Shounen - World Trigger | MangaHelpers

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Shounen World Trigger

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Earth is under constant threat from Neighbors, invincible monsters from another dimension that destroy our way of life. At least we have the elite warriors of Border, who co-opt alien technology to fight back! Our hero Osamu Mikumo may not be the best agent, but he'll do whatever it takes to defend life on Earth as we know it. When Osamu meets a feisty humanoid Neighbor named Yuma, everything that he thinks is right is turned on its head. Can the two natural enemies ever become friends?

(Source: mangaplus)
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James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Alright, I figured after WT finally came back and that its long long long Tournament arc finally came to a satisfied end, it would be high end to bring back a World Trigger thread. I remember this series having one but sadly it just disappeared a couple years ago with all its 50+ something pages.

So just as a new chapter of Osamu, Yuuma and Chika will open so will a new WT threat to discuss stuff in it!

Like why do you like WT?
Who is your fav character?
Are you excited for its next Anime season?
How did you survive the 2 year long hiatus, did you stay a WT fan during it or did the passion flame return with the end of the hiatus?
What do you hope will happen in the next big arc in WT?

And ofc the newest Chapter disusssion, in this case chapter 194 and 195:

Ch.194 shows why I would love for a "sports" manga to be like WT B-rank tournament! A simple power system, a nuanced weapon system, tricks and plans and schemes and strategies, people fighting each other with their skill not broken abilities that counter other broken abilities, REAL TEAMWORK, a point system, the possibility to draw by not fighting, cut off limbs and heads without killing the characters (yes, this is actually good and not "boring", the stakes aren't life but points instead) a rank system, lots and lots of interesting, fun, lovely characters.
Seriously, a sport series about this with like a Computer Moba would be awesome! Either have straight 5vs5 matches or death matches or King of the hill or Flag matches or matches like this with many uneven teams in changing environments where actually terrain matters. If done well like in WT I could see that becoming a success.
In any case, back to 194: Ninomiya squad just standing there going full def was probably surprising for many readers considering their fire and combat power but with the explanation of looking out for Chika and not knowing what she is capable of it all makes sense. You can go only so far full attack when you are up against a potential deadly loli Trion power house.
Ouji's nicknames are so random, lol.
I loved Yuuma being all "Osamu will beat you" in Ninomiya's face when he was dissing his team having nothing to take them down. Man, that twitch on Ninomiya. He mad. xD
Same when Yuuma said that it was a ridiculous lie that Osamu possess no danger. He trusts his best bro so much! <3
But then Ninomiya squad took the simultaneous attack of all three like a champ, losing only one already busted arm.
And then it ends with Ninomiya sending his two members after Chika and him facing Osamu and Yuuma on his own.
Or is he?

Ch.195 is just BALLAS, GUYS!!!
But I am getting ahead of myself! XD
Konami being all "pleasepleasepleasewin" praying was so cute. She is such a not biased commentator. <3
Ah! I just love those tiny details in WT like Tsuji picking that roof tile to prepare for a possible lead bullet shot from Chika while he turns 180° and goes after Osamu for the "easy kill". Pffff! Easy?! I mean, sure he is a Trionlet and still an amateur considering fighting and he is at best decent at strategy but do not underrestimate Osamu's endurance and will to win nor his readiness to use anything to win! Even his own weakness~
Just as Tsuji was about to strike Osamu down and Konami was about to lose her marbles we got a GLORIOUS DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD of Chika firing an Ibis shot at Tsuji, shattering the glass of the window she was hiding behind, a beautiful metaphor of her breaking out of her own cage of not being able to shot people at her own will, Tsuji goes all "Heh! Got a roof tile, here, babe, you got nothing on m-KRAWOOOOOOOOOOOOM". Chika's REAL bullet not a LEAD one, goes straight through his roof tile, pierces his shield like it is paper and blows him up as if he were a balloon getting busted by a needle!
Osamu takes the chance when Ninomiya is all shocked that his superduber masterplan of looking all cool and chunni while being stylish af and strong as OP is suddenly going up in a trion nuclear EXPLOSION! Okay, maybe it wasn't like that but still. Osamu took a shot at Ninomiya and the guy just sidesteps out of the way................................. massive disappointment, shock, heart broken, all is lost, Ninomiya gonna wipe the floor with them, first Kuga, then Osamu and then Chika gonna get her deserts. Everyone thought so, the audience, the commentators (Love Konami's AH! there, she is so involved in this team XD) and ofc we readers thought the same. Everyone wished for Osamu the hard-worker, the nothing-haver, the C-class who somehow ended up in B-class by accident, to finally have a real success to his name but alas it shall not happen today, again, as so often in past battles.
Nobody saw that coming and I mean NOBODY when I say nobody! Everyone had their money on Chika being the one to kill Ninomiya or ending all three in a city-wiping-out-shot or Hyuse but he got dusted at the start of the match so that went outta the window, but really no one expected Osamu to use Hound instead of Asteroid!
Good was that good!
And the real awesome thing? THIS WAS HINTED AGES AGO! Back then when Osamu was talking to their Operator about using new triggers and her saying that his Trion amount won't allow that and there we see stuff like Raygust or Asteroid triggers exchanged back then everyone thought like that Osamu would take out his bail-out function as that eats most trion even if that is illegeal or something like that. Hoh boy where we wrong!
Also remember the restaurant scene where they talk to Ninomiya squad? There they said that they noticed Hyuse "asteroid "shots" not packing as much punch as they should be, meaning veterans can tell when a strong opponent is not using asteroid and can keep that in mind. And that makes sense as Asteroid focus on power whereas Viper, Hyuse's trump card, focuses on manipulation. However, NO ONE not even the commentators noticed that Osamu's asteroid shots were weaker than usual and that is because they are already so weak that you cannot tel the DIFFERENCE!!! HAHAHA! Now that's what I call using a weakness for your advantage. XDDD
You can even SEE that Osamu is using a different trigger now than in other matches. In other matches with Asteroid he had 9x9 Trion cube to fire, in this chapter it was a 2x2 one (like so many readers on /a/ mocked Osamu for this tiny cube, but it was all part of his keikaku!)! That is because hound uses so much on seeking locked enemy targets that the numbers and power is reduced, Osamu just never triggered that option when he fired shots in this battle, leaving Ninomiya and co in ignorance of his true shooting ability thus letting down their guard believing they can just sidestep a straight shot AND THEN GOT HIT LIKE A NOOB!!!
Just look at the damage Osamu did to an unguarded full-offensive Ninomiya! Dude's body was breaking! He had only a minute left at best! With a shield Ninomiya might have been able to save himself but because he thought Yuuma was the real danger and Osamu just a little flea he wouldn't need to worry about this newbie.
Boy, was he wrong!
Commentators and Audience lose their marbles, readers are crying tears of happiness before their Computers and somewhere in Japan Ashihara is scratching his hurting neck, wondering how the readers liked the twist he hinted at yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago~
I love how Ashihara was able to explain this little trick with just one page and a single flashback panel, even the fastest speed reader would get that. Yuuma finishing Ninomiya off is just for insurance because even a broken Ninomiya is still dangerous. So it wasn't a kill steal, Osamu is still MVP of the match!
Poor Chika was totally mental exhausted from blowing somebody to pieces. She did good though. Real good. Inukai's praise was well placed, as were his shots when he killed the Loli.
Ninomiya then gave his last team member in play the order to retreat, giving the game to Tamakoma-2!!!
Love how Konami is the one going wild the most at the result. And Yuuma doing a celebrating roll on the floor while Osamu just stands there like "sweatdrops". XDDD
With that I think they are first place even.
Man, the next B-rank Captain meeting gonna be awesome with sweaty Osamu sitting there while all other B-team Captains stare at him and his sweatdrops intensifies. XD
And with that the monthly WT update ends and with that a long long journey of the B-rank tournament that started YEARS ago in ch.86, more than 100 chapters ago.

Not only is this an important tournament where the pride and ambition of each team is on the line as the result defies your rank among your peers but for Osamu and co it was double important to win to be able to take part in the Neighborhood rescue mission. And they did it! And they came such a long way!

Basically this chapter had
>no asspulls
>no last minute power ups
>no power of love/friendship saving the day
>underdog stays the underdog until the very end
>didn't go for an anticlimax and played it straight
It was truly perfect.

And Japan thinks the same given how last week this Arc final was trending on Japan Twitter! <3
Even after the Hiatus Ashihara never lost his loyal fanbase there and the sales even grew after the hiatus ended. Truly amazing.

Lol, just perfect.

Also considering the Corona Crisis and Ashihara's already brittle health:

And thus ends my first WT only comment in a long long time in this forum. Feels good, man~ <3


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2019
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United States
Between the Rank wars finally ending and the new anime season, it's a pretty great time to be a World Trigger fan. I wonder if we'll get these last chapters animated in the new anime, that'd be hype as hell.

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Between the Rank wars finally ending and the new anime season, it's a pretty great time to be a World Trigger fan. I wonder if we'll get these last chapters animated in the new anime, that'd be hype as hell.
I can't wait for the Katori salt mine episode. <3


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 21, 2018
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United States
I can't wait for the Katori salt mine episode. <3
Watching that episode will be absolutely amazing, I can't wait either.
Now for the questions:
Like why do you like WT?
The extremely well thought out, tactical, and tense battles, the very tightly written power system, the huge, yet very diverse and unique cast of characters, the intriguing world of the neighborhood... I could keep going on.

Who is your fav character?
Definitely Osamu, he's just very different in how hard he tries, how weak he is, and how we have just been watching him grow and grow as the series goes on, despite his failures. He's even willing to sacrifice himself for his much more powerful comrades, which just makes him more lovable.

Are you excited for its next Anime season?
I never watched the first season, but I plan on watching it sometime before the second season airs, so I guess I'm excited.

How did you survive the 2 year long hiatus, did you stay a WT fan during it or did the passion flame return with the end of the hiatus?
I..I waited for World Trigger to come back. I stayed a passionate fan throughout the hiatus whenever I could.

What do you hope will happen in the next big arc in WT?
Me and some other users in the World Trigger discord have been talking about a potential second aftokrator or galopoula invasion arc starting now that the rank wars have ended. Although if we do just jump straight to the expedition arc I hope we get to see some of the other planets besides just Aftokrator, as well as being able to see Yuma's black trigger in action again.

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Rereading WT, I noticed this:

I always overlooked at in the background it was not Hyuse standing around but somebody else. The hair color and horns don't fit his but for some reason I always thought it was Hyuse. Maybe a relative of Moira (who looks great with long hair)? Maybe we will see him again now that Hyuse was abandoned and Enedora became Enedorad, lol? xD
After all, we are finally on our way to see the Neighborhood trip!!! <3
Next year probably, given we still need to have the analyze, the B captain meeting and ofc Galo trying to stop Meeden from going after Afto.
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Lol, another thing I noticed:

If you look at the cover of volume 17 you see that the cover spoils the result of the battle next to the holster of Katori. There is a shard that shows the phone of Ninomiya with the end result of the Tamakoma 2 vs Kanzaki vs Katori battle. XD

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We got some character models for the new season guys!

I love how Ikoma is the only one looking directly at us! XD
Also Yuba being there means we will go all the way, bois! All the way to the tournament final!!! <3
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And in case you guys want a tiny spoiler for next chapter what we get besides the praise for Tamakoma-2:

Seems we also get the result/recap for the middle fight between Suwa, Katori and Nasu. Since this is Akane's last B-rank match and their team is ranked 12th currently, maybe it is her time to shine? Or it could be katori getting enough points to get backl to Top B teams before the season ends. Or maybe Suwa surprises all and everyone and gets into Top ranked teams for the first time ever?
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My thoughts regarding this chapter:

Bit sad Osamu didn't got as much praise as I hoped he would but the explanation made sense how close Osamu got to get btfo the match without having done much, but thanks to Chika taking the decision to shot Tsuji for real she saved him and his trick. Same with Hyuse making the gamble on covering Osamu's hound after realizing there was no hope for him. And ofc Ninomiya's tactical decision to deal with Yuuma/Osamu with a feint and not with OP three man squad like they usually do.
Still the tricks explained were awesome! Like Yuuma's curved blade was such a simple trick if you think about it, making a thin scorpion rail for the propellor to change course on, but during the battle you wouldn't think of it, similar with how Osamu has been using Hound bullets the whole time, even shown visually, but yet we never noticed! Or how insane Hyuse's dodge to Ikoma's surprise through the house slash was. I liked that they basically made a recap instead of who did what good or bad, basically it is the last match, the next B rank tournament is away for a while, no need to ride on the obvious now, especially with the top teams who must have heard the commentaries regarding their "play style" dozens of times.
Also a bit sad that Osamu's team didn't made first place because imagine Osamu sitting in the first rank B-rank captain chair in the B-rank captain meeting after the Tournament. XDDD
But wow, if I see this right we got 5 or 6 30 points team (if Nasu has 30 and not 29 or lower). I think Yuba will drop out of top teams for sure. For them to stay there they would need Suwa and Katori to gain no points and if Nasu were to gain all points, then even with 27 points she would get above 30 for sure, So the team that wins this match is Top team almost most certainly if my math ain't wrong and we don't have too many bail-outs to prevent points gained by opponent teams.
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Pardon me, i got it wrong: Yuba is 6th currently so as long as only one team gains 31+ points they stick to Top but the moment two teams get 31+ points they drop to mid tier.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 21, 2018
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United States
Rereading WT, I noticed this:

I always overlooked at in the background it was not Hyuse standing around but somebody else. The hair color and horns don't fit his but for some reason I always thought it was Hyuse. Maybe a relative of Moira (who looks great with long hair)? Maybe we will see him again now that Hyuse was abandoned and Enedora became Enedorad, lol? xD
After all, we are finally on our way to see the Neighborhood trip!!! <3
Next year probably, given we still need to have the analyze, the B captain meeting and ofc Galo trying to stop Meeden from going after Afto.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Lol, another thing I noticed:

If you look at the cover of volume 17 you see that the cover spoils the result of the battle next to the holster of Katori. There is a shard that shows the phone of Ninomiya with the end result of the Tamakoma 2 vs Kanzaki vs Katori battle. XD

--- Double Post Merged, ---

We got some character models for the new season guys!

I love how Ikoma is the only one looking directly at us! XD
Also Yuba being there means we will go all the way, bois! All the way to the tournament final!!! <3
--- Double Post Merged, ---

And in case you guys want a tiny spoiler for next chapter what we get besides the praise for Tamakoma-2:

Seems we also get the result/recap for the middle fight between Suwa, Katori and Nasu. Since this is Akane's last B-rank match and their team is ranked 12th currently, maybe it is her time to shine? Or it could be katori getting enough points to get backl to Top B teams before the season ends. Or maybe Suwa surprises all and everyone and gets into Top ranked teams for the first time ever?
--- Double Post Merged, ---


My thoughts regarding this chapter:

Bit sad Osamu didn't got as much praise as I hoped he would but the explanation made sense how close Osamu got to get btfo the match without having done much, but thanks to Chika taking the decision to shot Tsuji for real she saved him and his trick. Same with Hyuse making the gamble on covering Osamu's hound after realizing there was no hope for him. And ofc Ninomiya's tactical decision to deal with Yuuma/Osamu with a feint and not with OP three man squad like they usually do.
Still the tricks explained were awesome! Like Yuuma's curved blade was such a simple trick if you think about it, making a thin scorpion rail for the propellor to change course on, but during the battle you wouldn't think of it, similar with how Osamu has been using Hound bullets the whole time, even shown visually, but yet we never noticed! Or how insane Hyuse's dodge to Ikoma's surprise through the house slash was. I liked that they basically made a recap instead of who did what good or bad, basically it is the last match, the next B rank tournament is away for a while, no need to ride on the obvious now, especially with the top teams who must have heard the commentaries regarding their "play style" dozens of times.
Also a bit sad that Osamu's team didn't made first place because imagine Osamu sitting in the first rank B-rank captain chair in the B-rank captain meeting after the Tournament. XDDD
But wow, if I see this right we got 5 or 6 30 points team (if Nasu has 30 and not 29 or lower). I think Yuba will drop out of top teams for sure. For them to stay there they would need Suwa and Katori to gain no points and if Nasu were to gain all points, then even with 27 points she would get above 30 for sure, So the team that wins this match is Top team almost most certainly if my math ain't wrong and we don't have too many bail-outs to prevent points gained by opponent teams.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Pardon me, i got it wrong: Yuba is 6th currently so as long as only one team gains 31+ points they stick to Top but the moment two teams get 31+ points they drop to mid tier.
After knowing that Yuba squad was usually considered the "high tier B-ranks we didn't know" for such a long time, the idea of them dropping to mid-B feels kind of weird. Also, I liked this months chapter, it was quite chill, to help diffuse the hype from the last 2 chapters, but it made the last victory feel even more hard earned, which I quite like. Also the fist bumps were cute.

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Yeah but they were high tier with Kanda. The commentators already mentioned it during the match that "ah, this is such a Kanda moment where he would sweep around, keeping the coast clear for Yuba" and stuff like that. They went from a 4 to a 3 member strong team, other way than Tamakoma-2.

And yeah, the fist bumps were great, real partner and respect feel there. <3

What is your bet which one of the three teams will make it to Top Tier or will it even be more than one @Tymano ?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Good news! Despite its long hiatus and being a monthly Manga now, WT was voted into the Top50 Manga series by the Japanese fans in 43th position!
--- Double Post Merged, ---

So, I got some nice crop of the picture of Old Border with all the names of its member that Osamu found in the old room of Kido (that Kido never took the picture with him tells a lot how much the loss of those people must have hurt him):

Given how Jin got his cool glasses from Mogami we might get a flashback to him being his pupil or how he got those glasses and his BT back then when they helped their allied neighbor nation's defense against an Invader. I have a feeling that Invader back then was not Aftokrator but a different nation.
As for the BT Amon is using right now, I assume the man next to Mogami Umesaki might have been the one who gave his life to become a BT. And given Kujo left Border after that time I believe she was an Operator but her entire team died in that mission. I bet it broke her, as no doubt she had to listen to the death screams and dying breaths of her friends and comrades, maybe even so far she asked to have her memory wiped to become a normal citizen once again. I wonder if she still lives in Mikado City or not and if we will see her later in the story... Or if we will enter that one allied Nation Border lost ten of their own to protect but didn't helped when Meeden was under attack during their journey to Aftokrator. Maybe Kronin is even from that world and is now with Border on Meeden for whatever reason. A Neighbor Trigger Engineer like him should be highly regarded in any nation so it is surprising he left his own birth country to be with Meeden.
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Man, anime shots aren't looking half-bad but I know I shouldn't get my hopes up for a Toei anime:

WT Twitter
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Just a warning, WTbros&gals: Ashihara got sick so the chapter next week will be more of a draft than a finished chapter!

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New chapter is out!
I liked how Ashihara offered his rare CP to give Nasu squad a colored farewell for their very last match as a team. This guy is such a softie for his characters. <3
Seems like Suwa is in control of this match but Nasu is giving them all hell with her Viper, sniper feints and Meteor traps. Katori left Rokuro in charge for this match so they are far more careful than usual but it didn't helped as now Katori is on her own up against 4 agents and with her having 27 points she gonna need the survival points if she wants to get past the 30 points of Yuba squad (which they don't know about but they know about Suzunari's 30 points). Chapter ends with her using the wire trigger, it will be interesting to see what she intends to do with it and how it gonna help her vs 2 2-teams left on the battlefield.
I for one hope she can get a lot of points and get to top tier using that trigger.
Also with Nasu and Suwa having 28 points and Katori 27 as well as with 5 agents left (aka 4 points with at least one agent surviving) in the match and 2 survial points on the ride there is still a chance for Yuba squad to fall if Nasu and Suwa get 3 points each. If Katori manages to get 4 points then Yuba would stay in top tier due their high ranking at the start of the tournament.
I think this might go for 2-3 more chapters before this final mid-tier match finishes.

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Seen the raw for tomorrow's ch. 198 and 199 and it gonna be ballas!!! I REALLY wanna see Katori on the Away team now! <3
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Katori was badass! Getting 4 (thus 6) points all on her own was too much of a challenge but she took down Suwa and Nasu in STYLE! The knee-socrpion was awesome as was the offensive spider moves targeting the legs. But even the defeated were still going strong with Suwa freeing Tsutsumi and Nasu firing her bullets on Tsutsumi before defeat meaning she made the swift decision to expect Katori to be defeated by Tsutsumi, damn! I really liked how both Tsutsumi and Hiura were the last ones standing in the last match of the season. Not captains, not aces but averages Joes doing hard honest work. Hiura finishing her last match with the one kill that earns her team the one point to get into 7th place above all the 30s, that was really sweet. No wonder she cried. What a way to leave her team. *sniff*
I hope Katori gets send on the away mission, she has the skills and now motivation and determination to be really good. Like even after her defeat she didn't threw a Tandrum, she accepted it and moved on. Girl has grown up a lot since her defeat against Tamakoma.

And again the tiny details like the tiny arrow cubes in the panel below Katori's legs when she pressures on Nasu! Love it when I see those moments in the panels. <3
Tsutsumi's fake out with the left shotgun and Hiura aiming for the guts were also nice moments! Love it when even side characters have their moment of glory! <3

Those SoL chapters of WT are really good. I like how you can see that being an Agent is just an option, a job for most Agents in Border. Either you leave due your parents decision or do your own to get a job as an engineer somewhere else. Those moments are needed and it is good that Ashihara gives so many pages to the lives, strives and goals of the side characters and not just the main ones.
Like seeing Kanda for just one chapter yet the way all the characters act and due the way they had spoken of him before (and how he did actually act lol) it didn't felt weird or out of place. You had all the former Yuba and current Yuba squad members saying good-bye to one of their teammates on their way to a civil live. That also is sweet. Like look at Kanda, the detail with his hair and his eyebrows, he looks cool, not like a character you will never see again! That is a super care from Ashihra to a character who is basically a side character to the side characters. Same with Obishima crying when hearing the same words from Kanda she had heard from Yuuma when she died in the match. Giving a side character such frustration when it is most likely we will never have a 2nd B-rank tournament in the future is very nice for her characterization. Most mangakas would have cut all those pages and put the focus on the main guys and their main rivals as those matter for the next arc. Ashihara on the other hand gives all his side characters a warm pat on their shoulders/heads and that feels very nice as a reader to read.
Same with the farewell of Hiura like seeing her mom apologize or having the small info drop about Sayo not being able to deal well with guys so Nasu's cousin and Hirua's mentor decided to not be there to say good-bye or the mention of the sniper gathering. All that gives those characters purpose and meaning which is good, albeit to know about the Sayo stuff you had to read the bio of Nasu's team, lol.^^
Hiura nominating Izuho was such a "I CALLED IT!" moment and I bet a lot of us hoped this would happen! XD
Now I want to see the next B-rank tournament even more! Which we never will! >.<
As for the person Osamu and Yuuma have to see my guess would be Kiriyama as he is the only person of the trio who formed HQ after the fall out with Old Border we have yet to see.

What were your thoughts on this arc finally ending after so many MANY years? I was a bit nostalgic tbh, not gonna lie. Feels ages ago when the B-rank tournament started and we only had names but no faces and people to connect to most of the future opponents of Osamu and friends. And some like the Solo Yolo Agent never got shown (hope he gets shown in the Captain meeting which I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wanna see happening! I wanna see Osamu as 2nd B rank Captain facing all the Captains he defeated or was defeated by while sitting next to Ninomiya which he btfo in the last match! XD).
LIke this was a really big arc of WT in its 199 chapter long story. And it was a really good and important one in my opinion as well. And even though it was so long I gonna miss it, lol, just a bit. But I am really exciting to see the next arc coming - the trip to the neighborhood! <3

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Hoh boy! Ashiahra nonchalant drops a huge lore bomb on us!
The Introduction of Yotaro's big sister Ruka (hot! cute! beautiful!)!
The reveal of the two being royals of a lost neighborhood nation!
The names of the three former Border allies - Aristera, Meson, Dexia!
BORDER HAS ITS OWN FREAKING MOTHERTRIGGER FROM ARISTERA!!!!!! (this explains so much for how Border got all the trion to build all their stuff!)
Rindo and Jin meet the Galo agents to make a deal to not attack the civilians and hand over critical information about future invaders while in return delay the ship start by 50 days (which they would have done anyway, meaning we hopefully get that B captain meeting I am SO waiting for! I wanna see B2 Cpt. Osamu being all sweat droppy among the many other B rank captains he beat, I mean he even killed the B1 Captain Ninomiya himself, hello? That meeting gonna be awesome!)
And we still have yet to meet who Jin wants Osamu/Yuuma to meet! God damn it! Waiting a month is such torture for such a great series as WT! >.<

So, what is your guys take on all this lore info drop on us? Does this perhaps mean Aristera could even rise from the ashes if the mother trigger is brought back to the neighborhood to create a new planet there?
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Also very interesting how Reghi was so surprised at the bright lights of the town. Seems like light is a precious resource in Galo at least for probably most people there. Plus I realized where Ruka felt so familar to me:

Also makes me wonder how large the Aristera Mother trigger is and how Ruka is using it for Border. Though doesn't this make the director a hypocrite as he needed Aristera royals to create all he build up so far? Makes me worry he might plan to be able to use the mothertrigger without Ruka/Yotaro and have full control of it.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Ah... Thanks James Rye for making this thread... I once asked admin what happened with the old thread and God only knows why it disappeared all of sudden. The new chapters blew my mind and loaded with lots of info. I'm surprised about the Border's mother trigger thing (I've never thought about it before!).

I'm curious to know why Jin asked Osamu use trion body under casual cloths. I'm patiently counting down the day new chapters come out...

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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I believe the one who made it deleted his account so the whole thread disappeared along with it or something like that. I think I asked a couple times if the old thread could be "revived" but for some reason it seemed imposible, so I just made a new one after a while. Still miss the old thread though, it had a lot of members talking about WT who are no longer with us for various reasons. And it was huge, really HUGE, in amounts of comments it got over the years.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jun 10, 2013
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There will be only one chapter this month (October).


James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Awww, I hoped for two. Oh well, better one than zero.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 21, 2018
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United States
God, the developments in these past 2 months have been absolutely crazy, it feels like Ashihara went full throttle with the new arc coming up.

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Full throttle with 2 month cliffhangars, the worst kind of full throttle. XD
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That said, Ashihara really gave us some serious shit to think about.

CROWN TRIGGERS, MOTHERFUCKING RAJINMARU (i have no idea if that is for real or just a joke...), THIS DUDE IS THE WHAT NOW????? Holy shit, Ashihara really knows how to punch his reader's expectations beyond the horizon! I love that dude! <3

And now Osamu will really take part in the away test and I sure hope to god he passes it.

Really interesting that there are two ways of operating a mothertrigger - either as a god or just as it is. Seems Royal families are usually the ones doing the god thingie which kinda makes sense, makes them very important for the planet and cannot easily be overthrown by other nobles if their trion bloodline is not a good enough challenger. Plus everybody would be interested into marrying into the royal family as they would want as many descendants as possible to have a large pool to chose from.

Also interesting how Afto controls Galo, pretty much how our countries would control invaded countries. Wonder if this means we might witness a rebellion in Galo with our Border dudes in it. Man, so many possibilities.... I want a 2nd chapter!!! D:


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Finally, they announced that the 2nd season of anime "World Trigger" will be premier on January 9, 2021. It'll broadcast every Saturday at 1:30 p.m.


James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Finally, they announced that the 2nd season of anime "World Trigger" will be premier on January 9, 2021. It'll broadcast every Saturday at 1:30 p.m.

I should start watching animes again so that I won't miss it when it starts. <3
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Lol, Katori mentioned first by Osamu not wanting to work with her. I bet she also chose Osamu and Yuuma as her two not to go picks. XD

Those whole shuffling squad thing gonna be interesting and I like that this two phase test has another means of finding out the strongest and brightest among the Border agents. Osamu gonna have a really hard time with the 36 hour combat phase though.
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@duenneud What is your expectations of what teammates will Osamu get for his provisional team? I first thought of Katori, Kitora and Nino and some random Operator but thinking of it two captains and a A-rank attacker is too much.

I still think he gonna get Katori, but also Azuma so that Azuma can check out Osamu's captain abilities first-hand as a teammate. As third teammate maybe Urushima, the solo fighter as that might complicate stuff as he isn't used to a team or maybe Kikuchi. As for Operator maybe the one from Nasu as then Osamu has to deal with a Operator who is scared of boys or maybe the Urushima Operator but her having some sort of problem like she only talks to Urushima or stuff like that. You know make his team one that is a suffering one yet he still succeeds the test.^^
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You can see the Nasu Operator girl in the last panel sweating because she is scared of the Shuffle order! That tiny detail is so adorable! <3


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Mar 5, 2010
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United States
Nino + Chika + Azuma is bound to be interesting. Surprised Osamu didn't get a captains role. Wonder why he is sweating Hyuse so much, guess he expects him to run his mouth. It's also odd they gave their preferences only to have teams formed by draw. The second test should be intense, the first...more psychological I guess. Not like anyone on Toma-2 knows about ship operation.

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Yeah, Osamu not getting a captain role probably surprised most readers, real nice twist by Ashihara.
Still this will put Osamu in a new role which is nice to see. Still hope he gets Katori as teammate because all the chapters before were basically screaming that to happen, lol. Suwa having Oki, Osamu and Katori and trying to win with this team gonna be a blast to watch over the next years. XD
I hope Ashihara soon gets well enough to do 2 chapters per month again.
And I pray that the anime gives WT another small boost for its sales! >.<
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I am so happy WT got a third season announcement before the 2nd one even started! This shows that the producers believes there to be a lot of money in for them with merch and events and stuff hopefully meaning that Toei will give WT more monies for the episodes animation. The new director seems to be a good one, so hopes are up (and ready to fall down anytime after episode 1 in january^^).
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YES! YES! YES! Glorious RAW of the new chapter! Hoh boy this will be such a fun arc to behold. XDDD
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Obviously this was talked about days ago but it still should be mentioned here in the WT thread:

14th place, baby!
Love how popular it still is in Japan. <3 <3 <3
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Chapter 205 is up, go read it while it is hot, guys!
Also seems Ashihara gets center color next month so no double chapter in February as well considering how much it takes of his time to draw those color pages.

Lol, Wakamura picking Hyuse as Katori surrogate. He is right about the fighting part but I wonder how this team composition will thrive in isolation. xD

Katori being the one saying Suwa should have picked Kitora was funny as well. Seems like she has bitched quite a bit about Osamu since Hana said her friend is now on the same team as Mikumo.

And Nino not caring about the third poll and just picking Ema for the sake of shipping, sorry, because it is convenient that the two are friends. xD

Ultima being greedy is nice as well, think besides the three stooges from the entrance test he is the first agent to be so open about doing this for money. Given his looks and that he gonna get screentime being in Kuga's team and is the sole Solo agent as a team I expect him to be a fav of quite some readers.

Interesting that the A ranks gonna judge the others, especially since there are already A agents in the test itself. I am just glad we finally got to see all the A agents now, I think the twintail girl is the captain of that team with the Nr.1 Gunner who is such a nice guy and chatterbox with a whole bunch of information about everyone in Border. Will be interesting to see how an Operator works both as Operator and as Captain.