember you said you can't focus for too long, or that it's sorta difficult for you, so how are you managing with binging a series?

Speaking of much to check out... I have started playing FF9 a bit (Yes, I still need to finish FF10 but since a little birdy told me FF9 is a really good one...)
Great! :zomg You try many things at once, don't you? XD (Umi, Yuru Camp, FF9) How are you liking it so far?

I'll get to the new season one day~ I really like the combination of the humor and the storyline in railgun haha. It's fun :nod
Oh, how come? What makes accelerator not as good?
Yup, it is :nod
Well the art composition in the manga was rather bad in my eyes (like, hard to tell what's going on often). Story was also so-so, and for a manga that's named after Accelerator he didn't have all that much screentime either. Think the manga ended already, but I also dropped it long ago even though I gave it another try shortly before the anime.

I really wanted to watch it actually xD But so much came in between that I kind of ended up forgetting it.
I know what you mean, it was the same for me lol. Picked it up because I knew I had to travel back and forth between cities over christmas, and I saw it's getting a new season, so felt like the perfect opportunity haha.

Mhn, I get that. You really do want to watch things because it's fun, and not because you must follow all the series out there.
I've got a hard time picking 5 series a season really, usually less.
Yes, exactly :nod In the past I used to watch a number of shows I thought were "okay/fine" but it turned into more of a chore with each new episode. Nowadays I drop shows far more easily if I'm not totally on board with a series (with some rare exceptions).

5 is good too, very comfy amount. For me I've noticed that two new eps a day is sorta the limit, so I usually try to stick with the 14 new shows range. Last few seasons all were around 10 for me though, which felt more than enough haha.

Mhnm, for me, I want to watch Yuru Camp (I'm currently catching up with S1), Neverland and maaybee Horimiya. Not that interested in most shows this winter I'm afraid
Well that's a start! I'm sure Sky and me will keep you updated if there's anything you should really check out :3


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
It really is.
lol you mean I blessed you :3 And the Umi VN is great, but also really long (yes, longer than FSN). If I can help you I gladly will, ofc : D Remind me, haven't you read (part of) the manga?
Haha, oh so it was a blessing really?
I've finished the manga lol. I just want to feel the vibe a bit more I suppose haha. Though, that's something that will have to wait for a bit anyway (And yes, I'll take up on your offer if needed ;) )

Haha just sometimes, it happens :lambirb Maybe you'll see it for yourself in 2021, who knows...
HAHA I hope xD
Speaking of... it's already 2021. So close, yet so far haha.

Yeah, that really is a common problem. Any specific series you have in mind? For me I instantly have to think of Naruto and Bleach :XD Then again, there are also a number of series that manage to end in a good way.
Yeah Bleach was definitely one of those series for me... Ended up dropping it towards the end bc I just couldn't bring myself to finish it.
I mean, sure there are definitely good series out there. That do end well I mean - but so many popular series have a rushed ending (such a waste)

Feels like everyone had much more time back in the day haha. You only realize how much free time you had as a teen once it's gone :XD
Yeah I remember you said you can't focus for too long, or that it's sorta difficult for you, so how are you managing with binging a series?
Seriously though xD
Mhnm, it's one way or another (either focus really well or not at all). So when those rare moments of hyperfocus are there, it's a blessing I suppose.

Great! :zomg You try many things at once, don't you? XD (Umi, Yuru Camp, FF9) How are you liking it so far?
Aaah, we talked a little bit about FF9 already yesterday (going to play more later today, when I've finished todays studies). But Yuru Camp is finished! Loved it. (And so is Umi, loved that too haha). Nice to see some progress haha.

Yup, it is :nod
Well the art composition in the manga was rather bad in my eyes (like, hard to tell what's going on often). Story was also so-so, and for a manga that's named after Accelerator he didn't have all that much screentime either. Think the manga ended already, but I also dropped it long ago even though I gave it another try shortly before the anime.
Aaah really? That's a shame.
Yeah even in the anime it seems that I see a whole lot of Mikasa instead (not complaining). But not far in so cant really judge.

I know what you mean, it was the same for me lol. Picked it up because I knew I had to travel back and forth between cities over christmas, and I saw it's getting a new season, so felt like the perfect opportunity haha.
Hahha right!! And it was a right choice I hear?
Also, you're able to watch things when travelling yeah? (Assuming you're using public transport here haha)

Yes, exactly :nod In the past I used to watch a number of shows I thought were "okay/fine" but it turned into more of a chore with each new episode. Nowadays I drop shows far more easily if I'm not totally on board with a series (with some rare exceptions).

5 is good too, very comfy amount. For me I've noticed that two new eps a day is sorta the limit, so I usually try to stick with the 14 new shows range. Last few seasons all were around 10 for me though, which felt more than enough haha.
I feel the chore thing so much... Such a waste of time really when you aren't really enjoying it as much as you could have. I think I'm the same, so much easier to drop series quicker. Though I'll try a bit longer when people I know really love the series. \

10 definitely is more than enough xD Don't think I'd be able to manage that haha.

Well that's a start! I'm sure Sky and me will keep you updated if there's anything you should really check out :3
Haha oh, I know you two will :kappa

Finding out Marms is quite the gamer girl huh
My feeding knows no limits after all~
(Speaking of which, let's feed together sometime again)


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Haha, oh so it was a blessing really?
I've finished the manga lol. I just want to feel the vibe a bit more I suppose haha. Though, that's something that will have to wait for a bit anyway (And yes, I'll take up on your offer if needed ;) )
Ofc it was, experiencing good games and stories always is a blessing o3o
Oh the vibe is strong in the Umineko VN haha, for me easily the best experience because of the incredibly strong soundtrack (IIRC the VN has around 150 - 200 different tracks, which is an amazing feat in itself lol). Syx just recently told me he kinda prefers manga over VN, so I guess the medium doesn't click 100% with everyone. How was the FSN VN for you? Can't have been too bad if you're curious about the Umi VN haha :XD

HAHA I hope xD
Speaking of... it's already 2021. So close, yet so far haha.
The promised time is approaching :blushbirb

Seriously though xD
Mhnm, it's one way or another (either focus really well or not at all). So when those rare moments of hyperfocus are there, it's a blessing I suppose.
Hmm that's interesting, so you either focus almost 100% or it's barely working at all? Does that depend on your mood, or is it just random?

Aaah, we talked a little bit about FF9 already yesterday (going to play more later today, when I've finished todays studies). But Yuru Camp is finished! Loved it. (And so is Umi, loved that too haha). Nice to see some progress haha.
Apparently you didn't continue with FF9 when you wrote this :p Did you continue yesterday? :3

But looks like you're making good progress with the stuff you've checked out so far : D

Hahha right!! And it was a right choice I hear?
Also, you're able to watch things when travelling yeah? (Assuming you're using public transport here haha)
I would say it was, otherwise would've dropped the show early on xD it's not "omg amazing" but a fun show that's also educational as an added bonus :pleased
Tbh I'm not the biggest fan of watching when traveling, but it works pretty well if I have some more time (like the train driving for 2+ hours). It sorta bugs me when a complete stranger can basically watch it with me too lol, but because of corona that won't happen in the next few montsh :XD

I feel the chore thing so much... Such a waste of time really when you aren't really enjoying it as much as you could have. I think I'm the same, so much easier to drop series quicker. Though I'll try a bit longer when people I know really love the series. \

10 definitely is more than enough xD Don't think I'd be able to manage that haha.
oh definitely, when someone recommends me something I always try it a bit longer, even if I'm not enjoying it too much haha. Would feel really bad to drop something early on, kinda like you have no respect for the guy/girl who made the rec =/ but if you still don't like it after a while, that's just it. Like how I tried KH1 because Sky recommended the games, but I decided after the first one that it's not really for me.

And I think we can always perform above our limits, they're often just self-imposed :3 I getcha though, watching many shows can be imposing.

Haha oh, I know you two will :kappa
Well I already did haha. Hope you'll like it~


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
Ofc it was, experiencing good games and stories always is a blessing o3o
Oh the vibe is strong in the Umineko VN haha, for me easily the best experience because of the incredibly strong soundtrack (IIRC the VN has around 150 - 200 different tracks, which is an amazing feat in itself lol). Syx just recently told me he kinda prefers manga over VN, so I guess the medium doesn't click 100% with everyone. How was the FSN VN for you? Can't have been too bad if you're curious about the Umi VN haha :XD
Ooff good soundtracks definitely are able to set a certain mood. And that's good for the experience imo. And I suppose it's not for everyone. I heard the manga is pretty good anyway, so suppose I'm not really missing out. I
the FSN Vn really made me think a bit more about how everything works. I finished the UBW rewatch the other day and things just seem to click a lot more. And I really like that haha.
It was quite long though, but I like reading so that's not really an issue :3

The promised time is approaching :blushbirb
So soooooonnnn :blush

Hmm that's interesting, so you either focus almost 100% or it's barely working at all? Does that depend on your mood, or is it just random?
Mhm, I suppose both? Like when I'm down obviously focussing isn't going to happen. Not really. But other times its just as if my mind just doesn't want me to do things haha.

Apparently you didn't continue with FF9 when you wrote this :p Did you continue yesterday? :3

But looks like you're making good progress with the stuff you've checked out so far : D
Weeelll we talked about this haha. Progress has been made, a bit haha.

I would say it was, otherwise would've dropped the show early on xD it's not "omg amazing" but a fun show that's also educational as an added bonus :pleased
Tbh I'm not the biggest fan of watching when traveling, but it works pretty well if I have some more time (like the train driving for 2+ hours). It sorta bugs me when a complete stranger can basically watch it with me too lol, but because of corona that won't happen in the next few montsh :XD
Haha, I hate it so much when strangers are watching what you are doing on your phone. Or just looking at you. Uncomfortablleee. Personally prefer to just listen to music because of that haha.
Suppose it's great to kill the time though. Watching things.
Ugh, lockdown is going to take awhile longer it seems..

oh definitely, when someone recommends me something I always try it a bit longer, even if I'm not enjoying it too much haha. Would feel really bad to drop something early on, kinda like you have no respect for the guy/girl who made the rec =/ but if you still don't like it after a while, that's just it. Like how I tried KH1 because Sky recommended the games, but I decided after the first one that it's not really for me.
I mean at least after that you can say you don't like something, with good reason. Plus you know what it's about when others are talking about it.
And I think we can always perform above our limits, they're often just self-imposed :3 I getcha though, watching many shows can be imposing.
Oh absolutely!
  • Hug
Reactions: Nii


MH's Most Passionate Member
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
The Wall
your most prized possession post actually made me think for a solid 15-20mn today :hmm

what's yours?


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
your most prized possession post actually made me think for a solid 15-20mn today :hmm

what's yours?
Haha I still havent figured it out to be honest :emobirb
So did you find an answer?


MH's Most Passionate Member
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
The Wall
Haha I still havent figured it out to be honest :emobirb
So did you find an answer?
same i can't find an answer. it's like i don't own anything material i can't part with. expensive stuff like laptop, car, phone etc.... i change all the time.
as for sentimental stuff, i'm not emotionally attached to any item. maybe i'm too pragmatic :emocat


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Ooff good soundtracks definitely are able to set a certain mood. And that's good for the experience imo. And I suppose it's not for everyone. I heard the manga is pretty good anyway, so suppose I'm not really missing out. I
the FSN Vn really made me think a bit more about how everything works. I finished the UBW rewatch the other day and things just seem to click a lot more. And I really like that haha.
It was quite long though, but I like reading so that's not really an issue :3
You are missing the OST and the great voice acting, but otherwise I would say it's a very good adaptation that can't be much better. It's also easier

Like the culprit never even gets said by name in the VN, no flashback explaining the motivations of Sayo either, or how the crimes were committed. You have to figure out most of it yourself, which is an approach I really liked in a way. But it was also very cool to see it shown in detail in the EP8 manga.

Very happy to see you've been enjoying that UBW rewatch :blush Will you watch the HF movies at some point too? Planning to watch the last movie (online) with @syx when the bluray gets released in march, but you and @Sky are more than free to join us. Might rewatch 1 and 2 anyway.

So soooooonnnn :blush
Just one more week! :zomg And good luck for tomorrow!! :shakefist

Mhm, I suppose both? Like when I'm down obviously focussing isn't going to happen. Not really. But other times its just as if my mind just doesn't want me to do things haha.
Hmm I get you, when you're feeling too tired it can be pretty hard to find the motivation. Though for me watching a good anime can often help me feel better too. Sometimes you just need to bring yourself to start something haha.
Then again, I guess you find so many flaws with shows and manga that you give most stuff no more than 7 points anyway :lambirb

Weeelll we talked about this haha. Progress has been made, a bit haha.
Has more progress been made? Haven't heard anything in a while :p

Haha, I hate it so much when strangers are watching what you are doing on your phone. Or just looking at you. Uncomfortablleee. Personally prefer to just listen to music because of that haha.
Suppose it's great to kill the time though. Watching things.
Ugh, lockdown is going to take awhile longer it seems..
Oh I totally get that, really don't like it too. Usually try to make it harder to look at when someone's sitting next to me or something :XD (and many seem to get the message haha). Listening to music is a good alternative though :nod

And I heard you have curfew now? How are you managing?

Oh absolutely!
You're already watching more than a few shows this season haha, so you're surpassing your limits just fine :3


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
You are missing the OST and the great voice acting, but otherwise I would say it's a very good adaptation that can't be much better. It's also easier

Like the culprit never even gets said by name in the VN, no flashback explaining the motivations of Sayo either, or how the crimes were committed. You have to figure out most of it yourself, which is an approach I really liked in a way. But it was also very cool to see it shown in detail in the EP8 manga.
Aaaah, I'd say I definitely really liked the whole Sayo-situation in the manga, probably one of my favourite parts of the whole series lol .I suppose figuring it out on your own is an interesting approach too, really makes you analyse the story.
I do think the VN would make me look differently at the story in a way? Since I already know the story, time to hunt for details and all. Though again, that's not somethign that'll pick up anytime soon haha.

Very happy to see you've been enjoying that UBW rewatch :blush Will you watch the HF movies at some point too? Planning to watch the last movie (online) with @syx when the bluray gets released in march, but you and @Sky are more than free to join us. Might rewatch 1 and 2 anyway.
Yes, I really want to pick up the movies as well!! HF is the better story after all.
Would love to join if you'll have me haha

Hmm I get you, when you're feeling too tired it can be pretty hard to find the motivation. Though for me watching a good anime can often help me feel better too. Sometimes you just need to bring yourself to start something haha.
Then again, I guess you find so many flaws with shows and manga that you give most stuff no more than 7 points anyway :lambirb
Haha yeah, it can really help the mood. Get that feeling of just starting to watch it, it’s ha
Today, hibike euphonium helped my mood, watched two episodes. It’s such a gorgeous anime, and has a good combo of plot/humor/cuteness :nod

(also I can’t help it so many shows are flawed :lambirb )

Has more progress been made? Haven't heard anything in a while :p
Don't laugh, but I kept dying at Gizamaluke's Grotto (after getting lost + being really bad at catching frogs haha). So now I'm grinding to make myself a bit overpowered (I hope so at least). Hopefully that way I can enjoy the story without getting annihilated all time (though if you've got tips, I'd love to hear them haha).

Oh I totally get that, really don't like it too. Usually try to make it harder to look at when someone's sitting next to me or something :XD (and many seem to get the message haha). Listening to music is a good alternative though :nod
Though there are always these weird people that just don't get the message haha... Who keep staring at you/looking at your screen and so on. Or those who sit next to you when the bus is empty haha.

And I heard you have curfew now? How are you managing?
Mhm, I suppose the curfew itself isn't that bad (it just hinders my occasional wine dates with some friends), but I must admit I'm just really covid tired at the moment. Just really want to experience life again? Meet new people, do spontaneous things.
But I guess that's going to take awhile.
How are you holding up?

You're already watching more than a few shows this season haha, so you're surpassing your limits just fine :3
I blame you haha

also I suppose this reply was a tad late....
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

same i can't find an answer. it's like i don't own anything material i can't part with. expensive stuff like laptop, car, phone etc.... i change all the time.
as for sentimental stuff, i'm not emotionally attached to any item. maybe i'm too pragmatic :emocat
Aaaah, I relate to that 100% - Don't think it's a bad thing though!! There is so much more to live than materialistic things.
In the end, for the contest picture I went for something that I received from friends. It's not the item perse, but the thought and the friendship that's treasured :nod
(though the items were so cute haha).

This is perfect <3
Last edited:


MH's Most Passionate Member
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
The Wall
Aaaah, I relate to that 100% - Don't think it's a bad thing though!! There is so much more to live than materialistic things.
In the end, for the contest picture I went for something that I received from friends. It's not the item perse, but the thought and the friendship that's treasured :nod
(though the items were so cute haha).
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

yeah something with a sentimental value is better


MH's Most Passionate Member
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
The Wall
oh so that's were that pic is coming from, i think it was your avatar not long ago
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

who won? i hope @Ustegius won, dude is pragmatic :lmao


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
Haha, you've got a good memory :nod That picture was my avatar indeed.

Mhn, Kiki won the contest, but Ustegius was second place I think!


MH's Most Passionate Member
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
The Wall
i failed to understand what kiki pic was, was it a portrait of himself?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

well that avatar kinda stand out


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
Yeha, it's one of those drawings with exaggerated features. One of his old professors gave it to him I think :worrybunny