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Games Mafia Game 119 - Fate/Grand OMO - End Game

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The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
In my breakdown, I'll evaluate each players efforts (regardless of good, bad, or ugly) and provide some constructive criticism in hopes that they can take something away from it~

Before the specific rundown, I think something from the town side of things was the tremendous lack of pressure on those who you were suspicious of with two scums getting the win without even claiming. Genuinely unthinkable that this could've happened and a timely reminder to all to lock in more, chase facts and keep people honest on critical information like hints, claims and actions because there weren't enough direct questions being asked and not enough pressure being applied in later days.


Sakura || Prosecutor - I dug the boots in quite a bit via PM during the game after your death, but I think the gameplay criticisms should be reiterated in hopes you'll listen, learn, and grow from criticisms that have been present in this game and previous ones. As displayed in your PMs when you were alive and through how you played, there appeared to be a major lack of thought behind your actions, leading you to decide to pull the trigger on Prosecutor far too early from a game assessment. The lack of thought behind how best to use your role as well as lack of engagement before you made your decision echo criticism others have had on your play in recent games and serve as a reminder that you need to get out of your own player bubble and observe the landscape of the game before making any hasty calls, and doubly so when you have a role as important to the construction of the game as Prosecutor was here. It might be harsh to say your usage of it soured the game, but I think it's the politest way to say you need to take some time to reflect and evaluate how you make decisions in-game as well as how you play it.

Raven || Prostitute // Super Mason - I genuinely think you have a great feel for the game based on your limited outings and could grow to become a really good player, but you got in your own way this game by being too headstrong and unwilling to take a step back, listen and evaluate a bit more critically in moments like when Lambu subbed in. Take more time to analyse and regardless of suspicions, allow yourself the chance to listen to other players to be better informed of your decision making in future games. Aside from that, the tone of some of your posts come across as very pointed/heated, so I think being less forceful/blunt would also be constructive to the game not having a 'harsh' tone/vibe to it.

Demonspeed || Detective - A solid game with good deduction and some smart targeting to boot. Could potentially have pushed others further to develop the game by having others reveal, but a good game nonetheless with a few heated interactions I'd trust you wouldn't repeat in the future.

GB || Sane Apprentice - Given your unfortunate circumstances with being repeatedly blocked, it was hard for you to have an impact. It mightn't be in your style to do so, but potentially taking the reigns and being more assertive in pursuing answers from others could have been a step forward in getting town closer to a victory in light of yourself being crippled.

Misha || Naive Doctor - A victim of D1, and thus not a lot of chance to make an impact on the game. It would've been nice to see you join the deadpad and stay connected to the game that way, but hopefully next time you get a longer crack at it to play and also develop in-game skills and logic.

Asako || Naive Detective - Another early-game victim, you showed some activity early which was welcomed to see plus you had one of the nicer avatars of the game. Your N1 target given what had happened was also sound so all in all you showed some good signs of solid evaluation.

Lambu || Sane Doctor - My goodness, you didn't have a lot of time to cook but in the time you did have you quickly became the bastion of town with the best analysis, great targeting, and sound arguments that could've been game-winning if not for the incredibly poor mislynch. Always a pleasure to see this bird in full flight, and an example of the quality players should aspire to. Alongside Demon, I'd say you two were the highlights of town.

Erinyes || Necromancer - A shorter stay than you would've liked but a solid one. I think you could get on the front foot a bit more and push/pursue those you suspect a bit more to try and tease more out of them than you might have otherwise gotten. List or no list, a decent effort.

Kakoha || Paranoid Detective - What a first game! You had a really solid outing and showed some good reasoning and intuition that with time will have you grow into a great player if you stick around. You probably let yourself get led on a bit too much by others and could be a bit stronger in pushing those you suspect to get more out of them.

Jinx || Paranoid Spy // Super Mason - A decent outing but you left more to be desired from your decision making and reads. While Raven wasn't the worst to use Super Mason on, it might have been more beneficial to target another player like Demon who, at least in the limited time he'd of still been around, perhaps been able to build a stronger list of suspects to then chase around in the day. I also think you could've been a bit more pushy on those you suspected, and used your influence in the Super Mason chat to not have GB blocked that 3rd time :emocat

DD || Mafia Escort - My biggest criticism is what led to your downfall: your hint. You were very wishy-washy by only saying you had "a night role", and that was basically the act of saying 'hey guys look at me I'm suspicious'. Should've been lynched Day 1 if not for the Prosecutor blunder, but apart from instantly getting the heat on you like that you were alright.

Brando || Mafia Detective - I'm genuinely shocked at how you managed to skate by without claiming which is a mark against Town as a whole. I think your play started strong but when you pulled back Day 2, it looked a bit odd and that could've gotten you into more strife. Ultimately it didn't, but I better see a claim next game or I'm confiscating your next crate of Great Northerns 😤

Holt || Mafia Strongman - Another who made it through without claiming which was a real shock. I think you did a good job of being the head of the serpent for your team so to speak, and managed to blend in well enough to guide your team to victory so good effort.

Marmalade || Hider // Lover - A great effort to blend in as third party and ended up very close to victory. I think you being active made people question you a bit more given how sparse you typically are, but it was a welcome sight to see you being a bit more proactive where time allowed.

Belserion || Mafia Pirate // Lover - An unfortunate slip brought about what had been a great campaign to an unsuccessful end for yourself and your faction. I think it would be good to see you be more assertive and active in games as a step forward as you're often very sparse and inactive in games discussion-wise which while a generally successful strat mightn't work forever. One last factor I'd suggest is the use of alarms ahead of the end of phases so you can place crucial votelocks next time.

Shad || Sane Doctor - This might come off as harsh but I'm extremely disappointed in your behaviour and eventual request to be hostkilled which felt like the worst black mark on this game from a couple of questionable/disappointing moments. Everyone is held to the same standard in games but you acted out and forced your way out of a game you were expected to be committed to unless something genuine arose and would stop you from being able to meet the minimum requirements. Given your DMs to my co-host you could've taken his advice and had a break and then been a lot more reasonable as you had shown in PM analysis but you didn't which I find to be a slap in the face. This goes without mentioning, but your behaviour towards me and especially my co-host after being rightfully put in the hall of shame was also unacceptable and like a toddler throwing a tantrum- you're a grown man so act like it, even if your circumstances are unrelenting. People deserve to be treated with respect even if you're having difficulties with them or are frustrated with them, but you spat in his face and treated him extremely poorly, and that sort of bollocks won't ever be tolerated.


On a final note, I don't know when I'll host again this year or if I will again any time soon as I should lock in with my academic studies this year, but it'd be remiss of me to finish off without taking the time to once again thank my co-host @Copy Panda . You got me started with hosting with the Shokugeki game we did together, and then the Chainsam Pan game. I did a joint with Lambu, but then you and I ran it back for this one. Your insight, your passion, and your knowledge of the game are immeasurable and you're both a brilliant mind and a delight to get to consult and host with. I'm very thankful to call you a friend and I'm very glad that what might be a final joint for now got to return to where it all started with you being at the reigns with me. Thank you can't show my appreciation enough, but you're vitally important to this community and we're all lucky to have you here.

Also, thank you again to @Marmalade for her diligent work with the avatars. I really liked the artistic direction you took with them and I think they turned out wonderful.

Lawl Po Bia

The OMO King
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
In my breakdown, I'll evaluate each players efforts (regardless of good, bad, or ugly) and provide some constructive criticism in hopes that they can take something away from it~

Before the specific rundown, I think something from the town side of things was the tremendous lack of pressure on those who you were suspicious of with two scums getting the win without even claiming. Genuinely unthinkable that this could've happened and a timely reminder to all to lock in more, chase facts and keep people honest on critical information like hints, claims and actions because there weren't enough direct questions being asked and not enough pressure being applied in later days.


Sakura || Prosecutor - I dug the boots in quite a bit via PM during the game after your death, but I think the gameplay criticisms should be reiterated in hopes you'll listen, learn, and grow from criticisms that have been present in this game and previous ones. As displayed in your PMs when you were alive and through how you played, there appeared to be a major lack of thought behind your actions, leading you to decide to pull the trigger on Prosecutor far too early from a game assessment. The lack of thought behind how best to use your role as well as lack of engagement before you made your decision echo criticism others have had on your play in recent games and serve as a reminder that you need to get out of your own player bubble and observe the landscape of the game before making any hasty calls, and doubly so when you have a role as important to the construction of the game as Prosecutor was here. It might be harsh to say your usage of it soured the game, but I think it's the politest way to say you need to take some time to reflect and evaluate how you make decisions in-game as well as how you play it.

Raven || Prostitute // Super Mason - I genuinely think you have a great feel for the game based on your limited outings and could grow to become a really good player, but you got in your own way this game by being too headstrong and unwilling to take a step back, listen and evaluate a bit more critically in moments like when Lambu subbed in. Take more time to analyse and regardless of suspicions, allow yourself the chance to listen to other players to be better informed of your decision making in future games. Aside from that, the tone of some of your posts come across as very pointed/heated, so I think being less forceful/blunt would also be constructive to the game not having a 'harsh' tone/vibe to it.

Demonspeed || Detective - A solid game with good deduction and some smart targeting to boot. Could potentially have pushed others further to develop the game by having others reveal, but a good game nonetheless with a few heated interactions I'd trust you wouldn't repeat in the future.

GB || Sane Apprentice - Given your unfortunate circumstances with being repeatedly blocked, it was hard for you to have an impact. It mightn't be in your style to do so, but potentially taking the reigns and being more assertive in pursuing answers from others could have been a step forward in getting town closer to a victory in light of yourself being crippled.

Misha || Naive Doctor - A victim of D1, and thus not a lot of chance to make an impact on the game. It would've been nice to see you join the deadpad and stay connected to the game that way, but hopefully next time you get a longer crack at it to play and also develop in-game skills and logic.

Asako || Naive Detective - Another early-game victim, you showed some activity early which was welcomed to see plus you had one of the nicer avatars of the game. Your N1 target given what had happened was also sound so all in all you showed some good signs of solid evaluation.

Lambu || Sane Doctor - My goodness, you didn't have a lot of time to cook but in the time you did have you quickly became the bastion of town with the best analysis, great targeting, and sound arguments that could've been game-winning if not for the incredibly poor mislynch. Always a pleasure to see this bird in full flight, and an example of the quality players should aspire to. Alongside Demon, I'd say you two were the highlights of town.

Erinyes || Necromancer - A shorter stay than you would've liked but a solid one. I think you could get on the front foot a bit more and push/pursue those you suspect a bit more to try and tease more out of them than you might have otherwise gotten. List or no list, a decent effort.

Kakoha || Paranoid Detective - What a first game! You had a really solid outing and showed some good reasoning and intuition that with time will have you grow into a great player if you stick around. You probably let yourself get led on a bit too much by others and could be a bit stronger in pushing those you suspect to get more out of them.

Jinx || Paranoid Spy // Super Mason - A decent outing but you left more to be desired from your decision making and reads. While Raven wasn't the worst to use Super Mason on, it might have been more beneficial to target another player like Demon who, at least in the limited time he'd of still been around, perhaps been able to build a stronger list of suspects to then chase around in the day. I also think you could've been a bit more pushy on those you suspected, and used your influence in the Super Mason chat to not have GB blocked that 3rd time :emocat

DD || Mafia Escort - My biggest criticism is what led to your downfall: your hint. You were very wishy-washy by only saying you had "a night role", and that was basically the act of saying 'hey guys look at me I'm suspicious'. Should've been lynched Day 1 if not for the Prosecutor blunder, but apart from instantly getting the heat on you like that you were alright.

Brando || Mafia Detective - I'm genuinely shocked at how you managed to skate by without claiming which is a mark against Town as a whole. I think your play started strong but when you pulled back Day 2, it looked a bit odd and that could've gotten you into more strife. Ultimately it didn't, but I better see a claim next game or I'm confiscating your next crate of Great Northerns 😤

Holt || Mafia Strongman - Another who made it through without claiming which was a real shock. I think you did a good job of being the head of the serpent for your team so to speak, and managed to blend in well enough to guide your team to victory so good effort.

Marmalade || Hider // Lover - A great effort to blend in as third party and ended up very close to victory. I think you being active made people question you a bit more given how sparse you typically are, but it was a welcome sight to see you being a bit more proactive where time allowed.

Belserion || Mafia Pirate // Lover - An unfortunate slip brought about what had been a great campaign to an unsuccessful end for yourself and your faction. I think it would be good to see you be more assertive and active in games as a step forward as you're often very sparse and inactive in games discussion-wise which while a generally successful strat mightn't work forever. One last factor I'd suggest is the use of alarms ahead of the end of phases so you can place crucial votelocks next time.

Shad || Sane Doctor - This might come off as harsh but I'm extremely disappointed in your behaviour and eventual request to be hostkilled which felt like the worst black mark on this game from a couple of questionable/disappointing moments. Everyone is held to the same standard in games but you acted out and forced your way out of a game you were expected to be committed to unless something genuine arose and would stop you from being able to meet the minimum requirements. Given your DMs to my co-host you could've taken his advice and had a break and then been a lot more reasonable as you had shown in PM analysis but you didn't which I find to be a slap in the face. This goes without mentioning, but your behaviour towards me and especially my co-host after being rightfully put in the hall of shame was also unacceptable and like a toddler throwing a tantrum- you're a grown man so act like it, even if your circumstances are unrelenting. People deserve to be treated with respect even if you're having difficulties with them or are frustrated with them, but you spat in his face and treated him extremely poorly, and that sort of bollocks won't ever be tolerated.


On a final note, I don't know when I'll host again this year or if I will again any time soon as I should lock in with my academic studies this year, but it'd be remiss of me to finish off without taking the time to once again thank my co-host @Copy Panda . You got me started with hosting with the Shokugeki game we did together, and then the Chainsam Pan game. I did a joint with Lambu, but then you and I ran it back for this one. Your insight, your passion, and your knowledge of the game are immeasurable and you're both a brilliant mind and a delight to get to consult and host with. I'm very thankful to call you a friend and I'm very glad that what might be a final joint for now got to return to where it all started with you being at the reigns with me. Thank you can't show my appreciation enough, but you're vitally important to this community and we're all lucky to have you here.

Also, thank you again to @Marmalade for her diligent work with the avatars. I really liked the artistic direction you took with them and I think they turned out wonderful.
Assertive in what way? My only misplay was that I didn't announce after night 1 that I will go for holt again in hindsight that would most likely out him but even then I am not certain considering belserion used a bullshit reason to vote me when and town just yeah sure and I am Perma blocked anyway for being a guy I guess so it doesn't matter. You canead town all you want but they can just seat from their afk seat and just make 3 posts and call it a day, very very cool. Digitaldude is a very obvious mafia day 1 because he plays super careful that's why I voted him day 1 and day 2, belserion and brandish too, I was just 50-50 on crescent and holt only because crescent went in her fan fiction mode


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Assertive in what way? My only misplay was that I didn't announce after night 1 that I will go for holt again in hindsight that would most likely out him but even then I am not certain considering belserion used a bullshit reason to vote me when and town just yeah sure and I am Perma blocked anyway for being a guy I guess so it doesn't matter. You canead town all you want but they can just seat from their afk seat and just make 3 posts and call it a day, very very cool. Digitaldude is a very obvious mafia day 1 because he plays super careful that's why I voted him day 1 and day 2, belserion and brandish too, I was just 50-50 on crescent and holt only because crescent went in her fan fiction mode
You wasn't active this game. You used to pressure and challenge peoples claims and engage with them. You lacked influence and seemed Mafia this game.. many people in fact thought you are mafia.

Lawl Po Bia

The OMO King
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
I had a role I needed to execute and wanted to execute, I was vocal about who I think are my suspects answered I am not sure what else, I sided with lambu against bel, I wanted to kill dd for 2 days I questioned brandish and marma because she sounded fruity too it all made sense, I was not the reason this town collapsed, it started with Sakura then shad then raven if not for that trio we would have most likely won, but yeah I agree with myself I should have pointed out who I am going for night 2, very good pointer and advice ))

@council these mafia afk wins are getting a bit ridiculous, can we bump minimum post count to 10


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Sakura then shad then raven if not for that trio we would have most likely won,
cuz i blocked you 3 times? Your role is a coinflip. You could be mafia if you were insane app. Maybe thats why you were laying low, You had that possibility in mind but It doesn't change the fact that you didnt play as your prime townie games. You deffo contributed in townie losing

Lawl Po Bia

The OMO King
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
No, not really you wasted all three nights while you could have prevented kills i have contributed enough, if town would just wake up and read lambus posts. Sure I could have been insane, i guess? Was it my intention? Ofcourse not, if it was I would have used it on digital dude night 1. But it is the fact that you have completely tunneled on me for a gut feel , which is absolutely fine by the way, when you see you are hitting your head against the dead at some point you just have to take a step back and breath and read posts again, because this was just a toxic payback for when i killed you day 1 as mafia lover, which is fine I suppose. I did not play this pro mafia at all, it was just me , lambu and kakoha playing w/out tunnels. At the end of the day not every town deserves to be carried

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
omona ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ This was quite a long and laborious game for everyone involved. Thank you everyone for playing and putting in the effort ❤ It was an interesting game to host with Sam, I learnt a lot about FGO (did you know there is a "watcher" class servant that's a huge whale in the sky?) and also thank you Marms for the beautiful avatars and the plentiful omo's throughout the game to buffer between my posts

Once again congratulations mafia, DD (whose end was unfortunate), Brandi (who didn't even need to claim) and Holt (restless spirit who got restless by the end :lmao). You guys blended in by sitting 'still' but it was nice to see you guys struggle towards the end, feeling each other out about who could be the lover. On that note, the lovers came incredibly close; on the thread, the connection between Belse and Marm (Barm) was relatively understated and you were one lock away from progressing to the final day! We almost got a lover pair to win a Fate game again! And so close to Valentine's too. The blue-blood romance will flourish next time.

Also many thanks to the bird for flying in for air support. You helped us out, sure, but I think most importantly you helped drastically tone down the toxicity levels in the game as well. The game became pleasant again for a dozen or so players. It was getting out of hand so I'm glad that come D3 we could have a somewhat normal, more relaxed game. Also welcome Cacao, to MHMG, I hope you liked your first game here. It was a bit chaotic and less smooth than it is on average, but (it pains me to say) you played as good if not better than many others in here 😭

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ It started with the Prosecutor's shot on D1, which killed the Prosecutor, which in turn caused the town to lose the first vote versus Mafia. D2, a bit of a slow day, lynch DD, but didn't progress the game state by that much either. D3 poor bird is killed for the action of his infuriated predecessor. In the meantime GB is perma-blocked, so he can't be the killer, but he's still lynched D4. At this point, I believe there are already guilty results on Brandi and maybe even Bel iirc but they live. Speaking of which, Belse must have had like diplomatic immunity in town the way she walked around unbothered by anything. Lambs' results didn't get her killed, even when he flipped town, she had to do the deed by herself by the end.

The town did not play well, and the primary reason for that is I think the towns not being inquisitive enough about each other. Not enough hard questions are being asked, not enough pressure is put on each other. Bel and Brandi had results on them, Brandi didn't even claim, but he strolled past the finish line because he went unchallenged. That's too bad, especially because many of the town players have demonstrated at times to be offensive, taking the lead, and prying into matters. Hopefully, this spirit can be rekindled again in the future 😤

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ As for the mechanic, I hope you guys liked it. Sam laid out some guidelines he'd have liked to include in the game. Honestly, I am not very familiar with FGO beyond surface-level information (did you know there's a class called "foreigner"?), so I ended up sticking to the classics. I did end up learning a lot about FGO, but I don't think I can get into the gameplay with that kind of UI.

Many players guessed that beyond a core few sane roles, the bastard roles were around to help trigger the mechanic. I wanted all players to experience one or two powers and provide tools that scaled well from early to late game. The idea started with the Caster power ('casting' a vote lol), and I quickly added Saber's doc power (Avalon) and Archer det power (Boom) to that roster. I put in the pro-mafia power of Assassin to give them a little utility in creating cover for themselves (through Illusion -> Mafia Boss) as well as a tool to kill the lover should they find them at the right time. I added Rider so that the most invested player could gain a comparative advantage in information (I figured that the highest-posting player would like a perk based on their activity). I thought it would be prudent to put in an ability that gives frequently targeted players a chance to fight back through Lancer (which starts activating as soon as many NP's come into play). Berserker (which was hard to trigger, and only triggered once by permablocked GB) I had a few ideas about, but ultimately I settled on BK-Banshee because it's spicy and also made me omo. It was rather simple at heart.

Technically on paper, #BKwasbroughtback2k24, even if it wasn't used. Overall, I'm not unhappy with the mechanic, I think it was balanced with the role list, it put versatile powers in the hands of players to be used at opportune moments and kept gameplay spicy. It was easy to miss a counter here and there though (see N4), but fortunately most mistakes were prevented and a few were solved hopefully painlessly. With a few changes and improvements to the mechanic and role list alike I think could be interesting for a re-run.

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ Lastly, I would like to thank everyone again for participating. I love the silly game we play and all the silly players that play it. Unfortunately, a few bad eggs crack here and there, whose way comes at the expense of others. In the future, I will be more vigilant when deciding who plays (and who shouldn't) in games I host, so that the greatest amount of players can enjoy the games at their best, without too much discomfort. After all, everyone puts in a lot of time, effort and emotion participating, so at the very least, we should remain respectful to each other. You guys know me, I love salt and spice, but there are definite limits. I look forward to the next time we come together again ✨ (did you know there are not just magical outer-world beings but actual aliens in Fate?)


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
No, not really you wasted all three nights while you could have prevented kills i have contributed enough, if town would just wake up and read lambus posts. Sure I could have been insane, i guess? Was it my intention? Ofcourse not, if it was I would have used it on digital dude night 1. But it is the fact that you have completely tunneled on me for a gut feel , which is absolutely fine by the way, when you see you are hitting your head against the dead at some point you just have to take a step back and breath and read posts again, because this was just a toxic payback for when i killed you day 1 as mafia lover, which is fine I suppose. I did not play this pro mafia at all, it was just me , lambu and kakoha playing w/out tunnels. At the end of the day not every town deserves to be carried
I don't know you if you will believe me but it wasn't a payback. Its just how i play.


Worry not I will carry you next time.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Also extra love to my lover @Raven
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Love to @Shad, I didn’t mean in that one post I was ignoring you ignoring you, I was ignoring the convo in general because it was triggering my anxiety. And there’s been a couple games where I was town and got super wanting to just leave the game so if something triggers my anxiety I just have come to the thing that I just ignore it like it’s not there. And I can keep my cocaine infused play stayle (description according :kappa Hardy)
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Love to @Lambu for subbing. You had it hard.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

:nrr Prostitute x Apprentice
Sorry didnt see the tag. Love you too. :redface

You did your best jinx chan.

Lawl Po Bia

The OMO King
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know you if you will believe me but it wasn't a payback. Its just how i play.


Worry not I will carry you next time.
I actually highly disagree, do not sell yourself so short , I have seen your town play before and it was nothing like that, from my pov of view I was your only goal to get rid of since like my first post day 2 but you have to agree, no offence, that blocking me for three nights makes no sense in this set up because i at that point i am vocal against both digital and belserion and brandish, especially after Lambu's death that was just defenetely not a payback but a missplay on purpose just to not let me play, because you knew full well I was townie at that point. it is what it is, it's a game - some decide to have fun in expense of other 30 people, some find a way in a busy schedule to sub in for people who had no business singin up, some think three posts is good enough and the game can play on auto- pilot. I want to give my final thoughts i really liked how @Kakoha played well done for the first time and very nice almost save the situation from @Lambu also big thaks hosts for undertaking this game and thanks for your time @Copy Panda @SirSamuel016

Until next time


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
Congrats mafia-chans! ✨ And of course thanks @Copy Panda and @SirSamuel016 for hosting this game 😊 It's not always easy to host a game, but you guys did it anyway. Unfortunately I wasn't able to bribe you for a win, I will not forget that, I wonder what it will take 😤
Thank you @Belserion for being my cute blue-lover this game, I had fun with you and you're a lovely partner to have around. Always feel like you're a spicy player, dangerous if in a different team so having you on my side was the best outcome. We were almost there! Couldn't have done that without you!

I do want to make a comment on the recent negativity the past few games. I understand MG is a game where emotions run high at times, it can be stressful, it can be incredibly frustrating. It happens to all of us at times I think, perhaps magnified when there is an IRL situation that also brings stress into your life. What I do think is important to remember all the players are human beings too, let's not insult or deliberately hurt other players because of this.

Let's treat others how you want to be treated too. Not every thought needs to be said, especially if this is one that hurts the other person.
If you feel like the game is getting to you, take a deep breath, and count to ten. Take a little break. Go for a walk, have a drink, a cigarette, hug your pet. Do something to calm yourself down a bit instead of taking it out on those around you. That's not beneficial to you, the players around you, nor the game itself.
If the hosts ask you to calm down and take a step back, please listen to that request. They just want everyone to have an enjoyable game. And I think we can agree we all want that, right? I'd like to think we're a friendly community, and the only way to preserve and nurture this is by mutually respecting each other 🌻


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
I actually highly disagree, do not sell yourself so short , I have seen your town play before and it was nothing like that, from my pov of view I was your only goal to get rid of since like my first post day 2 but you have to agree, no offence, that blocking me for three nights makes no sense in this set up because i at that point i am vocal against both digital and belserion and brandish, especially after Lambu's death that was just defenetely not a payback but a missplay on purpose just to not let me play, because you knew full well I was townie at that point. it is what it is, it's a game - some decide to have fun in expense of other 30 people, some find a way in a busy schedule to sub in for people who had no business singin up, some think three posts is good enough and the game can play on auto- pilot. I want to give my final thoughts i really liked how @Kakoha played well done for the first time and very nice almost save the situation from @Lambu also big thaks hosts for undertaking this game and thanks for your time @Copy Panda @SirSamuel016

Until next time
Sure i had nice moments but i also stopped playing for long time. I want you to remember that we played together after that game, We both were mafia and i didn't ruin the game for you like you did me twice btw. Why you would think i will retaliate after all this time? Maybe its just bad playing by me. Regardless, You can believe what you want.

@Belserion I want to know how it feels to be lover with Mafia, Did they doubt you in night pad at all? I didnt see you try to throw them under the bus. So i wonder what was the plan with Marma.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Feb 10, 2019
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So, it been made clear to me that I was heavily misinformed about the sub rules, how being subbed is in itself a valid HK reason.

Knowing the rule exist, I can respect it application, since I know for a fact the council cares about safe guarding of the game and that the rules were added for that purpose.

With that in mind, a lot of the hosts behaviors makes more sense now, and I wish this was told to me immediately instead of getting lost in discussions about the specific circumstances of my own case.

Until told, I was seeing hosts as motivated by personal vendetta against me, and were taking arbitrary decisions so I went into defensive mode.

Even tho hosts treated me poorly after the HK, knowing they had valid reasons to be upset, is a mitigating factor.

Tho I made sure the sub was smooth and it was motivated by real reasons and the sub itself is an experimental feature, and my extensive experience playing for 2 years has giving me wrong confidence about my understanding of the rule from seeing subs in previous games.

Tho I don't understand why sam is upset it happened, I can acknowledge that my lack of understanding doesn't itself make sam wrong to feel that way, especially that other council member did seem upset about the usage of sub in my discussions with them.

With that in mind, I no longer believe my god given rights are being trampled, and that this is some conspiracy that needs to exposed.

With that, I'm pretty over it and the HK drama is officially over.

- I was also informed that it is possible to HK based only on behavior reasons, tho that isn't the case this time.

- I've never claimed not being in the wrong about how I got to the point where I needed to be subbed out of my own lack of planning.

- All this could have been communicated better, took a lot of effort to get to the info.

- There is a lot of things to be upset about this game and generally these past few games, similar to how others were upset by me, but this aren't issues I feel strongly about like the issue I'm addressing here, and I do have the option to simply not play if I don't think it enjoyable, hopefully these are addressed, ignoring issues doesn't make them go away.

Some things I don't think should be in game:
- Get yourself subbed (@Demonspeed)
- You are an immature brat (@Demonspeed)
- intervening in a discussion between 2 players to tell one of them his issues aren't real (@Demonspeed I shouldn't have talked about my irl issues in game, tho you also shouldn't comment on that post, I was talking to brandish who I consider an out of game friend, which is why i answered his question truthfully)
- I'm just a tourist, will vote the last person that won that I can bully (@Erinyes @Brandish μ good luck tanking erinyes, she been on me for 10 games)
- I use persecutor on player not in the game (@Baka Taichou)

Thanks to all the people that communicated with me in private, I understood something from each one of you.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
I'm just a tourist, will vote the last person that won that I can bully (@Erinyes @Brandish μ good luck tanking erinyes, she been on me for 10 games)
Thats untrue, Shad, its actually the other way, you re on my back every single game, If I voted you it was due to your vote saving a mafia at crucial moment before end f the day, your N1 target (Raven) and your claim and i said it, And even after your HK i kept the vote on Lambu. If you had calmly discussed things in game instead of accusing me of "joining the game to bully you," which is grotesque and unnecessary, we might have understood each other. The problem is your difficulty dealing with people who vote for you (which is a fundamental point in the game). You seem to have anger management issues, (which is fine imo) but you keep treating me the same way in every game instead of having a reasonable conversation. You interpret a game decision based on gameplay factors as a personal attack, but that's not the case. Seriously, Shad, I don't hold grudges against anyone in this game or any other, it's just a game in the end, I'm here to have fun. You can ask @james, with whom I had once the worst game experience. I've never been hateful or resentful to anyone. Stop thinking you're a victim of Evil Erin, it becomes hurtful at some point


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
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Seriously if someone think that Erinyes chan is a bully then they need to get slapped to wake up and face reality.

Erinyes chan is the cutest person who walk this earth. I never saw Erinyes tunneling or bullying anyone in this game.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Can we move on already?

Some things I don't think should be in game:
- Get yourself subbed (@Demonspeed)
- You are an immature brat (@Demonspeed)
- intervening in a discussion between 2 players to tell one of them his issues aren't real (@Demonspeed I shouldn't have talked about my irl issues in game, tho you also shouldn't comment on that post, I was talking to brandish who I consider an out of game friend, which is why i answered his question truthfully)
- I'm just a tourist, will vote the last person that won that I can bully (@Erinyes @Brandish μ good luck tanking erinyes, she been on me for 10 games)
- I use persecutor on player not in the game (@Baka Taichou)

Thanks to all the people that communicated with me in private, I understood something from each one of you.
I already know what I did wrong. But I am not going to ignore discussion between players just because you mentioned IRL issues. That's how the game works. There are PMs for this. As you said you shouldn't have done this in the first place.
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