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Rules Mafia Game Rules & Roles

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Game Instructions

The MH specific game rules will be explained below. If you would like to play, please announce your participation in the "Mafia Game Discussion" Thread. This thread is strictly for playing the game. Thank you.​
Players will be secretly assigned roles. One group will play the "Mafia"; the other group will play the "Townies". The Townies will not know who other Townies or Mafia members are. However the Mafia members will know who their fellow Mafia members are.​
During the "day" phase, all of the players debate the identities of the Mafia members and at the end each person will vote to eliminate a suspect. This is carried out in the "game thread". In the game's "night" phase the Mafia will privately discuss who they should kill. They will then send this person’s name to the host, as well as other actions. The goal of the Town is to eliminate every single Non-Town Faction. The goal of the Non-Town Factions is not only to have an equal number of members as remaining Townies, but also to completely kill off all the other Non-Town Factions, except explicitly stated otherwise.​
A typical game will start with a minimum of 7 players, 5 Townies and 2 Mafia members. The members that will be Mafia and Townies will be chosen through a random list generator. There the participating players' names will be put in and after the randomisation the Mafia roles will go to the names at the top of the list. This is to avoid butthurt and favouritism accusations. :'[​
Lastly, the numbers of Mafia Members depends on the number of participants!​
  • 7 - 10 = 2 Mafias
  • 11 - 13 = 3 Mafias
  • 14 - 17 = 4 Mafias
  • 18 - 20 = 5 Mafias
  • 21 - 24 = 6 Mafias
  • 25 - 27 = 7 Mafias
  • 28 - 31 = 8 Mafias
This number is only for guidance, there can be more/less mafias than written here depending on the other roles in the game like two mafia groups, recruitable roles etc.​

Game Phases

The game will be split up into two phases: Day and Night.


This is where you discuss/argue about who is and isn't mafia. As soon as the day phase starts, you are allowed to vote. The day phase will take place strictly inside the “game” thread. Any discussions regarding the day phase outside the thread will be dealt with severely.
The length of a Day phase is set by the host, usually starting at ~24 hours and getting shorter the less players remain alive.
VOTE KILL [user]
This will be the manner in which you vote. Make sure it is clearly displayed in your post though caps/coloured or bold font.​
You will be only allowed 1 vote change per phase. So use your vote wisely.​
The host closes the game thread during the night phases.​
There should be no discussion about the game during the night phase, regardless of the player being still in the game or already out.
During the night phase, the mafia members will collaborate and choose who they want to kill. They will not do this in the thread, but via PM's with each other/other alternative communication channels approved by the host, such as piratepad.​
At the beginning of the game the Mafia members will be informed of the other members. They must PM the host telling them their choice for the night's murder and the murderer from their team. There can only be one murder in the night phase therefore the mafia members must come to an agreement.​
If the Mafia don't send in their night kill before the night phase ends, then their action will not be performed. The Mafia can also send in their night actions during the previous day phase, if they think they will not be online during the coming night.​
The length of a Night phase is set by the host, usually ~12 hours.​

MH Specific Game Rules

  • Be active in every day phase and post at least three times. It's a Minor Violation if you don't do that and will result in Penalty Vote(s)/Hostkill and ban from future games (Hall of Shame). If you are going to miss out a period of time due to real life events make sure to inform the host, who is going to judge each situation individually and decide whether or not taking the player out of the game is necessary.
  • Place at least one vote every day phase. It's a Minor Violation if you forget to place a vote and will result in Penalty Vote(s)/Hostkill and ban from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Don't post more than 100 times per day phase. This is to reduce spam and the volume of posts per game. Nobody has time to go through hundreds of one liner posts with the same content over and over again (Imperium Copyright Rule). If you hit the volume restriction, it's a Minor Violation. You will get a Penality Vote per 10 additional posts you make.
  • No talking during Night Phases, except for some roles that it is explicitly allowed and encouraged to. The Night phases are only to send in Night Actions. The scale of punishment for players who are caught discussing game content in the night may vary from Minor Violation to instant Hostkill, depending on the seriousness of the comment and/or warnings given before.
  • Dead people can't talk, so don't post once your character is dead. You are not allowed to help or influence others in any way if you are dead, including liking posts in the game thread or discussing game content in the Discussion thread. You can, however, lurk the game thread. If you post or influence the game regardlessly, you will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).

  • Absolutely DO NOT discuss the game outside of the game thread (unless you are Mafia members discussing it with other mafia through pms/piratepad). This is so that people do not reveal their roles and ruin the game. Players violating this rule will be instantly hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Do not directly comment on the current game, once you are dead. This is so you don't influence the players that are still playing. Violator of this rule will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).

  • You are not allowed to quote or screenshot PMs relating to the game, this includes quoting your Host, your role PM, or any private communication with other players. (You may, however, paraphrase in a way that leaves room for reasonable doubt). If you do, you will be hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame). Fake screenshots and quotes will be treated the same as genuine ones.
  • You are not allowed to do a Daytime-specific command if you don't have a role that can use that command. If you do, you will be hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Daytime-specific commands cannot be used in the last hour of the day phase.
  • Following the basic forum rules and the Fun Forum guideline, players are not allowed to insult nor bash each other, this will not be tolerated and will be punished. The infraction will follow the standard host approach for minor violations, favouring the host's discretion.
  • You are not allowed to ignore directions sent in to you by the host. It's a Minor Violation if you fail to respond accordingly.
  • You are not allowed to majorly edit the content of your posts, nor delete any of your own or someone else's post without the Host's approval. If you do, you may get a Minor Violation punishment or hostkilled immediately and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • You are expected to play to your win condition(s). Intentionally undermining your team or joining a game with the sole intent to troll is not allowed. ("Bad" or "alternative" plays, however, are allowed, if you sincerely believe in their merit.) Remember that while you are playing for fun, others take the game seriously. Please do not play against your win condition or play in a manner that is deliberately harmful to your side, regardless of how small your chances are. (This infraction will follow the host's judgment or, if needed a second opinion, the Council's. It's recommended that the hosts don't do anything with the infractor during the game and only do so once the game is over.)

  • Minor Violations are "small rules violations", which do not result in a hostkill instantly, but are sanctioned with Penalty Votes first. For the first Minor Violation you get 1 Penalty Vote, for the second you get 3 Penalty Votes and the third gets you hostkilled. Three Minor Violations of any kind are a Major Violation and will lead to a hostkill.
  • If you disobey the rules above that are resulting with you being host killed and/or banned from future games, you will get registered in the Hall of Shame.
  • One Major Violation bans you from the upcoming game.
  • A second Major Violation of the same kind will ban you from the next three games.
  • A third Major Violation and you are out from all upcoming games.
  • No amnesty or prescription until further notice.

MH Specific Hosting Regulations

  • Each active player has to vote during a day phase. Each player has the chance to change his vote once.
  • A day phase can be ended earlier, if and only if one player has collected more than a half+1 of the second votes ("locked votes") of all players and each player has voted at least once (Absolute Majority Voting).
  • If by the end of the regular time of the day phase two or more players have the same amount of votes, the second votes ("locked votes") are decisive. The player with the most locked votes is being lynched.
  • If one or more players have the same amount of votes and locked votes, the time of the regular day phase won't be extended. The lynch will be randomised among these top voted players.

  • During the night phase each player that has a role with a night action may send it in to the host via PM.
  • The player may or may not make use of his action. If the player misses the deadline and does not submit his action within the given time, it is seen as not used action. It is possible, however, to submit it before the start of the night, if the player already knows he has no time to do it later.
  • The night actions are listed in Priority groups. The higher the priority ranking, the more likely it is that the night action is being executed successfully. First actions to be performed are those from P1, then P2 and ending with P3.
  • If two night action roles from the same priority group target the same player at night a coin flip will decide which night action is executed first.


(PM'ing their action)
Mafia Escort (when blocking)


Detective (all sanities)
(and Paranoid)
Spirit Medium
(all sanities, Insane Doctor only when protecting)

Bomb Defuser

Apprentice (both sanities)
Mafia Detective (when investigating)
Mafia Bomb Defuser (when defusing)
Mafia Doctor (when protecting)
Santa Claus

Not Voter Disease


Insane Doctor (when killing)
Vengeful Townie

Necromancer (when Necromancing, but the taken role keeps its respective Priority)
Banshee (both killing at night and cursing)
Avenger (both killing and selecting)
Kamikaze Bomb
Mason Recruiter

Mafia Boss
Mafia Detective
(when killing)
Mafia Janitor
Mafia Poisoner
(both killing and poisoning)
Mafia Assassin
Mafia Mason
Mafia Escort
(when killing)
Unskilled Mafia
Mafia Pirate
Mafia Bomb
Mafia Apprentice
Mafia Doctor
(when killing)
Mafia Noble
Mafia Robber

Serial Killer
(both killing and recruiting)
Hot Potato

If you have any further questions, just PM the host of the game or :police.
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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum



  • Sane Detective (Townie): The Sane Detective 'investigates' one person per night phase i.e. asks the host through a PM about a player's allegiance. He gets an "Innocent" result for Townies and "Guilty" for non-Townies. The Sane Detective doesn't know about his sanity. (GAME 1)
  • Insane Detective (Townie): The Insane Detective 'investigates' one person per night phase i.e. asks the host through a PM about a player's allegiance. He gets a "Guilty" result for Townies and "Innocent" for non-Townies. The Insane Detective does not know about his insanity. (GAME 2)
  • Naive Detective (Townie): The Naive Detective 'investigates' one person per night phase i.e. asks the host through a PM about a player's allegiance. He gets an "Innocent" result regardless of which player he targets. The Naive Detective doesn't know about his sanity. (GAME 9)
  • Paranoid Detective (Townie): The Paranoid Detective 'investigates' one person per night phase i.e. asks the host through a PM about a player's allegiance. He gets a "Guilty" result regardless of which player he targets. The Paranoid Detective doesn't know about his sanity. (GAME 24)
  • Investigator (Townie): The Investigator can investigate a dead player whose role is hidden (showing as ???). He uses his ability by sending a PM to the host at night so that only he get to know the unknown role. (GAME 24)
  • Spy (Townie): The Spy has the ability to spy on someone at Night and find out who they targeted. Does not, however, find out their target's actual Night Action. (GAME 31)
  • Paranoid Spy (Townie): The Paranoid Spy has the ability to spy on someone at Night and find out who they targeted, but does not find out their target's actual Night Action. His result however is a randomized player name. He does not know about his sanity. (GAME 37)
  • Mortician (Townie): The Mortician can investigate a dead player. He gets to know which kind of actions were used on him for all nights, in chronological order. For example, a result would be "The player was investigated Night 1 and killed on Night 2". (GAME 37)
  • Spirit Medium (Townie): The Spirit Medium can target a dead Townie player. He gets to know which players that Townie targeted every Night, in chronological order. But he doesn't find out any action results. (GAME 72)

  • Sane Doctor (Townie): The Sane Doctor can "save" a person per night phase i.e. he will PM the host during the night phase and can request to protect a player. That player then cannot die during the night phase. The Sane Doctor does not know about his sanity. (GAME 1)
  • Insane Doctor (Townie): The Insane Doctor can "save" a person per night phase i.e. he will PM the host during the night phase and can request to protect a player, but has a 50% chance of killing his target instead of protecting him. The Insane Doctor does not know about his sanity. (GAME 5)
  • Naive Doctor (Townie): The Naive Doctor can "save" a person per night phase i.e. he will PM the host during the night phase and can request to protect a player. However he has no actual powers and his target gets no protection. The Naive Doctor does not know about his sanity. (GAME 6)
  • Bodyguard (Townie): The Bodyguard may pick a person he wants to protect each night. When this person is attacked at night the Bodyguard becomes the target instead. If both survive the night then his target can‘t die the next day to any daykilling role.

  • Hider (Townie): Each night the Hider may choose a person to hide behind. If somebody tries to kill the Hider while he is successfully hiding then the kill fails. If the Hider is hiding behind his killer or a person from the same group of his killer, his hiding is unsuccessful. If the person that the Hider is hiding behind is targeted and killed in the same night then that person and the Hider both die. (GAME 3)
  • Prostitute (Townie): The Prostitute/Role Blocker chooses one player per Night to distract. That player will be prevented from performing his Night Action, if he has one. It doesn't matter if the chosen player is a Townie or Mafia. (GAME 6)
  • Bulletproof Townie (Townie): The Bulletproof has a permanent protection from Night Kills. Any attempts to kill him at Night will fail. (GAME 6)
  • Healthy Townie (Townie): When a Sickly targets the Healthy Townie, there will be no effect. He/She will be able to vote. (GAME 31)
  • Bomb Defuser (Townie): The Bomb Defuser can every night target a player to attempt to defuse any Bomb the player has and the Bomb's ability will be gone. If he successfully defuses a Bomb his ability cannot be used anymore and is notified by the host. UPDATED (GAME 41)

  • Freeman (Townie): The Freeman is like a regular Townie, with the exception that if he dies then the next Day phase is skipped. All role effects which would have happened that day(for example Innocent Child reveal) are moved to the next Day phase. (GAME 2)
  • Bomb (Townie): If the Bomb is killed by anybody, the killer dies too. If the Bomb is lynched, then he kills the person who cast the final vote on him. (GAME 7)
  • Vengeful Townie (Townie): Vengeful Townie has a one-shot kill ability they can use at night after being lynched. This kill cannot be prevented (hidden/blocked/protected) in any way. (GAME 8)
  • Death Miller (Townie): Death Miller counts as a non-Townie for Detective investigations. When he dies he is revealed to be a Mafia member. He doesn't know about his role and thinks he's a normal Townie. (GAME 9)
  • Innocent Child (Townie): Innocent Child (Townie): A Townie which gets publicly confirmed by the Host at the start of a certain Day phase and he is told when. This role cannot be assigned any non-townie secondary roles. (GAME 24) UPDATED
  • Jesus (Townie): Whenever he dies, he comes back to life 2 day phases after his death (for example, if he dies in night 1 he comes back in day phase 3. If he dies in day phase 2, he comes back in day phase 4). He dies as Townie. The host will announce Jesus' revival when the day phase starts. He can only revive once per game. (GAME 31)
  • Miller (Townie): Miller counts as a non-Townie for Detective investigations. When he dies he is revealed to be a Miller. He doesn't know about his role and thinks he's a normal Townie. (GAME 35)
  • Pirate (Townie): At a night of his choice the Pirate may choose a Townie he wants to steal the ability from. From that point in the game the robbed Townie's role changes to 'Townie' without him knowing it and the Pirate is free to use it as his own. The Pirate is told which role he stole. If the Pirate tries to steal the ability from a Mafia or Third Party Member, the Pirate dies. (GAME 36)
  • Sane Apprentice (Townie): Targets a person at Night phase to learn from him. If the player manages to learn from the same target 2 times, he changes his role to his teacher's and is notified of the change and which role it is. If however his teacher gets blocked or killed he learns nothing that night. Once his role changed he cannot learn a new role.
    If his target happened to be a Mafia or a 3rd party, he commits suicide at the end of the night after learning from him 2 times. If his target is a normal Mason(not a Recruiter) he joins that Mason's group. The Apprentice doesn't know about his sanity.
  • Insane Apprentice (Townie): Targets a person at Night phase to learn from him. If the player manages to learn from the same target 2 times, he changes his role to his teacher's and is notified of the change and which role it is. If however his teacher gets blocked or killed he learns nothing that night. Once his role changed he cannot learn a new role.
    If his target happened to be a Mafia he joins that Mafia and becomes an unskilled Mafia Member after learning from him 2 times. If his target is a 3rd party he learns that role as normal. If his target is a Mentee he joins the Mentor-Mentee group as another Mentee. The Apprentice doesn't know about his sanity.
  • Necromancer (Townie): At night, the Necromancer can target a dead player to take their ability (as long as it's an active night action), and then use their taken night action on another player. He can do this every night, but never use the ability of the same player more than once. If he tries to take the ability of a dead player whose primary role is of an antagonist, nothing happens. The same applies if the role he tries to take became unusable (e.g. a defused or already exploded Kamikaze Bomb).

  • Noble (Townie): The Noble is able to cast an extra vote in secret through PM to the Host. One "anonymous vote" will be added to the chosen person. (GAME 24)
  • Restless Spirit (Townie): If the player dies, he's able to cast a vote (and give his reasons for the vote) on the next day. (GAME 24)

  • Daytime Vigilante (Townie): Similar to Mafia or the Serial Killer this role has a killing ability, but instead of killing secretly at night, the player openly kills somebody during the middle of the day. After the daykill the phase continues as normal. Because it is such a powerful role it is restricted to an one-shot ability. (GAME 8)
  • Paranoid Gun Owner (Townie): The Paranoid Gun Owner does not choose when to use his ability, but if he is targetted during the night then he kills whomever targetted him, regardless of aliance. (GAME 10) But he has only one bullet in his gun. (GAME 37)
  • Badass Cowboy (Townie): The Badass Cowboy can challenge anyone to a pistol duel during each Day phase, where there's a 50/50 chance of him dying or the duelist. (GAME 31)
  • Kamikaze Bomb (Townie) At the start of the game the host tells the Kamikaze Bomb which Night phase he will explode. When exploding he can die alone or target another player to blow up together. The Kamikaze Bomb may also choose to explode earlier than he is told at any Night phase. (GAME 41)
  • Prosecutor (Townie): Can once per game during a Day phase openly declare another player guilty of being Mafia, upon which that player is marked with a Prosecutor's mark. At the end of the day the marked player's alignment will get revealed. If the marked player is not a townie he will get lynched immediately. If he's a townie the Prosecutor will get lynched instead. This lynch is special and doesn't replace the usual lynch of the Day. If he is daykilled the Prosecutor's mark disappears from the target player. (GAME 54)

  • Mason (Townie): Masons are a Group of Townies that know each other to be innocent. They can communicate with each other at Night if they choose, but otherwise have no special abilities. (GAME 6)
  • Mason Recruiter (Townie): A Mason Recruiter is a a Mason Group Leader that usually starts all by himself and tries to recruit one player each Night. He selects one player each night to try to recruit. If he picks a Pro-Townie Role, then that player joins the Group and is able to talk with other Group Members in the Group during the Nights. The Mason Recruiter dies if he attempts to recruit a Mafia Member or a Third Party. (GAME 6)

  • Sleeper (Townie): The Sleeper thinks he is a regular Townie, which he is, unless he is targeted by the mafia with a successful killing ability. From this point on he becomes a normal Mafia Member and only wins if the mafia win. Until converted, Sleeper is pro-Town. (GAME 9)

  • Mafia Boss (Mafia): The Mafia Boss shows the same to a Detective's investigations as a regular Townie would. He is usually in charge of coordinating the Mafia activity at night and may act as the contact person to the host. In case of disagreement with his fellow mafias over Night activities he has the final say. (GAME 2)
  • Mafia Detective (Mafia): The Mafia Detective has the ability to investigate one player per Night and learn the player's Role. Only he is told the role of his target via PM. Whenever the Mafia Detective's investigation ability is performed, he cannot be chosen to go for a kill on the same night. (GAME 6)
  • Mafia Janitor (Mafia): If the Janitor kills a player he cleans up the body after the kill. When the Day phase starts only he is PMed his victim's role while everyone else doesn't get to know his victim's role. When he dies the roles of all his victims are revealed to everyone. (GAME 23)
  • Mafia Poisoner (Mafia): The Mafia Poisoner has the ability to poison someone during the night. The player will die at Priority 3 next night phase. The Doctor can only save the victim in the night he's being poisoned. The Mafia cannot use another killing ability on the same night they use the Poisoner ability. (GAME 9)
  • Assassin (Mafia): The Assassin is a Mafia Member that may choose to kill at Daytime instead of the Night. Unlike Daytime Vigilantes he is not doing the Daykill publicly but via PM to the Host. (Game 10)
  • Mafia Mason (Mafia): A Mafia Mason is a pro-Mafia that can communicate with other pro-Town Masons. If targeted by the Mason Recruiter, the Mason Recruiter doesn't die and the Mafia Mason joins the Mason team without losing his role. The other pro-Town Masons believe the Mafia Mason to be a regular pro-Town Mason. (GAME 10)
  • Strongman (Mafia): Can kill someone who usually can't get killed (player who got protection from a doc or a bulletproof townie) and can't be hindered by the Prostitute either. He can however be redirected. The only way to avoid his kill is being a Hider and hiding behind someone else. After the first time the Strongman is used for a kill he loses his power and can only kill normally. (GAME 24)
  • Burden (Mafia): The Burden is like the Freeman on the Mafia Side. When the Burden is lynched or killed, the next night phase will skipped. All role effects which would have happened that Night(for example Mafia Poisoner kill) are moved to the next Night phase. (GAME 31)
  • Mafia Bomb Defuser (Mafia): The Mafia Bomb Defuser can every night target a player to attempt to defuse any Bomb the player has and the Bomb's ability will be gone. If he successfully defuses a Bomb his ability cannot be used anymore and is notified by the host. Other than that the Mafia Bomb Defuser is a normal Mafia Member. UPDATED (GAME 31)
  • Mafia Escort (Mafia): Escort/Role Blocker may choose one player per Night to distract. That player will be prevented from performing his Night action, if he has one. When the role blocking action is chosen the Escort cannot execut a kill in the same night. (GAME 35)
  • Unskilled Mafia (Mafia) The Unskilled Mafia Member, is like a normal Member, but has only a 50% chance to succeed in killing his victim. The Unskilled Mafia doesn't know he is unskilled, nor do his team mates, and thinks he is a regular Mafia Member. (GAME 41)
  • Mafia Pirate (Mafia) At a night of his choice the Mafia Pirate may choose a Townie he wants to steal the ability from. From that point in the game, the robbed Townie's role changes to 'Townie' without him knowing it and the Mafia Pirate is free to use it as his own. The Mafia Pirate knows the ability stolen and uses it at the proper Day or Night phase that the stolen role demands. All original clauses of the stolen ability apply. If the Mafia Pirate tries to steal the ability from a Mafia or a Third Party Member as primary role, the Mafia Pirate dies. The Mafia Pirate is able to be selected as a mafia killer until he successfully steals a role - after that point, he can only kill by indirect means if he's stolen a role with killing capabilities (Insane Doctor, Daytime Vigilante, etc.). (GAME 41)
  • Mafia Bomb (Mafia): If the Mafia Bomb is killed by anybody, the killer dies too. If the Mafia Bomb is lynched, then he kills the person who cast the final vote on him. Other than that he is a regular Mafia Member. (GAME 41)
  • Mafia Rookie (Mafia): At the start of the game, the host presents the Mafia Rookie with up to three mafia roles of the host's choosing. If the Mafia Rookie successfully kills twice, he can pick one of those roles to become his primary role for the rest of the game. He can only choose a role at Night phase, but can use it the same Night once chosen. (GAME 71) UPDATED

  • Serial Killer (Third Party): The Serial Killer is like a lone Mafia Member. He kills once per night and his goal is to be the sole survivor. (GAME 5)
  • Second Mafia (Third Party): Structured just as the first, the members can variate though. The goal to win is not only to have an equal number of members as remaining Townies, but also to completely kill off the other Mafia/Third Parties. (GAME 7)
  • Mentor (Third Party): If the Mentor does not have a living Mentee, at Night he can recruit one. During the night he can talk to his Mentee in private. If the Mentor has a living Mentee, at Night he or his Mentee can kill someone. If the Mentor tries to recruit a non-townie, that non-townie is killed instead of recruited. Mentor can start the game with an already recruited Mentee. (GAME 22) UPDATED
  • Mentee (Third Party): A Mentee is a player who has been recruited by a Mentor. They can talk to the Mentor privately at Night, but will die if the Mentor dies (If the Mentee dies, that just frees up the Mentor to recruit someone else during the next Night). (GAME 22) UPDATED
  • Santa Claus (Third Party): A Third Party role, whose goal it is to successfully target 5 players in order to bring them presents. Santa Claus cannot choose one player twice. He wins the game, when he sent out all five of his presents. The presents are determind by the host at the beginning of the game. Santa knows all the presents and can give them out in any order he wishes, and he is told by the host after each action whether it was successful. (GAME 47)
  • Shapeshifter (Third Party): Each night the Shapeshifter may choose a person to hide behind. If somebody tries to kill the Shapeshifter while he is successfully hiding then the kill fails. If the Shapeshifter is hiding behind his killer or a person from the same group of his killer, his hiding is unsuccessful. If the person that the Shapeshifter is hiding behind is targeted and killed in the same night then that person and the Shapeshifter both die.
    If Shapeshifter survives the Night, his hiding wasn't blocked and his target was killable that Night (had no protection from nightkills), then his target gains the secondary role Illusion at the end of that Night, which lasts for the rest of the game. The Shapeshifter wins the game if the number of his Illusions plus himself is equal or higher than half the players alive. If the Shapeshifter dies, all of his Illusions shatter and die at once. (GAME 69)

  • Lovers (Third Party): The Lovers are secondary roles that are assigned to two players of different groups. If only one of them remains, he commits suicide on the following night. They win if their number is equal or greater than the number of townies remaining and all other non-townies are dead. They can talk in private at each Night phase. Lovers are not allowed to openly reveal names of Mafias at any point with the intention to ruin the game. (GAME 37) UPDATED
  • Threesome Candidate (Third Party): At the start of the game the Lovers are notified that there is a Threesome in the game. The Threesome Candidate can join the Lovers, if he finds out who they are. He has one guess per Day by PMing the host 2 player names. He gets back a result whether he guessed correctly 0, 1 or 2 Lovers. If he guesses the 2 Lovers correctly in the same Day, he joins them as the third Lover. His guesses do not count as actions. If both of his Lovers die, he commits suicide on the following Night, regardless if he joined them or not.
    If one of the Lovers dies before the Candidate has joined their group, he may guess on the night of the supposed suicide who the remaining living Lover is and becomes a substitute for the one who passed away, if he succeeds. (GAME 37)
  • Super Mason (Unassigned / Townie) A townie with a role at the start of the game. When he/she gets recruited by the Mason Recruiter, he/she will not lose his/her original role. (e.g. Super Mason Doctor, Super Mason Detective). When joining the Masons, this secondary role changes to Recruited Super Mason. Super Masons can start the game in the Mason Group. UPDATED
  • Sickly (Unassigned): The Sickly can choose a player each Night to infect who then can't vote in the following Day Phase, because he gets a cold. If the Sickly chooses to use their main role's active ability, the Sickly ability cannot be used on the same Night. (GAME 83)
  • Not Voter Disease (Unassigned): The infected player cannot vote. The person who has it last decides on the Night phase who gets it next. Passing on the disease counts as an action, but can be done alongside the main role's action. (GAME 37)
  • Hot Potato (Unassigned): The Hot Potato explodes at the end of a day designated by the host before the start of the game, killing the player holding it. The holder of the Hot Potato doesn't know when it will explode, but he can pass it to another player at night, separately from any night ability he has. This passing can't be blocked. If the holder gets killed, the Potato explodes killing both the holder and the killer; if the holder is lynched, the Potato [dies with him]. UPDATED
  • Temporary Role (Unassigned): Temporary Roles are Townie roles that are for one use only. If the Temporary Role has a day or night action, it disappears after the use of it. If it doesnot, it disappears automatically one day after receiving it. Detectives cannot identify Temporary Roles. (GAME 47)
  • Traitor (Mafia): The Traitor can only be assigned to a Townie role, but he can only win with his Mafia team. This secondary role lets the player know the names of all his Mafia team's members at the start of the game, and if the player is targeted by that Mafia team with a successful killing action, he gets recruited and becomes a normal Mafia Member.
  • Naive Traitor (Townie): The Naive Traitor can only be assigned to a Townie role. This secondary role lets the player get the names of random players at the start of the game and is told that's the Mafia. He is also told that he can only win with the Mafia and that he can be recruited by them. However the Mafia can't recruit him(unless his primary role allows it) and his win condition depends on his primary role. The Naive Traitor otherwise counts as a Townie for Detective investigations, as well as for Mason/Mentee recruitment.
  • Illusion (Third Party): A secondary role caused by the Shapeshifter. The player is not made aware of getting this secondary role, and can continue to write posts, vote and submit any day or night actions he has. However, his vote will be registered as usual but it won't count towards lynches, and his role will lose all its active/passive effects.
    If any day or night action is used on an Illusion, it will immediately shatter and die. Upon an Illusion's death, the host will reveal on which night the player was turned into an Illusion. (GAME 69)

  • Avenger (Townie) The Avenger can select a player any night, but can only be done once. This selection is unblockable and untraceable by a Spy. If that player dies the enraged Avenger can target any other player who will die the next night. The Avenger submits their killing action during the phase after their selected player dies, but the kill itself only happens at night.
  • Banshee (Townie): The Banshee can target a player every night. When the Banshee dies, during the following phase, they can select one of the players they targeted. The selected player dies at the end of the phase. This kill cannot be prevented (hidden/blocked/protected) in any way. The Banshee can choose not to kill.
  • Police Officer (Townie): Each Day Phase the Police Officer can pick 3 people to protect from day killing actions. If one of them got targeted by such, the kill fails and the Police Officer loses one of these protections (he's notified accordingly at the end of the day phase), leaving him with one less for following day phases. The Police Officer must send all his picks at once and he's not allowed to change these during the day.
  • Psychiatrist (Townie): The Psychiatrist investigates one person per night phase to see if the player has a Secondary Role. They get a "Your target has a secondary role" if that is the case, and a "Your target does not have a secondary role" if it's not. The Psychiatrist does not find out the allegiance of the target.
  • Troublemaker (Townie): Can once per game message the host during the Night phase to make the next Day phase lynch be the top 2 voted people instead of regular 1 top voted person. Every player has 2 votes but cannot vote the same player twice. The Host announces this event at the start of the Day.
  • Mafia Doctor (Mafia) The Mafia Doctor can protect another Mafia Member per night phase i.e. he will PM the host during the night phase and can request to protect a player. That player then cannot die during the night phase.
  • Mafia Noble (Mafia): The Mafia Noble is able to cast an extra vote in secret through PM to the Host. One "anonymous vote" will be added to the chosen person.
  • Mafia Robber (Mafia) Day Action - If the Robber has killed somebody successfully in the previous night he can use the stolen vote of his victim in the day besides his own. The vote of the victim can only be given as a locked vote. He cannot collect more than one robbed vote. The anonymous vote can be placed on anyone, no restrictions.
  • Substitute Teacher (Third Party) The Substitute Teacher can only win with third party Mentor/Mentee. He has one guess per day to guess who the Mentor is. If he guesses correctly he joins the Mentor/Mentee group. If the Mentor dies at any point after the Substitute Teacher joined his group, the Substitute Teacher changes his role into Mentor. If both Mentor and Mentee die before he joins them he commits suicide the following night.

✨ Indicate testing, or experimenting



  • The Plain Townie (Townie) (Passive) is a valued member of society. They fervently discuss, critically analyse and painstakingly vote to corner the Mafias and make Town a better place by eliminating all non-towns.
  • The Death Miller (Townie) (Passive) counts as a non-Townie for Detective investigations. When they die, they are revealed as a Mafia member. They don't know their role and think they are a Plain Townie.
  • The Miller (Townie) (Passive) counts as a non-Townie for Detective investigations. When they die, they are revealed to be a Miller. They don't know their role and think they are a Plain Townie.
  • The Innocent Child (Townie) (Passive) gets publicly confirmed by the Host at the start of a predetermined Day phase. They cannot be assigned any non-townie secondary roles.
  • The Jesus (Townie) (Passive), once per game, returns alive two Day Phases after their death. (e.g. Night 1 death -> Day 3 resurrection, Day 2 death -> Day 4 resurrection). They die as a Plain Townie but are announced as Jesus when they respawn at the start of the relevant Day Phase.
  • The Freeman (Townie) (Passive) causes the next Day Phase to be skipped if they die. All role effects that would occur that day are moved to the next Day Phase.

  • The Sane Detective (Townie) investigates one player’s allegiance per night phase. They get an "Innocent" result for Townies and "Guilty" for non-Townies. The Sane Detective doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Insane Detective (Townie) investigates one player’s allegiance per night phase. They get a "Guilty" result for Townies and "Innocent" for non-Townies. The Insane Detective does not know about their insanity.
  • The Naive Detective (Townie) investigates one player’s allegiance per night phase. They get an "Innocent" result regardless of which player they target. The Naive Detective doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Paranoid Detective (Townie) investigates one player’s allegiance per night phase. They get a "Guilty" result regardless of which player they target. The Paranoid Detective doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Sane Spy (Townie) spies on one player to find out who they targeted with their night action. If their target's action is successful, they learn the Spy learns of their target(s). The Sane Spy doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Paranoid Spy (Townie) spies on one player to find out who they targeted with their night action. If their target's action is successful, they receive a randomized target(s). The Paranoid Spy doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Psychiatrist (Townie) investigates one person per night phase to see if the player has a Secondary Role. They do not find out their target’s role.
  • The Investigator (Townie) investigates one dead player whose role is hidden (showing as ????). They get a result revealing their target’s role as it would have normally on death.
  • The Mortician (Townie) investigates a dead player to find out which kind of actions were used on the target, in chronological order (e.g. "The player was investigated on Night 1 and killed on Night 2"). They do not find out which players targeted the dead player.
  • The Spirit Medium (Townie) investigates a dead Townie to find out which players they targeted every Night, in chronological order. They do not find out action results.

  • The Prostitute (Townie) blocks one player per Night phase and prevents them from using their night action.
  • The Sane Doctor (Townie) protects one player per night phase. That player then cannot die during the night phase. However, does not prevent suicidal deaths. The Sane Doctor does not know about their sanity.
  • The Insane Doctor (Townie) protects one player per night phase. That player then cannot die during the night phase. However, does not prevent suicidal deaths. There is a 50% chance their target dies instead. The Insane Doctor does not know about their sanity.
  • The Naive Doctor (Townie) attempts to protect one player per night phase. Their protection will be ineffective. The Naive Doctor does not know about their sanity.
  • The Police Officer (Townie) can, once every Day Phase, pick 3 people to protect from day-killing actions. If one of them gets targeted by a day kill, the kill fails and the Police Officer loses one of their 3 protections. They are notified whenever they lose one of their protections. The Police Officer must send all their picks at once and they are not allowed to change these during the day. The Police Officer does not prevent suicidal deaths. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.
  • The Bodyguard (Townie) protects one player per night phase. If their target is targeted by a killing night action, the Bodyguard becomes the target instead. If both the Bodyguard and their target survive the night, their target can‘t die the next day to any day killing role. However, does not prevent suicidal deaths.
  • The Hider (Townie) targets a player to hide behind at night. If the Hider is targeted by a killing night action while successfully hiding, the kill fails (unless they hide behind their killer, or someone from their killer's faction). If the Hider's target is killed while successfully hiding, the Hider dies with them as well. However, does not prevent suicidal deaths.
  • The Bulletproof Townie (Townie) (Passive) has permanent protection from Night Kills that target.

  • The Pirate (Townie) may once steal the role of another Townie. If successful, the Pirate is informed of what role they stole (and can use it freely), while the robbed Townie's role changes to 'Townie' without them being informed. The Pirate dies if they use their role on a non-town player. They die as a Pirate, even if they stole a role.
  • The Sane Apprentice (Townie) can learn a player's role by targeting them during two Night Phases (not necessarily consecutively). If the Sane Apprentice targets the same player twice, the Apprentice changes their role to their targets and is informed of what role they learned. If their target was blocked, killed or changed their role in between being targeted, the Sane Apprentice fails to learn their target's role. If the Sane Apprentice learns from a non-town, they commit suicide. If their target is a Mason, they become a Mason and automatically join the group. The Sane Apprentice doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Insane Apprentice (Townie) can learn another player's role by targeting them twice at night (not necessarily consecutively). If the Insane Apprentice targets the same player twice, the Apprentice changes their role to their targets and is informed of what role they learnt. If their target was blocked, killed or changed their role in between being targeted, the Insane Apprentice fails to learn their target's role. If their target is a Mason, they become a Mason and automatically join the group.If they learn from a mafia member, they join their team as an Unskilled Mafia Member. If they learn from a Mentee, they join their team as another Mentee. If they learn from another Third Party role, they learn that role as normal. The Insane Apprentice doesn't know about their sanity.
  • The Necromancer (Townie) can target a dead Townie with a night action, and use that action to target another (eligible) player. They cannot target the same dead Townie twice. The Necromancer cannot take a dead townie’s role that has been used up (e.g. a used-up Kamikaze Bomb).

  • The Noble (Townie) can, once per day, cast an extra vote in secret by PM'ing the Host. One "anonymous vote" will be added to the chosen person. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.
  • The Restless Spirit (Townie) (Passive), the Day Phase after they die, can cast a vote and make a post. They cannot join the deadpad until this phase has passed.
  • The Troublemaker (Townie) can, once per game, cause the top 2 voted players to be lynched instead of the regular top 1 voted players. The Troublemaker submits this the night before they wish to cause this. Every player has 2 votes but cannot vote the same player twice. The Host announces this event at the start of the Day.
  • The Healthy Townie (Townie) (Passive) negates the effect of Sickly Townie when targeted and remains able to vote.
  • The Sickly (Unassigned) (Secondary) targets a player every night to infect who then can’t vote the next Day phase. This is publicly announced by the Host. The Sickly must choose between using their main role and this ability. The effect is announced by the Host at the start of the Day Phase.
  • The Not-Voter Disease (Unassigned) (Secondary) prevents the infected player from voting. This effect is passed on from player to player during the Night phase. Passing on the Non-Voter Disease counts as an action but can be used alongside their main role action. The effect is announced by the Host at the start of the Day Phase.

  • The Daytime Vigilante (Townie) can, once per game, kill another player during the Day phase by openly announcing on the game thread who they want to Day Kill. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.
  • The Prosecutor (Townie) can, once per game, challenge another player during the Day phase by openly announcing on the game thread who they want to Day Kill. The target will be marked to die at the end of the Day phase, before the lynch. The marked target dies if they are non-town. The prosecutor dies if the marked target is a Townie. The mark disappears if the Prosecutor dies before the end of the Day phase. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.
  • The Badass Cowboy (Townie) can, once per day, challenge another player during the Day phase by openly announcing on the game thread who they want to Day Kill. There is a 50% chance they succeed and a 50% chance they fail and kill themselves. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.
  • The Paranoid Gun Owner (Townie) (Passive), once per game, automatically kills the first person to target them with any kind of Night Action.
  • The Avenger (Townie) can, once per game, mark a player at night. This marking is unblockable and untraceable. If the marked player dies, the Avenger can target another player who dies the next night. The Avenger submits their action next phase, and the kill happens at the end of the next night.
  • The Banshee (Townie) can target a player every night. When the Banshee dies, during the following phase, they can select one of the players they targeted. The selected player dies at the end of the phase. This kill cannot be prevented in any way. The Banshee can choose not to kill.
  • The Vengeful Townie (Townie) has a one-shot kill ability they can use the night after being lynched. This kill cannot be prevented in any way.

  • The Bomb (Townie) (Passive), if targeted by a killing night action, kills their killer. If the Bomb is lynched, they kill the player who cast the final vote on them.
  • The Kamikaze Bomb (Townie) is set to explode at a time designated by the host. On the designated night, they may target another player who dies with them. The Kamikaze Bomb may also choose to explode during an earlier night.
  • The Hot Potato (Unassigned) (Secondary) explodes at the end of a designated day, killing the player holding it. The holder of the Hot Potato doesn't know when it will explode. Passing on the Hot Potato counts as an action but can be used alongside their main role action. Passing the Hot Potato cannot be blocked. If the Hot Potato holder is lynched, the role disappears. If the Hot Potato holder is killed by a targeting Night Action, the Potato explodes and takes out their killer as well.
  • The Bomb Defuser (Townie) targets a player to remove their Bomb ability once per night phase. They can only use their ability to disable a Bomb successfully once and are notified once it is used up.

  • The Mason Recruiter (Townie) can once per night phase recruit one player into the Mason group. If they target a townie, their role is changed to "Mason", and they can join in on the night communication next phase. The Recruiter and target are both informed when this happens. The Recruiter dies if they attempt to recruit a non-townie.
  • The Mason (Townie) (Passive) belongs to a group of Masons that are allowed to communicate during the night.
  • The Super Mason (Townie) (Secondary) is a Townie with a main role that does not lose their main role once they get recruited by the Mason recruiter (e.g. Super Mason Doctor). When recruited into the Mason group, their secondary role changes to Recruited Super Mason.
  • The Sleeper (Townie) (Passive), if killed by a Mafia, changes their role and allegiance to "Mafia Member" and joins the team of their killer. They don't know their role and think they are a regular Townie.
  • ✨ The Traitor (Mafia) (Secondary) can only be assigned to a Townie role. The player receives a list of names of the mafia faction. If the Traitor is killed by the mafia team, instead of dying they are recruited. Their main role becomes Mafia Member. The Traitor can only win with the mafia, and only if they are recruited. They count as a non-town for role interactions. If the last Mafia on their list dies, the Traitor dies at the start of the next phase.
  • The Naive Traitor (Townie) (Secondary) can only be assigned to a Townie role. The player receives a random list of names and is told these players are the mafia faction. They are also told they can only win with the mafia if they are killed and recruited by them. However, unless their main role allows for recruitment, they cannot win with the mafia and their win condition depends on their main role. The Naive traitor counts as a Townie in role interactions.



  • The Mafia Member (Mafia) (Passive) mingles with the Town during the day, but at night, they secretly scheme with their team to kill townies until the Mafia outnumbers them!
  • The Burden (Mafia) (Passive) causes the next Night Phase to be skipped if they die. All role effects that would occur that Night (e.g. Poisoner kill) are moved to the next Night Phase.
  • The Mafia Mason (Mafia) (Passive), if targeted by the Mason Recruiter, doesn't cause the Recruiter to die and, instead, joins the Mason team. The Mafia Mason can communicate with other Masons at night by pretending to be one of them.
  • The Mafia Bomb (Mafia) (Passive), if targeted by a killing night action, kills their killer. If the Bomb is lynched, they kill the player who cast the final vote on them.
  • The Mafia Bomb Defuser (Mafia) targets a player to remove their Bomb ability once per night phase. They can only disable a Bomb successfully once and are notified once it is used up. They cannot defuse and kill the same night.
  • The Mafia Boss (Mafia) (Passive) shows the same results to a Townie Detective that a regular townie would when targeted.
  • The Mafia Noble (Mafia) is able to cast an extra vote in secret through PM to the Host. One "anonymous vote" will be added to the chosen person. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day Phase.
  • The Mafia Detective (Mafia) investigates one player’s role per night phase. They are told of the main and secondary role(s) of their target in PM. They cannot investigate and kill on the same night.
  • The Mafia Escort (Mafia) blocks one player per Night phase to prevent them from using their night action. They cannot block and kill on the same night.
  • The Mafia Doctor (Mafia) protects one Mafia Member per night phase. That player then cannot die during the night phase. They cannot protect and kill during the same night.
  • The Mafia Pirate (Mafia) may once steal the role of another Townie. If successful, the Pirate is informed of what role they stole, while the robbed Townie's role changes to 'Townie' without being informed. All original clauses of the role apply. The Mafia Pirate loses their ability to faction kill, and may only kill if the stolen role allows it (e.g. Insane Doctor, Cowboy, etc.). The Mafia Pirate dies if they use their role on a non-town player. They always die as a Mafia Pirate, even if they stole a role. They cannot steal and kill during the same night.
  • ✨ The Mafia Assassin (Mafia) may choose to kill during Day instead of at Night. This is done by PM'ing the host privately with the desired target. The mafia cannot kill at night if the Assassin kills during the day. Cannot be used on Day 1. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.
  • The Mafia Janitor (Mafia) can choose to hide (???) the role of their night kill target. The Janitor is told of the role(s) of their target in PM. When the Janitor dies, the hidden roles of all their victims are revealed to everyone.
  • The Mafia Poisoner (Mafia) can choose to poison the target they choose to kill, causing them to die the next night phase. A Doctor can only save the victim the night they are poisoned, not the night they actually die. The Mafia cannot kill the night they use poison.
  • The Mafia Strongman (Mafia) can, once per game, choose to use an unstoppable kill, i.e. kill someone who is actively or passively protected, as well as ignore being blocked. The Strongman action can however be redirected, or be avoided by hiding. After killing with their power, they can only kill normally.
  • ✨ The Mafia Robber (Mafia) can, if they successfully killed someone the previous night, cast an extra vote in secret through PM to the Host. One "anonymous vote" will be added to the chosen person. The Robber can store one vote at most.
  • The Unskilled Mafia Member (Mafia) (Passive) is like a normal Member, only they have a 50% chance to succeed in killing their target. The Unskilled Mafia and their team don't know they are Unskilled and instead think they are a regular Mafia Member.
  • The Mafia Rookie (Mafia) is presented with up to three mafia roles of the host's choosing. If the Mafia Rookie successfully kills twice, they can change their primary role into one of the presented options. They can only choose a role during the Night Phase, but can use it the same Night once chosen.
  • The Second Mafia (Third Party) is a rival mafia team that structured similarly to their counterpart. For either mafia party to win, they must eliminate their kin.

  • ✨ The Serial Killer (Third Party) is like a lone Mafia Member. They kill once per night and their goal is to be the sole survivor. The Serial Killer starts the game with a list of primary roles (without names or secondary roles listed) that are in the game.
  • ✨ The Santa Claus (Third Party) has to successfully target X amount of players to gift them presents. They win the game after successfully delivering their last present. Santa’s gifts are predetermined by the host, and Santa can send them out in any order they desire. Santa is informed whether or not their action is successful. The target is also informed when they receive a gift.
  • The Mentor (Third Party) can, at night, recruit a living Mentee if they do not have one. During the Night, they can talk with their Mentee. If the Mentor does have a living Mentee, at night, they or their Mentee can kill someone. If the Mentor attempts to recruit a non-town to be their Mentee, the target dies instead.
  • The Mentee (Third Party) (Passive) is a player who has been recruited by a Mentor. They can talk to the Mentor privately at Night but will die if the Mentor dies. If the Mentee dies, that frees up the Mentor to recruit someone else during the next Night).
  • The Substitute Teacher (Third Party) can only win with the Mentor/Mentee. They have one guess per day to guess who the Mentor is. If they guess correctly, they join the Mentor the next night. If the Mentor dies after the Substitute Teacher joined them, the Substitute Teacher becomes the Mentor. If the Mentor dies before the Substitute Teacher joins them, the Substitute Teacher commits suicide.
  • The Lovers (Third Party) (Secondary) are secondary roles that are assigned to two players of different allegiances. They can talk with each other at night. Their win condition supersedes that of their main-role allegiance, and they can only win together if their number is equal or greater to the number of remaining townies and all other non-townies are dead. If one lover dies, the other one commits suicide at the end of the following night. A mafia lover is not allowed to post the names of their teammates on the game thread.
  • The Threesome Candidate (Third Party) (Secondary) can, every day, guess the names of the Lovers by PM’ing the host two names. The host will confirm whether they guessed 0, 1 or 2 names correctly. If they guess both names correctly, they join the Lover faction. Their guesses do not count as role actions, and therefore cannot be tracked or blocked. The Lovers are told if there is a Threesome Candidate in the game. If both Lovers die, they commit suicide at the end of the following night. If one Lover dies before they join the group, they can guess the remaining lover. If they are successful, they can join the Lover faction as a replacement Lover. If one Lover dies while they have joined the Lover faction, the Threesome Candidate automatically becomes the replacement Lover.
  • The Shapeshifter (Third Party) targets a player to hide behind at night. If the Shapeshifter is targeted by a killing night action while successfully hiding, the kill fails (unless they hide behind their killer, or someone from their killer's faction). If the Shapeshifter’s target is killed while successfully hiding, the Shapeshifter dies with them as well. If the Shapeshifter successfully hid, and their target was not targeted by any protecting action, the target will turn into an illusion. If their target received no active protection from night kills, they gain the secondary role of illusion at the end of that night, which lasts for the rest of the game. The Shapeshifter wins the game if the number of the Illusions plus themselves is equal to or higher than half the players alive. If the Shapeshifter dies, all of their Illusions shatter and die at once along with them.
  • The Illusion (Third Party) (Secondary) is not aware they have received this secondary role. The Illusion can write posts as usual, but their votes and night actions, though registered, won’t count. If the Illusion is targeted by any kind of action, they immediately shatter and die. Upon their shattering, the host will also reveal what night the player was turned into an Illusion.

  • Temporary Roles (Unassigned) are Townie roles that can be assigned to a player of any alignment. They are one-time use only; if the Temporary Role has a day or night action, it disappears after the use of it. If not, it disappears automatically the day after receiving it. Detectives cannot identify Temporary Roles.
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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Basque Country

Bar Keeper
(Townie): The Bar Keeper can invite 3 players to his bar every night. One random player of the chosen batch ends up being the drunkest and either reveals his role to the Bar Keeper, fails to perform his night action or uses it on a random player. The Bar Keeper doesn't get to know the identity of the drunkest visitor, but he knows which of the 3 effects affected him.

Hypnotist (Townie): Every night, the Hypnotist can change the target of another player to a target of his choice.

Martyr (Townie): The Martyr can PM the host during a Day phase to secretly mark a player. If the marked player would die during the day or get lynched, the Martyr will sacrifice himself and dies/is lynched instead. He can PM the host as often as he wants, moving the mark onto someone else, and the last person that has the mark when a daykill happens or the day ends counts. This role cannot be claimed.

Politician (Townie): The Politician can secretly make a player of his choice vote to his liking. The Politician PMs the Host during the day with the name of the player whose vote he wants to corrupt. The chosen player getting the PM from the Host with the name he must vote for, cannot associate himself with the Politician. If he slips up he gets three Penality Votes on himself. The role of the Politician cannot be claimed.

Time Bomb (Townie): The host decides before the game starts which Night phase the Time Bomb will explode, of which the player is informed. The night it shall explode, it can target any other player and blow him up. If the Time Bomb is killed before the time limit is passed it does not explode.

Witch (Townie): If the Witch is lynched she may curse another player, who then will die the second night after.

Mafia Politician (Mafia): Once per Day, the Mafia Politician can steal a player's vote and place it on a target of his choosing. He PMs the Host during the Day with the name of the player whose vote he wants to steal and the new target, and the Host will publicly place the former's vote on the latter. The stolen vote follows all voting rules as if manually cast - it only gets locked if the Mafia Politician's target had already voted once, it cannot be stolen from a target who had already votelocked, and so on.

Unlimited Voter Disease (Unassigned): The infected player can change his votes unlimited times. Which means he cannot lock his vote. The one that has it last decides on the Night phase who gets it next. Passing on the disease counts as an action, but can be done alongside the main role's action.

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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
On the other hand, Panda pointed out a small flaw himself in the rules when it comes to penalties -as a lot of them are mostly based on the Host's perception of how penalties can affect the game. After hosting myself and co-hosting with you, with my own experience, I'd like to change the following so it's more precise:

The parts that I underlined could be changed. I'd like to have defined in the rules a 3 strikes system -seen first in the Naruto game you hosted IIRC?- in game as we do outside of it in the Hall of Shame. The first time you break a ¨minor¨ rule -a major one would be posting a PM, for example- you get a penalty vote. If you break one of those rules once again, you receive 3 penalties. If you break rules for the third time, you get hostkilled.

I also think that in these times -cause I'm not playing I guess '-'''' -the 100 posts rule is redundant, and could be either deleted or modified to an even smaller number -just in case WithinSpam becomes the new me.
I would suggest as PM-reveal stuff is usually more serious raising the punishment to hostkill instantly. In this case right now it seems you have to reveal three PMs to be hostkilled, way too many.

Also, perhaps splitting up the phargraphs about posting three times and voting at least once. with that being absent giving the respective penalties individually


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Basque Country
  • Be active in every day phase and post at least three times. If you don't do that, you will be hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame). If you are going to miss out a period of time due to real life events make sure to inform the host, who is going to judge each situation individually and decide whether or not taking the player out of the game is necessary.
  • Place at least one vote every day phase. If you forget to place a vote you will get a Penality Vote on the next day phase.
  • Don't post more than 100 times per day phase. This is to reduce spam and the volume of posts per game. Nobody has time to go through hundreds of one liner posts with the same content over and over again (Imperium Copyright Rule). If you hit the volume restriction, you will get a Penality Vote per 10 additional posts you make.
  • Dead people can't talk. So don't post once your character is dead; do not help others once you are dead. You can however, lurk the thread. If you post regardlessly, you will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
I would suggest as PM-reveal stuff is usually more serious raising the punishment to hostkill instantly. In this case right now it seems you have to reveal three PMs to be hostkilled, way too many.

Also, perhaps splitting up the phargraphs about posting three times and voting at least once. with that being absent giving the respective penalties individually
I agree though, in my example showing PMs was something major ^^' -not something minor like posting only twice or forgetting to vote.

Edit: trying to make what I said a bit clearer:

-If you break a rule -like posting a PM-, you'd get insta hostkilled.

-If you forget to vote or to fulfill the quantity of posts required during a day-phase, you'd get a penalty vote. If you break one of these rules once again -or at the same time- you would get 3 penalty votes. If you were to break those rules a third and last time, it would result in a hostkill.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
Do we have a better solution to tie breakings? It appears the locked-votes system was criticized and discarded in the current game.
Idk I really like the locked-votes system. I don't have a better solution for it, but instead I would suggest remarking it in the rules so that it's not so easily missed -it's at the very bottom of it's own section, even if it's a very important rule. Maybe modifying the first sections -adding important rules like that one- of the rules would do the trick.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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I agree with hardy, people not posting/voting shouldn't be an instant hostkill. 2-3 times in a row means that the player doesn't intend to play and can be hostkilled.

Posting pms should be instant hostkill, but then you should also instantly hostkill mafias that fake host pms.

About ties, I don't agree that locked votes should count the first time the lock happens, since many locks are most commonly people who change their vote. Especially if a politician forces a lock this way he would screw over ties.
They should matter at the end of overtime instead.

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Also, the host test needs an update
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
As in, completely new questions that actually test something other than if you read role descriptions


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
@Hardy @digitaldude @Ustegius @xi0 @Farfalla
Do we have a better solution to tie breakings? It appears the locked-votes system was criticized and discarded in the current game.
Tie votes should result in a single extension of the phase, then a majority of locked votes can determine who gets lynched. If the tie still isn't broken, both die.

I don't like the idea that people can't use a tie as a strategic choice, but I don't think it should be allowed to happen more than once. Simply eliminating someone right off the bat because people happened to use their second vote on them compared to someone else feels a bit arbitrary, especially when people post/vote and go, different timezones, etc.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Especially if a politician forces a lock this way he would screw over ties.
Politician needs to be revisited in general IMO


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
About ties, I don't agree that locked votes should count the first time the lock happens, since many locks are most commonly people who change their vote. Especially if a politician forces a lock this way he would screw over ties.
They should matter at the end of overtime instead.
The problem is that after a tie, usually, the day is prolonged for 1 more hour, and many people lose a part of their¨value¨ in their vote, as every vote gets unlocked during the extra time -we can't expect every player to be around at every single moment of the game.

If we only count locked votes after the tie, that would mean that their votes never had that ¨value¨ in the first place, and that would give some players an advantage just for being luckier with their timezones -even bigger than the one they would already have.

Purity of Magi

The Witch of Miracles
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Also, I had like to add that there should be more clarification about changing your target during the Day/Night phase. Because in one of the games I played in (I think I was Hider) I could change my target to another one since I prefer to hide behind someone else instead and was allowed to change my target, however, in the lastest game(s), g01 for example (when he was the prostitute) said that he wanted to target Holt instead of me, but was not allowed to change his target since he already sent his PM to the Host while the Night Phase was still going on.

Gotta say, even that made me confused since I was allowed to change my target during the Night Phase in the game I have played in but he was not. Seems kinda unfair/confusing that some Host(s) allow(s) people to change their target(s), but other host(s) do not. I think this should be kinda clarified as well, imo.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
My problem with the extra time for vote breaking is this:

All players expect the phase to be e.g. 24h, are aware of it and manage their time accordingly. Only a handful though will know about the extra time, namely those that were present at the end. It is an unfair advantage, and easily exploited with malicious intents.

From a practical perspective as a host the additional time is a nightmare. It completely disrupts the schedule not only for this one phase but for the rest of the game. Usually when dedicating your time to host a game, you sort of plan it according to your own time patterns, otherwise it's not possible at all, and those are then completely disrupted, when players force ties.


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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@Hardy @digitaldude @Ustegius @xi0 @Farfalla
Do we have a better solution to tie breakings? It appears the locked-votes system was criticized and discarded in the current game.
Sigh you love to summon people...

I REALLY don't see the problem with the rule the way it is. If people have the same amount of votes, you use the locked ones as a criteria. I really think that ties should happen as eventual things, and changing that will favor ties to happen way more often, 'cause they'll be easier to manipulate. The consequences will be frequent phase extensions (and game extensions), with people having to reschedule their things more often... I mean, yday people didn't wanna go to sleep 'cause they wanted to see the end of it and I had plans I ended up cancelling xD. Then, if we have normal votes and locked votes tied, I agree with need a standard on how to proceed. I think that giving an extra hour and killing all the tied ones if things aren't solved by the end would be the best option.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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The problem is that after a tie, usually, the day is prolonged for 1 more hour, and many people lose a part of their¨value¨ in their vote, as every vote gets unlocked during the extra time -we can't expect every player to be around at every single moment of the game.

If we only count locked votes after the tie, that would mean that their votes never had that ¨value¨ in the first place, and that would give some players an advantage just for being luckier with their timezones -even bigger than the one they would already have.
Yes it's not ideal in any case, both when they're counted higher than normal votes and when they're not.

Ah and I think you misunderstood. We're not "only" counting locked votes in overtime, but normal votes too. the point of overtime is resolving the tie. It's rare that 2 are let to die, so people will eventually have 1 guy with most votes on him. Only when even after overtime it's still a tie should we count locked votes as more important.

Or we never count locked votes as anything special. They're primarily in the game so people are limited with their votes. A vote being locked could also mean just that: you can't change it anymore. Nothing more.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Politician needs to be revisited in general IMO
Indeed, as do some other roles tbh..
--- Double Post Merged, ---
My problem with the extra time for vote breaking is this:

All players expect the phase to be e.g. 24h, are aware of it and manage their time accordingly. Only a handful though will know about the extra time, namely those that were present at the end. It is an unfair advantage, and easily exploited with malicious intents.

From a practical perspective as a host the additional time is a nightmare. It completely disrupts the schedule not only for this one phase but for the rest of the game. Usually when dedicating your time to host a game, you sort of plan it according to your own time patterns, otherwise it's not possible at all, and those are then completely disrupted, when players force ties.
But even with locked votes counting we can have cases where both tied players have the same number of locked votes too.. maybe just make it that ties never prolong the day phase, but instantly kill both tied players? Let's be honest, most people don't care about resolving ties right away because "it's just getting extended". Some ties happen many hours before the game ends but people don't care too much about it because the worst that happens is a longer day.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
My problem with the extra time for vote breaking is this:

All players expect the phase to be e.g. 24h, are aware of it and manage their time accordingly. Only a handful though will know about the extra time, namely those that were present at the end. It is an unfair advantage, and easily exploited with malicious intents.

From a practical perspective as a host the additional time is a nightmare. It completely disrupts the schedule not only for this one phase but for the rest of the game. Usually when dedicating your time to host a game, you sort of plan it according to your own time patterns, otherwise it's not possible at all, and those are then completely disrupted, when players force ties.
I mean, if you're okay with the sole determining factor on who's getting lynched being whether someone voted for someone already and voted again, fine. Because many times, the action of votelocking isn't being used in order to force the phase to end immediately, it just happens as a consequence of people placing something as simple as a placeholder vote and then voting for a reason later.

I understand the practical nightmare it presents for people involved, but idk...

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Yes it's not ideal in any case, both when they're counted higher than normal votes and when they're not.

Ah and I think you misunderstood. We're not "only" counting locked votes in overtime, but normal votes too. the point of overtime is resolving the tie. It's rare that 2 are let to die, so people will eventually have 1 guy with most votes on him. Only when even after overtime it's still a tie should we count locked votes as more important.

Or we never count locked votes as anything special. They're primarily in the game so people are limited with their votes. A vote being locked could also mean just that: you can't change it anymore. Nothing more.
I fully agree with this. It was also why I let the game go in over time. There were enough people online at the time too. And the tie was resolved in the end as well. It's rare that people leave directly after the end of the day phase if they're around, as far as I can tell.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
I REALLY don't see the problem with the rule the way it is. If people have the same amount of votes, you use the locked ones as a criteria. I really think that ties should happen as eventual things, and changing that will favor ties to happen way more often, 'cause they'll be easier to manipulate. The consequences will be frequent phase extensions (and game extensions), with people having to reschedule their things more often... I mean, yday people didn't wanna go to sleep 'cause they wanted to see the end of it and I had plans I ended up cancelling xD. Then, if we have normal votes and locked votes tied, I agree with need a standard on how to proceed. I think that giving an extra hour and killing all the tied ones if things aren't solved by the end would be the best option.
But this extra hour is only given to a handful people who stayed till the end or perhaps forced it to extend. Or as @TSPanda said enough people.

But do you consider it fair favouring only those people by giving them an extra vote and stripping everyone else from that opportunity? And what is deemed as enough people to break a tie anyways.


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Ties are broken with majorities. So enough people is 50%+
I do see ties as a part of strategies. In theory, anyone has the opportunity to join a tie break extra hour and use his extra vote.
And my whole opinion about it was that keeping the first part the way prevents ties from happening in the first place. They will, but no often. It wouldn't have now.
If you completely remove the extra hour tiebreak you'll need another mechanism to help people preventing that the mafia will get 3 townies tied and dead in the 'normal' time, for example.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 20, 2012
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Casterly Rock
I mean, if you're okay with the sole determining factor on who's getting lynched being whether someone voted for someone already and voted again, fine. Because many times, the action of votelocking isn't being used in order to force the phase to end immediately, it just happens as a consequence of people placing something as simple as a placeholder vote and then voting for a reason later.

I understand the practical nightmare it presents for people involved, but idk...
Well, this is basically the issue. The locked votes in the initial phase prior to the end aren't really consequences of people legitimately making their final decisions. It's the arbitrary initial votes often playing a role to change the locked votes.

I think the "You can do anything you want" system that allows other people to be pulled into the situation needs to go, and the remaining players will need to take a vote between the tied players. And half of the entire player population should be a benchmark. i.e If there are 20 players, there needs to be at least 10 votes in the extension phase to decide who is going to die. If there are more votes than half of the population within one hour, they count, as well.
That on its own does not account to people who are not actively following the phase end, but there isn't much to be done about that either way.
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