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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Thank you so much for this beautiful art spam <3 It's much appreciated.
Also that Maki/Mai one ooooooof haha.

Yeah, that's why I always try to avoid spoilers as much as possible. Really hate when you get spoiled about a major twist or something, so I'm always careful xD But over the years you can get spoiled by chance pretty easily, and some stuff just gets thrown around like it's no big deal anymore, so there's no way to completely avoid it. Shame you knew the Archer twist, but oh well... you still had fun :3
Yeah tbh, after years people probably expect you've either read it, or aren't interested in it so I get why spoilers happen xD
Mmh, I mean the Archer twist isn't what really makes or breaks the fun of the story anyway. Personally enjoyed seeing the foreshadowing for it? Or the situations leading up to the reveal.

That's a very difficult question lol. Think I'll separate this in multiple categories

Fav VN: Fate/Stay Night (this and the sequel are the only VNs I read two times lol), probably because it was my first VN and it really clicked with me. Saying this isn't my favourite VN would be wrong I guess :XD

Best Story Twist: Ever 17 (won't say much in case you ever read it)

Best Development/Pay off: Muv Luv Alternative (where you need to read the mostly average prequel first, so this is a really long journey lol)

Cried the most: Tomoyo After (basically a side story of Clannad, a what if he got together with Tomoyo instead of Nagisa)

Most crazy Fun/Strongest Cast: Umineko (I don't need to explain this to you :3)

Best Slice of Life: Little Busters (a cool group of friends living their life, ofc with a bit of drama and mystery mixed in)

Think that covers my absolute favs, almost. Did you want to know all of this? Probably not, but I couldn't help myself :lmao
Oh, I know you can't help yourself :teehee
Haha okay, you mentioning Fate obviously doesn't come as a surprise. Almost surprised you only read it twice though (But then again, it's such a long story haha)
Now you're making me super curious about Ever 17, sounds so mysterious like this (Plus as you really like it...)
How did you get through the very long Muv Luv prequel, if that one was kind of average? xD Glad to hear it was worth the ride in the end!
Oh, I heard little busters is also a bit sad, isn't it?

But okay, solid list I think ;) Lost of names I recognize so that's awesome. How do you make time for all these VNs? ~

I'm sure we can make that work somehow :blush And yeah, I think it might make him appreciate Umi a bit more (+I feel Umi could even slightly spoil Higu for someone lol). He has a long road ahead of him, but it's going to be fun for sure :3
Yeah I see your point about Umi? Especially if someone who's really analyzing everything is reading it 🤔
But yes it'll be a long glorious road

Pretty much that, yes. Also really like her development from someone standing on the sidelines because she's too scared and/or overwhelmed to a person who actively tries to get involved if she thinks it's needed. Always appreciate good character development haha. Asuka developed too ofc, and there's good reasons Kumiko looks up to her : D
Oh yeah exactly!! Plus the situation with her sister, it was really nice to see that they were able to open up more to each other, and come closer. They always seemed so distant (especially with the playing music/not playing music anymore contrast)
But thank you for this recommendation <3 It was such a good watch.

[quote[Yeah, the cast is just really fun! You can basically feel the passion :pleased Watching this sorta made me regret not sticking with the drums longer.
Think it has a good message that even if it might not mean too much in the long run (people move on after all), enjoying the here and now and being passionate about it can't possibly be wrong. [/quote]
Mhm, it certainly does have a good message. Everyone needs to do those type of things at their own pace

And you played drums yeah? I don't think I knew that. Have you played for a long period of time? And I suppose it's something you can always pick back up again, but can also see why you wouldn't.

Haha I'm not surprised tbh, so it's okay ;) And in your defense, I also didn't send you a reminder...
Where would I be without your reminders...... ;)

Also yes the tree was really annoying to me as a kid lol, to the point where I tried looking for tips and saw you could instakill him with a phoenix feather (guess what I did :teehee). How far are you by now? Back in Alexandria? There's some fun stuff coming up.
Agreed about Vivi, he's just too precious haha. They definitely throw a lot at him, but he always perseveres somehow.
Lmao with a phoenix feather? Who would have known... Super easy 😂
Mmh, even a bit further than that!! About to head to Oeilvert even. I know I know I'm so slow lol. It's definitely been a ride so far... lol. Certainly a lot going on in this story. Though I guess that was to be expected xD
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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Thank you so much for this beautiful art spam <3 It's much appreciated.
Also that Maki/Mai one ooooooof haha.
Knew that would be your fav :3

Here's a few more

Yeah tbh, after years people probably expect you've either read it, or aren't interested in it so I get why spoilers happen xD
Mmh, I mean the Archer twist isn't what really makes or breaks the fun of the story anyway. Personally enjoyed seeing the foreshadowing for it? Or the situations leading up to the reveal.
Yeah I agree, seeing the foreshadowing can be pretty fun too. And as someone who watched Zero first, it's not like I didn't go in without spoilers either. Knowing some stuff in advance (like Rin/Sakura being sisters) is an interesting experience (not the intended one though, probably).

Oh, I know you can't help yourself :teehee
Haha okay, you mentioning Fate obviously doesn't come as a surprise. Almost surprised you only read it twice though (But then again, it's such a long story haha)
Now you're making me super curious about Ever 17, sounds so mysterious like this (Plus as you really like it...)
How did you get through the very long Muv Luv prequel, if that one was kind of average? xD Glad to hear it was worth the ride in the end!
Oh, I heard little busters is also a bit sad, isn't it?
Well I'm not huge into rereading/rewatching stuff tbh, so me reading such a huge story twice does say a bit haha xD (was when a new release came out that added the remade music and some fancy graphic effects and stuff, so I had to~)

Ever 17 is basically about a group being trapped inside an underwater theme park. Has some slow parts for sure (almost every VN does tbh), but the payoff is more than worth it. If you ever feel like giving it a read, do tell me : D
And I got through the Muv Luv prequel simply by knowing there should be great stuff ahead lol :XD That and it wasn't awful or anything, just fairly basic stuff. People didn't lie, the sequel was great (and it got me my job as an editor haha).

Little Busters does have sad parts yeah, it's a Key VN after all xD (same guys who made Clannad)

But okay, solid list I think ;) Lost of names I recognize so that's awesome. How do you make time for all these VNs? ~
Shouldn't forget that I had many years reading them haha, think it's been like 8 years now since I read Fate (my first VN). Nowadays I don't read more than 2 VNs during a year I think (okay I just went and checked, 2-3 VNs per year since 2018 : D). Haven't read a single one this year yet bc of FF14, but it's going to happen soon I think :3

Yeah I see your point about Umi? Especially if someone who's really analyzing everything is reading it 🤔
But yes it'll be a long glorious road
And he does analyze stuff quite a lot haha. It will be glorious for sure, I know it's going to happen eventually :blush

Oh yeah exactly!! Plus the situation with her sister, it was really nice to see that they were able to open up more to each other, and come closer. They always seemed so distant (especially with the playing music/not playing music anymore contrast)
But thank you for this recommendation <3 It was such a good watch.
Yeah, definitely. Wonder if you could relate to that bc of your siblings?

And you're welcome <3 Don't make it sound like you're done though, you still have two movies to watch :lambirb

And you played drums yeah? I don't think I knew that. Have you played for a long period of time? And I suppose it's something you can always pick back up again, but can also see why you wouldn't.
Hmmm I think it was for around 2 years or so? So not that long. Problem was that the guy teaching me got cancer (he recovered in the end, thankfully) and the replacement I got was trying to change my approach in quite the big way (had something to do with changing the breathing technique) and I ended up really hating that lol, so I stopped going. That and a drum is quite loud... so playing it at home was a no-go for the most part. Would've liked to continue at the time, but life's a bitch sometimes.

Where would I be without your reminders...... ;)
Probably done by now? :p I feel sorry though.... did you play recently? Haven't heard anything about it in a long time now.

Lmao with a phoenix feather? Who would have known... Super easy 😂
Mmh, even a bit further than that!! About to head to Oeilvert even. I know I know I'm so slow lol. It's definitely been a ride so far... lol. Certainly a lot going on in this story. Though I guess that was to be expected xD
But hey, you managed to beat the tree without that trick, good job ;)
I remember finding Oeilvert rather annoying haha. FF9 definitely has a lot going on, though the big stuff is coming up a bit later I think : D
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

And more pic spam bc you're taking forever

Finally (heh) I can share some more FF9 fanart with you :blush

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Lmao ik dacht dat Faust hier ook had gepost ;__;


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Soon she said...

But I'll use the opportunity to ask how you like this track : D

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Here's some more fanart for you in celebration of having finished FF9 :confetti



The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score

….. time is just a construct hahaha~
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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
You can do it, I believe in you :blush
Thats debatable... you've experienced how good I am at doing things in a timely manner first hand 😂
and quite frankly, I forgot about this thread hahaha

She left you hanging for 8 months?! Damn bruh 😭
Be careful, you can be my next victim


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Thats debatable... you've experienced how good I am at doing things in a timely manner first hand 😂
and quite frankly, I forgot about this thread hahaha
Understandable, because I forgot about it too 😂
But I'll believe till the bitter end anyway :3


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 2, 2022
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