Politics - CNN threatens to reveal Redditor who made Trump-CNN GIF | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

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Politics CNN threatens to reveal Redditor who made Trump-CNN GIF


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
Just because you call it a threat does not make it illegal. It quite isn't. CNN did not threaten him with violence, confinement or by committing a felony.
And that are the only ways in the american legal system to warrant an intimidation lawsuit.
You didn't read what I posted, did you? I have given you various evidence as to how it is a threat. You seem it incorrectly believe a threat has to be to cause physical harm or straight out call itself a threat, and it doesn't. All of this tells me you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

They didn't, unless you can show me what kind of lawsuit that would warrant. An intimidation lawsuit sure as hell is not warranted.
Read my last replies again.

The thing we have to now consider is whether or not if falls under a Federal level, or a state level. Regardless of which is determined, it was a threat. A crime. It was made to coercion a man into being silent by holding his sensitive information over him.

Oh, telling people who the guy who insults them all the time is makes the guy scared :(

And just because you tell someone who the guy who hurts everyone is does not mean it is a crime either.
Pls accept that fact or show me how it is illegal what CNN did.
I really think there is a language barrier here.

And I have already tried to show you. I linked you to and quoted parts of what makes what CNN did a crime by violating Code § 135.60! It is coercion by fear/intimidation, which is a crime. Here are some links to help you understand:


And violating that code is a Class A Misdemeanor! Which are extremely serious charges!

Until you read those links and acknowledge that threatening a person in the capacity that CNN did is in fact a violation of U.S code, a criminal act, I'm done here. I'm not in this for "my fee fee" discussions or "why you think it shouldn't be illegal or wrong to threaten people" or the circlejerk of continuously giving you links where it specifically states is a crime. I'm in this for the violations of a law committed by a billion $ news organization over a damn meme against a (potential) child.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
You didn't read what I posted, did you? I have given you various evidence as to how it is a threat. You seem it incorrectly believe a threat has to be to cause physical harm or straight out call itself a threat, and it doesn't. All of this tells me you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
I did and as i said before, let's talk about this first, i will ignore anything else until that:
Which of the points in your link would you accuse CNN of. Because you didn't say that, and I do not see a single one applying.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
Small update before I log off:

I'll try to keep the thread updated, but I'm out for right now. Pretty late. If you are interested in learning more as it happens, manually go into the hashtag #CNNBlackMail on Twitter until it hits larger news stations I guess. Beyond that I'll include a direct link to the hashtag, for y'all who iz lazy like me sometimes:


I did and as i said before, let's talk about this first, i will ignore anything else until that:
Which of the points in your link would you accuse CNN of. Because you didn't say that, and I do not see a single one applying.
Seriously? If you actually read my posts or the links that I gave you would know which it was. I have since then repeated myself many times. I even highlighted it in red (code 5. and 9.). Please do your trolling elsewhere.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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Seriously? If you actually read my posts or the links that I gave you would know which it was. I have since then repeated myself many times. I even highlighted it in red (code 5. and 9.). Please do your trolling elsewhere.
But those do not apply. Code 5 does not apply because the fact was not asserted, but CNN knew it was true.
Exposing a secret is something else entirely (this means things like using a sextape against someone).

Code 9 means something else either: No material harm is done or is threatened to be done to the reddit guy.
You'd have to prove to CNN that their intention in the first place was to harm the reddit guy's safety.
And you cannot do that.

CNN would at any point defend themselves by saying they had the intention to run the news story about him anyway (and it is their right to do so) and just didnt do it out of consideration for the reddit guy.
They will say that their consideration was outweighted by the story becoming even bigger after he started posting hate again.

And that is a perfect legal defense, since any accusation of coercion is shaky at best and nonexistant at worst (you would, as i said, have to prove that CNN's intention was causing the reddit guy harm rather than simply making a newsstory that has become big).

Bottom line: You can hardly accuse CNN of not publishing his name in the first place, which would be completely legal to do.
To do that, you would need to prove CNN that their intention was to blackmail him (for example, you can prove that someone's intention was to blackmail another person if he made a sextape (even if that was legal due to consent) and then threatened the woman the day after with it) in the first place, and CNN has no real reason to do that that you could prove in front of court.
This makes there behaviour completely sound legally, and i hope you understand that now.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 1, 2016
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United States
Just can't believe our president tweeted a meme about bodyslamming CNN. Lol, just won't ever be surprised by this clown again...


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Come on, the whole thing about the cnn tweet was overblown to begin with... This is the sort of jackassery that gives morons like trump a shred of credibility when they scream "fake news". The tweet being half the stuff it has been accused of would be the absolute worst interpretation of it imaginable. And lets be realistic here... Trump using that tweet to advocate violence against cnn or journalists would imply he had the neurons to figure out it could mean that. Donald trump is a CHILD in the body of a 70 something year old man. He saw that gif and his thought process ended at "lulz, trumpy taking down feknews". If donald trump was capable of the thought process to allow him to figure out the worst plausible implication of that tweet was him advocating violence against reporters then he would have definitely been able to figure out the tweet was beneath the dignity of his office to begin with.

As for cnn threatening to expose the guy behind the gif.... Dick move? Yes, definitely. This is a random ass troll that wrote a bunch of anti semitic stuff as "a joke" that was facing exposure to the light and then cowered as hard as he could to the darkest hole he could find under his bridge. And it was entirely within cnn's rights to expose him given the notoriety he, unwillingly, got. This is not news either. This is nothing.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 1, 2016
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United States
Trump is a clown for tweeting it but CNN would be definitely doing the most if they sued the dude who made it.... tf? It's 2017, internet memes is all the rage now to express yourself online.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Come on, the whole thing about the cnn tweet was overblown to begin with... This is the sort of jackassery that gives morons like trump a shred of credibility when they scream "fake news". The tweet being half the stuff it has been accused of would be the absolute worst interpretation of it imaginable. And lets be realistic here... Trump using that tweet to advocate violence against cnn or journalists would imply he had the neurons to figure out it could mean that. Donald trump is a CHILD in the body of a 70 something year old man. He saw that gif and his thought process ended at "lulz, trumpy taking down feknews". If donald trump was capable of the thought process to allow him to figure out the worst plausible implication of that tweet was him advocating violence against reporters then he would have definitely been able to figure out the tweet was beneath the dignity of his office to begin with.
Absolutely, i agree with that. The tweet itself was not even really problematic, it actually was more of a memejoke and trump didnt think a second before retweeting it.
He was probably naked while doing it and had the tv running in the backround.

As for cnn threatening to expose the guy behind the gif.... Dick move? Yes, definitely. This is a random ass troll that wrote a bunch of anti semitic stuff as "a joke" that was facing exposure to the light and then cowered as hard as he could to the darkest hole he could find under his bridge. And it was entirely within cnn's rights to expose him given the notoriety he, unwillingly, got. This is not news either. This is nothing.
I agree again. As i see it, a jerkass got what he had coming (and he got off the hook with a scare) because a news outlet who should know better had one of its writers overreact and write a line he possibly should not have written.
That's pretty much all there is to it.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
You guys are letting your seething hatred for Trump blind you to the fact that a billion $ news outlet tracked a dude down over a gif that "insulted" them and then threatened to reveal that information should he act out of line again. They didn't initiate this because of his troll posts before that either. It was the damn gif that made them hunt him down.

No wonder they did it. They knew most people wouldn't give two farks what they did so long as it was against someone [their] people find distasteful. If this had been Trump, Fox News or any conservative news outlet there would have been a thread here with people talking about it and how "evil it was".

It was more than a "jerk" move. It was criminal. It wouldn't have been if they just released his name in the first place, but they didn't. Holding it over him to keep him in line is disgusting and no news outlet should do something so overstepping of their power.


CNN potentially doxxed the wrong guy. Trump posted an altered version, supposedly created by a /pol/ user in January of this year. The man says he is a Mexican business owner...in Mexico. The one Han made was quiet and shorter. I hope this is true. I would hate to think a 15yr old gay boy was harassed and threatened by CNN over jokes, no matter how distasteful they were.

Oh, and since the threat was made, Chris Cumo, Andrew and many others have been deleting their tweets further threatening to expose him over bad behavior as well as tweets that discussed how they have been doxxing "meanies" on the internet before.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
CNN found the guy who made the meme in the first place.
That guy did not make the altered one, but noone claimed that.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation

It's definitely looking like the Han user is not a kid. Thankfully. That would have made their actions potentially even more criminal.

Oh, and one of the people Donie O'Sullivan (a CNN producer) threatened to dox has come out to talk about it:

The hurt feelings of some people are hilariously acted upon. "Stop being a meanie to me online or I'll find you and huuuuurt you!!!!". So much for "they go low, we go high" huh?

Video of CNN panel patting themselves on the backs for being such "beautiful people" for not revealing his information because he "apologized" and promised never to meme again.



Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
You guys are letting your seething hatred for Trump blind you to the fact that a billion $ news outlet tracked a dude down over a gif that "insulted" them and then threatened to reveal that information should he act out of line again. They didn't initiate this because of his troll posts before that either. It was the damn gif that made them hunt him down.

No wonder they did it. They knew most people wouldn't give two farks what they did so long as it was against someone [their] people find distasteful. If this had been Trump, Fox News or any conservative news outlet there would have been a thread here with people talking about it and how "evil it was".

It was more than a "jerk" move. It was criminal. It wouldn't have been if they just released his name in the first place, but they didn't. Holding it over him to keep him in line is disgusting and no news outlet should do something so overstepping of their power.


CNN potentially doxxed the wrong guy. Trump posted an altered version, supposedly created by a /pol/ user in January of this year. The man says he is a Mexican business owner...in Mexico. The one Han made was quiet and shorter. I hope this is true. I would hate to think a 15yr old gay boy was harassed and threatened by CNN over jokes, no matter how distasteful they were.

Oh, and since the threat was made, Chris Cumo, Andrew and many others have been deleting their tweets further threatening to expose him over bad behavior as well as tweets that discussed how they have been doxxing "meanies" on the internet before.
Well, the information released so far suggests the reddit guy posted his apology and then deleted all his stuff before he ever talked to cnn. So a full blown criminal threat does not sound likely at all. Unless cnn does not know how threats work. Not to mention that "dox" is a gross exaggeration of what could have happened here. Doxing specifically implies releasing the guy's home address, phone number and other private information that made him easy to find. Like what just happened to a bunch of other cnn reporters. Just revealing to the public who he is is simply not doxing. That said, cnn could have made a story about the guy revealing who he is, without falling into doxing territory, and there likely would not have been any consequence to them. It would have been a dick move but that is about it. The bigger issue here is why CNN is wasting it's investigative reporting team on such a non story and then phrasing their stories so ominously. Had they phrased it differently, say, "CNN knows who he is but given the circumstances -him crawling back under the darkest part of his bridge- there is no reason to disclose his identity" this wouldn't be a story. In fact, this is still not a story, this is an utter waste of time on cnn's part that gave a huge blow to their credibility. I hope cnn fires their investigative team over this and gets people who cover real news....


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
Well, the information released so far suggests the reddit guy posted his apology and then deleted all his stuff before he ever talked to cnn. So a full blown criminal threat does not sound likely at all. Unless cnn does not know how threats work.
That's not true though. Here's proof:


The apology came after CNN's KFile identified the man behind "HanA**holeSolo." Using identifying information that "HanA**holeSolo" posted on Reddit, KFile was able to determine key biographical details, to find the man's name using a Facebook search and ultimately corroborate details he had made available on Reddit.

On Monday, KFile attempted to contact the man by email and phone but he did not respond. On Tuesday, "HanA**holeSolo" posted his apology on the subreddit /The_Donald and deleted all of his other posts.
If it was true though, why would the article talk about his "promise" to not do it again as a condition to not release his information? Prior to be caught, the article and the tweets made by Andrew all confirmed KFILE acted first, found him, contacted him through Facebook information and then the apology was made without contact on Tuesday. After that, an "interview" was made with CNN over the issue where the guy begged not to be revealed for his own safety.

Regardless, the act of the man apologizing after or before doesn't mean this isn't a threat. If a threat or a fear of safety/etc was felt by the man in question, why wouldn't he respond in an apology? Now, CNN can come out and say that the wording of the article was horrendous but there is absolutely no denying that the word/content of the tweets and article provided by KFILE's Andrew Kaczynski were in fact a threat, violating the New York criminal code.

After posting his apology, "HanA**holeSolo" called CNN's KFile and confirmed his identity. In the interview, "HanA**holeSolo" sounded nervous about his identity being revealed and asked to not be named out of fear for his personal safety and for the public embarrassment it would bring to him and his family.

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.
Consider the grammar and context of the article itself. A condition was set and was ended with a "CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.". The "should any of that change" is referencing the reasons why they are withholding the information and then gives the condition that should the line be crossed set up, they "reserve the right" to dox him. This is clearly a violation of various codes and a threat.

It was so messed up and such a clear criminal act that a lot of the hard leaning left sites and big wigs have called them out for. Former prosecutor for New York, Ronn Blitzer, for example and various other legal experts from across both sides (Democrat and Republican) has even pointed out CNN's violation of the NY criminal code § 135.60 (specifically 1, 5 and 9) and that they potentially violated 18 U.S. Code § 241 in respect to the 1st Amendment.

Meanwhile, while most people are enraged and questioning the legality of what they did, the CNN host panel is laughing themselves off their chairs that they hunted him down and got him to apologize because he did mean stuff on the Internet.

Not to mention that "dox" is a gross exaggeration of what could have happened here. Doxing specifically implies releasing the guy's home address, phone number and other private information that made him easy to find. Like what just happened to a bunch of other cnn reporters. Just revealing to the public who he is is simply not doxing.
Now, onto the part about doxxing...that's not the sole definition of doxxing. It is the search and intent to release privatized information in whatever capacity the "searcher" intends.


Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents),[1] or doxxing,[2][3] is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.[3][4][5][6][7]

The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to internet vigilantism and hacktivism.
A dox is not made a dox when addresses, phone numbers, emails etc are released. Doxxing can and does include releasing someone's name or even name + state. It doesn't have to contain as much detail as /pol/'s doxxing of the CNN employees to be a "dox". So respectfully I have to say that this is incorrect. Telling the public the name of the man who created a harmless gif is still doxxing (though we have no idea what they would have revealed. Could have been far more than a name considering they had access to a Facebook with his phone number etc on it).

That said, cnn could have made a story about the guy revealing who he is, without falling into doxing territory, and there likely would not have been any consequence to them. It would have been a dick move but that is about it. The bigger issue here is why CNN is wasting it's investigative reporting team on such a non story and then phrasing their stories so ominously. Had they phrased it differently, say, "CNN knows who he is but given the circumstances -him crawling back under the darkest part of his bridge- there is no reason to disclose his identity" this wouldn't be a story. In fact, this is still not a story, this is an utter waste of time on cnn's part that gave a huge blow to their credibility. I hope cnn fires their investigative team over this and gets people who cover real news....
This is true. They could have, but they decided to use their Buzzfeed well known doxxer Andrew to track him down. IT could have just ended with a "Aww CNN, why do you have to be a dick and ruin harmless fun" but now its beyond that. It is a gross overstep of power, resources, money and a violation of at least two criminal codes of New York and the 1st Amendment.

I disagree. The poor quality of CNN's investigative capabilities does not overshadow one of the most overtly unethical behaviors in this history of journalism. They silenced a party that held oppositional thought and I shouldn't have to explain why this is so dangerous. I mean, CNN's poor investigative skills or quality is also important of course but at the moment, their decision to do this isn't more important than the fact that they hunted someone down and threatened him with what they found.

Oh yes, it is entirely the wording and content of Andrew's article and tweets that are the damning final nail in the coffin. If they had hired someone with a brain to go over the article, perhaps this incident wouldn't have happened, but they hadn't.

The people behind the article and the witch hunt should definitely be fired, but considering that most CNN employees and producers are absolutely giddy with what they did, I doubt this is going to happen. They are proud of themselves for the "awesome work" they did. lol yea great job guys, you sure showed that troll you're real news.:yodawg


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
That's not true though. Here's proof:


If it was true though, why would the article talk about his "promise" to not do it again as a condition to not release his information? Prior to be caught, the article and the tweets made by Andrew all confirmed KFILE acted first, found him, contacted him through Facebook information and then the apology was made without contact on Tuesday. After that, an "interview" was made with CNN over the issue where the guy begged not to be revealed for his own safety.

Regardless, the act of the man apologizing after or before doesn't mean this isn't a threat. If a threat or a fear of safety/etc was felt by the man in question, why wouldn't he respond in an apology? Now, CNN can come out and say that the wording of the article was horrendous but there is absolutely no denying that the word/content of the tweets and article provided by KFILE's Andrew Kaczynski were in fact a threat, violating the New York criminal code.

Consider the grammar and context of the article itself. A condition was set and was ended with a "CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.". The "should any of that change" is referencing the reasons why they are withholding the information and then gives the condition that should the line be crossed set up, they "reserve the right" to dox him. This is clearly a violation of various codes and a threat.

It was so messed up and such a clear criminal act that a lot of the hard leaning left sites and big wigs have called them out for. Former prosecutor for New York, Ronn Blitzer, for example and various other legal experts from across both sides (Democrat and Republican) has even pointed out CNN's violation of the NY criminal code § 135.60 (specifically 1, 5 and 9) and that they potentially violated 18 U.S. Code § 241 in respect to the 1st Amendment.

Meanwhile, while most people are enraged and questioning the legality of what they did, the CNN host panel is laughing themselves off their chairs that they hunted him down and got him to apologize because he did mean stuff on the Internet.

Now, onto the part about doxxing...that's not the sole definition of doxxing. It is the search and intent to release privatized information in whatever capacity the "searcher" intends.


A dox is not made a dox when addresses, phone numbers, emails etc are released. Doxxing can and does include releasing someone's name or even name + state. It doesn't have to contain as much detail as /pol/'s doxxing of the CNN employees to be a "dox". So respectfully I have to say that this is incorrect. Telling the public the name of the man who created a harmless gif is still doxxing (though we have no idea what they would have revealed. Could have been far more than a name considering they had access to a Facebook with his phone number etc on it).

This is true. They could have, but they decided to use their Buzzfeed well known doxxer Andrew to track him down. IT could have just ended with a "Aww CNN, why do you have to be a dick and ruin harmless fun" but now its beyond that. It is a gross overstep of power, resources, money and a violation of at least two criminal codes of New York and the 1st Amendment.

I disagree. The poor quality of CNN's investigative capabilities does not overshadow one of the most overtly unethical behaviors in this history of journalism. They silenced a party that held oppositional thought and I shouldn't have to explain why this is so dangerous. I mean, CNN's poor investigative skills or quality is also important of course but at the moment, their decision to do this isn't more important than the fact that they hunted someone down and threatened him with what they found.

Oh yes, it is entirely the wording and content of Andrew's article and tweets that are the damning final nail in the coffin. If they had hired someone with a brain to go over the article, perhaps this incident wouldn't have happened, but they hadn't.

The people behind the article and the witch hunt should definitely be fired, but considering that most CNN employees and producers are absolutely giddy with what they did, I doubt this is going to happen. They are proud of themselves for the "awesome work" they did. lol yea great job guys, you sure showed that troll you're real news.:yodawg
Well, the specific order in which things happened appears to be:

1.- The reporter found out the reddit guy's identity.
2.- Reporter sent an email asking to speak with the reddit guy.
3.- Reddit guy, presumably panics, and post the apology along with the subsequent deletion of his posts.
4.- If I got it right, at this point -specifically after point number 3- he spoke with the CNN reporter (though I am not 100% clear on this).

With this sequence of events it would be true that the guy deleted his posts and issued his apology before actually speaking with CNN. He simply received an email and presumably panicked. And this would be before CNN published their article. At this point I wouldn't think it is reasonable to assume CNN was threatening the guy unless the content of the email, which we don't have of course, was threatening. The earliest at which a threat could have happened is stage 4 which is what the article would reference. Now even if CNN actually threatened or meant to threaten the guy at this point it would be moot. He deleted his stuff and backed down before even responding to cnn's email.

And with that in mind the question would be whether cnn is allowed to actually publish his identity (which the stuff that would make it into a dox like his phone number, emails and personal information). Of course, regardless of circumstances CNN shouldn't release that information because this is some random irrelevant asshole/troll. Doing so would be legitimately bad reporting. But doing so probably wouldn't be illegal.

As for the harmless bit... I disagree with that. The guy was a troll who posted antisemitic stuff. That is in no form or context harmless. Maybe the cnn gif was harmless but definitely not the rest of what he did.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Wait, how is asking for voter data to determine the weight of "Russia interfered with the election" (Democratic complaints they still say happened to this day) or "voter fraud" (Republican complaints they still pass to this day) comparable to a news outlet threatening to dox a man for making a joke? What does that have to do with this, even if I were to take your thoughts as the real reasons why the request was made?

You can't lessen what CNN has done here by "thinking" others would do the same thing (they haven't though, and there's plenty of memes floating around that targets them). It doesn't change the simple fact that CNN was so triggered they went out of their way to hunt down a meme creator to threaten him into acting in a way they approve of. If Fox News, Breitbart etc did this (I doubt they would but it is now a possibility in this world) it would be just as serious! Would you care more if Fox News etc did this and not CNN? Would it then be something "wrong" in your eyes?



Update. Twitter is removing the worldwide trend hashtag #CNNBlackMail. They have already done it twice. How beautiful that Twitter picks what news and information its people should see.


Allegedly the man is actually a 15yr gay boy, too.


/pol/ / 4chan have declared war on CNN. They're even willing to make an alliance with the r/the_donald subreddit. lol if you guys know about them, you know they all hate each other.

Julian Assange/Wikileaks, congressmen, lawyers, liberals and other hard left liberal media is even calling them out on their crap.


I can personally confirm. Twitter is mass deleting tweets in the hashtag. I just saw 50 tweets get removed. This is disgusting! Can't have people know the truth, otherwise you can't control them.


/pol/ has doxxed KFILE's "Andrew Kaczynski", and hacked into his official Youtube account. Oh boy did CNN piss off the wrong people...


The entire CNN host panel has been doxxed. They aren't stopping there, supposedly.
Fuck what CNN did, I don't approve of that crap, and they were too sensitive about it. But I also don't feel that badly for an anti-Semitic piece of shit. Would you have cared as much if this was an anti-Trump or left wing being "doxxed" by right-wing source like Fox News or Breitbart? Doubt it.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
I'd also like to point out this is not new behavior for this piece of trash. Do you all remember Sunil Tripathi? I hope so.

Well, the specific order in which things happened appears to be:

1.- The reporter found out the reddit guy's identity.
2.- Reporter sent an email asking to speak with the reddit guy.
3.- Reddit guy, presumably panics, and post the apology along with the subsequent deletion of his posts.
4.- If I got it right, at this point -specifically after point number 3- he spoke with the CNN reporter (though I am not 100% clear on this).

With this sequence of events it would be true that the guy deleted his posts and issued his apology before actually speaking with CNN. He simply received an email and presumably panicked. And this would be before CNN published their article. At this point I wouldn't think it is reasonable to assume CNN was threatening the guy unless the content of the email, which we don't have of course, was threatening. The earliest at which a threat could have happened is stage 4 which is what the article would reference. Now even if CNN actually threatened or meant to threaten the guy at this point it would be moot. He deleted his stuff and backed down before even responding to cnn's email.

And with that in mind the question would be whether cnn is allowed to actually publish his identity (which the stuff that would make it into a dox like his phone number, emails and personal information). Of course, regardless of circumstances CNN shouldn't release that information because this is some random irrelevant asshole/troll. Doing so would be legitimately bad reporting. But doing so probably wouldn't be illegal.

As for the harmless bit... I disagree with that. The guy was a troll who posted antisemitic stuff. That is in no form or context harmless. Maybe the cnn gif was harmless but definitely not the rest of what he did.
You misunderstand. The threat isn't in the information simply being possessed. It is in the wording of the public article. We don't know what that email or phone call contained, what we do know is in the article.

And this is how it actually happened. KFILE found several posts on reddit where he discussed sensitive information that, all together, tied back to a Facebook account (/pol/ and anonymous sources state TWC helped hand over his IP but that's just a rumor for now). With the FB account found, KFILE contacted him through email and phone first (again, confirmed by Andrew and his article!) asking him about the content of the gif and the content of his posts but did not receive a reply back.

Upon finding out KFILE had his information and found all of his content, he became afraid and embarrassed (and we know why, given the content of the article). He deleted his posts and then issued an apology on reddit (the post stood for a while before he finally deleted his account). Afterward he reached out to CNN in an interview to apologize further. CNN decided that since he showed regret and promised never to shitpost again, they would not reveal his identity but if he should go back to his old ways (should any of that change) they would release the information. They set a condition and a punishment for going against it. However you might want to look at it, this was in fact a threat/a violation of a criminal code in New York.

Once this threat was pointed out to Andrew and CNN, Andrew attempted to backtrack and confuse people (see images above again please) but before r/the_donald mods removed the posts, the information had been set in stone with dozens of screenshots, archives, tweets etc etc. Han was contacted first about the "horrible things he's done" through his FB details. Han panicked, deleted his stuff and apologized after because, as he said himself and CNN quoted him on it, he was fearful for his safety and the livelihood of his family. He then apologized again afterward directly to CNN. Again, consider Andrew's tweets.

So the actual events that happened are as prescribed above not only by me, but by their own article and the author of it, Andrew Kaczynski. In his own words he said it happened as such, before he was caught and then changed his mind about half an hour later to try and say Han decided to, all by himself, contact CNN, apologize, delete his stuff and disappear out of fear. If CNN hadn't contacted him first, why was he afraid someone got a hold of his information and would release it?

If you don't want to believe me on the seriousness of the article's threat, that's fine, but I would suggest you read the codes said to be violated and the opinions of both liberal and conservative legal analysts, lawyers and prosecutors who all agree the content of the article was clearly a threat that could even contain more violations of criminal code dependent on the redditor's actual age etc.

Words are harmless though unless they specifically contain content that isn't. He didn't incite violence. Saying something mean is not harmful. No one is responsible for how others react either. If him putting Stars of David on pictures of people is "harmful" to people, this world needs a reality check. What is harmful is someone like Linda Sarsour calling for jihad (a violent action of motion that cannot be interpreted any other way) on Trumpers, Trump and his Admin. Those are harmful, threatening words, not some distasteful, racist, bigoted jokes that neither ask or promote any kind of violence, just more idiocy and bigotry that breeds more dark humor that no sane person would actually find funny.

I guess we now just have to wait and see what happens. At the very least CNN needs to step up soon and stand in condemnation of the message the article gave, even if it was unintended, and fire the man behind it who has done this to people more than once.

Fuck what CNN did, I don't approve of that crap, and they were too sensitive about it. But I also don't feel that badly for an anti-Semitic piece of shit. Would you have cared as much if this was an anti-Trump or left wing being "doxxed" by right-wing source like Fox News or Breitbart? Doubt it.
I am glad to read that, and I'm sorry for jumping the gun on your position on CNN's actions. I get a bit passionate sometimes about stuff like this and let loose the cannons. :feelsbadman

I'm constantly confused by many for a Republican. I am not. I just happened to approve of a lot of Trump's messages. So I voted for him, just as I did for Obama when he first ran. So to answer your question...yes, I would be equally "upset" if it had been a conservative doing this to a liberal user and his memes, no matter how distasteful his jokes or memes were (and oh boy, they exist). As a Trump supporter I even laugh my ass off over "negative" means and jokes about him because that's all they are. Only an utter idiot would find something so silly so offensive that they would hunt someone down. And this was before they found out about Han's history. They started it solely because of the wrestling gif, not because the content of his posts made years ago. That was just the "icing" on the top for them.

Hopefully a conservative news outlet will never do this though, but if they do, you can bet your ass I'll be complaining about it (though you probably won't believe me that's fine). I don't want to live in a country where someone can't make a joke, no matter how distasteful, without fear of a billion $ empire destroying their lives because it hurt their feelings or humiliated them.

And that's just it though, r/imgoingtohellforthis is a troll subreddit, where most of his content originated from. No one there means anything they say, well at least not most of them as I'm sure there are real racists etc hidden in that forum. It is a dark humor subreddit where assholes go to troll over shit just to make people react. It is absolutely asinine that so many people think people can't make even crude jokes and not personally stand behind them. Do you know how many comedians do things like this and no one bats an eye? I can name one (who is hella funny) like Aries Spears. Comedy isn't PC all of the time and people need to realize this, no matter how bad it hurts their sensitivities.

The problem here is that the guy happened to post a pro-Trump, anti-CNN gif and engage in a Trump subreddit sometimes. Did you see CNN react like this for the memes created from neutral or leftist parties (which are now being made more and more not only by pro-trumpers)? No. You didn't. KFILE and CNN even said various times on twitter how "evil it was" to dox and release personal information on people (before they deleted the tweets), but that all went out the window with a wrestling meme insulting CNN...

Is the guy still an asshole for posting the stuff, definitely, but even if he was an anti-Semitic (he never said anything anti-Semitic by the way, just racist crap) idiot, it doesn't change how wrong CNN was for doing what they did. It isn't about whether you should feel sorry for him, at least it shouldn't be about that. Doing something mean or racist or sexist or whatnot does not make it okay in any capacity to threaten and violate that person's rights. It sets an ugly precedent that unless corrected or punished in some way, will encourage more to do exactly the same thing.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
@Moragella It still stays that CNN did nothing illegal, an, while an overreaction, i cannot even see how CNN did anything ethically repulsive.

No amount of words can change that. If you think otherwise, feel free to sue CNN.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
@Moragella It still stays that CNN did nothing illegal, an, while an overreaction, i cannot even see how CNN did anything ethically repulsive.

No amount of words can change that. If you think otherwise, feel free to sue CNN.
What exactly says CNN did nothing illegal? :neutral

Your only argument is that you feel the guy deserved it or you don't care. That's really all you can say. "He was a racist so who cares!" when that is not a logical (or good) argument whatsoever. I have given you various times evidence that what CNN was a violation of New York criminal code and pointed out the problematic grammar of the article that paints the threat itself, whether that was their intention or not. I also then pointed out people far more adept in this subject than you or I (from both sides, legal analysts, lawyers, prosecutors from the very state the code violation came from) who have made statements on the legality of what they did (and I shouldn't have to explain the importance of legal experts' on this issue). What further damns them is that their hosts, producers etc have now come out in support of the message given, proudly proclaiming that no one has a right to privacy if they say "mean stuff".

To explain in a simpler way why this was a threat: stipulating the terms under which they would withhold his identity is a threat under U.S criminal codes. In the end no sane person can deny this:

After posting his apology, "HanA**holeSolo" called CNN's KFile and confirmed his identity. In the interview, "HanA**holeSolo" sounded nervous about his identity being revealed and asked to not be named out of fear for his personal safety and for the public embarrassment it would bring to him and his family.

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.
*the content before and after "because" are the stipulations, the reasons of not revealing are the apologies and promises made by Han and the end threat is the "should any of that change". It cannot be dissected any further than that, unfortunately, at least not within my capabilities.

is a threat unless their personal beliefs, bias, etc cloud their judgement so much they just don't give a damn. Which apparently includes you and you are proud of it? You find the removal and violations of a man's privacy and rights perfectly okay because his words triggered your delicate little feelings. You are of course entitled to what does or does not trigger you or upset you, but beyond your personal beliefs that he deserved it or doesn't have some right to what he was doing, the wording of the article is in fact a threat and despite saying bigoted things, his rights were horribly violated.

You are either purposely ignoring what makes a threat on paper so it better suits your values or beliefs, or you do not properly understand how the grammar and context of the article created a threat. So with that said, your argument right now shouldn't be whether or not that article contained a threat in it (which by grammar and U.S code it does) but rather whether or not they should be in trouble in any such capacity because the guy "deserved" it. That would make more sense than boldly claiming the article isn't threatening to release information based on the breaking of aforementioned stipulations when it very clearly does.

The discussion then falls on what will become of CNN of course, but we all know nothing will happen to CNN because of people who share your sentiments who condone sickening behavior like this because it is against someone you despise or think is deserving of it. The ethics of journalism will continue to fall because people and agencies like Andrew, CNN and their horrendously biased audience possessing shallow values and reasoning.

And ah, that's another reason why they will get away with it. What hopes does the little guy have in going against a billion $ empire backed by billionaires and blinded audience? They'll brush their hands clean of the dirt and blood just like they did with Sunil (competed suicide because of CNN/KFILE) and that woman from Twitter (who lost everything in her life because of CNN/KFILE).

Given the content of your posts though, this is a wasted discussion, isn't it? I don't know how else to explain it to you other than giving you direct links to the code violated and an explanation of the grammar and how it creates the threat that violated the code.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
I'd also like to point out this is not new behavior for this piece of trash. Do you all remember Sunil Tripathi? I hope so.

You misunderstand. The threat isn't in the information simply being possessed. It is in the wording of the public article. We don't know what that email or phone call contained, what we do know is in the article.

And this is how it actually happened. KFILE found several posts on reddit where he discussed sensitive information that, all together, tied back to a Facebook account (/pol/ and anonymous sources state TWC helped hand over his IP but that's just a rumor for now). With the FB account found, KFILE contacted him through email and phone first (again, confirmed by Andrew and his article!) asking him about the content of the gif and the content of his posts but did not receive a reply back.

Upon finding out KFILE had his information and found all of his content, he became afraid and embarrassed (and we know why, given the content of the article). He deleted his posts and then issued an apology on reddit (the post stood for a while before he finally deleted his account). Afterward he reached out to CNN in an interview to apologize further. CNN decided that since he showed regret and promised never to shitpost again, they would not reveal his identity but if he should go back to his old ways (should any of that change) they would release the information. They set a condition and a punishment for going against it. However you might want to look at it, this was in fact a threat/a violation of a criminal code in New York.

Once this threat was pointed out to Andrew and CNN, Andrew attempted to backtrack and confuse people (see images above again please) but before r/the_donald mods removed the posts, the information had been set in stone with dozens of screenshots, archives, tweets etc etc. Han was contacted first about the "horrible things he's done" through his FB details. Han panicked, deleted his stuff and apologized after because, as he said himself and CNN quoted him on it, he was fearful for his safety and the livelihood of his family. He then apologized again afterward directly to CNN. Again, consider Andrew's tweets.

So the actual events that happened are as prescribed above not only by me, but by their own article and the author of it, Andrew Kaczynski. In his own words he said it happened as such, before he was caught and then changed his mind about half an hour later to try and say Han decided to, all by himself, contact CNN, apologize, delete his stuff and disappear out of fear. If CNN hadn't contacted him first, why was he afraid someone got a hold of his information and would release it?

If you don't want to believe me on the seriousness of the article's threat, that's fine, but I would suggest you read the codes said to be violated and the opinions of both liberal and conservative legal analysts, lawyers and prosecutors who all agree the content of the article was clearly a threat that could even contain more violations of criminal code dependent on the redditor's actual age etc.

Words are harmless though unless they specifically contain content that isn't. He didn't incite violence. Saying something mean is not harmful. No one is responsible for how others react either. If him putting Stars of David on pictures of people is "harmful" to people, this world needs a reality check. What is harmful is someone like Linda Sarsour calling for jihad (a violent action of motion that cannot be interpreted any other way) on Trumpers, Trump and his Admin. Those are harmful, threatening words, not some distasteful, racist, bigoted jokes that neither ask or promote any kind of violence, just more idiocy and bigotry that breeds more dark humor that no sane person would actually find funny.

I guess we now just have to wait and see what happens. At the very least CNN needs to step up soon and stand in condemnation of the message the article gave, even if it was unintended, and fire the man behind it who has done this to people more than once.
That is the long version as explained by CNN but it doesn't really contradict (as far as I can tell anyways) what I suggested earlier. How the events progressed doesn't quite add up to actually make this a threat. By the author's words, the reddit guy deleted all of his stuff and published his apology as a result of merely receiving an email from CNN asking to talk with him. The CNN article was released after the guy had published his apology, deleted his information and even ask to not have his identity revealed along with swearing off trolling. What would even be the point of threatening him at this point? In a way which the world could see? This seems more like incompetence on CNN's part. One way or the other, if the guy was threatened it wasn't by the article but rather it would have happened either in the initial email which he got from cnn or when he talked to them, before the article was published.

Also worth noting, even if this was affected by the laws you describe it would create a very awkward scenario. CNN was well within it's rights to made this guy's identity public. But if the law as you describe it applies then that means CNN could have simply released the guy's identity but in turn it was never an option to talk things out with the guy because regardless of the context it could be considered a threat. To me at least that sounds weird.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
What exactly says CNN did nothing illegal? :neutral
The fact that a state attourney would have to deal with a coercion case if he is aware of it.
If noone sues CNN for that, then you can be very sure that no legal official sees it as illegal.

I explained you why CNN did nothing of what you accused it off already. CNN was very careful in their phrasing and in their action.