Games - Mafia Game 107 - ACNH: The ManHel Tale - Game End | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 107 - ACNH: The ManHel Tale - Game End

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The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Aight, here are the game infos (setup and actions):
IDAffiliationPrimary RoleSecondary RoleSanityPlayer
6TownPsychiatristBaka Taichou
11TownProsecutorLady Pompom
12Third PartySanta ClausKat
13Town/MafiaPirateTraitorJames Rye
15MafiaMafia DetectiveSirSamuel
17MafiaMafia EscortCopy Panda

❄ Brewster's Gift "Drink it hot or give it up." (Hot Potato)
The Hot Potato explodes at the end of a day designated by the host before the start of the game, killing the player holding it. The holder of the Hot Potato doesn't know when it will explode, but he can pass it to another player at night, separately from any night ability he has. This passing can't be blocked. If the holder gets killed, the Potato explodes killing both the holder and the killer; if the holder is lynched, the Potato [dies with him].
❄ Kicks' Gift "You never know how things might turn out." (single-use Bar Keeper redirect)
One player ends up being the drunkest and uses his night action on a random player.
❄ CJ's Gift "A night cruise is a good way to catch night fish." (single-use Mafia Detective)
The Mafia Detective has the ability to investigate one player per Night and learn the player's Role. Only he is told the role of his target via PM. Whenever the Mafia Detective's investigation ability is performed, he cannot be chosen to go for a kill on the same night.
❄ Wisp's Gift "Tah-Dahh!" (this player's votes are worded as "Ho ho ho" during the next day)

❄ Jingle's Gift "Isn't this the best time of the year, kid?" Mandatory 5th Gift
(Santa Clause: this gift allows the game to go on. At the end of the game, Santa wins with the other winning party. Happy celebration ;)

Now first lemme thank @Erinyes for her massive participation in the game. At first, I got the November slot to host alone, and she asked me to join and I'm so happy she did! She's not only a very curious and interested person so we had a very nice and easy time discussing our ideas, but she also has the strength and endurance of a lion... I was often dead while we were hosting, but Erinchi followed everything and kept the game organized. She barely slept @.@ And that's a testimony I really needed to share with you all, 'cause her dedication and calm deserve lots of appreciation.

Also thanks @Hardy and @Vandred for double-checking the game mech (and in Poop's case, the comp as well) and giving us your honest thoughts, so we could try to present a game that would be fair and entertaining to people.

And finally, even tho some other points were addressed already, I'd like to thank all the players, from the heart. I know this game was too soon because of my availability due to local holidays, and I know you guys were tired - which for sure didn't improve during this time lol. So I really need to commend you all, because you guys were either putting in a lot of time and effort inside the game, analyzing and discussing nonstop, or in the deadpad - you guys also got no rest. As hosts, that's the biggest kind of feedback we could get: to have you guys really onboard. Some moves were questionable, but no one can't say any of those teams weren't trying... it's only natural that drained people will make some mistakes, so to me that's another sign of the praise you guys deserve.

Quick comments about the game that I've mentioned in the deadpad already: in general, the idea with the mech was to add a simple new function (and we tried to map beforehand the main game new considerations we'd need to have it in place) but that could allow a new set of strategical moves to be exploited - now I would reconsider the priority we used since we realize it would have been more adherent to people's preference. The game also had 2 Traitors 'cause Pirate is a VERY weak mafia that can suicide and lose the ability to kill later on, so we wanted to give them better odds (lemme say it one more time in here that the notion that means town had 2 extra people to lynch is wrong, first because town had 2 killing tools in the Prosecutor and the Banshee, and second because they don't need to eliminate unrecruited traitors to win). It had 2 Psys 'cause even tho we wanted mafia to have better chances to recruit, that didn't mean we wanted them to recruit BOTH, so town had more chances to find at least one on the other hand (even if one role would get erased eventually), and at the same time the role could cause some confusion that mafia could exploit. The Mortician came in place to trace stuff like Santa and fake claims/transfers regarding any role/action that got "buried" - imo it's more effective than the SM because it can target antitown and spot unknown stuff that could still be in-game; it was a late game resource that had good chances of being effective with the role transfer mech. The Necromancer was also in there for its recycling capabilities since we'd have roles being lost, and in this setup it would be less OP than it usually is, since his options would still be reduced. The Santa was there for extra fun, imo, since the role could still be used even if the OG player and their wincon was gone: two gifts - that we expected to be the last ones - were clear signs that there was a Santa in-game in case it would fly by too successfully - and even that was just to cause some ruckus since the last gift allowed the game to go on after Santa would win - which to me it's a needed measure so we won't have sudden major frustration with an unexpected game end (I do understand why the game usually has to end when Santa is in it, so people don't ignore the role, but in this case we saw an opportunity to play around that and fix the issue regarding that); Santa's other gifts were there to provide some extra spice but unfortunately, as you can see in the night actions, I made a mistake while processing GB's action with the Hot Potato. GB got blocked by Evil when he tried to pass it to James and I overlooked it that the passing can't be blocked. It would have been simple to fix it during the day by PMing the both of them if Bran didn't spy on GB and, coincidentally, Sam hadn't claimed the exact same action and outcome. After discussing with some people, we reached the conclusion that the attitude that would cause the least interference and damage to a bigger number of players would be to just remove the Hot Potato from the game and inform that to GB, which is what we did.

GG mafia, you fought the long battle and won! GG town, it's never easy to be on the more clueless side, trying to put pieces together. GG Santa cause Santa is always fun~


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score

Hello! And welcome to ManHel. I'm yours trul- GAHH!!

Nook? What happened? Wait... something isn't right... Let me share a tale with you all now...

🌠 ☄ 🌠

"Manga Helpers, a community ruled by a fiery duo known as GG (GarBear and GoldBoobs) purchased their own hideout space in the form of a dreamy island from the hands of Tom Nook. The place, named after the original, was called ManHel.

Hahahaha-ha ha... would maybe be your first reaction to that fun coincidence of a name. right! But the reality is that the members of the community that would get their villager avatars into that place were facing... somewhat frightening experiences. It's said that Tom Nook himself never showed up again after paying an encounter with the original island villager - and no one knows who's behind that avatar.

Isabelle started to get concerned... asked for Katrina's help, to see if her supernatural powers could provide them with answers, and what the two learned so far is that wicked things seem to be happening indeed in ManHel... and that the OG villager ain't alone..."

This doesn't look good at all!! We aren't safe in here!! How do we find and catch those people!?

KATRINAAA, we're gonna need all kinds of help!! We'll pay!! Give us your mojo!!

We can start with some special abilities to help us through:

Transfer Mechanic ‼ ❣ ‼

🌠 Whenever a player leaves the game, they may select a living player to receive their primary role;

🌠 The selection occurs in the phase that follows the one when the player dies;

🌠 At the end of the selection phase, their target will receive a message informing them they have a new role;

🌠 The transfer has priority 0 at night and, during the day, it happens after the lynch;

🌠 The receiver cannot choose between keeping his/her current primary role or the transferred one - their former role will be discarded and the new one will take place immediately;

🌠 If the receiver gets a role that could have generated previous results, those results won't come with it;

🌠 If the receiver gets a single-time use role that has been used before (applied to both active and passive roles), they will not get another chance to use it and the role will be transferred as vanilla (likewise, roles that have a limited >1 number of uses won't have those restored after the transfer, and the remaining amount will be informed);

🌠 Receiving a role from a different alignment will not affect your current one [alignment] - additionally, a player cannot receive the ability to perform "faction kills" at night;

🌠 If by chance the role of the person that is dying is correctly guessed by their killers, then the role becomes unpassable and they die with the secondary "Obvious Fool". The guessing is optional and you have to do it along with your action (sending it in a PM; openly declaring it along with a vote) - if the death is a result of a collective effort, then we will consider the role that was majoritively guessed.

And let's not forget about our LAWS!! No one wanna die over those when we already have murderers out there.. right?
Mafia Rules
Players will be secretly assigned roles. One group will play the "Mafia"; the other group will play the "Townies". The Townies will not know who other Townies or Mafia members are. However the Mafia members will know who their fellow Mafia members are.

During the "day" phase, all of the players debate the identities of the Mafia members and at the end each person will vote to eliminate a suspect. This is carried out in the "game thread". In the game's "night" phase the Mafia will privately discuss who they should kill. They will then send this person’s name to the host, as well as other actions. The goal of the Town is to eliminate every single Non-Town Faction. The goal of the Non-Town Factions is not only to have an equal number of members as remaining Townies, but also to completely kill off all the other Non-Town Factions, except explicitly stated otherwise.

A typical game will start with a minimum of 7 players, 5 Townies and 2 Mafia members. The members that will be Mafia and Townies will be chosen through a random list generator. There the participating players' names will be put in and after the randomisation the Mafia roles will go to the names at the top of the list. This is to avoid butthurt and favouritism accusations. :'[

Lastly, the numbers of Mafia Members depends on the number of participants!
  • 7 - 10 = 2 Mafias
  • 11 - 13 = 3 Mafias
  • 14 - 17 = 4 Mafias
  • 18 - 20 = 5 Mafias
  • 21 - 24 = 6 Mafias
This number is only for guidance, there can be more/less mafias than written here depending on the other roles in the game like two mafia groups, recruitable roles etc.

The game will be split up into two phases: Day and Night.


This is where you discuss/argue about who is and isn't mafia. As soon as the day phase starts, you are allowed to vote. The day phase will take place strictly inside the “game” thread. Any discussions regarding the day phase outside the thread will be dealt with severely.
The length of a Day phase is set by the host, usually starting at ~24 hours and getting shorter the less players remain alive.
VOTE KILL [user]
This will be the manner in which you vote. Make sure it is clearly displayed in your post though caps/coloured or bold font.
You will be only allowed 1 vote change per phase. So use your vote wisely.
The host closes the game thread during the night phases.
There should be no discussion about the game during the night phase, regardless of the player being still in the game or already out.

During the night phase, the mafia members will collaborate and choose who they want to kill. They will not do this in the thread, but via PM's with each other/other alternative communication channels approved by the host, such as piratepad.

At the beginning of the game the Mafia members will be informed of the other members. They must PM the host telling them their choice for the night's murder and the murderer from their team. There can only be one murder in the night phase therefore the mafia members must come to an agreement.

If the Mafia don't send in their night kill before the night phase ends, then their action will not be performed. The Mafia can also send in their night actions during the previous day phase, if they think they will not be online during the coming night.

The length of a Night phase is set by the host, usually ~12 hours.

  • Be active in every day phase and post at least three times. It's a Minor Violation if you don't do that and will result in Penalty Vote(s)/Hostkill and ban from future games (Hall of Shame). If you are going to miss out a period of time due to real life events make sure to inform the host, who is going to judge each situation individually and decide whether or not taking the player out of the game is necessary.
  • Place at least one vote every day phase. It's a Minor Violation if you forget to place a vote and will result in Penalty Vote(s)/Hostkill and ban from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Don't post more than 100 times per day phase. This is to reduce spam and the volume of posts per game. Nobody has time to go through hundreds of one liner posts with the same content over and over again (Imperium Copyright Rule). If you hit the volume restriction, it's a Minor Violation. You will get a Penality Vote per 10 additional posts you make.
  • No talking during Night Phases, except for some roles that it is explicitly allowed and encouraged to. The Night phases are only to send in Night Actions. The scale of punishment for players who are caught discussing game content in the night may vary from Minor Violation to instant Hostkill, depending on the seriousness of the comment and/or warnings given before.
  • Dead people can't talk, so don't post once your character is dead. You are not allowed to help or influence others in any way if you are dead, including liking posts in the game thread or discussing game content in the Discussion thread. You can, however, lurk the game thread. If you post or influence the game regardlessly, you will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).

  • Absolutely DO NOT discuss the game outside of the game thread (unless you are Mafia members discussing it with other mafia through pms/piratepad). This is so that people do not reveal their roles and ruin the game. Players violating this rule will be instantly hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Do not directly comment on the current game, once you are dead. This is so you don't influence the players that are still playing. Violator of this rule will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).

  • Post at least 3 times and Vote at least once every Day Phase.
  • Don't post more than 100 times per day phase.
  • No talking during the Night Phases, no talking about the game outside the game thread and no talking if you are dead.
  • You are not allowed to quote or screenshot PMs relating to the game, this includes quoting your Host, your role PM, or any private communication with other players. (You may, however, paraphrase in a way that leaves room for reasonable doubt). This also includes describing unimportant PM-details(color/font of text, fluff pics etc.) with intent to confirm your PM contents. If you do, you will be hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame). Fake screenshots and quotes will be treated the same as genuine ones.
  • Daytime-specific commands cannot be used in the last hour of the day phase.
  • Following the basic forum rules and the Fun Forum guideline, players are not allowed to insult nor bash each other, this will not be tolerated and will be punished. The infraction will follow the standard host approach for minor violations, favouring the host's discretion.
  • You are not allowed to ignore directions sent in to you by the host. It's a Minor Violation if you fail to respond accordingly.
  • You are not allowed to majorly edit the content of your posts, nor delete any of your own or someone else's post without the Host's approval. If you do, you may get a Minor Violation punishment or hostkilled immediately and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • You are expected to play to your win condition(s). Intentionally undermining your team or joining a game with the sole intent to troll is not allowed. ("Bad" or "alternative" plays, however, are allowed, if you sincerely believe in their merit.) Remember that while you are playing for fun, others take the game seriously. Please do not play against your win condition or play in a manner that is deliberately harmful to your side, regardless of how small your chances are. (This infraction will follow the host's judgment or, if needed a second opinion, the Council's. It's recommended that the hosts don't do anything with the infractor during the game and only do so once the game is over.)

  • Minor Violations are "small rules violations", which do not result in a hostkill instantly, but are sanctioned with Penalty Votes first. For the first Minor Violation you get 1 Penalty Vote, for the second you get 3 Penalty Votes and the third gets you hostkilled. Three Minor Violations of any kind are a Major Violation and will lead to a hostkill.
  • If you disobey the rules above that are resulting with you being host killed and/or banned from future games, you will get registered in the Hall of Shame.
  • One Major Violation bans you from the upcoming game.
  • A second Major Violation of the same kind will ban you from the next three games.
  • A third Major Violation and you are out from all upcoming games.
  • No amnesty or prescription until further notice.

  • Each active player has to vote during a day phase. Each player has the chance to change his vote once.
  • A day phase can be ended earlier, if and only if one player has collected more than a half+1 of the second votes ("locked votes") of all players and each player has voted at least once (Absolute Majority Voting).
  • If by the end of the regular time of the day phase two or more players have the same amount of votes, the second votes ("locked votes") are decisive. The player with the most locked votes is being lynched.
  • If one or more players have the same amount of votes and locked votes, the time of the regular day phase won't be extended. The lynch will be randomised among these top voted players.

  • During the night phase each player that has a role with a night action may send it in to the host via PM.
  • The player may or may not make use of his action. If the player misses the deadline and does not submit his action within the given time, it is seen as not used action. It is possible, however, to submit it before the start of the night, if the player already knows he has no time to do it later.
  • The night actions are listed in Priority groups. The higher the priority ranking, the more likely it is that the night action is being executed successfully. First actions to be performed are those from P1, then P2 and ending with P3.
  • If two night action roles from the same priority group target the same player at night a coin flip will decide which night action is executed first.

Yeah, ok, Isabelle, chillpill, people got the message...
Let's quit the chitchat and assemble our divine saviors that will totally for sure pay me for all of those, or I can foresee some cute future coming their way...


@Farfalla & @Erinyes


♦ Asako | Doctor | Lynched D2
♦ Baka Taichou | Psychiatrist | Died N2
🔹 Brandish | Spy |
🔹 Copy Panda | Mafia escort |
♦ Crescent Jinx | Noble (Traitor) | Lynched D4
♦ digitaldude | Pirate | Died N5
🔹 Evil3ye | Prostitute |Lynched on D6
♦ GB | Banshee | Lynched D5
♦ GrySun | Mafia Strongman | Lynched D1
🔹 Holt | Psychiatrist |
🔹 James Rye | Mafia member |
♦ Kat | Santa Claus | Lynched D3
♦ Lady Pompom | Prosecutor | Prosecuted D1
♦ Lambu | Strongman | Died N3
🔹 MadNat | Detective |
♦ Marmalade | Mafia Pirate | Died N2
🔹 Shad | Townie | Killed on N6

♦ SirSamuel016 | Santa Claus | Died N5


Day 1 End / Night 1 Start / Night 1 End / Day 2 Start | Day 1 Voting
💰Day 2 End / Night 2 Start / Night 2 End / Day 3 Start | Day 2 Voting
Day 3 End / Night 3 Start / Night 3 End / Day 4 Start | Day 3 Voting
💰 Day 4 End / Night 4 Start / Night 4 End / Day 5 Start |Day 4 Voting
💰 Day 5 End / Night 5 Start / Night 5 End / Day 6 Start | Day 5 Voting
💰 Day 6 End/ Night 6 Start /Night 6 End / Day 7 Start | Day 6 Voting
💰 Day 7 End/End of game | Day 7 Voting

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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
🍀 Votecount 🍀

Getting in an early votekill on Shad
I'm not repeating the mistake from last game of letting Gry live for too long, so better to get rid of him early in case he's scum: Votekill GrySun
I would have never expected you to go down this defence road, it looks patethic but you are the better player and every time you do something I think is wrong I get proven wrong so let see where this leads you.

@votekill gry
That‘s much better. I never agreed with Ust‘s top poster theory, and I‘m top poster regardless of role, but this does look more like a proper reason to vote me and not just last game feelings.

I really did just ignore you for the post sounding kinda petty and like annoyance-bait. All I can tell you is that you‘re wrong that James „put me on the back foot“. He voted me for disagreeing on mechanic and initial hinting doubts, and that was the end of it.

Why can’t I accuse you of being mafia? 🤔 More like there was nothing to go on with you except that you were looking salty. For the record I think your post here looks pretty inconsistent, I don‘t remember you mentioning top poster=mafia in any game before.

Your trust in James is pretty weird as well. A mafia with a good role is more likely to claim active to not lose the role to townies passing their roles.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

!votekill James Rye for now. Mafia Boss guess. Would explain some of the weird Lovers talk.
Vote kill james rye. will read the thread a bit later.
votekill Crescent
Why is Lambu always the one who gets targetted Day 1 for targets???

GrySun is a bit weird but Shad you’re very antagonistic toward him.

votekill GB for kisses 😘
Hey y'all, I'm the handsome Eugene from the Man Hell, if you know what I mean. Yeah buddy, I know you know what I mean. ;)

Still catching up on page 2 so far, but can already say I'm Team James. Yeah buddy, you go there!

!votekill Gry
after thinking and reading some thoughts of you and find some stuff weird:

!votekill Panda

my vote has no big meaning, but who knows^^

plus what is the anonymous vote`?
Im going to votekill Crescent right now but I'll be back before the day ends. A Gry lynch would be ok by me.

My guess is Gry is Mafia Gambler
Sam isn't a top voted, plus the noble can confirm they exist early on for later claim and proof check under the scrutiny of townies.

I think Jinx is sus, sincerely, but so was Gry. I'll votekill Crescent for now, not like Gry needs more votes to be up top and as usual, when too many people gather, I'd expect a mafia or two to be hiding among them regardless of Gry's allegiance.
Btw I'm active
I really want someone to make a list of all who claimed and who didn't, pleaseee
Makes things a lot easier

Anyways votekill marma

for some reason marma is a person i can never trust... Probably cause how many times she was mafia in my end games hell
As a faithful citizen, I also have to vote for a fellow villager and since I have not gathered enough proof to find anyone guilty, my vote will go to a person who isn’t in danger, so votekill Holt. Thank you for your warm welcome and take this vote as a token of “nice to see you again too”.
There has been less for me to doubt with James and Cres, albeit the possibility of Cres being Mafia Noble has crossed my mind. Your early phase behaviour and the claim just leave me doubting you more and the more this goes on it looks like mafia desperation to get anything to stick on others. Votekill GrySun.
ill just votekill shad bc he was being a whiny brat earlier
Something I would rather not think about lol

Votelock GrySun, my guess is he's Mafia Boss
Last minutes of the day, I stick to my guts: Votelock GrySun. And with him being fine to be investigated, I change my guess from Mafia Escort to Mafia Boss.
Votelock on Shad. My guess he's Santa. And little innocent child GrySun can go sit on his lap and get a photo.
Just realized I didn't even vote yet, votekill Jinx for ignoring my question. Mafia Noble is my guess
Aaaah okay you know what, lets just vote.

votekill Lawl - as thats what I have been wanting to do, I like voting Lawl.
Not joining in on voting for Gry, but honestly if he goes at least the debate surrounding him will be gone and we wouldn’t be left wondering if he’s lying or not.

Votes 18/18

Grysun x6 - James Rye (#9 - 394), Shad (#110), Evil3ye (#151), Baka Taichou (#213), SirSamuel016 (#346), Lambu (#382)

Crescent x3
- GB (#128), Lambu (#223), Pompom-chan (#224), Holt ( 410)

James x2
- GrySun (#119), digitaldude (#120)

Shad x2 - Brandish (#7- 406), Copy panda (#379)

GB x2 - Crescent (#148), Mamralade (#414)

SirSamuel016 x1 - Anonymous

Copy Panda x1 - Madnat (#215)

Marmalade x1 - Asako (#259)

Holt x1 - Kat (#263)

GrySun's Role: James - Mafia Escort Boss; Baka - Mafia Boss; Lambu - Mafia Boss; Shad - Mafia Escort
James' Role: GrySun - Mafia Boss; digital - Mafia Janitor
Crescent's Role: Pompom - Mafia Noble; Holt - Mafia Noble
Shad's Role: Brandish - Santa

:handgun Lambu is marked by Pompom-chan

🔮 Day End in 🔮


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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
omo x2
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Oh Holt still made it to the game in the end,
--- Double Post Merged, ---

So the mechanic seems on the light side. Only passing of main role, pretty sweet. But the last point confuses me. Mafia can guess what role they are killing and then it‘s forever gone? Looks like a hint from the hosts to not claim anything. Not sure about hinting.


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
It's good to be back playing MG again~ Pockets.

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
Reaction score
Alvarez Empire
Getting in an early votekill on Shad


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
"3, 2, 1... And we are live with Quick News from our cute village! It seems to be a peaceful day today in our cozy neighborhood. However, there has been worrying words spread between the citizens. Several villagers have claimed to have seen or heard mysterious figures roaming the village which, as they have reported, made them feel unsafe.

We strongly believe that the authorities in our village will handle the situation, so that no harm is caused to any of the citizens. Nevertheless, we would like to ask every individual to remain calm and take good care of themselves.

The weather has been getting colder, so please keep yourself warm and dress accordingly.

Tune in for more news later during the day!

Until next time,

Olivia 🫒"

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
I thought we were supposed to start in the evening? Oh well.
I'm not repeating the mistake from last game of letting Gry live for too long, so better to get rid of him early in case he's scum: Votekill GrySun


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
I thought we were supposed to start in the evening? Oh well.
I'm not repeating the mistake from last game of letting Gry live for too long, so better to get rid of him early in case he's scum: Votekill GrySun
Interesting. I don‘t recall you ever being a „revenge-vote“ guy before :hmm


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Now this mechanic!

Me gusta :lambirb


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
"3, 2, 1... And we are live with Quick News from our cute village! It seems to be a peaceful day today in our cozy neighborhood. However, there has been worrying words spread between the citizens. Several villagers have claimed to have seen or heard mysterious figures roaming the village which, as they have reported, made them feel unsafe.

We strongly believe that the authorities in our village will handle the situation, so that no harm is caused to any of the citizens. Nevertheless, we would like to ask every individual to remain calm and take good care of themselves.

The weather has been getting colder, so please keep yourself warm and dress accordingly.

Tune in for more news later during the day!

Until next time,

Olivia 🫒"
Took me checking twice the main post to see if you were actually a host with that wording lol

So the mechanic seems on the light side. Only passing of main role, pretty sweet. But the last point confuses me. Mafia can guess what role they are killing and then it‘s forever gone? Looks like a hint from the hosts to not claim anything. Not sure about hinting.
Its basically spelling it out: Do - Not - Claim
I would encourage no hinting too, unless the person in question is distrusted or something.

Are you a good boy this time Gry?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

For some reason I thought Boss was playing this, turns out he isnt, sadge :emobirb

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Interesting. I don‘t recall you ever being a „revenge-vote“ guy before :hmm
Am not, but this first post of yours made me think that you might not be the usual straight forward, calmly collected townie you usually are when you are townie.

omo x2
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Oh Holt still made it to the game in the end,
--- Double Post Merged, ---

So the mechanic seems on the light side. Only passing of main role, pretty sweet. But the last point confuses me. Mafia can guess what role they are killing and then it‘s forever gone? Looks like a hint from the hosts to not claim anything. Not sure about hinting.
There is nothing to confuse you, this is a light mechanic setting: Mafia guesses correctly, townie cannot move role to another player, simple as that.
Also the whole not being sure about hinting is mafia talk. Town wants to hint, town needs to hint, town has to hint, otherwise mafia will never have to claim shit and late game we look into the tube when mafia killed our good roles.
Town always profits more from hinting than not hinting, the only problem is if town misread hints or let mafia misled its thinking into the wrong directions. Your post with being unsure about hinting is setting the mood to give other townies insecurities about hinting or later claiming their roles.

If anything you should have asked the host if guessing the role means also guessing the sanity if the role might have one, then it gets complicated for Mafia, or if it is just a simple role guess and that's it. So @Erinyes does Mafia has to guess sanity when it comes to roles that got one (after all a sane and an insane Det are two different types of Dets) or do they only have to guess the general role?

And this is why I voted for you and why I gonna keep my eye on you when you manage to convince rest of town to not lynch you today.
And it is also why I gonna hint today:
Townies, please make sure to give out hints. Don't let a mechanic scare you into hiding, mafia profits from not having to give specific hints or claim outright roles.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
Just leaving the first message that i am happy to be back and thankful for this game and some fun, now checking on mechanics and roles...
hope everyone had a great start into the game, glad to see you all back :)
btw i love my purple/blue Rosie^^...
I never played the game on my own, but watch some streamers playing it :) (sadly don't have a switch)^^



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Am not, but this first post of yours made me think that you might not be the usual straight forward, calmly collected townie you usually are when you are townie.

There is nothing to confuse you, this is a light mechanic setting: Mafia guesses correctly, townie cannot move role to another player, simple as that.
Also the whole not being sure about hinting is mafia talk. Town wants to hint, town needs to hint, town has to hint, otherwise mafia will never have to claim shit and late game we look into the tube when mafia killed our good roles.
Town always profits more from hinting than not hinting, the only problem is if town misread hints or let mafia misled its thinking into the wrong directions. Your post with being unsure about hinting is setting the mood to give other townies insecurities about hinting or later claiming their roles.

If anything you should have asked the host if guessing the role means also guessing the sanity if the role might have one, then it gets complicated for Mafia, or if it is just a simple role guess and that's it. So @Erinyes does Mafia has to guess sanity when it comes to roles that got one (after all a sane and an insane Det are two different types of Dets) or do they only have to guess the general role?

And this is why I voted for you and why I gonna keep my eye on you when you manage to convince rest of town to not lynch you today.
And it is also why I gonna hint today:
Townies, please make sure to give out hints. Don't let a mechanic scare you into hiding, mafia profits from not having to give specific hints or claim outright roles.
I kinda agree with that first Gry post analysis, I cant see whats confusing.

I dont agree with the need of hinting that much tho, unless players really have to show some transparency
And by hinting I mean actual hinting, "Im active/passive" is too bad to be considered a proper hint so thats not much to go with

Still I like your iniciative, cacaw!
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Huh that first sentence came out weird, what I mean is I agree with you James about Gry's first post being strange lmao


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 14, 2022
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I'm not repeating the mistake from last game of letting Gry live for too long, so better to get rid of him early in case he's scum: Votekill GrySun
thought of doing this too, just for the pain in my heart from last game...buuut we still have a whole day phase, so i have time to think and not let emotions decide my vote...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Just leaving the first message that i am happy to be back and thankful for this game and some fun, now checking on mechanics and roles...
hope everyone had a great start into the game, glad to see you all back :)
btw i love my purple/blue Rosie^^...
I never played the game on my own, but watch some streamers playing it :) (sadly don't have a switch)^^

When you are done reading it I would like to hear opinions on how to proceed (not just you but everyone) :nod

I want to see how many are in favour of hinting and how many aren't, and their thought process. Sounds like a good starting point for discussion and moving on from "hello, nice avi" loop :lambirb


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
am i am getting this correct:
if i die, i can chose whoever i trust to get my role? is it just after lynch or just after nightphase?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

When you are done reading it I would like to hear opinions on how to proceed (not just you but everyone) :nod

I want to see how many are in favour of hinting and how many aren't, and their thought process.
yeah well i think i have a common role, it has 'positive' effects for town during night (i think so)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Are you a good boy this time Gry?
I‘m always a good boy :hmph But also happen to be town as well.

Am not, but this first post of yours made me think that you might not be the usual straight forward, calmly collected townie you usually are when you are townie.

There is nothing to confuse you, this is a light mechanic setting: Mafia guesses correctly, townie cannot move role to another player, simple as that.
Also the whole not being sure about hinting is mafia talk. Town wants to hint, town needs to hint, town has to hint, otherwise mafia will never have to claim shit and late game we look into the tube when mafia killed our good roles.
Town always profits more from hinting than not hinting, the only problem is if town misread hints or let mafia misled its thinking into the wrong directions. Your post with being unsure about hinting is setting the mood to give other townies insecurities about hinting or later claiming their roles.

If anything you should have asked the host if guessing the role means also guessing the sanity if the role might have one, then it gets complicated for Mafia, or if it is just a simple role guess and that's it. So @Erinyes does Mafia has to guess sanity when it comes to roles that got one (after all a sane and an insane Det are two different types of Dets) or do they only have to guess the general role?

And this is why I voted for you and why I gonna keep my eye on you when you manage to convince rest of town to not lynch you today.
And it is also why I gonna hint today:
Townies, please make sure to give out hints. Don't let a mechanic scare you into hiding, mafia profits from not having to give specific hints or claim outright roles.
I‘m being pretty straight forward though? :oh

It‘s confusing because of how the „guessing“ works, but not dwelling on that much. Odd that you‘re this informed on how a mafia mechanic works this soon.

Nah hinting always depends on the game type. Here I‘m not sure because unlike last many games there‘s no indication of how many vanillas we have and how many actual roles

I really fail to see why anyone but mafia cares whether mafia must guess sanities correctly. What is this James? :XD
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I think I‘m in favor of hinting after thinking about it some more. Odds they guess the role correctly when killing are miniscule via just a hint, unless people overhint.

I have a passive role.
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