Theory - My theory on the Origin of the Goddess and Demon Clans and unexplained events in Nanatsu no Taizai | MangaHelpers

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Theory My theory on the Origin of the Goddess and Demon Clans and unexplained events in Nanatsu no Taizai


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Elizabeth was resurrected after the boulder created by the Curse of Reincarnation fell on her in Nanatsu no Taizai. I am sure that Veronica Liones, who was resurrected by Elizabeth in the story during the Holy Knights Arc, resurrected her. She must have been an invisible Archangel watching over them. I think that is now canon. It happened because Veronica's third sister, Ariel, from her previous lifetime as a Goddess, merged with her and gave her self-resurrection abilities. Ariel must be dead now, as if she was alive, she would have told Elizabeth about her past lives in full detail. You see, the Supreme Deity gave her, Veronica, and Margaret a blessing of reincarnation that let her reincarnate just one time, and she surely did so for Margaret Liones as well. I think Veronica Liones and Margaret Liones were both formerly children of a creation of the Supreme Deity who I'm naming Helen Liones, as Elizabeth's mother was not given a name in canon by Nakaba Suzuki, so I decided to simply give her a beautiful name before I think of a name that is inappropriate. They were children of Bartra's. He was formerly a reincarnation of Helen Liones' husband, and probably isn't sure of that right now, even though it would make sense for Ludociel to have informed him of this before he declares reincarnation a bad thing. Ludociel's real name is probably Ludociel Liones, as the Supreme Deity learned from Bartra's future vision ability known as Vision that his future name was Bartra Liones. The Supreme Deity renamed herself to Helen after that. Bartra Liones then insisted that he was not God as he didn't have omnipotence. If he did, he already would have automatically exterminated all Demons. The Supreme Deity said that that is wrong. The Demon Clan could be their friends. Bartra then said that the Demons could try to murder her. She then said that she was considering mind controlling all Demons retroactively before they even considered murdering her. She then said "Mael?" "I'm still here. Ludociel became our leader by going out to exterminate Demons immediately before you told him to. I think he has already killed 5 of the Demons." "He must have encountered the leader of the enemy Demons. Let's call them the Ten Commandments, as otherwise, they would not be following their leader, Jehovah." Bartra then responded." How do you know that? You could have been wrong." "He will change his name retroactively to Jehovah with time travel." Ludociel teleported back into Heaven five seconds later."I killed two of the Demons. Three of them were stronger than the others." "You see, I mind controlled you so you wouldn't state something perfectly truly. I said 'two'." Elizabeth responded."I heard that. Why do you not have a name?" "My name will now be Helen. Helen Liones, your name is mine now. Please remain a secret mother to Elizabeth from now on." "I will do that." "Oh. Bartra, what is the status of your future self?" "He's saying that you're evil because his wife, Helen Liones, had to reincarnate." "Very well. I will go back on my decision. Now, I will hide my face." "What does your face look like?" "I am fully white. However, my hair is blonde. You were always the one who had silver hair, just like all Celestials. How come you're a Celestial?" "You just made me a Celestial with your omnipotence. I was originally some kind of god. Meliodas, do you think you're a god?" "No. I will now be Elizabeth's friend. Originally, I was going to kill all of you with my new spell, Erase all Existence."

I'm going to wait a little bit for some of you to come up with your own ideas about what else seemed to have happened. Also, the Two Commandments who died must've been resurrected as Garan and replaced by Grayroad. Here's how Garan came back. He came back because Merascylla invented demonic healing magic, which prevented all Demons from going extinct within 10 years. Demons didn't have any light in them, so they automatically got killed by the Miasma inside of the Demon Realm, which is why they tried to have their leaders besides the Demon King escape it in the first place. After that, they all had both light and darkness, and could therefore use their darkness to regenerate wounds. It seems logical to me. I will come up with more history for the Demon and Goddess Clans over time. Additionally, the Celestials are just Tarmiel and Sariel. They can self-restore because they're not Angels. If Angels could self-restore, they wouldn't be able to heal others. Instead, they would heal others in a fake sense, as Sariel, Tarmiel, and Ludociel did. Ludociel only healed in a fake sense because he wanted to exterminate all Demons. If he had wanted to spare even one Demon, he would've been able to heal anybody he wanted to, and then the Flash Grace would've been useless, as his power level would've only been 60'000 or some bullshit. The Flash Grace was the only one designed to kill, by the way. Also, the way that Veronica Liones became an invisible Archangel is because one last Archangel besides her descended from Heaven to heal her and restore her abilities. I'm calling her Ariel Liones, as she must've been Mael's intended mate arranged by Helen Liones. The Supreme Deity decided that wasn't worth it because Mael was the one Archangel who decided that he should be able to create life instead of reproduce through sex. He decided to create the rest of the 1000 Angels with his Sunshine Grace's Creation magic. Normally, the Supreme Deity would've done it, but her Creation Grace was transferred to him. Originally, Ludociel was a loser Archangel. There were only four Graces, and Creation was considered to be the source of them all. Flash was a Grace he got after stating that he would kill all Demons that got in his way at any cost. The Supreme Deity then asked him what he was going for. He said that he wanted to kill Meliodas and all Demons who killed anybody, which he thought included all Demons, as all Demons were surely traitorous angels who had created Chaos retroactively in the first place. They had all killed the other 1000 Angels and-" The Supreme Deity then told him to stop communicating and simply come up with how to exterminate the Demon Race while she did the thinking for him. Elizabeth then said that the Demon Race would only be exterminated and sent back to Hell, but not ended as souls. She then said that Meliodas and his eyes looked so beautiful. Mael then said that she was a Nazi, and that he had only given Meliodas green eyes through healing because Nazis had demanded that all good Angels have light colored eyes instead of cool looking dark eyes. The Supreme Deity said that she surely had black eyes, as she didn't let anyone see their beautiful blueness. Elizabeth then said "They're light blue." "That is correct." They were silent for a little bit. "Meliodas, do you have some kind of omniscience ability that-" "No. Additionally, I am done with being a murderous demon. You see, I cut Mael's head off." "You didn't do that. You were busy staring at Elizabeth, and then you" "Killed that bastard in a visualization for trying to ogle her." "Um. His head kind of came off for real." Veronica Liones then said nothing. Elizabeth and the Supreme Deity turned to look at Mael. "Michael, are you ok?" "I am ok. My head is still dead. Sariel, just absorb it or something like that. Then you'll get to wait WHAT? I was resurrected? I thought I'd self-revived." The Supreme Deity then responded."Only I am allowed to do that." Sariel then responded."I sort of fused with the astralized body that Veronica resurrected from that head, and now I'm a Super Celestial." Bartra then intervened. "You'll regenerate when some Demon pierces your core with a fireball." "That is not sensible. Celestials cannot re-Hmm. They can recover from death." Tarmiel then responded."That is not true. I am a Celestial and not a Super Celestial or whatever stupid title you just came up with for yourself. Even with three heads, I am sure that I cannot recover from" "Stop. Visualize it." Ludociel then responded."Kill yourself." "Ok. I will now not create an army of Archangels to assist you Four Archangels that are permitted to fight in the future. Everyone else who is an Archangel, just heal me continuously for the next 1000 years so I can be immortal." Elizabeth responded."WHY? Then they will lose their immortality." "You all just lost your immortality. It's retroactive. You were going to have to steal it from humans anyways. This is better for you. I should be the only immortal one except-Hmm. That kind of doesn't make sense. God, sacrifice your godhood for me." "Hmm. I don't agree. I should be allowed to reincarnate so we can maintain the time loop." "I guess that's okay. Remember,-" "No. I should get to win. God who should be known as Bartra from now on doesn't get to exterminate Demons. He didn't think of it from the beginning. I hereby recruit-" "Sariel, Tarmiel, and Mael to help me." "That's good. Wait hold on, what if you just minitaurize so we can have-" "No. I will just be a virgin. Additionally, Nerobasta doesn't like you right now." "I was kind of hoping for a double marriage, as otherwise, you would have decided to execute all male Archangels." "That is alright, Nerobasta. You can maintain that opinion. However, you mis-stated it." "THAT WOULD IMPLY THAT LUDOCIEL DIDN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!" "Oh right. If you had stated that-" "Stop. I will explain. She wants to be a whore. Wait, that wasn't what she wanted. She just wanted me to not get my balls cut off. Nerobasta, I'm sorry, but I must give up on love from now on, as I have cut people in half. Wait, that is bullshit. They survived. I forgot to destroy them completely." "You were too soft. You are a LOSER! I'll wait a thousand years to be with you." "I had to defeat them. If I had not used the Light of Vaporization, I would've run out of energy. Moving fast was important, you see." "Oh, so you didn't want to use the Light of Annihilation? That is a fake ability. Only Purge can be used on Demons. However, the Ten Commandments are unpurgable, as white souls cannot be purged. Therefore, you had no way to kill them because Omega Ark is not something that you can use." "Mael was too slow. He didn't realize he could help me." "I am not sorry, big brother, as if I had helped you, I wouldn't have been able to save anyone." "Who did you save?" "I don't remember. I guess I am a failure." "Just ask Bartra Liones. He'll tell his fake future self what he wants." "King Bartra, what do you want?" "I guess I just don't want to be executed by Ludociel. He might think all humans are worthless if the Demons grant them immortality on a one person basis and then exterminate the rest of all humans. That human would be Meliodas' son with Elizabeth-" "STOP! I will not have a son with Elizabeth. I will instead have many children with her. Additionally, his name is worthless loser, as I barely love Elizabeth, and have been waiting to kill all of you this whole time." "Have a second kid." "Ok." "It's Tristan Liones. The second one is Percival Liones. Do you want to know how you became immortal and perfect in the future?" "Gowther, please activate Black Out."

Also, Helen Liones was Elizabeth's original mom, and she was created by the Supreme Deity. Her husband was Bartra in his previous reincarnation, in which the Supreme Deity might've referred to him as God if she didn't eternally consider God a fake entity from Christian religion. The Supreme Deity was offended at this, but she realized there was no other way for her to create the Angelic Race. The Supreme Deity hid her face with her light radiance magic because otherwise she would've had to kiss Bartra at some point and say he was truly God, for if he was not like that, she never would have loved him. Meliodas forgot to change his name to Meliodas Liones recently, and he didn't want his name to come from a woman. Additionally, Ludociel originally had the ability to self-duplicate with the Flash Grace and create hundreds of other Archangels that were also Ludociels. He would've lost to the Demon King anyways, though, and it was impossible for him to kill even one of the Ten Commandments, for the Curse of Pacifism was considered an Absolute Commandment at the time which even Archangels could not disobey until Meliodas decided to make all Ten Commandments no longer absolute and conceptual so they couldn't erase each other in one more battle once Derierre broke her Commandment of Purity. Also, the Absolute Commandments that they imposed on each other were easy to follow. They just had to follow their commandments one time each, for any command should only be given and obeyed once. Only Derierre considered that utterly impossible, because she had to tell Monspiet that she didn't love him if she wanted to follow it. She instead said that she wouldn't have sex with him. He then said that that was OK zero times, and his Absolute Silence commandment activated and prevented him from doing anything but following the Demon King's orders. Derierre maintained her Absolute Purity commandment because she didn't state that she didn't want to love Monspiet, as the Demon King had always seen sex as the act that was love itself. Meanwhile, Garan then spoke an absolute lie by stating that he was worthless, but this didn't turn him to stone. Instead of him turning to stone, he turned to stone from the outside in, and then used his inner darkness armor to prevent his innards and brain from being petrified. Then he penetrated the stone with darkness and was able to manipulate his body because it had been animated with life by Merascylla, who was originally one of the 15 Great Angels. 10 of them had turned into Commandment Holders, 4 of them were Archangels, and one of them was Meliodas. The reason he lost that ability is because he never chose to use it and the Supreme Deity then decided that he would have his Creation Grace transferred to the Curse of Reincarnation she was going to bestow upon Elizabeth. A minute and a half later, the Supreme Deity said that it was good that they got to be 1018 Good Angels, but something is wrong. 8 of them were not good. They were Induras. Another 10 were acceptable, as they had already promised not to kill anybody. They were the 10 Gray Demons. Eight of them were going to be assimilated by Grayroad, and the other two were either the Grey Demon whose corpse Hendrickson had found or the one other Grey Demon. Two demons had shown up in this time. Chandler and Cusack. Elizabeth said that they should leave before they turn more angels into Demons. They then disappeared. "They were from Hell." "Yes." Elizabeth then said "Now that you've let Mael get turned into a Demon, let's all heal him at once." "We already healed him. You're a future human. You don't belong in the Archangels anymore." "Meliodas was the only person I ever wanted to heal." "I was never a Demon." Meliodas then responded."I now love you Elizabeth, however, you're going to have to give up on resurrecting people. How come that fake entity" "I guess Jesus is fake now, as our leader has decided to call him such. However, a leader is always secondary to a deity, and leaders can only be voluntary in nature. Just be a loser leader to the Ten Commandments from now on so that Chandler and Cusack's illusions leave." "I will instead replace the Demon King." "The Demon King doesn't lead the Ten Commandments. Zeldris and the Demon Monarch Pluton rule the Ten Commandments. Cusack must be a Fake Commandment, as his commandment doesn't seem active. Therefore, they are the 13 Sinners of Satanism. Let's end them. We can have fake peace for 900 years, though, as my husband has insisted that we do so." "We're not married yet. We have to get a god to marry us." "How about nobody does that and you just marry Helen Liones?" "You stopped time. You said Elizabeth in your thoughts." "Oh. We are kind of telepathically connected. However, I suspected you were going to rape her by having Meliodas marry her." Garan then said "You weren't paying attention, Supreme Deity. My Absolute Truth Commandment never deactivated. Apparently, my future self got petrified after he told Escanor that he challenged him to a Garan Game. Did you think that all Games were run by you and the Demon King? Guess I was the Demon King, as you petrified me with your Omnipotence." He turned to stone. "There wasn't a delay, by the way." Bartra Liones said "Hold on my future self from 4000 years into the future is saying that he should have petrified as soon as he started saying the word 'petrified'." "I see. In that case, God is real, and he is an absolute liar." The Supreme Deity then had her Omnipotence Grace deactivate. "Never mind. My Omnipotence Grace deactivated. Sorry, everybody. You'll have to do the fighting for me."That is all that I want to state for now. Bartra Liones said something."He should have said 'I guess'. Then you would have" "FUCK YOUUUU! Yes. I would have given him my OMNIPOTENCE Grace. However, all truth-tellers are absolute liars, for they state that love is good, and if love was good, nobody would love Evilness and the extermination of Demons. Therefore, let's all be half good and half evil so we can maintain the truth of love." "You are so perfect. However, I don't really love you. You were the ultimate sinner, for you had 6 Graces of Satanism, didn't you? Just kidding about that, the Creation Grace of Love was totally a Fake Grace and you only had five commandments of Power." "Hmm. The Sinner was the ultimate Sinner. I just came up with the idea of having an Omnipotence Grace retroactively. Oh. I see that if I hadn't, I would have instantly killed all Demons the moment they began to appear. However, that was worth it. After all, it got Meliodas and Elizabeth to be in love. Wait, why are you two so passionate? I guess you decided to have sex immediately before I BANNED ALL SEX! Oh." "We will not have sex again until we feel like it. However, that was not a long enough time for us to have children. We needed another minute." "I see that you have not violated the Purity Commandment. What happens if it is violated?" "You die." "For I was the creator of the Purity Commandment's truth, wasn't i." "Meliodas, destroy Derierre's Commandment." "I will destroy her commandment of Silence, then." "Oops." "Wait that is stupid. Now she will get petrified." "Also, all lies are absolute in origin, because my Absolute Truth commandment forces people to recognize what their OMNISCIENT FUTURE SELVES realize as a truth. However, I am not bound by it. That means my soul ceased to exist OH SHIT!" Ariel spoke."Subconsciously, it works that way." "Fuck you. Truth was the Absolute and Ultimate Commandment that bound all others and let them consciously mind control their owners. Now people will start disobeying their commandments." "I hated the love commandment. I was going to disallow all sexual relations" "Oh? Only intercourse? Then I will do something else sometime." "How come that didn't violate the Purity Commandment?" "All sex is pure. Only love is impure." "The Purity Commandment must be a Liar's-" The Supreme Deity then turned to stone. Chandler then used Absolute Cancel."All Demons gradually destroy Heaven while they remain in it, but your Omnipotence Commandment countered that, for you made Heaven immune to destruction one instant after you decided to end the Demon King. Now the Truth of Death is the only truth and the Demon King dies almost every instant, for someone is always telling a lie." "However, i did not always want to murder the Demon King. Therefore, I was just a murderer. I was not the truth of murder itself. That's why he's still self-resurrecting through Veronica Liones' Resurrection Grace." "I HAD TO DO IT! Otherwise, the Demon Clan's suboordinates among humans would have all become Satanists." "How come Satan isn't one of the Ten Commandments?" "Satan isn't real. He's a Fake God from Hell." "WHAT? THAT IS BULLSHIT! You would have turned to stone as a soul for saying that. Veronica, I think that Satan was always unreal because he once stated that lies were the only truth before anybody else ever said anything." Veronica Liones then thought of speaking. The Supreme Deity then said "Die." She then fell over."I considered death a form of wounding. Thank you for not ending me instead." "That would have ended my self." "Sorry. I feel like ending the Demon King would have been a good idea." "I guess he experiences the truth of resurrection all the time. Perhaps we love the Demons too much." "Then you would have died as well, for Mael does not support you anymore." "I gave him an ugly name. Mael, rename yourself." "I'll be Mael Morningstar, for I must be some kind of Luciferian Demon, like Ludociel. Ariel, please be Ariel Morningstar for me." "Fuck you. Wait, that's good. That way we can be Satanists." Bartra responded."Nobody is a satanist in real life. We just say it because Mael isn't based on the fictional character John Milton created called Lucifer Morningstar. He did de-" "scend into Hell and become a Demon. Okay. However, I thought Meliodas was like that." Meliodas responded."Hmm. Mael and Meliodas. Doesn't that sound like it's important? Elizabeth Liones, you must be an extension of my will, for we are ME!" Elizabeth then said something."Eh? I guess? However, I don't want to fuse with you. Let's just be friends for now." "We're not Chandler and Cusack. We wouldn't self-annihilate for each other. Instead, let's just resurrect each other." Bartra Liones said something. "You see, I'm sort of making you all have spiritual inspiration with my Omniscience Grace. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so perfect at discovering the Truth. It is not Garan's Commandment of Truth that does this." Meliodas responded."Fuck off. The Commandment of Truth would just tell us to kill ourselves after I have a child with Elizabeth, for then all Angels will become Demons and all Demons will be dead once the Fairy King exterminates them alongside Diane and the other Six Deadly Sins. I am a Fake Sin for I do not want to kill Arthur Pendragon. He was once good. Therefore, he gets to live." The Supreme Deity responded." "I made you" "Think that."
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神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Wow... Can you format this better?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Additionally, the Demon Clan all followed the Commandment of Selflessness in an inverted way. The Demon King thought the most selfless thing to do was to end all existence for all angels and demons, as doing that would make them all cease to exist and no longer experience the suffering of Love. Then all love would cease to exist, as nobody could ever love themselves without being loved by even one other person. Then he changed his mind. He realized that then, Love would still exist, as he would then love somebody else from another universe named Love in another way. Therefore, the Demon King decided that the only selfless thing to do was to support that loving entity over himself and the other Demons, which would make his reality that he had already seen cease to exist with his Vision ability that let him see the past. He then immediately annulled the Commandment of Selflessness and turned it into a false commandment called the Commandment of Selfishness. Gowther ended up losing his self because he chose selflessness by wiping all Clans memories, as all Commandments in reality fulfilled the word that designed them and embodied their truth, so his Commandment was still one to be Selfless and then cease to have a self. For example, Garan's Commandment of Truth and all other commandments are false commandments because Garan's commandment of truth simply tells him to be a truth-teller and not a truth, but if he becomes a truth by telling a lie, he ceases to exist. Only if he truly became a truth would the commandment immediately self-dispel. The Commandment of Selflessness was originally a Commandment of Selfishness, as Selfishness was seen as the form of Selflessness that let one support the existence of others by first generating that love for existence within one's self. However, there had to be at least one entity who did not support anyone else since the beginning of their life, but nobody is like that in real life. If that was the case, Selflessness would not be an empty virtue that self-annihilated when everyone forgot their Self. Therefore, the Demon King realized that evil was inevitable as at least one entity had to exist that was evil for goodness to be a truth. Therefore, he became a nihilist and decided that ending reality for everyone but demons was a good thing. He changed his mind when the Supreme Deity asked him to be good. He then decided that there was no Selflessness and everyone was true for 900 years. I think that such a theory was true and accurate.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

As for the Graces, they were all inverted as well, as the Supreme Deity didn't create the planet. The Supreme Deity was upset about this, so she decided that each Grace was capable of decreating the element it was associated with. Tornado could decreate oxygen, which allowed Sariel to live without breathing when his lungs were destroyed by Monspiet. Ocean allowed Tarmiel to recreate himself surgically or some shit after he got cut in half, so he had to fuse two versions of himself together while maintaining himself as a spirit. Ludociel used Flash to just move really fast, as his Grace was a Fake Grace meant to kill people that he designed himself, and the Supreme Deity hadn't originated it. Most of his power level came from his own strength. Mael had Sunshine, and could decreate sunlight, but he didn't want to. It couldn't have decreated the Sun anyways unless Nakaba Suzuki retcons the Seven Deadly Sins' universe to not be material in nature, but it's the one Grace that could decreate itself, and it did do so when he became a Demon so it didn't turn into an Evil Grace. It was restored by the Supreme Deity. At that point, the Supreme Deity gained a Self-Resurrection Grace in fakeness and thus couldn't learn it if she had ever needed to fight Elizabeth. She couldn't have gained a Self-Resurrection Grace. All of the Graces were given violent names except for Ocean and Sunshine, because the Supreme Deity saw air as some kind of contaminant that prevented Heaven from descending to the Earth while people continued to exist as they normally did. Originally, Ludociel's Grace was gonna be called Light, but it would have done nothing, as light is stationary until it is emitted by the Sun. Then the Goddess Clan would have let the Demons win instead of exterminating them. The Supreme Deity might've changed her mind retroactively with the Time Return technique after the Demons found that they couldn't kill her. As for the Grace called Hope, it is the strongest Grace, and only works when one is weaker than one's opponent when their battle with them begins. It only lasts for about 10 minutes time before one's hope fades away and becomes Courage if the fight has not already ended. The fight only remains if one believes there are still enemies to fight. Percival was innocent, so he didn't believe that yet. He might've thought the Demon King would be a friend of his. However, if he had been more mature in a fake sense, he would've believed at that time that all battles were individual and not united as one in one battle of goodness against evil. His Grace won't activate until he decides to fight Zeldris or somebody else with 10 Commandments, though.
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 12, 2019
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Fairy Tail
Okay, I will read this all. This is an interesting challenge.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

By the way... how did you come up with this theory?
I kinda like it, although I don't believe it to be very believable.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Okay, I will read this all. This is an interesting challenge.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

By the way... how did you come up with this theory?
I kinda like it, although I don't believe it to be very believable.
I came up with it through intuitive reasoning. It seemed believable to me. I guess it's OK that you like it, but I was looking more for feedback on how it could be extended than approval of the theory. The part that is now unbelievable to me is that Meliodas and Elizabeth had sex before the end of the Nanatsu no Taizai manga. I thought they would be in love with each other or something. Perhaps their decision to not ask the Supreme Deity to create a house for them beforehand in that theory was what you found unreasonable. Also, since you didn't explain why you thought it wasn't believable, I don't feel like coming up with an extension of this theory right now. That's why I'm giving you a response that took only 5 minutes of effort instead of 30 minutes of effort.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 12, 2019
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Fairy Tail
I came up with it through intuitive reasoning. It seemed believable to me. I guess it's OK that you like it, but I was looking more for feedback on how it could be extended than approval of the theory. The part that is now unbelievable to me is that Meliodas and Elizabeth had sex before the end of the Nanatsu no Taizai manga. I thought they would be in love with each other or something. Perhaps their decision to not ask the Supreme Deity to create a house for them beforehand in that theory was what you found unreasonable. Also, since you didn't explain why you thought it wasn't believable, I don't feel like coming up with an extension of this theory right now. That's why I'm giving you a response that took only 5 minutes of effort instead of 30 minutes of effort.
?!!!!! I mean, if they are in love, and are legally married, and want to have a heir to the throne, of course they would--?!! Their love is the base of all the reasons their relationship was successful :emobirb

What I'm more interested to know is where did you get the characters (like Ariel, Helen), and some concepts regarding truth and lies from. Was it all really from intuitive reasoning?
How much of this is reasonable to you then? I mean, I understand you in a way too. I like what you posted (I guess I'm a bit wacky) but the reason I can't find it believable is because of the time loops and the severe OOCness of Supreme Deity :emobirb


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
?!!!!! I mean, if they are in love, and are legally married, and want to have a heir to the throne, of course they would--?!! Their love is the base of all the reasons their relationship was successful :emobirb

What I'm more interested to know is where did you get the characters (like Ariel, Helen), and some concepts regarding truth and lies from. Was it all really from intuitive reasoning?
How much of this is reasonable to you then? I mean, I understand you in a way too. I like what you posted (I guess I'm a bit wacky) but the reason I can't find it believable is because of the time loops and the severe OOCness of Supreme Deity :emobirb
I felt like I had to make the Supreme Deity have a soul. If she hadn't, Elizabeth would've absorbed the Graces and killed her for threatening to kill all humans. If the Supreme Deity had promised not to kill all humans, Elizabeth would have mentioned such. However, Elizabeth figured out that she was a trickster. She didn't promise not to kill any humans.

Mighty Escanor

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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I came up with it through intuitive reasoning. It seemed believable to me. I guess it's OK that you like it, but I was looking more for feedback on how it could be extended than approval of the theory. The part that is now unbelievable to me is that Meliodas and Elizabeth had sex before the end of the Nanatsu no Taizai manga.
If you want feedback, let's start with the topic itself. I don't wanna be mean or make light of your efforts, but why do you call this fanfiction of yours a 'Theory'?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
If you want feedback, let's start with the topic itself. I don't wanna be mean or make light of your efforts, but why do you call this fanfiction of yours a 'Theory'?
There was no 'fanfiction' option. It's partially theoretical and partially a fanfiction. If I wanted it to be canon, I would have labeled it a Discussion Thread. It's a Fanfiction thread.
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For my next fanfiction, my topic is that the Supreme Deity descends to the Earth after miniaturizing and then fights Tristan in a battle to the death, as he is probably gonna absorb all Ten Commandments in Chapter 108 to become the next Demon King. The Supreme Deity would win. Then Meliodas would attack the Supreme Deity. Elizabeth would appear behind the Supreme Deity and tell him to turn around. Then she would kill him for joining Arthur Pendragon and trying to exterminate all humans. After that, Elizabeth and Meliodas forgive each other or something.

Additionally, if Chapter 108 isn't special, I'm going to be dissatisfied. Almost all mangas are sort of reaching climax points right now if you're keeping up with them, as they've gotten to their finales. I think this was unplanned.
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My Sequel Chapter is that Meliodas tells everybody in the New Holy Realm "Whiteness is GREAT!" Elizabeth then had a sex event with him. Elizabeth did not sex the Supreme Deity.