The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill | MangaHelpers

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The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
So many Manosphere content creators are getting big online lately thanks to Andrew Tate's meteoric rise from TikTok.

What are your opinions on the likes of Andrew Tate and his ilk (Fresh and Fit, Sneako, MGTOW, pickup artists, etc)?

I personally hate it. It's not just exploitative grifters selling incels dreams of wealth and harems of barely legal promiscuous young women... they're also promoting really shitty views while doing so like misogyny, racism, and tons of other alt-right talking points.



Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
The only one from those thumbnails I recognized is good old jordan peterson. And... I don't get it tbh. Why would a "man" feel uncomfortable or wrong about being a "man"? Why would you need jorden peterson to tell you it's ok to be a man? If you are at that point there's a 100% chance that listening to jordan peterson won't help. I do still think peterson's behavioral phycology videos on youtube are pretty interesting though. Shame that he is wasting his time with this sort of stuff...


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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these ppl are bad. but i get why they are successful, it is hard to be a good man these days

Brandish μ

Can you?
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Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
(I didn't watch the vid)

If the idea these people push is, as I understand it, that men are the victim of equality, then that is an ironic perspective if nothing else. It's kinda laughable in a pathetic way too. Men are not 'victims' of equality, men were 'beneficiaries' of inequality, now the shit is even (or closer to it).


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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They're all simply pieces of shit, and the more violent ones should be deplatformed and banned. They're all full of crap.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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Hahaha someone found münecat's channel. Nice, she is doing a great job, even though most of it is probably too hard to understand for the average viewer but binding millions of views to a left wing channel is a huge feat. She has an aesthetic that works out while the rest of the left is in a deep aesthetic crisis. It kinda looks like Catwoman from Batman Forever, which did not have a Catwoman :D

They're all simply pieces of shit, and the more violent ones should be deplatformed and banned. They're all full of crap.
But that's the wrong stance. It will not lead to any kind of solution.

What münecat claims, the lack of proper mental healthcare for men is also not the solution, because psychology as it is practiced is, in truth closed off right wing ideology (individualism, self healing powers, putting humans into separate drawers due to different genetic background). It is monetarized as a part of healthcare, and we are constantly told to raise awareness for the "mentally ill" , because of that. Which in practice leads to the undermining of the so called "mentally ill" , as this is in truth the most dire insult to a Homo Sapiens (<----).
Did I mention Dr. Asperger send children off into the annihilation program of the Nazis? The entire "Euthanasia" program of the Nazis is something born out of the psychological view point of the world. People like Peterson are no surprise. In fact, you need good grades to even study psychology, which means it's mostly right-wing conservative leaning people studying it in the first place as those are educated in a pejorative or (closed off) permissive style which leads to good grades in school, whereas the laissez-faire leaning left cannot produce that as often.

A friend's dad is from Africa. Once, my friend told me that his father is in huge debt and might end up in prison. Why is that so? Because he is "impulsive and stupid", genetically, that's what psychology as it is practiced, would say. But if you abstract that to a macro level, I meant there are lots of African men in a similar situation, what you get is outright racism. The actual reason is that he was socialized in a very different country, is presented here with all the urged capitalism creates and which the natives cannot cope either, and is prohibited access to a stable income due to lacking the titles necessary to get a stable job. He has been working in a vast range of low payed jobs ever since coming here and my friend has high intellect and a studying qualification, so the issue is clearly not on his side. Yet for many, the idea that he is "impulsive and stupid" and as such does not deserve "taking away our jobs" sounds compelling, because indeed concurrence on the job market has increased dramatically and the sociological view on problems is not generated by our society.

So the actual reason why so many men get inferiority complexes and as such open up towards right wing ideology masked as psychology is due to social desintegration caused by capitalism. Wilhelm Heitmeyer, a German sociologist is a good read on this topic but I am not sure wether he is available in English. Though I am not sure wether he included gender in his fields researched, the secondary source we read during our studies did not, but it is easily abstract able from the content. In already gave a good example above - stuff like Batman Forever was too much for many men to swallow, backlash was the right wing leaning Nolan trilogy. Both also have a different take on psychology - the former tries to emphasize empathy for a broken soul, the latter drove an actor into suicide with his idea of madness. Which never was a very realistic one to begin with, actual schizophrenia (I am not denying the existance of that, your brain is an organ an organs can be damaged) drives people into shame as it looks more like the Tommy Lee Jones Two-Face then the Heath Ledger Joker, but we only see what we want to see because no one can escape his socialization. Both movies are way too psychogized for the good of our society, a trend ever so present in the superhero genre...

A good show for young boys to grow up with is Vickie the Viking, one of the core inspirations behind One Piece. And it is essentially like One Piece, except you have the genius boy Vickie as the main hero, who solves conflicts with his intellect rather than the physical strenght his crewmates excel at, who are all based on male stereotypes taken to a humorous level. It tells boys that being smart and kind is a strenght, while also granting those who are not smart sympathetic idols helping them cope with their weakness.

In fact all German kids shows of the past century were like that, because the Nazis were men too, and we didn't want them to come back. Around the century break they stopped doing that and nowadays boys grow up with Superhero comics, or prior to that, my generation Shonen Manga, which aside from a few exceptions are actually having the same issues, and the average 18 year old German boy with studying qualifications votes free market right wing liberals and watches Jordan Peterson...
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Men are not 'victims' of equality, men were 'beneficiaries' of inequality
No, actually both is true and that's a good tldr. The question is, how does society cope with it?


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
McNuss said:
Hahaha someone found münecat's channel. Nice, she is doing a great job, even though most of it is probably too hard to understand for the average viewer but binding millions of views to a left wing channel is a huge feat. She has an aesthetic that works out while the rest of the left is in a deep aesthetic crisis. It kinda looks like Catwoman from Batman Forever, which did not have a Catwoman
I watch all kinds of leftist YouTuber content. Contrapoints, Hbomberguy, Some More News, Philosophytube, F.D. Signifier... and I watch debate bro content too like Destiny, Vaush, Rose Wrist, and Lonerbox.

Video essays to educate. Debate bro content to hear both sides present their ideas against each other so I can't be accused of living in an echo chamber lol.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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But that's the wrong stance. It will not lead to any kind of solution.
It will, by preventing their shit from reaching more people. Just look at Kate Hopkins and Milo Yiannopolous - they can't spread their shit anymore.

Not to mention, why shouldn't they be punished for breaking the rules? Even social media has rules.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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It will, by preventing their shit from reaching more people. Just look at Kate Hopkins and Milo Yiannopolous - they can't spread their shit anymore.

Not to mention, why shouldn't they be punished for breaking the rules? Even social media has rules.
Ah you mean the creators, I somehow understood that as being targeted at their audience, probably due to the inclusion of violence which I mostly associate with the comment section. Yeah you can do that but probably not with legitimate academics like Peterson, as pseudo as they might be.

Still no matter how many you ban, just new ones keep showing up. What Shionoro says its true, but it isn't even just related to manliness. There is a lot of social desintegration, because when things change, no matter wether for the good or worse, there will always be people unable to keep up with it. Ever since 1990, many things have changed in rapid fashion, absolutely insanely rapid fashion, while the coping mechanism like social insurances, healthcare, education, social work were not supported enough to keep up with the changes and that is the same no matter where you live.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I watch all kinds of leftist YouTuber content. Contrapoints, Hbomberguy, Some More News, Philosophytube, F.D. Signifier... and I watch debate bro content too like Destiny, Vaush, Rose Wrist, and Lonerbox.

Video essays to educate. Debate bro content to hear both sides present their ideas against each other so I can't be accused of living in an echo chamber lol.
Thanks, don't know most of these but will check them out. My problem with many left leaning YouTubers though is that they are stuck in the "pretentious taste" of the middle classes to use some Bourdieu here to put it mildly.

I know Vaush but honestly I can't really tell what he's about. Somewhat left wing progressive but there is no concept of a society behind it.
münecat is very authentic, looks like a person who grew up in a socialist background and not someone who at some point in time became left in order to become a better person, but with no clear idea of what that actually means. Many of these channels are full of anger.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Ah you mean the creators, I somehow understood that as being targeted at their audience, probably due to the inclusion of violence which I mostly associate with the comment section. Yeah you can do that but probably not with legitimate academics like Peterson, as pseudo as they might be.

Still no matter how many you ban, just new ones keep showing up. What Shionoro says its true, but it isn't even just related to manliness. There is a lot of social desintegration, because when things change, no matter wether for the good or worse, there will always be people unable to keep up with it. Ever since 1990, many things have changed in rapid fashion, absolutely insanely rapid fashion, while the coping mechanism like social insurances, healthcare, education, social work were not supported enough to keep up with the changes and that is the same no matter where you live.
WHy not, if their speeches encourage violence and bigotry? They shouldn't have a platform to push those, when it'll end up hurting people.

Which is why people like Peterson and Milo should get violence done against them.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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How can men be victims of equality?


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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You mentioned it though.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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Men can get on with it. It really is that simple in my eyes.
Indiviudualism...Self Healing powers... This won't ever work and this opinion is lost.

You kept telling this, then got Donald Trump as president.

The vast majority of them doesn't even have acces to the cultural capital neccesary to understand your points.

How can men be victims of equality?
For example, the job market. There can be no (perceived) concurrence between men and women if the majority of women does not work like how it was the case for the majority of the past century. We live in a patricarchal society, men still get raised with the belief they primarily have to feed their families. For the majority of the past century, men were undisputed atop the social hierarchy, now this role is disputed.

Basically the entire concept of Social Desintegration as coined by Wilhelm Heitmeyer is based on French Sociologist Emile Durkheim. Durkheim found out that whenever there are huge changes in society, cases of Anomie (normlessnes) increase. He did so with a study around suicide, where he also found out that catholics were much less likely to commit suicide than protestants or jews, which clearly contradicted the psychological narrative.

Wilhelm Heitmeyer put that concept of anomie into the 1990s, where "capitalism got unleashed" due to the collapse of socialism and the push for neoliberal agenda. He developed the concept of Social Desintegration by researching how changes in society like flexibilisation of the job market, migration, devaluation of non-academic proffesions etc.. during the 90s affected certain groups and fout out that it lead to vast cases of anomie within the working class, and pushed them towards extremist ideologies, typically towards the right. It predicted that if nothing happens, these right-wing extremist agendas would establish themselves into the political mainstream, and in now we have the AfD here in Germany but its hardly just our problem, be it Britain, America, Turkey, Italy and of course former East-Block countries Hungary and Poland....and Putin, too, the quantity of social desintegration caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent Jelzin chaos is as of now probably still undescribed and probably impossible to ever finish.

Sociology is the science of the left. We analyze society in order to change it.

Rather than getting mad at anyone and everything, the role of the left is to analyze why do these things happen and find a solution for it to stop it from happening or at least counteract it.

To combat the "red pill" ideology, a vast range of things is needed. As I said above, the society is still patriarchal so a large part of the concurrence is only perceived and women can't even speak up against these socially desintegrating men, so you have to increase the social standing of women by raising wages in female dominat labor and providing them early education instead of princess stuff and all that stuff, but as the standing in society is challenged, more and more desintegration is caused for those unable to cope with it, so you also at the same time need measurements against that such as a general social security, like social insurances, healthcare, public acces to education, job security, etc etc but also specific measurements such as a media culture suited for it (which I can further elaborate in another post with Pierre Bourdieu but this is getting too long), education suited for it, such as proper sex ed for children rather than prudery, etc etc, etc.

But America doesn't even have a proper social state, so what am I even talking about....
Rather than blame games and identitarianism, left YT has to start political education, and place the sociological narrative against this manosphere bullshit and all the other right wing/economic liberal/individualist bullshit that is on social media. That would be a good start.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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This doesn't make sense at all


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Sep 27, 2022
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United States
I have only seen clips of Andrew tate but I haven't watched the others I glanced at. Well, I've seen fresh and fit, but they definitely aren't my cup of tea. They seem like pretty weak and lame guys posing as something they arent which is some sort of relationship or pick up gurus. You gotta be careful there are a lot of posers on YouTube and you can get burnt if u don't have a discerning eye for frauds. I didn't see andrew tate say anything incorrect, just his delivery was harsh and somewhat blunt, which could ruffle some people's feathers especially if they are emotionally driven. Alot of you have called him a bad man, but from. What I've seen of him he seems more like a hero for going against the powers that be and their agenda. The powers that be which are using psychological warfare to destroy the traditional family unit in America, emasculated men, and make it seem like a man's nature is a bad thing. Which all leads to the great reset. Where they finally take over and we just can't fight back anymore. Mens nature as a human man should not be considered controversial, but if we just stopped the gender war that the powers that be crafted on purpose and work together using our different gifts, cuz men and women are different, then maybe they can be stopped from the takeover. Which is guided as for our benefit. It's called the great reset. Call me a conspiracy fool if u want. You'll see one day just what agenda a lot of these leftists are really supporting unknowingly. Not to say the right wi gers are good either. They have their own flaws too. Especially with racism here in america.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
Yo I think we found Tristan Tate's mangahelpers account.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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To answer the OP, they're hilarious. Which is unfortunate because it isn't actually satire...
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

How can men be victims of equality?
Equality is victimizing the status quo, which was never an equal playing field in the first place. It's the same reason people cry about "white genocide"


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
How can men be victims of equality?
"To those accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Based Ruth Bader Ginsberg quote.

Basically meaning when you're used to getting your way, if someone else gets their way, but you don't, you feel like it's an attack on you.

We men are used to running the world according to our own vices and desires. Patriarchy, and all that. So when our grip on society (traditional puritanical gender roles imposed on women for example) is weakened so that women can enjoy some of the freedoms we have, some of us (the shittiest of us), get our feelings hurt and feel like we're being bullied just for being men. The more equal we become, the more men have to lose power.