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Discussion Supreme Goddess and Demon King Power Speculation

Out of the Gods, who would win in a death match?

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
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They are not impressive because of the abilities temselves(to me at least), it's because Sariel and Tarmiel are powerful, though Tarmiel 's defense is nice. Even Galan was impressive despite the fact that he is all about physical abilities. If Howzer was at Sariel's level he would be impressive as well. I don't find Sun particularly impressive as well, it's boring but the power ups are what make it dangerous. Flash is the only one I find really cool by itself.

Of course, the SD's elemental powers are going to be more impressive than Merlin and the others but "elemental manipulation" itself is boring.
I'm pretty sure they'd be powerful regardless of the holder's power level - the latter simply determines the host's ability to handle its side effects.
Tornado is likely the least impressive, but Ocean is definitely among the least "boring" abilities with its Logia-like shifting ability. I also think Sun is pretty interesting.
Flash, on the other hand, looks kind of boring so far, but I'm sure it has much more to offer.

Gut's is the man

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
i've had a theory for a while that Sun actually increases one's power more the weaker they are.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 25, 2016
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Ocean and Tornado were supposed to be boring due to the "Elemental Manipulation" aspect, but Nakaba handled them quite well. Normally, people with elemental relating ability can only summon a particular amount of the elements in the battle to attack the opponents. But in this series, they can summon an entire ocean or an entire sky and can freely control the tornado, air, wind, water,... in massive quantity of element there. This is what has made me not feel bored with the common elemental manipulation ability here.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
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Just remembered this thread. I previously voted for "both kill each other", but after seeing everything the both of them can do, it's very likely that the Chad Jobber King would prevail over the Virgin Supreme Clown.

Going by what was shown, all the assets of the Supreme Clown were magical attacks, which would be completely useless against the Jobber King. The Ruler would invert all of those attacks into healing and fortification, which would force the Supreme Clown to physically engage him if she wants to hurt him. Only that yes, you guessed it, she has no shown physical feats and using the Sun Grace to say she would be a physical beast isn't at all a sure argument seeing how that Grace affects Mael (a Goddess) much differently than Escanor. Escanor gets a huge physical boost, but in Mael's case it doesn't look like his physical abilities get enhanced that much. His magic seems to be the thing that gets the biggest boost. If it works similarly for the Supreme Clown then yeah, not looking good at all.

Of course, she could always try and trick the Jobber King using healing attacks, but the Ruler can be deactivated and activated almost instantaneously. The Jobber King was shown to react to Elizabeth's healing by instantaneously undoing it, so it's safe to assume he can do that much. Maybe the Supreme Clown can mix offensive with healing and do some considerable damage to him, but if she fucks it up even once, it's gonna heal and fortificate the Jobber King (tbh and judging by the way she's been written, I don't think she'd be that smart lol).

On the other hand, the Jobber King has much greater chances. Not only he's a physical beast only outclassed by The One Ultimate on panel, but his magic is even greater than that. The moment he started using it, all the Sins had to step in to fight him and he even forced Merlin to use a bullshit ability like "Limit Breaker" to make the sins strong enough to get out of his spell and whoop his ass. Supreme Clown went down pretty fast against Mel and Zel's Hellblaze attacks, so the Jobber King can definitely inflict some serious damage upon her with his magic (which I expect to be considerably greater individually than Mel or Zel's, to say the least). Mel also went Assault Mode for the Jobber King, while he didn't feel the need to do it against the Supreme Clown. The Jobber King is overall more impressive feat-wise (it would have been very debatable until the Supreme Clown faced Mel and Zel though).

No matter how you look at it, the Supreme Clown would need to employ much more complex strategies in order to bring down the Jobber King, and even with that, it's not sure in the slightest she would triumph. She doesn't have any feats to say she would have a shot if she engages the Jobber King physically (who's like the greatest physical monster besides the One Ultimate on panel) and even if she tries to trick him with healings, the moment she fucks it up even once, the Jobber King will be healed and fortificated. The Jobber King can slowly bring her down using his greatest magical assets. Slowly, but surely.
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神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Yeah with these feats the DK wins since the SD only showed Magic attacks.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
The Supreme Deity is immune to physical attacks though, and the Demon King's entire arsenal was just swinging his sword 90% of the time and using generic darkness or creatures of darkness to attack.

As much of a disappointment she was, her magic was more threatening than the Demon King's. God thunder is probably enough to just counter any blast of darkness the Jobber King used. And that cruel sun looked somewhat powerful tbh

Demon King was more of a threat tbh but they both are immune to each other's preferential style of fighting. Chaos did create the Gods with the intention for them to have an eternal conflict that could never end, and giving them an arsenal that perfectly cancels out the other seems about right.

Fodder King is more of a threat to anyone else, but the Supreme Disappointment can negate his arsenal in a 1v1, as can he.

Fodder King would need to win with magic, but the Supreme Trash is a better magic user.

Supreme Trash needs to win with physical strength but the Fodder King is a better physical user.

Supreme Mommy Milkers might have an edge by being able to heal him to death, but she's probably too brain dead to even conceive of the idea and would just spam god thunder like a moron. I mean Escanor figured out how to use her grace better than she could ever do herself, summing up the amount of braincells she has in her head.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 13, 2020
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United States
Man .. the potential of these 2 .

Rip their Hype .


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
Man .. the potential of these 2 .

Rip their Hype .
Nakaba had to nerf them & ruin the power scaling for the sins to win whilst also keeping them separated, sadly. Without doing so, they'd literally be unstoppable since they're Gods only surpassed by Chaos.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 13, 2020
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United States
Less they were baited into fighting each other 1st .


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Nakaba had to nerf them & ruin the power scaling for the sins to win whilst also keeping them separated, sadly. Without doing so, they'd literally be unstoppable since they're Gods only surpassed by Chaos.
It would be a perfect draw, OtakuFreak. The Supreme Deity would create a dimensional field around the Earth for it all to be turned into a new Heaven and the Demon King would just give up, as if he destroyed the new Heaven called Paradise with Destruction magic, he would have to lose his Chaos magic and ability to remain immortal, as his immortality comes from the Supreme Deity. Additionally, all Archangels can create pocket dimensions so that plan of the Supreme Deity's would make sense if Nakaba Suzuki wasn't unbelieving in the Supreme Deity's planetary-level power being something good. The Demon King was always planning to kill himself. Therefore, the Demon King would go back to the Demon Realm, as if he didn't, the Supreme Deity would try to kill him. Guess what happens if the Supreme Deity kills the Demon King. Then the negative energy of all existence disappears unless one person hates Elizabeth Liones with all their soul. If nobody hates Elizabeth with all their soul, then all negative energy disappears and all people on the planet become perfectly loving and happy in an artificial and fake sense because they would become enslaved to the Supreme Deity's mind control until their planet and their bodies dissipated into light energy. Then they wouldn't be alive anymore. I don't think anyone would truly hate her to that degree. Zeldris would surely already be dead by then. However, there is one person who would want to end her, and it's Meliodas Liones. He would kill her with his Trillion Dark spell imbued with destruction magic. Then he would be a winner, and Elizabeth Liones would become the new Supreme Deity by absorbing all her Graces as you suggested, OtakuFreak. However, I get the feeling the Supreme Deity's not gonna risk that kind of ending, as her only way to win is wounding the Demon King and turning all his Commandments into Graces with some sort of transmutation spell based on affection. Then the Demon King would have to become a real friend of hers. Otherwise, she would be petrified for saying "You are my friend now" as the Truth Commandment would petrify her for saying the one lie she can never say to someone who would be stronger than her at that time even while wounded. Veronica Liones would have automatically resurrected him or some shit as she'd be automatically resurrecting everyone that just died with her Grace, assuming Nakaba Suzuki doesn't declare that great possible ending bullshit. Also, Arthur could summon Chaos and kill both the Supreme Deity and the Demon King if he absorbed half its energy to become a Chaos God of some sort and kill the Demon King while Chaos killed the Supreme Deity, after which they'd both try to absorb each other and stay immortal because they don't really give a fuck. However, if Chaos is a good man, he'll just tell Arthur Pendragon he's worthless at that time in my delusional fanfic in which this subjectively epic ending is allowed to occur. Then Arthur Pendragon would kill himself by having Merlin stab him with Excalibur. It sounds like a good ending to me. Meliodas wouldn't do it because he was too much of a loser to kill someone who was formerly like a failed friend of his who refused to help fight against the Demon Clan except in self-defense. However, I don't consider myself a loser, as I would never fight anybody in real life. I would just fight fictional antagonists in fakeness by writing fanfiction and re-write replies in which I describe how things could happen as a natural progression of my theorization. I will edit this bullshit if somebody says that it's not good to go off topic and make people not like the original topic as much, even though comparing power levels on its own isn't satisfying to me, but if somebody says I am full of shit, I will simply say that everyone who responds in this Nanatsu no Taizai forum is full of shit except possibly OtakuFreak, as he's the only person on this forum who ever supported my theorizations of how the Demon King could be defeated. Also, if Elizabeth dies again in the Four Horsemen of the Apocaylpse story, she needs to get Mael to give her his grace of Sunshine so she can self-revive magically in some way in combination with being healed. That's all it would take. Mael can still use healing magic, as he's only killed somebody who already ate souls. Therefore, it should work if she ever gets killed. Previously, Veronica Liones resurrected Elizabeth from death and I have belief in that being true, but if Nakaba Suzuki makes a bullshit statement that this true theory is incorrect or has Elizabeth state such, I will simply decide that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse's story is bullshit and that Elizabeth Liones is not a duplicate. Also, just in case any of that part about the Demon King planning to kill himself sounded weird, I am not planning to kill myself in real life, and I am not a Satanist. Also, if somebody thinks it is bullshit that the Demon King can destroy a planet's surface with destruction magic, it is not bullshit, as he would unleash a chain reaction across the entire atmosphere despite the fact that he is only 200 or 500 meters tall. Also, if Nakaba Suzuki had this bullshittedly happen in the next chapter with the Demon King destroying everyone's souls if he uses the chain reaction and true resurrection being disproven by lack of faith by the readers, I would say that Merlin would immediately attempt a universal range time stop to make sure nobody's souls are destroyed. She'd just ask the Supreme Deity to grant her an Omnipotence Grace or some bullshit. If that's too OP, just make it only work on the whole universe one time, as otherwise, the space-time continuum would be too fractured. After that, only the Demon King would be able to attempt to destroy the universe by chain reacting Chaos energy throughout the whole energetic field Merlin would've created if he was transcendent and perfect which would make him therefore unbeatable and a bullshit entity that could never lose or love anybody ever again unless somebody vaporized him with either Greatest Sun or a giant Chastiefol explosion that destroyed his head. Then he would lose despite being able to destroy the universe. Also, that would be a fun ending to read for me, as then there could be a sequel called Six Ultimate Loser Sinners and Two Ultimate Infinite Winners Named Merlin and King. The sequel would be about them being confronted by aliens who all think they and all races on their planet except Demons and the Six Ultimate Loser Sinners are superior and get to be immortal as long as they don't declare themselves ultimate truth-entities that have no purpose but to serve Elizabeth and Meliodas forever because they were ultimate lovers that overcame death. King would then say he's better than Meliodas because his automatic Chastiefols automatically killed Meliodas when Merlin's combined ability with Gowther let her control them to petrify and kill Meliodas for being disloyal and not killing Arthur Pendragon for a few weeks during which two or three thousand civilians got harvested by Arthur Pendragon's Chaos Magic, while Elizabeth got to survive. What do you think? Good ending? Also, King would say that he doesn't get to be immortal because Mael is his friend now after asking them if Mael gets to be immortal zero times.

Also, if the Supreme Deity worked together with Meliodas, she could sustain the heavenly dimensional field for a thousand years, as he would just have to kill Tristan for being evil and wanting to harvest innocent people with Chaos Magic as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. However, there is another possibility that might be true if I'm underestimating his goodnesss. Maybe he is instead one of the Four Holy Knights of the Apocalypse and is only pretending to work for Arthur Pendragon while he is still trusted. Then he has to just kill Arthur Pendragon as soon as the Demon King gives him all ten commandments and he learns teleportation abilities from him. That could happen in two chapters. However, I feel like he's just not strong enough to do that. Furthermore, Gowther clearly works for Arthur Pendragon as he hasn't helped defeat him yet. Therefore, Tristan isn't smart enough and is going to get mind read, which will prove that he was actually just loyal to Arthur Pendragon all along. I doubt he really wants to betray him. Gowther must be waiting for him once he gets back, as if he's not suspected of having Ten Commandments once he gets back, Gowther has made a mis-step and not understood his potential. He might be kinda weak though. After all, he's both a Demon and an angelic human, so unless he's destined to be hyper-powerful, Nakaba Suzuki might have the Seven Deadly Sins take center stage and kill Arthur Pendragon for him. He's just a kid. I would trust his potential more if he were 17 years old. Additionally, if he uses both Graces and Commandments by killing the Supreme Deity after the Demon King tells him to or some bullshit, then he might turn them both into Chaotic energy and destroy all realms. That's how I think it's gonna go, to be honest. It's a nihilistic despair story, and if it isn't, Tristan would be fully human by now. There would be some friend to Tristan who was meant to use the Graces while he stuck with the Commandments. However, Percival doesn't seem good at all. Also, Percival looks like he's Tristan's brother and Meliodas probably got some illusion spell from Gowther that made him look like a grandpa that is similar in appearance facially to Helbram. I think he copied Helbram's appearance for that spell and asked him to shapeshift into a believable grandpa form after Veronica Liones resurrected Helbram and regretted it. Also, the reason Tristan and Percival don't seem good and are probably evil is that nobody has been writing headcanons for how the series is gonna go. Otherwise, Nakaba Suzuki would respond in an SBS that something special is going to happen in a chapter once they chose either the Good Route or the Evil Route. There is no Neutral Route as that would result in Tristan gaining the Power of Nothingness and turning the Graces and Commandments into Curses of Nothingness that nullify all souls that are touched by the dimensional field that the Supreme Deity presumably is going to create if this crazy theory is correct. There is also a second Evil Route in which they join the Supreme Deity and kill all humans and Demons, but that is bullshit, as the Supreme Deity was already peaceful for a while, so she should have made some promise to be good by now. I guess she didn't. However, killing her is not worth it, as that will get the Heaven of their world to disappear within a hundred years in character. The Realm of the Dead would probably still exist, but they're kinda supposed to make friends with the angels so that Mael and Ludociel don't have to get executed. Additionally, Ludociel is ambiguous. He might not've supported the Supreme Deity's decision to kill Elizabeth. Here's why. He would've just killed her himself three thousand years ago in the story, as the Supreme Deity didn't like to stain her hands with blood. If she did, I think she would've risked appearing in the Nanatsu no Taizai manga after Ludociel reported to her what had happened a few minutes after he died. The assassin that went after Percival seemed like was Helbram, as he appeared to have a similar beard to Helbram's human form. Helbram probably forgot to look 40% different to his usual shapeshifting form. In other words, Percival is Tristan's nephew, and Tristan is actually 33 years old despite looking young. He's secretly immortal and Meliodas asked Arthur Pendragon for some of his Chaos Energy so that Tristan didn't die from light and darkness based complications in his body. Meliodas had Gowther show up to the meeting and kill himself with an explosive orb that Merlin gave him. That made Arthur Pendragon trust him a lot, so he said that it's OK for this to happen as long as the other Sins besides him move to Camelot, as all of them live on the Boar Hat still. Also, Escanor died of old age or something. Gawain is Escanor's son with Merlin, who must've aged herself up by getting rid of her time stop spell with Absolute Cancel. I think Nakaba Suzuki decided that her time stop spell stopped her soul and body as one, as he wanted an excuse for all of the characters to be dead by the time this got to a modern day parallel universe of our universe in some fictional sense. She must've transcended time or something. I would be fine with that as an explanation alternate to Merlin killing herself. I think Nakaba Suzuki is the type of mangaka who will kill off a female character if he thinks it seems logical, but personally, I feel like Margaret should be the one to kill Merlin. She can still ask Ludociel to consensually cohabitate with her through his astral possession and get divorced by Gilthunder. However, Liones is a Christian kingdom. No-fault divorces don't exist there, so Gowther will simply forgive her unless Gilthunder's voice actor states that such a sentiment is banned as he would then have to imagine that his fictional soulmate is someone he never had a choice to care about in real life. Then Harlequin will have to become the king of Liones and change the laws. However, that's ambiguous. Unless Arthur Pendragon declared him a winner who doesn't have to enslave himself with a promise to obey because he's still King of the Fairy Realm, he might be refusing to change his mind. In other words, Harlequin might end up killing himself. If Harlequin declared himself the best of the Seven Deadly Sins besides Meliodas because he defeated three major enemies named Chandler, Zeldris, and Mael, he might've gotten away with it. However, I don't think King will ever be killed off unless it's in a battle to the death. Here's why:King was three times more popular than Meliodas in an opinion poll. Everyone thought Meliodas was vicious and evil because he was going to kill Elizabeth by impregnating her with Demonic energy that would destroy her at the end of the series. Maybe some people thought that subconsciously. I personally forgot about it and didn't ever consciously have that exact thought. I just thought Meliodas was evil because he couldn't reproduce with Elizabeth without her child dying of complications. Therefore, he had to give up on Elizabeth and love Merlin zero times instead. Merlin kept it a secret that she was still biologically 12. Therefore, she wasn't worth it in a love based sense. If Meliodas had accepted her confession about 3000 years ago, she would've said that she was a trickster who wanted to make a good man like him a pedophile. Meliodas has to forgive her for that. His decision to execute her for supporting Arthur Pendragon and teaching him how to harvest Chaos Energy from humans and experimenting on civilians to figure it out after killing them in 30 different ways has to be pure of mind. If he executes her for being a potential love entrapper, he won't be good. However, Harlequin is not a king of the humans yet. He's gonna just have to have Diane be the Queen of the Fairies while a giant herself if he becomes a king of Liones. Harlequin can't execute Merlin, as it goes against his nature. Ban would kill her out of personal judgement, though. Gowther owes Merlin his life, but would kill her anyways. However, he hasn't made that deduction that Merlin decided to harvest humans for Chaos energy, and neither did Meliodas. Therefore, Tristan and Percival have to figure it out and tell Harlequin to kill her once he shows up in this story. That's the only way I see the humans accepting it. Normally, Gilthunder would become the king after Meliodas proved to be a traitor, but Gilthunder is dead. Meliodas had Harlequin assassinate him and he didn't regret it. Otherwise, King did not prove semi-loyal. Howzer probably got assassinated by Merlin. The Sins then all went back to either the Boar Hat or their domain known as the Fairy Kingdom, which is now an enemy of all humanity if i am not somehow magically wrong because King died against Meliodas in a fight to the death against him one on one, possibly with Merlin intervening and killing him while he didn't expect it. However, if that fight was shown, it would be in a flashback. Therefore, I believe that would have been shown to the readers of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Meliodas would not tell that story. He would say that he executed him privately. He would be an ultimate liar. However, it would become a truth, as nobody would be able to check the past unless they skipped the conversation and immediately fought Meliodas once he said he killed Harlequin. Here's why he would say he killed King. He would think of his usual name. Then they would think both Harlequin and Bartra Liones were dead if they were intelligent. They might choose to do that if Nakaba Suzuki goes with that. Then they would kill Meliodas after saying that he destroyed King's soul and must cease to exist. If they couldn't, their souls would get destroyed. Meliodas probably realized that if he wants to conquer the world before Bartra Liones' predictions of his demise become true, he would have to start destroying people's souls, or else he'd not remain a demon. He now uses Destruction Magic. It's his main form of energy. However, I believe he has a 90% probability of not having destroyed a soul yet. He still loves Elizabeth. If he decided to destroy souls, he would realize that people working for Arthur Pendragon would tell him to destroy Elizabeth's soul or kill himself on a physical and spiritual level. Then the Demon Realm would be suspected of ending along with the world. I think he loves Elizabeth in a cold way. She is his slave. She is not allowed to speak about anything important. She probably has a Commandment of Silence right now, which only prevents one from saying what's in their heart. If she doesn't, she just has Gowther monitoring her and threatening to kill her with some kind of weapon at all times. She's suspected of being capable of teleporting to Heaven the moment she gets a few hours to absorb the Flash Grace from Ludociel. If she isn't, the voice actors aren't allowed to influence the story of their own characters, or haven't read this forum and OtakuFreak's statements in the "Absorbing the Graces is 100% Possible" thread. However, since someone who cares about Elizabeth stated that she could absorb Graces, they only know that if Elizabeth told them in character. That's the rules for most characters, but not Merlin, because she is supposed to be smart in character. Merlin didn't keep quiet. Gowther promised not to mind read her. However, she didn't care. Also, the reason I don't state the phrase "I think" every time i think something is because I sometimes want things I say to not sound like they are bullshit. I don't think everyone assumes what i state is bullshit. However, Meliodas is actually much more intelligent than Merlin. He came up with the plan to split up the commandments and kill them separately, along with the plan to absorb the Commandments and then be saved by the Sins so that he could defeat the Demon King after absorbing the Commandment Spells. It worked out for him. They would have needed to be hyper-efficient otherwise, as I previously described in another thread. Merlin only decided that the Sins needed to become stronger to win. Gloxinia and Dolor were the real intellectuals there. I think that Merlin is now a time traveler because I stated in a previous series of statements on the 'If you could rewrite the series thread' that i didn't start that if I wanted to rewrite the manga of Nanatsu no Taizai, I would make Merlin use time travel to save people from spiritual annihilation. She would probably use the Goddess Clan's Time Return technique. This is something that Nakaba Suzuki seems to have integrated into the plot of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as Merlin stated to Lancelot that she would meet him many, many times, and that she's been to that world. She did not state directly that she had time traveled, so the only other possibility to me is that she went to an afterlife domain in which they would meet millions of times over the next few thousands of years. I think she time traveled. I feel good about this, as she probably saved some souls. They would have been devoured by Demons if she had not perfected all magical abilities except healing and then learned how to defeat the Demon Clan and control all worlds. I think her goal was once to make Arthur Pendragon be a good man, but she gave up on him and is surely the girl who called herself Guinevere and Gawain at different times. That girl looks like Merlin. There was an illusion of Merlin that Arthur had control over, but it was stated to be an illusion, and Merlin wouldn't let herself be killed in such a way. She always valued herself over others. I think that the girl who calls herself Gawain at the current moment should not be trusted. Percival should ask her if she's Merlin. She will then say 'No'. Gowther is not trustable in this matter. Anne is trustable, but Lancelot should stop being seduced by Gawain. I feel like Percival is going to need to run away from this demonic enemy that guards the gate out of the Demon Realm and then kill 3 different members of the Ten Commandments with his original magic of Hope, which draws power from Heaven or something and then gives him any of the abilities that can be granted through the eight types of magical blessings he can get, although he has not gotten an Oracle-type ability, which would be extremely helpful. Future visions in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe can only let people see negative events. Therefore, Percival will not be able to see a positive future of what he should do. He might see a future of a demon killing him so he can change it, though. It might change the story's outcome. Meanwhile, after he absorbs those three commandments, Tristan would take another three from another three Commandment user's dead corpses at around the same time. If they can't do it, they would need Anne's help. In the best case scenario, my odd headcanon is correct, and she has gotten the grace of Flash from Ludociel off screen. I would find it logical and this would make it possible for her to win. All she seemingly did was ask Ludociel to give her his Grace. He wanted the humans to get stronger so the Demons could be exterminated now that the prophecy indicates the Demons might destroy the human world. She uses a rapier, so Flash is a perfectly compatible Grace for her fighting style and ability to see the truth with her magic power. She can also read minds, so if she asks Zeldris if he wants to exterminate humanity, he will say 'Yes'. Then she will attack him with a power level of 30'000. He would be four times stronger than her, but it's still a winnable fight if Percival and Tristan cooperate. Gallon figured out that Zeldris is twice as efficient as a normal Commandment user. I don't like that, though. It forced Ludociel to not kill him in the manga. If it didn't, Nakaba Suzuki doesn't look at people's headcanons, which means everyone's feedback is of no value to him. I don't believe that is necessarily true. I also believe he might pay attention to people's theories about what might happen if they aren't too annoying to him. Here's how the fight would go. Percival would gain a power level of 60'000 when his ability of Hope turns out to be a fifth Grace. Tristan would fight with a power level of 40'000. Anne would be the one who would need to evade Zeldris. However, she would be too hasty and get her head sliced off. Zeldris would then hesitate to immediately slice her to pieces, as he wanted to mind control them so he could turn their abilities into darkness based abilities for the commandments after they turned around and ran away from the fight. However, turning around directly is already running away from the fight, so Anne would get closer to him as she circled around him with Flash's doubled movement speed. Then he would swing his sword in a circle to activate Ominous Nebula because he was stunned that Anne self-resurrected through Percival's Hope ability. After that, Anne would fly away and escape. Meanwhile, Percival would throw some Omega Ark of some kind at him and cause him to die. Tristan would stand back because he was already loyal to Zeldris. Just kidding about that, he would stab Percival in the back one second after Zeldris died. Then Percival would die after Tristan activated a spearing tentacle of darkness from his left arm to pierce his head. Meliodas would then say "Exterminate." All remaining three commandments would then immediately kill Percival and Anne with darkness energy attacks, fireballs launched by Monspiet, and a combo of attacks on Anne from Derierre. However, Anne would then kill herself with a projecting light blade from her right hand into her head because of her commandment of Piety. Since Percival had not self-resurrected yet, his destroyed body would rematerialize behind the enemy Gray Demon that had a Commandment of Selflessness and destroy him with an expanding light blast. All of his hearts would be incinerated after Percival's next blast. Zeldris would then say "That was impressive. Die." He had deactivated Ominous Nebula previously so as to spare Tristan. Then Percival blocked Zeldris's series of sword slashes with a power level of 70'000. He would then say "I will never lose Hope!" After that, he would gain a power level of 150'000 and Zeldris would then be dead from a series of eight slashes that destroyed all of his hearts and his head. Tristan would then say "What a winner. Meliodas, kill him." "No. You didn't ask me for permission." "It was your decision. However, I am the Demon King now. All commandments, join with me. Return to my self." Percival would then give up and slowly turn around to be mind controlled. It was a good decision. Otherwise, he would have gotten his soul destroyed by Meliodas' destruction magic. However, because he had been stunned by Tristan's increasing power level, Meliodas decided to instantly kill him in a non-annihilatory way. Meliodas would then speak. "When someone dies in the Demon Realm, their soul ceases to exist. At least you didn't get ended, hero of Liones." Meliodas then said nothing and silently activated Full Counter on his whole body. Merlin's Incinerate Ray was reflected at her and she died. Meliodas then said "That was an EASY WIN! Loser." Lancelot then said "My original ability was the Sin of Betrayal." "Good thought. However, you're annihilated. It's your turn, Anne. Oh. I see that you already did it. Good job. Now you get ten seconds. One. Ten. Annihilated. Good job, Merlin's automatic spell." Meliodas then realized he had waited a few seconds to do anything else. "Hmm. How come the Grace vanished? I guess it didn't want to exist anymore. Oh wait. Time for your fight....Tristan." "I need ten hours to absorb these commandments." "The Supreme Deity already appeared. Fight with your existing commandments or all humans get annihilated." "I do not care about any humans and support their erasure from existence." "Oops. You forgot to say 'with all my soul'. Therefore, you don't get to live forever. Just give up your comman-" "Never. I'm ending you. Oops. Thank you, Merlin and Guinevere and Gawain." Two Gray Demons then responded. "What do you want?" "I need to live forever. All Demons, obey me." "We were always willing to obey you, nameless King of ours. Now that the cycle of-" "Light and darkness were never real. Only Chaos and Nothingness are true." A cocoon of darkness then appeared around him of 5 meters diameter. Then Ludociel and Mael waited outside of the cocoon after turning off their Invisibility Graces lent to them by their Lietunant angels named Ludociel Fake and Nerobasta. "What an amateur! He didn't even sense our presences. Oh well. Guess he's going to die when the Supreme Deity gets here in an hour after he fails to absorb more than three commandments. Wait, hold on, isn't he going to have a power level of 400'000? That girl automatically infused him with ressurrective energy, as she couldn't resurrect just one person. I guess this is going to be a battle to our deaths. I am not fine with that. We should have-" "Stop. We'll just win on our own. With the Supreme Deity help, of course. It'll take her a few minutes to annihilate this whole realm when she gets here. That's enough." "Okay, you are now the leader of the Two Archangels. Want to have my Flash Grace?" "Thank you for giving me your Grace. You can now be a secondary fighter to me. After all, you wanted me to rape Elizabeth once." "I wanted you to marry her. Liar. You should've trusted me and not even considered it. However, I am sure you did not rape Elizabeth yet." "That is correct. I did not masturbate to her and visualize having sex with her. Therefore, why did I attempt to rape her during my only fight with her?" "You must've felt-" "Die." "That is the only statement no Archangel may ever state. Now I will die. I was just going to cease to exist. You still would've felt my presence. However, my astral form's still gonna exist, we can still win, I just have to fly into the Demon King Tristan at light speed to erase him in one hit. It's gonna be okay." "You would never be so formal, Ludociel Fake. Wait, he's going to be giant? Why wasn't Meliodas giant?" "Meliodas wasn't giant because he still wanted to spare the Sins from death. He was suppressing the Demon King from winning. Now that we have been suppressed for a minute by the Pacifism commandment, I do not feel fully existent. However, it only activated because it heard that we want each other to-Hmm. No. I don't want you to die, Ludociel." "Die. You were always the gentle one, Michael. You only wanted to rape Elizabeth. The consideration of eating her soul-" "DIE!" Ludociel then dissipated into light. "I am glad I took your Graces." His Graces then became commandments, and he then said something."I have six commandments of sin. However, I am OK with that. We would've been winners. However, I now have the Dark Flash Grace. That cannot destroy a Demon. Tristan, are you a demon?" "I am a Devil instead. There is no Hope any-Oh. Thank you, Percival." Percival had incinerated them all along with all Demons and Devils in a burst of radiant light that emanated from the core of the Demon Realm and destroyed all Demons but one innocent small child named Love. Love said something."Kill yourself. My dad is DEAD!""That's subjective. I'm gonna have to exist for the one million true second timespan decided by the Supreme Daughter of Meliodas." "I was always black eyed, Mael. However, you saw my eyes." "Good, Mother. Love-2, did you rename yourself?" "I wanted to be somebody cool. All Demons have had time. I don't FUCK YOU DIE!" "I am okay with this erasure. Goodbye, Love." Mael felt himself start to speak. "Good." Then the Demon Realm vanished into light. A new Mael transcended and maintained its core. Percival felt an image of a tear appear below his eye. "That was weird. Wait, who will know I exist?" "I know you, my friend." "Thank you, Sarah Helen." "That was wonderful. What about the D in my name? Don't I maintain the will of Death?" "I'm sure you do. However, the will of Death was always for life to be true and good." "He never wanted to live." "Did you stop the evil king?" "Arthur Pendragon stopped me. Once i killed him, a Chaos Singularity appeared, and Chaos was resurrected. Then i blacked out. I woke up and Chaos had given me a hug. He wasn't a demonic monster that Arthur Pendragon called Chaos. I had turned him back to the kind god he always was. He was being enslaved by a cat named Cath Palug. His real name was Order, for no full love could-Hmm. It could've. Christians had thought that. However, it would've been short-lived. I wish for a longer-" "Granted. I am not God. I am just a Supreme God that grants all wishes other than the erasure of Michael from existence. Only he has avoided the fatal sin of Wrath." Percival felt himself cry again."But he did not become innocent of it, did he?" "Granted. You will now be friends. Go watch Friends." "Everybody in it got married. Where did their girlfriends come from, if not from the friends of their friends?" "None of their friends were white. They had to go on dating sites. Benevolent angels guided their marriages." "Chaos, why?" "I created DK because he had regrets after his death. One was having Meliodas. The other was that Elizabeth and Anne were existent. I only created him in the past. Wait, he returned again. Begone, Demon King." "Ok. I don't feel motivation anymore. Mael, just awaken your four Gra-" "I did. However, the Commandments of Piety and Pacifism still exist. Do you want me to live?" "No. I want you to exist. You're the only good Angel. Ludociel wanted to destroy the universe." "Only life is good." Arthur Pendragon spoke."I thought only Loves were good. Helen, you saved me. If you hadn't loved me, I never would've felt love in my life. Goodbye, everybody." He then dropped Excalibur and instantly disappeared because of the Commandment of Death he had gained. "Percival, please give your Grace of Ho-" "Done. It is saving the Demons. They are all good Angels now." "I guess they were transcendent, for they never hurt one another. Zeldris only executed one Sinner." Zeldris and Zeldoris stated something."Ludociel only wanted revenge. He wasn't an aggressor against the universe. Everyone in the universe, please save humanity and the other races besides the Giant Clan, whom Gloxinia exterminated." An alien who looked human and had a coat communicated telepathically."Too late, I recreated everyone's bodies and they're all reincarnate or whatever bs." Dolor responded."Lucius Zogratis would be proud. I am the only Demon." An antimatter explosion then destroyed Dolor completely. "Thank you, Polarian aliens. You were our guiding stars." "I'm a skeptic. I'm probably partially true. Nobody believed in human aliens. Wanna know why all aliens haven't seemed to intervene? We already have. Magic only exists when all people in the universe except for Satan will it. It's false now. Prometheus, react." "You're happy now. Be friendly men." Ludociel reacted."Nerobasta, what happened to all of the pretty angelic women besides you?" "Oh, they're real. We just need all men to reproduce and self-replicate. Then all fake men can give up and be immortalized." "My Hope only gives people light when they don't have what they want. Now that they have Love, Hope is just an illusion. However, we do not need magic anymore. We only need children and immortalization." Polaris and Prometheus both said with all their willpower that "Beautiful children are all anybody needs, and we all have them now after ten years. Grace guided everyone to their true and perfect forms." Tristan responded."Yay. Sorry-" Then he turned into a beautiful time-stopped person. The Demon King named Pluton said something."Who are these beautiful children anyways?" "They are Anne Liones, who is Gilthunder's first daughter, and Elizabeth Anna Liones, who is Elizabeth's third child. One of her children wasn't a hero, wasn't she? That's okay. Some people are guided to marriage by their friends instead." "What happened to the dating sites from the future?" Polaris' dad communicated."I came up with those. They only work when people are guided to love by spiritual synchronicites through their similar birthday times. 70% of people who date online find that their soulmate is from the same month as them. That's Destiny for you. It's an Absolute Secret that nobody but a pure virtuous man is allowed to explain." Ban then said something."How is everyone gonna continue to exist forever? The Realm of the Dead is now empty. Everyone left to the Earth." "They will live forever. We just have to love each other." "Okay. However, my adoptive dad ceased to exist. All reality is worthless. Also, my adoptive dad didn't cease to exist in real life." Polaris said "Fuck it. Pointless. Guess I'm gonna end." "Frieza then stated something. "Why don't you simply erase all of existence?" "That is bullshit. Please self-end, for you were always disgusting." "Oh." Cooler then said something."He and Darkseid were the only ugly souls, by the way. Otherwise, we would never have even known ugliness existed." Sarah Helen then said "Worthless....However, at least my daughter inherited Fake Bartra's blue eyes."
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

It would be a perfect draw, OtakuFreak. The Supreme Deity would create a dimensional field around the Earth for it all to be turned into a new Heaven and the Demon King would just give up, as if he destroyed the new Heaven called Paradise with Destruction magic, he would have to lose his Chaos magic and ability to remain immortal, as his immortality comes from the Supreme Deity. Additionally, all Archangels can create pocket dimensions so that plan of the Supreme Deity's would make sense if Nakaba Suzuki wasn't unbelieving in the Supreme Deity's planetary-level power being something good. He was always planning to kill himself. Therefore, the Demon King would go back to the Demon Realm, as if he didn't, the Supreme Deity would try to kill him. Guess what happens if the Supreme Deity kills the Demon King. Then the negative energy of all existence disappears unless one person hates Elizabeth Liones with all their soul. If nobody hates Elizabeth with all their soul, then all negative energy disappears and all people on the planet become perfectly loving and happy in an artificial and fake sense because they would become enslaved to the Supreme Deity's mind control until their planet and their bodies dissipated into light energy. Then they wouldn't be alive anymore. I don't think anyone would truly hate her to that degree. Zeldris would surely already be dead by then. However, there is one person who would want to end her, and it's Meliodas Liones. He would kill her with his Trillion Dark spell imbued with destruction magic. Then he would be a winner, and Elizabeth Liones would become the new Supreme Deity by absorbing all her Graces as you suggested, OtakuFreak. However, I get the feeling the Supreme Deity's not gonna risk that kind of ending, as her only way to win is wounding the Demon King and turning all his Commandments into Graces with some sort of transmutation spell based on affection. Then the Demon King would have to become a real friend of hers. Otherwise, she would be petrified for saying "You are my friend now" as the Truth Commandment would petrify her for saying the one lie she can never say to someone who would be stronger than her at that time even while wounded. Veronica Liones would have automatically resurrected him or some shit as she'd be automatically resurrecting everyone that just died with her Grace, assuming Nakaba Suzuki doesn't declare that great possible ending bullshit. Also, Arthur could summon Chaos and kill both the Supreme Deity and the Demon King if he absorbed half its energy to become a Chaos God of some sort and kill the Demon King while Chaos killed the Supreme Deity, after which they'd both try to absorb each other and stay immortal because they don't really give a fuck. However, if Chaos is a good man, he'll just tell Arthur Pendragon he's worthless at that time in my delusional fanfic in which this subjectively epic ending is allowed to occur. Then Arthur Pendragon would kill himself by having Merlin stab him with Excalibur. It sounds like a good ending to me. Meliodas wouldn't do it because he was too much of a loser to kill someone who was formerly like a failed friend of his who refused to help fight against the Demon Clan except in self-defense. However, I don't consider myself a loser, as I would never fight anybody in real life. I would just fight fictional antagonists in fakeness by writing fanfiction and re-write replies in which I describe how things could happen as a natural progression of my theorization. I will edit this bullshit if somebody says that it's not good to go off topic and make people not like the original topic as much, even though comparing power levels on its own isn't satisfying to me, but if somebody says I am full of shit, I will simply say that everyone is full of shit except possibly OtakuFreak, as he's the only person on this forum who ever supported my theorizations of how the Demon King could be defeated. Also, if Elizabeth dies again in the Four Horsemen of the Apocaylpse story, she needs to get Mael to give her his grace of Sunshine so she can self-revive magically in some way in combination with being healed. That's all it would take. Mael can still use healing magic, as he's only killed somebody who already ate souls. Therefore, it should work if she ever gets killed. Previously, Veronica Liones resurrected Elizabeth from death and I have belief in that being true, but if Nakaba Suzuki makes a bullshit statement that this true theory is incorrect or has Elizabeth state such, I will simply decide that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse's story is bullshit and that Elizabeth Liones is not a duplicate. Also, just in case any of that part about the Demon King planning to kill himself sounded weird, I am not planning to kill myself in real life, and I am not a Satanist. Also, if somebody thinks it is bullshit that the Demon King can destroy a planet's surface with destruction magic, it is not bullshit, as he would unleash a chain reaction across the entire atmosphere despite the fact that he is only 200 or 500 meters tall. Also, if Nakaba Suzuki had this bullshittedly happen in the next chapter with the Demon King destroying everyone's souls if he uses the chain reaction and true resurrection being disproven by lack of faith by the readers, I would say that Merlin would immediately attempt a universal range time stop to make sure nobody's souls are destroyed. She'd just ask the Supreme Deity to grant her an Omnipotence Grace or some bullshit. If that's too OP, just make it only work on the whole universe one time, as otherwise, the space-time continuum would be too fractured. After that, only the Demon King would be able to attempt to destroy the universe by chain reacting Chaos energy throughout the whole energetic field Merlin would've created if he was transcendent and perfect which would make him therefore unbeatable and a bullshit entity that could never lose or love anybody ever again unless somebody vaporized him with either Greatest Sun or a giant Chastiefol explosion that destroyed his head. Then he would lose despite being able to destroy the universe. Also, that would be a fun ending to read for me, as then there could be a sequel called Six Ultimate Loser Sinners and Two Ultimate Infinite Winners Named Merlin and King. The sequel would be about them being confronted by aliens who all think they are superior and get to be immortal as long as they don't declare themselves ultimate truth-entities that have no purpose but to serve Elizabeth and Meliodas forever because they were ultimate lovers that overcame death. King would then say he's better than Meliodas because his automatic Chastiefols automatically killed Meliodas when Merlin's combined ability with Gowther let her control them to petrify and kill Meliodas for being disloyal and not killing Arthur Pendragon for a few weeks during which two or three thousand civilians got harvested by Arthur Pendragon's Chaos Magic, while Elizabeth got to survive. What do you think? Good ending?

Also, if the Supreme Deity worked together with Meliodas, she could sustain the heavenly dimensional field for a thousand years, as he would just have to kill Tristan for being evil and wanting to harvest innocent people with Chaos Magic as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. However, there is another possibility that might be true if I'm underestimating his goodnesss. Maybe he is instead one of the Four Holy Knights of the Apocalypse and is only pretending to work for Arthur Pendragon while he is still trusted. Then he has to just kill Arthur Pendragon as soon as the Demon King gives him all ten commandments and he learns teleportation abilities from him. That could happen in two chapters. However, I feel like he's just not strong enough to do that. Furthermore, Gowther clearly works for Arthur Pendragon as he hasn't helped defeat him yet. Therefore, Tristan isn't smart enough and is going to get mind read, which will prove that he was actually just loyal to Arthur Pendragon all along. I doubt he really wants to betray him. Gowther must be waiting for him once he gets back, as if he's not suspected of having Ten Commandments once he gets back, Gowther has made a mis-step and not understood his potential. He might be kinda weak though. After all, he's both a Demon and an angelic human, so unless he's destined to be hyper-powerful, Nakaba Suzuki might have the Seven Deadly Sins take center stage and kill Arthur Pendragon for him. He's just a kid. I would trust his potential more if he were 17 years old. Additionally, if he uses both Graces and Commandments by killing the Supreme Deity after the Demon King tells him to or some bullshit, then he might turn them both into Chaotic energy and destroy all realms. That's how I think it's gonna go, to be honest. It's a nihilistic despair story, and if it isn't, Tristan would be fully human by now. There would be some friend to Tristan who was meant to use the Graces while he stuck with the Commandments. However, Percival doesn't seem good at all. Also, Percival looks like he's Tristan's brother and Meliodas probably got some illusion spell from Gowther that made him look like a grandpa that is similar in appearance facially to Helbram. I think he copied Helbram's appearance for that spell and asked him to shapeshift into a believable grandpa form after Veronica Liones resurrected Helbram and regretted it. Also, the reason Tristan and Percival don't seem good and are probably evil is that nobody has been writing headcanons for how the series is gonna go. Otherwise, Nakaba Suzuki would respond in an SBS that something special is going to happen in a chapter once they chose either the Good Route or the Evil Route. There is no Neutral Route as that would result in Tristan gaining the Power of Nothingness and turning the Graces and Commandments into Curses of Nothingness that nullify all souls that are touched by the dimensional field that the Supreme Deity presumably is going to create if this crazy theory is correct. There is also a second Evil Route in which they join the Supreme Deity and kill all humans and Demons, but that is bullshit, as the Supreme Deity was already peaceful for a while, so she should have made some promise to be good by now. I guess she didn't. However, killing her is not worth it, as that will get the Heaven of their world to disappear within a hundred years in character. The Realm of the Dead would probably still exist, but they're kinda supposed to make friends with the angels so that Mael and Ludociel don't have to get executed. Additionally, Ludociel is ambiguous. He might not've supported the Supreme Deity's decision to kill Elizabeth. Here's why. He would've just killed her himself three thousand years ago in the story, as the Supreme Deity didn't like to stain her hands with blood. If she did, I think she would've risked appearing in the Nanatsu no Taizai manga after Ludociel reported to her what had happened a few minutes after he died. The assassin that went after Percival seemed like was Helbram, as he appeared to have a similar beard to Helbram's human form. Helbram probably forgot to look 40% different to his usual shapeshifting form. In other words, Percival is Tristan's nephew, and Tristan is actually 33 years old despite looking young. He's secretly immortal and Meliodas asked Arthur Pendragon for some of his Chaos Energy so that Tristan didn't die from light and darkness based complications in his body. Meliodas had Gowther show up to the meeting and kill himself with an explosive orb that Merlin gave him. That made Arthur Pendragon trust him a lot, so he said that it's OK for this to happen as long as the other Sins besides him move to Camelot, as all of them live on the Boar Hat still. Also, Escanor died of old age or something. Gawain is Escanor's son with Merlin, who must've aged herself up by getting rid of her time stop spell with Absolute Cancel. I think Nakaba Suzuki decided that her time stop spell stopped her soul and body as one, as he wanted an excuse for all of the characters to be dead by the time this got to a modern day parallel universe of our universe in some fictional sense. She must've transcended time or something. I would be fine with that as an explanation alternate to Merlin killing herself. I think Nakaba Suzuki is the type of mangaka who will kill off a female character if he thinks it seems logical, but personally, I feel like Margaret should be the one to kill Merlin. She can still ask Ludociel to consensually cohabitate with her through his astral possession and get divorced by Gilthunder. However, Liones is a Christian kingdom. No-fault divorces don't exist there, so Gowther will simply forgive her unless Gilthunder's voice actor states that such a sentiment is banned as he would then have to imagine that his fictional soulmate is someone he never had a choice to care about in real life. Then Harlequin will have to become the king of Liones and change the laws. However, that's ambiguous. Unless Arthur Pendragon declared him a winner who doesn't have to enslave himself with a promise to obey because he's still King of the Fairy Realm, he might be refusing to change his mind. In other words, Harlequin might end up killing himself. If Harlequin declared himself the best of the Seven Deadly Sins besides Meliodas because he defeated three major enemies named Chandler, Zeldris, and Mael, he might've gotten away with it. However, I don't think King will ever be killed off unless it's in a battle to the death. Here's why:King was three times more popular than Meliodas in an opinion poll. Everyone thought Meliodas was vicious and evil because he was going to kill Elizabeth by impregnating her with Demonic energy that would destroy her at the end of the series. Maybe some people thought that subconsciously. I personally forgot about it and didn't ever consciously have that exact thought. I just thought Meliodas was evil because he couldn't reproduce with Elizabeth without her child dying of complications. Therefore, he had to give up on Elizabeth and love Merlin zero times instead. Merlin kept it a secret that she was still biologically 12. Therefore, she wasn't worth it in a love based sense. If Meliodas had accepted her confession about 3000 years ago, she would've said that she was a trickster who wanted to make a good man like him a pedophile. Meliodas has to forgive her for that. His decision to execute her for supporting Arthur Pendragon and teaching him how to harvest Chaos Energy from humans and experimenting on civilians to figure it out after killing them in 30 different ways has to be pure of mind. If he executes her for being a potential love entrapper, he won't be good. However, Harlequin is not a king of the humans yet. He's gonna just have to have Diane be the Queen of the Fairies while a giant herself if he becomes a king of Liones. Harlequin can't execute Merlin, as it goes against his nature. Ban would kill her out of personal judgement, though. Gowther owes Merlin his life, but would kill her anyways. However, he hasn't made that deduction that Merlin decided to harvest humans for Chaos energy, and neither did Meliodas. Therefore, Tristan and Percival have to figure it out and tell Harlequin to kill her once he shows up in this story. That's the only way I see the humans accepting it. Normally, Gilthunder would become the king after Meliodas proved to be a traitor, but Gilthunder is dead. Meliodas had Harlequin assassinate him and he didn't regret it. Otherwise, King did not prove semi-loyal. Howzer probably got assassinated by Merlin. The Sins then all went back to either the Boar Hat or their domain known as the Fairy Kingdom, which is now an enemy of all humanity if i am not somehow magically wrong because King died against Meliodas in a fight to the death against him one on one, possibly with Merlin intervening and killing him while he didn't expect it. However, if that fight was shown, it would be in a flashback. Therefore, I believe that would have been shown to the readers of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Meliodas would not tell that story. He would say that he executed him privately. He would be an ultimate liar. However, it would become a truth, as nobody would be able to check the past unless they skipped the conversation and immediately fought Meliodas once he said he killed Harlequin. Here's why he would say he killed King. He would think of his usual name. Then they would think both Harlequin and Bartra Liones were dead if they were intelligent. They might choose to do that if Nakaba Suzuki goes with that. Then they would kill Meliodas after saying that he destroyed King's soul and must cease to exist. If they couldn't, their souls would get destroyed. Meliodas probably realized that if he wants to conquer the world before Bartra Liones' predictions of his demise become true, he would have to start destroying people's souls, or else he'd not remain a demon. He now uses Destruction Magic. It's his main form of energy. However, I believe he has a 90% probability of not having destroyed a soul yet. He still loves Elizabeth. If he decided to destroy souls, he would realize that people working for Arthur Pendragon would tell him to destroy Elizabeth's soul or kill himself on a physical and spiritual level. Then the Demon Realm would be suspected of ending along with the world. I think he loves Elizabeth in a cold way. She is his slave. She is not allowed to speak about anything important. She probably has a Commandment of Silence right now, which only prevents one from saying what's in their heart. If she doesn't, she just has Gowther monitoring her and threatening to kill her with some kind of weapon at all times. She's suspected of being capable of teleporting to Heaven the moment she gets a few hours to absorb the Flash Grace from Ludociel. If she isn't, the voice actors aren't allowed to influence the story of their own characters, or haven't read this forum and OtakuFreak's statements in the "Absorbing the Graces is 100% Possible" thread. However, since someone who cares about Elizabeth stated that she could absorb Graces, they only know that if Elizabeth told them in character. That's the rules for most characters, but not Merlin, because she is supposed to be smart in character. Merlin didn't keep quiet. Gowther promised not to mind read her. However, she didn't care. Also, the reason I don't state the phrase "I think" every time i think something is because I sometimes want things I say to not sound like they are bullshit. I don't think everyone assumes what i state is bullshit. However, Meliodas is actually much more intelligent than Merlin. He came up with the plan to split up the commandments and kill them separately, along with the plan to absorb the Commandments and then be saved by the Sins so that he could defeat the Demon King after absorbing the Commandment Spells. It worked out for him. They would have needed to be hyper-efficient otherwise, as I previously described in another thread. Merlin only decided that the Sins needed to become stronger to win. Gloxinia and Dolor were the real intellectuals there. I think that Merlin is now a time traveler because I stated in a previous series of statements on the 'If you could rewrite the series thread' that i didn't start that if I wanted to rewrite the manga of Nanatsu no Taizai, I would make Merlin use time travel to save people from spiritual annihilation. She would probably use the Goddess Clan's Time Return technique. This is something that Nakaba Suzuki seems to have integrated into the plot of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as Merlin stated to Lancelot that she would meet him many, many times, and that she's been to that world. She did not state directly that she had time traveled, so the only other possibility to me is that she went to an afterlife domain in which they would meet millions of times over the next few thousands of years. I think she time traveled. I feel good about this, as she probably saved some souls. They would have been devoured by Demons if she had not perfected all magical abilities except healing and then learned how to defeat the Demon Clan and control all worlds. I think her goal was once to make Arthur Pendragon be a good man, but she gave up on him and is surely the girl who called herself Guinevere and Gawain at different times. That girl looks like Merlin. There was an illusion of Merlin that Arthur had control over, but it was stated to be an illusion, and Merlin wouldn't let herself be killed in such a way. She always valued herself over others. I think that the girl who calls herself Gawain at the current moment should not be trusted. Percival should ask her if she's Merlin. She will then say 'No'. Gowther is not trustable in this matter. Anne is trustable, but Lancelot should stop being seduced by Gawain. I feel like Percival is going to need to run away from this demonic enemy that guards the gate out of the Demon Realm and then kill 3 different members of the Ten Commandments with his original magic of Hope, which draws power from Heaven or something and then gives him any of the abilities that can be granted through the eight types of magical blessings he can get, although he has not gotten an Oracle-type ability, which would be extremely helpful. Future visions in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe can only let people see negative events. Therefore, Percival will not be able to see a positive future of what he should do. He might see a future of a demon killing him so he can change it, though. It might change the story's outcome. Meanwhile, after he absorbs those three commandments, Tristan would take another three from another three Commandment user's dead corpses at around the same time. If they can't do it, they would need Anne's help. In the best case scenario, my odd headcanon is correct, and she has gotten the grace of Flash from Ludociel off screen. I would find it logical and this would make it possible for her to win. All she seemingly did was ask Ludociel to give her his Grace. He wanted the humans to get stronger so the Demons could be exterminated now that the prophecy indicates the Demons might destroy the human world. She uses a rapier, so Flash is a perfectly compatible Grace for her fighting style and ability to see the truth with her magic power. She can also read minds, so if she asks Zeldris if he wants to exterminate humanity, he will say 'Yes'. Then she will attack him with a power level of 30'000. He would be four times stronger than her, but it's still a winnable fight if Percival and Tristan cooperate. Gallon figured out that Zeldris is twice as efficient as a normal Commandment user. I don't like that, though. It forced Ludociel to not kill him in the manga. If it didn't, Nakaba Suzuki doesn't look at people's headcanons, which means everyone's feedback is of no value to him. I don't believe that is necessarily true. I also believe he might pay attention to people's theories about what might happen if they aren't too annoying to him. Here's how the fight would go. Percival would gain a power level of 60'000 when his ability of Hope turns out to be a fifth Grace. Tristan would fight with a power level of 40'000. Anne would be the one who would need to evade Zeldris. However, she would be too hasty and get her head sliced off. Zeldris would then hesitate to immediately slice her to pieces, as he wanted to mind control them so he could turn their abilities into darkness based abilities for the commandments after they turned around and ran away from the fight. However, turning around directly is already running away from the fight, so Anne would get closer to him as she circled around him with Flash's doubled movement speed. Then he would swing his sword in a circle to activate Ominous Nebula because he was stunned that Anne self-resurrected through Percival's Hope ability. After that, Anne would fly away and escape. Meanwhile, Percival would throw some Omega Ark of some kind at him and cause him to die. Tristan would stand back because he was already loyal to Zeldris. Just kidding about that, he would stab Percival in the back one second after Zeldris died. Then Percival would die after Tristan activated a spearing tentacle of darkness from his left arm to pierce his head. Meliodas would then say "Exterminate." All remaining three commandments would then immediately kill Percival and Anne with darkness energy attacks, fireballs launched by Monspiet, and a combo of attacks on Anne from Derierre. However, Anne would then kill herself with a projecting light blade from her right hand into her head because of her commandment of Piety. Since Percival had not self-resurrected yet, his destroyed body would rematerialize behind the enemy Gray Demon that had a Commandment of Selflessness and destroy him with an expanding light blast. All of his hearts would be incinerated after Percival's next blast. Zeldris would then say "That was impressive. Die." He had deactivated Ominous Nebula previously so as to spare Tristan. Then Percival blocked Zeldris's series of sword slashes with a power level of 70'000. He would then say "I will never lose Hope!" After that, he would gain a power level of 150'000 and Zeldris would then be dead from a series of eight slashes that destroyed all of his hearts and his head. Tristan would then say "What a winner. Meliodas, kill him." "No. You didn't ask me for permission." "It was your decision. However, I am the Demon King now. All commandments, join with me. Return to my self." Percival would then give up and slowly turn around to be mind controlled. It was a good decision. Otherwise, he would have gotten his soul destroyed by Meliodas' destruction magic. However, because he had been stunned by Tristan's increasing power level, Meliodas decided to instantly kill him in a non-annihilatory way. Meliodas would then speak. "When someone dies in the Demon Realm, their soul ceases to exist. At least you didn't get ended, hero of Liones." Meliodas then said nothing and silently activated Full Counter on his whole body. Merlin's Incinerate Ray was reflected at her and she died. Meliodas then said "That was an EASY WIN! Loser." Lancelot then said "My original ability was the Sin of Betrayal." "Good thought. However, you're annihilated. It's your turn, Anne. Oh. I see that you already did it. Good job. Now you get ten seconds. One. Ten. Annihilated. Good job, Merlin's automatic spell." Meliodas then realized he had waited a few seconds to do anything else. "Hmm. How come the Grace vanished? I guess it didn't want to exist anymore. Oh wait. Time for your fight....Tristan." "I need ten hours to absorb these commandments." "The Supreme Deity already appeared. Fight with your existing commandments or all humans get annihilated." "I do not care about any humans and support their erasure from existence." "Oops. You forgot to say 'with all my soul'. Therefore, you don't get to live forever. Just give up your comman-" "Never. I'm ending you. Oops. Thank you, Merlin and Guinevere and Gawain." Two Gray Demons then responded. "What do you want?" "I need to live forever. All Demons, obey me." "We were always willing to obey you, nameless King of ours. Now that the cycle of-" "Light and darkness were never real. Only Chaos and Nothingness are true." A cocoon of darkness then appeared around him of 5 meters diameter. Then Ludociel and Mael waited outside of the cocoon after turning off their Invisibility Graces lent to them by their Lietunant angels named Ludociel Fake and Nerobasta. "What an amateur! He didn't even sense our presences. Oh well. Guess he's going to die when the Supreme Deity gets here in an hour after he fails to absorb more than three commandments. Wait, hold on, isn't he going to have a power level of 400'000? That girl automatically infused him with ressurrective energy, as she couldn't resurrect just one person. I guess this is going to be a battle to our deaths. I am not fine with that. We should have-" "Stop. We'll just win on our own. With her help, of course. It'll take her a few minutes to annihilate this whole realm when she gets here. That's enough." "Okay, you are now the leader of the Two Archangels. Want to have my Flash Grace?" "Thank you for giving me your Grace. You can now be a secondary fighter to me. After all, you wanted me to rape Elizabeth once." "I wanted you to marry her. Liar. You should've trusted me and not even considered it. However, I am sure you did not rape Elizabeth yet." "That is correct. I did not masturbate to her and visualize having sex with her. Therefore, why did I attempt to rape her during my only fight with her?" "You must've felt-" "Die." "That is the only statement no Archangel may ever state. Now I will die. I was just going to cease to exist. You still would've felt my presence. However, my astral form's still gonna exist, we can still win, I just have to fly into the Demon King Tristan at light speed to erase him in one hit. It's gonna be okay." "You would never be so formal, Ludociel Fake. Wait, he's going to be giant? Why wasn't Meliodas giant?" "Meliodas wasn't giant because he still wanted to spare the Sins from death. He was suppressing the Demon King from winning. Now that we have been suppressed for a minute by the Pacifism commandment, I do not feel fully existent. However, it only activated because it heard that we want each other to-Hmm. No. I don't want you to die, Ludociel." "Die. You were always the gentle one, Michael. You only wanted to rape Elizabeth. The consideration of eating her soul-" "DIE!" Ludociel then dissipated into light. "I am glad I took your Graces." His Graces then became commandments, and he then said something."I have six commandments of sin. However, I am OK with that. We would've been winners. However, I now have the Dark Flash Grace. That cannot destroy a Demon. Tristan, are you a demon?" "I am a Devil instead. There is no Hope any-Oh. Thank you, Percival." Percival had incinerated them all along with all Demons and Devils in a burst of radiant light that emanated from the core of the Demon Realm and destroyed all Demons but one innocent small child named Love. Wait, he was named Love-2. Liebe-2 said something."Kill yourself. My dad is DEAD!" "I'll do it in a year. However, my author will not do so." "One minute. One year." "That's subjective. I'm gonna have to exist for the one million true second timespan decided by the Supreme Daughter of Meliodas." "I was always black eyed, Mael. However, you saw my eyes." "Good, Mother. Love-2, did you rename yourself?" "I wanted to be somebody cool. All Demons have had time. I don't FUCK YOU DIE!" "I am okay with this erasure. Goodbye, Love." Mael felt himself start to speak. "Good." Then the Demon Realm vanished into light. A new Mael transcended and maintained its core. Percival felt an image of a tear appear below his eye. "That was weird. Wait, who will know I exist?" "I know you, my friend." "Thank you, Sarah Helen." "That was wonderful. What about the D in my name? Don't I maintain the will of Death?" "I'm sure you do. However, the will of Death was always for life to be true and good." "He never wanted to live." "Did you stop the evil king?" "Arthur Pendragon stopped me. Once i killed him, a Chaos Singularity appeared, and Chaos was resurrected. Then i blacked out. I woke up and Chaos had given me a hug. He wasn't a demonic monster that Arthur Pendragon called Chaos. I had turned him back to the kind god he always was. He was being enslaved by a cat named Cath Palug. His real name was Order, for no full love could-Hmm. It could've. Christians had thought that. However, it would've been short-lived. I wish for a longer-" "Granted. I am not God. I am just a Supreme God that grants all wishes other than the erasure of Michael from existence. Only he has avoided the fatal sin of Wrath." Percival felt himself cry again."But he did not become innocent of it, did he?" "Granted. You will now be friends. Go watch Friends." "Everybody in it got married. Where did their girlfriends come from, if not from the friends of their friends?" "None of their friends were white. They had to go on dating sites. Benevolent angels guided their marriages." "Chaos, why?" "I created DK because he had regrets after his death. One was having Meliodas. The other was that Elizabeth and Anne were existent. I only created him in the past. Wait, he returned again. Begone, Demon King." "Ok. I don't feel motivation anymore. Mael, just awaken your four Gra-" "I did. However, the Commandments of Piety and Pacifism still exist. Do you want me to live?" "No. I want you to exist. You're the only good Angel. Ludociel wanted to destroy the universe." "Only life is good." Arthur Pendragon spoke."I thought only Loves were good. Helen, you saved me. If you hadn't loved me, I never would've felt love in my life. Goodbye, everybody." He then dropped Excalibur and instantly disappeared because of the Commandment of Death he had gained. "Percival, please give your Grace of Ho-" "Done. It is saving the Demons. They are all good Angels now." "I guess they were transcendent, for they never hurt one another. Zeldris only executed one Sinner." Zeldris and Zeldoris stated something."Ludociel only wanted revenge. He wasn't an aggressor against the universe. Everyone in the universe, please save humanity and the other races besides the Giant Clan, whom Gloxinia exterminated." An alien who looked human and had a coat communicated telepathically."Too late, I recreated everyone's bodies and they're all reincarnate or whatever bs." Dolor responded."Lucius Zogratis would be proud. I am the only Demon." An antimatter explosion then destroyed Dolor completely. "Thank you, Polarian aliens. You were our guiding stars." "I'm a skeptic. I'm probably partially true. Nobody believed in human aliens. Wanna know why all aliens haven't seemed to intervene? We already have. Magic only exists when all people in the universe except for Satan will it. It's false now. Prometheus, react." "You're happy now. Be friendly men." Ludociel reacted."Nerobasta, what happened to all of the pretty angelic women besides you?" "Oh, they're real. We just need all men to reproduce and self-replicate. Then all fake men can give up and be immortalized." "My Hope only gives people light when they don't have what they want. Now that they have Love, Hope is just an illusion. However, we do not need magic anymore. We only need children and immortalization." Polaris and Prometheus both said with all their willpower that "Beautiful children are all anybody needs, and we all have them now. Grace guided everyone to their true and perfect forms." Tristan responded."Yay. Sorry-" Then he turned into a beautiful time-stopped person. The Demon King named Pluton said something."Who are these beautiful children anyways?" "They are Anne Liones, who is Gilthunder's first daughter, and Elizabeth Anna Liones, who is Elizabeth's third child. One of her children wasn't a hero, wasn't she? That's okay. Some people are guided to marriage by their friends instead." "What happened to the dating sites from the future?" Polaris' dad communicated."I came up with those. They only work when people are guided to love by spiritual synchronicites through their similar birthday times. 70% of people who date online find that their soulmate is from the same month as them. That's Destiny for you. It's an Absolute Secret that nobody but a pure virtuous man is allowed to explain." Ban then said something."How is everyone gonna continue to exist forever? The Realm of the Dead is now empty. Everyone left to the Earth." "They will live forever. We just have to love each other." "Okay. However, my adoptive dad ceased to exist. All reality is worthless. Also, my adoptive dad didn't cease to exist in real life." Polaris said "Fuck it. Pointless. Guess I'm gonna end." "Frieza then stated something. "Why don't you simply erase all of existence?" "That is bullshit. Please self-end, for you were always disgusting." "Oh." Cooler then said something."He and Darkseid were the only ugly souls, by the way. Otherwise, we would never have even known ugliness existed." Sarah Helen then said "Worthless....However, at least my daughter inherited Fake Bartra's blue eyes."
Also, they gave the children immortalization, too. Everyone in the Holy Realm was happy. However, it seems the only exception was that Chaos Demon named Chaos that was still evil in Chapter 109. Afterwards, they started reasoning on how everyone in the Realm of Annihilation, or rather, the Realm of Wrath, would be saved. They decided they would just ask Bartra Liones to give them future vision abilities so they can become immortalized by coordinating with the movements of their future selves to re-immortalize themselves after almost 65% of them descended to mortality so that they could obtain superior immortality abilities to the abilities they obtained and then kept for 857 years. It didn't work yet, because they hadn't been doing it for long enough. Their future selves had also used matter transmutation magic invented by one of Merlin's imprisoned time-traveling selves to rearrange the continent so that they could replicate the proper environment so that everybody could move in the same way at the same time across the entire land. However, there wasn't enough energy or purpose in doing so for everybody in the world, as not enough people wanted to control past selves that had never gotten to be saved by Elizabeth Liones, even if that could save them from death. Only 100% of those people had made it to the Realm of the Dead.
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Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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Adding a new feat for DK, 50℅ DK is strong enough to subdue an beast like the Behemoth.
Off course SD and EOS sins would scale to this