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Shounen Undead Unluck


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Of the new batch, it and I think Guardian of the Witch, are the most popular newcomers. I think they'll be sticking around.
Yeah, these are the new series that I also hope stick around, at least one of them.

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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I think from the new series at least 2 or 3 will end this year. Zipman is already a given, only question is who the other (two) series(s) gonna be. I don't think it gonna be Undead Unluck or Yozakura so that leaves only Mashle, Mitama and GotW as potential candidates. Though since S8 just ended it might be that only one other new series has to end so the rest can enjoy a longer period of publishing to possibly gather fans and increase their sales.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 18, 2013
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plus there might be two older series ending soon so there's more space.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2020
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i hope its Yozafam... the author already proven when he wanted to made serious arc, he delivered////and i always prefer comedy-battle..for me episodic gag still good too (many said not)..
and i see Mashle survive.. even tho i dont like it much like others, but i know the appeal...its easy to follow and easy to recognize.. One+Harry potter, what else you need? harry potter is huge franchise in japan..look at movie number,...
and ofcourse, UU will lead them as Hit manga in 2020 and '20 decade...hope so...

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Mui is such a sweetheart with how earnestly she asked Izumo for helping her Master. I wonder when Izumo will be confident enough to no longer call herself useless...
Also if that little "touched cheek by accident" created a magma explosion then she must like Andy quite a lot already. Just how much of a pushover can you be, Izumo? "At least put some clothes on, for society's sake!" was my fav line this chapter. XD
I liked the banter between Andy and Shen, for two people who tried to kill each other not so long ago, you'd expect some tense air or resentment but both were cool and relaxed and making fun of each other, very bro-like. The whole chapter gave me "a weird crazy family feeling" with Billy cleaning Tatiana's robot suit, the prof blasting a laser through the base and the boss-woman rubbing her fingers together when a plan worked. Like I thought there would be arguments regarding Andy blasting apart their plan on how to deal with those quests but they just went with it. Despite the fact that just two of their members died and got replaced by the ones who killed them they handled this very used to and professional (except Tatiana's burst-out vs Andy ofc).
That broken neck looked quite nasty but Andy just used it as a rocket headbutt. Nice! XD
Glad to see Izumo being more proactive, babysteps, girl, babysteps, no need to get hurt too badly. <3
First time I have ever seen pissed off clothes, lol, Andy's arrogance even drives an UMA up the wall. XDDD
Next chapter, NEW YORK! To freedom and thick burgers! 8D
Man, I am glad that UxU is also handling it well on that little japanese twitter poll. I hope the sales next month are still very good even despite the Corona crisis.

Lol, I was wrong about Billy cleaning Tatiana, he was feeding her Sushi with a pole!!! XDDD
But why I have no idea. Maybe something to do with her powers which is why she needs that robot?

Also do you guys want to post some of the more amazing fanart you have found about UxU here, yes or no?
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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2020
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woohoo.. transition chapter, but still crazy thing happen... chapter about clothes still so enjoyable.. thats good sign, the author are good writer... its funny, had action, still had explosions and characterization too... love it

the gimmick, to solve andy naked problem also genius.. i thought the union will give him supersuit, instead andy got UMA clothes.. thats cool solution.. we got cool servant and companion...

baby step for fuuko to be involved on the fight.. he always had good heart.. just need more experience, more training, one two move from shen or andy or mui so she can be stronger will be great development for manga...

so what 1129 number mean.. its the union prisoners/capturers.. all UMA, negators and artifact??? thats so many..
we had the ten member on background.. billy and tatiana seem close.. what deal about tatiana?? is because billy blind she can trust him... and why she so shy?? brown kid is enthusiastic, while samurai guy may slow/lazy// so Nico is their engineer?? and the kid is cyborg?? still had no idea about their power...
the boss seems happy.. i think he/she (did we know the gender?) can tolerate andy as long as he is competent and strong.. asset for him..

Now, we are M.I.B international... new york.. here we gooo...
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

in the last chapter, did Uma Spoil made people become 'rotten corpse wandering' a zombie?? so Undead vs Zombie... it will be fun

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Well, so much for keeping pants on and not longer having to draw censord***. XD

The Union was able to do such a large memory-swipe? Damn, wonder why they even bother. Sure there are probably forces other than Union who'd love to get their hands on an UMA creating a zombie army but still, at this point it seems UMAs and Negators aren't something you need to hide much. Also interesting what a lone Zombie is doing so far away from Longing, Nevada in New York just to be found by the Union Investigators. Smells like a trap to me.

Damn, poor Investigators. But it seems like Union has a large army of supporters which is very important as seen in KnY. Behind every swordman you need a smith, an armory run by a quartermaster, food and a cook to handle it, medicine and a doctor to apply it, information and somebody to gather it and so on. So that UxU is honoring that support system (by letting it die a gruesome way, lol) is pretty nice, it means we might see future side characters with no Un-powers like Mei but who will matter due the support and relationship they form with our protagonists.

I like the panel cut of Shen after asking Andy if he can handle this without "going all out". That cut either imply that creepy grin happened after Andy's comment or that he had a split face with a normal smile on his left side and a Joker-like one on his right. Clearly Shen knows stuff about Andy that Andy either doesn't care for, doesn't remember or doesn't want to talk about.

Glad to see Izumo wanting to help! Girl is growing well from her suicidal introduction. <3
I also like her reasoning for wanting to help, finding Unrepair and with him/her maybe a way to help Andy really die. It's sweet that she does want to help Andy succeed his goal of finally dying for good. As weird as that might sound like.

"Victor - Divine Conqueror" Uh, that way too big smile again with those slit eyes showing a tiny speck of his eyes as an extra on top. Guess it is no wonder that Andy had many different names through-out his undead Life, but does this mean that he was once a General leading armies, conquering nations? And if so why is Shen so interested in meeting the "full version" of Andy?

Love how Shen is all " okay, here's the plan" and Andy goes full LEEEEROY JENKIIIIINS and fires a RPG at the wall. XD
Also love how Izumo is no longer what or wait just "got it!" knowing there's no way of stopping Andy when he is about to go on a rampage. XD
The doublespread page with the huge truck running over the zombie horde was very cool! <3
Same with the doublespread page of Andy just cutting through an entire street beheading all zombies with his blood sword style art. 8D

Can't wait to see how they gonna handle Spoil next week!
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UU ranked 29th in the Shoseki daily ranking, so it did really good. UU is here to stay, boys and girls!
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After seeing this UMA... do you remember that thing that took Andy and Izumo straight to the round table? That was probably a captured UMA which they use to travel around instantly or to recall agents in an instant!
So our story is basically about Ruleholders or the "Rules themselves" and Rules-denier or "Rule Vessel". If you capture a Rule you get rewards from that book, if you kill it, well it seems to then change the rules the world works on, like killing the UMA language would destroy all language varities resulting into one world language.

Seems the UMA's power is not working through the earth. Interesting.
Also Andy being able to understand zombish because he is half-zombie could be an explanation. Or the Adam theory raises his head again saying that Andy can simply understand all languages because he also denies the rule language.

Interesting that the UMA could spoil the humans but apparently doesn't control them. Poor people. Guess they all gonna die. And what Andy gonna die, if he kills that UMA he fails the quest but if he captures it the Zombies might be taken as well as study material for the Union. And he promised his freshly wed wife (lol) that he would fulfill her wishes.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2020
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okay what happen with sales// UU did fine in the first day...rank 29 with 19 backlog from KNY mean it should be rank 11...
then what happened in 2nd day>??? and to this day/third day??? the number become worse and then unrank??? any info??
i am worried, bruh// japan's corona become worse after stable for month...

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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okay what happen with sales// UU did fine in the first day...rank 29 with 19 backlog from KNY mean it should be rank 11...
then what happened in 2nd day>??? and to this day/third day??? the number become worse and then unrank??? any info??
i am worried, bruh// japan's corona become worse after stable for month...
UU is getting a reprint which is a good sign.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2020
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UU is getting a reprint which is a good sign.
yeey, i guess// why wsj decide to underprint?? did they learn from sam8 mistake???

i want review UU after the arc is over....

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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A solid UU chapter yet again. I really enjoyed how Andy made use of the rotten Zombies to be bipedal bombs or Unluck magnets once they touched Izumo. And the teacher, damn! Like she was there for only two chapters and I don't even know her name but I already like her as a character. That she was able to retain her sanity as a Zombie, her wish to be a bride even when she was a walking corpse, her protecting the kids when she was still alive, that hug with Izumo and then that run to Spoil to get blown up to bits with Andy praising her as a woman he would have loved to marry! Like that's really a lot for one background character that is meant as a plot device.
The handling of her story reminds me a lot of Gina's character as in how quickly and easily you can get attached to characters in UU. Gina got a lot of fanarts despite her short appearance and I have a feeling Teacher/Zombie Waifu will get lots of fanart attention as well in the coming weeks/months.

What was really interesting was also the kids and their ability to up the timer with their dreams/Hopes for the future. Makes me wonder if spoil was really meant as "rot" or maybe as something else. After all spoil can have many meanings as you can spoil your children and turn them into needy brats or you can ruin somebody's day by spoiling the movie he wanted to watch next day. Maybe Spoil's real power is a bit different and less direct from what Shen told us that he/the Union expected his power to be. After all if his power is really to rot thing away when the timer hits 0 then the doesn't make sense that dreams would reverse that as dreams aren't biological and shouldn't turn a rotten apple back to a tasty looking one

Can't wait to see what the next days will bring for this chapter.^^
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Monox D. I-Fly

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 4, 2020
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Among the new mangas in MangaPlus, this is my second most favorite after Mashle. I just love the new and unique power concept. The last time I got so excited about a concept of how the power source works in a battle manga is... The Law of Ueki, I guess?

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Jesus look at all those volumes in the cover (and how cute Izumo looks with long hair <3)! That must be the longest running romance manga series in the history of mangas! Really liked this chapter, am sure Michael Bay would have loved it as well, lol. XD

So the smoking towers on his shoulders had a purpose -to aid his transformation into the next stage. Looked very goopy, nice.
Also cool to see how Shen used his power to make Spoil move his arm when shooting his beam of decay. Same with Spoil's reaction to it, very interesting that he knows of Apocalypse and that three vessels being here means he, Spoil, is a quest for them or how he realized that Andy is a death negator, meaning Spoil knows how the rules of the world work, with UMAs and Negators and a book directing a war between those two factions with his quests, rewards and punishments.
Spoil's speech about how his power is "beauty", how people should be "grateful" for it, how "stagnant and ugly" the world was before his birth, how he brought "change" and "meaning" to existence, how he is a "necessary rule" only hated and branded "evil" by humans due their short lives. It was pretty cool to see a personification of a natural law, Spoil, to talk about himself and how he sees himself for the world they all live in.

Izumo went full shounen on Spoil's speech. "As long as I have a dream, my heart will never spoil away!". Normally I dislike such shounen tropes but here the trope was used to negate one of Spoil's rules, to turn back the timer of his power to decay because dreams are not organic matter, so he can't spoil that. Also interesting how the numbers changed, like Izumo got a 2 (days/hours?) for her dream of being a normal girl whereas Shen got for his declaration to be the greatest in all of creation got him a whooping 5. I wonder how that works, will power perhaps? Size of dreams?

Next chapter will be the end of the fight, I guess. And handle the matter of capture or killing Spoil. Would be interesting to see what would happen to the world if the Rule of Spoil dies.
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Looks like I was wrong about this chapter being the end of the fight. Not that I mind given we get to see Andy in full power mode next time! <3
And even better, we will see Andy in all his glory - IN SPACE! Can't wait to see what kind of "Andy" Victor the Conqueror is. Also interesting that Andy can speak chinese. He looks european, speaks japanese, chinese, russian, he's really educated for an immortal.
Shen's Untruth is pretty cool and his condition to activate it explains why he was praising Andy and Fuuko so much during their battles, he has to be fond of them else his power won't work. Though it does make him sort of a sadist/psychopath given he is hurting people he like, so... On other notice, his staff is from that one legend, right? Guess that means we might have many more such Artifacts crafted after legends?
I liked Fuuko being the one with the outlandish ideas like Space, lol. It is a good idea though. Given what Andy said about Spoil's power (need of bacteria and water) Space is a good place to fight him. I also like how Spoil's power isn't "magical" but really just bacteria and moist working in tandem at top speed.
Man, next chapter can't come fast enough, I wanna see the Space battle.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 14, 2020
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Huh, so this has a thread. Interesting. Never realised until now.
One of Undead Unluck's greatest qualities so far is it's pacing. I'm really amazed at how smooth a read it is.
Anyways, the one thing I do adore in UxU so far is the general battle scheme of it. The series has done a good job of doing these awesome action spreads that really catch my eye. Also, the power system is also another thing that hooks me in. Its kind of unique and bizzare that leaves some kind of intrigue behind it. Series is showing some real promise.

As I often am left every week, can't wait to see how the next chapter goes. I definitely wasn't expecting a battle up in space. I also do wonder how the other members are doing on their end.

Monox D. I-Fly

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 4, 2020
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Shen's Untruth is pretty cool and his condition to activate it explains why he was praising Andy and Fuuko so much during their battles, he has to be fond of them else his power won't work. Though it does make him sort of a sadist/psychopath given he is hurting people he like, so...
Now I'm worried about his sweet butler...


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2020
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This is so beautiful.. i love color black, and this CP used it to the fullest..
cant complain at all..

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Yeah, it looks good. Very spacy.

Now I'm worried about his sweet butler...
Great, now you made me worry about his adorable chinese servant...
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Alright, Spoil got finished in one Double-spread, like he wasn't even the real Boss fight in this arc, it was Victor, lol.

First interesting fact: Victor's body got far more and different type of scars than Andy's body, so the question is why those scars are gone when Andy is in control and return when Victor returns.

Second interesting fact: You can talk in space. ROFL. Actually the mangaka himself admitted the two shouldn't have been able to hear each other talk but role of cool, I mean what would be Star Wars without the pew pew and explosions in space, right? XD

Third interesting fact: Victor was asking for the day not the date and Shen had no idea what a week-day is. Seems like this is a test Victor does whenever he wakes up "What day it is?" and when Shen didn't knew how to answer that his reply was that this time they had half a decent line up. I assume "they" are the negators and that they kill week-day UMA or however it was called and Victor takes that as measure to see where the negator power stands whenever he regains control. This also fits his "Ten in total, huh?" comment when seeing the rest of the Union. It's not the first time Victor crossed their path.

Fourth interesting fact: Victor declared that all rules do not bind him yet he told Izumo that all rules are absolute. I believe this means Victor either has an Un-power that is so broken that all rules cannot be used on him or that Victor is an UMA in human form with Andy being his direct negator. Though Victor did say he is human, but who knows.

Fifth and last interesting fact: "Not Tors-Not God", I am not sure if Tors is a real word we just don't know the meaning to like Shen and Izumo because it either was forgotten like week-days or has yet to come like UMA Galaxy. Or Tors is a mistranslated word and it meant something else. Or Tors is a name of somebody to who Victor does not want to be counted to.

In any case, I liked the badass way Victor fights, how tacky he looks (I bet the UMA clothes right now is doing his best to stay quiet but I have a feeling he will be back somehow in this fight like holding Victor back or something like that) in his Saiyajin form, how mysterious he is and how the little tidbtis of world-building we get on the side and not told in over ten pages of info-dumping. And the ending promises another exciting chapter next week when we get to see everyone's Un-power to bring Victor down and Andy back.^^


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 14, 2020
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God, I just find it hilarious that not only does my question from last week get answered but it leaves me with even more questions :derp . I really liked how the last few chapters have been progressing, though. The series has quickly become something I look forward to every week.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2020
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yooo, chapter 16 is soo great, the author killed it..
so many things being reveal and hints in this chapter...

1. Victor is so OP
more powerful than andy by a lot..he get spoil core instantly. he regenerate so fast, that he can made clone from his finger. what the f, thats so cool.. his clone can fight on his own too (not for so long).. hope andy learn this power..
2. He had different personality, or are they??
cool stuff we see victor talk to andy, a lot.. but we dont know what andy said.. and they had inner fight, too?? like victor said , you cant kill me
some people believe that this is not just different personalities but different person altogether? how, well..
3. He can negate other power.
hmm, how? first he can outmatch SHEN power easily.. i think i can understand this.. Victor insting is too powerful to be bent, he can overcome on his own mind to move freely and perfectly, shen said.. but Unluck and Spoil, their power not working on victor?? so he said no rule can tie him down.. MAN, what a BEAST.. so, its he had another power? or he can counter all rule?? dont know, Unrule, unreal, this word comeup in the chapter..
4. Shen dont know WEEK,
this is the most weird one. did we got a new lore?? we had date, month and years.. but no weekdays?? no sunday, monday, etc? wait, but victor knows. did the rules dissapear and the world forget but victor not..??? hmm or is just me look too deeper..
5. Victor is Human.. Not TORs not GOD..
Oh.. oh oh.. another nonsense that can be big reveal,.. we got another species/beings beside human and before GODs??
can they be hierarchy like, animal<UMA<HUMAN<TORs<GOD.. if anything they must some kind of ANGEL and DEVIL beings, right...??
6. Victor know about the UNION or the TEN aka the ROUNDTABLE member..
wow, we got another lore.. Did Victor is once member of the roundtable?? or they once had battle to old member?? victor said this time they look formidable.. did victor beat and kill all that member??? man, so many questions.. I LOVE every one of it...

and THE TEN appears.. FINALLY..
Cant wait for Victor vs The TEN..