Games - Mafia Game 107 - ACNH: The ManHel Tale - Game End | Page 121 | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 107 - ACNH: The ManHel Tale - Game End

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The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Aight, here are the game infos (setup and actions):
IDAffiliationPrimary RoleSecondary RoleSanityPlayer
6TownPsychiatristBaka Taichou
11TownProsecutorLady Pompom
12Third PartySanta ClausKat
13Town/MafiaPirateTraitorJames Rye
15MafiaMafia DetectiveSirSamuel
17MafiaMafia EscortCopy Panda

❄ Brewster's Gift "Drink it hot or give it up." (Hot Potato)
The Hot Potato explodes at the end of a day designated by the host before the start of the game, killing the player holding it. The holder of the Hot Potato doesn't know when it will explode, but he can pass it to another player at night, separately from any night ability he has. This passing can't be blocked. If the holder gets killed, the Potato explodes killing both the holder and the killer; if the holder is lynched, the Potato [dies with him].
❄ Kicks' Gift "You never know how things might turn out." (single-use Bar Keeper redirect)
One player ends up being the drunkest and uses his night action on a random player.
❄ CJ's Gift "A night cruise is a good way to catch night fish." (single-use Mafia Detective)
The Mafia Detective has the ability to investigate one player per Night and learn the player's Role. Only he is told the role of his target via PM. Whenever the Mafia Detective's investigation ability is performed, he cannot be chosen to go for a kill on the same night.
❄ Wisp's Gift "Tah-Dahh!" (this player's votes are worded as "Ho ho ho" during the next day)

❄ Jingle's Gift "Isn't this the best time of the year, kid?" Mandatory 5th Gift
(Santa Clause: this gift allows the game to go on. At the end of the game, Santa wins with the other winning party. Happy celebration ;)

Now first lemme thank @Erinyes for her massive participation in the game. At first, I got the November slot to host alone, and she asked me to join and I'm so happy she did! She's not only a very curious and interested person so we had a very nice and easy time discussing our ideas, but she also has the strength and endurance of a lion... I was often dead while we were hosting, but Erinchi followed everything and kept the game organized. She barely slept @.@ And that's a testimony I really needed to share with you all, 'cause her dedication and calm deserve lots of appreciation.

Also thanks @Hardy and @Vandred for double-checking the game mech (and in Poop's case, the comp as well) and giving us your honest thoughts, so we could try to present a game that would be fair and entertaining to people.

And finally, even tho some other points were addressed already, I'd like to thank all the players, from the heart. I know this game was too soon because of my availability due to local holidays, and I know you guys were tired - which for sure didn't improve during this time lol. So I really need to commend you all, because you guys were either putting in a lot of time and effort inside the game, analyzing and discussing nonstop, or in the deadpad - you guys also got no rest. As hosts, that's the biggest kind of feedback we could get: to have you guys really onboard. Some moves were questionable, but no one can't say any of those teams weren't trying... it's only natural that drained people will make some mistakes, so to me that's another sign of the praise you guys deserve.

Quick comments about the game that I've mentioned in the deadpad already: in general, the idea with the mech was to add a simple new function (and we tried to map beforehand the main game new considerations we'd need to have it in place) but that could allow a new set of strategical moves to be exploited - now I would reconsider the priority we used since we realize it would have been more adherent to people's preference. The game also had 2 Traitors 'cause Pirate is a VERY weak mafia that can suicide and lose the ability to kill later on, so we wanted to give them better odds (lemme say it one more time in here that the notion that means town had 2 extra people to lynch is wrong, first because town had 2 killing tools in the Prosecutor and the Banshee, and second because they don't need to eliminate unrecruited traitors to win). It had 2 Psys 'cause even tho we wanted mafia to have better chances to recruit, that didn't mean we wanted them to recruit BOTH, so town had more chances to find at least one on the other hand (even if one role would get erased eventually), and at the same time the role could cause some confusion that mafia could exploit. The Mortician came in place to trace stuff like Santa and fake claims/transfers regarding any role/action that got "buried" - imo it's more effective than the SM because it can target antitown and spot unknown stuff that could still be in-game; it was a late game resource that had good chances of being effective with the role transfer mech. The Necromancer was also in there for its recycling capabilities since we'd have roles being lost, and in this setup it would be less OP than it usually is, since his options would still be reduced. The Santa was there for extra fun, imo, since the role could still be used even if the OG player and their wincon was gone: two gifts - that we expected to be the last ones - were clear signs that there was a Santa in-game in case it would fly by too successfully - and even that was just to cause some ruckus since the last gift allowed the game to go on after Santa would win - which to me it's a needed measure so we won't have sudden major frustration with an unexpected game end (I do understand why the game usually has to end when Santa is in it, so people don't ignore the role, but in this case we saw an opportunity to play around that and fix the issue regarding that); Santa's other gifts were there to provide some extra spice but unfortunately, as you can see in the night actions, I made a mistake while processing GB's action with the Hot Potato. GB got blocked by Evil when he tried to pass it to James and I overlooked it that the passing can't be blocked. It would have been simple to fix it during the day by PMing the both of them if Bran didn't spy on GB and, coincidentally, Sam hadn't claimed the exact same action and outcome. After discussing with some people, we reached the conclusion that the attitude that would cause the least interference and damage to a bigger number of players would be to just remove the Hot Potato from the game and inform that to GB, which is what we did.

GG mafia, you fought the long battle and won! GG town, it's never easy to be on the more clueless side, trying to put pieces together. GG Santa cause Santa is always fun~


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---



Not so Lucky - Holt



Santa Claus







Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
First of all, huge thanks to @Farfalla , for trusting me again, showing me the ropes, and guiding me. She has been as last time, incredibly thoughtful and patient with the baby-host me. And, despite all the real-life responsibilities and commitments, she always took the time to kindly answer my questions or concerns and explain to me anything I need to know. Can't thank you enough Farf-chan, and I hope I were not a burden to you. <3

Regarding mechanics, they were much simpler than most of you thought, I believe it's more the trauma of lovers from previous games and some missteps that made them look tricky. The whole point was the circulation of the roles, to either save them after death, and upgrade some players, or on the contrary, cripple the opposite parties.
I think the distribution of the roles was fair and balanced, at least on paper, but versatile too, I think if played well they shouldn't have caused any issues.
Well about the playing, I'm not qualified to comment on this, but well , letting a confimed mafia from D2 live up to end is really something remarkable.

Thanks everyone for joining, I hope despite all the heat and misunderstandings, you still enjoyed the game, and trust me Farf-chan and I really did our best !

Thanks for your participation ! <3



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
This was the worst Mafia and the worst Town I've ever seen.

Congratulations for signing up.
Nah dude, it's one of the best! these last few hours had me on the floor xD Panda ftw lol
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

First of all, huge thanks to @Farfalla , for trusting me again, showing me the ropes, and guiding me. She has been as last time, incredibly thoughtful and patient with the baby-host me. And, despite all the real-life responsibilities and commitments, she always took the time to kindly answer my questions or concerns and explain to me anything I need to know. Can't thank you enough Farf-chan, and I hope I were not a burden to you. <3

Regarding mechanics, they were much simpler than most of you thought, I believe it's more the trauma of lovers from previous games and some missteps that made them look tricky. The whole point was the circulation of the roles, to either save them after death, and upgrade some players, or on the contrary, cripple the opposite parties.
I think the distribution of the roles was fair and balanced, at least on paper, but versatile too, I think if played well they shouldn't have caused any issues.
Well about the playing, I'm not qualified to comment on this, but well , letting a confimed mafia from D2 live up to end is really something remarkable.

Thanks everyone for joining, I hope despite all the heat and misunderstandings, you still enjoyed the game, and trust me Farf-chan and I really did our best !

Thanks for your participation ! <3

I think this passing role mechanic is clever! I think it has lots of potential and I'll prolly would like to try it out in future games. I'm curious what the players think about it.

Also, grats to mafia lol


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 14, 2022
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I felt in hell aspecially after friday and role change.. I am sry that but there are 2 different feeling from last then this game.. And again this lovers thing.. Oh man, pls i can't any longer discuss...i know the lovers in another way of Werwolf bc of armor or so but this.. Aaahh what is this.. 👀 Sry but GrySun roleplay was gameplay trauma but this whole game traumatized me, would Jinx be my bestie, idk,.. It is not fun.. If ppl loved me being fooled it just psychic aspecially if u have almost no clue and everyone or noone helps u out


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Ah and I forgot a little ranter !

I'm not pointing anyone, in particular, it's just that I think it's a general issue that should be addressed.

I want to point out something about some players' behavior. Some of you were unjust, discourteous, and tactless toward others.​
Role-playing is comprehensible. I understand very well the frustration, the passion, and the anger that is generated when playing. But it shouldn't prevent you from respecting other players. Particularly the new players. Bashing persistently a player for the only reason they are less experienced than you, or because you think you are entitled to say to others how they should play, is borderline bullying, in my opinion. Do you just realize how much you could upset and hurt some players? Plus, accusing them for lack of results or whatever but giving a pass when it's more experienced players, being forgiving with your own mistakes but blaming others (double standards ?) I believe Farf-chan and I were very kind and patient.​

On the other way, intentionally throwing the game out of frustration is equally wrong. All of us already went through unfair accusations, anger, frustrations, even insults etc. Mg is a stressful game, that's a part of it, and you have to learn to handle it. If a line is crossed, address it to the hosts to resolve the issue, if necessary. But when you decide to join, you have to comply with the rules and to play to win. Sabotaging your team chances purposefully is against the rules. it's a team game, you have to ignore your personal grudges etc. when you play, like for any team sport !​


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
I felt in hell aspecially after friday and role change.. I am sry that but there are 2 different feeling from last then this game.. And again this lovers thing.. Oh man, pls i can't any longer discuss...i know the lovers in another way of Werwolf bc of armor or so but this.. Aaahh what is this.. 👀 Sry but GrySun roleplay was gameplay trauma but this whole game traumatized me, would Jinx be my bestie, idk,.. It is not fun.. If ppl loved me being fooled it just psychic aspecially if u have almost no clue and everyone or noone helps u out
Bro there was a confirmed mafia that came out as mafia two days ago and you still voted Holt (and Evil) because he dared talk to you I guess.

Whenever anyone wanted to discuss you left them hanging so idk what was so exhausting about it.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 14, 2022
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Oh i dont have grudge on anyone after all i decided by my thought.. I can't have grudge on anyone, i don't you all, i don't have revenge, not even on grysun or now Panda or James or evil, that i was on the way to quit bc a friend outside asked me, cant u quit if it's to harsh u, like you can't force me to play if it does on my mental health.. Mental health is more important, gladly this is now over bc dont worry i am not in the next games..
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Bro there was a confirmed mafia that came out as mafia two days ago and you still voted Holt (and Evil) because he dared talk to you I guess.

Whenever anyone wanted to discuss you left them hanging so idk what was so exhausting about it.
Maybe bc i didnt see this kind if interaction.. The thing is 2 days ago u call it friday, was already my person not able to read everything, and sry game taking serious, i have to take real life serious and my health.. I dont know how i should explain, that if u are new your are overwelmed with a lot, last game i could not even follow all threads.. I mean taking game serious doesnt mean to lose track on real life, it is still a game, so why so extrem harsh.. It felt worse as being in overwatch and u need a win a game, maybe i see fun also more in different way.. I just never thought that ppl carrying me so long in.. It is not helpful for me, i didnt learn atm anything
--- Double Post Merged, ---

And now you are going on me for doing a mistake.. I guess u need to know everything for starting this game.. I mean next time i am also rather passiv and just votekill once in a while or whatever.. I am actually sry for being active clueless


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
Caaazzo, of course this ends like that. Confused and vengeful townie vote and a last minutes Mafia blitz, a mirror of the three rounds. :bored

Feeling really sorry for @Holt having to endure this Lover Game the longest (and be done like that on birthday of all things - happy belated!) :crying

But a truely fascinating endurance of @James Rye ! Kept the Lover feint up until the end. Congratz bello, you of all people deserve it! :D

Thanks for hosting @Farfalla & @Erinyes ! Looked like lot of work but you managed fairly well. I for one enjoyed the story line and bits you kept adding throught the game which added up to this game being a unique game experience.

As all games there's also couple things to improve for next time, I'll take some time later this week to formulate some thoughts on this, if I get to it.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 16, 2013
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Anyways good job everyone 🥲
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

@Erinyes @Farfalla thank you for your hard-work and patience. It must have been troublesome for you as well. 🙏

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
I'll make some comments while the kettle is still hot.

Getting the negativity out of the road - the game was marred by previous game outcomes for sure. It started from the first day lynch, the right call for town but maybe it was a seed of destruction. I was annoyed in a few stages of the game at least and took aim towards @Evil3ye on numerous occasions. In hindsight I was projecting a lot of my own displeasures and as a result I was unnecessarily antagonistic, which I do apologise for.

But - these things can happen to get rid of the bad tension maybe? There's no benefit in carrying feelings, as the old saying goes what happens on the field stays on the field. This is a very small community, we'll have to play each other again. We're going to be wrong and lose often. And that's usually what happens from what I have seen from you guys.

Moving on.

For Mafia I believe there's a lot town can learn from you. For one, being objective focused. More importantly was that client management when it mattered. It always feels like town wants to demonstrate they've solved the puzzle and show they've scored 10/10 in the spelling bee, that's how I feel I'm playing 'trying to be right'. Yet, the mafia were able to think strategically about getting town players to think a certain thing, rather than demonstrate they are correct. You all did great in your own way. Special mention goes to the endgamers, Panda with his words, and James for charmingly carrying open suspicion and then confirmation for so long, I've never seen that. That's my 2 cents.

Thought Spy was a hard role to play. You have to think about what the results will bring for people, and after the GB result I went after only results I wanted to see. Not sure mixing those is a good thing to do. I guess the Sam play stuffed me up quite a bit but I still didn't catch someone in the act which I would've liked to. It's a very important role. Even no results tells you a lot. Happy to get to use it.

Town can do better next time. Not to poke the bear (not you Panda), but after day 1, our only scum lynches were Santa that mafia gave us and an unshot traitor, and we lynched the townie who killed a mafia that was favoured by town. Maybe mafia were the unlucky ones.

Santa 🎤
(btw I gave Shad a gift when Santa. If I had known it was Holt's birthday, I would have gifted you)

Thank you for the game @Erinyes and @Farfalla the mechanic was simple to understand but the possibilities and tactics made things quite complex imo. We never got to see Necro used as the transfer investigator or similar, that would've been interesting. Two psychiatrists threw us for a loop too. The bickering and spam might've made the game look more hostile than it was from the outside, hopefully you're not too disappointed about that. I enjoyed the game, got a good role, would've liked to win. Two games in a row making it to the end to be beaten by Lovers haha. The theme was really cute, and the Santa gifts made me smile. Cheers for the hard work and thought.
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Lady pompom

Hell Kaiser Ryo
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
@Farfalla @Erinyes thanks for the game! And @Holt happy belated birthday!

I don't know how this lovers mayhem kept going, and I don't know how people let James live after that barefaced lie of a temporary role! Also I can't believe there were 2 traitors!
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