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Discussion One Piece Power Level Discussion Thread


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
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United Kingdom
Ground Rules for the Power Level Discussion Thread

As always, please follow the guidelines set by the Forum Rules that apply across the board.

It's important that discussions from a current chapter are spoiler tagged until 24h have passed from an english release.

  • For the sake of constructive discussion, where and when possible please quote/ source any information you provide. Particularly when it comes to conversations carried over from other threads.
  • Avoid passive agressive posts, sly remarks or baiting/trolling. You can certainly have fun or disagree without it being at someone's expense.
  • Only use anime examples that are canon and as means to provide clarity to pages in the manga. Any other anime material is otherwise non-canon and should only be referenced if it can be proved that the mangaka had approved it.
  • We will strive to avoid repetitive discussions and any extensive battle topics will be guided to the Davy Back fight to existing threads or new ones can be made there.

As of now these topics are shelved due to repetitiveness or until the manga can present us with material to further discussions:

  1. Shanks v Mihawk
  2. Hand to hand fighters > Swordsmen
  3. Zoro > Luffy
  4. Zoro v Sanji
  5. Is Smoker a top 30 character?
  6. Mihawk's rank within the story
  7. Law having CoC currently.
  8. Katakuri > Kaido/Luffy/Etc.

If you wish to continue any of these discussion and remove it from the list, you will need to provide manga material as proof. If there's also anything you think we've covered numerous times, let me know and I'll update the list.

This is the only warning there'll be regarding these ground rules, anything no adhering will be removed. So please just check your posts before posting them.
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Think of every ability as an attack I guess.
Akainu punching magma at Luffy? Luffy's haki "blocks" it.
Sugar trying to turn someone into a toy? Pretend it has a physical presence and that haki "blocks" it.
I imagine it'd work even for Moriah's cutting someone's shadow off of them.

The only outlier I can think of is Big Mom who simply not being intimidated is enough to cancel out her Soul Pocus, but then she'd probably just crush you anyways.
I don't think that works because a lot of abilities simply aren't "attacks". Haki can definitely be used to protect yourself from things like magma or ice but I usually saw that as haki being effective and physically resisting those. It's not cancelation of abilities, it's simply physically resisting things. With Sugar needs to touch people for her ability to be effective but it's not an attack. Using haki to prevent her touching you is pretty simple as far as I can tell. Emission or conqueror haki more than do the trick. but once the ability is applied you'd need to do what law did.

Hmmm, i don't see how haki could help you against moria's ability. How would a haki burst or whatever give you back your shadow? Strickly speaking I don't think you count as being under a devil fruit's influence at that point, there's nothing to cancel.

Here's a few things I think could be cancelled with haki:

- You could remove vander decken's target from your body.
- Doflamingo's parasite
- BB's fruit cancelling
- Sugar's toy-fication
- Maybe hancock's petrification if you use your haki before you fall unconscious

Basically, you can resist things that are on the more supernatural side of things, non physical effects applied to you. But you can't cancel physical stuff which is going on around you.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 10, 2014
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United States
I don't think that works because a lot of abilities simply aren't "attacks". Haki can definitely be used to protect yourself from things like magma or ice but I usually saw that as haki being effective and physically resisting those. It's not cancelation of abilities, it's simply physically resisting things. With Sugar needs to touch people for her ability to be effective but it's not an attack. Using haki to prevent her touching you is pretty simple as far as I can tell. Emission or conqueror haki more than do the trick. but once the ability is applied you'd need to do what law did.

Hmmm, i don't see how haki could help you against moria's ability. How would a haki burst or whatever give you back your shadow? Strickly speaking I don't think you count as being under a devil fruit's influence at that point, there's nothing to cancel.

Here's a few things I think could be cancelled with haki:

- You could remove vander decken's target from your body.
- Doflamingo's parasite
- BB's fruit cancelling
- Sugar's toy-fication
- Maybe hancock's petrification if you use your haki before you fall unconscious

Basically, you can resist things that are on the more supernatural side of things, non physical effects applied to you. But you can't cancel physical stuff which is going on around you.
The nomenclature I chose (attack) is just a way to help with a visual. Basically that some form of ability is being enacted on someone by Sugar, and that person can create a barrier of haki to prevent it just like how they'd prevent Akainu's magma from obliterating them.

Re: Moriah, I would assume since Moriah has to physically grab your shadow and cut it with scissors, that a strong haki user could simply defend against the "grabbing" part and prevent Moriah from taking it in the first place. Basically I'm not saying that you can haki your shadow back, but that Moriah likely wouldn't of been able to take Whitebeard's shadow in Marineford.

We also saw an application of Haki in Marineford with the OG Admirals defending against Whitebeard.

zetsu banned

MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 10, 2006
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United States
Here's a few things I think could be cancelled with haki:

- You could remove vander decken's target from your body.
- Doflamingo's parasite
- BB's fruit cancelling
- Sugar's toy-fication
- Maybe hancock's petrification if you use your haki before you fall unconscious
If you can successfully exert willpower, yeah. Doffy's Parasite was physically controlling, it could probably be broken out of by brute strength and I'm pretty sure that's more so what Luffy did. BB is up in the air, but I think that's probably the case. Toyification seemed to cancel out haki use since Chinjao couldn't de-toy himself. Hancock's petrification is instantaneous and given Blackbeard's weariness of it, I doubt it can be cancelled out like that


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
Doffy's Parasite was physically controlling, it could probably be broken out of by brute strength and I'm pretty sure that's more so what Luffy did.
Luffy was never under effect of Parasite, Doflamingo only attached strings to his limbs

Parasite is a technique which a small string pierce the spine, and gives Doflamingo remote control of someone's body:

Since Diamond Jozu couldn't break off the effects of Parasite, it should be assumed that it's impossible to break off with physical strength.

Presumably there's a time limit to the effect of Parasite.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 10, 2014
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United States
Luffy was never under effect of Parasite, Doflamingo only attached strings to his limbs

Parasite is a technique which a small string pierce the spine, and gives Doflamingo remote control of someone's body:

Since Diamond Jozu couldn't break off the effects of Parasite, it should be assumed that it's impossible to break off with physical strength.

Presumably there's a time limit to the effect of Parasite.
Luffy broke out of parasite strings with brute strength. It's not as clear in the manga, but the anime expanded upon it. It was pretty obvious in the episode (and TBH it wasn't a whole lot of BS added, just an extra line of dialogue by Doflamingo / Luffy confirming it was indeed parasite strings).


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
On the point of Zoro vs zombie Ryuma.
Right, this is true when it comes to a fight where both are high attack power fighters. But this was before haki was a thing, and that is a big difference. Haki allows you to tank attacks that you otherwise can't. For example, Zoro tanked King's mountain size explosion with no damage, but also claimed that if he didn't defend with haki he would've been one shot.

Coming to Zoro vs Kaku.
Kaku could tank Zoro's attacks due to "tekkai"

And onto the counter example.
Luffy and Lucci are both similar fighters, in that they are physical fighters who rely on martial arts. Luffy vs Lucci was one of the most even fights in the series, with countless attacks being exchanged.
I think so long as the two fighters are relatively the same in attack & defense power this will stand (doesn't require them to have high attack power). And even though that was before haki, I think explosions are generally poor way to judge anything in OP. We've had people as weak as Pell survive massive explosions but then have Pedro die. In my opinion Oda is far too inconsistent with bombs/environmental things to use it credibly for power scaling.

Lucci and Ciphor Pol in general fight with kill moves and go for weak points on the body like throats. Shigan and its variations are assassination techniques so in my opinion had Zoro failed to dodge he'd have likely lost the fight. Do agree that had he used haki to defend that could have been different, but same could be said for Lucci against Zoro's final attack. My point on this is if Zoro took the attack as a result of being unable to dodge/defend.

The Zoro vs Kaku and Lucci vs Luffy are both examples of fights that got full depiction. Oda makes fighters in those trade many blows since we need to see the fight but generally doesn't do it for fights that aren't depicted directly aka off screen fights.

On bold part.

Yes for Zoro, no for Lucci.

Kaku was more attack power heavy than Lucci, even though Lucci was in general stronger (look at Kaku's attack cutting that entire giant tower in half). Zoro tanked several attacks from Kaku.
Luffy also took several attacks from Lucci as well, and Zoro is roughly comparable to Luffy when it comes to durability/endurance, as we saw later in TB.

And currently, the gap is far higher. Let's say Lucci has comparable armament haki to Zoro, but Zoro had advanced conqueror's which is a further boost to durability too.
Zoro is more than capable of tanking several hits from Lucci.

The only character who had the risk of getting one shot here was Lucci, not Zoro.

CP0 vs Apoo/Drake was not a one shot fight.
It was a fight that went on for some time off-screen, after which we only saw the victors. Same with CP0 vs Izo, another off screen fight where we only saw the end. They could've exchanged blows off screen, we don't know.
This I disagree with. I think Lucci has higher attack power than Kaku when it comes to damaging an individual. Kaku may have bigger attacks that can destroy large objects but I think Lucci has more damaging attacks against individuals.

I also don't think Luffy & Zoro have comparable durability/endurance anymore (do agree this was the case in Thriller Bark), especially after Wano. But this is a an aside.

As for CPO v Apoo, that is exactly my point. Whenever a fight is off screen, we just see the end and never really what happened. We have to assume back & forth OR we just accept what we saw is all there is to it. By this same standard we could say Zoro & Lucci exchanged other named attacks off screen, Zoro used bandana but took it off later, etc. We can make up whatever we want so long as the conclusion is the same. That's why I prefer for these to just stick to what we actually see in panels and nothing else.

Isn't this an issue with your perception though?
Oda has shown SEVERAL fights in the series where equal fighters continue to fight for a long duration, exchanging many blows. Point being, what tends to happen in the series is opposite of how you think fights between even fighters should go.
Zoro vs zombie Ryuma was an exception to the norm of fights between comparable fighters taking forever in OP.

The usual scenario where two comparable fighters end the fight quickly in OP, is if they there is some intervention/off-guard shenanigans. Eg: Akainu/WB, Kaido/Oden.
It's not an issue of perception, its an issue of inconsistent portrayal by Oda. When a fight is on screen Oda depicts lots of back & forth, even in cases where it should be a stomp. When a fight is off screen, time loses meaning, and we just see the conclusion (or in worst case learn about it without ever seeing it e.g. RA fight against Admirals, Jack v Fuji/Sengoku, etc).

I think this Zoro v Lucci fight is in the latter group. Since it was off screen we don't really see a ton of back & forth and we only see a single named attack from each of them. It's clear Zoro is stronger since he won, but we lack a lot of information making it harder to make judgment on difficulty of the fight.

Here is the thing.
I think Lucci and Kaku are both capable of stalling a non serious Zoro who doesn't use advanced conqueror's haki.

But if Zoro gets focused (i.e improve CQC) and/or use advanced conqueror's, they are toast.

For me, using advanced conqueror's doesn't automatically up the diff of the fight to high diff.
Because it is becoming an ability that Zoro is able to spam at this point, assuming the final attack was advanced conqueror's, Zoro can now use that ability without even going all out (i.e KoH).

Look at Zoro vs Hyozo, Zoro vs Monet, Zoro vs Pica, or even Zoro vs Killer
All were capable of clashing with non serious Zoro, but once Zoro got serious, it was over. This has been Zoro fight pattern then entire post TS, with exception of rooftop and King (both of which were heavy challenges that forced Zoro to grow stronger).
The improved CQC or use of aCoC making a big difference are unfortunately assumptions that we can't prove one way or the other. All we know is that they can keep Zoro busy but can't win at the moment. I do personally agree that he should easily beat them if Zoro goes all out but need to see that depicted. It's the same way I think Luffy should have been able to take out Kizaru using aCoC + G4, or aCoC+G5 without having to run out of energy. Oda forces specific portrayals for plot in these cases but I have to make conclusions based on what I see vs infer.

Yeah, it was a fight that Zoro should've won comfortably.

It also circles back to my point of characters clashing with Zoro when he isn't serious. Zoro hits considerably above his "tier", and he isn't MC so he doesn't get serious challenges all the time. So this is Oda's way of having Zoro busy for some plots, stall piece.
Agree it generally is stalling for plot. But at the same time it is also what happened canonically in the manga. I can't ignore these types of events happening when making my judgement on level of difficulty.

Lucci with haki in his hands/claws can clash with Zoro who isn't using advanced conqueror's.
Lucci is very strong armament haki, mastered to the levels of barrier and internal destruction. He had an equal clash with G5 Luffy using armament haki

Lucci's armament haki is comparable to armament haki of Luffy or Zoro.
What Zoro has, that Lucci doesn't, is advanced conqueror's haki.

If you assume that Zoro's final attack was advanced conqueror's, the fight starts making more sense.
I think in this case the other scenario you through out later, that Lucci just was caught off guard, and couldn't apply haki to his body to defend makes more sense.

Now if I assume that Zoro hadn't used aCoC during the off panel portions then this would make sense. However, like I said before it's difficult to answer the aCoC question here since we clearly see the smoke rings around his swords but can't use that as conclusive evidence one way or the other. All we know is when we see the smoke he is using some serious haki (more than basic stuff).

Coming back to my query

If we presume that Lucci's and Zoro's advanced armament haki is roughly comparable.
How can Lucci clash with Zoro if Zoro is also overusing advanced conqueror's on top of it? I think that should at least logically rule out Zoro using KoH. Lucci surviving an overuse of advanced armament (smoke) can be explained by him overusing his own advanced armament haki.

Removing logic all together, I think the real answer is that Oda wanted this fight to be in background, otherwise we get to nonsense scaling like this.
I don't make that presumption so can't make the same conclusions. It's also further complicated by the fact that haki on its own can't give an answer. We know for a fact the physical strength of the person factors too since a non haki move can break through haki defenses if powerful enough. With that in mind I don't make any assumptions on who has the stronger CoA.

Do agree that Oda had this fight stall which creates inconsistencies in portrayal. However, OP is generally inconsistent and is what we have to deal with when making the call on high/mid/low diff. There is no objectively correct answer in most fights.

Now to addressing some key points:

Because Lucci's armament haki is top tier. It is roughly comparable to Zoro's, hence he can clash with Zoro's armament haki. Plus, they were clashes and not named attacks which are stronger.

To make it simple, can rooftop Zoro clash with current Zoro if advanced conqueror's is restricted? Yes, even though current Zoro is better in physical stats and armament through powercreep, main improvement was advanced conqueror's, and without it rooftop Zoro can give a tough challenge to current Zoro.
Similar story here.
I have Lucci comparable to rooftop Zoro, broadly speaking.
Again I don't necessarily agree on the premise that they comparable haki. One of them could have better haki but other factors such as physical strength or the fact one of them is using swords compensate for that difference. I think current Lucci >= rooftop Zoro (pre power creep & aCoC).

Armament haki is not fixed. You can use it anywhere you want on the body.
For example: Zoro used fully body armament haki to tank without injuries, a massive explosion from King, that otherwise would have killed him.

Two options here:
- Lucci was too slow to react to Zoro, which means serious Zoro would have blitzed Lucci anyway
- Lucci reacted and put haki on his body, but Zoro's attack was too powerful to tank anyway.

No matter how you look, Zoro comes out looking good here.
Either he was so fast when serious that he blitzed Lucci (which would be in line with him casually dodging Lucci's named barrage of attacks).
Or he hits so hard that Lucci couldn't defend with haki even (which makes sense if he's using advanced conqueror's) .
Yes agree that its not fixed and that those two outcomes are possible (I lean towards the first where Lucci failed to defend). Zoro does come away looking better here since he dodged the Madara attack and successfully landed a counter. That makes current Zoro > current Lucci. I don't think either of us disagree on this point.

The contention is the level of difficulty that Zoro won the fight with. I think it was mid/high diff and you think it is low/mid diff. We overlap in the middle but lean in different directions based on our interpretations of what's portrayed.

Yes, I do disagree.
A weaker version of Zoro took as powerful or more powerful attacks in Wano.

The explosion from King was almost as big as Onigashima castle itself. And Zoro with just (advanced) armament haki, no sold the attack.
Zoro, pre haki, was tanking attacks from Kaku. And it's objectively true that EL Kaku was closer in power to EL Zoro, than current Lucci is to current Zoro (tell me if you disagree).

If Zoro couldn't dodge Lucci's attacks, he could've used advanced armament haki and advanced conqueror's haki to soften the blow and tanked it.
He probably would have tanked it with only scratches if he focused on defending with haki.
Heck, even if we restrict advanced conqueror's, Zoro would've still tanked (given he tanked King's explosion), but maybe with injuries.
I do think Zoro tanking that explosion was big deal. If I were to clarify on the landing attack, I mean truly landing it without the opponent guarding. I think Zoro managed to land his attack on Lucci without Lucci defending hence why he lost. When I say had Madara landed I mean the reverse happening where Zoro failed to dodge/guard and just ate the attack.

I think had Lucci guarded with the same haki he'd been using on his hand/claws he would have tanked Zoro's named attack. I also do think Zoro could have tanked Madara had he guarded with haki on his body too. The important point for me here is that both of them had similar attack/defense powers and what mattered here was overcoming the opponents guard to land a solid hit, which Zoro succeeded to do and Lucci failed to do.

Now hypothetically, had Zoro put on bandana and went KoH mode fully, do I think he could overcome Lucci through force e.g. even with haki guard Lucci loses? My opinion here is yes. The only reason I am not drawing this conclusion is we don't know this explicitly and the fact that Oda depicted Zoro using some form of advanced haki via the smoke makes this questionable. If I get a concrete yes/no on the aCoC I can have more conviction one way or the other.

I addressed this earlier, but will point out again that Zoro clashing till he gets serious is kinda the norm post TS - Hyozo, Monet, Pica, Killer. And now, Lucci.

As for Kaku, my take is that like with Lucci, Kaku can stall a non serious Zoro who doesn't use advanced conqueror's or fully focus in CQC.

Zoro low diff Kaku.
Zoro low-mid diff Lucci.

I have Lucci >= Katakuri, Kaku >= Queen.
Zoro definitely doesn't get many actual fights post skip. The only real ones were in Wano as far as I'm concerned.

I have Lucci in same tier as Katakuri & Yamato. I think honestly both are above YC1. Not sure about Kaku, he seems to be YC1/YC2. Unlike everyone else in the group that fought Seraphim, he was far more injured. Zoro, Luffy, & Lucci all left that fight able to fight others in decent shape. Kaku though trapped in the gun is injured enough for Lucci to worry about him.

Regarding old WB vs Akainu.

WB was off his meds and had POOR haki, and was incapable of using advanced conqueror's haki.
And Akainu is at this point established as amongst the highest AP dudes in the verse. Akainu is a swordsman type fighter, in that he hits above his tier; take attacks from him without defenses and you are toast.

Akainu got hit off guard by WB, and Akainu got up in like 10 mins anyway. Akainu got two hits point blant, and one of them was off guard. And he STILL got up after a while.

If this was a clean fight between Akainu and old WB (in meds; i.e one that has top tier haki).
Then this would've been an extended fight. Whitebeard would use his great haki to tank attacks from Akainu. Akainu likewise would use his haki and mobility to tank/dodge attacks from Whitebeard.

Of course it won't be like Kaido or Luffy, both of whom are built with high durability (dragon scales for general dura, rubber on blunt force).
But this fight won't be decided in a couple of hits either.

One can think of a Zoro vs Kaku fight - two human characters who hit above their tier, fighting against each other. Won't last like Kaido vs Luffy, but one can assume that enough hits will be exchanged before a victor emerges.
Yes Old WB without Meds was not at his best. My point here is when it came down to it the fights ended quickly and conclusively. If it were a 1v1 with no one else, that hit Akainu took, even if off guard, would end it since he can't afford to take a 10 minute break (think Luffy vs Doffy in Dressrosa). Similarly the counter attack he did against WB was fatal. WB was going to die from those injuries. I think this would have been a short fight lasting minutes with both of them down but Akainu leaving with less injuries or at the very least his life (old WB without meds was not strong enough to win in my opinion).

I think those two fights Luffy v Kaido, Zoro v Kaku (EL) both benefit from getting a depiction. Had they been off screen we'd have a hard time judging high/mid/low diff. Personally I think the long fights that last days are likely plot stall style fights of just clashing non stop but no one landing solid hits. Hell Kaido & BM fought for a whole night but no injuries etc. You can argue its because they were not serious but at same time people used this to say BM & Kaido were comparable in power level (I'm not one of those people as I think Kaido > BM).

As long as you're consistent, I am fine dude. The issue I had with people here was always the double standards.

I will still maintain that Luffy low diff'd Lucci, because I give equal weight to injury as well.

But Luffy used a good amount of effort on Lucci, and would've needed even more to actually defeat Lucci instead of just briefly putting him down and scramming.
We can reasonably assume that Luffy used advanced armament as well. Because we know Lucci is an advanced armament user, and you cannot defend against that with just basic armament (point of advanced armament to begin with is to bypass thick skin which is basically what armament hardening gives).
If your criteria for determining difficulty of a fight is primarily effort, this would at least qualify for a mid diff.

Comparing effort by Luffy and Zoro:
- Luffy used G5, but no gigantification and presumably not advanced conqueror's. High effort, but nowhere near maximum effort. Resulted in a stomp: some clashes, dodged all attacks and then briefly KO'd Lucci. With higher end attacks, he would've reduced Lucci closer to 0% hp than like 80% hp

- Zoro used advanced armament. "Smoke" at some point, but majority of the fight in nitoryuu. He was medium effort on average till finale. He then got serious, dodged barrage of named attacks casually (implication being serious Zoro outclasses Lucci in CQC), and presumably used advanced conqueror's to almost one shot Lucci (say from 75% hp to less than 20%).
Still an attack with no bandana (bandana is canonically associated with seriousness), no KoH, a mid-end named move. So, went from medium effort (fighting even) to high effort in the finale (but nowhere near max effort) and stomp.
I think you're being too reliant on haki being the end all. Non haki users can still overcome and defeat haki users so even when it is a fight between two haki users, the one with weaker haki can win by compensating through other factors like physical strength, technique, or weapons.

On the Luffy vs Lucci, I do think Luffy dominated and its a lower end mid diff. What I ask myself now is could Luffy mid diff Lucci without using G5? If he could then G5 win would be a low diff but if not it could definitely be seen as mid diff. Since we skipped straight to awakened forms we never got to see how Lucci would fair against G4. The only data we have is in the fight against the Seraphim Lucci went awakened form whereas Luffy stuck to G4, and did comparably well. This may indicate Luffy won low diff.

For Zoro v Lucci, I think we've said all we have to say. We overlap in some ways but there are key points that we don't share assumptions. Either way we at least both agree Zoro > Lucci.

Logia awakening has been saved for the last, and hence has the most buildup/hype.

I hope Oda delivers on it.
Don't want it to just be "elemental avatar".

But I can buy the "elemental avatar" as a mode the logia user needs to be in, for the DF awakening to happen. Like, Enel should be in that "Amaru" form, Greenbull should be in Broccoli form etc.
And yeah, I think Greenbull is awakened. He restored the vegetation for like half of Wano and it looks like it's staying. Very awakening-esque.

Enel is slept on not just because of rubber hard counter, but also because pre haki, pre gears Luffy was hurting him and landing hits on him (while it is unimaginable that pre TS base Luffy lands a single hit on Vergo for example).
Of course the context is Oda not planning that far ahead, similar to Crocodile.
So if he comes back, he will still be a monster who is at bare minimum high commander level.
These awakenings will be monstrous. I think they will take some transformed form but the greatest power will be the ability to change the environment similar to Paramecia. Greenbull made plants grow where he walked so maybe in full awakened form Admirals can do what Doffy/Kata did with their elements. Likely makes the scale of attacks/powers insanely high.

Enel should come back. I think would be a waste to never see Goro Goro again. One of the best fruits in the series. I hope he does get the Crocodile treatment. Would be hilarious if he somehow ends up joining the Cross Guild and we see him that way.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
If you can successfully exert willpower, yeah. Doffy's Parasite was physically controlling, it could probably be broken out of by brute strength and I'm pretty sure that's more so what Luffy did. BB is up in the air, but I think that's probably the case. Toyification seemed to cancel out haki use since Chinjao couldn't de-toy himself. Hancock's petrification is instantaneous and given Blackbeard's weariness of it, I doubt it can be cancelled out like that
I am a bit more of the idea that parasite sort of highjacked your nervous system. Not quite something like strings physically pushing you around at least. That's why I think it could potentially be cancelled in this manner. I would question whether chinjao even hypothetically is strong enough to cancel out an ability. Law did it but it clearly required some effort. Kaido and big mom apparently did it casually but the implication with them is that their haki pool is essentially endless.

I'd say there's at least a chance that the arrow version of petrification could be cancelled since it's more gradual. I wouldn't rule out kaido or big mom being able to casually resist this in the same manner as they did law's abilities. It's an instantaneous effect vs an instantaneous/constant resistance. Though I suppose it's fair to note one of them is likely to be more vulnerable to petrification than the other.

In regards to BB... I suppose it depends on how skilled he is at haki. I suppose he'll probably live up to his yonko title but it's unclear how skilled exactly he is at it. He at least appears more concerned with devil fruit powers.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
Haki to me has 3 distinct features when it comes to interactions with Devil Fruits, two of which are directly with the power and one which is more general to the environment itself.
  • Haki Armor - Depending on the user the strength and type of armor will differ based on whether aCoA (I or II) and aCoC are being used. This use of haki creates a literal armor for the user to get protection from the environment around them. This could mean resisting Magma punch from Akainu, Freezing by Aokiji, etc or even things like avoiding Sugar's Hand using aCoA II to make sure she doesn't get past the haki barrier. This type of haki can help with non DF external attacks too like arrows & swords, so it in general is a physical buff.
  • Haki Protection - This is an ability of haki to prevent DF powers from effecting the users body. So unlike the Armor which just acts as a physical barrier, this ability of haki acts like a magical barrier. This magical barrier prevents effects from happening at all on the user. For example Kaido & BM were able to stop Law from using his DF power to teleport them. This type of haki is very potent but seems to require a lot of haki to use. Presumably this can protect against things like Sugar's ability, Boa's petrification from Mellow Mellow beam, Tsuru's ability to turn one into cloth etc.
  • Haki Negation - This ability allows a person to negate a DF power that has already taken effect on the body. This ability can be seen as an extension of Haki Protection, where the user is maybe not strong enough to prevent an ability having an impact at all. Example of this is Law canceling out Doc Qs sickness that he was infected with, the one turning them into women. This can't negate DF powers that make one unconscious or unable to use haki e.g. if petrified fully you can't negate it as you'd be unconscious. Presumably this type of haki can negate abilities like Radio Knife, Perona's depression, and maybe even Ivankov's hormone transformation (seems like a more permanent version of DocQs ability).
Now if a person is strong with haki and can use all of the above, most DF users that depend on effecting their opponent don't stand a chance. But its important to note DF powers will still be able to activate so if they do something else entirely they won't be impacted. For example most Zoan powers are enhancing the user which haki can't cancel or effect, all a user can do is have the general purpose Haki Armor. Abilities that also have impact via the air are unlikely to be blockable e.g. Gas Gas fruit gases or Poison Poison fruits poison gas can get through Haki Armor since we haven't seen any ability to filter air. There are also other exceptions even like Shadow Shadow fruit, since we have no indication that a user can imbue their shadow with haki (sole exception being user of the fruit power), which may mean the shadow can always be cut & stolen.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 7, 2021
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Haki to me has 3 distinct features when it comes to interactions with Devil Fruits, two of which are directly with the power and one which is more general to the environment itself.
  • Haki Armor - Depending on the user the strength and type of armor will differ based on whether aCoA (I or II) and aCoC are being used. This use of haki creates a literal armor for the user to get protection from the environment around them. This could mean resisting Magma punch from Akainu, Freezing by Aokiji, etc or even things like avoiding Sugar's Hand using aCoA II to make sure she doesn't get past the haki barrier. This type of haki can help with non DF external attacks too like arrows & swords, so it in general is a physical buff.
  • Haki Protection - This is an ability of haki to prevent DF powers from effecting the users body. So unlike the Armor which just acts as a physical barrier, this ability of haki acts like a magical barrier. This magical barrier prevents effects from happening at all on the user. For example Kaido & BM were able to stop Law from using his DF power to teleport them. This type of haki is very potent but seems to require a lot of haki to use. Presumably this can protect against things like Sugar's ability, Boa's petrification from Mellow Mellow beam, Tsuru's ability to turn one into cloth etc.
  • Haki Negation - This ability allows a person to negate a DF power that has already taken effect on the body. This ability can be seen as an extension of Haki Protection, where the user is maybe not strong enough to prevent an ability having an impact at all. Example of this is Law canceling out Doc Qs sickness that he was infected with, the one turning them into women. This can't negate DF powers that make one unconscious or unable to use haki e.g. if petrified fully you can't negate it as you'd be unconscious. Presumably this type of haki can negate abilities like Radio Knife, Perona's depression, and maybe even Ivankov's hormone transformation (seems like a more permanent version of DocQs ability).
Now if a person is strong with haki and can use all of the above, most DF users that depend on effecting their opponent don't stand a chance. But its important to note DF powers will still be able to activate so if they do something else entirely they won't be impacted. For example most Zoan powers are enhancing the user which haki can't cancel or effect, all a user can do is have the general purpose Haki Armor. Abilities that also have impact via the air are unlikely to be blockable e.g. Gas Gas fruit gases or Poison Poison fruits poison gas can get through Haki Armor since we haven't seen any ability to filter air. There are also other exceptions even like Shadow Shadow fruit, since we have no indication that a user can imbue their shadow with haki (sole exception being user of the fruit power), which may mean the shadow can always be cut & stolen.
We have yet to see someone with less "solid" powers face someone that much stronger, but ultimately there should be no way for any power to bypass any amount of haki. Haki and DF powers exist on the same metaphysical plaine, and whoever/whichever is strongest, prevails. Haki can be intermixed with DF, but ultimately it's the Haki that determines the strenght of it all.
There should be no way for any DF to bypass any amount of Haki. Barto's barrier fruit is an interesting one, I don't think it by itself is so absurdly tough, more so it's power ceiling is just absurdly high, just like it woult take absurd Haki to deal with magma, lightning, quake fruit and etc.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
We have yet to see someone with less "solid" powers face someone that much stronger, but ultimately there should be no way for any power to bypass any amount of haki. Haki and DF powers exist on the same metaphysical plaine, and whoever/whichever is strongest, prevails. Haki can be intermixed with DF, but ultimately it's the Haki that determines the strenght of it all.
There should be no way for any DF to bypass any amount of Haki. Barto's barrier fruit is an interesting one, I don't think it by itself is so absurdly tough, more so it's power ceiling is just absurdly high, just like it woult take absurd Haki to deal with magma, lightning, quake fruit and etc.
That's not true so far in the story. We have not seen anyone able to directly counter Caesar's power via haki e.g. what can haki do if the oxygen is removed? Unless you're implying a user can stop breathing or make their own air using haki, this type of ability is unaffected by haki. The best a haki user can do in this situation is use CoO to get out of range.

As for Barto's barrier, it could end up being unbreakable. Haki can't negate the activation and since it doesn't impact a person's body it can't block it either. We saw at the very least it can block King's Punch which is comparable to Yonko power and Oden post WB/Roger in full rage could not get through the barrier to attack. So at the very least no one up to low Yonko level has been shown able to break through it or even move it.

Some abilities are just that hax. Haki can help but the abilities will remain that overpowered.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
We have yet to see someone with less "solid" powers face someone that much stronger, but ultimately there should be no way for any power to bypass any amount of haki. Haki and DF powers exist on the same metaphysical plaine, and whoever/whichever is strongest, prevails. Haki can be intermixed with DF, but ultimately it's the Haki that determines the strenght of it all.
There should be no way for any DF to bypass any amount of Haki. Barto's barrier fruit is an interesting one, I don't think it by itself is so absurdly tough, more so it's power ceiling is just absurdly high, just like it woult take absurd Haki to deal with magma, lightning, quake fruit and etc.
I think it depends. Some abilities just seem more akin to forces of nature or straight up arbitrary nonsense. Though nigh yonko level haki might be a sort of check on that if you can cancel an applied effect. Still, some abilities seem to hit beyond the user's weight class. I think it's perfectly feasible that barto's barriers might be straight up indestructible. I suppose vander decken's target can hypothetically be cancelled by haki but in turn if the ability works it can have pretty much anything move towards a target. Noah is nearly island sized and vander decken is not even strong and the thing pursued shirhoshi regardless... Doflamingo's birdcard was by all appearances straight up indestructible, even with an admiral all they did was stop it. cutting with the ope fruit does not cause harm but it can bypass so far any defense.

Rein Avara

aka Ēsu Taichou
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 23, 2010
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Yeah there are certain effects you just can't undo or resist with Haki we've seen that first hand, Kaido couldn't undo Luffy turning him rubber, he even ended up complaining about it.

Well in the example I provided we haven't seen anyone try to undo that particular effect.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2021
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I think so long as the two fighters are relatively the same in attack & defense power this will stand (doesn't require them to have high attack power). And even though that was before haki, I think explosions are generally poor way to judge anything in OP. We've had people as weak as Pell survive massive explosions but then have Pedro die. In my opinion Oda is far too inconsistent with bombs/environmental things to use it credibly for power scaling.

Lucci and Ciphor Pol in general fight with kill moves and go for weak points on the body like throats. Shigan and its variations are assassination techniques so in my opinion had Zoro failed to dodge he'd have likely lost the fight. Do agree that had he used haki to defend that could have been different, but same could be said for Lucci against Zoro's final attack. My point on this is if Zoro took the attack as a result of being unable to dodge/defend.

The Zoro vs Kaku and Lucci vs Luffy are both examples of fights that got full depiction. Oda makes fighters in those trade many blows since we need to see the fight but generally doesn't do it for fights that aren't depicted directly aka off screen fights.

This I disagree with. I think Lucci has higher attack power than Kaku when it comes to damaging an individual. Kaku may have bigger attacks that can destroy large objects but I think Lucci has more damaging attacks against individuals.

I also don't think Luffy & Zoro have comparable durability/endurance anymore (do agree this was the case in Thriller Bark), especially after Wano. But this is a an aside.

As for CPO v Apoo, that is exactly my point. Whenever a fight is off screen, we just see the end and never really what happened. We have to assume back & forth OR we just accept what we saw is all there is to it. By this same standard we could say Zoro & Lucci exchanged other named attacks off screen, Zoro used bandana but took it off later, etc. We can make up whatever we want so long as the conclusion is the same. That's why I prefer for these to just stick to what we actually see in panels and nothing else.

It's not an issue of perception, its an issue of inconsistent portrayal by Oda. When a fight is on screen Oda depicts lots of back & forth, even in cases where it should be a stomp. When a fight is off screen, time loses meaning, and we just see the conclusion (or in worst case learn about it without ever seeing it e.g. RA fight against Admirals, Jack v Fuji/Sengoku, etc).

I think this Zoro v Lucci fight is in the latter group. Since it was off screen we don't really see a ton of back & forth and we only see a single named attack from each of them. It's clear Zoro is stronger since he won, but we lack a lot of information making it harder to make judgment on difficulty of the fight.

The improved CQC or use of aCoC making a big difference are unfortunately assumptions that we can't prove one way or the other. All we know is that they can keep Zoro busy but can't win at the moment. I do personally agree that he should easily beat them if Zoro goes all out but need to see that depicted. It's the same way I think Luffy should have been able to take out Kizaru using aCoC + G4, or aCoC+G5 without having to run out of energy. Oda forces specific portrayals for plot in these cases but I have to make conclusions based on what I see vs infer.

Agree it generally is stalling for plot. But at the same time it is also what happened canonically in the manga. I can't ignore these types of events happening when making my judgement on level of difficulty.

I think in this case the other scenario you through out later, that Lucci just was caught off guard, and couldn't apply haki to his body to defend makes more sense.

Now if I assume that Zoro hadn't used aCoC during the off panel portions then this would make sense. However, like I said before it's difficult to answer the aCoC question here since we clearly see the smoke rings around his swords but can't use that as conclusive evidence one way or the other. All we know is when we see the smoke he is using some serious haki (more than basic stuff).

I don't make that presumption so can't make the same conclusions. It's also further complicated by the fact that haki on its own can't give an answer. We know for a fact the physical strength of the person factors too since a non haki move can break through haki defenses if powerful enough. With that in mind I don't make any assumptions on who has the stronger CoA.

Do agree that Oda had this fight stall which creates inconsistencies in portrayal. However, OP is generally inconsistent and is what we have to deal with when making the call on high/mid/low diff. There is no objectively correct answer in most fights.

Again I don't necessarily agree on the premise that they comparable haki. One of them could have better haki but other factors such as physical strength or the fact one of them is using swords compensate for that difference. I think current Lucci >= rooftop Zoro (pre power creep & aCoC).

Yes agree that its not fixed and that those two outcomes are possible (I lean towards the first where Lucci failed to defend). Zoro does come away looking better here since he dodged the Madara attack and successfully landed a counter. That makes current Zoro > current Lucci. I don't think either of us disagree on this point.

The contention is the level of difficulty that Zoro won the fight with. I think it was mid/high diff and you think it is low/mid diff. We overlap in the middle but lean in different directions based on our interpretations of what's portrayed.

I do think Zoro tanking that explosion was big deal. If I were to clarify on the landing attack, I mean truly landing it without the opponent guarding. I think Zoro managed to land his attack on Lucci without Lucci defending hence why he lost. When I say had Madara landed I mean the reverse happening where Zoro failed to dodge/guard and just ate the attack.

I think had Lucci guarded with the same haki he'd been using on his hand/claws he would have tanked Zoro's named attack. I also do think Zoro could have tanked Madara had he guarded with haki on his body too. The important point for me here is that both of them had similar attack/defense powers and what mattered here was overcoming the opponents guard to land a solid hit, which Zoro succeeded to do and Lucci failed to do.

Now hypothetically, had Zoro put on bandana and went KoH mode fully, do I think he could overcome Lucci through force e.g. even with haki guard Lucci loses? My opinion here is yes. The only reason I am not drawing this conclusion is we don't know this explicitly and the fact that Oda depicted Zoro using some form of advanced haki via the smoke makes this questionable. If I get a concrete yes/no on the aCoC I can have more conviction one way or the other.

Zoro definitely doesn't get many actual fights post skip. The only real ones were in Wano as far as I'm concerned.

I have Lucci in same tier as Katakuri & Yamato. I think honestly both are above YC1. Not sure about Kaku, he seems to be YC1/YC2. Unlike everyone else in the group that fought Seraphim, he was far more injured. Zoro, Luffy, & Lucci all left that fight able to fight others in decent shape. Kaku though trapped in the gun is injured enough for Lucci to worry about him.

Yes Old WB without Meds was not at his best. My point here is when it came down to it the fights ended quickly and conclusively. If it were a 1v1 with no one else, that hit Akainu took, even if off guard, would end it since he can't afford to take a 10 minute break (think Luffy vs Doffy in Dressrosa). Similarly the counter attack he did against WB was fatal. WB was going to die from those injuries. I think this would have been a short fight lasting minutes with both of them down but Akainu leaving with less injuries or at the very least his life (old WB without meds was not strong enough to win in my opinion).

I think those two fights Luffy v Kaido, Zoro v Kaku (EL) both benefit from getting a depiction. Had they been off screen we'd have a hard time judging high/mid/low diff. Personally I think the long fights that last days are likely plot stall style fights of just clashing non stop but no one landing solid hits. Hell Kaido & BM fought for a whole night but no injuries etc. You can argue its because they were not serious but at same time people used this to say BM & Kaido were comparable in power level (I'm not one of those people as I think Kaido > BM).

I think you're being too reliant on haki being the end all. Non haki users can still overcome and defeat haki users so even when it is a fight between two haki users, the one with weaker haki can win by compensating through other factors like physical strength, technique, or weapons.

On the Luffy vs Lucci, I do think Luffy dominated and its a lower end mid diff. What I ask myself now is could Luffy mid diff Lucci without using G5? If he could then G5 win would be a low diff but if not it could definitely be seen as mid diff. Since we skipped straight to awakened forms we never got to see how Lucci would fair against G4. The only data we have is in the fight against the Seraphim Lucci went awakened form whereas Luffy stuck to G4, and did comparably well. This may indicate Luffy won low diff.

For Zoro v Lucci, I think we've said all we have to say. We overlap in some ways but there are key points that we don't share assumptions. Either way we at least both agree Zoro > Lucci.

These awakenings will be monstrous. I think they will take some transformed form but the greatest power will be the ability to change the environment similar to Paramecia. Greenbull made plants grow where he walked so maybe in full awakened form Admirals can do what Doffy/Kata did with their elements. Likely makes the scale of attacks/powers insanely high.

Enel should come back. I think would be a waste to never see Goro Goro again. One of the best fruits in the series. I hope he does get the Crocodile treatment. Would be hilarious if he somehow ends up joining the Cross Guild and we see him that way.
Thinking zoro have same durability as luffy from thriller bark lol.

We are now in egghead

Luffy with awakening can tank drunken kaido attack.

Unless someone think zoro can resist drunken kaido attack hit without depending with swords lol.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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So, haki provides a kind of barrier that stops the devil fruit power from working or taking effect on the haki user, but it can't stop the fruit power once it's already taken affect? Like, haki could prevent Sugar's ability from working but it can't cancel out the effect after it's already taken effect?


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
I think there are certainly levels to Haki's various forms of defense against DFs.

I would say that there is no true blue absolute defense against DF abilities. At least, Haki doesn't make you completely invulnerable to their effects. They can be mitigated, but I don't think they can be completely negated. Especially advanced or creative uses of the abilities.

So, haki provides a kind of barrier that stops the devil fruit power from working or taking effect on the haki user, but it can't stop the fruit power once it's already taken affect? Like, haki could prevent Sugar's ability from working but it can't cancel out the effect after it's already taken effect?
That's how I would assume it works. Someone who is prepared should be able to keep Sugar at bay for the most part, but if she does manage to touch you unprepared, there is no breaking out.

I would say Law's feat against Doc Q's fruit counts as well. While Law broke through the disease itself, the ability still allowed the antibodies to propogate and cure the other members of the crew quickly. If haki were completely absolute, then, I feel, it would've completely canceled it's anomolous ability to spread at such a pace.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
That's how I would assume it works. Someone who is prepared should be able to keep Sugar at bay for the most part, but if she does manage to touch you unprepared, there is no breaking out.

I would say Law's feat against Doc Q's fruit counts as well. While Law broke through the disease itself, the ability still allowed the antibodies to propogate and cure the other members of the crew quickly. If haki were completely absolute, then, I feel, it would've completely canceled it's anomolous ability to spread at such a pace.
I think for strong enough people Sugar wouldn't even be a worry. The fact that Law couldn't use Shambles at all on Kaido & BM makes me think some haki users will be too strong to be targeted by abilities like this and can't be caught off guard. It's also questionable if Sugar's power can be broken out of after the fact. I think if a person with strong enough haki transforms but no contract is formed to make them a servant they may be able to break out. Kyros just wasn't strong enough to do that.

Interesting point on Law and DocQ. When Law used haki to turn back into a man, the fruit effect did still exist in him since anitbodies were created. Makes me think either haki just cancels out negative impact of DF powers or Oda is playing fast & loose with the haki/DF interaction rules.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 10, 2014
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United States
I think if there wasn't a way to defend against Sugar's ability then she'd just rule a world of toys. The fruit's biggest strengths are that it keeps the user as a child and erases memories of the victim ever having existed. I think certain fighters have such advanced COO that they'd detect even subtle hostility from her (or predict it and react accordingly), and I suspect that even if someone like Kaido was touched, it'd not do anything unless he was just seriously unguarded (which he never seems to be unguarded).


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
I think if there wasn't a way to defend against Sugar's ability then she'd just rule a world of toys. The fruit's biggest strengths are that it keeps the user as a child and erases memories of the victim ever having existed. I think certain fighters have such advanced COO that they'd detect even subtle hostility from her (or predict it and react accordingly), and I suspect that even if someone like Kaido was touched, it'd not do anything unless he was just seriously unguarded (which he never seems to be unguarded).
Going by those flashbacks with WB defending against Ace's attacks, when in Wano where an unconscious Luffy defends using CoC, and most recently where Zoro wakes up to defend against Kaku's attack -- ALL STRONG PEOPLE ARE ALWAYS ON GUARD. I think Sugar just would never catch them by surprise.


上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 8, 2020
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Earth Kindom
it's clear that people in katakuri's tier won't simply be unable to hit him.
Someone who got blitzed by Big Mom like Marco
will never be able to tag someone who blitzed Big Mom
Katakuri is much faster than Akainu on top of that Katakuri also has better CoO. Look how Katakuri easily got past Jinbe while Akainu couldn't.
The same Akainu easily dodged Marco and Vista attacks. The same Akainu fought Marco, Vista, Crocodile and multiple WBP without getting hit.

Akainu who is much slower than Katakuri easily fought Marco, Vista, WBP without getting hit so yeah it's baseless to say Marco and King can land a hit on Katakuri.

Iluffy at the end of wano is incomparable stronger than he was at WCI in general.
Don't give me that hybrid being faster crap. There's no evidence that hybrid makes Kaido faster when we have panels like these
Near the end luffy could trade blows with kaido even without using G4...
Kaido didn't use Thunder Bagua. The moment Kaido used Thunder Bagua, Luffy almost lost his consciousness. The second Kaido used Thunder Bagua, Luffy died. That was also weakened Kaido btw according to Yamato.

While at the start of wano luffy got one shot and blitzed by base kaido.
Act 1 Luffy didn't use FS btw.
Luffy's speed also increased along with his strength, everything about him improved.
Baseless. Pre Udon Luffy already kept up with rampaging Big Mom in Udon the same Big Mom who kept up with Kaido speed for 3 days straight.
At the beggining of Wano, Kaido was so fast that Luffy couldn't dodge in Gear 4, and so strong Luffy was defeated in a single blow. But when Luffy reached the rooftop, his base form was strong, fast and durable enough to keep up with Kaido's hybrid form.
Act 1 Luffy didn't use FS. Rooftop Luffy used FS. Dead arguments which have been debunked several times.

Luffy looked durable because Kaido rarely used Thunder Bagua. And Kaido was weakened too. When kaido used Thunder Bagua, Luffy almost passed out (ch. 1042). When Kaido used it again, Luffy died (ch. 1042).

Luffy kept up with non Thunder Bagua Kaido btw. Thunder Bagua Kaido still blitzed him (ch. 1042).
Even if Luffy didn't used future sight back then, that doesn't change that his body wasn't fast enough to dodge a single attack of Kaido, while he could keep up with Kaido later on.
Another baseless argument.
Base Luffy with FS. Dodged multiple Katakuri punches.
Boundman without FS, got hit by Katakuri second punch.

Otherwise, when Katakuri wasn't using future sight, he couldn't keep track of Luffy's movements in Gear 4.
Katakuri didn't use CoO actually that's even more of a disadvantage. Reread the manga again.
Katakuri himself said he cannot use CoO because he wasn't calm because Luffy saw his ripped mouth.

So it seems Katakuri is nowhere as fast as Gear 4
Another baseless arguments.
Katakuri without CoO can block Boundman punches.
This is base Luffy without CoO cannot dodge Babanuki attack. Is Babanuki faster than base Luffy now?
Katakuri with CoO is much faster than Boundman with CoO.

I have Lucci >= Katakuri, Kaku >= Queen.
Disingenuous argument. If Kaku>=Queen why isn't Lucci>=King? Is that because Lucci=>King means Lucci=>your precious Marco lmao. Why compare Katakuri with Queen when Marco was the one who needed extreme diff to beat Queen? His strongest attacks cannot damage Queen. Hasn't shown CoO to detect his invisibility and dodge Henry Blazer. Henry Blazer blitzed Sanji whose CoO>Marco. Henry Blazer is guaranteed to blitz Marco too. Invisibility+Henry Blazer=gg for Marco.

I'd argue that Marco vs Queen is much more competitive that Doflamingo vs Jozu. Marco needs extreme diff to beat Queen. Doflamingo needs mid diff to beat Jozu.

I have Lucci >= Katakuri
Lucci is much more slower than Snakeman punching bag Kaido.
That means anyone who can keep up with Kaido speed like Big Mom can easily blitz Lucci too. Big Mom who can keep up with Kaido speed got blitzed by Katakuri.

Zoro low-mid diff Lucci.
lmao so you think Zoro low diffs Katakuri? Zoro beat King under 15 minutes that's why Zoro despite hasn't shown Snakeman speed and FS can low diff Katakuri just because Katakuri pushing Zoro harder than King did makes Katakuri>your precious Marco so you ignore match up lmao?

Zoro pushing Katakuri to extreme diff is already generous because reality, Zoro hasn't shown any speed to hit let alone beat Katakuri.

We can reasonably assume that Luffy used advanced armament as well.
Baseless. If Luffy did then Lucci won't match up his armament. You need to prove Lucci has advanced armament first.

Because we know Lucci is an advanced armament user,
lol based on what?

and you cannot defend against that with just basic armament
Because Luffy never used advanced armament in the first place?

Zoro used advanced armament. "Smoke" at some point,
Another baseless argument. You just want to gas up Lucci durability tanking advanced armament so you can put him above Katakuri lmao. Reality is Lucci is a glass cannon. Losing consciousness to 3 non giant non advCoA/advCoC attacks. I cannot imagine non giant/advCoA/advCoC can 3 shots Katakuri tbh when it took 3 Boundman attacks that rattled Big Mom arm+self stab+King Cobra to take him down.

Lucci's armament haki is top tier. It is roughly comparable to Zoro's, hence he can clash with Zoro's armament haki. Plus, they were clashes and not named attacks which are stronger.
Another baseless argument. There's no proof that Luffy armament improved post Udon and Wano. And there's no proof that Gear 5 without giant form has higher physical strength than base Luffy. Lucci clashing with armament Luffy doesn't make his armament top tier.

There are several cases that someone with much lower armament clashed with someone with much higher armament.
Luffy vs Ulti
Zoro and Drake vs Apoo look at Apoo left arm clashing with Zoro armament haki? Is Apoo armament also top tier?

You should stop giving random power ups to Lucci. He is inferior to Katakuri in all stats including durability and attack power.
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