Recent content by Crude | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Crude

  1. Crude

    Discussion What you don't like about Hunter x Hunter - Negatives, low points, and whatnot...

    Yes, the problem isn't so much that there is a lack of great female characters, it's that they lack presence when compared to the male characters. There's also a lack of balance in terms of the amount of male and female characters in the series, with the number of male characters being vastly...
  2. Crude

    Anime Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST Fan Club

    Weren't some of the tracks used in Greed Island, as well as the last two episodes, in Phantom Rouge's soundtrack? And I'm pretty sad that they never did use this track in Greed Island (at least I don't remember ever hearing it) :(.
  3. Crude

    Favorites Character Designs - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Hunter x Hunter has throughout the years introduced us to some pretty awesome character designs, as well as some that are weird and others that are just plain ugly. In this thread we'll each share our favourite character designs, as well our least favourite. We can even discuss other things...
  4. Crude

    Discussion What you don't like about Hunter x Hunter - Negatives, low points, and whatnot...

    I think I know what you mean. Leaving a lot of things unxeplored creates a sense of wonder and mystery. This can, for example, be seen in the game Shadow of The Colossus. You, the player, know basically squat about the game's world and setting, which leaves you to figure out for yourself why the...
  5. Crude

    Anime HxH MadHouse Anime Discussion! (Use Spoilers for safety...) - Part 3

    I love how Madhouse is handling the Chimera Ant arc! It's only been two episodes, but already you can sense a foreboding and ominous atmosphere. Everything's so tense! Unfortunately though, it seems as though we've gone back to the dull colours seen in the Yorkshin Arc. Just compare Gon and...
  6. Crude

    Discussion What you don't like about Hunter x Hunter - Negatives, low points, and whatnot...

    Hunter x Hunter, like everything else in this world, is not perfect. Everything has its flaws, including our beloved series. This is all a matter of opinion of course, as there are those that are satisfied with everything in the series, but to those that aren't here is a thread were you can...
  7. Crude

    Fun Hunter x Hunter Hangout Thread [01]

    Sorry for being absent guys. Had a pretty shit week, and before that I was kind of busy, but now I've got some well-deserved free time. So expect my presence! :p
  8. Crude

    News General Anime and Drama News and Announcements

    Silver Spoon's Anime's Character Designs, More Staff Revealed
  9. Crude

    Question Will HxH ever be completed ?

    Sorry, I just had to :XD
  10. Crude

    Anime HxH MadHouse Anime Discussion! (Use Spoilers for safety...)

    What an excellent cast Madhouse has chosen to voice these new characters! And I'm loving Pufu and Yupi's expressions! The new arc is going to be wild!!
  11. Crude

    Fun Hunter x Hunter Hangout Thread [01]

    So, uh... hey guys I'm the Moderator for this section now!! You may all sigh in unison now! I hope that I'll be a good mod and also a good relationship with you guys :). Glad to be the mod for such an epice sub-forum dedicated to an epic series!! And a big, big thank you to Uriel for all he's...
  12. Crude

    Shounen Rin by Sakuishi Harold

    Re: [New] Rin by Sakuishi Harold I just love how every chapter has loads and loads of pages. Other monthly mangaka should learn a thing or two from Harold! xD
  13. Crude

    Fun Hunter Exam - Second Stage - Let's go on the Hate, bitches!

    Announcing my presence! :3c
  14. Crude

    Anime Suisei no Gargantia

    The first episode was good but I didn't find it to be anything out of the ordinary. It does seem like the kind of story that will grow bigger and more complex further along the way, so far now I'm sticking with this series. The visuals are great and I really like the character design, however, I...
  15. Crude

    Anime HxH MadHouse Anime Discussion! (Use Spoilers for safety...)

    Well that's... certainly interesting. There's nothing wrong with an artist using reference material, though a part of me wishes that Togashi had come up with Chrollo's pose on his own (I only feel that way because it's one of my favourite covers)