Semifinal - Miyamoto Musashi vs. Maomao | MangaHelpers

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Semifinal Miyamoto Musashi vs. Maomao

Who wins

  • Miyamoto Musashi

  • Maomao

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 8, 2020
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United States
Huh. I know I'm voting Musashi since @SirSamuel016 was so helpful with my Pyra campaign, but I didn't realise she'd be going against the one that did me in. That's a little awkward...


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
1st, best luck @SirSamuel016 ! :zomg

Huge thanks to everyone who voted for Maomao, I appreciate it a lot ! I will try to be back soon, with some more thoughts about her. Meanwhile, here are the links of the previous rounds campaign posts, feel free to have a look. Thanks in advance for your patience ! <3

I- Drink : Invigorating Sake🍷

II- Hors d'oeuvre : Aphrodisiac Buns 🥗

III- Side dish : Gourmet Comforting Soup 🍜

IV - Main Dish - To Come Asap 🍝

V- Snacks - Chocolate Bites🍩

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The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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Miyamoto Musashi bursts into the Semi Finals!

For now, let's start off with these points!

Part 1: Character
Musashi's character is one of the main reasons for why I am drawn to her, and it's the same deal for a lot of Fate/Grand Order fans. A girl who enjoys life's journeys and is fairly easy going, she is down to earth, approachable and someone who loves to have a good time. Musashi uses her journey throughout life and the various places she travels as a means to grow as a person and work towards the goal she constantly strives to achieve. Knowing that she isn't perfect, she embraces her flaws and even finds confidence in them, which is a life lesson I think we can all learn from as we strive to better ourselves!

Of course, Musashi does have a strong sense of justice and a serious side to her. When the going gets tough, she's unyielding, unflinching and unwavering in her resolve, and will always stand true to her values! If you're ever in a bind, no matter the situation she is dependable and will see you through it! This kickarse swordsmaster will never let those she cares for (yes that's you ya cutie~) be left to struggle, and pull through so you win any and every battle you come across!

Dependable, easy going, and always great to have around, when it comes to waifu you couldn't do much better than Musashi! What are you waiting for? Hit that vote button now and you can go get udon with her and then have some fun on the beach! Maybe she'll take you for a ride on her jet ski too!

Part 2: The inspirational trailblazer
Now that we've made sure to cover the first part again, let's talk about what else I love about Musashi that makes my waifu and a top tier one at that!
Musashi is an inspirational character when you consider the lessons that can be learnt from her. In a world where men are typically the pinnacle due to the standards of the time, she decided to walk her own path to becoming the best swordswoman she could be, going against the wishes of her father. This was more for her own sake and wants more than anything else, but she had the drive to take those steps into going it on her own in a cruel world, and she had the will to get through many challenges.

Taking things into her own hands and walking her own path takes courage, for stepping away from the easy path and trying to see how far you can go in the end. Speaking on that, she goes through trials but comes out on top, continuing her quest to reach the void; the mental state of emptiness, which is the ultimate mental state. To that end she walks her own path, not worrying about what may lay ahead but embracing the journey for it's highs and lows, something we all can do.

Part 3: Fashionable, Fun-loving gal!​
Beyond having an alluring personality and being a trailblazer in chasing her dreams, I am also fond of Musashi's aesthetics and looks. From her kimonos to her swimsuits and even other casual clothes, she looks stunning in everything and the intricate designs of the clothes she wears are amazing! The floral work on her kimonos are a favourite of mine, and add an extra touch to her already graceful looks. Even enemies on the battlefield can't help but be mesmerized by her clothing as she cuts them down!

Another part of what makes her a fun and energetic person to be with is how she spends her free time! As previously mentioned, her life takes her to many different places as a part of her life journey and alongside that comes some hobbies! She loves hiking and the sense of exploration. You can travel the world with her, and explore and discover more about each other. You can also go on a culinary journey with Musashi, as she loves her food (as do we all!) and loves to eat new things (she loves eating in general to be honest :XD); try something new with Musashi or go for her favourite meal: Udon!

A fun-loving girl with all the time in the world for you! Give Musashi your love and vote today!



The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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As I said I am going with Musashi here. :celebrate


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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Miyamoto Musashi Appreciation Sessions | Semi-Final Dedicated Art Post #1

The Travelling Swordmaster

From journeys in the mountains...

To a casual dining experience...

Life can be tiring but it's more fun when you live it to the fullest!

"I love watching the sunset with you!~"



Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall

As mentioned in previous rounds, Maomao developed that thick skin to protect herself. She has been raised in a harsh environment, and she learned, despite herself, to become resilient. That’s the reason she is so matter-of-fact and that she appears désabusé or even cynical. But deep inside, she is a kind and caring character who prioritizes other people over herself. But, she hides that part of her personality. That rich background of hers is what contributes to developing her humaneness, that she reveals very little.​

A Caring Waifu

Life is cruel, and individuals end up facing illness, accidents, twists of fate, poverty, dissensions, senility, and ultimately death. Nothing is truly gained, be it status, strength, beauty, money, health, friends. And when that happens, humans need that person (or special someone) who can help them stand back on their feet, comfort them, support them. Consort Rifa (Lihua in VN, depending on translations ) was among the unfortunate characters (another great character). Not only she lost her baby, who died due to lead poisoning. But, she almost lost her life because of her ladies in attendance carelessness ( I mentioned it in previous rounds). She ended up in a terrible state, close to death. The emperor summoned Maomao and entrusted the consort's life to her. Maomao was that person who stayed at her side the whole time, that despite having no self-interest. But, she still was compassionate and treated that person the best way possible. That is not even someone she beforehand cared for. Imagine the kind of waifu Maomoa is just by her feats. You think the other maids were cruel to treat her ( the consort) like that, not to clean her properly, or to focus only on superficiality and appearances to the point they endangered her life. They were indeed, but that is how human nature is, most people would act like them. There is an entire chapter titled “Caring the Consort” that features all Maomao’s caring moments. : From preparing the food, teaching the maids how to clean properly the consort, to feeding her and staying by her side, and giving her the most comforting words when she was at her weakest when she felt probably humiliated and started losing confidence.​

So, if you ask what makes a great waifu/partner, I would say it is someone you are not afraid to grow old with her. It is a person you would not mind to cry in front of her. It is a person you can show her your weakest self and your vulnerabilities, without fearing to be looked down upon. Because you know she would always be gentle and caring and that she doesn’t care about appearances and status. She sees you as you are, whoever you are. It’s a person who would always offer you solace when you need it. Who is skilled enough with words to comfort you when you need it, but she will support you too and knows when it’s better to stay silent rather than lie to you. She won’t treat you as a child, but as a man ( or woman) and will always make you feel manly (or feminine) Maomao is that kind of girl, and she proved it so many times, she has this gentleness in her gestures, and she showed her compassionate side on many times.​

Despite just being abducted, she is concerned by her father ( foster father) situation more than hers.

She she deals with her with utmost care, feeds her and stayed at her side for 2 months, while the consort being in a terrible state.

Maomao preparing healthy meals for the consort

She realized the other maid were just adding scents in the room instead of cleaning the lady properly. and she teached them how to care properly of her.

Her conforting words when the consort started losing confidence and doubting her feminity

Thanks for reading. :zomg That part was important and her dedication and honesty made the emperor and the consorts trusting her and relying on her, despite her lower status. There are some other points I want to talk about, like her relation with Jinshi and her other qualities like her smartness, her pedagogical skills, etc. But, I will later hopefully.​

Consort Rifa

Please, give a chance to Maomao, she really deserves it ! <3 :blush

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The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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Musashi: Going above and beyond!

Throughout her life's journey and her time with her Master in Fate/Grand Order, Musashi has always gone above and beyond for the people and the causes she believed in. Her love and caring knowing no limits, she'd continually risk life and limb just so her loved ones could be safe and live on happily. Being a servant is one thing, but having the personal strength to willingly make incredible sacrifices for her special person (Master) is something that immortalized Musashi as one of the most incredible servants across the Fate universe. They say all good things come to an end, and for Musashi, she ended up making the ultimate sacrifice to save her Master and protect humanity when confronted with the foreign god CHAOS while they were trying to prune the Olympus Lostbelt. Knowing no one else could do anything to stop the Foreign God from invading, and ravaging the earth of its resources thus destroying it, Musashi takes a definitive stand to oppose the God which easily incinerated other Greek Gods. Knowing it would kill her, she doesn't hesitate in using her Noble Phantasm and Sword Mastery to cut through void space, severing reality and the God's path to Earth, saving the Earth and sending the God back where it came from. She may have sacrificed herself to stop a god, but to her it was worth it if it meant she could protect those important to her, showing how selfless and incredibly dedicated she truly is to those she loves.

Musashi's final stand against Chaos​

So why does this matter in this campaign? Here's why! This reinforces the fact that Musashi is dedicated to her chosen one, and there's no limit to how far she'll go just so you can be safe and happy. She cares for you and wants the best for you, and the fact she'd go above and beyond is something I think we can all appreciate. She's someone who will go to the ends of the earth and do the impossible just for you, and it's something that shouldn't be taken for granted. Considering this on top of everything else that defines Musashi as a person, she's my ultimate waifu. She's got that easy-going, fun loving side to her nestled with all the tenderness and caring qualities of a waifu that everyone yearns for. She enjoys life to the fullest and is lively yet dignified. She can be laidback but she also loves a good playfight from time to time. She has a strong sense of justice but will never boast that she's righteous like some pompous people :teehee And as refined as she is, she's still weak to flattery (aren't we all?).

Fate may be an intense fantasy world, but with everything that goes on, when it comes down to her personality, her values and her quality, Musashi is human and that realness to her is something I greatly appreciate just as much as all of the wonderful waifu qualities I just mentioned. She's not perfect and she knows it, but by embracing those flaws and who she is as a person, she brings out the best in herself and those around her to an absurdly enjoyable level. Maybe she's not everyone's cup of tea body-wise or there's some other nitpick you may have, but for me, Musashi is a complete package and an incredible waifu, and that's why I'm here campaigning for her again in another year of these wars. I just hope that if you've all read my posts across the rounds so far and this one that you'll consider giving her your vote.

Thank you for reading, and please give Musashi a chance at your vote and your heart! ❤



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 25, 2014
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Musashi boobs

Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Well, this is a hard choice... I love both these ladies...


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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I wanted to post more about Musashi today but I think I've hammered home the points about what makes her a great waifu from her limitless caring nature to her being a fun-loving badass. Given that, and the fact this campaign has made it to the semi-finals I feel there's no better time to bring up what is another element for some of the waifu wars participants like myself, copan and others: merchandise/collecting! Musashi is my favourite character in Fate, and she's got some fantastic merch! I'm lucky enough to own some (some are currently in possession, some are being shipped as we speak and others are on pre-order), so here's a little view into some Musashi goods that I've collected!

Musashi's Saber Nendoroid!

BANDAI's Musashi Plastic Model Kit!

Alter's Musashi (Casual Ver.)!

Alter's Musashi (Berserker 2nd Ascension Ver.)!

For now this is as far as my Musashi collection has gotten (it is pricy to get some of these though :XD ). She's also got her own manga (the FGO Shimousa story) published so I'll be grabbing that to add to my collection too! None of these photos are mine as I haven't had the set-up to properly take good photos of late, but when more comes in I'll make sure to post in my art gallery! :)

Hope you all enjoyed this little insight into this Musashi fan's dedicatory collection, and by this time next year you might find the collection has gotten even bigger :teehee

Now, back to your regularly scheduled art posts...

Members of MH, please consider giving me your vote!
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

It's the final day! If you haven't already, please give my campaign a read and consider voting for Musashi! 🙏

And well done to @Erinyes on a great round of campaigning! It's been a fun time!​


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
Thanks Sam !

I have some more points to talk about, but I have no time, right now. If possible please have a look to the previous rounds posts if you want to know a little more about Maomao (all linked above). And if you haven't voted yet, please, give her a chance !

Huge thanks for everyone who supported her, and made her reach semi-finals ! It really means a lot ! :zomg If not asking too much, please keep supporting her, onegai. :blush


Rikudou King

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2009
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United States
As much as I like Maomao, I gotta go with Musashi due to all of the money I've already thrown at her... Plus I feel like my figurine will judge me if I don't...


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
As much as I like Maomao, I gotta go with Musashi due to all of the money I've already thrown at her... Plus I feel like my figurine will judge me if I don't...
Thank you my friend, Musashi appreciates your support!
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