Games - Mafia Game 107 - ACNH: The ManHel Tale - Game End | Page 124 | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 107 - ACNH: The ManHel Tale - Game End

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The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Aight, here are the game infos (setup and actions):
IDAffiliationPrimary RoleSecondary RoleSanityPlayer
6TownPsychiatristBaka Taichou
11TownProsecutorLady Pompom
12Third PartySanta ClausKat
13Town/MafiaPirateTraitorJames Rye
15MafiaMafia DetectiveSirSamuel
17MafiaMafia EscortCopy Panda

❄ Brewster's Gift "Drink it hot or give it up." (Hot Potato)
The Hot Potato explodes at the end of a day designated by the host before the start of the game, killing the player holding it. The holder of the Hot Potato doesn't know when it will explode, but he can pass it to another player at night, separately from any night ability he has. This passing can't be blocked. If the holder gets killed, the Potato explodes killing both the holder and the killer; if the holder is lynched, the Potato [dies with him].
❄ Kicks' Gift "You never know how things might turn out." (single-use Bar Keeper redirect)
One player ends up being the drunkest and uses his night action on a random player.
❄ CJ's Gift "A night cruise is a good way to catch night fish." (single-use Mafia Detective)
The Mafia Detective has the ability to investigate one player per Night and learn the player's Role. Only he is told the role of his target via PM. Whenever the Mafia Detective's investigation ability is performed, he cannot be chosen to go for a kill on the same night.
❄ Wisp's Gift "Tah-Dahh!" (this player's votes are worded as "Ho ho ho" during the next day)

❄ Jingle's Gift "Isn't this the best time of the year, kid?" Mandatory 5th Gift
(Santa Clause: this gift allows the game to go on. At the end of the game, Santa wins with the other winning party. Happy celebration ;)

Now first lemme thank @Erinyes for her massive participation in the game. At first, I got the November slot to host alone, and she asked me to join and I'm so happy she did! She's not only a very curious and interested person so we had a very nice and easy time discussing our ideas, but she also has the strength and endurance of a lion... I was often dead while we were hosting, but Erinchi followed everything and kept the game organized. She barely slept @.@ And that's a testimony I really needed to share with you all, 'cause her dedication and calm deserve lots of appreciation.

Also thanks @Hardy and @Vandred for double-checking the game mech (and in Poop's case, the comp as well) and giving us your honest thoughts, so we could try to present a game that would be fair and entertaining to people.

And finally, even tho some other points were addressed already, I'd like to thank all the players, from the heart. I know this game was too soon because of my availability due to local holidays, and I know you guys were tired - which for sure didn't improve during this time lol. So I really need to commend you all, because you guys were either putting in a lot of time and effort inside the game, analyzing and discussing nonstop, or in the deadpad - you guys also got no rest. As hosts, that's the biggest kind of feedback we could get: to have you guys really onboard. Some moves were questionable, but no one can't say any of those teams weren't trying... it's only natural that drained people will make some mistakes, so to me that's another sign of the praise you guys deserve.

Quick comments about the game that I've mentioned in the deadpad already: in general, the idea with the mech was to add a simple new function (and we tried to map beforehand the main game new considerations we'd need to have it in place) but that could allow a new set of strategical moves to be exploited - now I would reconsider the priority we used since we realize it would have been more adherent to people's preference. The game also had 2 Traitors 'cause Pirate is a VERY weak mafia that can suicide and lose the ability to kill later on, so we wanted to give them better odds (lemme say it one more time in here that the notion that means town had 2 extra people to lynch is wrong, first because town had 2 killing tools in the Prosecutor and the Banshee, and second because they don't need to eliminate unrecruited traitors to win). It had 2 Psys 'cause even tho we wanted mafia to have better chances to recruit, that didn't mean we wanted them to recruit BOTH, so town had more chances to find at least one on the other hand (even if one role would get erased eventually), and at the same time the role could cause some confusion that mafia could exploit. The Mortician came in place to trace stuff like Santa and fake claims/transfers regarding any role/action that got "buried" - imo it's more effective than the SM because it can target antitown and spot unknown stuff that could still be in-game; it was a late game resource that had good chances of being effective with the role transfer mech. The Necromancer was also in there for its recycling capabilities since we'd have roles being lost, and in this setup it would be less OP than it usually is, since his options would still be reduced. The Santa was there for extra fun, imo, since the role could still be used even if the OG player and their wincon was gone: two gifts - that we expected to be the last ones - were clear signs that there was a Santa in-game in case it would fly by too successfully - and even that was just to cause some ruckus since the last gift allowed the game to go on after Santa would win - which to me it's a needed measure so we won't have sudden major frustration with an unexpected game end (I do understand why the game usually has to end when Santa is in it, so people don't ignore the role, but in this case we saw an opportunity to play around that and fix the issue regarding that); Santa's other gifts were there to provide some extra spice but unfortunately, as you can see in the night actions, I made a mistake while processing GB's action with the Hot Potato. GB got blocked by Evil when he tried to pass it to James and I overlooked it that the passing can't be blocked. It would have been simple to fix it during the day by PMing the both of them if Bran didn't spy on GB and, coincidentally, Sam hadn't claimed the exact same action and outcome. After discussing with some people, we reached the conclusion that the attitude that would cause the least interference and damage to a bigger number of players would be to just remove the Hot Potato from the game and inform that to GB, which is what we did.

GG mafia, you fought the long battle and won! GG town, it's never easy to be on the more clueless side, trying to put pieces together. GG Santa cause Santa is always fun~

Baka Taichou

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 20, 2007
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Abu Dhabi
awwww ♥♥♥ you da best!

when you gonna play again waven T_T I wanna pway with you again


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
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awwww ♥♥♥ you da best!

when you gonna play again waven T_T I wanna pway with you again
It was fun for awhile then it turned to be dull really, I played 2 times with afk players in the same group, 1 time with a group that killed me, Got useless roles for few games. Never had any useful killing role, You get very small chance to enjoy the game.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

maybe when i feel masochistic, I will sign up.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
Maybe but with my luck we would have passed it between Mafia for a bit, trying to guess the right time it gonna blow and then see it blow up in our faces.
What's also funny in Potatogate is that Lawl would had been seen by Brandish as potato passer, and Sam would had outed himself as mafia (because he blind guessed Lawl didn't have an action).

Lawlett solved that himself '-'

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Thank you venerable hosts @Erinyes erichi and @Farfalla noona for this fun game 🙏 Super confusing for everyone involved, including myself. Can confirm hosts pm'd the mafia team multiple times to confirm we were not throwing. Everyone responded ambiguously 😔

Unfortunately, my eternal rival gry and the eternally bullied marms perished quite early. Shame both of those died because of no one's fault in particular. Can't be helped. I hope they take a little solace in knowing their clown team drove over the finish line with most of the clown car still intact. Fortunately, you guys paralyzed the right guys. The pirate issue in particular was funny, this isn't the first time DD gets stuck with a role he isn't sure works or not.

I myself was super paranoid about lovers, I suspected it could be Sam and was even figuring out how to kill him. It felt like that one game with Lambu a few years ago, very dangerous situation lol. James... This mans gave me mental breakdowns every other post he made. That one post he made when we failed to kill on d5 or sth, he was basically congratulating town members, basically telling on Sam and whatever 😭 On the other hand, James was the original pirate who stole Shad's role, incidentally the thing I just happened to lie about the day before. Lucky happenstance.

This was a very weird game in that sense, wherein the testimony of non-towns somehow mattered quite a lot. Kat spent her last 10 messages or sth hating on me, Jinxie locked two votes on me, James was gaslighting town into staying alive. Truly strange times.

Shoutouts to my biggest enemies Evil and Shadroid. You guys were on my ass the whole game and rightfully so. Noona didn't think I'd outlast you two but fighto is righto ò.ó Don't feel bad about the Evil thing Shad, however clumsy and stupid our execution of it was, we really did try to sow lover paranoia to the best of our limited abilities. If there was a 10% chance our plan would work, this game was simply the unlucky simulation that 10% ended up working out. Also Hyung godlike targeting on Sam after sussing Evil all day fucked my shit up, but in a weird way it was also helpful bc I was superduper turbo convinced he was lover just a turn before that.

Ah, I blocked Nat basically all game. At first, it was because of doc, but then Holt on D4 or sth was like 'sus' and started attacking her and I knew those two had to make it to the end. That was really funny. By the end, I was like "Holt bad 🤖 Holt bully 🤖". Speaking of which, kind of unfair of God Holt to tap into his blue powers to see me refresh the page 100k times over the span of 8 hours 😤

I had a good time 🙏🏼 Even if it was a little hard playing on busy days/weekends, story lines were pretty followable with some recap help. Soon Ill have to mull over some victory mcdo which win was more undeserved, this game or the last 🤔
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