Original Work - The Second Prince - Book 1: The Lost Queen's Crest | MangaHelpers

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Original Work The Second Prince - Book 1: The Lost Queen's Crest


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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Hello Mangahelpers, I'm happy to announce my latest work of fiction: The Second Prince Trilogy! I plan to update this story every week with a chapter of anywhere between 2000 and 5000 words (depending on my other commitments). I'm not sure how long this will go on for, but probably as long as it takes. I hope you all enjoy the prologue :amuse

Part 1: Prologue - Chapter 6
Start reading here \/
Prologue: A shattered Crown

Welcome to a broken Kingdom…

A Kingdom without a King is naught but ashes in the wind. A defeated nation is quickly paved over with a new one and all is forgotten by those who possess power. But what of the common folk? They remember. They will not forget… Thus begins our tale.

“Get him on the ground!”

Arthur Kalfearn was having a rather difficult time trying to deflect the blows being rained down upon him as he cowered in the dirt. Soon enough, the boys from town tired of their sport and wandered off, leaving Arthur to stand up and dust himself off. One needn’t worry for his condition, because he was perfectly fine. Those bullies couldn’t hurt him at all.

A woman pokes her head around the base of a great oak nearby and waves to get Arthur’s attention.

“For god sake Art did you let those ruffians beat you down again? I’ve told you so many times to fight back for once. Show them who’s boss!”

Arthur grins and shakes the dirt out of his hair. Walking over to the woman, he puts on his signature false smile.

“You know I can’t do that Sister Erin. Father has forbidden me from using my strength against others. Besides, if I let them have their way, they leave me alone for almost a week now”.

Sister Erin of the Sisterhood of the Silver Shield sighs, shaking her head. “You know, you should disobey your father sometimes. You’re 20 years old already and you’ve never once rebelled against him. It’s not normal you know”.

Arthur nods. He knew that his loyalty to his father was uncommon in this day and age, where sons would abandon their fathers as soon as possible to join the militaries of one of the 3 great Kingdoms around them. He told Erin these very words and the Sister laughs.

“You don’t come from this part of the land so I can forgive you for not knowing any of our lore of ages past. Since you don’t have anything else to do right now, come sit down and let me tell you”….

Our people are called the Assurians of Azuria. We have lived this way, as a wandering mountain folk throughout the Kingdoms of Imathia, Anekar and Escaron. Once a mighty nation of heroic champions and mystical mages, we were ruled by not a King, but a Queen. This Queen’s name was Tiffany and she was the daughter of the Great Wizard Valk. Valk was of the Northern Tribes who used the magic of Ice and Snow. But he had also been taught the Greater Magic’s, hence why he was called a Great Wizard. He could split the earth asunder and call down the wrath of God in the form of lighting, hail and storms. His only child, Tiffany, was the result of his unsanctioned communion with the Duchess of Itaizia. This child, who had inherited his power…

Born on Infinity Isle and travelling over the sea to Imathia in her teen years, her ancient father was finally growing old after 3 centuries of unending life. No one knows why the Wizard died, but his passing caused Tiffany’s mother to cast herself off a Cliffside. She had already been exiled from her own nation for betraying her betrothed for Valk and this was the last straw for her sanity. By this time, Tiffany was 20 years old. Seeking out meaning in her lonely life, she moved south to Reinhall, the capital city of Escaron. There she spent 10 years teaching magic and combat to the youth of the Kingdom. Her fame and renown grew to such an extent that the King gave her the lordship of a large Duchy to the northeast, in the very lands we currently stand on. This was the beginning of her legend in earnest. Years after her rise to the position of Duchess, the province was populated largely by strong armed warriors and skilled mages thanks to Tiffany’s policies on births and baptisms. She was truly the Kingdom’s biggest asset.

That was until the Empire of Niticia got involved… The great conquerors of the Middle Continent. The largest nation in the known world. They followed a strange religion that demanded they annex all nations around them to appease their Gods… It was at this time that The Delta was taken, the Duke’s head removed from his shoulders in the opening act of the war. The Nitician Emperor demanded an audience with King Franklin, and the coward agreed. In the “Peace Negotiations”, Emperor Corvus III demanded that the child of the Wizard’s head be brought to him as an offering. He feared her powers and benevolence. Thus did King Franklin agree. He sent men to arrest Tiffany, but she Sorceress would not allow it. Calling down the Great Magic’s inherited from her father, she and her undefeatable army advanced towards the capital of Escaron, capturing it against all odds. The King had already hidden himself away within the Empire, where he was beheaded by the Emperor for his failures. No one ever knew his fate until much later…

Tiffany had smashed King Franklin’s throne and liberated the land of its cowardly King. She then gave the people two options: Follow the Coward King West into the Empire, or stay and become a part of the new nation, which was simply called “Azuria” (The Land of the Full Moon). A century passed. The palace in Reinhall, which was renamed Escar to appease the people, was torn down and a magical keep was erected in its place. This keep grew into the most splendid palace in the world and was warded from any and all outside attack by Tiffany’s magic. She was now over 140 years old, but her youth had never left her, for she had ceased to age at 23.

But life was still incomplete for poor Tiffany. She yearned for the love of another, and went in search of this thing called “Love”. She found it in the most unlikely of places. The Empire had ceased to be enemies of the land of Azuria after Emperor Corvus III died with no heir. He was succeeded by the son of his brother, Alexander. Alexander was a very benevolent ruler who worked to quickly end the war with the nations of the East. One day Tiffany saw him in the great capital city of the empire, Triazra. The Sorceress and ruler was in disguise of course. Even if the war had ended, there were plenty of Escarians who had chosen to flee and assimilate themselves with the Empire. These people still held great animosity towards her. They met in the marketplace where Alexander, also in disguise as to not be bothered and move freely, locked eyes with the enchanting woman before him. They had their midday meal together, and an unbreakable bond was born as they continued to see each other under the cover of the moon. Tiffany learnt that Alexander was a master of the High Magic and that he was the Emperor. Alexander learnt that Tiffany was the Lady of Azuria and was in love.

The two of them wed within the year. A new Empress of Niticia had been chosen and the two of them lived in a palace built for them in the Delta. The peoples of both the Empire and Azuria rejoiced as a son was born, named August. August was to be groomed to become the Crown Prince of the Empire, and the parents had no say in the matter. The Imperial Senate had decided that it would be so. 15 years passed, and August had already inherited command of the entire Western Army of the Empire. He was a military genius who also partook in politics, despite his youth. It was at this time when the second child came. The Second Prince had inherited a mix of not his parents, but his grandparents and so had little in common with the appearance of his family.

Tiffany and Alexander decided that this son would be the child that they passed their mystical knowledge on to, and August was wrought with jealousy. He wanted everything. This upstart could ruin his chances to become Emperor! At least that is what he falsely believed thanks to the malicious whisperings of the Senate in his ear… The older son grew to hate his parents with a passion, scheming to overthrow the Empire and smash Azuria into the earth. His wrath was unstoppable, for he had inherited the High Magic from his father. He called Tiffany out to the Infinity Isle one day to celebrate his birthday. Instead, he revealed his true intentions and malice to her. But as powerful as she was, Tiffany could not harm her son. He slew his mother on the very place her own parents had been wed, her body being swallowed up by the sea.

August returned to the palace on the Delta and publicly framed his father, the Emperor, for murdering Tiffany, the Lady of Azuria and his own wife. Alexander knew he had been betrayed but the magically fabricated evidence his son had created was far beyond even his capabilities of undoing. He took his infant son, named Azriel and fled to the East into deepest Azuria. The Azurians pushed the Imperial Forces out of the Delta and back into the ancestral Nitician borders, but it was not over. August had been used by the Imperial Senate for years in order for them to gain power, but August was already aware of this. He murdered all of them and took the crown himself, becoming ruler of Niticia and Azuria. The war of extermination began, for he could not let his mother’s people stand to oppose him with their power.

The magically enhanced warriors of August’s army crushed any and all opposition in the Eastern Kingdom, levelling the palace on the Delta and capturing the enchanted capital of Escar. He agreed to give the city to the ancestors of the original Escarians if they would assist the Empire in suppressing the dying nation of Azuria. Imathia and Anekar both captured more and more Azurian territory until the magical people of the Queen were surrounded on all sides by enemies in the Valley of Valk. August, not willing to leave a single trace of the nation cast a curse upon Tiffany’s people. They were all stripped of any magical ability and their hair all turned as white as snow, just as Tiffany’s was. This was to mark them as Azurians, so that they would always be identifiable as the race that lost. August returned to the original Imperial Capital of Triazra and is sitting upon that high throne to this day. That was 20 years ago.

Today, the descendants of the Azurians are discriminated against as the weakest and only race without any magical affinity at all. The young men attend the Choosing at the age of 20 and join one of the armies of Escaron, Imathia or Anekar. The lucky few who are chosen by a Nitician Ambassador travel to the Empire where they serve as the Emperor’s Strike Force called the White Wolves. The women live out their lives at home, as Azurian women are forbidden to work outside of the Valley of Valk. There is also the Escarian Games, where the mightiest and wisest warriors and mages of the East go to win fame and titles. There are no rules against Azurians entering the games, and that’s because no Azurian has ever won…

Sister Erin sighs as she pats down her garb and removes her hood, revealing her snow white hair. “I’m sure you’ve heard this many times already from your father. He did flee the Duchy of Itaizia during the fall of the Delta didn’t he?” She shivers. “It must have been frightening to know he was about to tie his and your fate to a doomed nation… Ah well. That’s just our lot in life. All we can do is live out our lives as best we can. Now you should go back to Victor. He’s probably worried about you”.

Arthur farewells the Sister and turns down a shady path to return to the humble cabin of he and his father in the forest surrounding the town of Gerhalt in the Valley of Valk. Arthur presses his lips tightly in anger as he nears his home for the last 19 years. “You’re wrong, Sister Erin. Things don’t have to be this way…”

To be continued in Chapter 1…
Chapter 1 Coming Soon...

Further Reading and Helpful Info
This narrative is based in a fictional universe entirely of my own creation. Any similarities to other works are purely coincidental unless otherwise stated. Such as below where I have a few sources of inspiration:

  • David Eddings (The Belgariad, The Malloreon)
  • Sarah Douglass (The Axis Trilogy, The Wayfearer Redemption, The Infinity Gate Trilogy)
  • Black Clover (Manga)
  • J.R Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, etc)
  • Raymond E. Feist (Riftwar Saga, Serpentwar Saga, Demonwar Saga, Chaoswar Saga)

Pronunciations :
Niticia/n: (Ni-tee-sha, Ni-tee-shan)
Itaizia/n: (I-tay-sia, I-tay-sian) Spoken like 'Asian '
Escaron: (Es-car-on)

Below is a rough map of the world in which this story is based. I will more than likely update it as the world grows and more detail is added to the world around our characters.

Character Profiles:

I will be updating this post with more character profiles as they are introduced and more is given about their pasts, abilities and personalities.
The son of Victor Kalfearn, 20 years old. Arthur was taken from his home of the Duchy of Itaizia as an infant to escape persecution. During the war of Azuria's destruction, Victor found himself in the defeated nation and chose to stay in the Valley of Valk. There the two of them have stayed for the last 19 years. Arthur possesses incredible physical strength for an ordinary human and the village elders appreciate this fact greatly for manual labor and training the younger boys. Since the Azurians can not use any magic at all. But the men his own age are jealous of him for it and continuously beat him up. Though this affects him in no way at all, he obeys his father's wishes to not use his strength on others.
Once a rich merchant of the Duchy of Itaizia, he was deported for a crime he didn't commit and had to flee across the continent to Azuria with an infant Arthur during the war. Very reserved and serious about loyalty, he keeps Arthur on a tight leash and his son has in turn never questioned him. He may sound like a bit of an asshole but be patient. More will come for him soon ;)
A devout follower of God, Erin of the Order of the Silver Shield is always there to tend to her fellow Azurians in their times of need. She is an expert user of medicinal herbs and one would think she worked magic, if she possessed any. Possibly the kindest character I plan to introduce, she is an inspiration to all the ladies of the village, and has the eyes of all the young men. All but Arthur, who sees her only as a Sister.
Author's Notes
[In this section, I will be updating it with a new message every chapter release. Here I will convey my thoughts and feelings while writing the chapter, and any other things that may need clarification.]

WithYouInSpirit said:
  • Prologue:
And so the journey begins. I really enjoyed writing this first installment of the narrative, as it's always where I do my best to have a strong base. Some may ask me why I work so hard on the backstory from the get-go, and I will tell you it's because I really value a strong base. This way, the story can kick off really well without having to worry about gaps in the Lore, since I've already put a template in palce that I can adjust and work with :amuse See you all next week!
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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Hi @WithYouInSpirit thank you for the nice morning reading material! Okay so far I like it. It is interesting enough to keep reading It.
The History About Queen Tifanny is a tad long, contains a lot of information. For me personally that can be too much tot Take in at once. Cutting It up would not be very logical though (i wouldnt know How to make that work xD)

I would say go easy with putting ... the thee dots after senteces. Not needed to create suspense or a pause in the text imo. (Looks less professional).

But overall good job! Looking forward tot read the rest of the story
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Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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Hi @WithYouInSpirit thank you for the nice morning reading material! Okay so far I like it. It is interesting enough to keep reading It.
The History About Queen Tifanny is a tad long, contains a lot of information. For me personally that can be too much tot Take in at once. Cutting It up would beterschap not logica though.
I would say go easy with putting ... the thee dots after senteces. Not needed to create suspense or a pause in the text imo. (Looks less professional).

But overall good job! Looking forward tot read the rest of the story
Thanks for the input Marmalade :amuse
The three dot thing is a really bad habit and I'm glad you hit me up about it because yeah, I use it far too often. And I do have my reasons for making the prologue a little lore heavy but have faith that this will make things go much more smoothly now that I have a strong, if not overwhelming base history to go on. Again, thank you for the feedback. It will be taken into consideration always :amuse
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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score

Thanks for the input Marmalade :amuse
The three dot thing is a really bad habit and I'm glad you hit be up about it because yeah, I use it far too often. And I do have my reasons for making the prologue a little lore heavy but have faith that this will make things go much more smoothly now that I have a strong, if not overwhelming base history to go on. Again, thank you for the feedback. It will be taken into consideration always :amuse
I Just realised autocorrect messed with a lot of words haha. But glad you get the point! Keep writing :)


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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Hi @WithYouInSpirit Cutting It up would not be very logical though
Though admittedly I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean that it's a little too much too soon? Or that it still wouldn't work even if i cut it up into segments? It's part of the reason why I conveyed the lore as a story being told to Arthur, because it's just the history of a major plot point. I will be sure to include flashbacks that describe past events in more detail.


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Meant that cutting It up would probably be very hard to make it not confusing. So even tho its a long piece of lore and information, it is probably the best in this case haha. Espexially if it is like you said important to the rest of the story.


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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Noice. I like the idea of the main character being strong but lacking the use of magic, instead of the typical of being the other way around.
I can't say that will always be the case, but that particular aspect is inspired by Black Clover.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Sep 12, 2008
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United States
Pretty good start. I have to agree with @MarmaladeSky that the history of Queen Tiffany was a tad too long. Maybe you should gradually introduce it (e.g. maybe a character see a portrait or an artifact and say a random fact about her). That way the readers will be interested in learning more about her.

Other than that, good job :thumbs


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score
Ok I'm busy for most of today but I've decided to revise the story's opening sequence. I'll also be asking for someone to edit and proofread my work before I post them. If you're interested you should contact me :super


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
Reaction score
Ok I'm busy for most of today but I've decided to revise the story's opening sequence. I'll also be asking for someone to edit and proofread my work before I post them. If you're interested you should contact me :super
Let me know if you still need someone to proof read ^^ Will be happy to help out