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Discussion Unpopular Opinions


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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So, the manga has been out for a full year now, and is at Chapter 50. I'd say thats a good number of chapters to hold opinions of varying degrees, whether popular or unpopular. This thread is for the community to share any opinions they think might be controversial, or not shared by a majority of the fandom.
I'll kick this off:
-Ray, while being a well written character, honestly, I feel should have died back when they were escaping from the orphanage. It felt like such a perfect character conclusion for him that despite having received his character development from being saved by Emma, it will forever bother me a little that he didnt die back then.
What are your unpopular opinions regarding the series?


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
My unpopular opinion: The series no longer needs Norman.

I know he's a favorite of many and there are a lot of theories anticipating his big return, but I don't think he's needed anymore. He was great leading up to the big escape. He planned most of it, investigated the cliffs, drew up plans, even left them the pen. I just feel like his "death" was necessary for Emma to grow. If Norman was still around, there would be the over dependence on him that I think held Emma back a bit and made her look like a passenger for most of the earlier chapters. The kids are actually doing well, and Emma's promise to Norman seems to be a major driving force. Emma has gotten stronger both mentally and physically, Ray has gotten kinder, willing to open himself up to the other kids and be the big brother he held himself back from being at Gracefields. I feel like Norman's death was the catalyst to all this, so while he's missed on an emotional level I feel the story is fine without him because he's already left his mark.


For the Empire!
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 16, 2015
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United Nations
William Minvera, Musica, and Sonju are Alpha versions of Emma, Norman, and Ray. In this series, the alphas were vital to forming the original promise.

That does mean Musica and Sonju are much older than they look and that William Minvera is either a demon in human skin or has kept cloning himself for the last thousand years.

Norman is a natural clone of WM (think Boba Fett) while Emma and Ray are human betas of Musica and Sonju, their goal is to create a new promise as the old was flawed and loopholed by ???.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 21, 2017
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This is something that has been preying on my mind for a long time already. To tell the truth, while reading Neverland I noticed a few suboptimal points that make it difficult for me to simply ignore them which is why I've tried to list them down here.
  • Most likely it's just me but since the escape from the GF house, I kinda miss this competitive tactical thinking between the kids and Isabella that was present right in the beginning of the manga. Don't get me wrong. I'm fully aware that the revelation and the world building in the latest chapters were absolutely necessary to build up the suspense for what's about to come and I think that the current storyline is still on a high level, but at the moment it's also lacking of these psychological mind games for which I started to love this manga. Hopefully it's only just a short phase and the story will return to its previous vibe so that it can focus more on the intellectual battles.
  • Aside from the main characters, Don, Gilda and maybe Phil, I think the author is neglecting the other children, unfortunately. Of course I don't expect him to put emphasis on every child since it's also sometimes disadvantegous to concentrate on too many characters. But the way how they are displayed at the moment, I have to admit that I feel indifferent towards most of them. This may be merciless of me, but sadly I probably won't feel anything, if one of the other children dies.
  • And the reason why they appear one-sided is because they are overshadowed by the three two geniuses most of the time. I was hoping that some of them might contribute something to the progress of the story while Emma and Ray were unconsious but in the end it didn't turn out like this.
  • Besides, I have to partly agree with Empi about the suicide attempt of Ray. However, I actually have no problem that he survived, but the prevention of his suicide attempt was not well executed. I don't have any clue about writing a story and I have deepest respect for those people who are doing this, but I think there would have been better possibilities that could have solved this issue.
  • Furthermore, it's a little bit unrealistic that all of the children survived until now. Of course, it's the typical Shōnen-aspect and I don't wish for a massacre or something like that but the death of Connie or Krone for example was the right "amount" and perfectly emphasized the gruesomeness of this world. Those deaths left a huge impact on me which made me think that Neverland would be different from most Shōnen-mangas. Since their deaths I just thought that this manga would have no mercy to kill off side characters at least.
Anyway, this was just my humble opinion about Neverland. Those points may sound harsh at first but this doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying the story anymore. In fact, every story has its flaws and Neverland has become -despite of those points- one of the few mangas that I like to put on my shelf someday now!!!
Last edited:


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2017
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United Kingdom
I would rather not get Norman back than get him back as an actual villain.

I can excuse a "brainwash" (I'd prefer if this is avoided though) and I can accept him being forced to do things he doesn't want. But changing his actual character and his views, going against everything he stood for in the first thirty chapters is something I really don't want. What I liked about him is who he was as a person so I'd rather remember him for who he was than get him back as someone completely different.
And I firmly believe he'll be back - so you have no idea how hard I'm crossing my fingers that this isn't what they do with his character.

(I figure this is unpopular because I've seen a ton of people saying it would be an interesting twist; for me it's just a dreadful thought.)


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
Nice choice of topic ^^

I have to say that I'm not fond of how they got the pen. If we think about it, a crucial object for their mission to get to Minerva was obtained by a pure succession of lucky events:
First we have Krone finding it on the ground, then this same sister gets affected to where the children were held, then on just a whim of hers she decides to give them the pen...The odds for all this happening are just too low, and the timing was almost perfect too...Luck should always be used with moderation in stories, at least that's what I think.

The rest of my "unpopular thoughts" are among the nicely summarized post by @Zirconium , (specifically her points (1), (3) and (5)).

Admiral Teach

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 31, 2017
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Water Tribe
I would rather not get Norman back than get him back as an actual villain.

I can excuse a "brainwash" (I'd prefer if this is avoided though) and I can accept him being forced to do things he doesn't want. But changing his actual character and his views, going against everything he stood for in the first thirty chapters is something I really don't want. What I liked about him is who he was as a person so I'd rather remember him for who he was than get him back as someone completely different.
And I firmly believe he'll be back - so you have no idea how hard I'm crossing my fingers that this isn't what they do with his character.

(I figure this is unpopular because I've seen a ton of people saying it would be an interesting twist; for me it's just a dreadful thought.)
My thoughts exactly, Manda. This also ties into the Ray's Suicide debate. Of the main three, at least 1 needed to end up dead. Neverland is just that kind of series, a psychological thriller.

I was of the opinion originally that Ray needed to go, simply because I, like most people, am not deceived. Of COURSE Norman is alive. His survival better have one hell of an explanation, which won't satisfy me, to at least give excuse for rendering his "sacrifice" and the emotional impact mute. Like with Ray's potential death, Norman's absence left a hole that had to be filled, and it was, both emotionally and mentally through the development of Emma.

Now, as for Ray, specifically, I always thought he was the "one to go". Ray even believed this himself; it was his entire agenda! Even to the extent of immolating himself with Isabella, he intended to die somehow. So when he winds up about ready to commit suicide, I was expecting it as the end to his tragic, somewhat mysterious and revealed-to-be torturous life up to that point. Heck, most everyone thought he was a traitor, and technically this turned out true.

But, I gave it a chance. And from the moment we see Norman's "ghost" talking with Ray (which is to me almost, note I say almost, evidence that he may in fact be gone for good... dare we hope), Ray's character starts to suddenly shift. This is great psychology. His entire arc is a perfect example of a person who gave up on living and failed to die, and thus must change to continue forward. He's grown marvelously. He's not even the same person emotionally as he was even immediately after Gracefield House. So I don't regret his loss. In a way, the fact that he was developed so perfectly so that we were meant to feel closure with his end, just makes his survival all the more potent. We are meant, and forced, to experience life from HIS perspective, where he daily observes the question of "this is the 'what if I somehow survived' that he probably imagined before the escape night.

So in the end, I guess I'm 50/50 about Ray's survival. Either way would have been well done, no pun intended. But I think that, assuming Norman never again becomes a major point of interaction with the other kids and Emma, it paid off in the end. Now, if Norman returns... well. Then Ray shouldn't have made it. Of course, we all know Emma wouldn't have retained sanity if that happened. She'd have gone berserk or into a state of catatonia. So if anything one of her brothers had to live somehow, at least until everyone escaped imminent danger.

Of other story elements, I can't say much at the moment. But I feel that the series has indeed departed from its root source of enjoyment. The kids are getting slow development on their background personalities. But other than Phil, none have really demonstrated keen enough intellect or resourcefulness to warrant any character focus. But let's be honest, shall we? These kids are too young. And of the older four, Gilda has had excellent time taking instant charge. Right now Don is the one most lacking in contribution.

My bet is we're going to get more mind games and battles soon in coming chapters. I hope. There's only so much that can be done with the mysteries and survival/adventure. But if they do... I'm imagining a 7Seeds world out there. Plenty of room for exploration there.

My last opinion is that a few of the side character kids need to die, but only AFTER the safety of the majority is well-established and there's an appreciable time to breathe. Otherwise I don't see any characters consistently handling such trauma, character-wise or realistically. If these were teenagers, sure. But they're not, and it won't just be Emma who suffers a breakdown. But if there's no death... or something... there's no tension. And without the threat of impending disaster OR puzzle battles... what is left?

Isabella: my last point. I miss her. I was just thinking earlier today that she's left a real void in my fictional life. I.e, I don't get the malicious, cunning, complex, tragic zing from any other character or manga. In a way, she was a perfectly executed antagonist. Mama was cold as ice and hard-willed as iron. That second chapter where Emma turns to look at Mama during her interrogation, only to have a scary panel of Isabella's face... priceless. It's for the mixture of art and characterization that made Krone and Isabella so riveting to the story. She's gone now. Of course, Sun-Joo turned out to be a much more malevolent replacement. *Shudders* He's gone too, though. And only revealed his bloodthirsty ambition at the end.

Here's to this series being only 100-150 chapters max. A Big Three length epic this is not meant to be. No way are they holding my attention for that long, not unless new characters are consistently introduced and death becomes a constant and real event. But didn't similar series like Death Note survive for a little too long past their expiration date? Only time will tell... and of course, ratings. ;)


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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I think there are a few things out there with the plot that we as viewers can have a say about, some of these arent mainly my opinions btw this came from other guys in youtube and here, some can be considered small nitpicks:

1. The scene between Krone and Norman and how his thought process was being showcased, was a bit "pretentious" (Code Provider (from youtube) mentioned it as being one of the few problems with the series when he started reading), which I understand to some extent, but for the most part the whole thing would pass unnoticed to many

2. The Norman situation, I agree with you guys about Norman being better off dead, for the plot rather than being a brainwashed villain, but if he´s alive I´d rather, that he never appears until the end of the manga or something, like Emma and co reach the human world and plot twist, turns out Norman was sent there for X reason, of course I only defend this if him being alive is a actual thing cant be avoided.

3. The Sonju off screen fight (someone else already mentioned this), I gotta say the fight should´ve been showcased that way we would´ve had a good grasp on what the demons could do and the shonen fans could get a nice fight scene.

4. The lack of consequences in the farm for failure as far as Isabella and Grandma are concerned: This one I really take as one of the biggest flaws in the series, Isabella and Grandma werent punished for their incompetence which I honestly find stupid, Krone did nothing wrong and if things had went her way the kids would´ve been shipped off possibly earlier, yet because Isabella had a big connection with Grandma Krone´s warnings are washed off and she´s killed for doing her job, the demons still get Norman yes, but 15 kids escape afterwards, not only is Grandma not killed by the demons for her mistake, which honestly should´ve happened, but Isabella isnt seen to have suffered any drawbacks, now even if we applied the "resources being vital" card, that logic didnt apply to Krone who did her job, but applies to Grandma and Isabella who failed, so no we should´ve seen a proper punishment.

Admiral Teach

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 31, 2017
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Water Tribe
Oh Aonori. Don't remind me of how we've lost perspective of Grandma and Isabella's situation. It only foreshadows more that a plantation-based Norman arc is inevitable.
Unless they intend to go with a cliff-hanger timeskip and jump back to Phil. By the time he's twelve I'd bet the darn kid could get his family to safety on his own... ignoring that there's probably all sorts of demonic traps and defenses now in place to stop them...


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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But I feel that the series has indeed departed from its root source of enjoyment. The kids are getting slow development on their background personalities. But other than Phil, none have really demonstrated keen enough intellect or resourcefulness to warrant any character focus. But let's be honest, shall we? These kids are too young. And of the older four, Gilda has had excellent time taking instant charge. Right now Don is the one most lacking in contribution.
This is exactly why I think that the author is planning to kill off most of these kids, or at the very least, have them recaptured by the demons because, why else wouldn't the author bother not giving them names? Some of them have been given names (Like Anna and Sophie), but the vast majoity of them (Especially the talkative ones who always call Minerva a liar) have all but no names. As it stands, I honestly think these kids sole reason for existence in the series is to serve as Emma's moral anchor. They serve no purpose outside that, evidenced by Ray and Emma needing to watch out for them everytime something happens, or a new danger shows up.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2017
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United Kingdom
You guys summed it up better than I ever could. I really like Norman but to bring him back for the sake of cheap drama between friends would just be terrible and insulting to his character in my opinion.
This is a boy that tried to die for Emma's ideals; changing him into a villain willing to do everything he stood against off panel is erasing his entire characterization in the first arc and I'd be less than thrilled to see this.

On the topic of his probably-not-death, I don't think anyone truly bought it and I'm sure the mangakas knew putting a "what?" right before his demise and showing no corpse would lead to disbelief. They knew. There's no reason to put it there unless they want to give us a "stay tuned to see what happened to him". That's fair. While I think we need deaths, I truly never expected anyone in the main trio to actually die. But for the love of god, no Naruto levels of chasing a heel turned friend, we really don't need that. I'd even take a rescue arc over this and I usually do not like those.

But while I say I never expected anyone of the main trio to die, that doesn't go for the other kids. I agree with everyone here that we need some deaths.
Emma is my favorite character and I cheer for her and her success. But I also cheer for her character development and unfortunately some of the kids probably have to go. Not only would it darken the mood, it would also help her grow. We can tell she's got a dark side, explore it by angering her! Test her resolve!
It doesn't even have to be named characters, just get rid of some of the (mostly) nameless kids. We don't know them very well but we can feel the impact of the loss through the main character and it'd do wonders for the story.
It probably sounds awful but in a series where there are no powers, no transformations, no nothing, what else can be put at stake but the character's lives? The main character has to suffer losses. The one loss she suffered is probably not even real.

Still, these are just concerns, I've got faith everything will work out well. I don't really have many complaints about the manga so far, afterall.


MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Aug 23, 2013
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United States
I think the writer is unable to handle multiple characters which is why all the kids to me feel like they lack any sort of personality or necessity. The writer is also finding the difficulties of keeping little kids focused, they end up as just space on the page filling panels. I will give the writer credit for trying to give them some personality like their names in the 2nd newest chapter (pizza topping head and curry head, cute), but otherwise, we know next to nothing about how they act and respond to things or what their personality even is.


I also have the opinion that Emma needs to be killed off. She adds nothing that Ray couldnt accomplish on his own.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
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I think the writer is unable to handle multiple characters which is why all the kids to me feel like they lack any sort of personality or necessity. The writer is also finding the difficulties of keeping little kids focused, they end up as just space on the page filling panels. I will give the writer credit for trying to give them some personality like their names in the 2nd newest chapter (pizza topping head and curry head, cute), but otherwise, we know next to nothing about how they act and respond to things or what their personality even is.


I also have the opinion that Emma needs to be killed off. She adds nothing that Ray couldnt accomplish on his own.

While I do agree that some characters lack in personality (especially the little kids) I don't think Emma needs to be killed off. She did contribute to her team and I can see the potential in her to become one of the best characters in TPN, but hey, that's just my opinion.

As my other opinion about the series as a whole, I really like the second arc as much as the first one. I can see why a lot of people dislike it because it isn't the same, but I see it as a "foreshadow" arc and that some mysteries will be solved here, but leaves us readers with more questions.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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I also have the opinion that Emma needs to be killed off. She adds nothing that Ray couldnt accomplish on his own.
Leadership skills? Emma is the reason the kids have managed to stick this far together, I don't think Ray would have been capable of the same.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2017
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United Kingdom
I also have the opinion that Emma needs to be killed off. She adds nothing that Ray couldnt accomplish on his own.
No way the main character gets offed, would never even be allowed.
And I think sure, they're both technically the same. We don't need two people coming up with the same plans, same ideas, same everything. But would it really be the same if it was just one of them?
While Ray is very clinical, Emma is bold. They offer us different perspectives on the same situation even if they're planning the same thing. It's a matter of, curiously enough, personality.
A good example is when Ray was debating rationally what to do and Emma just straight up hit the nameless guy in the nuts. They both could've reached the same result - had Ray been given the chance to act - but they had different ways of going about it.

This is just my opinion, but I feel like they both add stuff that the other couldn't and getting rid of either would be a giant mistake; especially considering how most of the cast is lacking personality (as sad as it is).


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 25, 2014
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No way the main character gets offed, would never even be allowed.
And I think sure, they're both technically the same. We don't need two people coming up with the same plans, same ideas, same everything. But would it really be the same if it was just one of them?
While Ray is very clinical, Emma is bold. They offer us different perspectives on the same situation even if they're planning the same thing. It's a matter of, curiously enough, personality.
A good example is when Ray was debating rationally what to do and Emma just straight up hit the nameless guy in the nuts. They both could've reached the same result - had Ray been given the chance to act - but they had different ways of going about it.

This is just my opinion, but I feel like they both add stuff that the other couldn't and getting rid of either would be a giant mistake; especially considering how most of the cast is lacking personality (as sad as it is).
Agree, I do feel like having them both is like when you are talking yourself, they for me are 2 halfes (one more cynical, the other more impulsive) of the same character.

I don´t think it is unpopular, but I feel like Don and Gilda added nothing to the story (tho I will say that "blow up the shed" recently was cool), and are mostly there to be soon killed off.

Also, it`s sad but I kinda want to see one of the children die, to make it feel more real. They are having way 2 much sucess


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
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Agree, I do feel like having them both is like when you are talking yourself, they for me are 2 halfes (one more cynical, the other more impulsive) of the same character.

I don´t think it is unpopular, but I feel like Don and Gilda added nothing to the story (tho I will say that "blow up the shed" recently was cool), and are mostly there to be soon killed off.

Also, it`s sad but I kinda want to see one of the children die, to make it feel more real. They are having way 2 much sucess
I don't really feel that Don or Gilda would be killed off. They are having that presence in the story that they're going to be really important.

And consider the current situation, I could see that someone is going to die. It's like the tension came back to haunt them.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 21, 2012
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New Zealand
Maybe it's not such an unpopular opinion after all but I'm glad Norman's out of the picture. I feel like he did too much on his own. Most of the plans were his after all. He kind of stole the shine from Emma, who's clearly the main character.

Emma seems like the more typical shounen character and I've seen her type a lot before. But she interests me a lot unlike the others because TPN doesn't feel like a fairy tail where friendship powers can save the day. The adult man already shows that a bright and hopeful character can become dark. Emma has already had her mindset tested a lot and I'm sure there'll be times where she cracks. I think Ray and Emma balance each other out too. I can't see him always agreeing with her and he clearly still thinks she's naive and reckless.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Sep 24, 2010
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I like the way without Norman. Norman could do something a little too much. With only Ray and Emma it really is balance.
However, my like and my prediction are not the same. I think with this style of story line, Norman will come back for sure.