Chapter - Nanatsu no Taizai Lancelot One-shot Discussion | Page 9 | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Nanatsu no Taizai Lancelot One-shot Discussion


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 21, 2020
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United Kingdom
My personal thoughts right now for the 4 specific Knights are King and Diane’s kid, Tristan, Lancelot and Arthur. Imo, those will be the main 4 if it's called Four Knights of The Apocalypse.

And honestly, I don't want a sunshine user to get much focus in the sequel. Whoever it is I'm guessing it won't be a human, since they'd meet the same fate as Escanor otherwise. This means they'll be even stronger than Escanor since they're likely to be a different race, so it'd be cool for Vs debates to have an even stronger character but Sunshine is too OP in general, you always know the outcome for fights in-universe. The 3 demon brothers all got stomped by Escanor and even the DK had trouble against The One.

I'd like to see Zeldris' and Gelda's kid get some focus, a Demon + Vampire hybrid could be pretty cool if Nakaba comes up with some creative fusion powers. I also like how Vampires become two times stronger at night time. Imagine it has some demon magic like Chandler, then it could amp itself by using Darkness to make it 'night time' during the day.
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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That's a legit choice, and one of the characters who has every right to be regarded as one. But there is nothing in favor of him/her being as one.

Based on names in Arthurian legends, the possibilities are so vast. I enjoyed reading your points.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

As someone who is not knowledgeable enough when it comes to Arthurian legends, I want to stick to the lore of NnT to discuss who might end up being a Knight of apocalypse and why I think of them like that.

1. King and Diane's possible child (Galehaut possibly). Considering how King made it into the top three most popular characters, it's a safe decision to include his child in the sequel as a main character. Everyone who loves King and Diane will look forward to a sequel featuring their kid. On the other hand, it's a big risk to omit their child and disappoint a large number of fans from the get go. There is a knight in Arthurian legend called
By the way, both King and Diane are now residing outside Britannia and the entire human realm. Their child will have many things to do and learn in that learn instead of helping the people of a foreign realn.
The fact that Nakaba hasn't mentioned the names of the child also makes me less certain about the role.

2. Arthur is always a possibility. He has Merlin and Nanashi by his side, and is the King of Camelot. He is too important to be a side character. But his insane amount of power and authority can break the balance in the group of four.

3. Zeldoris was a prominant character in NnT since his debut. He had gone through lots of hardships and finally reunited with his beloved Gelda. Many people would be pleased to see their child in the sequel, and this child as Tristan's cousin will have a good place in the story from the beginning. Like a chance for retelling the story of Mel and Zel in a different setting. But compared to the other powerhouses, the child of a demon and a VAMPIRE might seem unnecessary and out of place.

4. Sunshine was one of the most questionable abilities in NnT. Many people disliked Escanor and his ability because it was more of a Deus Ex Machina rather than an actual ability. It was always as powerful as Nakaba wanted, and ruined the tention for many of the fans. Add Mael to this mess, and a tragedy happens for the plot. Mael is afraid of using Sunshine against DK, but Escanor isn't?
As a blessing that originally belonged to the goddess clan, there was little to no room in NnT for Sunshine and the other three. Lots of unanswered questions and asspuls. Sequel provides a good opportunity to explain those powers, and from the sketches, we know there is a possibility of having a Sunshine wielder in MnYK. Even Arthurian legend allows NS to introduce a character other than Escanor to use this ability. This way, we may end up knowing how Sunshine chose Escanor as well, which gives his mysterious story a more believable conclusion.
The greatest problem is that Sunshine may be used as the dues ex machina once more, and sacrifice another character for nothing. All the nightmares we saw after Mael's awakening may return in the sequel once more.

5. Pelliot was a human child who played the role of the leader of Seven deadly sins. He has a long history with Gowther especially in the manga version. Gowther is said to have gone back to his side after the events of NnT as well. Pelliot has every right to be among the main cast of MnYK. Gowther doesn't have a baby of his own, but his apprentice can act as his replacement among the next generation. I can't overlook the beauty of having leader of the false SDSs on the same side as Tristan who wants becaome one of the SDSs.
But again, he is a human being. What is he supposed to accomplish when there are monsters like Tristan and Lancelot are around? OK, we know that one of the holy knights of Liones has left the country to create a human only nation in his ruined homeland. Human are the closest race to chaos as well. Their role seems to be more prominent in the sequel manga. Aside from that, Gowthers magic is more like a cheat. This living doll is able to fool members of the 10C and their higher ups in multiple occasions. If he can path his powers or at least teachings to someone else, he/she might be able to surpass his own limitations as a weak being.
The problem here is that gowther is technically an animated doll. Death does not threaten him as far as we now, and he doesn't need any kind of offspring or replacement.
Pelliot has a name that is not directly related to a Knight of round table as well. The closest name is in fact Pellias/Pellias, and I don't know how NS came up with the name Pelliot in the first place. Maybe there are some similarities in written Japanese that I don't know about. But with names such as Tristan, Lancelot, Arthur, and Merlin, it's unlikely that another MC will have a name outside of Arthurian legend. :hmm

These are the five characters that I find worthy of being among the main cast of MnYK labelled as a KNIGHT OF APOCALYPSE. Although the actual number of relevant characters would necessary be greater than 4. So it's possible for all of them to fit in the story to variable extents. There may also be other characters I've forgotten about. But one thing is for sure, the third and fourth seat both have good candidates to seat on.
We might meet a Gawaine/Gawayn(I wouldn't put it past Nakaba to turn him into a Gwen), since he is one of the more famous KotRT and a favourite nephew of Arthur's...the problem is that his reputation ranges from heroic(in relation to Arthur and the events revolving around him) to an enemy of Tristan's(in the Prose Tristan)...then there would be Percival, but Lancelot's own stint with the spear he made for himself may be a hint towards Nakaba merging the 2 characters into one. Percival was eventually replaced with Galahad in many legends and lists of Arthur's knights.
Now, I've taken a long break from most things Taizai, so I don't know what(beyond the bits and pieces I've seen in the oldest comment pages and the latest of this thread) Nakaba has already offered the fandom between the last chapter and this one-shot, so I might be headcanoning a lot or repeating stuff others already said. Do say if I've missed stuff (future) canon is already denying.

1. I have no doubt Kiane's brat will join in on the adventure, the parents might even send them out to learn more of the rest of the universe(since the human world and the Fairy Realm do still communicate). Plus, once Lance resurfaces, they may be curious about his state and send his cousin to help him readjust, fix his 'tude or whatever's necessary. Kiane are both still very young and shouldn't need an acting heir for a while emissary dealing with external problems that might affect them in the future should be more than welcome, though. Their "daughter"(?) might even be the one "Horseman" who is a "threat" by means of "beasts of the earth"(let's see how Nakaba plot-twists this).

2. Arthur may or may not be a KotA, cause he's a singularity, in a way, since he is naturally what Escanor always hoped/tried but failed to be: the pinnacle of the human species. He should end up as more closely involved at the HQ of whatever group of heroes forms, as a more invested blend of Bartra/Hendy/Dreyfus adding the wisdom of the old generation and to justify one or two interventions from aunty Merlin(however much I dislike what Nakaba turned her into, she's one member of the 7DS I feel will feature quite a lot even in the sequel...unless someone already trapped her in a Crystal Cave or abducted her the very same way they did Lance, "nanny" Jericho and the others). That's a must unless Nakaba intends to bring back the old generation and let them hijack the story. Better leave them out somehow(I just pray he doesn't give nonsensical reasons as to why). It's already nonsensical how 5 active top members of the oldest species in the world had no flying idea or suspicion on what was going on re the abductions. Said members being themselves quite ancient too.

3. Yes, a Zelda member would make sense as a hybrid(and the existence of hybrids being taken as a disrupting factor to the universe, at the very least from the FV's perspective, whoever they are). I wouldn't find their child unnecessary, but rather a decent pretext to bring the old cast strictly in the background/flashbacks and to properly develop Zel's own potential the way Nakaba never did in the story proper and through the actual character...Plus...think of leeching/draining abilities as representation of Famine:nerd...or for them to try and be a Conqueror, cause their daddy's position in the DR was left uncertain due to uncle Mel being essentially the DK, even if he gave up the status and practical power. EDIT: Another reason for which I'd love to see Zelda's kid in the mains group is that with all the Dark powers theme this offspring would have, Tristan would have more leeway to develop his inheritance from the GC...I'm still miffed Elizabeth was more spoken of than active, as a powerful goddess, so I want to at least see her child repping their lineage properly.

4. Idk how to feel about a Sunshine user among the heroes, it was troublesome and messily done in the 7DS, it would be doubly so in the sequel, especially if the SD is bound to be any form of major villain(yeah, right) there. I'd much rather have Arthur playing a more active role in the group over that. Though I wouldn't put it past Merlin to make a sort of baby-Groot clone of Escanor...somehow...or maybe a combo of Escanor and Mael(the idea horrifies me, but I can see Nakaba writing that).

5. Pelliot could be taken in as a disciple or student by Gowther himself, quite true...but I don't expect him to end up as a main figure, but at best as a sort of 6th ranger, provided he awakens a very strong/interesting ability...if point 4 doesn't turn into such a situation.

Back to Lance-a-lot, since I ended up reading the chapter in French, I'm really curious: how did his new haircut also translate into loss of baby fat and extra height(I would pass it for fairy heredity-sudden body transformation- if it was hinted at in the chapter, something it wasn' all...and speaking of this, it would've been actually funny had he had the ability to turn into a girl instead of a werefox or a more mature version of himself, roflmao; Nakaba really missed establishing a future ongoing gag, even if it reeked of Ranma 1/2). Not that I'm saying he has the ability to shape-shift(although that would make sense too, even in the HotA context).

I actually expect to see the Graces on the enemy's end, once again, but this time getting the development the Commandments got last time and Nakaba trying to go for a 4-on-4 enmity match-up, with personal bones to pick.

Also, has it been confirmed that the MCs will be the 4HotA, or is it still possible that said group is antagonistic and the heroes have to prevent their "awakening", provided that some of the more important characters, even some mains, are marked/destined to be them?
--- Double Post Merged, ---

it would interesting if King and Dianes daughter was the serious lets fight type.
Isn't Tristan already that type of character, though? Even Lance had a far more serious outlook than Ban, and I have a feeling that's exactly why and how the boys ended up going at it to the point Tristan actually wounded and scarred Lance.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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So great people have great imagination and hopes.............. Sadly Nakaba turns down both, so yeah expect some very mid - Generic shit for the sequel y'all who're looking forward to it. Yeah as NNT fan one will read it but I clearly see a boruto thing here.

Nakaba should give authority to the fans to answer certain questions on his behalf cause as I said fans have a much better imagination and answers(head canons) for the events

Mighty Escanor

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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We might meet a Gawaine/Gawayn(I wouldn't put it past Nakaba to turn him into a Gwen), since he is one of the more famous KotRT and a favourite nephew of Arthur's...the problem is that his reputation ranges from heroic(in relation to Arthur and the events revolving around him) to an enemy of Tristan's(in the Prose Tristan)...
I don't have much to argue or add to your points. Not that lots of things are revealed about the sequel.
But about this one, Nakaba is not bound to follow the original legend. Other than NnT characters, NS has borrowed Gawain, Morgan, Mordred, and some other names from the legend, but they had no connection to those Knights at all.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 31, 2016
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I don't have much to argue or add to your points. Not that lots of things are revealed about the sequel.
But about this one, Nakaba is not bound to follow the original legend. Other than NnT characters, NS has borrowed Gawain, Morgan, Mordred, and some other names from the legend, but they had no connection to those Knights at all.
That's good to know, thanks :) Really curious to see how Mordred turns up. I liked the BBC Merlin version quite a bit.

Mighty Escanor

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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That's good to know, thanks :) Really curious to see how Mordred turns up. I liked the BBC Merlin version quite a bit.
In Chiguhagu Lovers, a short manga consisting of only 17 chapters, and Rising Impact (15 chapters) you can find these characters if you are interested.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 11, 2016
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United States
Let's assume the sequel is about Four knights and we know Tristan is one of them. The title is not definitive yet, so the name and the number of the protagonists can change before the actual release. But I don't think anyone other than Tristan would be the protagonist even if the tilte is changed.

Lancelot had recently appeared in a One shot, and given how the two are both the offsprings of the SDSs, it's just natural to assume he might be the second knight.
The fact that he is called the Prince of the Lake may put him on the opposite side though. But it's too soon for such speculations.

Btw, who's the third one? Other than these two, there are at least 5 other characters who are worthy of joining the party as the kights of apocalypse. Unless there is some kind of info about the third knight that I'm not aware of. :hmm:hmm
My assumption is Tristan, Lancelot and King’s daughter.

Mighty Escanor

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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My assumption is Tristan, Lancelot and King’s daughter.
That's the most legit assumption, and the safest and most probable one.

But now that you mention it, if the kid is gonna be a girl, there's another possibility that she and Tristan or Lancelot may share the same plot, like Mel and Ellie in NnT.

But if half of the knights are gonna be Fairy related, it's good to see more of sacred tree as the third god as well as a history of the fairy clan.
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Mael of the sun

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 8, 2020
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Does any one knows when the sequel will start

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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??? Do you have a source for that?
You don't seem to be happy about it.
BTW there's no actual source but anticipated date by the people over discord who have pretty much experience in predicting such


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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You don't seem to be happy about it.
BTW there's no actual source but anticipated date by the people over discord who have pretty much experience in predicting such
I was simply asking for a source since I heard nothing after the Lancelot chapter.