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Question Cross Marian's Age?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Feb 25, 2013
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I'm sorry, but I don't understand your theory. General Yeager became an exorcist because an akuma killed his students. If you mean the akuma that took the form of one of his students, if Yeager didn't use it himself, then it wasn't his innocence. Yet more importantly, what would the purpose of this be, story-wise?
What i was trying to say is that, I wonder if the exorcist that destroyed the Akuma (that took on the form of one of Yeager's students and killed the other students) was actually General Cross. Also my text about the innocence was a theory based on what we have seen in the manga to support why i believe the mysterious exorcist was General Cross.

Although you are right about this partner ship between the generals, well it seems to be more of a work based relationship, much like the one between; Lavi, Allen, Krory, Miranda, Kanda, Marie, etc (main and secondary protagonists).
Based on what we have seen with the Generals so far, I wont be surprised if they really do have some sort of secret council among themselves, although I had interpreted Klaud's being with Cross the night before he disappeared as the church forcing her to be there to try and stop Cross from running away again, or perhaps she had lost some sort of bet to Cross. Either way I agree with you, she definitely did not appear to be there of her own vocation.

I wasn't aware that Cross returned to the order or met up with any of the other Generals after he apprenticed Allen.


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 15, 2013
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OK, for some reason I got the impression you meant Cross using Yeager's (eventual) innocence. Thanks for clarifying.

I suppose it's theoretically possible but Kevin Yeager had such a small role, I don't see the significance this connection might have if it exists. Beyond that, have we ever seen an innocence other than Allen's, Lenalee's, and Kanda's change the form it takes when inactive? This kind of innocence behaviour seems to be more of a main character thing so I'd expect it of Lavi's first, then maybe one of the supporting characters (Miranda, Marie, Krory, etc.), but not a side character.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 27, 2008
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United States
cross says"when we first met
he didn't call himself Allen
should have noticed the mistake earlier"
recent chapter show Nea doesn't know how the heck Allen is in younger body than he was 35 years ago
What probably happened was Apocryphos erased all of past Allen's memories

Here are the first few lines of musician's song

"And the boy fell in a deep slumber"
yep, Allen forgot everything...

"the gasping flames within the ashes/one by one...
...rise up and expand into that beloved face"

could be something that shows that innocence (probably crowned clown from the fire looking awfully like the cross embedded in allen's hand) made Allen's body the way it is now
it also says beloved face, instead beloved person or...
I could be looking too much into it, but since Allen was memory-wiped probably by Apo, its just his body that's there

Anyways Cross might have been thinking ," I should have know Apo memory-wiped Allen, d@mmit... he's got me now"
cross might be a skull, which could be an explanation for his long life and his use of the "skull" magic/disguise

if his master is the 14th, that could explain why he doesn't fear earl's control
and he should have some deep connection and know who hold's the memories

i think he knew Allen took the memories of Nea
a kid looked like Allen, kept Nea's memories like Allen said he would, but didn't have Allen's memories
cross was probably really confused didn't really know what was going on until it was too late...


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Feb 25, 2013
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I don't know just how relevant that song is to Allen' situation, I was under the impression it was a lullaby sung to Nea and Mana by their mother when they were children, hence why we hear the lyrics when Allen' consciousness is suppressed by Nea and we view a glimpse of Nea' past. Although the lyrics could also, and in my opinion far more likely signal the 14th rising from the ashes.

General Cross being a Skull, that's an interesting concept and completely feasible considering how little we know about the Skulls, (except that humans with strong brains can be converted into Skulls, which Cross supposedly had since there is a picture of him in the science department years ago, I haven't seen this picture though)

Cross did know that Allen was host to the 14th, it is the only reason he made Allen his apprentice after Mana died, he talks to Mother about Allen being the host in chapter 206 "Maria's Sight", I can't remember where I read it but it was mentioned that Nea would make his way back to Mana' side when he reincarnated which is why Cross knew Allen was the 14th to begin with.

Cross' dialog with Apo-chan,
"when we first met he didn't call himself Allen should have noticed the mistake earlier"
definitely has some sort of hidden meaning (in my opinion) since Cross was never in any doubt that Allen was the 14th, and Apo-chan was solely interested in the 14th, I thought this was meant deceive Apo, make it seem like Cross didn't know Allen was the 14th, but that he should have suspected it.


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 15, 2013
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The song is really difficult to interpret. I had a heck of a time translating it into English for another forum. It's really symbolic. I do think it has to do with Allen but I can't say specifically what. (Lala's song about a "guilty man" or "condemned man" is clearly about Allen, though. We had no idea back then but that concept fits Allen like a glove now.)

I do think there's a strong possibility Apo messed with Allen's memories, but he was also highly traumatized as a child, so that could have worked just fine on its own. Cross' "mistake" is most likely that he should have realized earlier than he did that Red was "Allen," before he was using the name (if you've read the novel chapter "Lost Fragment of Snow"). A huge tragedy might have been prevented if he only went with his instincts on that (he did suspect it enough to ask the boy if he was "Allen" at the time). I think it's one of his few regrets, the way he handled things back then.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 3, 2012
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I honestly think Cross is hiding out on the ark in a giant poodle toilet paper cozy. I can't be the only one.

Side note: my grandma had one of these c. 1960 flea market atrocities lurking in her bathroom, and it made my newly-potty-trained toddler self distinctly uncomfortable during those early independent sojournings to the facilities. Eventually, I expressed my creeped-out-ness by attempting to flush it down the toilet. Hilarity ensued. From my point of view, anyway.

Alice Cavallari

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 7, 2011
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Mentions of the chapter 219

Guys, I was reading again the manga when I thought about this (I don't know if this is the right place to put this) And then, I came to this page:

What if Cross is one of those Skulls that the Earl was using during the Arc Destruction, but he is following Neah orders? Or somehow he was created by Neah? Because the Skull said that the Millennium Earl is a great sorcerer and since we know that Mana and Neah are the Earl, maybe Neah has some magic powers too? And maybe that is why Cross looks, um, young? (in some way)

I know that this probably does not make sense at all but... I don't know. Maybe is something that my mind is just making .

The only thing that I can't think about are the Innocence's of Cross, because we don't know much about this skulls, or perhaps yes but I already forgot?

ps: sorry if this was not the right place to put this, if this was already discussed and you guys said that it was not possible (I did not read the rest of the messages) AND for my horrible english ;w;


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
May 25, 2010
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Water Tribe
Mentions of the chapter 219

What if Cross is one of those Skulls that the Earl was using during the Arc Destruction, but he is following Neah orders?
This is actually a pretty old theory! Personally I found and still find it very convincing. Cross is very intelligent, used to be a scientist, he's older than he looks, he has a half-skull mask... And as in the pages of the manga that you linked to, he is certainly able to take on the appearance of a Skull, and the disguise was connected to his mask.

One extra reason for liking the theory, of course, is that it means maybe Cross isn't dead. IIRC it was mentioned in the manga that no human being could have survived that amount of blood loss, but if Cross isn't human the situation is different.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 8, 2011
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I think the theory of Cross being a skull is actually really sensible. Not only would it explain the ambiguity of his age but also his knowledge of sorcery.
It was said that Cross was initially a scientist, as we've seen in the Lullubell invasion arc, skull soldiers only convert humans that are perceived to be particularly brilliant.
Calling Cross smart might even just be an understatement, but I assume that at that point in his life he had no innocence and as such was only a scientist in the Order and not an exorcist. If I were to shoot in the dark here I would theorize that his meeting with Nea was what caused him to be able to return to human form. Nea is part of the original Earl and as such he should possess similar powers. Maybe it was he who rescued Cross from the Noahs whilst he was a skull and then converted him so that he could serve Nea, simular to how the skulls serve the Earl (like his own personal agent or mole used to keep an eye on both the Noahs and the Order).

Outside of that I just really like this theory, I think its really cool :)