Voting Round 3 - Miyamoto Musashi vs. Mai Sakurajima | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

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Voting Round 3 Miyamoto Musashi vs. Mai Sakurajima

Best Waifu?

  • Miyamoto Musashi

  • Mai Sakurajima

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The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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Jesus Samuel :lmao.

Her Puberty Syndrome might be related to quantum physics yes, but the main idea is still that you sometimes feel like you're being ignored by society or rather lonely still stands. You are taking it way too literally or you're just being ignorant.

Personal growth? Her traumatic experience during her younger years played a huge role in her Puberty Syndrome, so the fact that she overcame it and decided to go back to acting and modelling shows that she has grown as a person. The strength needed to resume a path that caused so much pain... Did you expect something like a 180 personality change :o?

You say that Mai is distant and unapproachable to most people, but you don't state that Mai spent her entire childhood controlled by her mother and then, when she finally got out of that lifestyle, she developed the Puberty Syndrome that made her invisible to others most of the time. Of course she would seem distant and unapproachable. She never actually got the opportunity nor experience to link with people due to her past life and trauma. I even stated that she might seem cold at the first glance, but that in reality, she's human, has emotions and is highly capable of loving too once you get to know her :^_^. Some people are just harder to get close with and Mai is one of those people, but they aren't unapproachable like you want to make it seem like. You just have to take the first step sometimes. Sakuta himself proved it. Also, this tells me that someone here has never shot his shot before too

About the Nadoko part, it's actually Mai's doing. When Sakuta showed her that Mai cared about her, she was still skeptical. It was the fact that Mai talked to her, hugged her, and said that she should make herself happy instead of always trying to get praised by her mother that fixed their relationship. Mai even invited Nodoka to come live with her afterwards after Nodoka had yet another fight with her mother, which also shows that Mai cares about her friends and family.

Sakuta is no special case. Mai treated him like any other random person at first even though she had the Puberty Syndrome effect, but by talking, they got closer and closer. That's pretty much how it works in real life too. Some day, you start talking with a stranger, then with time, you learn their name, become friends, learn their hobbies, learn their problems...That said, it's funny how you assume that because she's a celebrity, she instinctively thinks she's better than everyone else and doesn't open up to normal people. You're just bullshitting at this point Samuel. We've seen her true self, outside her job where she has to act a certain way, for around 95% of the anime so you know well that she's not like you say she is :D .

It's just incredible how most of your arguments are based around assumptions and generalizations on celebrities and how you perceive Mai to be your 'typical' celebrity and not a normal human being honestly.

I'm going to say it again Sir Samuel, just stick to your waifu. You spend more time trying to trash on other waifus, contradicting yourself even, like the great husbando that you are than actually campaigning for yours. Just remove the Sir in your name at this point, it doesn't fit you one bit. And no, telling others to please vote for Mushashi with a smiley face on other parts of the forum isn't a way of campaigning. I'm done arguing with you at this point :) .

By the way, it's funny how Draku and Ranea joined, posted only on this thread, then dipped btw. I wonder if we'll see them back the next round... would be pretty hilarious.

Use another strategy the next round, friendly advice xoxo
Before I get stuck into a rebuttal, I'll just say this: There's no need for the personal attacks, make all the assumptions you want but at the end of the day you should focus on your campaign instead of barbs meant to garner attention.

Yes, her experiences with her mother did shape how she acts, but that doesn't take away from how she is with most people. You say she grew from dealing with puberty syndrome but was she really all that different in how she treated people? No, we don't see her interactions outside of Sakuta and business change so it is safe to say there is still the divide between Sakuta and his groupies, work, and then the normal man or woman when it comes to how she is with the regular person. Plus, saying Sakuta proved you can get close to her if you take the first step is misleading; he was a classic Space Invader who managed to strike it lucky.

In the end the divide between Mai and Nadoko is patched up, but only through a grown understanding that Sakuta had to work through to have it realised. You can put spin on it and say Mai did good for Nadoko with getting her her own single but that doesn't change Nadoko's battle with inferiority and having to accept she can't reach the same leve as Mai like she wanted.

Sakuta was a special case. He had to be a space invader to make any breakthrough and ignore Mai's reluctance to form a connection with anyone, be it just acquaintances or what. She is naturally cold and abrasive, but she's different with Sakuta because of what they went through. If Mai pre-Sakuta is what you're selling to real-world consumers then she will not be easy to connect with and that's been shown enough in the show to be fact.

Anyway, to get away from the negativity let's focus on my campaign now. Musashi is:

Strong and Determined

Cheerful; Vibrant; Dignified; Living life to the fullest

Bold; Confident; Beautiful

Looking for love from a man or woman

Be her special someone: Vote Musashi!

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Ffs Gajeel did not attack you personally.

He's implying you're not being nice. Which is fair.

You're not technically a Sir, either...

For someone who claims to love banter I find all this cringey. Learn to sleep in the bed you make.


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
Ffs Gajeel did not attack you personally.

He's implying you're not being nice. Which is fair.

You're not technically a Sir, either...

For someone who claims to love banter I find all this cringey. Learn to sleep in the bed you make.
Things were said on both sides that didn't need to be said, and I apologise for my part in fostering the toxicity.

Definitely fair to say I haven't been nice at points and have overstepped the mark. Regardless of the result, I've got some reflecting and growing to do as a person.

Unless a miracle happens I do feel like this is the end of the road for me and my campaign this year. Regardless of my missteps and bad calls on how I've handled things at times, and my grievances with how poorly I've acted at times, it's still been fun. Maybe one year I'll get the match-up with Erin I've come so close to getting each year yet never quite attained.

If anyone voted Musashi this round, thank you for your support. I've let the campaign down with how poorly I've acted at times, but with some reflection, hard work and eventual growth we'll come back stronger for next year. Thank you for supporting the best Fate girl; a strong, dedicated woman with the beauty and elegance of a flower dancing in the wind.
Until next time,


Otaku Overlord
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Dec 7, 2010
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Idk what kind of idea do you have to believe being abrasive and having others compromise just to get to know you is something inspiring. Inspiration comes to those who seek it, it must take one of a kind to find inspiration from a character whose environment has bended in their reverence.

Bunny girl senpai can be entertaining but claiming it is inspirational is just absurd when the main character you're supposedly drawing inspiration from never develops her character, the only thing she learnt was that somebody out there would maybe try to help her. She remained the same annoying person to outsiders, and many of you will probably think "oh, but this taught me it doesn't matter that I get along with other people as long as I get along with the people I care", that's such a lonely innocent and naive idea. Any "grown up" adult would call out that behavior, it is reckless and can put you in situations you would otherwise not really "care about". If there is inspiration to be drawn from one or two characters from the series then it's gotta be from Sakuta and his sister Kanade, they manage to overcome hardship and open up to other people, they develop as a character, but this discussion isn't about either of them.

Lastly, since none of the claims about Musashi's character have been challenged, the answer about who the best character is between the 2 should already be determined. lol.
Mai isn't the main character. Sakuta is.
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