Shounen - [Webtoon] DICE by Yunhyunseok | Page 15 | MangaHelpers

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Shounen [Webtoon] DICE by Yunhyunseok


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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Well, X couldn't have been more clear with what would happen to Eunju, and yet she accepted entering his game. She's really out of her mind right now and I think that everyone in that room should be worried (Well, Dawn could just air barrier everything Eunju throws at her but she must release Taebin first). And if the chaos she's about to cause wasn't enough, it could lead to TK (Mio probably? But I don't think so for plot reasons I mentioned earlier) losing his Die and Taebin getting it to awake Mooyoung.

So Dongtae will arrive the storage room soon just to see Eunju in that state. He will think that his previous assumption was correct and probably start asking her why, which will probably end up in she getting even more pissed and turning against him.

kendama said:
And I would like to add that Eunju wasn't just slapped in the face and humiliated. She found that Taebin was not in the least worried about her, but only focused on getting her Die. That from the only person to give her the acknowledgement she had craved her entire life must have been the ultimate disappointment.
I'm sure that's how she took his words, but I wonder what he really meant. We haven't had a focus on his mind in a while. Did he really want to protect her, as he would normally do? Or has he already become fully commited to awake Mooyoung and help him get the Final Die?

kendama said:
Interestingly, we have been hoodwinked by the author. We always thought that even though X generates the quests and says desire is what fuels them, he is more or less impartial in the distribution of quests. Clearly this is not the case: he plays favourites. He wanted Eunju to become a Dicer so hard that when it happened, he used her bottled-up desire to fuel a succession of quests that were pretty much completed on being given. Some may think of it as an Ass Pull, but it isn't: I point to chapter five as my evidence. X gave Dongtae extremely simple quests in the beginning, including one that was pretty much an Easter Egg hunt for a Die.
Eunju is clearly her favourite but I thought the early succession of easy quests was the same for everyone. That's how X lures people in to get them motivated to do the nastier quests later. Byungchuul got a quest in which he had to solve a math problem if I remember correctly.

Something I didn't comment on the previous chapter. Mio being able to resist Gravity Press. That just brings more questions about what's her real power level. If she was as physically weak as she seems she should be against the floor crying in pain but she's able to hold her body weight with her arms, opposing arguably as much resistance as Taebin. Dawn commenting on this indicates that it will probably lead to something soon.

Oh, the new BGM is cool, but Dahlia is still my favourite. I wonder if we'll get another video once the War Quest is over.
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 5, 2008
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United States
The White Queen has has ! So shes unlocked 2 A Rank powaaaaaahs in like 30 secs and shes using them right off the bat to show case the gap in ability between her even at this stage and the more advanced players.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Oh my, this finally happened?! I had lost hope on Eunju ever rolling a dice. Although she had been driven completely to a corner by this point , so anyone calling her a hypocrite is an idiot. Not only was the teacher obviously ready to kill her, but when she called for someone to save her and then to Taebin, he only asked her about her dice, clearly showing her that she was irrelevant in front of the dices. Anyways, I loved the badass new Eunju. Sure, she seems to be overpowered and favoured by X, but the desire part? It's completely true.

From the very beginning, she has wished that dices would disappear. The A-rank quest is based on the person's strongest desire, and in Eunju's case, the desire is obviously erasing the dices. The only way in which she could do this is by obtaining the final die, and to do that, she had to use the dices' power. All of her quests are progressive steps into embracing the Dice power, and she does them inmediately.

Also, let's remember that Eunju didn't need to use points to improve her looks or intelligence from the beginning, so she's definitely one of the top 3 A-rankers (most likely only second to Taebin/Muyoung). Looking forward to see what does miss badass princess do now. While as X said her desire will eventually make her the enemy of every single dicer, there's no reason for her to attack either Mio or Dongtae. Dawn and Taebin, however, that I'm not so sure. Teacher and masked guy, on the other hand, are gonna get raped in 3,2,1...

-About Mio's endurance to gravity press, I recall that when I re-read this manga from the beginning recently, X refered to Mio as "Miss Jack of all trades". This could mean she used a lot of dice on her looks, but then upgraded all the remaining stats equally. Hence, her endurance is probably higher than the average (it seems to be disfavoured among the dicers)


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 7, 2009
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Well, this development finally made Eunju really interesting for me. It's not a big surprise that she became a Dicer, it was the only way to give her a bigger big role within the story other than being the bog-standard "good girl has to be resuced" character. I look forward to Eunju's route now. X surely isn't aware of how this day will affect his future and domination. DICE is still a great series and didn't drop in quality one bit.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Well, chapter 115 is out.

I was wondering whether I ought to wait for people to go rabid over Eunju in other forums before posting something here, but I'll at least leave some first impressions.

I may not have been the first one, but I have been comparing X to the Judeo-Christian figure of Satan for quite a while. So has the author: he even put Satan's words from the Book of Job in his mouth back in chapter 85.

And in this chapter he was pure Satan: corner a poor soul, break her spirit; then when she finally loses herself, take advantage of the mess her mind has become to manipulate her, all the while pouring sweet words into her ear. And if anyone (Mio, in this case) calls you out on it, plead innocence and say you have nothing to do with it and it was all her own wish.

And some readers are already buying that nonsense at Reddit. Instead of pitying her, there was a cry for Dongtae to kill her less than five minutes after I released the chapter. Go figure.

I have never said I couldn't envisage Eunju becoming corrupted. I still see the possibility. I have used Nietzsche's Abyss as the metaphor of reference in posts made here.

And in any case, if she does become evil, the joke will be on Dongtae. The last person who presented some moral resilience to Dice will have succumbed. He will have lost his closest thing to a friend (Byungchul), the few people with whom we hung out (Sungchul and the others), and the girl who had been his ray of light during his years of misery (Eunju) to Dice. Only Mio will be left, and also targeted for her Clairvoyance.

If that is not an indictment of Dice (not only of X), I don't know what is.

May I just point out that, right now, Eunju has only turned against people who were already corrupted: teacher Kim (I doubt even her haters will be sad about his death), Samsusaeng (who had no trouble bringing Dicers down for profit and tried to kill Dongtae), Dawn (who would have killed the entire school to make Taebin show himself) and Taebin (after what we have seen, need I say more? He may be redeemable, but he needs to start doing something in that direction). If you look at the direction the chairs and desks were moving, not once did Eunju point them at Mio. And as X pointed out, she protected her friend from Samsusaeng.

Since I have already cleaned and begun typesetting 116, I will refrain from saying more on the matter.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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Eunju is so out of her mind right now that she wants to kill Taebin, arguably the character she has the strongest feelings for, even though she doesn't need his die (I think she doesn't know that Mooyoung has Time Pause). Not only she's acting according to X's predictions but also surpassing them in the same direction. Let's see if Dongtae can choose his words wisely.

What an abrupt end for Samsusaeng. I didn't know he was so loyal to Dawn (He was probably in love with her?). He also sacrificed his life the same way Dawn did with Taebin, so it must had been really hard to let him go.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Eunju is so out of her mind right now that she wants to kill Taebin, arguably the character she has the strongest feelings for, even though she doesn't need his die (I think she doesn't know that Mooyoung has Time Pause). Not only she's acting according to X's predictions but also surpassing them in the same direction. Let's see if Dongtae can choose his words wisely.
I'm not sure she attacked him so much for his Die (and she didn't pick Samsusaeng's yet, so she needs a Teleportation Die) as because he broke her heart so thoroughly and showed himself so despicable in the previous chapter she lost it completely. It's no longer a question of "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned"; the moment she needed him most, he asked for her Die. I think she would have attacked him even without X's incitement, although I agree that is open to discussion.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 5, 2008
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United States
Just as I predicted Enjuu went all Akira on them !

Will Mio take that teleportation ability?


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Well, Eunju's killspree went the way I expected (her first target was the teacher while Mio wasn't ever targetted). She actually killing the dicers was kind of unexpected, but then again, Eunju doesn't know that you can take someone else's dices without necessarily killing them (Dawn, it's a good time to tell her this information, but that's only my advice xD). I think the reason she's killing the dicers is that she doesn't know that there's a way to obtain their dices without killing, and she sees it as a "necessary evil" in order to erase the dices off the world.

As Dawn said, I believe Eunju's conflicted right now about whether or not to attack Mio. I hope she doesn't, as this would be the moment she screws up her morals entirely. Attacking Mio (who has only tried to protect her and is clearly NOT evil) would be completely unjustified, especially since it's impossible that she is the only person with clairvoyance (it is implied that 2 people can become S-rankers).

Here's hoping that Dawn grabs Samsunsaeng's teleportation dice and gets the hell out of there (I like her character xD) and Eunju crushes Taebin. but I think the opposite is much more likely to happen.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Chapter 116 is up.

I am too tired to write at length, so just some one-liners.

I agree whole-heartedly with Eunju's decision and reasoning.

I am curious as to how Dongtae will respond. This could develop in a multitude of ways. He cannot avoid the issue of Dice any longer.

The question of what X changes when it was his turn is one I had never thought of before. At last we get some useful insight from Mio.

I am surprised that Dawn knows the answer to that question.

And no Death Flags for Mio, at least for now. If Dawn wants to use her to investigate into X again, she will have to live to serve that purpose.

How long is Taebin going to remain crouched on the ground gasping?!

And what is that paused Quest?

I cannot wait for the next chapter!


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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I loved this chapter so much.

requiem46 said:
Here's hoping that Dawn grabs Samsunsaeng's teleportation dice and gets the hell out of there (I like her character xD) and Eunju crushes Taebin. but I think the opposite is much more likely to happen.
Looks like Dawn got out of there in the end but I wonder why. Why did she go through all that to kill Taebin/Mooyoung and then left just like that, leaving Taebin with a source for the fourth skill he needs?

I love the fact that Mio is getting an important role (I knew that Dawn being alive meant Clairvoyance investigation being brought back to the table, but they needed the chance to talk about it first) , but will the key to defeat X be in there? If it was then Dawn wouldn't be losing time and would just make her upgrade her Clairvoyance right there (or in another room leaving Taebin there, just in case), but then again, she shouldn't be losing time time in killing Taebin in the first place, so the logic of her actions is not clear at all yet.

I'm also very intrigued by Dawn knowing so much about X, but it looks like the events related to her after Mooyoung's betrayal will remain a mistery until she meets with Mio.

Quest paused? Will X just cancel it due to the new circumstances or what? In any case I can't remember if the attack team dicers had to be defeated by defense dicers specifically.

LOL at Mio calling Taebin "transfer". It makes sense but it's kinda funny that after all this time they have had little to none interaction.
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Well, Dawn surviving and keeping Samsuasaeng's dice makes me happy. We have quite a bunch of people with more than one skill, and that gives us a chance of having an unexpected conclussion (I've never been particularly interested in seeing Dongtae vs Mooyoung/Taebin vs X as an ending, thanks). As to why did she just leave now after having gone berserk to destroy Mooyoung, I can think of a few possible reasons:

-Samsusaeng's sacrifice has reminded her of her own sacrifice for Taebin back in the day.
-Taebin has remained himself even when he was being pushed to the limit, and after being told about how Mooyoung used him AND having one of his old friends back, she might think that Taebin will not try to get a 4th A rank skill.
-Eunju's berserk kills and huge power-up and the reasons above have probably made Dawn realize that shit can go wrong in unexpected ways when dealing with dices and X. Therefore, she's no longer sure about what she should do and she wants to think about it for the time being.

From my point of view, Dawn seems to be a nice girl turned into a machiavellian revenge-focused sociopath. Her goal is firstly getting revenge on Mooyoung (and X?), and perhaps also getting to use the final die. However, the recent chapters have made her consider that her end and/or means might be wrong. Clairvoyance (i.e. knowing things other people don't) might come in handy to obtain more information for further planning and Mio hasn't attacked her, so Dawn is also considering to cooperate with her eventually.

As to "X had the final die, what did he change?", Dawn didn't really say that X used the ability, although it's heavily implied. My guess is that X is the little kid we saw in DICE'S prologue ( vs for instance) and the thing he changed, in case he did it, was what we saw in the first chapter: ensuring that people's fates are decided with a random roll of a die, and that playing with the dices can change these fates (but this dice game is all done for X's lulz)

The pause in the quest may mean two things I can think of: the main point of X assigning the war quest was getting Eunju to roll her dice, or X wants her to choose a side.

Eunju's logic is indeed solid: while the school life was pretty shitty before Dice, it was only hell for a few people (such as Mio or Dongtae), but now it's hell for everyone, dicers and (especially) non dicers. However, her wording is interesting: Eunju wants to get rid of all the dice, but she has NOT said that she wants to remove the effects of the dice people have already used. I don't think Eunju wants everything to go back to exactly how it was, she's not heartless. She would not do something like that to Dongtae and Mio when she's so thankful to them after this quest (and the "go after Eunju" quest in dongtae's case). Eunju just wants to remove Dice so people won't fight and kill each other over them in order to improve themselves.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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Oh don't worry, IT'S FULLY RAISED ALREADY (I was going to "design" a Mio flag on paint but I'm too lazy)

Other than setting up for the epic date this seemed like a chapter where nothing happened. Maybe Dongtae opposing to Eunju's resolution was important but it was completely predictable thanks to the discussions that have been held from a long time ago.

I think classes must have been suspended indefinitely for obvious reasons. That should give the characters more time to think of their next moves. It's interesting that none of the current characters will have problems with the police despite all that chaos. Dawn was hooded, cloaking idiot was using cloaking the whole time, Samsusaeng died, and so did TK (in case the other teacher survived and accused him). I doubt the other students accused Dongtae of something after he saved them, and going on a date in a public place is not something that someone being chased by the police would do so...

requiem46 said:
-Taebin has remained himself even when he was being pushed to the limit, and after being told about how Mooyoung used him AND having one of his old friends back, she might think that Taebin will not try to get a 4th A rank skill.
I'll stick with this one for now.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 7, 2009
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Just read #117.

I'm a little bit disappointed about Eunju's goal, though it's no surprise that she wants to use the power of the dice to erase the very existence of it. Anyway, Dongtae was not really better with just thinking about the benefits he received with the dice. Is there no character who thinks outside the box? I've still a hard time to favorite a character in this series.

So, we are at the amusement park now. There's probably no better location for X to amuse himself.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 5, 2008
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United States
Eunju's simple single minded BS is why she will be used as a naive tool for X's amusement. Her strong emotions & naivety is why X targeted her but it will be interesting seeing if she becomes a villain trying to achieve her goals.

I wonder if Dongtae is formulating a strategy around team work with trusted friends rather than trying to acquire powers.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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Well, Mio's got a point. Yeah, going on a date in times like this is dangerous and all that, but if you are going to do it anyway just focus on enjoying it, feeling bad for teacher Chun is not gonna make him recover faster or anything like that.

Skeleton guy is a true bro.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 5, 2008
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United States
Notice Mio turning down the fun house mirror as shes didn't want to be reminded of her past self.

Anyways I guess its nice they had some down time but I hope Mio has been collecting dice points to upgrade some of her stats to improve her survival odds.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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Anyways I guess its nice they had some down time but I hope Mio has been collecting dice points to upgrade some of her stats to improve her survival odds.
That's not possible in PVP phase unless you defeat another dicer.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Something has just occurred to me.

It may be a plot hole, but… what of the neutral team?

X said "both teams" (Attack and Defence) would be penalised, but does this mean former Neutrals can still sneak up on other A-Rankers without being announced by the alarm system?

If it does, and Dongtae doesn't realise this fast, he and Mio are in serious danger.

What about Eunju? I don't think she is going to attack Dongtae and Mio, but technically she was a member of no team: her very transformation into a Dicer seems to have been the thing that caused a bug in the system and cancelled the Quest. Does this mean she is not going to be detected by the alarm system either?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 17, 2014
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When X explained the rules of the game he said that Dicers on the neutral team would only receive penalties. I think it's safe to assume that he didn't mention them again because he had said so from the beginning. And Eunju is a completely different case, I don't know what to say there.