Seinen - Tough by Saruwatari Tetsuya | Page 13 | MangaHelpers

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Seinen Tough by Saruwatari Tetsuya


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Oct 7, 2006
Reaction score
yes, please. Thank you. I found some volumes on nyaa but vol 35, 36, 39 (last volume?) are missing. If you have vol 35 and vol 36, that'd be great !

---------- Post added May 10, 2014 at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was May 08, 2014 at 09:08 PM ----------

I am missing vol 30-33 as well. If somebody has vol30-33, and want to share. its be great!


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
Here you've got 3 chapters off a new spin-off called " Tough Guyden " :

- Chapter 1 :
- Chapter 2 :
- Chapter 3 :
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 1 made by andy3004 :


This page just contains a short recapture of the event in the Original
serialisation of Tough. Since we all know the story (and I am a bit lazy tonight)
I leave this one untranslated.


Tough Guyden
Battle 1 - The man who succeeds the dragon

A new series.

The curtain of a new battle opens for the man who inherited the blood...


This is just a commercial page having nothing to do with the Manga.
As for why I leave it untranslated, just look above.


Nagaoka family-head: The members of the distinguished Nagaoka
family have excelled in both the literary and military arts
for generations.

Tagline: An angry voice reverberates through the stately mansion...

Nagoka: For that reason you have been made to study
the general martial arts as well undergoing special education for
gifted children from early childhood on.

Sign: Nagaoka

Nagaoka: And not only did you pass the exams for entry into the Todai-universitys
science department, which as they say: "only the 90 brightest heads in Japan" can enter,
you even came out with the best scores.

Nagaoa: Your future looks promising indeed.

Nagaoka: And now you tell me that you will not go to university, Ryuusei? *)

Ryuusei: Yes

*) The Kanji of the name read: Dragon-star

Ryuuseis brother: Ryuusei! Do you even know what you're talking about?

Nagaoka: Deciding for a career is, to phrase it a little exaggeratedly, a desion
for your whole life. So tell, me what do you intend to do?


Ryuusei: I don't really care. As long as it is something that I can put
all my physical and spiritual power into.

Ryuusei: And I definitely don't want to spend a pathetic life caring about
useless things like pedigree, degrees, academic background or career

Nagaoka: It seems you don't follow the Nagaoka bloodline at all. You just inherited
primitive, filthy DNA.

Nagaoka: I went to great length to raise you, the child my late wife brought
with her. But in the end nature did prevail over nurture.

Ryuuseis mother: Ryu.... Ryuusei.
Please, always obey your fathers words.
And you mustn't disobey you elder brother.

Ryuusei: Yes mother, I promise to do!

Ryuuseis mother: I... I am sorry, Ryuusei.


Doctor: The cancer has already spread through your mothes whole body.
I am sorry, there's nothing that medicine can do for her now.


Ryuusei: Mother, there is one thing I want you to ask.
What kind of man is my real father.

Ryuuseis Mother: A violent fighter


Thug: You brazen piece of shit!

The brightest one in school, good looking and a good sportsman...
All the chicks in class getting wet pussys thinking about you, aren't they?

You slimy, snotty dirtbag!


Thug: Come on! Defend yourself Ryuusei.
Aren't you supposed to be incredibly strong?
And trained in various fighting styles?
Just looking at you makes someone feel like scrap and immediately
get angry.
Making everyone envious is such a curse, ain't it?
Ryuusei: Let me guess... my brother asked you to do this, right?

You must be close, dear brother. No need to hide yourself. Come out!

Ryuuseis brother: Bah. 'Dear Brother'. Don't call me that. I've never
considered you my brother for a single second.

All I see in you is a parasite who feasts on the Nagaoka family


Ryuusei: If you really hate me that much, then don't hire others to gang up on me.
Instead go ahead an hit me with your own fists!

Or is it that you're just afraid of me and don't dare to raise your hand?
Ryuuseis brother: Huh? Sounding so haughty even though you're just the son of my
fathers seconds wife ?

Listen: You and me are living in completely different worlds.


Ryuuseis brother: You should know where exactly your place in life
is you ugly tapeworm.

You're always looking at me with disdain in your eyes.

Mocking me quietly every day.

Looking down at me. Ain't it so?

Ryuusei: Dear mother... I've reached my limit.


Ryuusei: Some time has passed since mother passed away.


Ryuusei: From the day my mother entered hospital none of you even went
a single time to see her. You might have consider her just a nice
person, but...

for me she was something absolutely irreplaceable.


Ryuusei: I guess this is something that you, my dear, feeble-minded
useless brother cannot comprehend.


Ryuuseis brother: Aghh... aghh...


Nagaoka: Aaah! Ryuusei! What the hell are you doing?

Is this how you show your gratitude to me for raising you, you brat?

Ryuusei: Gratitude...? I've been patiently waiting for so many years for this time
to arrive.


Ryuusei: It'd be great if I could have killed you earlier!




Nagaoka: Hiii...

Ryuusei: You probably don't understand this - but having to obey someone
who's clearly inferior is just a disgrace.

And now I will finally leave this place that's so full of shit.

Me and you are living in completely different worlds, indeed.

Tagline: The dam of anger broke down!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.01 END
Next Episode: After stormin out of his home, where will Ryuusei head next!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 2 made by andy3004 :


The dragons blood... it is boiling

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 2 - A farewell to his teacher


Sign: Motoyama Ryuutaijutsu Dojo

Motoyama: So you really have left the Nakaoka house?

Ryuusei: Yes.

Motoyama: Well, that is regrettable.
I, Masashi Motoyama, have often received support from Mr. Nagaoka
and I owe him a great debt of gratitude.

Side line: After storming out of his home, Ryuusei pays a visit to his
martial arts teacher.


Motoyama: The dojo is a place that forms a man.
And you have undergone intense training here since early childhood
and honed your skills in the martial arts.

Motoyama: One could say that your whole character was built here, Ryuusei.

Motoyama: According to the teachings of martial arts, there are three words that
represent the levels of growth: Shu. Ha. Ri. *)

*) Translators note: Shu -> to guard, to obey
Ha -> to destroy, to defeat
Ri -> to part, to seperate

Motoyama: "Shu": To faithfully follow your masters teachings.
"Ha" To adopt the teachings of other schools.
"Ri" To establish something new.


Motoyama: Ryuusei, it seems you have already reached the level of 'Ri'.
Which means it's time for you to become independent and try to surpass your master.

Ryuusei: I see.

Motoyama: However I wonder if you ever will be able to do so.

Just take a look at these photos and honourable certificates.
This picture, for example, was taken when the president of the country of T
visited Japan.
And in appreciation to the charitable work I did there, I even was granted their
honorary citizenship.

Motoyama: A true martial artist must not only be strong. He also has to become
a person who commands respect.
This is the reason why I joined this cities board of education
and intend to be running for election as its president.

Ryuusei: The more an empty husk of a human someone is, the more he needs to adorn himself
with titles and degrees.
Showing off his shoddy authority and wallowing in self-satisfaction,
he wants to hide his ugliness.

Motoyama: Huh?

WHAT did you you just say, Ryuusei?

Ryuusei: I said that you are a wolf in sheeps clothing and an asshole,
Ryuusei: When I heard that you used your position as a counselor to seduce
and impregnate a middle-schoolgirl who had problems with her parents, I was
more than just a bit surprised!


Motoyama: Hahaha... Don't they say that all girls are just looking for a hero?

And a hero with strong arms, also got a strong dick!

Ryuusei: A swine like you just makes me vomit!


Motoyama: Also that bitchs only problem was that she needed money.

"Make use of all your powers!", were the words of the founder of Judo,
Kanou Jigorou, but...


Motoyama: ...roughly speaking, this just means: "Since strong guys also got
strong sexual vigor, they should not view the latter one as evil but
happily use it"!

Since old days we've all been perverts, ain't it?

And so we must not neglect training our Pubococcygeus muscle. *)

*) Tranlators note: just check it at Wikipedia

Our belly might get a bit flabby, but we keep our strong dick and balls
of steel. *)

*) Translators note: SCNR... in the orginal text he only talks about the steely
dick, but I just couldn't resist of adding the latter part... first
because the idiom sounds more common in English to my ears and because
it just perfectly fits with what happens next...


Motoyama: I may be an asshole and I may be a pervert who likes to shag girls.

But I'm still a respectable member of society and received many honors.

And do you know why? Because I am strong as hell and can kick anyones ass!







Motoyama: Uhhngh...


Motoyama: Y... you're really strong...

O... on a whole different level.

B... but you were already born with a natural gift for martial arts.

You're the one with the "Dragons genes"!

Ryuusei: So you know?

You know who my real father is?


Motoyama: He's the man they call "The devil in disguise".

The man who seems to have exceeded the limit of human physical
and mental strength.


Motoyama: The proud demon with a refined aesthetic sense.

The "Laughing Dragon" of arrogance!
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 3 made by andy3004 :


The origin of Ryuuseis blood has become clear

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 3 - The laughing dragons way of life


(Translators note: I'm not 100% sure whether this is a dialogue
between Kiryuu and the elderly crime-lord or if it's Kiryuus
monologue. I've decided for the latter, because in the later
pictures the old guy seems to be too afraid to calmly answer
such questions.)

Kiryuu: Do you who's the strongest man in all history?

Perhaps the world-champion in boxing?
But that's just sports.
A Mixed Martial Artist?
They use any technique that works.
Or a pro-wrestler...?

Kiryuu: If "The strongest" means a guy who can kill more people
than anyone else,
then it surely must be the president of the United States.
He can annihilate a whole country using just a single finger.
So he can be considered to be the worlds most powerful person.
Although he probably wouldn't have the guts and resolution to
do such a thing.

Kiryuu: Let me assure you.

The one and only person who could kill this 'strongest' president is me.
Me... Kiryuu!

Crimelord: Stay away, Kiryuu.

Kiryuu: You think I'm telling lies?

Crimelord: I said 'stay away'... I will shoot!


Kiryuu: I already entered the White House.

Made it into the presidents private rooms.
And I don't mean during a tourists sightseeing tour.
Crimelord: S... so those rumors are true?

You really nailed the presidents daughter?
Kiryuu: What vulgar words coming from the mouth of a lowlife without
any sense of decency.
Try to keep such excrement from escaping your brain, bald-head!

Crimelord: Hii...




Crimeloard: Uaah!


Kiryuu: I agree with the logic of 'Survival of the fittest' but...

You mites of human society are physiologically unfit.
Crimelord: D... don't you understand?

I... I am a mafia boss!
Kiryuu: That just means that you're a mite among mites.


Kiryuu: And I am the one who holds power over life-and-death!


Kiryuu: I won't kill you.

Kiryuu: I shall not kill you, but you will spend the rest of your
life as a living corpse.

Ryuusei: New-Yorks biggest Russian mafia...

was completely destroyed by him all alone?
Gangster: Yup. That crueler-than-hell mafia boss was turned into a
smiling little angel with just one kick.
As he fought with Kiryuu both his body and mind got crushed
and he was engulfed in utter terror.
Ryuusei: And how did they get into conflict with each other?


Gangster: Apparently one of them hit Kiryuus woman.

Ryuusei: What? That was the only reason?

Gangster: Beating a woman was not the problem.

The problem was *whose* woman they had beaten.
Kiryuu may be an 'Incarnation of mayhem', but he is incredibly
gentle when it comes to the women he loves. He adores
and wouldn't lay a finger upon them.
And that actually makes him a modern Don Juan.
Rumors have it that he even had a child with the daughter of
some major countries former president!

Gangster: I understand that you want to gather information about
Kiryuu - but I wonder why did you decide to come my place for that?
Ryuusei: You see...

I thought that someone in your particular field of... business
should know some things about him. And with you being one of the
bigwigs, well...
Gangster: He... if you're weren't of Kiryuus bloodline, I would
have get you kicked out of here on the spot.
But it seems you want to meet your father, right?
Ryuusei: If he is still alive then yes, I really do.

And not only that...

Ryuusei: I also want to fight him.

And do my best and smash his haughty and arrogant face.
Gangster: You resemble Kiryuu so much.

Gangster: Listen... I have made it through countless fights
and lots of bloodshed... but
I wish I hadn't crossed paths with Kiryuu.

Gangster: I never ever want to face Kiryuu a second time.

Tag: Upon hearing the testimony of someone who opposed Kiryu,
the "complex" feelings about his father swell.
Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.03 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei getting dragged into calamity!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got Chapter 4 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
- Chapter 5 :

- Chapter 6 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 7 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 8 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 4 made by andy3004 :


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 4 - A mysterious envoy

Ryuusei is again plunged into calamity

Ryuusei: What do you want from me, Senpai?


Kagemaru: You made a big mistake, Ryuusei
when you crushed our teachers balls.
And well, since you so desperately wanted to hit that old men,
you now have to reap what you have sown.
Ryuusei: So Yamamoto-sensei asked you to do this

Is that so, Kagemura-senpai?

Kagemaru: Well, you see... The old man shed lots of tears as
he declared you our enemy, so...
Ryuusei: As I thought. That scum Yamamoto is reaching new lows.

Kagemaru: Actually, since it is *you*, Yamamoto even didn't have
to ask me to beat you up.

Kagemaru: Cos you're supposed to be the one with the genes of
that legendary man.
Kagemaru: The martial artists who is strong like a demon and
cold like the devil.
Ryuusei: I've got absolutely no connection to that man!

Kagemaru: COME ON!!


Ryuusei: Stop this Kagemaru-senpai. You see, Yamamoto-sensei...
never really taught me anything substantial about martial arts.
It was you, his assistance teacher who did.!
Kagemaru: Haa!

Ryuusei: I don't want to fight you!

Because it is thanks to you that I have become strong!



Kagemaru: They say that "A tiger is already born a tiger."

And I guess the same goes for dogs or race-horses. It all
comes from the bloodline.
And in your case this reads as: "A dragon is already a dragon
the moment he's born"
So this means you needn't to do anything! You'd become strong
anyway by all odds.
Even if I hadn't taught you a single thing, you'd become
absurdly strong.

Kagemaru: By instinct you always went for the throat

Even when we were sparring, it was always a real fight for you.
Without hesitation you always smashed your fist into your opponents face.
And it was because your blood was calling! The dragons blood!

Kagemaru: Hehehe... I just hit the spot there, didn't I?


Kagemaru: Wh... who the heck are you?

Man: I am sorry, but this kid is my prey!

Kagemaru: Wh... what do you want from Ryuusei.

A... and what kind of person are you...
You're strong like shit.

Man: My name is Bolkiah.

Ryuusei: Uuh


Kagemaru: Ouu... Aaah...


Tag: This man... who is he?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.04 END
Next Episode: The man who appeared in front of Ryuusei will...

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 5 made by andy3004 :


Battle 5 - Kali Silat

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

What are the intentions of the man who kidnapped Ryuusei


Ryuusei: What do you intend to do with me.

Bolkiah: Well, I only was assigned with the task of taking you captive.

Ryuusei: Who exactly are you?

You obviously use a fighting style with quite peculiar moves.

Bolkiah: It's a traditional martial-arts of south-eastern Asia:
Kali Silat.

It specializes in close-quarters techniques with the emphasis
on real combat.

Ryuusei: You didn't do that with your bare hands. You hold a knife.

Bolkiah: Correct. It extends the reach of my hands.

In crucial moments people utilize whatever is available close to them


Bolkiah: If I need to protect myself from something like a wild animal
that's stronger than me, holding even a single weapon will increase
my chance of survival.
Kari Silats combat-style was always based on this principle. Later,
western special-forces knife-fighting and countering techniques
were also integrated into it.
Pg. 6:

Ryuusei: A combat-style for armed forces...?

Oh I see... you're an assassin, right?
I immediately noticed a certain detestable look in your eyes.
Pg. 7:

Ryuusei: I usually don't encounter assassins in daily life.

So... for future references give me a good look at your grubby face.
Bolkiah: Fuh!

Pg. 08:

Bolkiah: You probably didn't see it.

But with this move I could have slit your throat three times.
Ryuusei: Oh... but I saw it.

And if you hadn't tied me up, I also would have counter-attacked you.
Pg. 09:

Bolkiah: What are you planning?

Trying to provoke me to set you free and then try to run away.
Ryuusei: Come... let's fight. I even accept a handicap.

You're free to use that knife of yours.
Mizuki: As expected from someone who inherited the dragons blood.
You surely got guts,
thinking of challenging master Bolkiah.
Pg. 10:

Mizuki: I am Mizuki Kitarou.

I bear no grudge towards you, but I got an axe to grind with Kiryuu.
So please offer my excuses for all this trouble.
Ryuusei: Kiryuu...

I never even remotely heard of you Kitarou.
So tell me, what's the meaning behind all this?
Mizuki: You know that old saying: "The sins of the father shall be
visited upon the son"?
You're a bait!
Pg. 11:

Mizuki: A bait to lure out Kiryuu.

Pg. 12:

Mizuki: My wife was stolen by Kiryuu, you see!
As the son of a distinguished family of entrepreneurs I never
was in want of money or women.
And I gave my wife everything: cars, jewellery, luxury-brand

I offered her a life of luxury that anyone would be jealous of.
And yet she betrayed me and spread her legs for Kiryuu.
Pg. 13:

Mizuki: And when I... criticized her...

He destroyed my face with a single punch.
Pg. 14:

Ryuusei: You gave your wife a beating, didn't you?

Mizuki: Huh?

Ryuusei: Seems you broke the rule of "You shall adore your woman and
not even lay a finger upon her"...
Mizuki: W... what?

Ryuusei: Kiryuu apparently is such type of person.

One who is disgusted by mean, vulgar and stupid people.
So it's only natural that he gave you a beating too.
Pg. 15:

Ryuusei: And as for using me as a bait, that won't work.
I had no contact with Kiryuu whatsoever.
Never saw him, never met him in my whole life.
He probably doesn't even know of my existence.
Mizuki: Well, then let me give you the chance to meet your
charming papa.
He'll surely arrive here soon, once he receives the news that
I've abducted you.
Pg. 16:

Kiryuu is coming!
That man... will he finally...!!?
Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.05 END
Next Episode: In front of Ryuusei, Kiryuu does finally...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 6 made by andy3004 :


Voice: Kiryuu is coming!

Tag: Footsteps getting closer...

Ryuusei: C... could it be?

That he's coming to rescue me?
Would Kiryuu really...


Voice: Kiryuu is here!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 6 - Yet one more...


Mizuki: Kiryu maybe strong, but he's no match for the hitman I hired.

Ryuusei: Hitman...


Mizuki: Unlike in movies a real pro will never aim between the eyes.

Instead he'll target the center of the body.
Because even if the recoil of the rifle alters the bullets trail,
the target will be hit somewhere and rendered incapable.

Hitman: Yeah! Got him!


Hitman: Did I miss?

No... that surely was a direct hit.
Th.. that means he dodged it?
B.. but that's impossible.


Hitman: No human being can possible dodge a bulle...


Mizuki: What's happening over there?
And what about dodging bullets?
Ryuusei: Did he see the trajectory?


Mizuki: Kill him! Kill Kiryuu!


Mizuki: What the heck are you and that hitman doing?

The guy is unarmed. So fucking kill him already!
Ryuusei: Say Mr. Kitarou, could it be that you happened to make
a "monster" your enemy?
Seems things now are running in quite an unforeseen way, ain't they?
Yes... A "monster" that human beings don't stand a chance against.


Thug: Haah?


Mizuki: What? He disassembled the pistol within the wink of an eye?

That's impossible! That can't be true!
Ryuusei: The moment he grabbed the gun, he let it slide while pushing
both the lever and the release button.


Mizuki:! H... he's here.
It's Kiryuu!
Ryuusei: Kiryuu is coming


Ryuusei: Ok, show me your true form, "monster"...

And allow me a good look at your face.

Narration: There is yet one more "monster".

Kiryuus younger brother, Miyazawa Seiko.
Tag: The advent of... Oton!!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.06 END
Next Episode: The reason Seiko has come to rescue Ryuusei is...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 7 made by andy3004 :


Mizuki: Y.. you are Kiryuus younger twin-brother...

The gentle tiger, Miyazawa Seiko!
Tag: Oton appears!!!

Ryuusei: This man is Kiryuus younger brother...?

So there really are two monsters?


Ryuusei: What the heck...?
The very moment this man entered here,
this whole place got filled with an extremely tense atmosphere.
Just like the tension one feels when encountering a carnivorous animal.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 7 - Not knowing fear


Ryuusei: This man is strong... unreasonably strong

His bones and his spirit are probably unyieldingly strong too.
His armour of muscles is visible even while he wears clothes...
And his whole body emits an aura that can only belong to someone
who trained himself to the utmost limit.

Mizuki: B... but what about Kiryuu?

Why hasn't he shown up?
Seiko: As usual, Kiryuus whereabouts are unknown.

The last time I met him was three years ago. Perhaps he even has
already died by the roadside.
But anyway. Please release this kid. Because he's really got no
connection to Kiryuu whatsoever.

Seiko: I am sure none of us wants to indulge in any unnecessary dispute.

Hopefully you accept my sincere apology for Kiryuus insolence.
And if you set this kid free, we'll just pretend that nothing happened
at all.

Ryuusei: His words are friendly, but they come with such a vibe of sternness
and coercion...
Seiko: Please, I beg you.
Mizuki: Ng...

A... alright!

Bolkiah: That was a narrow escape from death, little Ryuusei.
Oh... and the next time I will just kill for sure!
Ryuusei: Huh?

Bolkiah: *grin*




Mizuki: Wh... what are you doing?


Ryuusei: I got attacked from behind and kidnapped by this Bolkiah guy.

And now I should just walk away without any apology from him? Oh my!
But ok, honestly speaking I don't give a shit about his apology.
All I want is to face him in a proper fight.
Because that bastard only got me... attacking me from behind and knocking me out while my guard
was down.

Ryuusei: In a normal fight I'd be the winner.

You see, for me there's no bigger disgrace than being knocked out by
some inferior creature

Bolkiah: Inferior creature...

Mizuki: Wh... what the shit is this idiot saying?




Bolkiah: Well... who is the inferior creature now?

Ryuusei: You of course, Bolkiah! So stop fighting me with a handicap
and grab your weapon already!
Cos I just need a stronger feeling of tension to go all out!

Bolkiah: Do you really want to die?

Ryuusei: C'mon! Try to kill me!

Seiko: Let me be your opponent now!


Ryuusei: Huh? But you've got nothing to do with this whole shit.

Seiko: Just take a look at yourself!

Seiko: "Not knowing fear" is an abnormality!

And hence you're someone who's several times more at risk than
any coward could ever possibly be.
Note: Oton, getting angry!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.07 END
Next Episode: Will the reason why Seiko came here become clear!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 8 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: I shall beat you now.

Be prepared, please.
Ryuusei: Wh... what the heck?

Annotation: What is Seikos intention...!?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 8 - Insight through violence


Ryuusei: Here comes... a straight right!


Ryuusei: What was that.

I saw it coming, but I couldn't react in any way.
This blow... it had speed, reach, power and precision.
Everything at a high level.

Moreover he immediately shortened his distance in such a brief instance

Is that man really a human beeing...?

Ryuusei: It's as if he really were a tiger.

A tiger in humans clothing.

Ryuusei: That's wrong.

He only seems like a tiger since I was overwhelmed.
He is a human being just like me.
He may be huge, but can be brought down if hit properly.
There's no way he'll eat and kill me.

Ryuusei: I must go on!

Because there's still something else beyond this tiger.

Seiko: I shall now resort to 'violence'.

Ryuusei: Wh... what did he say?


Seiko: 'Violence' is a one-sided and arbitrary thing.

It means causing you pain as long as it pleases me, with
you unable to defend against it.

Seiko: It means smashing your self-respect and conceit to pieces.

Seiko: It means inflicting a wound deep inside your heart, that won't
go away.


Ryuusei: I always was filled with boredom and a washed-out feeling

Never got used to it.
I became an arrogant fool
Someone who controlled himself and refused to blend in with the masses

Ryuusei: So I started to live alone in this world

Everything seemed completely worthless
There was no merit living in such a place
Perhaps it'd be better if I just died and disappeared
Those were the only thoughts circling in my head.
But now, things are different...

Ryuusei: This boring everyday-life...
has become exciting, due to the dangers that came with knowing about
Kiryuus existence.
I feel mortal fear and utter agony.
I feel actually alive for the first time ever.

Ryuusei: I never thought that such a world could exists.

...that such strong humans could exist.

I wonder...
How strong a human being actually can become.

Annotation: Ryuuseis new self is starting to form

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.08 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei facing Oton. One blow...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 9 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 9 made by andy3004 :


Title: Seikos fists dig into Ryuusei

Ryuusei: "In the middle of death there is life, in the middle
of deception there is truth, in the middle of darkness
there is light."

This what Mahatma Gandhi once said.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 9 - Yearning

Ryuusei: And me has now become the embodiment of those words.


Ryuusei: Just when I thought I might die, I suddenly understood
what 'living' is all about.


Seiko: When constantly exposed to violence, people fall into two groups.

There are those who surrender and become docile like sheep.

And those who resist and become enraged like a ferocious beast.


Ryuusei: Th... this...


Seiko: Ryuusei... you obviously belong to the latter group.


Ryuusei: There is nothing I can do.


Ryuusei: I'm not able to land even a single punch.

All I can do is suffering this ongoing beating.

But there's one strange thing

Since he's applying "violence" he can do anything he wants.

But yet...


Ryuusei: This guy doesn't grapple at all.

He uses no throws.

No kicks.

He does nothing but beat me with his fists.

Even though he could easily knock me down with a single attack,
he just lands one blow after the other.

Even though his fists by now probably hurt and got bruised.


Ryuusei: This man delivers a beating governed only by his own rules.

But of course... this ain't "violence"

He is just trying to tell me something with his fists.


Ryuuseis mother: You must be surprised how my body looks now.

I've got not much time left.

Ryuusei inherited that mans blood.

And while he's more talented than most people,

he's also someone who's unable to stay on the proper tracks.


Ryuusei mother: He is losing his way, because he is so much devoted
to me.

If possible, give Ryuusei guidance so that he won't choose the
wrong path in life.

I beg you, Mr. Seiko.


Ryuusei: Strong...

This man is too strong.

I thought that even though I lack his experience, skill, physical
strength and constitution I couldn't lose because I got guts.

But this is an opponent who cannot be fought with idealsm alone.


Ryuusei: There's no way I could win against this man.


Ryuusei: This is utter defeat.


Ryuusei: Mother... I've finally found it.

The kind of person I wish to become.

I want to become strong.

I want to become overwhelmingly strong, like this man.

Tag: Brought down!!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.09 END
Next Episode: A new life begins for Ryuusei...!?
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Chpater 10 :
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Chapter 11 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 11 made by andy3004 :

Pg. 01:

Kiryuu: All you women out there!

All you women who should be adored!

You deserve to indulge in the most extreme pleasures.

Pg. 02:

Kiryuu: Rejoice! For you shall all conceive my children.

There is no greater blessing for a woman than spreading
my "superior genes".

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 11 - The inheritors of the new blood

Pg. 03:

Kiryuu: Regardless of the environment they grow up in, those children will
excel both physically and academically.

And if things run well, many of them might even become world leaders.


There will also be a few exceptions

Pg. 04:

Kiryuu: Once in a while

some nefarious being will come into existence, like the viper
that eats itself out of its parents body,

and it may evolve into an unimaginable fiend: "The strongest and
most vicious, hyper-dangerous creature on earth".

Pg. 05:

Seiko: "SANSHIN!"

Move from the "musubi dachi" position into the "sanchin" stance.

Use your inner thighs, placing both feet in a v-shaped form...

Pg. 06:

Seiko: Concentrate your power in your abdomen and breathe slowly

Yes...good. That is "ibuki".

Now firmly straighten your sacrum and...



Pg. 07:

Seiko: This way the hip flexor, gluteal muscles and psoas muscles
will fixate your pelvis.

Hold your arms close to your body and perform thrusting techniques
with each breath.

There are many techniques hidden in 'kata's

Following a daily training, your can toughen your body and improve
your athletic abilities.

Pg. 08:

Seiko: Ryuusei, have some of this protein-drink,

Ryuusei: Ah... yes

Seiko: Proteins are necessary for muscles to build up.

Ones protein intake should be 2 grams for each kilo of body weight

And since you weight 70kg you need about 140g.

Beef and chicken contain the same amount of protein, but since they
contain different nutrients it is advisable to alternate between those.

And as for supplements...

Pg. 09:

Yuuki: You two really get along well.

It's as if you've been living together for years.

You almost seem like real father and son.

Ryuusei: Excuse me, Mr. Seiko.

Why is that 'Nadashinkageryuu' signboard not placed outside?

Seiko: It's because Nadashinkageryuuu is an art that never was meant
to be made public.

This whole place really is a completely private dojo.

Ryuusei: Uhm...

Pg. 10:

Ryuusei: Please teach me the techniques of Nadashinkageryuu.

I wish to become as strong as you, Mr. Seiko.

Yuuki: Are you crying...?


Seiko: That was well spoken, Ryuusei. Of course I will gladly
offer you guidance.

After all you possess the qualifications and qualities to become
a successor of Nadashinkageryuu.

Pg. 11:

Seiko: But there is one thing that I must inform you about.

Once you've come to grasp the techniques of Nadashinkageryuu,
old enemies surely will appear.

When that happens, will you have the resolve to even wager your life
by fighting for the honor and dignity of the Nadashinkageryuu school?

Ryuusei: Yes. Of course I will.

Pg. 12:

Signboard: Jakarta Indonesian Cuisine

Man: My my... after you invested all the money from your illegal activities
into opening this restaurant, ain't it a shame that it can't draw a
single customer.

Seems you're much better at assassination that at Nasi goreng.

Pg. 13:

Man: So you're the guy who was looking for Kiryuus son.

Pg. 14:

Bolkiah: Yeah. I was supposed to find him so that he could be used as
bait to lure Kiryuu out.

But that business is over.

I got no connection to all that anymore.

Man: Oh - but you still have.

I am also "one who succeeds the dragon".

Pg. 15:

Ryuusei: Kiryuu has more sons than just me?

Seiko: Many in fact, I think. Kiryuu is a ladies man and his virility
is frightingly high.

Man: Me however is the legitimate son of Kiryuu, y'see.

Pg. 16:

Man: The hyper-dangerous creature Onizuka Himeji

Tag: A new assassin appears!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.11 END
Next Episode: Is this man really one of those who succeed the dragon!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 12 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 12 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: I have seen many bad people during the course of my life.

That man however is a special case.

He himself boasts to be "The strongest and most vicious,
hyper-dangerous creature on earth".

And that mans name is

Onitsuka Himeji


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 12 - Onitsukas teacher

Bolkiah: Here's a better place to finish you off

After all I don't want to make a mess out of the restaurant
I put so much work into.


Bolkiah: Plus, if you perish I can bury your corpse right here.

Onitsuka: You're really brimming with killing spirit.

Even though I only want to know where Kiryuu is.

Bolkiah: I already told you that I don't know.

And since you don't want to understand what I'm saying,
there's no other way. Besides, you also seem
to be keen for a fight.

Onitsuka: He he he. Well observed.
I really was itching to beat you up for good.


Onitsuka: And make sure to use your knife.

That way things get more thrilling and interesting.

Bolkiah: Only a few days ago I heard those same words from another guy.

So it indeed must be the dragons blood that makes you do this.


Onitsuka: The dragons blood...

Oh.. that OTHER GUY is also someone who inherited Kiryuus blood?

Bolkiah: Yes. He is a delicate beautiful young men who also thought
he had a winning chance.

He is no such a fanged beast full of battle-instinct like you.

You who got the eyes of a killer who embraces the deepest darkness.


Bolkiah: And since you asked me so kindly I will use the knife.

Onitsuka: Aha

So you don't take me for a joke after all?

Bolkiah: All I take you for is a piece of shit that can be killed
without feelings of guilt.


Onitsuka: Yeah! Let's have fun!

Bolkiah: Fun?


Bolkiah: Don't be conceited.

This is nothing but a one-sided slice-and-dice.


Onitsuka: SHAA


Onitsuka: Don't make such a fuss. It cannot hurt that much.

Whatever you do, make sure to enjoy it - that's what my teacher
always said.

So let's have some more fun.

Bolkiah: Aaaiih...


Seiko: Himeji has no 'heart'

And because he has no 'heart' he is unable to comprehend other
peoples pain.

Because he has no 'heart' he calmly hurts and slaughters people.

Ryuusei: Huh?

Seiko: The first time Himeji killed someone,

was when he was still in primary school.


Sign: Murder...

Seiko: But yet there was a person who raised that dangerous Himeji
and taught him deadly martial arts.

Himejis teacher was...


Seiko: The head of the Nada Shin Shinkageryuu school

Miyazawa Kiichi

Narration: All the gears are now set in motion

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.12 END
Next Episode: The connection between Kiichi and Himeji...
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Chapter 13 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 13 made by andy3004 :


Woman: It's over 10 years now...

If my little Tooru were still alive, he'd be 31...

If he were still alive, I'm sure he'd found a good woman and
built a happy family.


Woman: And I would be busy looking after my grandchildren...

We would live such a beautiful life.


If only you were alive.

Why... why needed such a good boy like Tooru be murdered?

This... this is all because of that devil's child.


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 13: The man called Onitsuka Himeji

Narration: This dragon's blood is too dangerous...


Woman: After a psychiatric examination, his personal analysis read
as such:

"He cannot grasp the social concept of good and evil. His extremely
egoistic nature results in a complete disregard for other people.
Bearing a sadistic sentiment, he will at times respond and react
in an animal-like way without any discrimination."

At the courthouse they ordered this devil's child to be sent
to a medical reformatory due to his mental disorders.

He never reflected on or apologized for what he did. But they
offered him a safe and carefree life, completely paid by our
taxpayers money.

A... and not only that!

Suffering from the murder of our child, we also fell into

Under the curious and pitiful eyes of society and the mass media
out hearts were unable to heal.


Woman: My husbands health got ruined and he succummed to illness.
My heart got broken and my family destroyed!

That devil's child not only murdered my son, he killed my whole
remaining family!

I won't forgive him!

I won't forgive that devil's child.

I won't forgive the parents who raised that devil.

Somebody needs to kill that devil's child.

That child is a real devil who took the form of a human!


Woman: That child will commit murder again for sure!

This child will continue to kill people!

Somebody must kill him quickly.

He will only get more evil when he grows up and no
human will be able to handle him!


Seiko: Carrying an unreasonable load is a training that will
only cause harm and offer no advantage.

It will not result in building refined muscles.


Seiko: However in your particular case, enduring such reckless
training does serve a cause:

It should increase your strength and build of body
in a very short time.


Ryuusei: What kind of person is that Miyazawa Kiichi who became
Himeji's teacher?

C... come to think of... Miyazawa.. can he be....?

Seiko: Yes. He is my son.


Seiko: While he already was the successor to Nadashinkageryuu,

for some reasons he has now become the head of Nada Shin Shinkageryuu
and set up his residence at Mt. Oboro.

Ryuusei: I guess that Miyazawa Kiichi is quite strong, ain't he?


Seiko: Currently I consider him to be strongest martial artist
among the people known to me!


Seiko: And that includes Kiryuu too. I am sure that even in his
golden days he wouldn't stand a chance against the current Kiichi!

Kiichi really is that outstandingly strong.

Ryuusei: Even stronger than Kiryuu...

But for what reasons would he teach someone like Himeji
martial arts?

Seiko: Well, knowing Kiichi I'd guess that he probably hoped
to correct and reform him. By the way of martial arts he
wanted to make im grow as a person.


Ryuusei: But it was a failure...
All that Himeji grew into was an even more dangerous man,

Seiko: Yeah. So it seems.

He completely failed in teaching the most important thing
for a martial artist: manner and decorum.

And thus Kiichis bears a heavy responsibilty.


Ryuusei: Uaah!


Ryuusei: BOLKIAH!

Himeji: What a shame. Running you over would've been such fun.

Narration: An unexpected encounter of the two who should never meet.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.13 END
Next Episode: Himejis intention...?
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Chapter 14 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 14 made by andy3004 :


Battle 14: A chance meeting between those of dragon's blood

Himeji: Aha

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: Yet another dragon shows up


Himeji: So you're still alive.

I really thought I ran you over and killed you.

Seiko: Himeji you bastard!

Do you even know what you're doing?

Himeji: Aha

T'was just a joke.

You always get upset so easily, Mr. Seiko.


Ryuusei: Hey, Bolkiah! Pull yourself together.

Wh... what the...

The flesh of his cheek has been completely sliced off.

Himeji: That hurts!

Let me go, Mr. Seiko.


Himeji: you probably know that my piercing hand is also called
'The butchers knife'.
It easily stabs and scoops out flesh.

Hey Mr. Seiko, it seems you've got a bit fat. Perhaps
you should go on diet don'tcha think.


Seiko: Shut up, Himeji!


Himeji: That was close.

You still pack quite a punch for someone your age.



Himeji: My teacher always said: "Oton is the only one you should
never oppose".

But y'know... I just hate it when somebody tells me "don't do that".
In fact it even makes me want to do it more - that's just my

Seiko: One more reason to beat that character into proper shape.


Himeji: Aha! Always nice to see how the elderly get angry when
you poke fun at them.


Himeji: You've noticed that it's impossible, right?

You cannot touch - let alone catch me.

I'm a disciple of that Miyazawa Kiichi of Shin Nada Shinkageryuu.

And also one who inherited the dragons blood.

Ryuusei: Miyazawa Kiichi


Himeji: So to speak, I've inherited the baddest genes and the strongest
martial arts.

And that makes me completely invincible.


Seiko: The one who taught Kiichi martial arts was me.

So I think I also carry some responsibility for creating
this monster.

Himeji: Meaning that...?

Seiko: I will crush you!


Himeji: Oops

Just a bit closer an I'll cut off his face.


Himeji: You're also one of the "dragons successors"...

Won't you let me know your name? Huh?


Himeji: Should I turn this pretty face into something zombie-like?

Ryuusei: See if you can!

Himeji: What?


Himeji: Ughh!

Ryuusei: My name is Ryuusei!

Narration: The dragon's blood, awakening!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.14 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei and Himeji crossing fists...?


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 13, 2016
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United States
@Son'O Thanks a lot for the new "Tough Guyden" Chapters and translations really appreciate it.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Chapter 15 :
Chapter 16 :
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 15 made by andy3004 :


Himeji: What's your name?

Should I turn this pretty face into something zombie-like?

Ryuusei: See if you can!


Ryuusei: My name is Ryuusei!

Himeji: Guah


Battle 15: The dragons fist

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: For all or nothing!


Himeji: Ryuuseii, huh?

Do you have any idea what you just did?

Ryuusei: Hmm?


Himeji: Hitting my face

means hitting my pride too.


Ryuusei: And that means?

Should I just hit you once more?

Seiko: Stop it, Ryuusei!

Himeji: You don't seem to understand.

Let me tell you how will look in 4 seconds from now.

Your flesh will be peeled off just like a melon.


Ryuusei: Ok... let's do this!

Himeji: I'll make you regret that you were born.


Seiko: Stop this now, Ryuusei.

Ryuusei: Let me go, please.

Please, let me finish this.

Himeji: Say Ryuusei, you surely know why I am looking for
Kiryuu, do you?

Ryuusei: What?


Himeji: C'mon. You also wanna kill that guy,


The dragons blood urges you to.

Only a dragon can kill another dragon.


Seiko: Himeji, did you meet Kiichi again after that thing happened?

Himeji: You mean after he expulsed me?

Seiko: It seems that Kiichi threw you out after he found you

Himeji: Ha... there's nobody who's able to tame me.


Himeji: And after I've killed Kiryuu I'm going to surpass my teacher.

I'll finish off Miyazawa Kiichi!

Ryuusei: Before that happens, I will bring you down.


Himeji: You're really gentle, Mr. Seiko.

But he won't escape.

My pride has been hurt and that means killing must follow.

Because that's the proper way of living for one who
inherited the dragons blood.

Narration: A premonition that things won't end this way.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.15 END
Next Episode: After Ryuusei regained conciousness, he faces...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 16 made by andy3004 :


Battle 16: Special training on a boat

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Seiko: Ok, now come and hit me with all your strength.

Ryuusei: Y... yes!


Seiko: Don't stand there so timidly!

I told you to throw a punch at me!

Ryuusei: Uwaah.. Oh...


Ryuusei: Aarrgh


Seiko: Not being steadfast means being unable to draw out strength.

People can only use their full power when they are standing.

And here, on the unstable top of a boat does this fact becomes obvious indeed.


Ryuusei: Spare me this long explanation.

Nothing can be done if this thing's swaying so strong.

Seiko: And spare ME your excuses!

The only answer I want to hear is: "YES".

Ryuusei: yes...

Ryuusei: Oh.. oh...

Seiko: It won't help you if you pretend the boat doesn't sway. It's
important to grasp how it sways.

And then you brace your legs according to the boats movements.


Ryuusei: Huh huh huh


Ryuusei: Wow. Now it feels really good.

Seems I finally got the knack of it.

Seiko: Without a good foothold your punches pack no power.

Ryuusei: Uaah!

Seiko: And that way you also won't be able to even touch Himeji.


Seiko: I've got no intention of running away.

All I want is some time.

1 single month to be exact.

Withing those 30 days I'll bring Ryuusei to a level where he can
partake in a proper duel. *)

(Translators note: 'shiai', which means match or contest is usually
written 試合 . In this case the first Kanji is exchanged with the Kanji
for 'death', which also reads 'shi'. So a literate translation would
be death-match. However I didn't find the word 死合 in modern dictionaries,
so it's either not often used or a quite antiquated way of speaking,
and I decided to translate it as 'proper duel' because it fits to a point
to how Himeji next replies.)

Himeji: A "proper duel", huh?

I don't like this stale and shady terminology martial-artists use,
but fine with me.

And frankly speaking Mr. Seiko, I don't believe that you'll be able
to train that boy to such an extent.


Seiko: That boy already managed to hit you straight into the face.

Himeji: I just swallowed one unexpected blow. It was a lucky punch,
that's all.

Seiko: When it comes to exchanging blows there ain't such thing as
a lucky punch.

You said that only a dragon can slay another dragon.

Those words also apply to Ryuusei. The ability to topple Kiryuu
is dwelling inside him too.

Himeji: Well, agreed. We'll meet again in 30 days. And the place will be...


Himeji: The Skydeck of Roppongi Hils. That's where we'll fight.


Seiko: You will fight against Himeji.

Ryuusei: While I don't like to hear that, it definitely raises my


Seiko: Fine. Then place your feet in the lower part of the boat and attack me.

Don't move against the swaying, hold your balance and make your body
become one with the boat and the waves.

Ryuusei: YES.

Seiko: Weak!

More power!


Seiko: MORE POWER, I said!

Ryuusei: Yes!


Ryuusei: Phewaa

Seiko: You completely neglected your defense.

Regardless of what happens, it is completely unacceptable for us
to lose that upcoming duel.

After all this is also a war by proxy between Kiichi who raised
Himeji and me who is instructing you!


Ryuusei: YES!

Yuuki: They keep on doing this even though it's bitter cold.

Those two are really such hot-blooded fools.

Narration: And the outcome of the decisive battle...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.16 END
Next Episode: At last a war by proxy. Time for the decisive battle...
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Chapter 17 :
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Chapter 18 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 18 made by andy3004 :


Battle 18: Butchers Knife

Himeji: Alright! Let's finish this, Ryuusei!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Seiko: Ah! It's already beginning?


Himeji: Now gimme a taste how much you were able to train.


Ryuusei: Uah


Ryuusei: Uh

Seiko: Ryuusei, calm down!

Remember the 'Maai' *)

Blocking won't help you - enter the 'Maai'

*) Translators note: 'Maai' is a term stemming from Japanese martial arts
which roughly speaking denominates the optimal engagement distance and position.
(Please check Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation)


Himeji: Hey, didn'tcha hear? Your senile teacher told you enter the 'Maai'!


Seiko: In Kobudou, 'Maai' is considered to be of utmost importance.

Using it will allow you to close the distance regardless what
power or combinations you face.

Don't lower your body. Fall back a bit and close the distance
at the right moment.

Ryuusei: Yes!


Ryuusei: Uooh!


Ryuusei: Damn


Ryuusei: Uuh

Himeji: What did Mr. Seiko teach you during those 30 day.

That punch?

Being perfectly honest,

your speed and precision have improved a bit - but

your eyes tell where you will aim your punches.


Himeji: He probably taught you to look your opponent in the eye
when you strike.

Frankly speaking, Mr. Seikos teachings are so out of date.

My teacher, Miyazawa Kiichi uses a style that is an evolution
of the traditional martial arts. It's more practical and
more effective.

He taught me skills to fell my opponents with a single attack
while avoiding their line of sight.


Ryuusei: The night-view of the city is really beautiful, ain't it.


Himeji: What?

Ryuusei: I was way too nervous and didn't notice my surroundings
at all.

Even though Mr. Seiko told me that this was the last thing to do.


Ryuusei: And that way I wasn't able to bring out even half of what
I learned from Mr. Seiko.

But now that my blood is flowing, I've finally calmed down.

Himeji: An interesting guy, indeed.

Usually people get disturbed and shrivel at the sight of blood, but


Himeji: ...when someone calms down at the sight of his own blood, that's
surely a symptom of being mentally deranged.

But hey! I'm exactly the same type of person!


Ryuusei: I will now show you what exactly Mr. Seiko taught me.

Narration: Time to show ones real ability!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.18 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei starting his counterattack...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 17 :

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 17 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: Faster!

Still faster!

Ryuusei: Yes!


Seiko: No need for excessive power.

Just use the lowest level you need to topple your opponent.

Ryuusei: Yes!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 17: The battle begins


Ryuusei: It looked as if your face split into two halves.

Seiko: The afterimage managed to confuse your sense of sight.
This is one special feature of Shin-Shinkageryuus techniques.

Himeji would follow this up with his "Butchers Knife" attack.
A spear-hand blow that not so much hits but rather slices.


Seiko: A pointed blade that will scoop out your skin and flesh.

Ryuusei: That's no problem

If Himeji cuts flesh, I will break his bones.


Seiko: At last, the decisive battle will be held tomorrow.

Make sure that you rest your body properly.

Ryuusei: Yes!


Yuuki: Oh, you're cutting your hair to fire yourself up?

Ryuusei: Uhm... nope. I'm not the type for those spiritualistic things.

Long hair is a handicap because it can be grabbed.
And it might also get into my eyes and distract me.

Yuuki: Spare me such explanations.
I know that you're doing this to fire yourself up.

Yuuki: Alright, let me handle this.
Otherwise you'll end up looking like a mangy dog. *)

*) Translators note: She uses the word 'tora-kari' which verbally
translates as "tiger-cut" and means as much as a short-haircut
done very bad and uneven.

Yuuki: You're afraid and couldn't sleep well, right?

And probably only thought about this scar you received.


Ryuusei: You're wrong. It wasn't due to fear that I couldn't sleep.
It was more due to excitement.

Perhaps a similar feeling one has on a first date with a girl.

I really want to go ahead and attack with all my power.

How strong is Himeji?
What techniques will he use?

How will Himeji react in response to my attacks.

Those where the things I was pondering. It was all about Himeji.

Of course I want to win, but there is one thing I enjoy even
more about the upcoming fight.

Yuuki: Huh?


Ryuusei: And that's finding out who's more similar to Kiryuu.

Much more important than battling Himeji, is getting a a glimpse
of what Miyazawa Kiichi is all about.

Yuuki: You're such a bore - but at least you're in a positive mood.

Alright, haircut's finished... baldy! *)

*) Translators note: She using the word "Marukome kun". That's the
mascot of the Japanese food-company Marukome, who's looking like
a small, bald-headed boy. Just do a google-picture search for
marukome-kun if you want to check whether he looks anything similar
to Ryuusei. XD

Yuuki: You were such a pretty boy, but by now your looks have quite changed.

Ryuusei: I... is that so?


Seiko: Th... this is quite high.

Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko, don't tell me you're suffering from acrophobia?

Seiko: Oh... you got yourself a new haircut?

Ryuusei: Uhm... yes. Just to fire myself up.

(*talking to himself*: Didn't he really notice that until now)

Seiko: F...firing up.

Uh... Yeah. Firing up oneself is important.


Himeji: Alright! Let's finish this, Ryuusei!

Seiko: Ah! It's already beginning?

Narration: The battle starts.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.16 END
Next Episode: All of sudden, the fists fly!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 18 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 18 made by andy3004 :


Battle 18: Butchers Knife

Himeji: Alright! Let's finish this, Ryuusei!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Seiko: Ah! It's already beginning?


Himeji: Now gimme a taste how much you were able to train.


Ryuusei: Uah


Ryuusei: Uh

Seiko: Ryuusei, calm down!

Remember the 'Maai' *)

Blocking won't help you - enter the 'Maai'

*) Translators note: 'Maai' is a term stemming from Japanese martial arts
which roughly speaking denominates the optimal engagement distance and position.
(Please check Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation)


Himeji: Hey, didn'tcha hear? Your senile teacher told you enter the 'Maai'!


Seiko: In Kobudou, 'Maai' is considered to be of utmost importance.

Using it will allow you to close the distance regardless what
power or combinations you face.

Don't lower your body. Fall back a bit and close the distance
at the right moment.

Ryuusei: Yes!


Ryuusei: Uooh!


Ryuusei: Damn


Ryuusei: Uuh

Himeji: What did Mr. Seiko teach you during those 30 day.

That punch?

Being perfectly honest,

your speed and precision have improved a bit - but

your eyes tell where you will aim your punches.


Himeji: He probably taught you to look your opponent in the eye
when you strike.

Frankly speaking, Mr. Seikos teachings are so out of date.

My teacher, Miyazawa Kiichi uses a style that is an evolution
of the traditional martial arts. It's more practical and
more effective.

He taught me skills to fell my opponents with a single attack
while avoiding their line of sight.


Ryuusei: The night-view of the city is really beautiful, ain't it.


Himeji: What?

Ryuusei: I was way too nervous and didn't notice my surroundings
at all.

Even though Mr. Seiko told me that this was the last thing to do.


Ryuusei: And that way I wasn't able to bring out even half of what
I learned from Mr. Seiko.

But now that my blood is flowing, I've finally calmed down.

Himeji: An interesting guy, indeed.

Usually people get disturbed and shrivel at the sight of blood, but


Himeji: ...when someone calms down at the sight of his own blood, that's
surely a symptom of being mentally deranged.

But hey! I'm exactly the same type of person!


Ryuusei: I will now show you what exactly Mr. Seiko taught me.

Narration: Time to show ones real ability!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.18 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei starting his counterattack...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 15 :
Chapter 16 :
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 15 made by andy3004 :


Himeji: What's your name?

Should I turn this pretty face into something zombie-like?

Ryuusei: See if you can!


Ryuusei: My name is Ryuusei!

Himeji: Guah


Battle 15: The dragons fist

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: For all or nothing!


Himeji: Ryuuseii, huh?

Do you have any idea what you just did?

Ryuusei: Hmm?


Himeji: Hitting my face

means hitting my pride too.


Ryuusei: And that means?

Should I just hit you once more?

Seiko: Stop it, Ryuusei!

Himeji: You don't seem to understand.

Let me tell you how will look in 4 seconds from now.

Your flesh will be peeled off just like a melon.


Ryuusei: Ok... let's do this!

Himeji: I'll make you regret that you were born.


Seiko: Stop this now, Ryuusei.

Ryuusei: Let me go, please.

Please, let me finish this.

Himeji: Say Ryuusei, you surely know why I am looking for
Kiryuu, do you?

Ryuusei: What?


Himeji: C'mon. You also wanna kill that guy,


The dragons blood urges you to.

Only a dragon can kill another dragon.


Seiko: Himeji, did you meet Kiichi again after that thing happened?

Himeji: You mean after he expulsed me?

Seiko: It seems that Kiichi threw you out after he found you

Himeji: Ha... there's nobody who's able to tame me.


Himeji: And after I've killed Kiryuu I'm going to surpass my teacher.

I'll finish off Miyazawa Kiichi!

Ryuusei: Before that happens, I will bring you down.


Himeji: You're really gentle, Mr. Seiko.

But he won't escape.

My pride has been hurt and that means killing must follow.

Because that's the proper way of living for one who
inherited the dragons blood.

Narration: A premonition that things won't end this way.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.15 END
Next Episode: After Ryuusei regained conciousness, he faces...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 16 made by andy3004 :


Battle 16: Special training on a boat

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Seiko: Ok, now come and hit me with all your strength.

Ryuusei: Y... yes!


Seiko: Don't stand there so timidly!

I told you to throw a punch at me!

Ryuusei: Uwaah.. Oh...


Ryuusei: Aarrgh


Seiko: Not being steadfast means being unable to draw out strength.

People can only use their full power when they are standing.

And here, on the unstable top of a boat does this fact becomes obvious indeed.


Ryuusei: Spare me this long explanation.

Nothing can be done if this thing's swaying so strong.

Seiko: And spare ME your excuses!

The only answer I want to hear is: "YES".

Ryuusei: yes...

Ryuusei: Oh.. oh...

Seiko: It won't help you if you pretend the boat doesn't sway. It's
important to grasp how it sways.

And then you brace your legs according to the boats movements.


Ryuusei: Huh huh huh


Ryuusei: Wow. Now it feels really good.

Seems I finally got the knack of it.

Seiko: Without a good foothold your punches pack no power.

Ryuusei: Uaah!

Seiko: And that way you also won't be able to even touch Himeji.


Seiko: I've got no intention of running away.

All I want is some time.

1 single month to be exact.

Withing those 30 days I'll bring Ryuusei to a level where he can
partake in a proper duel. *)

(Translators note: 'shiai', which means match or contest is usually
written 試合 . In this case the first Kanji is exchanged with the Kanji
for 'death', which also reads 'shi'. So a literate translation would
be death-match. However I didn't find the word 死合 in modern dictionaries,
so it's either not often used or a quite antiquated way of speaking,
and I decided to translate it as 'proper duel' because it fits to a point
to how Himeji next replies.)

Himeji: A "proper duel", huh?

I don't like this stale and shady terminology martial-artists use,
but fine with me.

And frankly speaking Mr. Seiko, I don't believe that you'll be able
to train that boy to such an extent.


Seiko: That boy already managed to hit you straight into the face.

Himeji: I just swallowed one unexpected blow. It was a lucky punch,
that's all.

Seiko: When it comes to exchanging blows there ain't such thing as
a lucky punch.

You said that only a dragon can slay another dragon.

Those words also apply to Ryuusei. The ability to topple Kiryuu
is dwelling inside him too.

Himeji: Well, agreed. We'll meet again in 30 days. And the place will be...


Himeji: The Skydeck of Roppongi Hils. That's where we'll fight.


Seiko: You will fight against Himeji.

Ryuusei: While I don't like to hear that, it definitely raises my


Seiko: Fine. Then place your feet in the lower part of the boat and attack me.

Don't move against the swaying, hold your balance and make your body
become one with the boat and the waves.

Ryuusei: YES.

Seiko: Weak!

More power!


Seiko: MORE POWER, I said!

Ryuusei: Yes!


Ryuusei: Phewaa

Seiko: You completely neglected your defense.

Regardless of what happens, it is completely unacceptable for us
to lose that upcoming duel.

After all this is also a war by proxy between Kiichi who raised
Himeji and me who is instructing you!


Ryuusei: YES!

Yuuki: They keep on doing this even though it's bitter cold.

Those two are really such hot-blooded fools.

Narration: And the outcome of the decisive battle...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.16 END
Next Episode: At last a war by proxy. Time for the decisive battle...
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 17 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 18 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 18 made by andy3004 :


Battle 18: Butchers Knife

Himeji: Alright! Let's finish this, Ryuusei!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Seiko: Ah! It's already beginning?


Himeji: Now gimme a taste how much you were able to train.


Ryuusei: Uah


Ryuusei: Uh

Seiko: Ryuusei, calm down!

Remember the 'Maai' *)

Blocking won't help you - enter the 'Maai'

*) Translators note: 'Maai' is a term stemming from Japanese martial arts
which roughly speaking denominates the optimal engagement distance and position.
(Please check Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation)


Himeji: Hey, didn'tcha hear? Your senile teacher told you enter the 'Maai'!


Seiko: In Kobudou, 'Maai' is considered to be of utmost importance.

Using it will allow you to close the distance regardless what
power or combinations you face.

Don't lower your body. Fall back a bit and close the distance
at the right moment.

Ryuusei: Yes!


Ryuusei: Uooh!


Ryuusei: Damn


Ryuusei: Uuh

Himeji: What did Mr. Seiko teach you during those 30 day.

That punch?

Being perfectly honest,

your speed and precision have improved a bit - but

your eyes tell where you will aim your punches.


Himeji: He probably taught you to look your opponent in the eye
when you strike.

Frankly speaking, Mr. Seikos teachings are so out of date.

My teacher, Miyazawa Kiichi uses a style that is an evolution
of the traditional martial arts. It's more practical and
more effective.

He taught me skills to fell my opponents with a single attack
while avoiding their line of sight.


Ryuusei: The night-view of the city is really beautiful, ain't it.


Himeji: What?

Ryuusei: I was way too nervous and didn't notice my surroundings
at all.

Even though Mr. Seiko told me that this was the last thing to do.


Ryuusei: And that way I wasn't able to bring out even half of what
I learned from Mr. Seiko.

But now that my blood is flowing, I've finally calmed down.

Himeji: An interesting guy, indeed.

Usually people get disturbed and shrivel at the sight of blood, but


Himeji: ...when someone calms down at the sight of his own blood, that's
surely a symptom of being mentally deranged.

But hey! I'm exactly the same type of person!


Ryuusei: I will now show you what exactly Mr. Seiko taught me.

Narration: Time to show ones real ability!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.18 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei starting his counterattack...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 17 :

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 17 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: Faster!

Still faster!

Ryuusei: Yes!


Seiko: No need for excessive power.

Just use the lowest level you need to topple your opponent.

Ryuusei: Yes!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon
Battle 17: The battle begins


Ryuusei: It looked as if your face split into two halves.

Seiko: The afterimage managed to confuse your sense of sight.
This is one special feature of Shin-Shinkageryuus techniques.

Himeji would follow this up with his "Butchers Knife" attack.
A spear-hand blow that not so much hits but rather slices.


Seiko: A pointed blade that will scoop out your skin and flesh.

Ryuusei: That's no problem

If Himeji cuts flesh, I will break his bones.


Seiko: At last, the decisive battle will be held tomorrow.

Make sure that you rest your body properly.

Ryuusei: Yes!


Yuuki: Oh, you're cutting your hair to fire yourself up?

Ryuusei: Uhm... nope. I'm not the type for those spiritualistic things.

Long hair is a handicap because it can be grabbed.
And it might also get into my eyes and distract me.

Yuuki: Spare me such explanations.
I know that you're doing this to fire yourself up.

Yuuki: Alright, let me handle this.
Otherwise you'll end up looking like a mangy dog. *)

*) Translators note: She uses the word 'tora-kari' which verbally
translates as "tiger-cut" and means as much as a short-haircut
done very bad and uneven.

Yuuki: You're afraid and couldn't sleep well, right?

And probably only thought about this scar you received.


Ryuusei: You're wrong. It wasn't due to fear that I couldn't sleep.
It was more due to excitement.

Perhaps a similar feeling one has on a first date with a girl.

I really want to go ahead and attack with all my power.

How strong is Himeji?
What techniques will he use?

How will Himeji react in response to my attacks.

Those where the things I was pondering. It was all about Himeji.

Of course I want to win, but there is one thing I enjoy even
more about the upcoming fight.

Yuuki: Huh?


Ryuusei: And that's finding out who's more similar to Kiryuu.

Much more important than battling Himeji, is getting a a glimpse
of what Miyazawa Kiichi is all about.

Yuuki: You're such a bore - but at least you're in a positive mood.

Alright, haircut's finished... baldy! *)

*) Translators note: She using the word "Marukome kun". That's the
mascot of the Japanese food-company Marukome, who's looking like
a small, bald-headed boy. Just do a google-picture search for
marukome-kun if you want to check whether he looks anything similar
to Ryuusei. XD

Yuuki: You were such a pretty boy, but by now your looks have quite changed.

Ryuusei: I... is that so?


Seiko: Th... this is quite high.

Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko, don't tell me you're suffering from acrophobia?

Seiko: Oh... you got yourself a new haircut?

Ryuusei: Uhm... yes. Just to fire myself up.

(*talking to himself*: Didn't he really notice that until now)

Seiko: F...firing up.

Uh... Yeah. Firing up oneself is important.


Himeji: Alright! Let's finish this, Ryuusei!

Seiko: Ah! It's already beginning?

Narration: The battle starts.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.17 END
Next Episode: All of sudden, the fists fly!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
A very good chapter here : chapter 19 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 20 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 21 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 22 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 19 made by andy3004 :


Ryuusei: Let me give you a taste of what Mr. Seiko taught me.

Seiko: Yes, that's good.

Not taking a stance becoming a 'stance' itself.

Pg.02 & 03:

Narration: The real fight starts now...!!!

Seiko: A 'stance' might bring out reckless strength.

And a 'stance' also reveals which technique will be used.

As for defense... just let your 'dragon's instincts lead you.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 19: Counterattack


Himeji: Hey hey... No guard? Are ya kiddin' me?

Too bad. Seems you really got a deathwish, huh.

Seiko: Even if you don't take a 'stance', you may never let go of
your attitude. *)

*) Translators note: I'm not 100% sure how to translate Seikos musings
on fighting stances - so I hope that I managed to put something together
that kinda makes sense... >___<


Himeji: I'll shred ya to pieces!

Seiko: Do not retreat because you want to escape!

Retreat just to measure the correct distance.

Ryuusei: YES!


Ryuusei: Guah!

Seiko: That distance is Himejis 'Maai' *)

Fall back another half step.

*) Translators note: 'Maai' being the optimum distance for a martial
artist to attack his opponent.


Himeji: What'cha doing? Come on....!

Seiko: A 'Non-Stance' will challenge the opponent and open up opportunities.

And at that time, a chance to attack will appear for sure.

Now it depends on whether Ryuusei can overcome the fear of the
'butchers knife'

And seize his own 'Maai'.


Seiko: Remember our training on the boat!

Reckless use of strenght just makes the boat sway and lets you
lose balance.

If you calm down and ease your breath, your opponents moves
should be transmitted to you.


Himeji: If ya really got the dragons blood, then you will not
run away!

Seiko: Here he comes.

Head forward! Break Himejis 'Maai'!


Ryuusei: Guuh

S...shit... didn't get the right timing to step in.

If this goes on, I'll be done for.

He'll scoop away my skin and flesh and all that's left of me
will be a walking skeleton.


Seiko: NOW!

No fear! FORWARD!


Seiko: Reckless strength will cut your power in half.

Overstraining yourself will slow down your blows.

And it will remove precision from your attack.

Thus, make sure to strike with a supple yet unrelenting strength!


Narration: A lightning-fast palmstrike!! Can this single blow really...!?

Ryuusei: G... got him.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.19 END
Next Episode: Will the blood sleeping in Ryuusei awaken...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 20 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: You released your power. A good blow.


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 20: 'Maai' *)

*) Translators note: As explained before, 'Maai' is the optimum distance
for a martial artist to attack his opponent. In this particular case
however 'ma' is written with a different Kanji with the meaning
of 'demon', 'devil' or 'evil', while the 'ai' is written with the
Kanji for 'to meet'. Accordingly this 'maai' does not reas as
'optimum distance' but 'meeting the devil'.


Ryuusei: I didn't quite release it. It felt more as if it came
out by itself.

And I also felt no resistance at all.

Seiko: You don't need the useless power to smash a bunch of tiles
to take down a human being. It is best to release the lowest
power necessary for the biggest result.

Once you lost your fear of the 'butchers knife' and took that step
forward, you broke Himejis 'maai' and his spirit.

It turned out as an miraculous counter.

You still utilize your body in an imperfect way, but if you
continue to polish this skill, you'll be able to connect it
into the 'Hashinshou'. *)

*) Translators note: The Kanji translate as 'Heart-destroying palm'.
Everyone who read the first series of Tough should know this technique.

Ryuusei: Hashinshou?


Seiko: It is one of Nadashinkageryus assassination techniques
that Miyazawa Kiichi once used to rely on.

Moving ones whole body like whip it delivers a heart-smashing
shot from a floating stance.


Seiko: The shock-wave from a single impact will result in cardiac arrest.

Ryuusei: Cardiac arrest...?

Seiko: You thought of it as unreasonable and illogical, but it was the
special training on the boat that let you survive this far.

Ryuusei: So your coaching was perfect after all, Mr. Seiko.

Seiko: This is not over yet...


Himeji: Don't ya dare to get cocky because of one lucky blow.


Seiko: That wasn't a lucky blow.

He was able to predict and evade Himejis 'butchers knife' attack.

Himeji: I didn't take that much damage and it's you who'll be losing
this fight.

Seiko: 'Ma' *) - the perfect distance...

Entering the 'Maai' was the reason.

*) Translators note: This are the correct Kanji for writing 'maai'
- compared to those in the title.


Seiko: But 'Maai' is not only about physical distance as such.

One needs to take into account his opponents ability, consitution,
energy, stance and peculiarities. All these elements become
intertwined and from them a single 'ma' is born.

This 'ma', this distance, is a living thing.


Seiko: And those who cannot sustain their 'maai' will lose their life.

They'll meet another 'ma'.

They'll meet the devil. *)


*) Translators note: This page contains the same wordplay with Kanji
as the title of this chapter. Obviously a word-by-word translation
was not possible - and this is the best I could come up with.


Seiko: Left foot! Powerful stride forward!


Seiko: Now rotate your shoulder and hip. Twist your entire body
as if it were made out of rubber.

And now FIRE!




Ryuusei: The one who met the devil was you, Himeji.


Women: This demon.

This fiend.

This guy is a devil.

Kill this fiend.

Kill him.

Kill him.

Narration: Here is another person who curses the fiends blood.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.20 END
Next Episode: Himejis past becoming clear...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 21 made by andy3004 :


Battle 21: A tragedy born from the blood

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon


Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko, how was that?

Was it a 'Hashinshou'?

Seiko: No. The shock wave of a 'Hashinshou' get's amplified inside
the body and causes an immediate cardiac arrest.

In your case the shock wave stayed outside, blasted Himeji away
and its power abated.

Oh and by the way. Miyazawa Kiichi was able to master the 'Hashinsho'
at the age of 17.

Ryuusei: At 17...

Wow... he must be a genius indeed.

Seiko: If you don't get impatient and practice the fundamental
strikes a few ten thousand times, you also should be able
to master it. Perhaps.

Ryuusei: Perhaps you say? Should I be able to master it I'd wish
to use it with more efficiency.


Himeji: Ungh...


Ryuusei: But still, I didn't hit him just by chance. Those were all
planned and precise blows.

Seiko: Yeah. Applying the Maai and using it perception has already
become natural for you.

Himeji: Ryu... Ryuusei. I do appreciate you.

You and me really got the same 'dragons' blood flowing through our bodies.

Ryuusei: Thanks guy. However I don't appreciate you at all.


Ryuusei: Admittedly for a martial artist it might become inevitable
to kill somebody in a fight. However as for you...

You are nothing but a killer.

And because of that, you're scum.

Himeji: Then let that scum serve you the humiliating taste of being


Himeji: Uah


Tooru: I've got a new game that just came out.

But you mustn't tell anyone about this.

If you do what big brother tells you, you'll get that game.

So show me your pee-pee.




Woman: My little Tooru was a pedophile...?

That cannot be.

My little Tooru. Ain't it enough...

that my precious son has been cruelly killed.

My heart and by body are already broken... And still you
want to hurt me more.

You actually want to destroy Toorus reputation.


Detective: Did you see that your friend got molested and wanted
to help him.

Himeji: Nope.

Detective: Huh?

Himeji: All I wanted was to see how that big guy dies.



Pg.15: Ryuusei! Don't be so obsessed with the 'Hashinshou'.

Concentrate on the fight.

Ryuusei: Nope.

I want to deliver a full 'Hashinshou'.



Ryuusei: All I want is to see how this Himeji fellow dies.

Narration: From the depths of the heart flows the dragons blood...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.21 END
Next Episode: The outcome of the battle...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 22 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: You "wish to see how Himeji dies"?



Battle 22: Escalated Hashinshou

Seiko: Your resolution for death - is it because you can no longer
calm your boiling blood?
Is it the dragons blood that makes you do so?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon


Ryuusei: I'll stop your heart once and for good!

Seiko: Huh

Himeji: Raahh! Ryuusei! Do you have any idea whom you're
talking to?

Ryuusei: Nadashinkageryuu is incredible...


Ryuusei: It causes destruction inside the body without spilling
blood or leaving even a bruise.

Himeji appears to be unharmed but his heart definitely
took damage.

His breath is rasping.

His movements have become slow.

And his reactions as well.


Ryuusei: And I mustn't hesitate now.

If I don't kill him I won't be able to grasp Nadashikageryuus
assassination technique.

And I want to comprehend this technique - even if it means
receiving a conviction that would ruin my life.


Ryuusei: Taking a firm stand on the ground to create energy

And then storing it in the knees... enhancing it with
a twist of the hip...

Placing my whole body weight into one arm and...


Ryuusei: Releasing it all at once!


Himeji: Gasp


Ryuusei: If I accumulate the damage of multiple hits, I should
be able to put him into cardiac arrest.

Even if a single strike ain't enough to kill.

This is what grasping the 'Hashinshou' and similar assassination
techniques is all about!




Detective A: How can this child be so heartless?

He's completely calm even though he just killed a man!

Detective B: You're wrong. It just seems this way because
you cannot look inside his heart.

It may not show on his face but he is suffering.


Detective A: What? Himeji got molested too?

But he never told a single word about it!

Detectiv B: What Tooru did to him, made Himeji feel utterly shamed
and humiliated.

Because for a 9 year old, his pride is extremely huge.


Himeji: I won't tell anyone. I will let nobody know. I will
request nobody's help.

I will just put things right again with my own hands.

Because that is the pride and spirit of those who inherited
the dragons blood.


Himeji: I may die, but I won't be defeated.

Ryuusei: H... He is still standing?

Even breathing must be painful now - yet you refuse to
give up this fight.

Himeji... you're terrific for sure!

Narration: The first time the dragons blood shows sympathy.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.22 END
Next Episode: Time for the conclusion! What will become of Himeji...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 23 :

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 23 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: Even if he dies Himeji won't admit defeat.

This is the pride and spirit of those who inherited the dragons

Ryuusei: Hi... Himeji still ain't going down.

He still wants to fight.


Battle 23: Decision

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon


Ryuusei: Hey Himeji, I really respect your tenacity.

And it's for this very reason I want to bring you down!

This is the end... "ESCALATED HASHINSHOU"


Seiko: Enough, Ryuusei!

Himejis heart has already stopped!


Seiko: It's over!

Ryuusei: Huh?


*flatline noise* Biiiiiii


Ryuusei: I... I've won.

I stopped Himejis heart. was the Hashinshou that decided this battle.

And I...

killed him!?


Kiichi: Hey little killer-boy.

Your opponent was a few times bigger than you.

Taking into account his physical strength and constitution
the odds in that battle were definitely stacked against
you - even though you carried a knife.


Kiichi: But I don't like that you attacked him from behind.

A man like you should face his opponents head on.

Hey... your face has that buddhist-priest-looking expression
I know from Kiryuu.

Your father has always been a fickle and stubborn kind of guy.

Yet he never showed any cowardly behavior.


Kiichi: Your mother too abandoned you,

and so it seems there's nobody left to care for you.

You probably feel like you wanna die, Himeji.

Why don't you come to my place once you're out of this
rehabilitation program?

I will teach you techniques to kill people with your bare hands.

*sign on Kiichis clothes*: Beware of wild man


Kiichi: I'm the head of Nada-Shin-Shinkageryuu, Miyazawa Kiichi.


Ryuusei: Himeji has died...

Seiko: Come! Come! Come! Come! Come!


Seiko: Come back Himeji!

You must return!

Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko....

Seiko: Come! Come! Come!

Come back to life Himeji!


Seiko: Ah!

Ryuusei: He reacted! His eyebrow twitched.

Seiko: Yes! Just a little more!

Come! Come on!

Himeji: Ungh...


Seiko: Aah! He's back!

Himeji: D... Did I get knocked out?

Ryuusei: Nope. You were actually dead.


Ryuusei: But it's so great that you came back to life!

Himeji: Y'know Ryuusei...
if you wanna kill someone then do it properly you idiot!

Narration: They won't admit it, but surely those two descendants
of the dragon see eye to eye with each other.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.23 END
Next Episode: A novel development! Ryuusei faces new...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 24 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 24 made by andy3004 :


Battle.24 Sannen goroshi *)

*) Translators note: this technique translates as three-year-killing

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Ambulance: The patient is a male in his fifties.

About 20 minutes ago he collapsed on the road.

Narration: A new development. Yet another assassin...!?


Hospital staff: We have prepared everything for his reception.

The ambulance has just arrived.

His pulse and heart rate are falling.

There seem to be no outside wounds.

No outside wounds?

Perhaps he hit his head when he collapsed.


Doctor: Get the CT and MRI ready!

Hospital staff: Oh. He has regained consciousness.

Patient. Aah!

Hospital staff: Can you talk?

Do you have any pain somewhere?

Sign: Operation in progress


Seiko: You are buying yoghurt?

That's a good idea. Yoghurt contains calcium, proteins and
vitamins and its lactobacilli have a beneficial effect on
the gut microflora.

Ah! Let's get this one - it's just slightly past expiry date.

Yuuki: Tell me uncle, usually people prefer to buy fresh stuff.
Why do you insist in choosing things that are over their
'best before' date?
I mean - this one even ain't discounted.

Seiko: Well, I just think it's such a waste if food gets scrapped.


Yuuki: But Ryuusei is really terrific. To think that he mastered
the Hashinshou.

Seiko: That was only a mock-Hashinshou.

It's far from the level of Miyazawa Kiichis original one.

Ryuusei still has a lot to learn.

Yuuki: That's too harsh.

Seiko: There is no training that is not harsh.


Ryuusei: Ungh ungh


Ryuusei: Ungh ungh


Ryuusei: So Himeji was really intending to kill me, wasn't he.

A proper hit with his 'butchers knife'...

would not only have cut my skin and flesh but also my arteries
and I had died by loss of blood.

If both carotid arteries are severed, death arrives after
about 14 seconds.


Ryuusei: Or was the 'butchers knife' only meant to threaten...?

Was it also something Miyazaya Kiichi taught him?

Yuumi: Even though you speak so harshly you seem pretty happy, uncle.

Seiko: I am.

Being able to pass on my knowledge makes me happy.

Yuuki: You really are fond of looking after people, uncle. Sometimes
y'know, I feel like I'm taking advantage of you.

Seiko: Oh please - don't worry about such a thing, dear Yuuki.


Seiko: You see: people are born into this world having nothing and when
they die alone they once again have nothing.

Whatever amount of riches they may have amassed, they won't be
able to take any of it with them.

But then, there certainly are things they leave behind.


Works they have created...

Children they have raised...

The only thing they leave behind are the things they had
to give away on their final day.

And so, one might as well spend his life giving away things.

And that is just what I'm doing.


SFX: piipiipii

Seiko: Hello, this is Miyazawa.

What! Sugi was hospitalized?

Seiko: So he suddenly collapsed on the street?

Sugis wife: Yes... but nobody got any idea what exactly happened.

He's a bit of a rascal - so perhaps he might have gotten into a fight.
That's why I contacted you, Mr. Miyazawa. You're a martial artist and
a chiropractor - so maybe you can figure something out...


Sugis wife: I beg you Mr. Miyazawa, save my husband!

The doctors cannot help him, because the have no idea what caused
his condition.

My husband is such a stubborn guy, but still he's suffering so much.

Sugi: Haah haah

Please Mr. Miyazawa.

Seiko: I will do what I can, but first let me examine him a bit.

Help me turn him around on his face please.


Seiko: The fourth cervical vertebrae is tilted.

It looks like the effect of a whiplash injury.

N... no way...


Seiko: His spinal cord was damaged due to a hit into the abdomens
most vulnerable spot, the "tanden'. *)

*) Translators note: ...which is located slightly above the naval, if
you need to now.

Seiko: That was caused by a kicking-technique known as 'sannen goroshi' *).

*) Translators note: i.e.: 'three-year-killing' (which, if you didn't
already guess, will kill you over the course of three years).


Ryuusei: I really wonder what kind of person Miyazawa Kiichi is.

And how strong he might be.

SFX: *thud*

Somebody there?


Narration: A premonition of danger.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.24 END
Next Episode: The true colors of this man becoming clear...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 25 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 25 made by andy3004 :


Narration: A suspicious shadow drawing near

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.25: Sen'inpaku Hakyaku *)

*) Translators note: Seiko will translate this technique on page 11, so
be patient.

Ryuusei: Somebody there?

Kung-fu shoes with a skull?


Seiko: Using shiatsu on the spine even though the abdomen took damage
does work because of the connection between the vertebrae and the
internal organs.

Focusing medical treatment only on the affected parts is what
western medicine does.

Eastern medicine on the other hand provides relief by correcting
problems with the vertebrae, thus influencing the affected parts

They are healed without directly touching them.

This is the essence of martial-arts chiropractic

And it also makes clear...


Seiko: ...what kind of opponent and fighting style Mr. Sugisaku Jirou
had to face.

Sugi: D'ya wanna start a fight with me?

Oh. Chinese Kenpo, huh?


Sugi: Oh gimme a break. Chinese Kenpo and them other ancient
martial arts ain't nothing but fantasy.

Of course I'm a fan of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee but I don't
think they'd be that strong in a real fight.

But hey, If ya really wanna do this I'll give you a free attack.


Sugi: That was nice a kick.

Probably packs enough power to KO a normal human.

But it won't work on me.

Because, ya see, I'm quite a beast.

Wh... what? Already leaving so soon?

Dont'cha wanna play a bit more?

Man: It's already over!


Sugi: What the heck?


Girl A: So you actually got involved with that Bruce Lee guy?

Oh, Mr. Sugi you're such a rowdy.

Sugi: There's also another little rowdy further down, hehehe.

Girl B: Whooa... may I see him...

Sugi: Ungh... seems I had a bit too much booze.



Seiko: Mr. Sugi is a former pro-wrestler with solid training.

And while he ended his career due to a knee injury, he's
not a man some amateur could defeat.


Seiko: 'Nanken-Hokutai' is an amalgamation of southern style punching
and northern style kicking techniques.

Mr. Sugi was brought down by someone using that style.

And the technique he used was a Shaolin kick from northern
style Changquan...


Yuuki: Being able to bring down this giant with a single kick... unbelievable.

But... the real damage only took place some time later?

Seiko: It was "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" (Kick like an invisible explosion)

It doesn't cause direct damage to the viscera.

Instead it stops the flow of Ch'i, which slowly ruptures the abdomen.


Seiko: This technique leaves no outside wound but the symptoms it
causes are severe.

Slowly but steadily the body will experience multiple organ failure
leading to death.

This is the reason why the Sen'inpaku Hakyaku is also referred to
as 'three-year-killing'

Moreover, as far as I know, there is currently only one man who's
able to use that kicking technique.

Yuuki: One man?


Seiko: Miyazawa Kiichi

Yuuki: But...

Seiko: However there used to be one more...


Ryuusei: Hey... don't you know that it's rude just to come crashing into
someones place uninvited?
Uhm... you understand Japanese, do you?


Seiko: "The iron-legged monk", Ma Wenbao.

Ryuusei: Who the heck are you?

Wenbao: Ni hao *)

*)Translators note: The usual Chinese greeting when meeting someone.


Enter the villain

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.25 END
Next Episode: The connection between this man and Seiko being revealed!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 26 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 26 made by andy3004 :

Translators note: It took me a while to look up the proper translations for the various medical terms in this chapter



Doctor: I cannot believe it...

These inexplicable abdominal pains and high fever have suddenly

The color of his face also has returned no normal and his
blood pressure is fine too.

What kind of medical treatment did this...?

And what person was the man who applied it?

Sugis wife: Mr. Miyazawa is...


Battle.26: Miyazawa Kiichis past

Sugis wife: A martial artist who heals people more than he wounds them.

I heard that the number of people he saved are legion indeed.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon


Ryuusei: Whoa... look at what the inside of the sandbag has turned into.

Well, then again

it was just stuffed with tiny pieces of cloth.

However ripping open such a hole with a single kick

shows that it packs quite some destructive power.


Wenbao: I am Ma Wenbao.

Since Mr. Seiko seems to be unavailable, I think I will come back
here another time.

Ryuusei: Uhm... Mr. Ma.

Could you please show me that kick once more?

Wenbao: Are you one of Mr. Seikos students.

Ryuusei: I am!


Ryuusei: Can he really release a powerful kick with his hips being
placed in such a low stance?


Ryuusei: Uaah!


Wenbao: This is "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku".

The trajectory of the initial front kick is altered by
adding the torque of a side kick.

Ryuusei: So it's a unique kicking technique from Chinese Kenpo.


Ryuusei: Moreover it's got terrific power!

Since you stopped just in front of my face I'm unharmed

otherwise my whole face would have been smashed in.

Wenbao: But no! Your beautiful face still would look just the same.
Only your brain would have been injured.


Wenbao: The pressure point called 'Jinchuu' I aimed at is a very
fragile spot (called intermaxillary suture) where two bones

If the "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" hits there properly it will cause
pressure building up over a wide area, stronger than any
punch could. Its energy permeates even deeper and deteriorates
the brain functions.

After experiencing inexplicable headaches one will suffer from
impaired consciousness... Followed finally - after less than three years -
by death.

Signs in anti-clockwise direction:
lacrimal bone, cheekbone, middle turbinate bone, lower turbinate bone,
vomer, intermaxillary suture (Jinchuu), lower jawbone, mental protuberance,
nasal cavity

Ryuusei: That's a "Sannen-Goroshi" *) technique, right?
*) Translators note.: 'Three year killing'

Doctors and the police won't be able to prove that it was murder and
can't do much about it.

Wenbao: Yes.

Ryuusei: And another good point is that it's not a punch but a kicking
I somehow got a hunch that Nadashinkageryuu got something similar.


Wenbao: Japanese martial arts whee originally handed down from China,
much like many aspects of culture, arts and religion.

I myself taught the secrets and mysteries of Shaolin-ken to many
Japanese people.

And among those were also members of the Miyazawa family.

And while it was a pleasure to exchange knowledge with Mr. Seiko,
whom I respect both as a man of character as well as a martial artist.

There is...

one man whom I never will forgive!

Ryuusei: Huh?


Wenbao: And that is Miyazawa Kiichi.

In spite of me instructing him in using the "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku",

he used my absence to beat down all of my disciples.


Wenbao: Miyazawa Kiichi trampled upon and ridiculed my Shaolin-ken.

The reason I have come to Japan is to defeat Miyazawa Kiichi, you see.


Ryuusei: Uhm... Mr. Ma, I hope you apologize my rudeness, but...

Would you please fight against me?

If possible without stopping your attacks but pulling them all through.

Wenbao: Didn't you listen to what I told you?

If you are hit full-force you will die.

Ryuusei: I know, I know... It's just that I felt such a frightening pressure.

And I thought that I'd like to experience the same thing Miyazawa
Kiichi did.

Why you ask?

Cos' the more scary things are, the more I want to indulge in them.


Ryuusei: Now that I've stumbled across you, Mr. Ma,

I'd regret it for my whole life if I couldn't fight against you.

Wenbao: Are you also a successor of the Miyazawa families bloodline?

Ryuusei: Yes. I'm of the "dragons blood".


Seiko: I'm home!

Wh... what the`?

Narration: A shocking scene...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.26 END
Next Episode: Ryuuseis body is...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 27 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 27 made by andy3004 :


Yuuki: Ah... Ryuusei ain't here?

Where could he have gone?


Battle.27: The power of kicking techniques

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: Those traces tell of strength...

Seiko: Th... that is...


Wenbao: I see, so you are a son of Kiryuu?

No wonder that you're so belligerent.

Ryuusei: You misunderstand me, Mr. Ma.

It's because out of respect for you that I want to fight.


Ryuusei: I'm filled with a pure ambition to master martial arts.

And risking my life in a real fight will give me the strength
to overcome my current limits.


Wenbao: Oh... risking your life...?


Wenbao: Well, as you wish!

Let me see whether you really got that kind of determination!


Ryuusei: So this is Chinese Kenpo?

I cannot predict the trajectory of those irregular

Here it comes.


"Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"


Ryuusei: Huh?


Seiko: Ryuusei!


Wenbao: Mr. Seiko.


Seiko: Mr. Ma I am getting angry.

You have hurt people important to me.

Mr. Sugi is a friend of mine and that boy is my disciple.

The "Tanten" is such a major vital spot in human beings that it's also
called the "little brain".

You of all people should know what happens when that spot is hit with
a "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku".


Wenbao: I has no idea that piece of scum was a friend of yours, Mr. Seiko.

Not to mention that this young guy here is Kiryuus son...

Miyazawa Kiichi and Kiryuu are both sworn enemies of my school.

It's regrettable Mr. Seiko

but in this particular case our friendship has its limits.


Ryuusei: Please don't interfere, Mr. Seiko.

Wenbao: Mr. Ma is only fighting me because I asked him to do.

Narration: The damage should be huge, but...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.27 END
Next Episode: Unexpectedly, Ryuuseis body is...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 28 :
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Chapter 29 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 30 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 28 made by andy3004 :


Narration: A single word that brings down the wrath upon him...

Ryuusei: M... Mr. Seiko please don't worry.

I... I am alright.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.28: Natural talent

Ryuusei: Mr. Mas kick...

got speed and power - however not enough to cause
a fatal injury.


Ryuusei: Mr. Ma this can't possibly be the "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku".

Please go on and hit me for real.

And if you keep using that kind of kick, then please stop
blabbering stuff like "You will die within three years".


Wenbao: I only missed the vital spot by a few millimeters.

Ryuusei: Oh c'mon. You didn't 'miss'.

I was me who 'evaded'.


But even a novice like me can see through such an uninspired


Wenbao: Mr. Seiko I've always tried my best getting along well
with you but...

You know I really hate your guts.

Even though I went through Shaolin training your holier-than-thou
attitude utterly disgusted me.

It felt as if you always wanted to talk me to death.

And therefor...


Wenbao: I shall now slaughter Ryuusei.


Wenbao: I will destroy everything you hold dear.


Wenbao: And the sight of your lamenting face while you grind your teeth
will be utter joy for me.


Ryuusei: Uungh

Wenbao: Ryuusei is Kiryuus son... Killing him won't cause me any remorse.


Wenbao: This Japanese devil-child won't die the dull death of the
"Sannengoroshi" - I'll slay him on the spot with a single blow.


Seiko: Mr. Ma, I always knew that you held negative feelings towards me.


Seiko:Yet there is one thing that YOU don't know about.

And that is Ryuuseis enormous potential.


Seiko: Under critical conditions his amazing instinct for defense

This is the dragons blood...

Ryuusei: Here it comes. The "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"


Seiko: It's the natural talent the dragon bestowed upon him.


Narration: In a flash!!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.28 END
Next Episode: With Ryuuseis blow, Mas unexpected true face becomes...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 29 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: Kiryus legs got the "Dragon Foot" that only shows up
in one out of a million of people.

Due to the abnormal growth of his thigh muscles his kicks...

lash out with the flexibility of a willow twig but on impact
turn into a hammer that can even shatter rocks.


Seiko: And it's possible that Ryuusei, who inherited his genes,
possesses the "Dragon Foot" too.

At some point this skills might suddenly awaken.


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.29: Discharging power *) of the dragons thigh

Translators note: I found no proper translation for the original Kanji
used here. They relate to the Chinese concept of Fajin, which is a
martial arts technique to release ones energy with your attacks.

Seiko: A duel of "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"s


Wenbao: Th... that's ludicrous.

This boy cannot possibly have grasped the "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"?

Y... yet this boys discharging power is for real.


Wenbao: And the surge of his discharge penetrates deeply.


Seiko: That one took effect.


Seiko: Press for an answer now!

Wenbao: I... Is this the power of the Miyazawa family?

This is...


Seiko: The "Dragon Foot"

Awaken, Ryuusei.


Narration: 3 years earlier, Shanghai

Wenbao: It's the same like that time...

This power has nothing to do with physical strength.
It's effect has nothing to with brute force.


Wenbao: The discharging power of 'Fajin' releases its energy
according to the waves and flows in the body.

It has nothing to with muscle power at all.

For example...


Wenbao: Like this!


Kiichi: I definitely appreciate the force of a real
"Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" but...

But it looks somewhat unrefined.

It'd be more effective and even cause fatal injuries if you just
put more physical strength behind it.


Kiichi: Mr. Ma, I heard you were looking for me.

So I thought I'd spare you the trouble and come visiting myself.

Sign on Kiichis shirt: "Beware: Wild Man!"


Wenbao: Let's go outside, Japanese devil.

I don't want my holy dojo being stained with your filthy blood.

Kiichi: You think there's something like clean and dirty blood?

Idiot. There are only two types of blood. Strong and weak.

Narration: His past with Miyazawa Kiichi becomes clear---!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.29 END
Next Episode: Kiichi facing Ma...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 30 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: A "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" by Ryuuseis "Dragon Foot"


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.30: Mark of the "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"

Wenbao: Haah


Seiko: Having the "Dragon Foot" is proof that one inherited Kiryuus blood.

And witnessing the force of his kicking techniques just verifies
this fact.


Ryuusei: I... I didn't hit him and still he went down...?

Seiko: Mr. Ma!

Look up here!

Ryuusei: What is this?

What the heck has happened?

Seiko: Mr. Ma's condition is strange.

Mr. Ma, I'm sorry but...


Seiko: Th... there is
yet another mark below the one that Ryuuseis attack left behind.

Moreover, that one hit the "Danchuu" pressure-point perfectly.

Who could have done this...?

Wenbao: Mi...ya za...wa...


Kiichi: Mr. Ma, don't get me wrong, won'tcha! Yeah, I did
beat up your pupils.

But that's just cos them were the ones who came at me and

Wenbao: I've got no intention to start a discussion.

All I want is to drive a "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" right into your
median plane. *)

*) Translators note: i.e.: the anatomical plane which divides
the body into right and left halves


Kiichi: Median plane...?

When people fight they take a side stance and move around.

In a such a situation, precisely hitting a tsubo in the median plane
is next to impossible.

Wenbao: Yet this kind of precision is the very essence of Shaolin-ken.

And I shall finish you off with the very "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"
technique I taught you.

Kiichi: Whoa - sounds fun.


Kiichi: Go ahead, try ta hit my median plane.

I'll even take a frontal stance!


Wenbao: Are you making fun of me, Kiibo?

Kiichi: Of course. What else should I do.

There ain't no techniques left worth stealing from you.

Wenbao: SHUT UP!

And taste the true "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"!


Kiichi: That's the difference of muscle power.

Since you already came with a disadvantage in strength,
our speed and power are miles apart - even when using the same
kicking technique.

Wenbao: Ha... ha... ha...

Kiichi: Also, your style of exerting power only through fluent movements
ain't much use in nowadays hyper-effective modern martial arts.


Kiichi: But don't worry. The inheritor of your "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku"
will be me...

After you'll have passed away in about three years from now.

Wenbao: Uooooh!



Seiko: It seems Mr. Ma has already fallen victim to the "Three year killing".

Wenbao: I... I have not much time left to live...

On... only wanted to fight one more time against Miyazawa Kiichi.

Ryuusei: I feel as if some achievement has just been snatched away from me.

And Miyazawa Kiichi somehow really pisses me off.

Narration: Burning quietly in his heart - anger towards Miyazawa Kiichi

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.30 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei acquiring certain information from Ma...!?

Chapter 31 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 32 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 33 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 31 made by andy3004 :

This chapter once again had some medical vocabulary that I needed to double-check
in dictionaries, but here's the finished translation for you to enjoy:



Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Seiko: It seems your "danchuu" pressure point received a direct impact.

Battle.31: Several impacts


Seiko: The "danchuu" is the torsos biggest pressure point. However
it's protected by the sternum and the cartilage of the ribcage.-

Yet the impact of Kiichis "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" distorted those
bones and even caused damage to the internal organs.

Kiichis kick is a dirty technique indeed.

It didn't cause the bones to break, which would have called for medical
treatment immediately - but instead precisely warped them.


Seiko: If you "danchuu" pressure point had been hit one more time by
the "Sen'inpaku Hakyaku" of Ryuuseis "Dragon foot",

your sternum might have broken and your internal organs been destroyed
causing instant death.

In that case Ryuusei could even have been charged with murder.

Mr. Ma, please lie face-down now.


Seiko: The first, second and third cervical vertebrae... and also the
vertebral column are tilted.

And their bones exert pressure on the nerves.

Since the spinal nerve extends to the peripheral nerves from each
single vertebrae, your pain should vanish once all of their positions
got corrected.

Mr. Ma, please don't give up.

It will take some time and some surgery, but I'm sure that you will
return to your former self.

Wenbao: Th... thank you so much, Mr. Miyazawa.

B... but after all I did to you...


Seiko: Mr. Ma, please don't worry about that.

It's only natural that you became gloomy after your body weakened
and your spirit withered away.


Ryuusei: Shit! Shit! DAMNED SHIT!


Yuuki: Ryuusei! Why are you so angry?

Ryuusei: Because Mr. Ma got f***** injured by Miyazawa Kiichis
"Three year killing" before our brawl.

I was planning to win by fully puttin' my life on stake.

And now that price got snatched away.


Ryuusei: In the end, all the nice things have already been grabbed
by that Miyazawa Kiichi.

Yuuki: Phew... you really pack a punch when you're angry.

That destructive power stems from your lower body, right?

Uncle told me about it. He said that you inherited the
"Dragon foot" from Kiryuu.


Ryuusei: "Dragon foot"? What the heck?

I don't care 'bout that shit.

Yuuki: Well, if you're in such a violent mood you might consider
entering the "Ankoku Butoukai" *)

*) Translators note: Ankoku means "darkness" and "Butoukai" means
"martial arts tournament". I cannot think of a good-sounding
catchy English translation ("Rumble in the Dark", perhaps?) and
since I'm sure that we'll get an official transcription for this
event in the Manga itself later on, I decided to stay with the
original reading.

Ryuusei: The what?


Yuuki: The rules are simple: several martial artists enter the ring
and fight while being blindfolded.

Supposedly it all originated in 1949 in Italy as "Blindfolded
Boxing" but has evolved into a more contemporary and violent event.


Yuuki: It sounds like a blindfolded version of a "MMA Battle Royal".

The winner's the last one left standing in the ring.

Of course the events organizers hail from the seedier parts of
human society.

It's an underground match and thus risky, but apparently the
prize makes it worthwhile.


Ryuusei: Uhm... I got one question: How do you even know about such
a thing, Yuuki?

Yuuki: A while ago Uncle medically treated someone who entered the
"Ankoku Butoukai" and suffered injuries.

Ryuusei: Yeah... that thing might give me some distraction - but I'm
really not interested in beating up amateurs.

Yuuki: Those people are pros!

Many of them being well-known grapplers.

The former boom in learning grappling skills has ebbed some while ago...

Thus nowadays, even some of the most famous grapplers have entered the
"Ankoku Butoukai" because they've fallen on financial hard times, or
so it seems.



Yuuki: Miyazawa Kiichi also once fought in that tournament.

Ryuusei: Mi... Miyazawa...

Yuuki: Who knows... It might be a chance for you to encounter Miyazawa
Kiichi himself.


Wenbao: M... Mr. Miyazawa. Have you heard about that rumor?

Seiko: What rumor exactly.

Wenbao: The one about Kiryuu.

Seiko: Kiryuu completely dropped off the radar some years ago.

I really don't know whether he died or whether he still lives.


Wenbao: They say someone killed him.

Seiko: Th... that's impossible. He might fall victim to some natural
desaster or a freak accident.

But I don't think that any human being on this planet could
possibly kill Kiryuu.

Wenbao: With the exception of single one, perhaps?

The "strongest" man...


Wenbao: "Miyazawa Kiichi has killed Kiryuu!"

Narration: The overwhelmingly shocking fact!!!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.31 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei considering the "Butoukai"...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 32 made by andy3004 :


Wenbao: "Miyazawa Kiichi has killed Kiryuu!"

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.32: Ankoku Butoukai


Seiko: Kiichi killed Kiryuu? That's absolutely unbelievable!

Wenbao: Sorry... like I said - it was just a rumor I heard.

But what I definitely know is that Miyazawa Kiichi will
show up in the "Blindfolded MMA" tournament.

Yes, in that "Ankoku Butoukai".


Ryuusei: How gross...

Ravens feasting on a dogs cadaver.


Ryuusei: This should be the Ravens building.

Do they really held a tournament in such kind of place?


Kei: Hey pretty boy! Wanna enter the stage ya'self too?

Hehehe... I'm Kei, the booker.


Kei: There's only one rule in "Blindfolded MMA":

Never pull off anyones blindfold. And that's about all.

Ya may bite, gouge out eyes, grab your opponents balls -
t's all fine 'n fair.

But if ya pull off a blindfold ya'll be disqualified on the spot.
Oh - and ya'll get a nasty penalty ta boot!

Ryuusei: A penalty?

Kei: Yup. A fine of 5 million Yen. *)

*) Translators note: About Euro 45000,- by current rates


Kei: But don'tcha worry. Folks who ain't got that cash can get some
from the loan sharks for quite... 'reasonable' rates.

Prize money in the amateur rank's 500.000 Yen and 1 Million
in the pro one. Tax-free, of course.

Since ya're a newcomer I'd say that the amateur rank's just
perfect for ya, pretty boy.

Frankly speaking, most of those amateurs ain't got no brain or money.
Just a bunch blockheads who only rely on their muscles and
brawling skills.


Kei: This tournament's just wack - but so far there never have been
any casualties.

Come to think of it...some of them poor sods who lost would mayhaps
be better off having kicked the bucket - considering how they've got
crippled for life.

Ryuusei: Ok, ok... but I'd still like to enter the pro rank.

Kei: Hey, wait a sec. The pro rank's for the strong guys who already
got used to the rules.

Can't drop any names - but until some years ago, the pro rank
had even some real famous grapplers.


Ryuusei: And fighting strong and dangerous guys is the very reason
I came here for.

I've got no interest at all in fighting against lowlife
scum who "got no brain or money and just rely on their muscle
and brawling skills".

Kei: Aaargh...

Y... yeah, I said they were blockheads. But 'lowlife' and 'scum' not.

Ryuusei: Oh... don't get so picky about words. However you phrase it
they are nothing but idiots.


Thug: Hey! When you just said "lowlife scum", did'ya mean us?

Ryuusei: See anyone else around here who fits that description?



Key: Jeeeez!


Other thugs:

What the...

That monster Tsugou got knocked out just like that?

His jaw has been broken

Who the fuck is that guy?

Narration: Onwards, to the next stage...

Ryuusei: I'm sorry...

But... it seems that I'm really strong, right?

Kei: Welcome to pro rank!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.32 END
Next Episode: What will Ryuusei see in pro rank...!?

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 33 made by andy3004 :


Narration: At last: the place where Miyazawa Kichi is...!?

Kei: You're really strong, pretty boy.
Is that Karate you use?

Ryuusei: Nadashinkageryuu.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.33: Mister Chin

Kei: Is that a traditional martial arts?

Ryuusei: Uhm listen, there's one thing I'd like to ask.

Has Miyazawa Kiichi ever entered this tournament?

Kei: Miyazawa Kiichi...


Kei: Ain't heard that name, nope.

Not everyone uses his real name while fighting here.

Ryuusei: Was there ever a guy as strong as in Manga books?

Kei: Manga y'mean.

Like in 'ridiculously strong'?

Well, perhaps Legend M fits that description.

Ryuusei: Legend M


Kei: He's a true "living weapon".

Where he touches he cuts the skin. Where he hits he breaks bones.

He's the legendary fighter that once brought down 3 men within
7 seconds.

And that record hasn't been broken ever since.


Referee: Match 3 is over!

Kei: Did ya come here because you were looking for Miyazawa Kiichi,
pretty boy?

Ryuusei: Kinda...

Kei: Well ya might be lucky,

Y'see, after a long absence Legend M has entered this tournament.

Ryuusei: Could it really be Miyazawa Kichi

Kei: But anyway - we should get prepared now.

Here, y'need this.


Ryuusei: Arrgh... band-aids over my eyes?

Kei: And on top of that we wrap this tape firmly around your head
many times.

Y'see in amateur rank where those blokes fight it out like in
a bar brawl, the mask sometimes gets ripped off - but the audience
doesn't care much.
(The organizers of course do, because that allows them to lend the
penalty money at high rates.)

If the mask gets ripped off in a pro rank match however the crowd will get
angry and start booing.

Those pro ranks got technique and experience resulting in an
interesting and gaudy fight. Everyone hates it when interruptions
And for that reason the masks in pro rank are different.

Ryuusei: Uwah... Can't see anything.


Kei: Righto, let's go. And dontcha cling to my shirt like that.

Ryuusei: Y... yes.

Kei: Oh - almost forgot. Your ring-name under which you've got
registered for the tournament is Mister Chin!

Ryuusei: Ch... Chin?

Alright, understood.

B...but not being able to see is quite frightening.

I mean, I'm basically unable to walk alone by myself.

Kei: Dontcha worry bout that! When people lose their sense of sight
it gets compensated for by all other senses getting sharpened.


Ryuusei: Th... this can't be.

There is something non-human around here.


Ryuusei: My instinct's setting off all alarm bells because there's some
dangerous predator right in front of me.

It's coming...

Getting closer.

It could kill me with a single blow were I so foolish as to attack.


Ryuusei: It's strength is absolutely miles above my own.


Ryuusei: Uaah.

Th... the one who just passed by - who was it?

Kei: Uhm... who might that be indeed.

It's so dark in here that I didn't recognize him.

Ryuusei: I had the burning sensation of some tremendous 'Ki'.

But it was different from Mr. Seikos. This one here emitted a much
more violent "Ki".


Kei: Everything ok? You're covered in sweat!

Ryuusei: What kind of person was that?

Announcer: And now begins the fourth round of the pro rank matches
under Ankoku Butoukais "blindfolded MMA rules".


Announcer: "What lies ahead of us is covered in darkness" No one
knows what the future holds in store.

And darkness means anxiety. It means nothing but terror.

Yet, in every era there are heroes born from those troubling times.
They are a the ones to achieve what "Nobody can achieve" and to do
what "Nobody is able to do".

They are men who love danger.


Announcer: So let's give a hearty welcome to these idiots who are
storming ahead full speed with their eyes wide shut.

Ryuusei: Is Miyazawa Kiichi here?

Announcer: First of all, in his debut fight this evening, wearing
the red mask: MISTER CHIN!

Ryuusei: Ooops... right... Chin is me, of course.


Audience: Chin! You can do it.

Announcer: In the yellow mask: AGENT DEBOO!

Audience: Don't become fodder for the crows!

Announcer: In the white mask: MAGNUM HAYASHI!

And allow me to finally present...

In the black mask, the living weapon LEGEND M!!!


Ryuusei: Legend M.... could that person be Miyazawa Kiichi?

Narration: Finally - a chance meeting...!?

Ryuusei: Is Miyazawa Kiichi standing in front of me?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.33 END
Next Episode: Ryuuseis opponent is...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 34 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 34 made by andy3004 :



The beginning of the Dark Fight *) tournament.

*) Translators note: In this episode we finally get the official
phrase for the "Ankoku Butoukai" - and accordingly I'll stay
with the "Dark Fight" from now on.

Referee: FIGHT

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.34: The way of fighting in the dark

Ryuusei: Will he be here...?

Will Miyazawa Kiichi be here

SFX: beep beep

Ryuusei: Huh...what?


Ryuusei: What the...?


Ryuusei: What the heck... happened just now?


That felt like I was beaten with a huge rock...

I even passed out for moment.


Ryuusei: There was also some electronic noise when my opponent got

Ryuusei: He comes!

SFX: beep beep

beep beep


Ryuusei: Nope. There's no way that guy's Legend M.

Deboo: Your right. I'm Agent Deboo. *)

*) Translators note: 'Deboo' is obviously a wordplay on the Japanese
word 'debu' which means 'fat' or 'chubby', making his whole
name into something like 'Agent fatso'

Ryuusei: Wh... what a powerful grip.

Deboo: And now that I gotcha it's my turn.

B'cos I was once a Sumo wrestler.

Ryuusei: Ungh


Deboo: Standing 2 meters tall and weighing 160kg, I was quite
prominent even in the Sumo world.

Ryuusei: Uaah.

Deboo: And if that scandal didn't happen, even becoming Yokuzuna *)
wouldn't have been impossible.

*) Translators note: Yokuzuna is the highest rank in Sumo wrestling


Announcer: A perfect 'Abisetaoshi'! *)

*) Translators note: 'Abistaoshi' is a Sumo technique where you throw
the opponent down by pushing your full weight onto him


Ryuusei: Sh... shit...

So heavy... so hard...

It feels like a giant statue is lying on top of me.

Deboo: When a sumo wrestler has fallen it's over...

But before that, you'll experience the hell of being crushed to death. *)

*) Translators note: He is probably referring to the Buddhist hell
of Samghata where the sinners get crushed to dust by rocks,.

Voice: Ryuusei! Your opponents left flank is wide open!

Ryuusei: Huh? That voice is...


Ryuusei: I... I'm beginning to pass out...

Voice: Ryuusei! Use you right fist and smash it in.

Ryuusei: Wh... who is that?

R... right fist...

Voice: What will you do if you're brought down before facing
Miyazawa Kiichi?

Ryuusei: Mi... Miyazawa...



Audience: Ooh


Ryuusei: Gasp gasp

Announcer: Wow! He got Deboo fainting in agony with a single blow

That's the way to do it, Mister Chin

Ryuusei: Th... that voice. Was that Yuuki?


Hayashi: Ah... ah...

Announcer: Oh... that was a bone cutting 'Ti Sok'! *)

*) Translators note: An elbow technique from Muay Thai

Ryuusei: What was that...

What's happening over there?


Announcer: An a Ti Kaw *) finisher!

*) Translators note: A knee technique from Muay Thai


Announcer: Legend M completely demolished Karate champion Magnum Hayashi.

This leaves us with a one-on-one fight between Chin and M


Ryuusei: Legend M.....

Will I really be able to fight against Miyazawa Kiichi?


Narration: At last - a gathering of those three...!?

Seiko: So Kiichi is supposed to be here?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.34 END
Next Episode: Legend Ms true colors becoming clear...!?

Chapter 35 :

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 35 made by andy3004 :


Audience: It's a one-on-one fight between Chin and M!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.35: True colors.

Narration: What are the true colors of this man...!?

Ryuusei: Legend M

Is that guy Miyazawa Kiichi?

SFX: beep beep


Ryuusei: Guah

It seems this single low kick caused a pulled muscle.

SFX: beep beep

Ryuusei: Incoming...


Ryuusei: From here?

Audience: Hey hey! What are you striking at?

SFX: beep beep

Yuuki: Ryuusei! He's attacking with a left middle.


Audience: Whoa! He caught Ms middle kick.

Ryuusei: That was precisely aimed at the liver.


Ryuusei: How? How can M strike with such accuracy?

It's just as if he could still see with his eyes.


SFX: beep beep


Yuuki: Ryuusei!

Audience: That was Ms "Te Kan Koh *) Decapitation"!

*) Translators note: Not sure if I romanized that one correctly.
It is a Muay Thai high-kicking technique.


Ryuusei He... he's strong.

Too strong.

I can feel the overwhelming difference in fighting skills which
leaves me at my wits end.

However one thing is clear.

Legend M is not Miyazawa Kiichi


Ryuusei: That feeling of "terror" ain't there.

This premonition of "death" I had when I encountered that
carnivorous beast.

This fear of being completely devoured...


Ryuusei: The fear of becoming fodder and being turned to mere excrement.

As for Legend M...

Yes... I might lose to him in this tournament, but I won't die.

I may get beaten up badly but I've feel perfectly safe that I
won't be killed.


Audience: Ooh! Chin is standing up.

Ryuusei: There's nothing here that's driving me mentally in a corner.

As long as I live, I can continue to fight.

Audience: That's the first time I see a guy getting up again after
eating Ms high-kick.

Yeah Chin!

Well done Mister Chinko! *)

*) Translators note: 'chinko' is the colloquial Japanese word for 'penis'


Ryuusei: As long as I don't give up I won't be defeated.

Yuuki: I... it's obvious that Legend M. is not Miyazawa Kiichi.

But do you know Ryuusei? Do you know what a terrifying man you are
currently fighting?


Yuuki: Legend M. is...

the legendary Muay Thai fighter who managed to KO and bring down
that Miyazawa Kiichi.


"COBRA SWORD"! (An irregular Ten Khao) *)

*) Translators note: once agani a Muay Thai technique


Narration: Kreangarg Suwanpakdee, a Muay Thai boxer who made his
pro-debut at the age of 10. However he was too strong and became
unpopular in Thailand since he couldn't be placed in interesting
fights anymore. At that point he came to Japan, looking for
potential matches.

Soon after that he stood up against Miyazawa Kiichi in a
no-holds-barred street-fighting battle and crushed him.


Yuuki: Kreangarg...

The men who brought down Miyazawa Kiichi.

Ryuusei: Wh... what is that...

Ain't there a carnivorous beast around here...?

I cannot see, but I can feel it.


Rysuusei: Y... yes. Mr. Seiko is over there...

And... right behind him...


Narration: Finally, that time has...

Ryuusei: There is Miyazawa Kiichi.

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.35 END
Next Episode: Finally those two will...!?

Chapter 36 :

Translation of chapter 36 :


Seiko: Ryuusei! What are you doing here?

Ryuusei: M... Mr. Seiko

Well... I could also ask why you came here?

Yuuki: Uncle...

Ryuusei: Have you realized Mr. Seiko?

Behind you...


Ryuusei: Is Miyazawa Kiichi!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.36: The blind warrior

Caption: Drawing closer, the aura of the king of beasts...


Ryuusei: Doesn't he notice it?

Can some as masterful as Mr. Seiko not feel Kiichi's there?

Or is Kiichi actually able to completely hide his presence?

Yuuki: Ryuusei! Concentrate on the match!

Galhad *) is approaching from the right!

*) Translators note: Since it is revealed that M is really Kreangarg,
I decided to switch to the original romanization of his name from
the first English translation and not the official Japanese one.

Seiko: Galhad

SFX: beep beep


Audience: Whoah! He dodged Ms high kick!

Well done, Mister Chin!

Yuuki: Phew.

Ryuusei: I am really glad that I am able to fight against the man
who managed to knock out Miyazawa Kiichi.

This alone raises my motivation and the resulting adrenaline-rush
heightened all my senses.


Galhad: It is long, long ago that won against Kibou.

And afterwards he took his complete revenge.

Yes, it was one year ago.

Caption: Myanmar


Galhad: Du to Garcia I suffered a rupture of the viscera...

I basically oozed blood through my whole rehabilitation but
in the end I made my comeback.

Since I climbed back from the depths of hell itself, there is
nothing more that I am afraid of.


Galhad: And since I've left fear behind....

I decided to enter the world of Lethwei *)

Translators Note: *) Lethwei is a traditional Burmese martial arts.

Narration: 'Lethwei': An unarmed combat similar to Muay Thai.
Grappling, throws, headbutts and even low-blows are used.
It also got the cruelest and most extreme rules:
There is no down-count and after a knockout they simply wait until
the fallen regains his senses and the fight continues. It won't
end until one of the opponents gives up.

Galhad: After all I'm someone who fought as a pro since the age of 10.

Kiichi: Ya' really wanna do that, now that your hair already has started
to turn grey, Galhad?

Galhad: I was already born a fighter, you see.


Kiichi: Me's a fighter too.

And since birth I hated to lose.

Galhad: What are you trying to say, Kiichi?

Kiichi: You've recovered and are a fighter again. And I won't
allow anyone quitting while ahead. Not even an old friend.


Kiichi: Either you give up this Lethwei thing,

Or ya fight me. Which will it be?

Galhad: Surely you must be joking, Kibou.

Kiichi: Sorry. But I am not joking.

Galhad: *This* is all I've got left.

Without it, life wouldn't be worth living for me.


Galhad: Th... this is my technique. "Cobra Sword".


Galhad: The price I received for fighting Kibou was this.

Audience: Ooh. M is removing his mask.

Kei: That's allrght.

M is allowed to do so.


Ryuusei: H... his eyes cannot see?

Did Miyazawa Kiichi destroy his eyes?


Seiko: Kiich...

His afterimage...

Kiichi was here!

Caption: Reality!? Illusion!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.36 END
Next Episode: Will those two finally meet?

Chapter 37 :

Translation of chapter 37 :


Galhad: Kibou is using my 'Cobra Sword' against me...

I never thought I'd be brought down by my own technique.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.37: Reunion

Caption: Clearly the cool-headed Kiichi of yesterdays is...


Galhad: It's regrettable but the one Kibou used...

It had much more precision and power than my 'Cobra Sword'

Ryuusei: That was not what I wanted to hear.

Because the very reason I came here was to fight against 'The man
who won against Miyazawa Kiichi'.


Ryuusei: I'm really disappointed...

that I only encounter a dumb loser here.

Galhad: Dumb loser...?

A proud Muay Thai warrior like me...?

Yuuki: Ryuusei! He's coming!"


Ryuusei: Guah

Audience: A strong middle kick.

That one went straight into the liver.


Galhad: Did you say that I am not good enough an opponent for you?


Galhad: Did you call me a dumb loser?

Ryuusei: Ugh

Galhad: You dare to mock someone who dedicated his whole life to
fighting Muay Thai?

Audience: Galhad looks like a demon and unleashes a flurry of blows.

His eyes cannot see, but each attack hits the mark.


Ryuusei: Guah Guah

Galhad: Someone like you doesn't have the right to fight Kibou.


Galhad: Kibou is my prey only.

When I heard that Kibou would participate in the Dark Fight,
I immediately made it all the way here to Japan.

And I won't let you have him.


Audience: H... Hey look at that. Chin is...

Yuuki: Ryuusei

Ryuusei: I... I was wrong.

Y... you definitely ain't no 'dumb loser'.
I... I sincerely apologize for that.

Th.. the tenecacity of continuing as a fighter after you
lost your eyesight deserves only respect and honor.

I... I'm sure that you'd even continue to fight if you were to
lose your arms and legs.

B... but y'see...

T... the same goes for me too...


Ryuusei: P... please remember one thing.

If you decide to fight the 'dragon', it won't end before
you actually kill him.

Ha ha...


Seiko: KIICHI!

Do you think you can run away from me?


Seiko: Kiichi, I know that you are on the opposite side of this wall.

Show me your face, Kiichi.

Or is there some reason why you refuse to stand before me.
Do you have a guilty conscience?

Answer me, Kiichi!

There are countless things I want to ask you!


Seiko: Why did you close down Shin Nada Shinkageryuu?

Why did you teach Himeji killing-techniques?

And there is one more question that you absolutely must answer


Seiko: Is the rumor that you killed Kiryuu true?

Come out, Kiichi!


Kiichi: Long time no see, Oton.

Seiko: Ki... Kichi!

Caption: Will everything finally become clear...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.37 END
Next Episode: The shocking truth coming out of Kiichis mouth...!?


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
United States
I just wanted to thank you for this thread, I actually ordered the first two volumes of Tough Gaiden and was able to understand them thanks to these posts! I was wondering if there was a translation for chapter 10. I ask because I think it goes into detail about who Yuuki is, I'm curious as to how she's related to Seiko as she calls him uncle! I think chapter 10 reveals some information on her. I've been loving this new series so far and can't wait to hear more about this new secretive Kiibo and his motivations!


初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
I just wanted to thank you for this thread, I actually ordered the first two volumes of Tough Gaiden and was able to understand them thanks to these posts! I was wondering if there was a translation for chapter 10. I ask because I think it goes into detail about who Yuuki is, I'm curious as to how she's related to Seiko as she calls him uncle! I think chapter 10 reveals some information on her. I've been loving this new series so far and can't wait to hear more about this new secretive Kiibo and his motivations!

Of course I also did a translation for chapter 10 - it seems Son'O just forgot to link it in his thread.
Your question regarding Yuukis relationship to Seiko is answered in that translation too. ^_^
Here you go...

Translation of chapter 10:
Pg 01:

Tag: Where is Ryuuseis wandering soul heading for!?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 10 - Words he wants to bequeath


Girl: He really sleeps with a smile on his face.

Girl: Have you recovered consciousness?


Ryuusei: Uuaah!
Wh... what the

Girl: You're at uncles *) residence and dojo.

*) Translators note: She says 'Oji-san' which is a general way of girls
referring to middle-aged man, meaning he's not really her uncle.
(Younger men would be named 'Onii-san', i.e.: 'older brother', btw.)

Ryuusei: And 'uncle' is...?

Is it Mr. Miyazawa?

Girl: Every now and then we're holding some kids-wrestling event or
health classes for the elderly.

But generally speaking this is uncles completely private dojo.


Girl: You arrived here, carried on uncles back.

And afterwards he devoted his time nursing you to health.


Ryuusei: Mr. Miyazawa did all that?

Girl: Well, since all your wounds were caused by uncle in the first
place, it couldn't be helped.

Girl: But don't worry.

Your bruises and wounds looked terrible, but the didn't reach the bone.
So you will recover quickly from that beating.

Ryuusei: Indeed!

Even though I received so many blows from his stone-hard fists, I'm
not missing a single tooth.

Girl: Uncle might be a bit clumsy now and then, but he's good at not
overdoing it when giving someone a beating.

Girl: On the other hand when uncle really gets enraged,

he'd drop his limiter and deliver a beating at maximum force.
I shudder at the mere thought what he might do then.

Pg. 06:

Ryuusei: Uhm... and you are Mr. Miyazawas....?

Yuuki: I am Ogura Yuuki.

I'm just looking after uncle for a variety of reasons.

Nice to meet you.

Ryuusei: Ah, ok... I am Nagaoka...

Yuuki: Ryuusei, right!?


Yuuki: The child of one of uncles brothers.

Ryuusei: Uhm... yeah. So it seems.

Ryuusei: A... and where is Mr. Miyazawa right now.

Yuuki: He's outside. Listen! Can you hear that weird noise?






SFX; Ssst...




Ryuusei: That was a Sanchin kata, right?

So your fighting style is based on karate?

Seiko: Actually the Miyazawa family has practiced for generations an
ancient martial arts called Nadashinkageryuu.

Ryuusei: Nadashinkageryuu...

Seiko: The Sanchin kata nowadays is associated with karate however
it's origins lie in China...

Practicing it stimulizes the secretion of hormones in the
parasympathetic nervous system and also has an positive effect on
the autonomic nerve.


Seiko: How are your injuries, Ryuusei?

Ryuusei: My whole body hurts, but my head feels fresh - so I'm fine.

Seiko: Great! So the beating I gave you was worth it after all.

Maybe I shouldn't have stopped so early...?

Ryuusei: How can he calmly say such an unreasonable thing...

Seiko: Is there something you wish to know about Kiryuu?

Ryuusei: Well, you see...


Ryuusei: Who's the stronger one? You or Kiryuu?

Seiko: I won't lose to anyone!

Ryuusei: You seem to be extremely full of confidence!

Seiko: Actually it's not quite that way.

Seiko: If I were to fight him for real, there's a chance that I might
go down immediately.


Seiko: My flesh might get torn.

My bones might get broken.

My tendons might get ripped.

My heart might get wounded.

In the worst case, my life might be lost.

But that still wouldn't be a 'defeat'!


Seiko: Because there is no person who can kill ones 'soul'.

Seiko: And...


Seiko: a supreme 'soul' will be inherited ceaselessly.

So there is no 'defeat' in all eternity.

Tag: The words(soul) Oton wanted to bequeath

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.10 END
Next Episode: A certain request Ryuusei makes to Seiko...!?


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 7, 2009
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So I've reached 369 and since then I did not find any chapter after this, where can I find the rest ?


初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
So I've reached 369 and since then I did not find any chapter after this, where can I find the rest ?
Uhmm... are you living in a country where the internet is heavily censored?

If yes, then let us know which channels can be used to work around that.

If not, then: Manga
Two links on the first page will give you Edited Mangas of the chapters after 369 and they even boast
different translators.

If you're looking for the original Japanese scans however, then this might be more difficult though...


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Chapter 38 :

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 38 made by andy3004 :


Seiko: Kiichi.

Did you kill Kiryuu?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle.37: Evolution

Caption: At last, Kiichi and Oton are...

Seiko: Answer me!


Seiko: Answer me! Did you kill Kiryuu?

Kiichi: Y'now Oton...

If you decide to fight the 'dragon', it won't end before
you actually kill him.


Ryuusei: I... I am one who inherited the genes of the dragon.

Th... there is no way that I will give up any fight.

He he...

Audience: Ooh! Chin is laughing.


Galhad: Muay Thai meens having to keep on laughing even in difficult
and painful times.

SFX: beep beep

Galhad: So I guess you want to tell me that my attacks weren't
effective, right.

Well, I appreciate that kind of fighting spirit!


Ryuusei: W... wrong... that's not what I meant.


Galhad: It seems you really cannot see anything.

Whereas I know your position and what you are about to do
as good as the palm of my hand.

Ryuusei: Guaah.

Galhad: After I lost my eyesight I immersed myself into relentless

And the time, passion and effort I spent weren't for naught.


Galhad: The result are these attacks.

Ryuusei: Wow... was that a real 'Udegoroshi' *) middle kick.

*) Translators note: 'Udegoroshi' means as much as "Arm annihilator".
As you probably guessed, it's used on any kind of technique that
aimes to disable the opponents arm.

Ryuusei: I... it seems that my shoulder got dislocated.

Audience: He knows when the attacks arrive. But without being able
to see, he cannot avoid them. How is he supposed to fight that way?

Oh my - Chin is laughing again.

Has he received so many hits that he's starting to go nuts?


Ryuusei: Galhad is an amazing man...

But someone who brought down Miyazawa Kiichi must be
something special after all.

Each of his hits feels off the scale.

Everything hurts and my whole body feels like I'll kick the
bucket soon - so why I am still laughing?


Ryuusei: Perhaps because I currently feel what it actually means
to be alive.

I never experienced this in my normal, everyday 'life'.

I want to live at full speed, not caring whether I live or die.

SFX: beep beep

Ryuusei: Huh?


Ryuusei: Incoming...


Galhad: I shall show you now the very hell I was forced to witness!

Ryuusei: Yes... it's the 'Cobra Sword'.


Kiichi: It's true that I had a fight with Kiryuu.

Cannot really remember for what reason though.

Always had a short fuse, y'know.

Fight began just out of thin air.

But quite frankly speaking, I always had wished for that moment
from the bottom of my heart.


Kiichi: For me, Kiryuu had always been a wall I needed to overcome.

Without slaying the dragon I never could have become a real man.


Kiichi: You do understand that Oton, do you?

If you fight Kiryuu you cannot do it halfheartedly.

It's a battle of life or death.

And I survived! I am still here!


Seiko: Kiichi...

You have changed!


Kiichi: Changed...?

I'd rather say I have evolved.

Caption: Time changes human beings...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.38 END
Next Episode: Change coming to Ryuusei...!?

Chapter 39 :

Translation of chapter 39 by andy3004 :


Battle.39: New Cobra

Caption: Kiichis appearance has changed.
But what about his heart...!?

Seiko: You have evolved?

I'd rather say that you have deteriorated as a human being.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon


Seiko: The look of your face alone tells me that you have turned
into a villainous pig.

Kiichi: The pursuit of power has nothing to do with good or evil.

When you fight, people may get killed. Happens. Nothing to
lament about. That's what I've realized and believe now.

I don't care 'bout capital punishment either - when it's time
to kill, then do it.


Seiko: Kiichi... do you seriously mean what you just said?

Kiichi: Well, that's "NEO Miyazawa Kiichis" way of living, y'see.

Doesn't bother me whether ya consider that 'evil'.

After all me could never pretend always being the nice guy
like you Oton.

Seiko: Kiichi!


Seiko: Guuh...


Kiichi: I may have slaughtered the dragon, but I also bring him
back to life.

Seiko: What?

W... wait Kiichi!


Audience: There it comes.. his finisher, the 'Cobra Sword'

SFX: beep beep

beep beep beep


Ryuusei: I can see him...

No... I can *feel* him

I comprehend Galhads movements.


Audience: WHAT?

Whoa! He's countering Galhads Cobra Sword!

Yuuki: Ryuusei!


Galhad: W... what the... Is this my 'Cobra Sword'?


Galhad: Wh... what was this?

Ryuusei: *) An evolved version of the 'Cobra Sword'. You might
call it 'New Cobra'.

*) Translators note: I'm not sure if these are Galhads or Ryuuseis
thoughts. The meaning of the sentence is the same, of course.


Galhad: I was born in one of the poorest of the poor families.

To reduce the number of mouths to feed, they just dropped
me off at some Muay Thai gym.

At the gym they gave me something to eat.


Galhad: They also made me enter school.

And when I won fights, I got money.

I could make my family happy.

*This* was my only way of living.

*This* meant that I just couldn't lose.


Audience: Whoa! Chin knocked out Galhad!

Well done, Chin!

Caption: Victory for the "New Ryuusei"!!

Ryuusei: I am Ryuusei!

I carry the DNA of the dragon!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.39 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei following Seiko...!?

Chapter 40 :

Translation of chapter 40 by andy3004 :


Announcer: The winner of the fourth 'Dark Fight' tournament, held according
along blindfolded MMA rules, is....


Battle.40: A single blow

Ryuusei: Oh... my feet hurt. Don't think I can't even walk a single step.


Yuuki: That was perfect!

You knocked out the famous Galhad!

The one who once brought down the legendary Miyazawa Kiichi!

And with your right shoulder not being dislocated, you came
out of this fight with only minor injuries. Ain't that great!?

Ryuusei: It was a really weird experience.

I was able to read Galhads movements even though I was wearing
that blindfold.

Yuuki: Seems an idiot like you actually got the power of the
eleventh hour! *)

*) Translators note: It seems Yuuki is a fan of "Kinnikuman".
The so called "Kajiba no baka-chikara" (which are the exact words
she uses) is the ultimate 'technique' (or power-up) that Kinnikuman
relies on.

When your life was at stake, you were able to go beyond your limit!


Ryuusei: Nope... don't think I did it *that* way.

In the end my head was completely clear.

When the alarm, warning me of the enemy approaching, took off

I immediately knew how to respond.

Seiko: That 'skill' might come from your DNA...


Seiko: Kiryuu often used to practice striking and grappling techniques
while being blindfolded.

Sharpening all his senses, he could respond to any kind of his enemies reactions,
even without being able to see.


Seiko: Kiryuu always was egoistic and arrogant.

But he also was utterly earnest in his pursuit of his perfection of
martial arts.

Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko... what has happened?

Seiko: Ki... Kiichi happened.

Why has Kiichi shown up here...

He got me with a perfect hit to the diaphragm-

Ryuusei: Kiichi is here...


Seiko: Argh... even breathing feels painful.

Ryuusei: You were brought down by Miyazawa Kiichi, right!

Yuuki: Ryuusei!

Where are you going!

Ryuusei: Finding Miyazawa Kiichi!

Yuuki: But you just said that you couldn't even walk a single step!!


Kiichi: Galhad...

You're a friend of mine...


Kiichi: When you lost your eyesight you should have stopped fighting,
returned to your wife and children and lived a peaceful life.


Galhad: You dirty bastard.

You've been waiting for me to come here all the time!

I know this because...


Galhad: You are the major promoter behing this "Dark Fight" thing!


Kiichi: You're right!

Robbed of your vision, the only tournament you could possibly
enter was "Dark Fight".

And I patiently waited for you to show up here.

So that I can finally finish you off once and for all!


Galhad: Ki... Kibou



Ryuusei: Ba... back then, that really was Miyazawa Kiichi!

Miyazawa Kiichi was here!


Ryuusei: The very moment I realized that Miyazawa Kiichi was around,
all my senses got sharpened.

I wasn't able to 'see' him at that time, but it actually felt like
he appeared right in front of my eyes.

I want to meet him.

Or.. rather...

I want to fight against Miyazawa Kiichi!


Ryuusei: Wh... what the heck happened right now.

What the...

Caption: An encounter between those two strong ones...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.40 END
Next Episode: Will Ryuusei and Kiichi fight...!?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
So I've reached 369 and since then I did not find any chapter after this, where can I find the rest ?
You can find the other chapters here :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 41 :

Translation of chapter 41 by andy3004 :


Ryuusei: It's not that I refused to become an adult but

I never saw any real purpose in life.

Be it money...

or women - I wasn't attracted by any of those.


Ryuusei: At that time I was introduced to the martial art of

And I finally found my own way that I must follow.

I was surprised myself how much I was craving "to become strong".


Kiichi: If you get cocky just because you beat Galhad, then you'll surely
receive grave injuries,

Mister Chin.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Ryuusei: And the one who reigns at the top of the strongest is this man.

Kiichi: Moreover...

Battle 41: Overwhelming


Kiichi: Today is a bad day anyway.

Since I'm really in a shitty mood.

Ryuusei: Miyazawa Kiichi

W... wait.

Kiichi: Huh? So you're a tough one,



Ryuusei: I... I am a 'dragon'.

A son of Kiryuu. I am Ryuusei!

Kiichi: Well, so what. And?

Did'ya think I'd be surprised to hear that you one of Kiryuus sons?


Ryuusei: I... I came here fight against you...

Kiichi: Fight...?

Against ME?

That's as if a child in little league suddenly want's to play
in the major league.

Ryuusei: Huh...

Kiichi: Don't be so conceited, Chin-scum!


Ryuusei: Argh


Kiichi: They're often called 'tender spots' and many of them are
concentrated in the face.

Among those, this particular 'pressure point' lies at the the tip of
the sensory nerve which is one of the most vulnerable spots.

Pressing it strongly will squeeze the nerve and cause pain that brings
tears to your eyes.

Ryuusei: M... my body cannot move.

Kiichi: Oh... and pressing it even stronger...


Kiichi: You're quite the good looking boy. Girls probably are crazy
for you.

Guess y' never experienced something like an inferiority complex
before, right?

Ryuusei: I... it's going to split...



Ryuusei: M... my head is splitting apart!


Ryuusei: It will explode!



Ryuusei: Huh?

Kiichi: What ya need is a good dose of 'fear' and 'humiliation'.

Show a bit of humbleness and that might help with your growth.

Ryuusei: Don't...

Don't make fun of me




Ryuusei: GUAAH!


Kiichi: Insertion complete!

Ryuusei: Argh! Argh!

Kiichi: Overcoming the fear and humiliation one encounters is the only
way for people to get strong.


Kiichi: If you really wanna be Kiryuus son then you must always head
for the kill by any means possible.

And if you don't have the resolve and guts for that then don't you ever
dare to take the name of Kiryuu into your mouth again.

Caption: A vivid memory carved into him...

Ryuusei: Aah

I... I will kill you

M... Miyazawa Kiichi!

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.41 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei seeking retribution...!?

Chapter 42 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 42 made by andy3004 :


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 42: Going through thick and thin

Caption: Ruminating all night about the overwhelming power Kiichi showed him...

Yuuki: What's up Ryuusei? Are you feeling down?

Are you still worrying about how Kiichi beat you with a single finger

While you could do nothing but let your tears and pee running?

Ryuusei: Th... that's not it


Yuuki: No need to worry about.

That guy's just an evil monster, so it's no big deal.

Ryuusei: Thinking that at my current age... I... I still wet myself.

That's so embarrassing.

Yuuki: Listen: the great Tokugawa Ieyasu once wet himself when
he got the jitters on the battlefield.

A famous picture of that scene was later created as an admonishment.

So perhaps you should put your soiled underpants on your head and
wear them as an adornment to bolster your spirit and get stronger...

Ryuusei: M... my pants... on my head...?


Seiko: At times of experiencing real terror and fear for ones life it
is not unusual for the body to urinate.

And Ieyasu was not stopped dead in his tracks by the fear he felt -
instead he peed to rid himself of the fear.

This is just similar to shaking with excitement.

It is nothing to feel ashamed of.

Ryuusei: Huh... is that really so?

Seiko: If you let the fear continue to grow, it will slowly but
steadily lower the performance of your mind and body.

But you Ryuusei shouldn't let that kind of negative feelings
gnaw on you.


Ryuusei: Yes! I surely got humiliated - but there is no fear withing
my heart.

But Mr. Seiko.

Miyazawa Kiichi disappeared afterwards. Do you have any idea
where he went?

Yuuki: Talking 'bout that - Galhad apparently dropped completely
off the radar too.

Seiko: There's no doubt about it that Kiichi is deeply involved in this
'Dark Fight' tournament.

When the next one is held I'll make sure to get him!

Ryuusei: Get him...? What are you planning to do?


Seiko: If somebody strays off the righteous path there shall be a
time for penance. And at that time remedy must be applied, even
if this means resorting to violence.

And that holds true even more when it's between father and son.


Ryuusei: My feet... they still hurt. Makes running painful.

Voice: Help! Somebody help, please!

Voice: Why hasn't the ambulance arrived yet?

Voice: Somebody please!

Ryuusei: An accident?


Woman: Please help us! My baby is still there in the car.

My baby's going to die!

Ryuusei: The truck has smashed everything, I can't get him out.

That's bad. If I don't help him quickly the weight of the truck will
completely crush the car.


Ryuusei: Uuungh.

Uaaargh! Useless. It doesn't move an inch.

Man: Get away. I'll do it!

Ryuusei: Huh?


Man: Huaaah!


Man: Huuunh!

Ryuusei: J... Just a little further.

The gasoline is leaking out!


Ryuusei: Hurry up. Just a little bit.

Man: Nguuu!

Ryuusei: Yes! I got him!

Women: T... thank you so much.

Man: Ah!


Man: Ouch ouch.


Man: Wow. That was unexpected.

Is the child alright?

Woman: Thank you. Thank you so much.

You're really a life-saver!

Man: Ah... that's good.

By the way, say...


Man: Could ya lend me some money?

10000 Yen *) should be enough.

*) Translators note: about US$ 95,- or Euro 85,-

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.42 END
Next Episode: What about this new character...!?

Chapter 43:

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 43 made by andy3004


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 43: Towards a rematch

Matsuki: I'm a pro-wrestler. Name's 'Dump Matsuki'.

Currently spending some free time. Not much work recently y'see.

Narration: Who is this man that suddenly appeared in front of him...!?

Ryuusei: As expected, you've got a huge appetite.


Ryuusei: Oh - my name is Ryuusei.

Matsuki: Little Ryuu, right!?

Ryuusei: O... Ok!

Matsuki: You're a student? Or already working?

Ryuusei: I'm training to become a martial artist.

Matuski: Oh I see. The you're also a fighter, Little Ryuu?

Ryuusei: Uhm... well, a martial artist is somewhat different.

Although fighting is included there too.


Matsuki: Obviously a martial artist has a more pure and refined
image than guys like me.

Ryuusei: A martial artists should be a role model.

And this is what I want to become too.

Matsuki: Oh me bad! I ended up eating through the whole reward we got.

Ryuusei: Don't worry 'bout that!

Matsuki: If it's a tank or a cruiser - the bigger it is, the more
fuel it needs. Sorry for that.

Ryuusei: But then again your superhuman strength, toughness
and courage also left a huge impression on me.

I was really amazed when you began lifting the tray of that truck.

Pg. 04:

Matsuki: I see it like that Spiderman guy from the movies: "With
big power comes big responsibility."

If we hadn't come to rescue the baby would have died.

His mother would have continued living her life full of
sadness and grief.

And the driver of that truck would have the death he caused
on his conscience for the rest of his life.


Matsuki: In the end we just did what we had to do.
Helping as many people as possible.

Ryuusei: I really think that you're a great guy Matsuki. You acted without
hesitation and don't make a big fuss of it.

Matsuki: Tehehehe.

Seiko: That was a very long run, Ryuusei:

Ryuusei: I am sorry. But there was an accident.

But it in the end it all helped me to recharge my batteries.


Ryuusei: So today it's grappling practice?

In fact I'm quite good at pinning techniques.

And I also mastered the general joint-locking techniques.

Seiko: Interesting. The come and show me all you got!


Ryuusei: Hah...


Ryuusei: Guah. That's a triangle lock.

But I know to get out of that one.


Seiko: Not bad, Ryuusei.

Ryuusei: Th... thank you.

Seiko: But too naive!

This technique is more extreme!


Ryuusei: Wh... what the heck is this...?

I... I can't breathe.

U...unable to move.

L... let me go.

W... why? Let me go already.


Ryuusei: Mr.... Seiko

Se... sei...


Ryuusei: Ah!

Hey! I tapped out countless times. Did you plan to kill me?

Seiko: As you see, you're not dead!

When you think that I'll stop when you tap out, then you'll
only get more naive.

You should take this serious.


Ryuusei: That was a locking technique that looked like a very
irregular foot choke.

What the heck was that technique, Mr. Seiko.

Seiko: Nadashinkageryuus 'Kubikiri Hotoke'. *)

*) Translators note i.e.: 'Throat-cutting Buddha'

You should be able to master it once you've memorized some
basic points.
So concentrate!

Ryuusei: YES!


Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko!

It seems they want to hold another 'Dark Fight'.

Message on cellphone:
From: Dark Fight headquarters
To: Mr. Mister Chin
Decision for holding the Dark Fight tournament.

Man: We received a reply from Ryuusei. He'll take part!


Kiichi: So the 'Son of the dragon' who's trained by Oton will come?

That's as if he were to jump right into a fire after he doused
himself with gasoline.

Narration: The curtain to a new fight will...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.43 END
Next Episode: Ryuusei will meet...!?

--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 44 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 44 made by andy3004


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: Once entering the 'Dark Fight' tournament...!?

Seiko: They say that the crows gather here because they can feast
on the flesh of the dead.

Battle 44: Indian Strap Deathmatch

Seiko: These crows know the taste of human flesh.


Seiko: See ya...

Ryuusei: Huh? Won't you be coming with me Mr. Seiko?

Seiko: No. I've got other business to attend to.

Ryuusei: Oh my... and that after he told me how much he wanted to
stop Miyazawa Kichi.

Kei: Ah, the new star of the the Dark Fight is visiting again.

A hearty welcome to you Mister Chin!

Ryuusei: Is Galhad around?

Kei: You mean Legend M?

Well... the losers here have the tendency to just disappear, y'see.


Kei: They're probably just dropped off by the roadside to die...

And become fodder for the crows... Hahaha.

Ryuusei: What's with this door?

Kei: Ah! That's the 'Owners room'.

Even participants and authorized people like us ain't allow
to pass beyond that door.


Ryuusei: And "Owner" means...?

Kei: Some scary folks who got money and power like shit.

Everyone here calls them "The invincible Supermen" *)

Translators note: The original read is "Gaiseifubatsu no Choujin". Choujin
plainly translates into Superman/Uebermensch/Superhuman being, but I
had some troubles to figure out the exact meaning of Gaiseifubatsu **) which
is either a very obscure 4-Kanji idiom or a made-up one).

Translators note to translators note: And yes: I did do a wide check
both on the internet and through some special dictionaries sitting here in my


Kei: So let's just stay away from the Owners room.

Because nobody who dared to enter there ever came out alive.

Ryuusei: .....

Kei: But stop thinking about such stuff and rather concentrate on
your match.

You're opponent today is a strong one after all.

Ryuusei: WHAT STENCH!!!


Ryuusei: Why the hell does this place reek like a rotten cadaver?

Kei: Oh... this is the dressing room of your opponent.

Ryuusei: My opponent?

Kei: That guy got a separate room because all other fighters were
too disgusted by him.

Ryuusei: Today I won't need a blindfold?

Kei: Nope. It's a special rule match. Though some bandage is still

Ryuusei: A special rule?


Kei: You're done with your preparations?

Rysuusei: Ready if you are!

Kei: The let's go!


Ryuusei: Ma... Mr. Matsuki

Mr. Dump Matsuki

Matsuki: Wow! If that ain't Little Ryuu!

Kei: Oh - so you two are acquaintance?

That's going to be interesting.

Ok. Please hold out your hand.

Ryuusei: Uhm. Wh... what?

Announcer: Let's get a bit more into detail on todays rules...


Announcer: The next event in tonights Dark Fight will be a special
'Indian Strap Deathmatch"!

Man in the crowd: You can do it, Mister Chin!

Announcer: The opponents will fight while being connected by a leather
strap. And of course they may use the strap to beat or strangle
each other.

Man in the crowd: Your foe's huge, but he's also a blockhead!

Man in the crowd: I've bet all my money on you!

Man in the crowd: Dump, do it again tonight!

Announcer: Usual winning conditions for this fight would be downing
the opponent and touching one the four ring-posts - but in tonight's
special match victory only can be achieved by KO or by giving up.

Man in the crowd: The crowds outside are hungry! Hurry up and feed that
dwarf to them!


Matsuki: The Dark Fight tournament ain't a place for a refined martial

There are a lot of nasty people among the fighters here, ya know!

Ryuusei: I knows but that's ok.

So you're a kinda regular here...?

Matsuki: Yup! But it seems that you've also been round here, Little Ryuu.

Anyway, this is business.

Me's a pro and that means it'll be no-holds-barred from now on.

So please Little Ryuu, don't do anything funny like holding back.

Hit me with all you got!


Ryuusei: Thank you very much.

I'll do exactly so!

Referee: FIGHT!


Man in the crowd: Dump! Pull him in and smash him down!!


Narration: Meanwhile, Oton is approaching to where 'he' is...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.44 END
Next Episode: How will this special-rule deathmatch carry on...!?

Chapter 45:

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 45 made by andy3004


Announcer: Aaah... All of sudden Dumps overwhelming series of punches
hit the target.

Narration: A fight with their arms tied together...

The 'Dark Fight' opens!!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 45: Fighting with a strap


Announce: No! He evaded them!

He let his face slip away at the moment of impact, thus
reducing the damage. That's a high-level boxing technique
called "Slipping away".

Crowd: He swallowed that brutal blow without taking damage?


Ryuusei: Ah!


Announcer: Aaaah! Mister Chin got blasted!

Mister Chins faces got caved in by this rock hard fist.

Ryuusei: Wh... what was that right now...

He pulled me in with the strap and I couldn't keep my stance.


Announcer: Whooah! Now he aims to kick his face in!

This will be the end!


Announcer: Nope! At the last moment he dodged it!

Now he caught Dumps leg and clings to it.


Announcer: An he follows on with a Knee cross-lock!


Matsuki: Guah!

Ryuusei: This foot... what stench!

Announcer: Ah! But Dump uses his hard stinky food to kick him in the

Ryuusei: Augh!


Announcer: Both fighters break! He came out of the Knee cross-lock!

Their difference in body-size and muscle power is too big - so the
joint-lock was too difficult to pull off.

Ryuusei: Nuaah!


Announcer: A barrage of short-distance body-blows!

Ryuusei: Hah... hah...

Matsuki: That won't work!

Ryuusei: Hah... hah...
I... I can't use the full power of my hips with only my left arm.


Ryuusei: I cannot fight at my own distance.

My blows don't work and I can't apply any grappling techniques.

And worse - Mr. Dump is an expert making use of the strap.


Matsuki: Sorry for havin' to say this, Little Ryuu

But this whole thing won't end pretty.

Ryuusei: I can't find a strategy against him.

Matsuki: A pro needs to deliver solid results.

I also got to eat, y'see.

And on top of that I've got a family to feed too.


Matsuki: There's money in here for me!


Announcer: It's death by hanging!


Kiichi: Dump is so desperate.

A loving father will risk his life fighting for his child.

Quite unlike you, who tormented his children almost to death.


Kiichi: Don't you agree, Kiryuu...

Narration: Why is Kiryuus coat hanging here...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.45 END
Next Episode: Ryuuseis ingenious scheme is...!?



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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 6, 2016
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United States
Crazy chapter...makes me wonder if Kiibo incapacitated Kiiryu the way Kiiryu did Seiko in the first make him docile...and still keep him alive...


初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Aug 7, 2006
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Crazy chapter...makes me wonder if Kiibo incapacitated Kiiryu the way Kiiryu did Seiko in the first make him docile...and still keep him alive...
Actually I was thinking along kinda the same lines.... After all it always seemed to me that Kiryuu was the authors most favorite character in Tough Season 2 (I mean - just take a look at the 'Another side of Kiryuu' that appeared in each of the later Tankobons),

Moreover, there have been very, very few deaths in Tough and those that happened were mostly done in a dramatic way that fit the story.

So yes: I am curious too how this new story will evolve. :D


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Chapter 46 :
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 46 made by andy3004


Announcer: The noose around Chins neck is pulled tighter and tighter.

This is going to be a public execution by hanging!

Narration: An overwhelming difference of physique. With the strap
being pulled tighter, what will Ryuusei...!?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 46: Sorrowful circumstances


Ryuusei: Aguh

Matsuki: Whatever happens - I have to win this fight.

Because I desperately need the money.

My wife had enough of me being such a useless guy. She left me
and took our daughter with her.


Matsuki: But my daughter...

Got valvular disease of the heart.


Yuki: Papa! You came to visit me.

Matsuki: Dear Yuki, I am so sorry that I didn't visit you more often.

Please take this Yuki.

Yuki: Thank you papa.

Matsuki: D... don't show such a sweet smile...

to a useless piece of shit like me.


Matuski: What? An artificial valve?

Doctor: Because her own valve has almost reached its limits another
operation will be necessary soon anyway...

However if we replace it with an artificial one, no further
operations will ever be required. Of course she must take
Warfarin ( an anticoagulant ) from then on.

And the operation to exchange her valve should be done soon.

Otherwise I fear that Yuki might suffer a heart failure, which
would be fatal.

Matuski: Doctor, I beg you - please save the life of my daughter.

I will somehow manage to find the money. Just save her, please!


Kiichi: There are many fighters who are basically quite fussy.

They try to preserve their physical condition by certain
diets and training.

Then, before a fight they pay special attention to each and every
detail, like the location, the rules, their opponents fighting style...

And Dump certainly ain't no exception.

Just look how he meticiously prepared himself before entering
this battle.

On the other hand Ryuusei just plunged into the match

unprepared and without a worry only thinking 'bout winning.


Kiichi: Shouting things like "I'll fight anyone at any time" is a
thing only pro-wrestler do.

But even the biggest idiot wouldn't actually dare to do so.

Furthermore, Dumps and Ryuuseis motivations are different.

Dump has got someone he wants to protect and he'd give his
life for her.

Being under the pressure of necessity he absolutely mustn't lose.


Kiichi: Victory in this match was already decided at the beginning.

Ryuusei: S... somehow I need to insert my fingers to keep open my
air duct.

I... if my fingers slip then...

Audience: H... hey! Look at that!


Audience: Wh... what the heck? It looks as if Chins neck is getting longer.

Aaah! He's going to die!

He's dying for real!


Matsuki: You'll lend me money if I kill little Ryuu?

Kiichi: If you really wanna save your daughters life, then you
need to show that you got the guts to even commit things
like robbery or murder.

If you want one of those lucky four-leave clovers then you have
to trample all the three-leave ones into the ground. Otherwise
you'll never lay your hands on one.

Matsuki: Forgive me little Ryuu

Ryuusei: Hagh...


Announcer: Ooh! He escaped!!

He dislocated his own jaw.


Announcer: Unbelievable! He got out of the executioners noose by
dislocating his jaw.

And now he snapped it back in.


Announcer: It seems that Mister Chin can loosen his jaw deliberately.

When facing a crisis this man is able to pull out the biggest
tricks from his latent abilities.

Kiichi: Oh, look Kiryuu!

You're son is doing quite well.

When feeling desperate and confused, he radiates some strange
kind of dangerous beauty.

One might even call it the beauty of the noble savage.


Kiichi: Nope, nope!

Sittin' too long in Kiryuus room makes me even talk like the man.

The enormous collection of rare books and the Steinway piano...

It's because this rooms is brimming with Kiryuus thoughts.

And no - it's not just this room.

This whole building completely belongs to Kiryuu.

It's the 'Dragons House'.


Kiichi: But now that Kiryuu ain't here...

The owner of the 'Dragon House' is this one here, Miyazawa Kiichi,

Narration: Words with profound meaning... Has Kiryuu really passed away!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.46 END
Next Episode: The man appearing in front of Kiichi is...!?

Chapter 47 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 47 made by andy3004


Kiichi: Now that Kiryuu ain't here...

The owner of the 'Dragon House' is me, Miyazawa Kiichi.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 47: Kiryuus doings

Narration: Another encounter of Seiko and Kiichi in this building...!?

Seiko: Kiichi...


Seiko: KIICHI!


Matsuki: Impressive, little Ryuu.
Being able to dislodge your jaw freely.

Were you already born with that ability?

Ryuusei: I don't know why everyone talks about 'potential' or what, but...

whenever I'm in a pinch I manage to save myself by what that man
taught me.

Matsuki: 'That man'?

Ryuusei: The one they call 'The gentle tiger'. My teacher. *)

*) Translators note: or 'master'. I always find 'shishou'
difficult to translate into a single english word. 'Teacher'
has too much of a school connotation attached to it, while
'Master' always got a hint of too much ownership when used
not withing a precise context. Just think of "teacher" as
"Pai Mei" was a 'teacher' to The Bride in Kill Bill, ok? XD


Seiko: Once you've got caught in a well executed joint-lock or
sleeperhold escape is basically impossible.

However there are techniques that enhance the mobility of your
joints to the absolute limit.

And this is what Nadashinkageryuus 'Dakkotsu-Jutsu' *) is all about.

*)Translators note: i.e.: Bone-removing technique

Ryuusei: Dakkotsu-Jutsu?

Does that have anything to do with inherent abilities like
'double joints' or 'monkey arms' where one was just born
with very flexible limbs?

Seiko: Of course we all got our individual differences,

But basically there is no part of the human body that cannot
be trained and strengthened.


Seiko: Like this, for example.

Ryuusei: Ah!


Seiko: With sufficient training each and every part of the body
can be instantly moved into any position.


Matsuki: I see! The origin of your strength is that teacher.
So you kinda like him, don'tcha?

But, y'know... when people really love someone, when they
want to protect someone, they become unstoppably strong.

Ryuusei: I can't compete with Mr. Dump in raw power, but I
won't let him win.

It's all about the perfect timing!


Matsuki: And I'm even betting my f***** life 'cos of that love!

Ryuusei: When your opponent pulls, then push!


Ryuusei: And when he pushes, then pull!


Announcer: Wow! Chin uses the strap to tie up Dumps legs!

And now it seems he's aiming to pull him into an unorthodox
pinning hold!


Seiko: Ki... Kiichi


Kiichi: Oh Oton. Ya did exactly what I expected.

This Dragon House may look like a ruin, but it's equipped
with the latest security technology. Even the air-ducts
been provided with solid borne sound sensors.

And so I know about everyone who enters and about anything they
do. Fun, ain't it.

Seiko: Kiichi. Won't you tell me where you are?

It seems like you are running away.
If you don't have a guilty conscience, then won't you just come
out and face me?


Kiichi: Guess what, Oton! You've always been a terrible nuisance.

Whenever we disagreed on something you always forced me to
follow your way.

But that's ok. Because nowadays you ain't no match for me anymore.

Wouldn't do that though. Beating up an old guy like you would
just feel wrong.

Seiko: But it was ok doing that to Kiryuu?

Kiichi: Oh my! That old guy was just a villain.



Kiichi: Kiryuu used this very monitor room to meddle in the stocks
and federal exchange markets and he amassed a crazy amount
of money.

In the end it added up to... Yen *)

*) Tranlators note: about 500 million US$ or Euro (I'm also switching
to dollar nomination now because that is easier to read)

Imagine this! The famous american investor Donald Trump only made it
up to 40 millions. Our old geezer Kiryuu though managed to score
500 millions!


Kiichi: And yet that geezer didn't even want the money. He was just
happily playing along as a day trader.

For him it was just a game he played in his spare time.

Winning the rounds. Raising the score. He only saw it as
nothing but numbers on a scoreboard.


Kiichi: Of course he used his insider information in the stocks
and bonds markets.

Rumors have it that his sources even included people
within the higher echelons of governments in several countries.

For Kiryuu 'moral' and 'compliance' were just things to flush
down the drain.

He lived in a 'Rock Paper Scissors' world, where he was "THE" Rock:

The Rock who smashed everyone else. And for him it was fair play.

And well... methinks I should now follow in Kiryuus fashion.


Kiichi: Now that Kiryuu is no longer here

All of this belongs to me.


Seiko: Ki.... Kiichi...

Stop it! The money has clouded your mind...

Kiichi: Y'know what Kiryuu always said?

His words were: "If you want money, women or whatever, just
use your power and *take* it!"

And so it was just fair game. Taking away from him what I wanted.

The whole 500 million...

Narration: Heartless words...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.47 END
Next Episode: Watching Ryuuseis fight, Kiichi is uttering some shocking...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 48 :

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 48 made by andy3004


Narration: Has Kiichi sold his heart for money!?

Kichi: When I won that fight 'gainst Kiryuu

Those 500 million dollars felt like ma prize money.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 48: Fatal weakness


Kiichi: Ain't nothing wrong with gettin' some easy money.

Of course if someone's wanna take it back that's groovy with me.

I mean Ryuusei's Kiryuus son, and so he's got some right claiming
his inheritance.


Seiko: Oh. So that's what you're planning?

Let me tell you - Ryuusei got the disposition and capabilities
to bring you down.

Kiichi: He. You're really overestimating that guy, Oton.

I beat that loser with a single finger while was shitting himself.

And as for him winning against Dump.

Well, ya see...


Kiichi: Those who inherited Kiryuus genes all got a certain fatal


Kiichi: One that you probably know about as well, Oton.

So just start to accept reality, wont'cha.

Seiko: K...Keep your...

Kiichi: Otherwise ya'll just again be filled with bitter feelings
once this is over.


Seiko: Keep your damn mouth shut, Kiichi!

Kiichi: Uuuh. Scary.

Anyway, let me make it crystal clear Oton.

Seiko: Don't you ever dare to touch *that* subject again.

Kiichi: Regardless what he tries, Ryuusei has no way to win this fight.


Announcer: Chin is using the strap to tie his opponents leg.

This looks like a variation of an Achilles-heel lock.

Spectators: Ooh! Dump seems to be unable to move his body.

Mitsuki: Guah!


SFX: Poop

Kiichi: W... what stench.

Announcer: Oh! Now his leg is free.

He used a farting attack to break out of the joint-lock hell.

Matsuki: Too bad little Ryuu, that must have been quite a stink.


Matsuki: But before the match I fed on garlic til it came out of my ears.

And I didn't wash by body though it disgusted even myself.

This thing here's a matter of life and death.

And that's why I will use every trick in the book - may the people
hate me or laugh at me.

Because this fight will end with a complete and utter victory for me.


Matsuki: What the...


Announcer: What is this? He uses the strap to perform what looks like an
inverted foot-choke.

Even from his lower positions he's blocking his opponents artery

This is Nadashinkageryuus 'Kubikiri Hotoke' *) technique.

*) Translators note: 'Head-cutting Buddha'


Kiichi: Ooh. If that ain't the old and beloved 'Kubikiri Hotoke'

In Brazilian Jiu-jutsu it's prohibited to use the back of ones leg
for a chile.

But of course Nadashinkageryuu allows it.

However in this case he's using the strap instead of his leg.


Kiichi: I don't know about your problems but don't expect any
mercy from me.

I'll end this now by bringing you down.

Matsuki: Yuki... My Yuki.

Kiichi: Seems you're ok with him using Nadashinkageryuu techniques here.

You've really grown soft, Oton.

But it doesn't matter. Won't be of any use ta him.


Yuki: Papa. I love you.

Thank you so much.


Matsuki (remembering Kiichis words from Ep.46): If you want one of those
lucky four-leave clovers then you have to trample all the
three-leave ones into the ground.

Kiichi: If it's for his daughter, even Buddha himself would turn into a demon.


Kiichi: His body, power and tenacity are now all off-scale...

When he shifts gear, nothing compares to the terror that is Dump,

Because of love, he now turns into a demon.

Narration: Awakening...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.48 END
Next Episode: The fights decision!? And...


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Happy New Year to all! Thought I'd share a sketch I'm working on of some of the members of the Miyazawa family! Hope you enjoyed the holiday!



Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
Happy new year to all the fans. Nice draw jasjuliet

The new chapter is here. Chapter 49 :
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 49 made by andy3004


Battle 49: Victory or Defeat

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: Dumps counterattac is skyrocketing!!

Announcer: Even with his throat strangled and unable to breathe
he grabs Chin and hurls him up into a 'deadlift'.


Kiichi: What's wrong if money makes your sight a bit dizzy?

After all most of the problems in this big world can be solved
with enough cash, ain't they?

Even someone like Dump is fighting to the death to raise the money
for the operation of his daugters fatal illness.

And while folks complain all the time bout them, in the end it
are the rich who contribute most to society with their huge tax

Compared to that, the meager activities of some guy doing his solitary
charity works don't avail much when it comes to helping people.


Seiko: Meager....

Are you talking about me here?

Kiichi: Oh! Of course not...

Those were just a few words giving some martial artist a
reality check regarding his dreamy ideals and hypocrisies.

Take a look at reality.

If it's for money people will even slaughter their parents.

They'll become the devil himself.


Matsuki: He's hanging on my neck with the whole weight of his body.
I mustn't allow myself to think what might happen to Little Ryuu!

The bones in his neck might break...

His brain might get damaged...

He might become nothing but a living corpse...

Noooo! Won't let such thoughts enter my head!


Until now I always thought more about other people than about me.

And because of that I was just a nuisance exposing even my
own family to poverty.

I'm tired of being such an idiotic good guy.

I will become a 'demon'!


Announcer: It's a Vertical Drop Buster!!

He's slamming the back of his opponents head full force into
the concrete floor!


Crowd: This was it, right...?

No... it's not over!

Seiko: Ryuusei really wanted to apply this technique.


Announcer: Wow! He ate the 'Buster' but still continues his chokehold!

He's altering the sleeperhold now, blocking Dumps arteries without
using the strap!


Ryuusei: This is the Nadashinkageryuu choke-hold technique Mr. Seiko
bestowed to me: "Kubikiri Hotoke" *)

*) Translators note: 'Head-cutting Buddha'

Seiko: He knew that his opponent would use a 'Buster' to break out.

And he used the strap as a safety-belt.


Matsuki: My dear Yuki

I'm sorry. I'm just scum...


Announcer: He went down! Dump has fainted!

And the winner is.... MISTER CHIN!!


Kiichi: Hesitating for just a second leaves one wide open.

And now the child will have to pay for her father being an idiot.

His daughter is so pitiable.

Seiko: Wait, Kiichi!

Our talk isn't over! Wait!

Kiichi: Oton - you only spout the same old arguments over and over again.


Matsuki: Haaaah


Matsuki: huh... huh...

L... Little Ryuu... D... Did I really lose?

I... it can't...

Well... seems a man practicing pure martial arts is strong as shit
after all.

W...way different from a plain guy like me who just fights with
evil intentions.

Ryuusei: Mr. Dump. You were so strong.

Matsuki: R... really?


Matsuki: I'm so glad to hear that!

So, won't ya lend me some money?

Ryuusei: I'm really sorry.

I got no money that I could lend you, Mr. Dump.

Moreover ain't it said that nothing good will come from lending
money and

that you better should offer yourself to other people instead?


Matsuki: Y... yeah. Understood.

Sorry for bothering you, little Ryuu.

Guess I'll have to ask Kibouu again.

Ryuusei: Huh?

Miyazawa Kiichi...

Narration: This man, what will he show us...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.49 END
Next Episode: Kiichi and Dump meeting...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
The new chapter is here. Chapter 50: [URL][/URL]

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 50 made by andy3004


Ryuusei: M... Mr. Dump... Did you just say Kibou?

Matsuki: Yeah

Huh? Do you also know Kibou, little Ryuu?

Ryuusei: I came here because I'm chasing Miyazawa Kiichi.

Matsuki: From the first moment I met you I thought there was some kinda
similarity but...

Say Ryuusei, can it be that you're one of "Kiryuus sons"?


Ryuusei: Mr. Dump... do you really think that I can meet Miyazawa Kiichi?

Matsuki: Sure... Kibou and me have been pals for ages.

Now that I know that you're one of Kiryuus sons, I can no longer
stay silent.


Narration: Is Kiichi behind this door...!?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 50: Eyewitness


Matsuki: Kibou open up!

It's me Dump! Lend me some money...

Oops... wrong. There's someone here who wants to see ya!

Ryuusei: Uhm... what connection do you have with Miyazawa Kiichi and
all this?

Matsuki: I watched the fight between Kiryuu and Kibou.


Matsuki: It was a 46 second long nightmare.


Matsuki: The owner of the Dragon Hourse, Kiryuu, whom they called
"The allmighty superman".


Matsuki: I have no idea if something happened between Kiryuu and Kibou.

But it was in this place where the lion and the dragon clashed and
started their grand battle.

And I was witness to their fight.


Matsuki: They were not just fast!

The wind pressure from their attacks made it hard to keep my
eyes open.

And then...


Matsuki: Kibou hit Kiryuus temple with a single middlefinger strike.

In this lightning-fast exchange of blows, he landed an accurate
blow on a vital spot.


Matsuki: I saw it clearly.

That single attack caused Kiryuu to pass out.

But still...

Matsuki (shouting): Stop it Kibou!

It's already over!


Matsuki: He took carefully aim and sank his fist full force into Kiryuus
temporal lobe.


Matsuki: After that attack Kiryuu did not open his eyes again.

It was magnificent.

There were just two small bruises on his right and left temples but
that destroyed his brain.

And that was all I saw with my very own eyes.


Matsuki: This single attack had such excessive force - it was like the
wrath of god.

And he drove it in with the definite intent to kill.

Kibou is a scary person.

The essence of martial arts may be a close inquiry of life and death,
but actually killing someone is plainly wrong.

Narration: And now the door is...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.50 END
Next Episode: Coming out of this door is...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 51:

Here you've got the translation of Chapter 51 made by andy3004


Matsuki: Ah! Kii...



Kiichi: That talking pig...

Ryuusei: Mi... Miyazawa...


Kiichi: Hi!

Hey... if that ain't wimpy little Ryuu whom I knocked out with one
finger while he was pissing and shitting himself.

Narration: Kiichi and Ryuusei meet a second time...

Ryuusei: That guy killed Kiryuu...

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 51: Fate


Ryuusei: Why is it...

that I feel nothing even though he killed my father?

Ah of course.

It's because I never even saw or met that person himself.

In that way we're completely unrelated.

Kiichi: Whassup? You look like a frog that suddenly finds himself
in front of a snake.

Am I that scary?

Ryuusei: But still...


Ryuusei: I can't forgive that he hurt my self-respect.

Kiichi: Oh stop this.

The best you might do is only shitting yourself this time.

Ryuusei: Alright.

I'll kill him...

Kiichi: Oh, it seems you've suffered some heavy facial trauma right there!

Ryuusei: Trauma?


Ryuusei: Ah.


Kiichi: Well... what happened to you this time?

Wanna start to cry because you see how weak you are?

Seiko: STOP IT




Kiichi: Oh my. Just when I was about to rearrange Ryuuseis head a bit.

But full score for finding me, Oton!

Seiko: Don't belittle me. I'm also a former head of Nadashinkageryu.

And thus I am still able to follow your 'Ki'.

Kiichi: Well... keep up the good work.

Guess you wanna beat me up know, right?

Seiko: ARGH!


Seiko: It's my duty because it was me who brought you up!


Kiichi: So in the end it comes to violence, huh?

And yet you should only fight folks who are obviously weaker than you.

Seems like the best behavior for a martial artist, I'd say.

It's just...

you made a grave mistake when you thought that I would never
oppose you.


Kiichi: See - even if I finished you off, there'd be no merit for me at all.

In Kiryuus case however there was. 500 million dollars!


Seiko: Listen Kiichi, you shouldn't forget about one thing.

At any rate, Ryuusei will take back those whole 500 millions.

Kiichi: I'm sure that this child of the dragon will become

Ryuusei: Ungh...

M...Mr. Dump


Kiichi: It's just that Ryuusei's also burdened with that "sad fate".

Narration: What is this fate the successors of the dragon carry...!?

Seiko: S... Stop this

Ryuusei: Huh?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.51 END
Next Episode: Shocking words coming from Kiichi...!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 52 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 52 made by andy3004. Enjoy


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 52: A fight between father and son

Kiichi: Once Ryuusei learns about this "sad fate" his mind won't
be able to handle it.

Narration: What is the fate of those who succeed the dragon...!?

Ryuusei: Huh?

"Sad fate"?


Seiko: Kiichi


Kiichi: So desperate, Oton?

Seiko: SHUT UP!

Kiichi: Oh... Scary


Kiichi: Wow, I'm jealous Ryuusei.

Oton is willing to fight just to protect your secret...

Ryuusei: F... for me


Ryuusei: Mr. Seikos blow hit him.


Kiichi: Oton... The Miyawaza Kiichi I am now is a different one from
my old self.

Ryuusei: After taking that blow Miyazawa Kiichis expression has changed.

Kiichi: Even if the opponent is my own father,

I will respond merciless and without hesitation when I am attacked.

Seiko: Mhm. Just what I wanted to hear.


Kiichi: Won't you understand Oton...

I've won against Kiryuu who was stronger than you.

Seiko: Only idiots would declare a winner based solely on "what-if" stories
and syllogisms.

Kiichi: Now Mr. Seiko has put off his spectacles and entered serious mode too.

Their strong pressure seems to fill the whole room with a tension
you could cut with a knife.


Kiichi: From physical power to techniques - there's not a single thing
I can think about that would make me lose to you.

Your only advantage is you being my father. And that's just an emotional
and superficial one.

Seiko: Then let me teach you the difference between out views with
more than mere brute force.


Kiichi: Pay close attention, Ryuusei.

See how your teacher fights and how he is being brought down.


Ryuusei: Mr. Seiko and Kiryuu were identical twins.

Does that mean that Kiryuu fought against Miyazawa Kiichi the
same way...?


Seiko: Guuh.

Narration: This technique - could it be...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.52 END
Next Episode: With this single blow from Kiichi....!?
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Chapter 53 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 53 made by andy3004 :


Kiichi: You cannot win against me, Oton.

Your body and your guts want to continue this fight...

but your mind just refuses to do so, right?


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 53: Gentotsu *)

*) Translators note: Yup, it's that technique from Tough Season 2. The Kanji roughly
translate as 'phantom strike'.

Narration: A single blow from Kiichi landing on Seikos weak spot...!?


Kiichi: When the brain senses mortal danger it just refuses to fight.

It will shut down all body functions.

Bringing with it a deep feeling of pleasure...

People are able to endure pain, but they cannot bear pleasure.

And so they just lose consciousness.


Ryuusei: Am I dreaming?

I honestly thought that there'd be no-one who could bring that man down.

Mr. Seiko, the 'Gentle tiger', with all his overwhelming strength...

was knocked out by a single hit!?


Ryuusei: Moreover, the blow Miyazawa Kiichi delivered stopped short before its impact.

It seems as if energy emerged from his fist in form of a shock-wave that
smashed into Mr. Seikos body.

An attack that defies all laws of physics.

It wasn't wind pressure.

And it also doesn't seem to be a manipulation of 'Ki' like it's done in
Aikido and Qigong.


Kiichi: Oton is suffering from the same trauma as you.

His brain remembers the fear of death.

Some years ago I had a showdown with Oton in the Hyper Battle.

Ryuusei: Hyper Battle?


Kiichi: It was a merciless fight. Neither of us cared about his own life. Destroying
each other was our only goal.

A life-or-death battle between father and son, staged in public.

And I used that attack as the finishing blow.


Kiichi: The pinnacle of vital-point techniques, where you strike without striking
and hit without hitting.

That techniques name is "Gentotsu"


Ryuusei: Ge... gentotsu...?

Kiichi: You just saw it with your own eyes.

That wasn't some bogus. It's for real!

Oh my... the martial art's strong with this one.

Ryuusei: Huh?


Kiichi: Hey hey... ya really wannacontinue.

Ryuusei: Mr... Mr. Seiko.


Kiichi: Expected nothing less from you, Oton.

Still up and standing even when you're passed out.


Kiichi: Amazing.

Is this the moment when the mind surpasses the flesh?

Or do you want to engage me in one of your beloved battle of wills?

Ah well, what ever.


Ryuusei: M... Mr. Seiko

Kiichi: Don't cha worry. I didn't kill Oton.

We may be not related by blood, but he is still my father.

He's the one who always had to clean up the mess when I was too careless.

Ryuusei: W.. wait


Ryuusei: You mentioned something about "sad fate". What's that supposed to mean?

Kiichi: Do you know what 'strength' really means?

Ryuusei: Uhm?

Kiichi: Don't you think it's somehow strange?

That the tiger, who's the strongest in the jungle, is also the one
closest to extinction.

Narration: What is the true meaning behind these words...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.53 END
Next Episode: Ryuuseis unexpected reaction...!?

Chapter 54 :
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Here you've got the translation of Chapter 54 made by andy3004 :


Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 54: About the genes of the dragon

Ryuusei: In nature it is not the case that the strongest one will survive.

Just look at the tiger, the strongest predator in the rain forest, who
now is on the brink of extinction.

Instead, it's rather the one adapting best to his environment who will survive.

And that's why it's called: "Survival of the fittest".

Narration: Kiichis 'Gentotsu' strikes down on Seiko....!?


Ryuusei: It had no substance at all - so it must have been 'Ki', right.

But can you really put out enough 'Ki' to make someone as sturdy
as Mr. Seiko pass out?

Admittedly, I saw some web-videos where people used 'Ki' to blow
away things - but it were only small objects like paper cups.

Perhaps I should do some physical calculations on the energy of 'Ki'.

Leeeeet's see... The formula for kinetic energy was...

determined by mass and inertia...


Yuuki: Hey, Ryuu-darling, what are you doing?

Ryuusei: I'm busy with physical calculations.

Yuuki: Physical?

Ryuusei: Look, if m is the weight of a fist and v is its speed, than
its energy *) at any time can be calculated as 1/2mv^2

*) Translators note: The Kanji it is written which read 'destructive power'

Ryuusei: And this is the way how you transform your movements
into damage dealt onto your opponent.

Miyazawa Kiichi released a so-called 'Gentotsu': a striking
technique that stopped just short before the impact.

Regardless how I look at it, it's effect can't be explained
just by the energy of 'Ki'.


Ryuusei: With Physics falling short of an explanation, I think
its effect might be deeply rooted in the fields of physiology and psychology too.

The exact time and location when facing your enemy, his stance
and reaction probably must also be taken into account.

Yuuki: Do you deny the existence of 'Ki'.

Ryuusei: Of course not. I know that 'Ki' is for real.

But when we're talking about discharging enough energy to
knock out a man then one should first consider a bunch of
other related conditions that might help with the explanation.

Yuuki: Oh my... sometimes you're really a pain in the... whatever

Before racking your brain with silly stuff you should rather
practice and get stronger.


Ryuusei: You're not one to worry 'bout details, huh?

Ryuusei: Don't you think that once you understand the theory, it's
much more easier to efficiently learn the real thing?

Yuuki: In your case you should rather put more emotions into it.

Ain't that the reason why you couldn't even lay a finger
on Miyazawa Kiichi?

I mean you didn't vent your anger even though uncle
was beaten up.

Oh sorry. That did hurt a bit, did it?

Anyway, let's go to Uncles room so you can watch 'Ki'
with your own eyes.

Ryuusei: Huh... watching 'Ki'?

Yuuki: And by the way - my room is on the second floor, so make
sure to stay out of it.


Ryuusei: "Ki"?

There's something emanating from Mr. Seikos fingertips.


Ryuusei: Is he healing himself with "Ki"?

Yuuki: Exactly.

Surely there are many frauds who claim to use "Ki" as a remedy
but uncle can do it for real.

Just by slow abdominal breathing his blood pressure drops and
his autonomic nerves reach equilibrium

Placing his hands on the injured parts of his body is enough to
apply a certain sedative effect that any doctor of neurology
or psychiatry would be able to discern.

Uncle is able to locate the injuries he received during his fight
better than any doctor could possibly do.


Ryuusei: So that's 'Ki'...

Wonder if I'm able to release it too.

Yuuki: Originally medical skills were an important part of martial arts *).

*) Translators note: The original word is "Budou", i.e. the traditional
martial arts of Japan/The far east. The translation would sound more
elegant when using Budou, but since I always went for translating
"Budou" as "martial arts", I have decided to stick with it even here)

But then they started to specialize. On fighting or on sports.
With times martial arts mostly became a synonym only for
grappling and fisticuffs.

But the core of all the fighting in martial arts has always been
about the culture of living.

Beginning with the very concepts of courtesy and conduct... it ended
up covering each and every field: weapons, medicine even something
like swimming techniques.


Yuuki: Nadashinkageryuu's essence is basically the 'power
of life and death'.

For this reason, they needed to acquire a thorough knowledge of
the structure and motions of the human body. And that gave them the
means to kill or immobilize their enemies.

Take a look at uncle!

He is releasing his 'Ki' with the assumption that he will fight
against Miyazawa Kiichi again.


Ryuusei: Dear Yuuki, do you know what the "Genes of the dragon" are
all about?

Yuumi: What?

Ryuusei: Miyazawa Kiichi told me about it.

Kiichi: Ryuusei... you look just like Garcia.

Ryuusei: Garcia?


Kiichi: Edgard C. Garcia

A military experiment of creating a fighting machine based
on Kiryuus DNA.


Kiichi: Remember that Galhad you recently fought? Garcia shattered
his ribs with a single middle-kick.

A splinter of that bone was lodged into his inner organs by
the force of the attack too,

making Galhad unable to get up again.


Ryuusei: Against Galhad....

Kiichi: And we're not talking 'bout the shadow of the man you faced!
It was Galhad in his prime! And they were fighting by kickboxing

Then the next one was Iron Kiba.

The media presented him as Iron Kiba the superhero - but
he really was what you might call a 'super-heel'. *)

Translators note: 'heel' as in the wrestling-term 'heel'. I.e. the
evil guy. (Which *does* fit Iron Kiba)

Kiichi: He claimed to fight for the 'great cause' of wrestling or
something, but in fact he would resort to every dirty trick in
the book to claim victory.


Kiichi: And what did Garcia do when he encountered Kiba?

Annihilating him within 56 seconds!


Kiichi: They had a rematch later, but Kiba was defeated again...
Shortly after, he perished from acute heart failure.

Finally it was me who faced Garcia and lost.

And it was a complete and utter defeat.


Kiichi: But I am glad.

Glad to know that you inherited that kind of DNA.

Even though I don't understand why Oton has such expectations
of you.

Ryuusei: W... wait. That Garcia guy - where is he now?

Kiichi: He died long ago.

Narration: Some shocking words as he makes his exit...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.54 END
Next Episode: Due to this man, Ryuusei is...
--- Double Post Merged, ---
You'll find volumes 01 to 06 : here[/b]

You'll find volume 07 : here[/b]