Discussion - Why I think I can prove the silent majority user is connected to pariston (kinda long) | MangaHelpers

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Discussion Why I think I can prove the silent majority user is connected to pariston (kinda long)


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
For some time now, I have pondered very deeply about the SM user. I want to make a case here that is divided into two sections and contains direct links to the corresponding manga pages.
The first section is about why I think Mr SM cannot possibly be connected to a Kakin royal or mafia.
The second section is about why I think Mr SM is connected to Pariston. I know this post will be long, but I will try to keep it as short and readable as possible, so please bear with me and tell me what you think. I will add a Tl Dr under each paragraph.

Mr. SM's actions summarized.

You can read up all of Mr SM's actions (I included every instance of him doing something without other scenes interrupting it. So read everything until a new scene happens and you read everything Mr SM did.)
That is everything Mr SM did and said (thought) so far.

As a summary:
  • On day of departure (day 1) (but after some evil aura departs from Woble), he very quickly killed one of the spies (woody) in Woble's quarters while Oito was away on the ceremony. Shortly after, after Oito came back, he killed 4 more spies.
  • On day 2, he kills Barrigen in the Nentraining and takes a hostile stance towards furykov and myuhan.
  • On day 3, he kills Myuhan.
  • After that, he goes inactive for at least 7 days so that Kurapika can finish the Nentraining without interruption (that is day 10).
1) Why Mr SM is not connected to a Kakin royal or mafia:

The Princes

The easiest to proof that he does not belong to a prince of Kakin. We know that only Benjamin and Camilla knew Nen when Mr SM struck first. We know that all of Camilla's soldiers are cursers or Nen erasers, we also know that Mr SM takes a hostile stance to Furykov and thus does not belong to Benjamin. So no prince consciously commands them.

Tldr: no prince knows nen.

No Queen

It is safe to assume no queen except the first two knows Nen because any Queen who does would teach it to her children (most of only one child, Sevanchi and Seiko have two but clear favourites they'd teach it to). Even if we assume, for argument's sake, that teaching Nen is forbidden for Queens, they would stack their own Queenguards and spies with Nenusers. The Queens are said to have roughly the same influence as the three Mafia Bosses, and the Mafia has access to capable Nenusers. If Swinko-Swinko knew Nen, i'd question how (and why) her guard Woody does not know Nen and was killed my Mr SM's attack so easily.
We know that her spy Tuffdy knew Nen, but i strongly doubt that Swinko-Swinko knew about that. If she did, that would also beg the question why nobody who knew Nen was guarding sale-sale (he had some of the queenguards near him). (I will write more about the possibility of rogue soldiers like Tuffy below).

About Duazul and Unma: Both of their guards in woble's quarters, too, did not know Nen. Neither did Unma's guard in front of Ben's quarters (shot by Camilla).
Duazul, in addition to that, took the stance of not wanting to interfere into the succession battle. Camilla urges her to do it, but Camilla certainly would not randomly attack the weakest prince without Camilla ordering it (if at all).

I would also strongly question which Queen has children that really benefit from Mr SM's actions (Zhang Lei benefits of it, but that was neither a very likely outcome, nor does mr SM's action in the Nentraining benefit Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei wants the Nentraining to happen), but I will try to not use this kind of circumstancial evidence when i do not have to.
As it stands, no Queen knows Nen because that would draw into question why not all of her guards do (as a comparison, Ben and Camilla know Nen and all of their guards do, as you would expect).

tldr: No Queen knows Nen.

No Rogue Agent

Just like with Tuffdy, there is the possibility that some Kakin soldier might act independently from a prince or queen. But I would question why.
Think about it: The first thing mr SM does is kill spies of all princes except for two. Tuffdy killed Momoze because he hoped Benjamin would reward him for it later (without Ben knowing who Tuffdy is). That makes some sense, you kill someone that someone else wants to get rid off.
But Mr SM did not kill Woble/Oito and, for all we know, did not try. He killed random guards (some of them just because they were 'in range') and any prince or queen would be pissed off at him for killing her/his spies.
Even assuming he wanted to get rewarded by Camilla/Benjamin, what for? He did not kill Woble. He did not even try to go for a high priority target like Maor in the Nentraining but just killed people who were THE EASIEST to kill.

Unless you just think Mr SM enjoys killing and has no reason for it, i wouldn't see why a rogue agent would do what he did. There is a small chance that he originally wanted to kill Oito and Woble but had to abandon that plan after Woble's beast came out, but again: Why not just wait until Woble sleeps if he seemingly can easily wait for a day between his murders? Why go for the spies first to get everybody alerted? This just does not add up. Mr SM seemingly did explicitly NOT want to kill woble and that does not make sense for any rogue agent.

tldr: No rogue agent would benefit from killing spies and random soldiers but rather likely piss off the next King of Kakin at Mr SM.

No Mafia

The mafia is on the lower decks, but even if we assume Mr SM can use his ability form that far away or a Mafia double agent is on the first deck: They do not really seem to want to help their corresponding princes.
When Zhang Lee meets Onior, Onior does not tell him he knows about Nen (even tho Onior definitely knows about it, as his most trusted underboss does and three of his associates. Onior would have to be very stupid to not know Nen and even if he didn't, then he cannot control Mr SM).
Even if we think that is a Kakin rule (like we assumed with the queens), then the Mafia directly interfering into the war is probably even more forbidden than telling a prince about Nen. Also, again: Onior cannot know that Kurapika will ally with Zhang Lei. His actions (that included killing one of Tang Zhao Li's spies) were just as likely to fuck Zhang Lei over by giving Tubeppa or any other Prince who calls Kurapika access to Nen.
The same argumentation is true for Brocco li. His underboss knows about Nen, so brocco li likely also does but never told Luzurus about it. The actions of Mr SM did not help Luzurus one bit (rather, they hurt him).

Morena is a wild card and one of her guys might just kill for the heck of it and for points, but the killing started on day 1, before Morena even gave them abilities. Also: Nenusers and Princes are worth more points than Nenless people. Wouldnt someone like that try to take out the prince with the ability (even if he thought he cannot hurt nenusers with it) instead spies?

tldr: Mr SM's action was not likely to benefit Zhang Lei, Luzurus or Tserriednich. In case of Luzurus and Tserriednich, it even hurt them. The Mafia themselves does not seem to try to help their patrons and they are two (!) decks below Mr SM's actions.
Meddling in the Nentraining directly could end up hurting Zhang Lei.

No Nenbeast

It is generally possible that Nenbeast either conjured the snakes or manipulates somebody who does. But the first murder came before the Nenbeasts roamed around. No other prince than Woble was attacked in that kind of way and Mr SM seems to think like a human.
Of course, Momoze's beast also just attacked woble's quarters and then withdrew, but that was only because Momoze died. We know that the Nenbeast possibly manipulating Mr SM cannot be dead, so the fact that no other Prince got attacked by Mr SM is evidence against that theory and Mr SM thinking like a human is evidence against him being a Nenbeast himself.

2) Why Mr SM is very likely connected to pariston

Why there is no contradiction in that theory

First things first: I went through all other theories and found contradictions in them. Can i not do that with this theory too? To show you that there is no contradiction, i want to proof it makes some sense before i show more details.

Let's assume we are Mr SM and we work for pariston. Would our actions make sense?

We instantly rush to kill someone in Kurapika's quarters where 3 hunters who were employed by pariston for this journey. We take out all the spies there. Even if we do not know they are spies, we erase all people without Nen so that only Kurapika and the hunters remain (i know Mr SM did not kill Ben and Camilla's spies, but i am pretty sure they would be his next target. At least them being killed by someone else is no contradiction to Mr SM working for pariston).
That makes some sense: The hunters in Woble's quarters have the ability to leave the black whale. Making the spies on their quarter go away leads to Kurapika (and woble/oito) having to rely on them more and less eyes/ears in that quarter to interfere with whatever Pariston is planning with them.
Even in the case of this incident leading to Kurapika mistrusting them more, they are three, he is alone. They could probably even make the case that Kurapika is dangerous and should be thrown out of Oito's quarters if they unite, erasing even more interference.

The second instance of attacks at the Nentraining make some sense too. I personally believe Mr SM has to kill seven targets (as the number of original spies) until he can really stop his ability and withdraw, but that is just an assumption (i think he killed two random targets to withdraw in the nentraining).
Even if you do not come to my conclusion about the two remaining kills, there is no contradiction with Mr Sm working for Pariston just because we do not know the reason.
In all other of the cases above, the first line of attack was already something that didn't make sense at all or the second line of attack had something directly hurting a prince that would have benefitted from the first round of attack.

A possible reason why Mr SM might have committed the second line of attack was to create a situation in which Bill (pariston's hunter) and Verelente (a hunter) can talk in private, but more about that below.

TLDR: The first line of attack makes some sense for Pariston to do and the second line of attack does not lead to any contradiction or negative outcome for pariston.

What speaks for it.

Let's think it through.

First we have to understand that Pariston has the means to do this and the manga lampshaded it here. Seven princes (Kachofuugetsu, Marayam, Momoze, Woble, Luzurus and Taithon) employed bodyguards and they also employed some people as bodyguards that were rejected by Cheadle and Mizai (basically people from pariston/beyond they wed out). That is how Bill got on the boat. Pariston did not tell them about the succession war (and Kurapika thinks pariston does not know about it), but that can also mean Pariston did just not want them to know about it (with an ability like Kurapika's, that would be risky).
This also likely means that Pariston has more people like them installed there, as quite many hunters are with lower princes (there are ten (!) in sevanchi's quarters). I know Bill said he got assigned to Woble out of his own free will, but 1) he might lie and 2) it isn't like being installed somewhere else would be a worse position.

Second: Bill's team was perfect for an evacuation mission. Sayird had a spying ability with 'little eye' to snoop around the quarters. Bill has a support ability and carton had an ability with which they could escape from the blackwhale. Installing them there is hardly just a coincidence. Even if you think they randomly just all chose woble's quarters, that is still a huge coincidence that would imply very many people were employed via pariston (and these 3 ended up in woble's quarters just because there were so many people that it isn't unlikely). In both cases, it is fishy.

So tldr: Pariston installed Bill's team in Woble's quarters with them being a perfect fit for an escape mission, even though these hunters were REJECTED by Cheadle and Mizai before and were not supposed to be on the boat.


Bill knows about two possible escape routs. After Carton is dead, the two remaining routes involved Pariston and beyond, with Bill saying the one with Pariston is easier.
Even if you think Bill is a good guy with a good heart, it is pretty much Pariston's modus operandi to go for forced choices.
Pariston can likely know that Oito would want to escape with Woble if he knows about the deathbattle. He can then infer that Kurapika working with Bill to enable her to escape is likely and in turn, even if we stop making assumptions now, Kurapika becomes one of his playing pieces as it is in Kurapika's direct interest to help Bill ready and escape route (originally via carton, now via pariston or beyond).

TLDR: It is very suspicious that Bill knows about escape routes involving beyond and pariston and the fact that kurapika would likely be tempted to seek out these escape routes (or let Oito escape via carton) can be easily assumed by someone like pariston.


Bill and Kurapika working together relied on Mr SM's actions. Had mr SM not killed all the spies, then Kurapika would likely not take the risk of opening up to Bill and working with him. Originally, Kurapika did not plan to escape. He thought that chaos down below might open up that chance, but he intended to just be alert for the whole ride if that chance does not happen. Only Mr SM's attack pressure him enough to seek out Bill and realize that Oito and Woble have to escape if they want to survive.

tldr: Mr SM's attack directly (and likely) led to Kurapika working with Bill. That can easily be assumed to be the outcome after the spies are gone.


Mr SM never intended to stop the Nentraining. He thought it was unlikely anyone would drop out before Barrigen's death. He also killed unimportant guards and not bigger ones that would yield more of a chance to stop the Nentraining (killing Maor would be more likely to stop it than killing a low ranking guard of a low ranking queen).
We do not know what his intention for the second two kills was. I think they were necessities for his ability to stop without repercussions for him (so random targets), but it could also have another goal.
What we can assume is that his goal was not to hurt kurapika here, as he didnt want to actually stop the Nentraining. Instead, we know he randomly targeted Barrigen to get a quick kill and randomly targeted myuhan for the same reason when he went to the toilet.

Tldr: Mr SM did not want to stop the Nentraining with his second attack. He wanted to get quick kills and then went inactive. Whatever his reasons were, anyone who wanted to interfere in the Kakin Succession war would not have stopped attacking (even if they didnt assume they can stop the training) but gone for the highest profile targets like Maor or Satobi.


It just makes zero sense to assume Mr SM is connected to Kakin and a lot of sense to think Mr SM directly targeted woble's quarters because Kurapika, Bill and Bill's team were there.
While i admit that there is a lot more in the 'assumption space' about his second attack on the Nentraining, similarly, it can pretty much be ruled out that Mr SM attacked the Nentraining to interfere in the succession war (and he never tried to attack anyone after these two kills, even tho it would be easier to do that now than when even more people know Nen).

The actions Mr SM committed, from all players on the Black Whale that we know, really only make sense for someone like Pariston or someone who is connected with beyond, or at least a hunter.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 20, 2014
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Very detailed summary what was going on for the SM user situation.
I too think that SM user is not connected to Kakin since the his motivation just doesn't make sense.

Personally, I am more interested in what the rules are for SM and how it works.
We know that certain number of people needs to be "in range" and a certain person "receiving attention" is important as well.
When Myuhan was receiving all the attention, SM user said "Too bad he wasn't in the range".

When SM is about to attack, only these two situation can happen: (1) Myuhan becomes the target of the snakes; (2) Other people becomes the target of the snakes.

Whether or not Myuhan is "in range", (1) doesn't make sense since "receiving attention" means it is very difficult to be attacked by the snakes successfully.
Thus that leaves us to (2).
When Myuhan is "not in range", since he already attracted all the attention, so (2) can happen very easily, but it didn't happen. So that must mean snakes cannot be ordered to attack someone.
So if someone is attacked by the snakes, then there must be another person "in range" and attracting all the attentions.

In other words, for the ability to work, someone first needs to be "in range" => this person has to attract attention => someone else will be attacked by the snakes. I believe the target of the snakes also need to be "in range" too.

Anyone has any idea of the how the attention and attack work?


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Very detailed summary what was going on for the SM user situation.
I too think that SM user is not connected to Kakin since the his motivation just doesn't make sense.

Personally, I am more interested in what the rules are for SM and how it works.
We know that certain number of people needs to be "in range" and a certain person "receiving attention" is important as well.
When Myuhan was receiving all the attention, SM user said "Too bad he wasn't in the range".

When SM is about to attack, only these two situation can happen: (1) Myuhan becomes the target of the snakes; (2) Other people becomes the target of the snakes.

Whether or not Myuhan is "in range", (1) doesn't make sense since "receiving attention" means it is very difficult to be attacked by the snakes successfully.
Thus that leaves us to (2).
When Myuhan is "not in range", since he already attracted all the attention, so (2) can happen very easily, but it didn't happen. So that must mean snakes cannot be ordered to attack someone.
So if someone is attacked by the snakes, then there must be another person "in range" and attracting all the attentions.

In other words, for the ability to work, someone first needs to be "in range" => this person has to attract attention => someone else will be attacked by the snakes. I believe the target of the snakes also need to be "in range" too.

Anyone has any idea of the how the attention and attack work?
Yes, that is another very important question. Let's play Rihan here: What we know for sure:

  • Mr SM targets a group of people (most likely 10) and one witness and then summons a doll that is only visible to the witness.
  • The doll summons four snakes (but mr Sm still controls the attack timing) that can drain the blood out of their targets. They take 44 seconds to do so alone, but only 11 seconds if all four of them drain together.
  • If his attack fails to kill at least one of his targets, the 'curse' will fall back to him in some way and the ability ends.
We do not know the mechanism of how targets can be chosen and how the ability can be applied. We also do not know how long exactly the ability will be maintained and how it can be stopped.

I do not think range is anything that has to do with direct distance. When Myuhan was killed, he was alone in the toilet. Unless mr SM is hiding there or in a room or floor right next to the toilet, it makes no sense to think he was in range then but not before. The reason mr SM waited for someone to draw attention was so that nobody would see the snakes attack, because if he would fail to kill anyone with the snakes, he would have his own ability turn on him. The attention part probably has nothing to do with who is 'in range' or not.

When I think about it, i am pretty sure that the curse is applied to one group of people and then it is 'fixed' and the targets cannot change unless someone is killed first.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
Hey great theory! I acknowledge that Pariston might have more influence in room 1014 simply beyond not revealing any information about the succession war to Bill, Sayrid, and Kurton.

But I have a some questions of my own:
  • Silent Majority might be a visually directed remote control ability or a manipulator.
  • The Silent Majority user killed 5 Wobble spy guards on day 1, with no evidence of an intruder, and is also aware of what is going on in room 1014 during the Nen classes. So it's either a remote ability OR / AND its user is someone in the room.
  • Furykov has the experience and skill to tell the difference between someone who can and can't use Nen.
  • In ch.370 Silent Majority struck again. In ch.372, Furykov revealed to the readers the 3 secret Nen users and decided ignore the 4th secret one, who is a master at hiding his aura & "must be the assassin".
The Mystery:

The fact that Kurapika was never able to identify the 4th Nen user that Furykov secretly knew about. The 4th Nen user was one of the students present during the Nen classes.

Furykov: "So the other 4 are planning to play dumb. Well, nobody but me will probably find out."
Kurapika awakened the Nen of 10 out the 16 students:

Illardia <= 11th prince, noncombatant
Ladious <= 11th prince, noncombatant
Yuri <= 10th prince, noncombatant

Satobi <= 7th prince, queen Duazul's Cpt. of the Guards (suspect?)
Maor <= 5th prince
Longhi <= 5th prince
Danjin <= 4th prince
Tenftory <= 3rd prince
Yuhirai <= 1st secret Nen user
Shedule <= 2nd secret Nen user

Except for:
Barrigan <= Killed by Silent Majority
Myuhan <= Killed by Silent Majority

Loberry <= 3rd secret Nen user, arrested

Mushaho <= dropped out of the classes

Belerainte <= Hunter, already knows Nen
Furykov <= Prince Benjamin's private soldier

Who is the last secret Nen user?

"This one's hiding it well. The flow of aura coming from his hands look just like the uninitiated. This one's a master. Must be the assassin!!"
"They still don't know I'm on to them. I'll let it be for a while longer."

Furykov has the experience and skill to tell the difference between someone who can and can't use Nen.

Mushaho says the 8th prince got rid of him by sending him to the Nen classes, but Mushaho also says he's on an "important mission".

After the death of Salé-Salé, Mushaho dropped out of the classes.

Mushaho is the 5th queen's captain of the guards. So with the death(not yet "official" to the public, when it is his room will be sealed) of her only prince, what happens to the queen & her captain of the guards?(and others affiliated with her)

We need to find out:
  • Swinko-Swinko having a Nen user amongst her queen spy guards, was she aware of it?
  • Why did she say "You're my only prince!! I'll do what I can...but you have to mend your ways!!" to Salé-Salé?
  • Why did Kurapika never find the 4th secret Nen user Furykov identified?

All the guards of all the princes heard over the emergency channel that there are "Parasitic Nen Beasts". Every spy guard assigned to Wobble was violently killed. Prince Momoze was murdered in an impossible scenario.

Silent Majority might be a visually directed remote control ability or a manipulator.

Mushaho and another "trusted" bodyguard, guard outside the 8th prince's quarters.

Mushaho says the prince "managed to get rid of him", but he's also on an "important mission".

Swinko-Swinko to Salé-Salé "You're my only prince!!"
"I'll do what I can...but you have to mend your ways!! Or you'll be the first to drop out!!"

Tuffdy, the guard affiliated with the 5th queen, whether she realized it or not, was a Nen user.

Furykov can tell the difference between who can and can't use Nen

Mushaho is no longer present at Kurapika's Nen class

Mushaho didn't get his Nen awakened by Kurapika, and is still no longer present at the classes
  • Is Mushaho's "important mission" related to "learning Nen"?
Last edited:


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hey great theory! I acknowledge that Pariston might have more influence in room 1014 simply beyond not revealing any information about the succession war to Bill, Sayrid, and Kurton.

But I have a some questions of my own:
  • Silent Majority might be a visually directed remote control ability or a manipulator.
  • The Silent Majority user killed 5 Wobble spy guards on day 1, with no evidence of an intruder, and is also aware of what is going on in room 1014 during the Nen classes. So it's either a remote ability OR / AND its user is someone in the room.
  • Furykov has the experience and skill to tell the difference between someone who can and can't use Nen.
  • In ch.370 Silent Majority struck again. In ch.372, Furykov revealed to the readers the 3 secret Nen users and decided ignore the 4th secret one, who is a master at hiding his aura & "must be the assassin".

The Mystery:

The fact that Kurapika was never able to identify the 4th Nen user that Furykov secretly knew about. The 4th Nen user was one of the students present during the Nen classes.

Furykov: "So the other 4 are planning to play dumb. Well, nobody but me will probably find out."

Kurapika awakened the Nen of 10 out the 16 students:

Illardia <= 11th prince, noncombatant
Ladious <= 11th prince, noncombatant
Yuri <= 10th prince, noncombatant
Satobi <= 7th prince, queen Duazul's Cpt. of the Guards

Maor <= 5th prince
Longhi <= 5th prince
Danjin <= 4th prince
Tenftory <= 3rd prince

Yuhirai <= 1st secret Nen user
Shedule <= 2nd secret Nen user

Except for:
Barrigan <= Killed by Silent Majority
Myuhan <= Killed by Silent Majority

Loberry <= 3rd secret Nen user, arrested

Mushaho <= dropped out of the classes

Belerainte <= Hunter, already knows Nen
Furykov <= Prince Benjamin's private soldier

"This one's hiding it well. The flow of aura coming from his hands look just like the uninitiated. This one's a master. Must be the assassin!!"
"They still don't know I'm on to them. I'll let it be for a while longer."

Furykov has the experience and skill to tell the difference between someone who can and can't use Nen.

Mushaho says the 8th prince got rid of him by sending him to the Nen classes, but Mushaho also says he's on an "important mission".

After the death of Salé-Salé, Mushaho dropped out of the classes.

Mushaho is the 5th queen's captain of the guards. So with the death(not yet "official" to the public, when it is his room will be sealed) of her only prince, what happens to the queen & her captain of the guards?(and others affiliated with her)

We need to find out:
  • Swinko-Swinko having a Nen user amongst her queen spy guards, was she aware of it?
  • Why did she say "You're my only prince!! I'll do what I can...but you have to mend your ways!!" to Salé-Salé?
  • Is Mushaho's "important mission" related to "learning Nen"?
  • Why did Kurapika never find the 4th secret Nen user Furykov identified?

All the guards of all the princes heard over the emergency channel that there are "Parasitic Nen Beasts". Every spy guard assigned to Wobble was violently killed. Prince Momoze was murdered in an impossible scenario.

Silent Majority might be a visually directed remote control ability or a manipulator.

Mushaho and another "trusted" bodyguard, guard outside the 8th prince's quarters.

Mushaho says the prince "managed to get rid of him", but he's also on an "important mission".

Swinko-Swinko to Salé-Salé "You're my only prince!!"
"I'll do what I can...but you have to mend your ways!! Or you'll be the first to drop out!!"

Tuffdy, the guard affiliated with the 5th queen, whether she realized it or not, was a Nen user.

Furykov can tell the difference between who can and can't use Nen

Mushaho is no longer present at Kurapika's Nen class

Mushaho didn't get his Nen awakened by Kurapika, and is still no longer present at the classes
  • Is Mushaho's "important mission" related to "learning Nen"?
Oh, many good catches there in your post!

Well, there are four possibilities:

1) Mushaho is a Nenuser but not mr SM
2) Mushaho is mr SM
3) Mushaho is not a nenuser, but the fourth Nenuser is good enough to fool Kurapika even in the awakening
4) Mushaho is not a Nenuser and the fourth assassin is not mr SM.

We know for a fact that Swinko Swinko already had a Nenuser in her team, Tuffdy. But Tuffdy was illoyal and wanted to shoot for prince benjamin. To me, that points to her not knowing about his abilities.
After all, if she knew about his abilities, it doesnt make sense to me she would send him to Momoze/Marayam instead of Seiko's twins (killing and spying the higher ranked obstacle is always better in my book).
Also her other guard, woody, did not have Nen.

Then again, crackpot theory: Woody was the first to die via mr SM and was from Swinko Swinko, who already had a Nenuser, Tuffdy, who might have been supposed to kill Momoze and the only person to drop out of the nentraining willingly was also Swinko Swinko's guard.
There were various other and better explanations for that, still it leaves some room for theories.

Personally, I do not think it is Mushaho. My reasoning: Mushaho thought he is on an important mission. Mr SM thought that his actions are unlikely to stop the Nentraining.
If the mission was not stopping the nentraining, then what important thing did mr SM accomplish that would benefit sale sale?
Killing BArrigen and Myuhan did not help Sale Sale at all.

And if obviously not all of sale sale's guards and swinko swinko's guards know Nen (Woody didnt, i doubt he is the only one), wouldnt it make more sense then to send someone who cannot use nen except musasho if they cannot stop the training?


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Band of the Hawks 2
1) Mushaho is a Nenuser but not mr SM

3) Mushaho is not a nenuser, but the fourth Nenuser is good enough to fool Kurapika even in the awakening

4) Mushaho is not a Nenuser and the fourth assassin is not mr SM.
But Furykov judged the first couple of student's Nen awakening(internally too, as if they were using Nen for the first time)in order to check to see if they were manipulated.

Therefore he should've had a different speech pattern if he also saw the 4th secret user, who he thought was the assassin, have his Nen "awakened" right?
(We didn't see his thoughts regarding all the student's awakening, but if the 4th Nen user was amongst them, Togashi should've pointed attention to it right?)
So it doesn't make much sense when you think about it...

But Tuffdy was illoyal and wanted to shoot for prince benjamin. To me, that points to her not knowing about his abilities.
The chances of Swinko-Swinko's prince realistically becoming king are slim. Every single one of Momoze's remaining guards(from the 2nd queen's to the 6th)planned to kill her to curry favor with the next king. Whether that is the prince of the queen they are affiliated with or not(& Benjamin is one of best candidates)

After all, if she knew about his abilities, it doesnt make sense to me she would send him to Momoze/Marayam instead of Seiko's twins (killing and spying the higher ranked obstacle is always better in my book).
The 12th, 13th, and 14th prince are about the weakest I guess.
Remember what Basho pointed out back in chapter 350:
"Only amateurs would use money as a reward. The younger wives with less experience...Swinko..."
And we if assume that Swinko is most likely aware of the relationship between each queen and her princes, like for example:
(Sevanti clearly prefers the 13th prince over the 12th)
(Seiko prefers the 10th prince over the 11th prince, but hides it well)

Also her other guard, woody, did not have Nen.
Which would explain why he was expendable I guess.
I agree with what you pointed out though, not all of her queens guards know Nen.

wouldnt it make more sense then to send someone who cannot use nen except musasho if they cannot stop the training?
Salé-Salé gets the call from room 1014 explaining the purpose of the Nen classes. The prince tells Mushaho "you have to attend these classes yourself, it's important, you can bring a second guard if you want"

Mushaho already knows Nen & his ability can also be used "remotely", but since this is a very valid reason for the prince to send him away, he thinks to himself that Salé managed to get rid of him.

Several princes wanted to send multiple guards, so why didn't Mushaho bring or request to bring a second guard with him?
Because his true purpose in the room is not to learn Nen, but rather to kill.

Mushaho can kill remotely, but since he(and a 2nd guard, if he wanted to)is forced to attend the classes, he goes alone and thinks to himself "The prince managed to get rid of me, but this is an important mission that can't be entrusted to others!"

(lots of speculations here, but It makes sense right?)
1) Mushaho is a Nenuser but not mr SM

2) Mushaho is mr SM

4) Mushaho is not a Nenuser
and the fourth assassin is not mr SM.
If learning Nen was the important mission, then Mushaho should've pushed to bring another guard with him & shouldn't mind that the prince managed to get rid of him right? Since Salé-Salé was one of the weakest older princes, as even his mom pointed out:
"Mend your ways!! Or you'll be the first to drop out!!"
All the guards of all the princes heard over the emergency channel that there are "Parasitic Nen Beasts" on Tier 1.

Every spy guard assigned to Wobble was violently killed.

Prince Momoze was murdered in an impossible scenario.

Momoze's death increased the demand for information on Nen.

Once again: I acknowledge that Mr. SM might be someone working under Pariston/not participating in the war, and maybe even a character Togashi hasn't shown us yet.

But these are very interesting questions/possibilities:
  • Tuffdy is affiliated with the 5th queen(her queens guards)
  • Mushaho is affiliated with the 5th queen(cpt. of her queens guards)
  • As chapter 374 pointed out, queens guards are loyal to their queen.
1) Is it a possibility that the 5th queen has hired Nen users to use as her queens guards?(Maybe Mushaho, her cpt & most trusted, helped her do it?)With the motive bieng assassination and the reward bieng money & favor with the next king(whether it's her prince or not)somewhat like queen Oito did when she hired Kurapika.
(Swinko didn't hire any hunters because she was confident) & we also know that queens guards are loyal to their queens.

1.1) Is it because of this reason(her queens guards)that she told Salé-Salé "I will do what I can...but you have to mend your ways!!"

2) Who is the 4th secret Nen user?

3) All of the 16 students are accounted for, in terms of whether they could use Nen or not at the beginning of the classes, except for Mushaho. Why?

Satobi <= 2nd queen Duazul's Cpt. of the Guards (suspect?)

Nen users:
Yuhirai <= 1st secret Nen user
Shedule <= 2nd secret Nen user
Loberry <= 3rd secret Nen user

Belerainte <= Hunter, already knows Nen
Furykov <= Prince Benjamin's private soldier

Mushaho <= dropped out
4) Mr Silent Majority's monologue: "I doubt there will be anyone who forces an expulsion, considering the importance of this mission(guards learning Nen)" Is Mr. SM's goal to stop the classes or..?(It's rare to have the guards of princes all gathered together with minimal security)

5) Silent Majority is most likely a visually directed remote control ability. If we assume that Mushaho is the user, does that explain why he thinks that the prince managed to get rid of him with a valid reason of "go learn Nen"?
Since he's already a Nen user & can kill remotely...
(Like with the 5 Wobble guards on the first day)

5.1) Mushaho guards the outside of the 8th prince's quarters. The 10th, 12th, and 14th prince's quarters are all on the same side as the 8th prince's, would Silent Majority be able to possess someone at the entrance of room 1014?
(It's the furthest from room 1008 & you never pass by a prince's quarters unless your going to another's quarters)

Here's my thoughts on your own theory
(you don't have to reply to this one aha)

The hunters in Woble's quarters have the ability to leave the black whale. Making the spies on their quarter go away leads to Kurapika (and woble/oito) having to rely on them more and less eyes/ears in that quarter to interfere with whatever Pariston is planning with them.
As Bill told Kurapika, exploring the Dark Continent with Beyond is their real mission: Bill is support, Kurton is logistics, and Sayird is recon. The 3 of them have abilities that are useful for exploring, that is why they are on the Black Whale in the first place.

Not only were the 3 hunters that were placed in room 1014 by Pariston's influence reduced to a single hunter just two hours after the ship set sail, but also with the elimination of the 5 spies by Mr. SM, Kurapika was forced to accept the help of 3 guards from Zhang Lei's room. All on the first day...

By the morning of the second day we have 16 new people in Kurapika's room for about 2 hours a day.

Pariston's planted hunters got reduced to 1 in only two hours, Mr SM cleared out 5 "interferences", but they were quickly replaced in the same day with 3 semi-permanent ones and 16 temporary ones(2 hours a day)

I personally believe Mr SM has to kill seven targets (as the number of original spies) until he can really stop his ability and withdraw, but that is just an assumption
I believe it actually works like this:
1) Possess the target.
2) Activate the marionette when you're ready.
3) Marionette stays active as long as you want, or until the person possessed is dead(since it's cursing them)
4) You must kill at least 1 person before deactivating the marionette.
5) If you fail to kill anyone the curse rebounds to you.

Interesting Questions:
  • Can the "visually directed" effects be "activated" by the user once they've completed point #1? Even if they haven't yet completed point #2?(marionette becoming visible to the possessed)
  • "I'll take the risk and kill someone early" imo implies point #3.
  • Can the user make the marionette invisible to the possessed target at will? or is it that once it becomes visible to the possessed target, they can't "unsee" it until it's deactivated.(I'm not sure)
  • How does the user curse a target? If its emitted aura that's shot at the target, what's the maximum range?

Mr SM might have committed the second line of attack was to create a situation in which Bill (pariston's hunter) and Verelente (a hunter) can talk in private,
The primary reason Kurapika allowed Bill to talk to Belerainte is because of the situation with the 13th prince's room, a situation Kurapika knew the details of through Hanzo.

Without that situation, which is outside Mr. SM influence, Belerainte doesn't talk in private with Bill.

Bill's team was perfect for an evacuation mission. Sayird had a spying ability with 'little eye' to snoop around the quarters. Bill has a support ability and carton had an ability with which they could escape from the blackwhale.
Their abilities are perfect for exploration missions, their true reason for bieng on the ship, to explore the continent with Beyond.

Even if you think they randomly just all chose woble's quarters, that is still a huge coincidence that would imply very many people were employed via pariston
The 3 of them are most likely a group. They are probably already used to/have been working as a team for a while. The 3 of them, through Pariston, and because Bill is a "coward", chose to guard the weakest of the princes hiring hunters.

All 3 of them have abilities not suited for combat.

They know each other's abilities, and I don't believe every hunter under Pariston knows each others abilities, so it would be extremely odd for the 3 of them to be randomly assigned to Wobble.

Oito being the lowest queen and Wobble the youngest prince, means that her prince's room is going to be the most dangerous compared to the other princes hiring bodyguards, not only that but also lacking the most in information regarding the succession war.

Pariston should've known this, or be able to deduce this scenario, but when Bill, Kurton, and Sayird requested to be assigned to room 1014, Pariston didn't tell them any info about the war, maybe he even knew that their abilities wasn't suited for combat but still didn't tell them anything at all.
(what a guy aha)

It is very suspicious that Bill knows about escape routes involving beyond and pariston and the fact that kurapika would likely be tempted to seek out these escape routes (or let Oito escape via carton
Well the 3 of them boarded the Black Whale because Beyond ordered them to, and they're also Temp Hunters connected to Pariston.

It's because of Pariston & Beyond that they are on the ship in the first place. Therefore its not suspicious for them to know about escape routes, nor should it imply that it's a master scheme, in of itself.
(regardless though, your point here is very strong/sound)

Mr SM's attack directly (and likely) led to Kurapika working with Bill. That can easily be assumed to be the outcome after the spies are gone.
Well not entirely, It started it sure, but the final driving factor was the Nen beasts swarming room 1014.

...(If Mr. SM was connected to Kakin...)
killing Maor would be more likely to stop the classes than killing a low ranking guard of a low ranking queen
Tubeppa is the 2nd queen's prince. Killing Maor could place the princes & soldiers of/and queens 3 to 8 under investigation or even arrested, if prince Tubeppa wanted to do that.
(Tserriednich didn't care to involve the army about Myuhan)

If Mr. SM is someone in the room, then they would be placed under investigation or arrested too, and since it's the 2nd queen's prince involved, the army won't just sweep this under the rug like with Momoze's trial, unless the "culprit" that the Judicial Court finds belongs to a higher ranked queen then Duazul.

I think they were necessities for his ability to stop without repercussions for him (so random targets), but it could also have another goal.
From what we know Silent Majority only needs to kill a single person before it can be deactivated without consequences.

Pariston's spy, Mr. Silent Majority:
  • Kill 5 spy guards to remove the eyes/ears interferences around Kurapika's room.
  • The 3 hunters with "escape abilities" that were purposefully planted in Kurapika's room were reduced to just 1, only two hours after the voyage started.
  • By the morning of the second day, there are 3 new semi-permanent + 16 new temporary interferences that arrive in Kurapika's room.
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Copy Panda

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Isn't this like begging the question? You made some small mistakes (such as 'no prince knows nen' tho not v relevant) and make a bunch of assumptions. Then you bring in Pariston for no real reason? It could be anyone once we have motive


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Isn't this like begging the question? You made some small mistakes (such as 'no prince knows nen' tho not v relevant) and make a bunch of assumptions. Then you bring in Pariston for no real reason? It could be anyone once we have motive
The point is that Pariston has a motive, while pretty much no other faction that we already know has.

No prince, no queen, not even a defector, no mafia, not the zodiac. Nobody would benefit from this.

When you think it through, only pariston benefits from there not being any spies around the 3 people he did send to the boat and who have an escape method (before carton died). And THAT is not an assumption.
Every other possibility leads to a contradiction somewhere down the road.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
So effectively, in relation to the identity of Mr. Silently Majority:

You say:
Pariston has a motive, unlike the other known factions.
When you think it through, only pariston benefits from there not being any spies around the 3 people he did send to the boat and who have an escape method(before Kurton died)

1) Possess the target.
2) Activate the marionette when you're ready.
3) Marionette stays active as long as you want, or until the person possessed is dead(since it's cursing them)
4) You're only forced to kill 1 person before safely deactivating the marionette.
5) If you fail to kill anyone the curse rebounds to you.

Pariston's spy, Mr. Silent Majority:

Kill 5 spy guards to remove the eyes/ears interferences around Kurapika's room.

The 3 hunters with "escape abilities" that were purposefully planted in Kurapika's room were reduced to just 1, only two hours after the voyage started.

By the morning of the second day, there are 3 new semi-permanent + 16 new temporary interferences that arrive in Kurapika's room.

I say:
Instead of hiring hunters, Swinko hired Nen users as assassins.
1) The 5th queen has hired Nen users to use as her queens guards.
  • With the motive bieng assassination and the reward bieng money & potential favor with the next king.

1.1) Swinko didn't hire any hunters because she was confident.
  • Because of this reason she told Salé-Salé:
"I will do what I can...but you have to mend your ways!!"

2) The 4th secret Nen user is Mushaho.
  • His ability can kill remotely, but the 8th prince used the Nen classes as a valid excuse to get rid of him.

3) Only Furykov knows that Mushaho was the assassin in room 1014.
  • Because Mushaho was a master at hiding his Nen and pretending to be unable to use Nen.

4) Mushaho is not trying to stop the Nen classes.
  • Even though the prince got rid of him, his true mission is still assassination.

5) Silent Majority is a visually directed remote control ability.
  • That is how Mushaho killed the 5 Wobble guards on day 1.

5.1) Mushaho guards the outside of the 8th prince's quarters.
  • Silent Majority possessed someone at the entrance of their prince's room.
(2 - 4 - 6 - [8] - 10 - 12 - 14)


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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So effectively, in relation to the identity of Mr. Silently Majority:

You say:
Pariston has a motive, unlike the other known factions.

I say:
Instead of hiring hunters, Swinko hired Nen users as assassins.
It is a good thought to think that mr SM applied the curse by guarding the outside and just applying it to people who pass him, I think there might be a good chance for that to be true.

But I also think that mr SM is not going to be controlled by swinko swinko. He might be her guard, but i still think that, if he is, he is actually controlled by someone else (which is pariston in my opinion).

Mr SM is not like Tuffy. Tuffdy killed a prince, directly, and thought Benjamin would like that (I doubt it, but the thought is not absurd).
Mr SM killed a spy of every other prince, including, if he is part of swinko swinko's guards, his own queens'. That would piss off any other prince and if he rationalizes it, for example, as 'I wanted to help you Zhang lei', it would come off as insincere nonsense.

I also do not see why Swinko Swinko would take this step. I think her position is stronger with her own guard installed while all others are there, too, than right now. She basically lost a spy and now only Benjamin and Zhang Lei have people there. Even if mr SM can constantly see these quarters, that position would be weaker because Kurapika now is dependent on Zhang Lei and Benjamin's position there is stronger than before.

Still: Yes, the thought that the mr SM curse is applied on the floor outside is a really good one.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
But I also think that mr SM is not going to be controlled by swinko swinko.
Mushaho is Swinko's captain of the queen's guards.

Mr SM is not like Tuffy. Tuffdy killed a prince, directly,
Because the Prince was left completely defenseless.
All 6 of Momoze's spy guards wanted favor with the next king.

That is the only reason Momoze died.
The current scenario was perfect for Tuffdy's ability.

Tuffdy killed a prince, directly, and thought Benjamin would like that
Just look at Tuffdy's reaction....

"Benjamin wants me to help you"
"First prince Benjamin?!"
"We made a deal with the army"
"Nen abilities have become public on Tier 1"
"..." "I see."

Mr SM killed a spy of every other prince, including, if he is part of swinko swinko's guards, his own queens'. That would piss off any other prince and if he rationalizes it, for example, as 'I wanted to help you Zhang lei', it would come off as insincere nonsense.
Mushaho is Swinko's cpt. of the queens guards (loyal)

Mushaho's loyalty also seems to extend to the 8th prince

Swinko's guard in room 1014 was not a Nen user

I think her position is stronger with her own guard installed while all others are there, too, than right now. She basically lost a spy and now only Benjamin and Zhang Lei have people there.
Also her other guard, woody, did not have Nen.
Kurapika now is dependent on Zhang Lei and Benjamin's position there is stronger than before.
If this leads to the 14th prince being assassinated by Zhang Lei, Benjamin, or someone else, then its mission well done by Mr. SM.

What exactly is Pariston's motive for Mr. Silent Majority?
Unless Pariston suddenly became dumb, it makes no sense.
When you think it through, only pariston benefits from there not being any spies around the 3 people he did send to the boat and who have an escape method(before Kurton died)
Kill 5 spy guards to remove the eyes/ears interferences.

The 3 hunters with "escape abilities" were reduced to just 1, only two hours after the voyage started.

By the morning of the second day, there are 3 new semi-permanent + 16 new temporary interferences.

I have nothing else to add, I have made all my points as clearly as I can.
(With lots of supporting evidence from the manga)

But please tell me: What exactly is Pariston's motive? His goal(s)?


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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All 6 of Momoze's spy guards wanted favor with the next king.
That is not true. They were all in the picture, but we only know Tuffdy's thoughts. Only he thought about killing Momoze.
Mushaho is Swinko's cpt. of the queens guards (loyal)
IF it Mushaho and IF Mushaho is loyal. That is not clear. After all, Theta is one of Tserriednich's most trusted guards and she is not loyal to him. Neither is Sarkov. And these two were the people he sent to become demi hunters, so his 5 best.
If this leads to the 14th prince being assassinated by Zhang Lei, Benjamin, or someone else, then its mission well done by Mr. SM.
Not if you have no proof that this was your intention.
If i were Zhang Lei and some guy came to me and then told me a story about how he killed my spy but of course all did it just to benefit me? I would definitely not buy that, just because it led to a situation (by several coincidences) that was good for me. I'd execute him.

Tuffdy is different here. Tuffdy can give proof that he killed Momoze and can probably give proof, if he is smart, that he did it for Benjamin. He probably even thought about talking to Benjamin after he gets out and offer his services or s th like that.

Mr SM cannot do that. Mr Sm killed everybody's spies, seemingly without any care. Then he did s th that might have stopped the nentraining, which would make someone like Zhang Lei pretty angry, because he banked on the Nentraining.

Why should mr SM hope that his actions would make a prince happy just because it leads to taking out Woble, the weakest prince that was no threat anyway?

With momoze, at least there was a prince taken out. But a guy who kills my spy in order to just create a situation where i can do the dirty work a little easier? Nah, I would certainly not trust that guy.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Kill 5 spy guards to remove the eyes/ears interferences.

The 3 hunters with "escape abilities" were reduced to just 1, only two hours after the voyage started.

By the morning of the second day, there are 3 new semi-permanent + 16 new temporary interferences.
Pariston cannot know that. There is no way to predict that Momoze's Nenbeast kills Carton. There is also no way to predict that Kurapika would announce a Nentraining.

Neither is there a way to know which prince Kurapika will talk to. The most likely scenario was him talking to Benjamin, Zhang Lei hanging up and Tubeppa talking to him. Only Shimano's interference stopped that. And knowing that these 3 princes would call at the same time is relatively impossible to begin with.

If you think about the likely effect, that was

1) No spies (which is good for pariston to pull off an escape plan)

2) Internal tension between Kurapika and the other hunters.

If you look at that scenario, there are two likely other outcomes:

1) Kurapika gets framed by the hunters because they think he committed the murders and gets taken away. Even less interference.

2) Kurapika becomes more dependent on the 3 temp hunters and might ask them for an escape route and for other help.

Both of these outcomes are good for pariston if he wanted to use these 3 hunters to escape. And they pretty much are not good for anyone else, at least not in a sure way that could not horribly backfire.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
That is not true. They were all in the picture, but we only know Tuffdy's thoughts.

Only Tuffdy thought about killing Momoze.
With momoze, at least there was a prince taken out.

But a guy who kills my spy in order to just create a situation where I can do the dirty work a little easier? Nah, I would certainly not trust that guy.
Tuffdy is different from Mushaho.
(Bill is different from Kurapika) <-- Bill "was just hired", Kura "cares"

Mushaho is the captain of the guards, and from his thoughts,
seems to be loyal to both the queen and the prince.

Tuffdy is different here. Tuffdy can give proof that he killed Momoze, and that he did it for Benjamin.
Mr SM cannot do that. Mr Sm killed everybody's spies, seemingly without any care.

Pariston did not tell them about the succession war
(and Kurapika thinks pariston does not know about it),

but that can also mean Pariston did just not want them to know about it
(with an ability like Kurapika's, that would be risky).
Pariston cannot know that. There is no way to predict that Momoze's Nenbeast kills Carton.

There is also no way to predict that Kurapika would announce a Nentraining
Oito being the lowest queen and Wobble the youngest prince, means that her prince's room is going to be the most dangerous compared to the other princes hiring bodyguards, not only that, but also lacking the most in information regarding the succession war.
(Pariston told them nothing about the war, nor the context around it)

I know Bill said he got assigned to Woble out of his own free will, but

1) he might lie, and

2) it isn't like being installed somewhere else would be a worse position.
Sayird had a spying ability with 'little eye' to snoop around the quarters.

Bill has a support ability and carton had an ability with which they could escape from the blackwhale.

Installing them there is hardly just a coincidence.
As Bill told Kurapika, exploring the Dark Continent with Beyond is their real mission.

1) Kurapika gets framed by the hunters because they think he committed the murders and gets taken away. Even less interference.
Pariston did just not want them to know about it.
(with an ability like Kurapika's, that would be risky)
2) Internal tension between Kurapika and the other hunters.
(The queen likes Kurapika, he is the closest guard to her)

The 3 of them, through Pariston, and because Bill is a "coward",
chose to guard the weakest of the princes hiring hunters.

(all 3 of them only have support abilities)

I have nothing else to add, I have made all my points as clearly as I can.
(With lots of supporting evidence from the manga)

So please tell me, what exactly is Pariston's motive?
These outcomes are good for pariston if he wanted to use these 3 hunters to escape.

And they pretty much are not good for anyone else,
at least not in a sure way that could not horribly backfire.
If you think about the likely effect, that was:

1) No spies (which is good for pariston to pull off an escape plan)
2) Kurapika becomes more dependent on the 3 temp hunters and might ask them for an escape route and for other help.
Ironically though, Mr. Silent Majority:

Killed 5 spy guards to remove the eyes/ears interferences.

But soon after that, the 3 hunters with "escape abilities" got reduced to 1,
only two hours after the voyage started.

And then, by the morning of the second day, there are 3 new semi-permanent + 16 new temporary interferences.
These outcomes are good for Pariston...

...In a sure way that could not horribly backfire.
Unless Pariston suddenly became dumb, it makes no sense.
(Pariston told them nothing about the war, nor the context around it)


Tuffdy is different from Mushaho.
(Bill is different from Kurapika) <--Bill "was just hired", Kura "cares"

Mushaho is the captain of the guards, and from his thoughts,
seems to be loyal to both the queen and the prince.

Pariston's influence in room 1014:

Most likely ends here.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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The thing with Momoze's guards is a mistranslation. Back then, the Manga Editor thought they plot together to kill her. That was not accurate. The VIZ translation has it as 'I'. It would not make a lot of sense for them to think 'we', as Tuffdy operates completely on his own.

Unless Pariston suddenly became dumb, it makes no sense.
(Pariston told them nothing about the war, nor the context around it)
As i said, there is nothing dumb about it when Pariston does not tell them. They do not need to know for Pariston's plan to unfold if they are just there as a possible escape route.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
As i said, there is nothing dumb about it when Pariston does not tell them. They do not need to know for Pariston's plan to unfold if they are just there as a possible escape route.
Maybe Pariston should've told them about the succession war and the Seed Urn Ceremony...

A Nen beast got 2 of the 3 hunters removed in two hours....

Pariston's escape plan fell apart because nobody in room 1014 knew of the circumstances of the war.

Even the Nen-less spy guards could deduce that the seed Urn was a ceremony to bestow Nen abilities...

But Pariston told his 3 hunters nothing and yet you wonder why only Bill is left.

The VIZ translation has it as 'I'. It would not make a lot of sense for them to think 'we', as Tuffdy operates completely on his own.
VIZ - Shonen Jump Weekly

VIZ - Volume #35


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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That is not the translation that I know, but it also does not make a lot of sense.

Why would Tuffdy think 'we'? He acted alone.
Why would Vict think about keeping a proof? He works for Benjamin.

It also makes little sense for the queen guards of zhang lei and duazul to try to appeal to Benjamin. It makes sense for Tuffdy to think sale sale has no chance anyway.
But Nipaper and Blade? Camilla and Zhang Lei might just aswell win and going against orders of these queens would probably cost them their life, while tuffdy probably does not have to expect swinko swinko will kill him in jail, nor win.

about pariston:

a) It is not clear whether pariston knows about the succession war and about the specifics. That has nothing to do with intelligence. It is something you cannot just easily expect just because the royal guards know about it (and even they do not take it seriously).

b) Even if he knew, not telling Bill and his team is not a bad move. Bill is very likely not Pariston's only escape route, as Pariston works by just giving himself enough opportunity to do stuff. In the election arc and after, Pariston did not work by having clear cut plans with a good chance of success. He worked by creating chaos and seizing one of the many opportunities that would arise that way.
Him installing all kinds of hunters loyal to him on the boat without telling them anything is a better move than installing one team that has all the info. As long as pariston creates chaos, one of many opportunities will open.
Had he told bill and his team the necessary info, they could not bond with kurapika organically, which might have a detrimental effect and limit opportunities to seize things.
Carton dying is not optimal, but that is kind of an off-chance, not something likely, and it is not a big deal if there are (as we know there are) several escape routes and it gave rise to Kurapika trusting Bill more.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
Why would Tuffdy think 'we'? He acted alone.
Why would Vict think about keeping a proof? He works for Benjamin.
Because they are all thinking the same thing....

That is why the thought bubbles is shared by all them of...

A group of 6 guards that all know they can assassinate the prince...
It also makes little sense for the queen guards of zhang lei and duazul to try to appeal to Benjamin
They want to be appointed to key position by the NEXT KING.

Benjamin is the best candidate, but not the only one...
Just look at Tuffdy's reaction...

Pariston is Beyond's right hand man.

Pariston influence is so big that his temp hunters didn't have to see the queen, to get hired.

Of course Pariston knows about the War...
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

--- Double Post Merged, ---

As i said, there is nothing dumb about it when Pariston does not tell them.

They do not need to know for Pariston's plan to unfold if they are just there as a possible escape route.
This will be my last reply in this thread, I've covered everything already.

But I'd like you to tell me:
What exactly is Pariston's plan? Roughly speaking

Who or what exactly are these elaborate escape routes for?

For Kurapika & queen Oito? To mess with them and cause chaos?


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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Such an interesting debate.

I also doubt that Pariston is involved in this. Mostly, because of narrative issues with it. While Togashi blends and mixes way too well, I think He's leaving some problematic issues to later in the game. Beyond, Ging and Pariston are kinda "reserved" to after the sucession. Even if Togashi later connects someone with him.

Mushaho for me is the best candidate for SM, as this is not a "final" plotline, more likely a diversion until we reach any confrontation with Tserreindich.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 20, 2014
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Yes, that is another very important question. Let's play Rihan here: What we know for sure:

  • Mr SM targets a group of people (most likely 10) and one witness and then summons a doll that is only visible to the witness.
  • The doll summons four snakes (but mr Sm still controls the attack timing) that can drain the blood out of their targets. They take 44 seconds to do so alone, but only 11 seconds if all four of them drain together.
  • If his attack fails to kill at least one of his targets, the 'curse' will fall back to him in some way and the ability ends.
We do not know the mechanism of how targets can be chosen and how the ability can be applied. We also do not know how long exactly the ability will be maintained and how it can be stopped.

I do not think range is anything that has to do with direct distance. When Myuhan was killed, he was alone in the toilet. Unless mr SM is hiding there or in a room or floor right next to the toilet, it makes no sense to think he was in range then but not before. The reason mr SM waited for someone to draw attention was so that nobody would see the snakes attack, because if he would fail to kill anyone with the snakes, he would have his own ability turn on him. The attention part probably has nothing to do with who is 'in range' or not.

When I think about it, i am pretty sure that the curse is applied to one group of people and then it is 'fixed' and the targets cannot change unless someone is killed first.
Sorry, this reply is months late.
About the in range and attention thing, it is shown in the manga, I believe in the original text, the left red circled one says he's not in the range. (I was gonna reply right after your reply but I couldn't figure out where to upload the pictures, stupid me, I guess that's the downside of always being a lurker in forums)



有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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Sorry, this reply is months late.
About the in range and attention thing, it is shown in the manga, I believe in the original text, the left red circled one says he's not in the range. (I was gonna reply right after your reply but I couldn't figure out where to upload the pictures, stupid me, I guess that's the downside of always being a lurker in forums)

Yeah, it is not completely clear what that means. To me, it makes sense to think about it as 'in range'. Because he chooses his targets at random, it does not make sense that people like Barrigen would be important targets to him. But as i said, i also do not believe 'range' is meant as physical range. Rather, I think he has some conditions for targets that have to be met. Elseways it does not make a lot of sense to have Myuhan assassinate when he was in another room.