Who is kawaki theories. | MangaHelpers

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Who is kawaki theories.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 20, 2016
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I have these 8 theories, I'd like to see you guys' opinion and also tell me if there is a flaw in any of these theories.

1-one of orochimaru's living experiments, being a mix of the genes of Naruto and Sasuke.(you know, he has a very unusual mix of blonde and black hair)

2-mitsuki. It's possible that just like a snake he has to eventually shed his skin, and it turns out that kawaki is his second and true skin.

3-a disciple of Naruto or Sasuke (or maybe another character, but most likely one of those two) who has turned evil.the student following the opposite path of the teacher is something that has become a trope.

4-someone from another village such as the rain village who resents naruto (and konoha and the overall shinobi era) for not living up to his promise of making his village into a better place, thus believing the problem is because of the existence of Shinobi, so he has decided to end the shinobi age.

5-either the creator or the son/nephew/student of the creator of those machines and technologies that can allow you to use a jutsu you even haven't learned.it is possible to say that he highly believes machines are superior and gets sick when he sees people still using and learning natural Justus instead of his preferred artificial ones.

6-someone whom just like how rock lee was born without any talent in anything other than Taijutsu, the only difference is that he doesn't have a talent even in taijustu, and just like how rock lee and guy were bullied and made fun of because of their inability in being a ninja like them, he too gets made fun of, only that unlike lee and guy he doesn't have any from of emotional or parental support, even his parents are disappointed in him and don't ever respect him.

however he discovered that he can use those machines to perform Justus, eventually he gets obsessed with them to the point that he decides to take them apart and learn the structure of them and the usage of each piece.he eventually discovers some way to be able to use Justus without the need of those machines by finding a new method which he got the inspiration from the machines, such as injecting a syringe to himself that contains the same piece/liquid of the Justu machines, which explains why he had only a tattoo and a staff and didn't have anything technological with him.

or Just like how sasori made himself into a puppet, it is possible that kawaki either attached or modeled a fake artificial or technological body.in other words kawaki could be either a robot who transferred the mind of his original body into the robotic body model, he could be a cyborg by inserting technological parts into his body (nano machines, son), or he decided to make a new natural body for himself like orochimaru, so his body is real and made of flesh but it's his second body, it's a fake body, but unlike his original body this one has the genes that can give him the ability to execute Justus properly and Therefore it makes him into a talented ninja.

7-this theory is similar to the previous one. kawaki is a talented person, but his sister/brother/best friend/crush isn't and gets made fun of, and eventually he/she gets either killed in a mission or commits suicide for not being a good ninja.this angers kawaki and makes him enter a state similar to obito's state of realizing how cruel and unfair the world is, and just like how many naruto villains either wanted to become a god or were forcing their own philosophies down people's throat, kawaki wants to end the shinobi era and kill naruto and Sasuke to make the world into a better place.

8-he actaully is someone similar to black zetsu or pain's followers, he believes in the same philosophy of another naruto villain but he just uses a different method to achieve his goal, for example he could be a kaguya worshipper and follows her but instead of turning people into white zetsus he believes the way to end wars and protect the earth (AKA kaguya's nursery) is to end shinobi era by killing it's strongest ninja and it's leaders/kage.

and he also is planning to make a world where there is no ninja academy and no scrolls either so that no one can ever learn a jutsu or become a ninja, Thus ending the shinobi age.it could also be the he is a madara or a pain follower and follows their path of bringing peace to the world by using his method.

Let's see which theory is correct.

The third

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Aug 8, 2016
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