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Info Official Fanbook Volume 23.5


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
Christ. A Swiss representative on the same general level as Amadeus? They really are stacked as hell. No wonder they seem to be set up as the final boss even over Germany. Seems like QP was not exaggerating.
Imagine how stacked the Spanish+Ryoga are, considering THEY will be the real final boss :gnut
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
@Animariano Klaraga looks like a design of yours btw, lol.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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I'm not thrilled about another Tezuka vs Fuji match either, but to be fair, Fuji can actually deal with most of what Tezuka could throw at him and he's gotten three new moves since their last encounter (one of which we haven't seen yet) whereas Tezuka has been focusing on stat improvements. It's not super farfetched to think he stands a chance.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
May 14, 2011
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United States
Imagine how stacked the Spanish+Ryoga are, considering THEY will be the real final boss :gnut
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
@Animariano Klaraga looks like a design of yours btw, lol.
Has it been confirmed which team he joined?


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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Has it been confirmed which team he joined?
No, it hasn't. Technically it's even possible he hasn't joined any other team and just left.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
May 14, 2011
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United States
I'm not thrilled about another Tezuka vs Fuji match either, but to be fair, Fuji can actually deal with most of what Tezuka could throw at him and he's gotten three new moves since their last encounter (one of which we haven't seen yet) whereas Tezuka has been focusing on stat improvements. It's not super farfetched to think he stands a chance.
Does Tezuka need anything but base stat improvements? Quite frankly he should rely on improving his base so he doesn't need to rely so much on gimmicks. With POP and improved base, he should be able to crush most foes without having to rely on techs like phantom or zero shiki serve that can hurt him. Also improving his physical ability will allow his body to tolerate more strain too, these techs are still amazing but they should only be used sparingly to win key points.

Quite frankly Fuji should struggle to even rally with POP Tezuka. I argue that the difference in stats might have grown even more.

Seems like a lot of the pros rely more on their base abilities rather than gimmicks and auras though those help too of course.

Of course I wouldn't be surprised if Fuji can keep up somehow magically but really at best he should be able to take some points maybe a game or two but Tezuka should be able to counter his techs fairly fast.
He is definitely more adaptable now compared to the past.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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I agree, he should improve his stats and I agree that the stat difference between Tezuka and Fuji is bigger now than it used to be. But at the same time Fuji's got pretty good tools to combat Tezuka. For starters, I don't think Tezuka's serve - even when using TnK - is faster than Tachyon, so I wouldn't be shocked if Fuji could actually gain the upper hand when receiving with his new return. I don't think Hollyhock Blizzard will be too useful, so it depends on the third critical wind in my mind.

Also, I think what's remarkable about the critical winds compared to the counters is that they're quite difficult to return as long as Fuji gets to hit them (in fact, nobody has done so yet), and they're fairly straight-forward too. You can't just change your court position to avoid them. You have no choice but to hit serves and while you can avoid Hollyhock Blizzard by not smashing, it means you give up on a powerful finishing shot. If you see Fuji's counter smash coming like Siegfried did, it's possible to avoid the move and quite possibly score, but it basically comes down to whether Fuji outsmarts you or not. If he does, he'll probably hit a winner. And Fuji has a reputation for being difficult to read, so going by that, those exchanges may well end in his favor more often than not.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
The remaining Americans' profiles, translated by Holycow.

Alan Hopkins
The mister smart who attacks mild and softly!
Certainly gentle and courteous, Alan looks like a gentleman. As the second in command, he secretly supports Rhinehart behind his back.

“It seems we’re in time”

U17wcup American Representative 3HSER
Birthday: 08/11 (Scorpio)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Grandmother, Father, Mother, Younger sister
Hobby: Yachting
Favorite color: Red, Blue, White
Favorite food: The cherry pie of the old lady next door, Cajun chicken
Length: 188 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Dominant Hand: Left
Playstyle: Counter Puncher

Messages to Alan!

Rhinehart: I always have Alan help me. Without him, the goddess of victory wouldn’t smile upon us.

Kiko: The cherrypie Alan was holding was super yummy. Please bring it to the closing party as well!

Don Pacino
The bothersome and easily moved to tears gangster!
The scoundrel who thinks of Ryoma as his little brother. Since he was brought up downtown by ruffians, he was reborn with tennis, and aims for the American dream by hard work.
(TL note: He was reborn for/by tennis)

“I think of you as a little brother”

U17wcup American Representative 3HSER
Birthday: 25/04 (Taurus)
Bloodgroup: B
Family: Great-grandfather, Grandfather, Uncle, Father, Older brother, Younger brother
Hobby: Home parties
Favorite book: Godfather
Favorite food: Thin pizza
Favorite Date spot: Sicily
Length: 196 cm
Weight: 90 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: Serve and Volley

Belongings inspection by Dodo Obando
Travel bag
Mobile music player
His routine is listening to “Godfather” before a match. He really concentrates on it.

Geisel Jackson
Honoring his bonds, the cheerful Hip hopper!
The moodmaker of the American team who loves corndogs and music above all! The vibes and bonds he feels from his friends are important to him.

“I’m becoming lonely”

U17wcup American Representative 3HSER
Birthday: 11/12 (Saggittarius)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Grandmother, Uncle, Father, Two older brothers, Two older sisters, Two younger brothers, Little sister
Hobby: Listening to hip hop
Favorite food: Corndog
Favorite Date spot: Live house
Length: 201 cm
Weight: 99 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: Agressive Baseliner

Tenipedia: Echizen Ryoga
He seems to be a big fan of the old man (Nanjirou) in his younger days
It seems when he was a child, he admired the freedom-like tennis of the old man.

Clive Miller
Nailing you down with his sharp gaze! The angel like cool guy!
When his cool fighting spirit burns, he flares up hot in the venue. He has a bad mouth, reminisces about his friends and is anxious about Ryoma who broke away.

“Whether you go or not, both are fine”

U17wcup American Representative 2HSER
Birthday: 16/04 (Aries)
Bloodgroup: B
Family: Father, Mother
Hobby: Darts
Favorite food: Avocado sandwich
Most wanted thing right now: Billiards table
Length: 184 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: All rounder

Messages to Clive!

Echizen: I won’t forget the time I spent with you guys. I want our next match to be in the finals.

Shishido: Since they were also writing about his special skill being billiards in the monthly ProTennis magazine, I want to have a match one day.

Rocky Meredith
The wild fighter who knocks out the enemy with power!

At first glance he was a guy appointed by captain Ralph. Once Ryoma defeated him, he won the seat of representative with his persistent will.

(TL note: The seat of persistant will doesn’t sound good)

“Nice to meetcha”

U17wcup American Representative 2HSER

Birthday: 06/07 (Cancer)

Bloodgroup: O

Favorite food: Tomato, Whoopie pie

Favorite movie: Rambo

Skills outside of tennis: Flamenco

Length: 181 cm

Weight: 74 kg

Dominant Hand: Left

Playstyle: Counter puncher

Tenipedia: Mitsuya Akuto

It seems he trained his legs and loins at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Since he’s from Pennysylvania, he used the stairs daily for training.

Oliver Philips
He has the pure dream of supporting the tournament!

He’s the staff manager of the U17 Wcup and played an exhibition match by accident. He gathered courage because of this unexpected chance.

“Standing on the court is just like a dream”

U17wcup American Representative 3HSER

Birthday: 09/04 (Aries)

Bloodgroup: A

Family: Father, Mother, Older sister

Hobby: Weeding the garden, Watching television dramas

Favorite book: List of tennis players

Length: 172 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Dominant Hand: Right

Playstyle: Serve and Volley

Tenipedia: Ralph Rhinehart

I gave him my sign after that

We also took a two-shot, but he seemed really excited…

(TL note: like, the fansign kind, and twoshot as in picture)


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
Jackson has such a large family!

Cool of Oliver to have a profile.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
I think its just the Australian team that hasn't been translated yet.

There is some bits and pieces missing from the German team.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Here is the Q&A section. Number 34 was translated by Plumjucie, the rest by Holycow. This is all already edited.

1. Will there ever be a conclusion to the match Fuji and Ryoma had to suspend due to the rain?
I really wanted to draw it for a long time. However, now that I think about it again, I believe it's just fine that there was no winner. If they played now, I don't know who would win and then the next match might swing the other way. It'd be a close contest each time.

2. What was in the bag Horio brought to the training camp for Ryoma?
Fanta. In the first chapter of Shinteni, Ryoma drank root beer, but since he likes Fanta, after returning to Japan he had Horio bring him a big supply.

3. Have the German representatives accepted Tezuka?
The German team gave him a warm welcome and he's not fighting alone in the WC. Tezuka himself also wants to do all he can for Germany's victory. They support each other in private as well.

4. When did Tezuka first decide he wanted to become a pro?
When he was seven. Ever since he got a racket from his father as a present, he wanted to take tennis seriously, and I think that's about the time he set turning pro as a goal for himself. It wouldn't have fit Tezuka's nature if he had only pursued club activities and not dedicated himself to the sport fully.

5. In Shinteni, Fuji has been opening his eyes a lot. Has something changed for him?
He isn't really aware of it himself, but it's probably because it makes him seem cool even when he's not smiling. He cannot keep his relaxed smile all the time because the international competition is really strong. That said, isn't it natural that his expression would become more serious the more he cares about winning?

6. What is the name of the juice Inui (the one with koala) made after the qualifying rounds?
It's Coca Koala. (laughter)

7. I'm worried about Oishi, Gin and Tohno. Will their injuries have any influence on their futures?
Everyone is fine!

8. Who stole Atobe's uniform at the beach?
It was Dorgias' dog. Wouldn't it be funny if some old man in the audience was wearing it? (laughter)

9. Why hasn't Atobe been banished yet if he's so handsome?
It's only a matter of time.

10. Is there any mental attack Oshitari can't withstand when closing his heart?
He can even withstand Tsuki's pressure. It can be useful outside of tennis too.

11. Is Hyoutei's no. 2 Jirou or Yuushi?
They're both aiming to be no. 1. Same goes for Shishido and Hiyoshi.

12. Did Rokkaku and Higa make up later on?
They didn't. Higa hit a ball at Ojii after all.

13. Is Kaburiel doing okay?
It's doing fine. However, the rhinoceros beetle is gradually losing weight.

14. Has Koharu-chan locked on to any of the foreign high schoolers?
I think he has locked on to some of them. He loves Fitzgerald. (laughter)

15. What subject does Osamu-chan teach?

16. What happened with Bunta negotiating with Kimijima about Yukimura's surgery?
Please keep following the story!

17. Will Yukimura be able to enjoy tennis one day?
I want him to. Since he keeps holding on to that feeling of never giving up, he might be able to enjoy it.

18. When they were young, what did Sanada call Yukimura?
He called him Yukimura-kun. Genichirou was a little shy back then.

19. Since Akaya is bad at English, did he learn any new words by chatting with the Australians?
Medium rare.

20. Is Akaya aware of the toll 'Devil Mode’ takes on his body?
I don't think he's aware of it.

21. What are the limits of Niou's Illusion?
He can become a girl or even an animal... at one point he also turned into Ryoma.

22. Does Niou's "Puppinacho" have any connection to TUBE Republic?
There is a connection. I reckon it's something he picked up when he traveled to TUBE.

23. Has Kamio made any progress with An-chan?!
Their relationship is the same as before. Tachibana is vigilant and while Kamio invited her to go on a date to hug koalas, she refused.

24. Is Midoriyama's uniform a blazer or a gakuran?
It's a blazer.

25. Did Akutsu return to Japan?
He accompanies his mother during shopping and carries the heavy luggage. He's become a luggage boy. (laughter)

26: I want to know about the time Fuji and Saeki met!
I think they met when the two of them played tennis together. If I ever get a chance to draw that scene, I want to flesh it out properly.

27. Is Liliadent German?
He's German-American.

28. I want to know about the middle schoolers who didn't go to the training camp!
They're all training hard for next year.

29. Who will be the next captain of every school?
I really want to draw them, so I'm depending on your support, everyone!

30. Since Byoudouin wore Makinofuji's uniform, is he from the Hyougo prefecture?
Makinofuji is in the Hyougo prefecture. It's always been a prestigious and strong school.

31. Since Tanegashima calls Shiraishi 'Nosuke', does he also have nicknames for the others?
Since he's the type to give a lot of nicknames, I think he might turn up with more from now on!

32. Did the high schoolers know that Oni was the former no. 5?
Of course they knew from the start. Since he had won against Byoudoin, they all knew how powerful he was.

33. In "The Spy's Conquest", Irie searched for his contacts, but does he actually even have any?
It was a lie. Irie lying is the norm, there's no helping it.

34. It seemed like Tokugawa was overseas, so will anyone who he met while abroad appear in the story?
Actually, although I intended to give him the setting of having been in Paris, I decided not to delve too far into it.

35. Does Ochi-san also have the Hyoutei call?
I had no interest in giving him the call. Atobe was the one who came up with it after all. (laughter)

36. What is the 'Kimijima Concern' that appeared at the end of the stand-alone story "Yaroo Hunter"?
It is Kimijima's home. I wonder how it compares to Atobe's zaibatsu. (laughter)

37. How did Tohno awaken his execution play style?
To polish his skills, he used to aim at plates.

38. Was Akuto-niisan always the kind of person who would make Akuto-meshi?
After Inui shared his creations with Yanagi, Yanagi inspired Akuto. Akuto-meshi tastes so terrible, you can't even imagine it. (laughter)

39. Why did Yamato change his image when he entered high school?
To become popular.

40. Since the Greek representatives are all as beautiful as sculptures, do they care about their appearance a lot?
No, not more than your average guy.

41. What kind of person is the Greek coach 'The Thinker'?
He's a doll.

42. Why do the Greek representatives call Zeus-sama, -sama?
Because he's an omnipotent god. They also respect him outside of tennis, so everyone calls him -sama.

43. Is the bird that was hit during the match with Australia safe?
Of course the bird is safe.

44. Is there any meaning to Amadeus shouting "Balleena!"?
It's Spanish for "whale". Now that you mention it, when I was watching one of Nadal's matches on television, I wanted to give his signature shot a name. Because of the heavy top spin on the ball, it drops suddenly and the shape of that trajectory reminded me of the head of a whale. That's how I ended up with "balleena".

45. Since they're both participating in the finals tournament, how is Bertie B. Volk related to Germany's captain?
They're siblings. Bertie is the younger brother and both of them are pros.

46. Have Volk and Amadeus ever played against each other on the pro tour?
At the moment, Volk is stronger and if they played now, he would win. Amadeus only turned pro recently, so he wouldn't be able to break through Volk's defense no matter how much he tried.

47. What was the American representatives' reaction when Ryoma and Ryoga both left?
They probably understood. However, while Rhinehart tried to motivate the team again, they are still feeling sad about losing the brothers and haven't found their resolution again yet.

48. What were the American representatives like before Rhinehart joined the team?
I think they were very scattered and Rhinehart unified them with his strong leadership when he joined. That's his specialty after all. However, how good they were at tennis back then I can't say for sure. (laughter)

49. What is Ryoga doing now?
He's still at the venue. I want to illustrate his peculiar way of thinking further going forward.

50. Is Ryoga bad at doubles?
No, he isn’t.

51. Are any of the Japanese representatives in danger of being expelled from the tennis world for being too handsome?
If I had to pick anyone, it would be Shiraishi or Oishi.

52. I want to know about the connection between Atobe and Leon.
They're friends, but not on good terms with each other. To be honest, I've always wanted to go more in-depth about their relationship.

53. What was your motive for drawing Aramenoma?
I thought I couldn't really square a team like that with a real country, so at first I wanted to turn them into aliens... but in the end that didn't really come out well either, so ultimately I'm glad no aliens appeared. (Oof)

54. Were there any names of the foreigners you paid special attention too?
Dodo Obando. I also love Jin Onojiiha and QP. After that, Kuraraga Tatsuta comes to mind. By the way, when Camus first appeared, I only called him "Leopold", but later on I definitely wanted to incorporate "Charpentier", so it ended up being L. Camus de Charpentier.

55. What was Fuji's reason for starting tennis?
His big sister Yumiko’s boyfriend started taking him and Yuuta to his tennis circle.

56. What was the outcome of the newcomer battle between Hiyoshi and Akaya?
Back then, Akaya won. However, winning once doesn't mean you'll win every time.

57. Is the Kuwahara ramen shop thriving?
The number of customers is gradually decreasing.

58. Why is Tanegashima bad with planes?
When he was small, a model airplane stabbed his head while he was sleeping.

59. Is Irie-san good at playing the saxophone?
He thinks he's good, but it's so loud that no one can sleep at night. (laughter) For a high schooler he is quite skilled though, since he even practices in the middle of the night.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
So fan theories are partially right with Krauser's nationality being German.
It'll be awesome if Ochi did have a Hyoutei call.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
So fan theories are partially right with Krauser's nationality being German.
In some sense. However, the theory that he's American turned out to be more right.

There's an outside chance that this is going to be story relevant by the way. With Krauser being American, all the Nagoya foreigners might be as well. Furthermore, we have yet to see any MSers outside Ryoma on the US team. Depending on how much we'll get to see of America vs Switzerland, they might need some MSers though. So with none being newly introduced while Ryoma was around, an easy way to still have familiar faces on their side would be to just re-use the Nagoya guys. Or, and this would be even cooler in my opinion, Krauser might have taken Ryoma's spot on the American team. This would tie back into the team shuffle nicely since Krauser is the only MSer with real match focus who hasn't done anything since.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Casterly Rock
Here is the Q&A section. Number 34 was translated by Plumjucie, the rest by Holycow. This is all already edited.

1. Will there ever be a conclusion to the match Fuji and Ryoma had to suspend due to the rain?
I really wanted to draw it for a long time. However, now that I think about it again, I believe it's just fine that there was no winner. If they played now, I don't know who would win and then the next match might swing the other way. It'd be a close contest each time.

2. What was in the bag Horio brought to the training camp for Ryoma?
Fanta. In the first chapter of Shinteni, Ryoma drank root beer, but since he likes Fanta, after returning to Japan he had Horio bring him a big supply.

3. Have the German representatives accepted Tezuka?
The German team gave him a warm welcome and he's not fighting alone in the WC. Tezuka himself also wants to do all he can for Germany's victory. They support each other in private as well.

4. When did Tezuka first decide he wanted to become a pro?
When he was seven. Ever since he got a racket from his father as a present, he wanted to take tennis seriously, and I think that's about the time he set turning pro as a goal for himself. It wouldn't have fit Tezuka's nature if he had only pursued club activities and not dedicated himself to the sport fully.

5. In Shinteni, Fuji has been opening his eyes a lot. Has something changed for him?
He isn't really aware of it himself, but it's probably because it makes him seem cool even when he's not smiling. He cannot keep his relaxed smile all the time because the international competition is really strong. That said, isn't it natural that his expression would become more serious the more he cares about winning?

6. What is the name of the juice Inui (the one with koala) made after the qualifying rounds?
It's Coca Koala. (laughter)

7. I'm worried about Oishi, Gin and Tohno. Will their injuries have any influence on their futures?
Everyone is fine!

8. Who stole Atobe's uniform at the beach?
It was Dorgias' dog. Wouldn't it be funny if some old man in the audience was wearing it? (laughter)

9. Why hasn't Atobe been banished yet if he's so handsome?
It's only a matter of time.

10. Is there any mental attack Oshitari can't withstand when closing his heart?
He can even withstand Tsuki's pressure. It can be useful outside of tennis too.

11. Is Hyoutei's no. 2 Jirou or Yuushi?
They're both aiming to be no. 1. Same goes for Shishido and Hiyoshi.

12. Did Rokkaku and Higa make up later on?
They didn't. Higa hit a ball at Ojii after all.

13. Is Kaburiel doing okay?
It's doing fine. However, the rhinoceros beetle is gradually losing weight.

14. Has Koharu-chan locked on to any of the foreign high schoolers?
I think he has locked on to some of them. He loves Fitzgerald. (laughter)

15. What subject does Osamu-chan teach?

16. What happened with Bunta negotiating with Kimijima about Yukimura's surgery?
Please keep following the story!

17. Will Yukimura be able to enjoy tennis one day?
I want him to. Since he keeps holding on to that feeling of never giving up, he might be able to enjoy it.

18. When they were young, what did Sanada call Yukimura?
He called him Yukimura-kun. Genichirou was a little shy back then.

19. Since Akaya is bad at English, did he learn any new words by chatting with the Australians?
Medium rare.

20. Is Akaya aware of the toll 'Devil Mode’ takes on his body?
I don't think he's aware of it.

21. What are the limits of Niou's Illusion?
He can become a girl or even an animal... at one point he also turned into Ryoma.

22. Does Niou's "Puppinacho" have any connection to TUBE Republic?
There is a connection. I reckon it's something he picked up when he traveled to TUBE.

23. Has Kamio made any progress with An-chan?!
Their relationship is the same as before. Tachibana is vigilant and while Kamio invited her to go on a date to hug koalas, she refused.

24. Is Midoriyama's uniform a blazer or a gakuran?
It's a blazer.

25. Did Akutsu return to Japan?
He accompanies his mother during shopping and carries the heavy luggage. He's become a luggage boy. (laughter)

26: I want to know about the time Fuji and Saeki met!
I think they met when the two of them played tennis together. If I ever get a chance to draw that scene, I want to flesh it out properly.

27. Is Liliadent German?
He's German-American.

28. I want to know about the middle schoolers who didn't go to the training camp!
They're all training hard for next year.

29. Who will be the next captain of every school?
I really want to draw them, so I'm depending on your support, everyone!

30. Since Byoudouin wore Makinofuji's uniform, is he from the Hyougo prefecture?
Makinofuji is in the Hyougo prefecture. It's always been a prestigious and strong school.

31. Since Tanegashima calls Shiraishi 'Nosuke', does he also have nicknames for the others?
Since he's the type to give a lot of nicknames, I think he might turn up with more from now on!

32. Did the high schoolers know that Oni was the former no. 5?
Of course they knew from the start. Since he had won against Byoudoin, they all knew how powerful he was.

33. In "The Spy's Conquest", Irie searched for his contacts, but does he actually even have any?
It was a lie. Irie lying is the norm, there's no helping it.

34. It seemed like Tokugawa was overseas, so will anyone who he met while abroad appear in the story?
Actually, although I intended to give him the setting of having been in Paris, I decided not to delve too far into it.

35. Does Ochi-san also have the Hyoutei call?
I had no interest in giving him the call. Atobe was the one who came up with it after all. (laughter)

36. What is the 'Kimijima Concern' that appeared at the end of the stand-alone story "Yaroo Hunter"?
It is Kimijima's home. I wonder how it compares to Atobe's zaibatsu. (laughter)

37. How did Tohno awaken his execution play style?
To polish his skills, he used to aim at plates.

38. Was Akuto-niisan always the kind of person who would make Akuto-meshi?
After Inui shared his creations with Yanagi, Yanagi inspired Akuto. Akuto-meshi tastes so terrible, you can't even imagine it. (laughter)

39. Why did Yamato change his image when he entered high school?
To become popular.

40. Since the Greek representatives are all as beautiful as sculptures, do they care about their appearance a lot?
No, not more than your average guy.

41. What kind of person is the Greek coach 'The Thinker'?
He's a doll.

42. Why do the Greek representatives call Zeus-sama, -sama?
Because he's an omnipotent god. They also respect him outside of tennis, so everyone calls him -sama.

43. Is the bird that was hit during the match with Australia safe?
Of course the bird is safe.

44. Is there any meaning to Amadeus shouting "Balleena!"?
It's Spanish for "whale". Now that you mention it, when I was watching one of Nadal's matches on television, I wanted to give his signature shot a name. Because of the heavy top spin on the ball, it drops suddenly and the shape of that trajectory reminded me of the head of a whale. That's how I ended up with "balleena".

45. Since they're both participating in the finals tournament, how is Bertie B. Volk related to Germany's captain?
They're siblings. Bertie is the younger brother and both of them are pros.

46. Have Volk and Amadeus ever played against each other on the pro tour?
At the moment, Volk is stronger and if they played now, he would win. Amadeus only turned pro recently, so he wouldn't be able to break through Volk's defense no matter how much he tried.

47. What was the American representatives' reaction when Ryoma and Ryoga both left?
They probably understood. However, while Rhinehart tried to motivate the team again, they are still feeling sad about losing the brothers and haven't found their resolution again yet.

48. What were the American representatives like before Rhinehart joined the team?
I think they were very scattered and Rhinehart unified them with his strong leadership when he joined. That's his specialty after all. However, how good they were at tennis back then I can't say for sure. (laughter)

49. What is Ryoga doing now?
He's still at the venue. I want to illustrate his peculiar way of thinking further going forward.

50. Is Ryoga bad at doubles?
No, he isn’t.

51. Are any of the Japanese representatives in danger of being expelled from the tennis world for being too handsome?
If I had to pick anyone, it would be Shiraishi or Oishi.

52. I want to know about the connection between Atobe and Leon.
They're friends, but not on good terms with each other. To be honest, I've always wanted to go more in-depth about their relationship.

53. What was your motive for drawing Aramenoma?
I thought I couldn't really square a team like that with a real country, so at first I wanted to turn them into aliens... but in the end that didn't really come out well either, so ultimately I'm glad no aliens appeared. (Oof)

54. Were there any names of the foreigners you paid special attention too?
Dodo Obando. I also love Jin Onojiiha and QP. After that, Kuraraga Tatsuta comes to mind. By the way, when Camus first appeared, I only called him "Leopold", but later on I definitely wanted to incorporate "Charpentier", so it ended up being L. Camus de Charpentier.

55. What was Fuji's reason for starting tennis?
His big sister Yumiko’s boyfriend started taking him and Yuuta to his tennis circle.

56. What was the outcome of the newcomer battle between Hiyoshi and Akaya?
Back then, Akaya won. However, winning once doesn't mean you'll win every time.

57. Is the Kuwahara ramen shop thriving?
The number of customers is gradually decreasing.

58. Why is Tanegashima bad with planes?
When he was small, a model airplane stabbed his head while he was sleeping.

59. Is Irie-san good at playing the saxophone?
He thinks he's good, but it's so loud that no one can sleep at night. (laughter) For a high schooler he is quite skilled though, since he even practices in the middle of the night.
All this makes me want Konomi to do a pure slice of life spinoff outside of tennis with all the teams, something like those picture dramas. There seem to be some great behind the scenes dynamics between the characters that we're not seeing due to it being constant matches. I quite liked that beach pickup contest.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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All this makes me want Konomi to do a pure slice of life spinoff outside of tennis with all the teams, something like those picture dramas. There seem to be some great behind the scenes dynamics between the characters that we're not seeing due to it being constant matches. I quite liked that beach pickup contest.
The casual chapters are always great breathers. Just to add on the latest instance, I'd also count stuff like the HSers' secret mission to change the line-up here. Right now we probably have two more chances in NPoT for those kinds of chapters - one before the semis and one before the finals - and I absolutely expect we'll have at least something food related sooner or later. As for a complete slice of life spin-off, I wouldn't be opposed to that either, but I think the tennis should be there to some extent as well. Maybe something akin to Yowamushi Pedal's Spare Bike series could work well, i.e. we'd just follow a focus character for eight to ten chapters and then switch to a different one.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Some profiles include new/previously unnamed special moves.


The stuff Kimijima said when using Wonder Castle is classified as a move, or rather as part of a set of moves. They're song lyrics and in addition to the three we know of, there are 13 more that remain unnamed. I think we can basically put those 16 lyrics into three categories:
  1. The unnamed 13 lyrics. Kimijima has probably had these all along and it's most likely 13 lyrics to match Tohno's 13 executions.
  2. "Water surface" and "Castle walls" are what he copied from Marui and Kite, the former denoting the net defense and the latter being lobbed over and forming a wall to conceal the partner's shot.
  3. "Spiderweb" seems like an on the spot improvisation to me. It's not part of the initial 13 moves and it's not part of what Marui and Kite did, Kimijima just read the situation and figured out a way to combat France's attack right then and there.


Basically everything Ohmagari did in chapter 104 now has a name:
  • Nitouryuu: The basic dual wielding. I'm including an image for comparison with one of the later moves though.
  • Wild Tiger: The previous "tiger" moves (Sengoku, Hara) were overhead shots, so this one probably is too. The only overhead Ohmagari has ever played on-screen was this one. There's not a whole lot to go on, but it's probably just a speed serve. Not as fast as Mach obviously, but I guess Ohmagari might have the second or third best serve among the G10.
  • Double Dragon Stroke Drop: Probably refers to this move. I reckon it's like a two racket version of Oshitari's Fake & Drop, so you'd prepare to hit a smash or drive volley with one racket and a drop with the other and can then decide which one to go with at the last moment.
  • Reverse Demon Style: The literal translation of this one is "9 cm Onigawara" with the Japanese being San Sun Onigawara. Sun is an old measuring unit and three sun describe "the width of four fingers (except the thumb) side-by-side." It most likely refers to this page, meaning it's a variation of Nitouryuu in which you hold one racket normally and the other with a reverse grip.


The name of Kaji's move is Skanda Draft. Skanda is a figure from Buddhism. Obviously I don't know what this is since Kaji hasn't had a proper match (yet). But I think a key question here is whether this is the new technique mentioned in his 10.5 profile or something he achieved after losing to Oni.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Some more updates on these characters. I'll update the wikia tomorrow though.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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Team Australia, translated by Holycow.

ean Fitzgerald
Having heartfelt self-respect, he’s the nation’s pride! He controls Australia, Tasmania’s Buddha!!

His slice serve makes the opponent run horizontally, he emphasizes on returning low defense balls.
With his textbook-like defense, he leads Australia to victory.

“To carry the country on our backs is our priority!”

U17Wcup Australia Representatives Captain 3HSER
Birthday: 03/09 (Virgo)
Bloodgroup: O
Family: Father, Mother, Younger sister, Parrot
Hobby: Watching cricket
Favorite phrase: Start with a bow, end with a bow (TL note: Show respect at all times)
Favorite color: Indigo blue
Favorite food: Meat pie
Favorite type: Independent person
Favorite Date spot: Barbecuing in the park
Most wanted thing right now: Coffee maker
Bad at: SNS
Skills outside of tennis: DIY
Daily habit during the camp: Networking with the players of other countries
Length: 183 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Skills: Iron wall
Playstyle: Counter puncher
Racket: Völkl Quantum 10 tour
Shoes: Yonex power cushion wide 172

He throws himself away and serves the team!!
Jean is burdened hismelf with the expectations of being from the host country. In order to lead the team, he honours politeness.

(Pic: Jean bowing to Dorgias)
He even shows politeness to the arrogant Dorgias. Jean’s true intention is trusting in the potential Dorgias holds.

(Pic: Jean returning a ball)
With the wide reach of his defense power, he lures the opponent to miss. With his best partner, he constructs the iron wall.

Tenipedia: Chris
He learned to do a beautiful Ojigi (TL note: Bow)from Japan!!
The captain became enlightened in Japan. Learning this way of politeness with Ojigi, he carries it out for his team without exception.
That is why he is called Tasmania’s Buddha.
(TL note: He did a lot of zen in JP, learned that bowing is very respectful and now does it to his teammates to respect them)

Chris Hopman
Blessed with leg strength and reflexes! The keyman to completing the Iron wall!!

He can shake up the opponent with his strong leg power and his reflexes, and maintain it for long times because of his stamina. No one would have talked about constructing Australia’s iron wall if Chris wasn’t there.

“Captain, let’s do it now!”

U17Wcup Australia Representatives Vice Captain 3HSER
Birthday: 28/12 (Capricorn)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Father, Mother
Hobby: Petting animals
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite food: Vegetables, beans
Favorite book: Flora and fauna picture books
Favorite type: Reliable person
Favorite Date spot: Great Barrier Reef
Most wanted thing right now: A gentle life
Bad at: Being insulted
Skills outside of tennis: Quickly counting wild birds
Daily habit during the camp: Worshipping
Length: 184 cm
Weight: 73 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Skills: Iron wall
Playstyle: Counter puncher
Racket: Völkl catapult v1 midplus
Shoes: asics omniterrain-dual

Having discovered his inner self, he has complete trust in the captain!!
Understanding Chris’s talent, Jean invited his partner. Having partnered up, the two established and completed their status as the iron wall. As for Chris, Jean is a captain and together a benefactor as well.

(Pic: Chris behind Jean)
As a rear guard he covers the captain. Their diverse battle formations are also perfect.

(Pic: Chris returning a ball)
He covers a really extensive area with his body strength. Because of this covering power, he made a name for himself since middle school.

Belongings inspection by J.J. Dorgias
Travel bag
Chestnut Smoothie
It’s a drink that guy takes out during the match. I once brought it up to my mouth, but somehow the stench of vegemite sobered me up. What’s up with that?

Ramon Crawford
The preparation is perfect! The genius leading Australia to victory!!

His existence driving the next era, Ramon is the hope to rely on for Australia’s tennis world.
He is endowed with steady netplay, a strong fore (TL note: as in forehand) and a strong development.

“Let’s trust in those guys…”

U17Wcup Australian Representative 3rd year hser
Birthday: 29/10 (Scorpio)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Father, Mother, Younger sister, Bird
Hobby: Watching movies
Favorite food: Well done meat
Length: 175 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Dominant Hand: Left
Playstyle: All rounder

Tenipedia: Milky
If I surround Craw-san I definitely won’t lose!!
The captain, Dorgias-senpai and Craw-san are our three head pillars! Craw-san’s drop shot is like Australia’s U.M.A (Drop bear)!! If it crosses the net it falls with a bam!

Bill Hewitt
A cheerful volleyer accompanying Crawford!!

Cheerful and believing in the spirit of a challenge.
Because he’s young, when he returns he extremely prides himself in a surprise attack.
When the opponent hits a serve, he gallops to it at full speed.

“Gatten Craw-san!!” (TL note: Gatten means something like, Amazing, awesome)

U17Wcup Australian Representative 3MSER
Birthday: 06/09 (Virgo)
Bloodgroup: O
Family: Father, Mother, Dog
Hobby: Barbecue
Favorite food: Medium rare meat
Favorite color: Dark grey
Length: 183 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: Serve&Volley

Belongings inspection by Jean Fitzgerald
Travel bag
Yurushite Gatten DVD
I brought him a souvenir DVD of a Japanese TV program. Since then “Gatten” has become his favorite phrase.

Mac Mcgregor
Possessing dynamic vision akin to that of a bird of prey! Australia’s golden eagle!!

Even if he is a middle schooler, he posseses Australia’s best dynamic vision and boasts of his big serve. Together with his partner Milky, they’re the “Quick Attack pair” and aim for the laurels of victory.

“Ha, isn’t the serve of the Japanese too slow?”

U17Wcup Australia Representative 3MSER
Birthday: 12/10 (Libra)
Bloodgroup: O
Family: Father, Mother, Older sister, Younger sister, Cat
Hobby: Video production
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite book: Newton (Physics magazine)
Favorite food: Jelly beans
Favorite type: Enthusiastic girl
Favorite Date spot: Beach
Most wanted thing right now: Video editing software
Bad at: Speed limits
Skills outside of tennis: Skateboarding
Daily habit during the camp: Shooting videos of the players from other countries
Length: 177 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Skills: Tachyon
Playstyle: Serve&Volley
Racket: Wilson burn 95
Shoes: Wilson zone mid

He’s burdened with the next era of Australia!!
In his own generation, he’s the top of Australian tennis. Mac’s motivation keeps Milky’s force of will extremely high.

(Pic: Mac returning a ball)
Always cheerful, he has an unfaltering force of will.

(Pic: Mac returning a ball)
He makes use of his fundamentally long stature, and volleys with a lively motion. Furthermore, he matches up remarkably as a server.

Tenipedia: Milky
Actually, Makkun can also hit Tachyon
It seems like he studied up on my Tachyon when shooting videos. Incidentally, he named my move Newtrino, isn’t that cool!?

Jay Jay Dorgias

Bringing on public controversies about his unprecedent speech and conduct, his impressive play forces down the opponent. Being the center player of Australia as host country, he holds the key and pride to their rapid advancement, and the time has come for Dorgias’ name to be roared throughout the world.

“I have no intention of losing”

U17Wcup Australia Representative 3HSER
Birthday: 29/07 (Leo)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Grandmother, Younger brother, Dog (Name: Koala)
Hobby: Training
Favorite phrase: Power is justice
Favorite color: Gold
Favorite food: Beef jerky, Apple pie
Favorite book: Fashion magazine
Favorite type: A girl facing the same direction as him
Favorite Date spot: Own house
Most wanted thing right now: Hair styling products
Bad at: Patience
Skills outside of tennis: Street art, Rap
Daily habit during the camp: Drinking freshly squeezed apple juice
Length: 191 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: Agressive baseliner
Racket: Head Graphene Speed Mp Ltd
Shoes: Asics Prestigelyte Oc

(Pic: JJ hitting a ball)
He hits a heavy top spin with his splendid form. If his concentration rises, he is unstoppable.

The favourite child!? Or the problem child!? The nice guy shouldering the future of Australia!!
At his brother’s expulsion, he turned his anger towards the Academy and promised his brother to raise to the top of the world together. Having risen from that ravine, the top ranker Dorgias controls the future of Australia’s tennis world.

(Pic: Dorgias)
Dorgias lashes out at his teammates with jeers. His anger at his brother’s repulsion from the tennis academy, being chosen as a representative disregarding the true power of his little brother is nothing but irritation.
(TL note: He’s angry cause they chose him and neglected Noah)

(Pic: Dorgias about to kick Toby’s ass)
Lunging from above, he gives a kick. He also gets criticism on his speech and conduct during games.
(TL note: He performs French boxing)

A shattered dream turned his anger towards his team! The time has come for past troubles to awaken!

Belongings inspection by Chris Hopman
Travel bag
Portable electric clipper
As for Dorgias’ hair art, one day he suddenly started with it with my hair clipper. Since then I’ve been in charge of his clipper.

Tenipedia: Noah Dorgias
Our pet dog’s name signifies the love for Australia.
My partner is Koala. His name was given by my brother, and even if it’s a bit blunt, it is overflowing with my brother’s love for Australia.

Messages to Dorgias!

Leon: I’m embarassed to be thrown over his shoulder at 191 cm height. I think judo fits him more than tennis.

Tooyama: That guy was my first hurdle in becoming the worlds best tennis player. I don’t think I won though.

Atobe: Even with that terrrible mad dog, lately you’ve been well… The next time we’ll meet will be a protracted war…in doubles.
(TL note: lately you’ve been average)

Inui: The little paido comorando’s literal translation is the pale thrush child cormorant. It’s not an albatross but a member of the cormorants…

Milky Millman
Yelling Tachyon Neutrino! The fastest big serve, with the speed of light!!

With his small body, he hits a big serve, an Australian miracle boy. His Tachyon reaches the opponent’s court with ultra high speed.

“Let’s show how slow those guys are till the end”

U17Wcup Australia Representative 2MSER
Birthday: 20/06 (Gemini)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Father, Mother, 2 Younger sisters, 3 dogs, 2 cats
Hobby: SNS
Favorite color: Lemon yellow
Favorite food: Chocolate biscuit
Favorite book: American comics
Favorite type: An outspoken girl
Favorite Date spot: Photogenic places
Most wanted thing right now: Newly released fidget spinner
Bad at: Areas without connection (TL note: As in wifi)
Skills outside of tennis: Parkour
Daily habit during the camp: Selfies, taking two shots with the players from other countries
Length: 157 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Dominant Hand: LeftSkills: Tachyon, Neutrino
Playstyle: Serve&Volleyer
Racket: Srixon Revo Cx 2.0 Tour 2015
Shoes: Head ad.apt_ 1105.y Om

By throwing away his personal feelings he contributes to the team!!
Together with Mac, they lead the Australian tennis world. He intentionally devotes himself like a horse, exerting himself for the sake of realizing his ideals and for victory.

(Pic: Milky hitting Neutrino)
After being chosen as representative, he devised a trump card at the training camp. That high speed goes straight ahead, piercing through every barrier.

(Pic: Milky and Mac)
He was chosen as representative by Noah. He answers his orders 100%.

Messages to Milky!

Fuji: I was a little bit late in forming Critical wind… It seemed to be able to cut through Tachyon though.

Niou: Truthfully, I got saved because of Atobe’s advice. Switching shoes and racket was the right decision. Kurokuro.(TL note: kurokuro=> croak croak (frog))

Noah Dorgias
Searching for the light of victory, Australia’s fixer!

Since middle school he finished reading “200 pawns”, and boasts of his strategy, as he received a high rating. Accomplishing to enter the academy, his sudden attack was an accident.
(TL note: attack referring to his detoriating sight)

“It’s because brother is Australia’s pride”

U17Wcup Australia Representative candidate 3MSER
Birthday: 13/02 (Aquarius)
Bloodgroup: A
Family: Grandmother, Older brother, Dog (Koala)
Hobby: Walking the dog
Favorite color: Green
Favorite food: Pancake, Apple pie
Favorite type: A person he can’t predict/Person who can’t predict (TL note: both are valid, even if I’m leaning towards the first meaning)
Favorite Date spot: As long as they can pass time together, anywhere is fine
Most wanted thing right now: Black piercings
Bad at: Darkness
Skills outside of tennis: Chess, Hugging animals
Daily habit during the camp: Sunbathing
Length: 174 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: All rounder

Believing in his brother, together they chase their dream!
Losing his vision, for surgery and rehabilitation Noah left the academy. However he saw a ray of hope. His brother’s existence, who possesed talent more than Noah did. For the sake of fulfilling the dream with his brother, he started using his brains.

(Pic: Dorgias brothers)
Together with his brother, they aim for the top of…One day they will definitely make the dream reality.

(Pic: Noah holding a chess piece)
Having read “200 pawns” he’s a master of chess and supports Australia from the shadows.

Messages to Noah!

Shiraishi: He’s the master of Australia’s mastermind chess. One day I want to contest him with my bible chess.

Atobe: I could see through his strategies from the start. Heal your eyes properly…next time we’ll have a match in tennis.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2013
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That leaves Germany.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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The rest of Germany, translated by Holycow.

Jürgen Borisivich Volk

Just by standing on the court, the whole atmosphere changes, as he intimidates the opponent... That is the awesomeness of a protennis player who is still studying. Leaving no gaps in his offence and defense, the perfect match he carries out leaves the opponent parted from their fighting spirit.

"Players who hold pride and pressure... throw it away!!"

U17wcup German Representative Captain Pro (18 years)
Birthday: 10/08 (Leo)
Bloodtype: A
Family: Father, Mother, Older sister, Younger brother
Hobby: Meditating, Reading (Philosophy books)
Favorite phrase: Fanaticism is always necessary, those who are fanatic will conquer. Victory can't be won by strength of skill or competent weapons, but by love.
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: Münchner Weißwurst
Favorite book: Foundations of the science of knowledge (TL note: It's written in JP, but after a bit of researching I could link it to the book "Die wissenschaftslehre")
Favorite type: A girl who meets his sense of values
Favorite Date spot: The cologne cathedral
Most wanted thing right now: A collection of Fichte books
Bad at: Nothing
Skills outside of tennis: Alpine climbing
Daily habit during the camp: Washing his neckwarmer
Length: 184 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Skills: Buiuberu no Taofe
Playstyle: All rounder
Racket: Head Youtek Prestige MP
Shoes: Prince Advancedfit Game III AC

(Pic: Volk hitting a shot)
By rotating his racket longitudinally, he can "play" the racket of the opponent. It is certain that a return is impossible.

The captain who is both strict to himself and other pursues only victory!!
As a pro, Volk holds pride in his heart as he appears on the w-cup, and has absolutely no arrogance or negligence. As a captain, he encourages the young players, and in order to realize ten straight championships, he completes all his duties to the fullest.

(Pic: Volk yelling)
Intimidating the opponents as if he was a turbulent wave gives him an advantage at the opening match. He has experienced many fighting scenes and a pro's words are of importance.

(Pic: Volk jogging)
Training his legs and loins is the foundation of his play. His daily routine of jogging is more than a full marathon.

(Pic: Volk and Tezuka)
If Volk walks, paths open spontaneously. The players of the other nations watch his movement all over, he has the most profile in the Wcup after all.

The baptism of challengers! The philosopher who leads the Germans to victory!!

Belongings inspection by M. Bismarck
Travel bag
A neckwarmer he got from a fan
It seems that he puts it on for the fans during important matches. As Volk's a pro, I'm surprised he is such a sincere bean.

Tenipedia: Tezuka Kunimitsu
In the early morning I accompany Volk with jogging. When the other day we passed the national border and ran into Switzerland, I fully realized my lack of power.

Messages to Volk!

Oishi: When I met him and he looked at me, that was a privilege! Tezuka, can you ask him for his signature la... w-well no, don't mind me!

Yukimura: If Tokugawa wasn't there, I wouldn't have been able to move my hands and legs. However, having had a match against a pro, I feel like I grasped the mood.
(TL note: He tasted what it feels like)

Ralph: When I was observing the exhibition match, I was shuddering from his bottomless strength. His strength of determination was apparent in his shots.

Pupke: As expected, you show off your dignity of a monarch. Kunimitsu is also growing up into a splendid pro.

M. Bismarck
The experienced player who won't let victory slip away with his ascertainment.

Based on plenty rule of thumbs, he's acknowledged as the firm rock that allows for the advancement of the match. Having an extensive outlook, he can see right through the enemy's weaknesses with the secret of his strength being his perception and judgement.

"Checheche, if you don't attack you won't win!!"

U17wcup German Representative Vice captain 3HSER
Birthday: 28/07 (Leo)
Bloodtype: O
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother, Dog
Hobby: Touring car dealers
Favorite phrase: Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
Favorite color: Burgundy
Favorite food: Meatsauce pasta, Schnitzel
Favorite book: Car magazines
Favorite type: A beautiful person with good style that can cook well
Favorite Date spot: BMW museum
Bad at: Working behind the scenes (TL note: ?)
Skills outside of tennis: Tour guiding
Daily habit during the camp: Watching girls in the audience
Length: 189 cm
Weight: 77 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Skills: Spinless swayball
Playstyle: Aggressive baseliner
Racket: Head Premiere Tour 600
Shoes: Asics gel-resolution 4 OC

By using carrot and stick, he controls his partner!
Boasting "Only me is plenty" was for the sake of rousing Siegfried. Being able to see through his opponent's character, he is aware of his skill to take control.

(Pic: Bismarck returning a ball)
No matter what ball, he can return it, as his defense is guaranteed.

(Pic: Bismarck diving)
The return toss was to properly show gratitude towards his partner's support, he won't forget misses or covers.
(TL note: No clue what's happening here)

Belongings inspection by E. Siegfried
Travel bag
BMW keys
It seems they were hand me downs from his grandfather of his beloved car. He's holding on to them so his older brother won't be able to ride it.

As the German's brains, he is the masterpiece between geniuses!!

Real name or birthplace unknown, the name Quality of Perfect is befitting of his true power, as his special ability is a play without any gaps.

"I probably won't even have to use 1/10th of my power"

U17wcup German Representative Counselor 2HSER
Birthday: 04/03 (Pisces)
Bloodtype: AB
Family: None
Hobby: Music appreciation (Mendelssohn)
Favorite phrase: First and last, what is demanded of genius is love and truth
Favorite color: White
Favorite food: Werther's originals
Favorite type: Intelligent person
Favorite Date spot: A little park in the outskirts of the town
Most wanted thing right now: Latest tablet
Bad at: Being told he looks like a doll
Skills outside of tennis: Cooking for 30 minutes with perfect quality (TL note: ?)
Daily habit during the camp: Phone calls (Unidentified person)
Length: 177 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Dominant Hand: Left
Playstyle: All rounder
Racket: Bridgestone Probeam X01 Mid Over 2001
Shoes: Yonex Power Cushion Wide 2001

The realist who makes humility and self-confidence coexist.
Because he received special education from a young age, his talent has bloomed. His brains are uncommon, as he can objectively judge both his and other's abilities. He is absolutely not humble about that, nevertheless, being told he's perfect is the reason for living.

(Pic: QP's back)
No matter what state the match is in, he can deduce the optimal solution. There's not a single error in the wiring of his brain.

(Pic: QP and Siegfried)
He searches for perfection, so he doesn't overestimate his ability. If the source of information is relevant, he also consults other people's opinion.

Messages to QP!
Tezuka: Thank you for your precise data analysis and advice. From now I'll be diligent as well.

A. Frankensteiner
The tennis cyborg who boasts of superhuman skills!

He loyally executes orders as if he was a robot, being gifted with controlling the ball without the tiniest deviation. He's a player who is expected to grow even more from now on.


U17wcup German Representative 3MSER
Birthday: 19/03 (Pisces)
Bloodtype: O
Family: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother, Younger sister, Little bird, Squirrel
Hobby: Embroidery (Can thread the needle on first try)
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite food: Schneeballen, Baumkuchen
Favorite book: Grimm's Fairy tales
Favorite type: Someone who likes animals
Favorite Date spot: Neuschwanstein castle
Most wanted thing right now: Dog model robot
Bad at: Being asked to "Shoot beams!" by kids
Skills outside of tennis: Repairing machines, Searching for objects
Daily habit during the camp: Patrolling the area to see if there are no suspicious persons
Length: 194 cm
Weight: 86 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: Counter Puncher
Racket: Yonex Ultimatum Rd Ti 50
Shoes: Prince Claymaster

Even though his play is mechanical, he expresses plenty of emotion... ?
Despite looking frightening at first sight, inside he loves animals and posseses a kind heart. Because he's silent very often, many people misunderstand him from first impression.

(Pic: Frankensteiner smiling)
The smile he gives his opponents during the match is overpowering, but is actually no more than an innocent way of expressing his happiness.

(Pic: Frankensteiner hitting a shot)
His asset of precision was shown when he hit the ball through a small gap in Black hole. It can be said that in order to continue Germany's consecutive championships, the next era is burdened with major capabilities.

Tenipedia: QP
By the way, it seems he made a robot when he was 4 In addition to his fingers being dexterous, he also has eyes that can analyze in an instant. Making robots doesn't seem easy huh.

E. Siegfried
His cheeky behaviour is proof of his selfconfidence! Germany's future who holds a lot of potential!

His unyielding playstyle is proof of his hard work. While there are unrefined aspects, during a match he can see immediately through the opponents' errors and he also surpasses in the ability to target weak points.

"It's useless."

U17wcup German Representative 3MSER
Birthday: 02/12 (Saggitarius)
Bloodtype: B
Family: Father, Mother, Older sister
Hobby: When quarreling, shutting the opponent down (TL note: verbally)
Favorite phrase: Viel Feind, viel Ehr
Favorite color: Gold
Favorite food: Gummy bears
Favorite book: Doesn't read
Favorite type: Anyhow, a cute girl
Favorite Date spot: Christmas market
Most wanted thing right now: Girlfriend
Bad at: Gummies that look like tires
Skills outside of tennis: Carpentry
Daily habit during the camp: Strolling, Picking fights with Tezuka
Length: 170 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: Serve&Volleyer
Racket: Yonex Super Rq Ti 800 Pro
Shoes: Babolat V-pro All Court Style Br

The pride of the Germans is cultivated deep inside his heart!
His pride being injured, nothing is more of a humiliation to siegfried. He stirs up the opponent with his behaviour, his opressive remarks can be heard many times, which might be to protect his pride.

(Pic: Siegfried)
Being a rival to the same-aged Tezuka is the driving force of his growth.

(Pic: Siegfried hitting a shot)
Going forward, his strong attacking playstyle is his pride. However, he still possesses the dexterity to attack the opponent's rear.

Messages to Siegfried!

Frankensteiner: The offender who ate all the Haribo gummies left on the desk was... me. *grins*

The hit the ball with a pro's dignity and aura! The tournament's N1 doubles pair!!

For the sake of continuing Germany's 10 consecutive wins at the Wcup, they summoned two pro players from their own country. In a few words, both are splendid united in doubles. This combination is without mistake the tournament's N1, as the players of other countries also have observed.

Dankmar Schneider
U17wcup German Representative Pro (17 years)
Birthday: 22/09 (Virgo)
Bloodtype: O
Length: 223 cm
Weight: 130 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: All rounder

Bertie Boris Volk
U17wcup German Representative Pro (15 years)
Birthday: 30/12 (Capricorn)
Bloodtype: A
Length: 182 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Dominant Hand: Right
Playstyle: All rounder

The hidden weapons preserved from the exhibition match!
The strongest of Germany devote themselves daily, and their true power is unknown as they wish to compete to rise in the pro world. It's the calm Bertie and Dankmar, who boasts of being the largest in the tournament. With this large difference in stature, it is possible for them to challenge with any kind of tactic.

Messages to Dankmar and Bertie!

Irie: It seems Bertie is Volk's younger brother. There's no way both brothers are pro right... just kidding~

Fuji: Tezuka noted that they didn't appear in their match against South Africa either. A true battle will give Japan their victory.
(TL note: Can't quite make out if their victory refers to Japan or Germany, but i think its the latter)


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Basque Country
Kaoz, you think we should be taking the "pro's aura" literally or just as an expression?

The description of them being able to use any tactic is interesting, maybe in their match we'll go back to focus on formations (like the Australian formation) at least for a bit.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Kaoz, you think we should be taking the "pro's aura" literally or just as an expression?
Well, I don't think there's really a meaningful difference anymore, but I guess it'll be similar to Volk intimidating the opponent just by stepping onto the court. They'll have gained something by being exposed to the pro environment that sets them apart.

The description of them being able to use any tactic is interesting, maybe in their match we'll go back to focus on formations (like the Australian formation) at least for a bit.
Yes, I think there's a good chance this will happen. Not exactly sure what formation(s) they could put a new twist on though.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Basque Country
Ah, I meant the question more as "should we expect Synchro or a doubles' aura of the like?", sorry.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Ah, I meant the question more as "should we expect Synchro or a doubles' aura of the like?", sorry.
I'd be a little disappointed if that wasn't the case.