Games - Mafia Game 76 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo - END GAME | Page 65 | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 76 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo - END GAME

Who is your MVP of MG76?

  • Seraph

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GajeelNashi

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Vandred

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Copy Panda

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • digitaldude

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Crescent Jinx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lady pompom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • gnut

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Kato756

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nii

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • SonOfDaws

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spirit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arjuna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Holt

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • shinobi

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Farfalla

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Belserion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • desin24

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gryffindor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lambu

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Do you consider it less offensive if I say I was a KDA player too? xD Just died earlier lmao
  • Hug
Reactions: Nii


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Role and Stand list

Player Actions

digitaldude STAND -> Assassinate Lambu

Priority 1

Seraph blocks Holt

Priority 2

Copy Panda investigates Farfalla -> Innocent
Farfalla investigates desin24 -> Guilty
Spirit protects Vandred
Nii protects Farfalla
Crescent Jinx learns from Farfalla -> 1/2
SonOfDaws hides behind gnut -> dies to PGO(though somewhat later :lambirb); (PGO Stand used up)

Priority 3

Arjuna poisons digitaldude
Nii STAND -> Poison Vandred -> fails because protected

Priority 1

Seraph blocks shinobi

Priority 2

Copy Panda investigates desin24 -> Innocent
Copy Panda STAND -> Investigate SonOfDaws -> No actions were used
Farfalla investigates Crescent Jinx -> Guilty
Spirit protects Crescent Jinx
Nii protects Gryffindor
Crescent Jinx learns from Farfalla -> failed due to Farfalla's death

Priority 3

gnut kills Farfalla -> Learns she was Detective

Priority 1

Arjuna STAND -> Invite Holt, Spirit and shinobi -> Holt -> Randomize target -> No effect due to Holt not submitting an action

Priority 2

Copy Panda investigates Lady pompom -> Innocent
Spirit protects Holt; STAND -> Protect Vandred
Nii protects shinobi
Crescent Jinx learns from Vandred -> 1/2
Lady pompom investigates Farfalla -> Detective

Priority 3

Belserion steals GajeelNashi's role -> Restless Spirit
gnut kills Gryffindor -> fails because protected(BP Stand used up)

Priority 2

Copy Panda investigates Belserion -> Guilty
Spirit protects GajeelNashi
Nii protects GajeelNashi
Crescent Jinx learns from Vandred -> 2/2 -> dies to learning from non-town

Priority 3

Belserion STAND -> Kill Holt -> Traitor recruited
desin24 STAND -> Recruit GajeelNashi -> GajeelNashi becomes Mason

Priority 2

Copy Panda investigates gnut -> Guilty
Spirit protects Copy Panda
Nii protects Copy Panda

Priority 3

gnut kills Spirit -> Learns he was Doctor

Priority 2

Copy Panda investigates Holt -> Guilty
Nii protects Copy Panda

Priority 3

Holt kills Copy Panda

Lady pompom STAND -> Noble vote on shinobi

Priority 2

Nii protects GajeelNashi

Priority 3

Holt kills Lady pompom

Priority 2

Nii protects GajeelNashi

Priority 3

Holt kills GajeelNashi -> Naive Doc protection doesn't prevent the kill

Holt STAND -> Noble vote on Nii

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Did you read my theory (on roles/stands) earlier? Was it accurate?

Lady pompom

Hell Kaiser Ryo
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 10, 2013
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Thanks for the game @GrySun I didn't have fun with those mgs for awhile, it started a bit slow and I didn't have as much time on some days, but the last days phases were very exciting :zomg

@Nii Funny how we always agree with each other for almost everything until the Holt situation (shinobi and gnut). As we say, great minds think alike!

@Lady pompom I'm sorry for what happened :emocat Even so, I never thought you were a mafioso and I had fun playing with you :)

@Copy Panda You mad lad. Trusting you was the biggest win I could have imagined. We managed to kill 3 mafias in one day thanks to that lmao. Sucks that Holt killed you though, he wouldn't have escaped the next day if you didn't die.

@shinobi I don't know how to feel about what happened. In one hand, you won the game for us but in the other, you kept too many secrets for yourself. Well, I guess I now know your play style :catshrug See ya in another game,

@desin24 , it really sucked that you had to die so early :( we didn't even have the time to discuss properly in our Illuminati cult private conversation. I hope to see you in other games,

@GrySun thanks for this amazing JoJo mafia game. Thanks for taking a lot of your time to look over the game and manage it . Hope we'll get to play a game together as players soon.
Hey you did a very good job, but i somehow get played by mafia on those games, if i just trusted my guts a bit more, I would probably have let my noble vote on Holt along with my normal vote, but @shinobi saved the day! Thanks shino, that was a very epic Jesus play :XD

You too Gajeel, that wa an epic shot on Bel!

Ah yeah

@Lady pompom @Crescent Jinx My apologies to the fresh ladies for not being more trusting :errr
It's all gucci, you did an awesome job I just got sad you died with the culprit 8'D

And mafia did a good job too XD even though everyone was dead by the end, @Holt that was a very good play, even though you soft heart didn't allow you to keep pretend beng a townie in the end, you survived very long, that was a very close townies vs mafia cliffhanger victory.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Holt killing Panda:

Panda's afterdeath:



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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So I didn't really follow the game well considering my test but it looked form what I seen really fun so nice game @GrySun thanks for the hosting

Anyways my real reason here is to congrats @shinobi on her epic win, so proud for you my girl :zomg
You rock (I'm especially proud that you survived till the end and didn't die an unfortunate death like in my games XD +causing the win for townies)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Thanks to everyone for playing, I hope the majority had fun and enjoyed it. Personally I'm glad it's finally over :XD My hosting was far from perfect. I underestimated how much time I have for hosting, and it's much less than I had in the past with the first JoJo game. I couldn't update the votes as often as I'd like, manage the deadpad in a better way or even make the game go smoothly considering the early mistake with Daws and gnut. Fortunately it turned out to not have affected the game too much with gnut largely too busy and afk to play much, and with him surviving the longest of the starting 5-Mafia team. So I'd say the mistake at least didn't do too much, though it still bothers me a lot.

Probably the last game I'll host, at least for now, considering I don't have enough time for it as I should have. I'm still satisfied over how the game went and enjoyed many moments as a host, even though the activity was much lower than was needed for a game like this to truly shine I think.

Some post-game thoughts from myself. First about the setup. Four main points were considered when making it:

  1. I wanted a classic Mafia vs Town game, which we didn't have in a pretty long time. That means no third parties, no second mafia. Only one big Mafia vs the Town. However those are usually only done with few players, as the game would last for a very long time with only 1 kill per night. In a 20 player game 5 would be Mafia, so in an ideal scenario from 5v15 at the start mafia must go to 5v5, which would take until start of Day 6 with perfect play of always lynching and killing a Townie. With less-perfect play it'd take a lot more, with least ideally Day 10 starting with 1v1 and mafia winning. So to prevent it from being too long and tiring I'd need to include roles that speed it up beyond the 1-lynch 1-nightkill.
  2. The power of the individual. Same philosophy I used in MG54, the first JoJo game. Basically every single player is powerful in his own way, being able to do certain things another player can't do. This is also true in normal games with roles, but with Stands the uniqueness of each player is further accentuated due to an extra ability alongside the role, either further improving what the main role does or allowing them a wider area of actions than their main role provides. Each loss of a townie or of a mafia is significant due to the powers the team loses with their death.
  3. I wanted the game to focus on convincing each other rather than have your role speak for yourself, as is the case for many MGs nowadays. I really dislike it when roles themselves confirm a player. Be it Noble, Masons etc. There's many roles which a veteran player or host could tell are 100% confirmed if everyone claimed their role. To make it possible for most people to be suspected regardless of what or when they claim their role or Stand, I used the Stand system with an extra rule that says any role can go to any player. This way I could put many roles, which would normally confirm a player as Town, as Stand abilities. Meaning that whoever convinces the other better is rewarded the trust they usually take for granted.
  4. This is a sequel game, and the Stand idea was done before. So to prevent people figuring things out too fast by comparing to the past game, ideally I wouldn't reuse combos from the past game, but it was still fine to do in some cases. It should also help Mafia fake a convincing role+Stand due to knowing my mentality from the previous game. Also, giving everyone powerful roles and Stands would be an insane powercreep that's too impossible to balance, hence why the combos in some cases were generally weaker than in the previous Stand game, some were even bad roles.

Next more specific details on the setup itself.

  • First the Mafia. One reason why they were given many Town roles as their Stands is to have a grasp on the system earlier than Town and act/claim their roles and Stands accordingly. Due to what I said above, Mafia had to play the classic way if they wanted to have success, meaning they'd have to spread confusion and dissent amont the town players. To do this they had many disrupting roles available to them:
    • A Boss Stand for being confirmed by a Detective if the Detective and Boss live long, together with a M. Bomb primary role to even the numbers out more if he's lynched or daykilled.
    • Mafia Poisoner was one of the most crucial roles for them in this setup. They could do so much with the delayed kill in terms of fooling the blockers/protectors, setting up another player for a lynch, making the illusion of more killing parties rather than just one mafia, setting up their own claims, ... A lot of possibilities depending on how the game goes. He goes along with a BK Stand to further mess with 3 active role players, or to try for the 1/3 reveal chance.
    • Mafia Pirate has lots of great roles to steal which could heavily help the Mafia, and the lesser useful ones like Detective can still be fully disabled this way without having to worry about the player. Strongman Stand to get an important kill regardless of other Roles and Stands. It is on the Pirate instead of another role due to Pirate's inability to kill
    • Escort is another crucial role here, allowing them to setup any active role for a lynch by making their actions useless, bypassing the Doctor to kill crucial targets without having to kill the Doctor, etc. His Politician Stand is meant to prevent him or teammates getting lynched early/mid game when the votes are more spread out and random lynches can happen, but could also be used to setup previous day lynch candidates for the next lynch as "someone tried to save them".
    • Finally the Janitor is the main confusion role by hiding the nightkilled roles, for when the Poisoner use wouldn't do much. PGO was the power-combo to ensure nobody touches the Janitor with any ability at Night, meaning someone would have to sacrifice themselves to let investigative roles target him or they would die. A very OP Stand for a Mafia team.

  • Next Town. A Sane Detective as the main Det of the game, together with a Mortician Stand that can help a lot at finding liars who claim active roles, or confirm active townies. Though of Mortician to be too OP at confirming in this type of game, so kept it as Stand-only.
  • Instead of a second backup Det, the second Det was useless paranoid. That decision was for balance since town overall seemed too strong on the first setups I wrote down, as well as to add more questionable Town claims. The Spy Stand is there to help that useless Det at least confirm a townie or find a liar mafia, but to save it up until there's a good moment to use it. Just like Mortician, Spy was too confirmingly OP for this came to make it a regular role, instead it being a one-shot that could also be used as a Mafia cover.
  • The main Doctor gets another Doctor Stand of the same Sanity to allow him to cover two people on one certain tricky Night when there's 2 people mafia would likely go for.
  • A useless Doc, same reasons as for the useless Det. After the Insane Doctor broke the first JoJo game too much with cointoss luck I didn't want to touch that role for this sequel. The Poisoner Stand should be a subtle hint to the player that he's either Naive or Insane, while letting him possibly take out a Mafia which only he suspects and he can't lynch yet.
  • The Sleeper Bulletproof is the ultimate "if you want me that much you should earn me" player. Mafia must either nightkill him twice to recruit him or to use their Strongman for the recruit.
  • Bomb on town side to force mafia to be careful with their killing targets, as well as an expected M. Pirate-steal. The Mason Recruiter Stand lets him confirm a townie, but because it's a Stand he would need to convince his Mason in the Mason pad that he's town, and convince town of it all. Bomb would further make town have difficulties trusting his convenient claim of recruiting. Also allows him to pretend being a Recruiter main-role to bait a kill. In earlier setups Mafia had the Mason Recruiter Stand, but with M. Pirate they could remove 2 roles with ease which was too strong. In the end decided to drop the Recruiter for the M. Pirate as it's more strategical.
  • Jesus to add to balance Town's numbers due to possibility of many daykills hitting town and mafia overrecruiting with +2 people. Freeman Stand allows him to "come back faster" as he'd be back after 2 Nights, while also being a balance factor due to Town being too strong.
  • Prostitute was supposed to be one of the most important Town roles for this game, so the Innocent Child Stand would force him out into the open for mafia to kill if they ignored him, or for Town to distrust an I. Child Stand being on Mafia rather than town.
  • Miller was mainly a punishment to the player due to having the most broken role in existence as their Stand. Better than Vigilante it lets that player kill without justifying it and without being blamed for it if he shoots wrong. In case he tries to claim his Assassin Stand as a Townie the Det would see him Guilty, but be revealed as a normal Miller if lynched.
  • Apprentice was Sane because Mafia already had 2 recruitables, and there were plenty of powerful roles to copy, but also plenty of trap-roles like copying Sleeper, Miller, dying on 6 out of 20 players, useless Doc and Det. The individual would have to play very well and go for the right person, and if not he's punished accordingly to his bad choice.
  • Spirit Medium was supposed to offer aid to Town by showing who the targets were of the dead Prostitute, Det, Doc, who the Apprentice died on and who the Hider hid behind to die. Maybe needed at least 1 more active good town role to make the SM worthwhile, but like this it already could do many things depending on how the game progresses. R. Spirit Stand would let him share his results if he died before being able to, which would be OP for any other investigative role like Dets, Morticians and Spy, but only moderately strong on R. Spirit depending on what he got. Alternatively he could even lie in his results to make town lynch who he believes to be scum.
  • Investigator is there to prevent Janitor totally destroying the game in Mafia's favor due to the PGO protection already on him, so the Investigator would need to die before Mafia can use the missing roles for claims. Noble doesn't complement his role, but gives him an extra voice in who will be lynched in case of ties or if he's very certain of who must die but it's lacking a vote.
  • Vigilante was a Stand so people don't believe him if he makes a mistake and shoots a Townie, especially with Assassin existing on a Townie already. R. Spirit lets him come back from if he's unjustly lynched for his mistake or in general if he dies to let him share his Stand or his insights into who he suspects.
  • A Hider as the selfish self-protector who must be careful to make use of his protection, while his Defuser Stand would allow him to remove the Mafia Bomb, remove a stolen M. Pirate Bomb or even the town Bomb itself if he's suspected and is lynched so he doesn't possibly explode on another townie.
  • Bodyguard Traitor was a fun combo I have never seen before. It would allow the Traitor to not go unnoticed and instead force a recruitment, which is balanced out by Mafia not killing a good target they would've killed otherwise like a Det, though possibly also saving them from mistakes like dying on the Bomb. He could kill the Apprentice and Mason Recruiter if he is their target, and with his Noble Stand he can further help prevent himself or the Mafia from getting lynched. There being 2 Noble Stands should also point to one of them not being Town in case he claims the Stand.

The setup went through many changes while being designed. At some point Mafia had Stands like M. Det, Mason Recruiter, Witch, Vigilante, Santa to do one of 5 different actions(in hindsight should've really gone with that instead of the BK for more reliability in Mafia's options). The Traitor used to be with a Witch Stand, Town had many more powerful Stands and roles that were cut for balance. At some point I considered adding a Santa or Shapeshifter if the player number went over 20 players. Though the Santa gifts would be complicated to make good ones for a single Santa inbetween a powerful Mafia and Town, while Shapeshifter could work but went against my first idea of only having Mafia vs Town.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

The game itself went very different than expected in many areas. Generally both Mafia and Town didn't play that well for most of the game's phases, from my perspective as a host. Keep in mind the following what I'll say has a lot of hindsight-commentary, I'm not saying everything was obvious to the players, although there were things that certainly were mistakes without the hindsight too.

Town mislynched quite hard but it was a type of game that makes that more likely. Though the low activity generally led to many of the strange lynches. Mostly bothered by dd's very thoughtless daykill while having 0 votes on him and Kato letting himself get lynched without fighting it despite having I. Child he could claim, though he often does that as Town. dd claiming normal Townie on D1 is very abusable by Mafia, while he also claimed to possibly be Sleeper which I don't know why anyone would ever do that as it'd just make them a suspect any time a kill is missing. Nii's early Poisoner usage was unexpected and very risky, but would've been an amazing move with killing the M. Bomb without an explosion. Crescent made it very easy on Mafia by claiming her role and first night's learning target early, which was the main reason why mafia killed Farf to reset Cres' learning forever until she dies on one of them. Gryff and shinobi did well with how they hid their roles for a long time,

Mafia was given a perfect Poisoner usage by dd's normal Townie claim, being able to set him up by pretending he was recruited while poisoning another player. Instead they poison him, wasting their first kill while Town naturally lynches dd over the missing kill. They didn't use many of their Stands with enough thought like Politician, BK and Strongman. Reading the nightpad when they decided to be greedy and not use the Strongman to kill Gryff even though they considered he could be protected was painful, though they almost decided to use it which would've been amazingly done. Still they played very good at the Day Phases and getting Town to mislynching a lot. However later on came the mistakes like lynching Seraph, their important Escort, with 6 votes where 3 of those were mafias, 1 was the traitor and 2 were townies... It did help Holt get further since he lynched Seraph, but the +1 member, especially an Escort to disable the Detective, would've won them the game and I'd say doing that is never worth it. Last thing I'll mention is them getting too over-eager to jump on Panda when he shared his results, which led to the very unexpected Vand lynch. That Day started with 5 mafias vs 7 townies and ended with 2 mafias vs 7 townies. Had they been a bit more careful, even with Bel daykilled, shinobi being lynched for protecting Bel would mostly give them the win with the day-skip.

Most impressive players for me were Gajeel, Holt, Nii and Panda overall from all they said and did, but lots of good play from others too.

Crescent Jinx

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore
Crescent made it very easy on Mafia by claiming her role and first night's learning target early, which was the main reason why mafia killed Farf to reset Cres' learning forever until she dies on one of them.

If I’m ever Apprentice for a third time, probably go MIA for 2 days straight then only playing after the third starts if I live. Why the hider stand for the apprentice? Just to eventually die as well?


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Tbh I think I found solace in getting killed before she could learn my troll role LOL. We could potentially have caused a lot of damage wrongly "clearing" twice as many people as I'd do alone, considering how vocal we both are (and how inaccurate as well, in my case XD). That also provided an extended life to others (altho you ended up being colateral dmg in my poor play, sry, Jinxu).
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Most impressive players for me were Gajeel, Holt, Nii and Panda overall from all they said and did, but lots of good play from others too.
I would add Shinobi to that bunch. I was rly impressed with Panda's readings and conclusions, with the leadership Gajee displayed from mid game onwards, with Nii's gut feeling and Holt' attempted strategy (it was hard to pull out a good story at the end of the game, and his reasoning looked solid tbh, specially when luckly Nii was naive; it almost paid off). But Shino also picked up lots of questionable things to bring to the table, and since she's usually low profile, I was happy to see she was standing up more. Sadly in this game, questioning weird things would only result in misleads '-'.... which was the very purpose of it. I still appreciated that she was attentive and analytical, and welp her call gave us the victory.

Crescent Jinx

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore
Tbh I think I found solace in getting killed before she could learn my troll role LOL. We could potentially have caused a lot of damage wrongly "clearing" twice as many people as I'd do alone, considering how vocal we both are (and how inaccurate as well, in my case XD). That also provided an extended life to others (altho you ended up being colateral dmg in my poor play, sry, Jinxu).
It’s me who should be apologizing to you. As my poor play brought unwarranted notice to you. Ofc, you were an early kill consideration but then with my added vocal connotations, it ensured you died that night. :scry


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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I was the first to claim passive and added "good" to it for no big reason, that alone alrdy attracted more attention than the necessary xD


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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If I’m ever Apprentice for a third time, probably go MIA for 2 days straight then only playing after the third starts if I live. Why the hider stand for the apprentice? Just to eventually die as well?
Oh I forgot to comment that. The Hider Stand was for many things. Main reason was to protect you once you have learned a great role or preventing you dying on the 2nd Night of learning to make sure you'll survive the night. Also allowed for things like claiming Apprentice the day before(without claiming the target) and dodge a kill, since without knowing your target the only way to prevent this is killing you, but this would only work with Escort dead or preoccupied.
Something that happened on N2 was Greg wanting to outright kill you, but Vand thought it's more efficient killing Farf and wasting your learning. If not for knowing your target they may have outright killed you, which could be dodged with the Hider.

The combo of the previous JoJo game with Apprentice+Doctor was much stronger, too strong for a repeat imo, so Hider was the best Apprentice-complementing role.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I would add Shinobi to that bunch. I was rly impressed with Panda's readings and conclusions, with the leadership Gajee displayed from mid game onwards, with Nii's gut feeling and Holt' attempted strategy (it was hard to pull out a good story at the end of the game, and his reasoning looked solid tbh, specially when luckly Nii was naive; it almost paid off). But Shino also picked up lots of questionable things to bring to the table, and since she's usually low profile, I was happy to see she was standing up more. Sadly in this game, questioning weird things would only result in misleads '-'.... which was the very purpose of it. I still appreciated that she was attentive and analytical, and welp her call gave us the victory.
Yes I'm impressed by how shinobi participated more than ever, so props for that. The reason I didn't include her there was her wanting to double-lynch Nii and Holt, not a fan of those. Would've been cooler had she locked Holt. Also not a fan of lying about the Stand being Bomb, I'm pretty sure they'd have lynched Holt and won there had she claimed Freeman. Couple mistakes, but she definitely did very well too.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

@Nii been a while since you played. Thoughts on system, roles and stuff? Think you enjoyed, though there's been lots of role and rule changes since your time.

It’s me who should be apologizing to you. As my poor play brought unwarranted notice to you. Ofc, you were an early kill consideration but then with my added vocal connotations, it ensured you died that night. :scry
If I may put my hindsight-hat back on, it worked out great in the end because she was the useless Det so better her dead than Panda, or better than most other roles actually.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Cannot really make a big analysis on the game this time around, but it was definitely cool to follow. Both sides slipped in their respective phases (Town at Day, Mafia at Night) so the result was hilarious. :lmao

Congrats to Town for the win, shinobi saved all of us sinners! Mafia played really well too and reaching Day 7 with solid options proves it.

And DD was MVP, fight me! :lambirb

See ya all next game o/


Registered User
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 19, 2010
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United States
Cannot really make a big analysis on the game this time around, but it was definitely cool to follow. Both sides slipped in their respective phases (Town at Day, Mafia at Night) so the result was hilarious. :lmao

Congrats to Town for the win, shinobi saved all of us sinners! Mafia played really well too and reaching Day 7 with solid options proves it.

And DD was MVP, fight me! :lambirb

See ya all next game o/
Me and Van missed ya buddy xD
Red Skies forever fam....
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Also wanted to touch again on how unlucky our team was.... being outed day 2 was a hassle cause I was more busy than I expected.
2nd....our poison was wasted.
3rd...Arju had to pull out because he was sick.
4th....Bel had a family issue.

Just an all around unlucky bunch...but no excuses.
Congratz town...but we didn't make it easy:XD
--- Double Post Merged, ---

In the end...guess me and Van shouldn't have been hardasses and just accepted a sub for Arju x/


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
@Nii been a while since you played. Thoughts on system, roles and stuff? Think you enjoyed, though there's been lots of role and rule changes since your time.
Personally I feel like the mafia got too many strong roles in this, simply bc they have the massive advantage of knowing what each of them has and being able to discuss it. For townies you just need one or two people with a stronger role/stand combination who do badly with it/are mostly afk, and you potentially get huge problems (just take a look at who our sane doc protected, twice even... yes, I'm still mad, would've made things so much easier for me if my Vandred kill had went through :emobirb ). Not saying it was unfair, but in my eyes mafia definitely had it easier. Our win was pretty lucky all things considered :XD

All that said, balancing a mafia game is really hard, probably the hardest part for the host (besides the time investment). You've clearly put a LOT of thought into this, and I think you were plenty creative with the setup. Great job, all things considered, honestly.

As for me, it was often quite confusing tbh. There were so many roles thrown around I hadn't even heard about, that's why I rather let others speculate and explain stuff. I did try to incite discussions and went hard on someone when I felt like they were mafia (as people could see with greg :lmao), mostly to make them feel like I wasn't scared of dying - and making them wonder if I was a bomb or BP xD As someone who often gets targeted early on when I'm not mafia, I thought I might as well go all-in. It's also why I used my stand N1, I feared it would go to waste if I get killed early on. Vandred gave me that mafia feel, so I was willing to take that gamble.

Stands made the thing even more confusing for me, but also more fun in a way. For someone like me it gets pretty overwhelming when there's a new system involved + lots of roles you don't know, which is also why I had trouble in the game Magu hosted :XD But like I said, I think in general this is a good idea to spice things up.

Long story short, it was a bit overwhelming at first, as time-consuming as I had feared, but also a real lot of fun. Dunno when I'll join the next game, but once in a while it's definitely a nice event. Here's looking forward to a game with you as a player too :pleased

Purity of Magi

The Witch of Miracles
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Okay, so I wanted to check the role list and actions... and well you know...

Arjuna poisons digitaldude

Arjuna poisons digitaldude

Arjuna poisons digitaldude

Arjuna poisons digitaldude

Arjuna poisons digitaldude

Was zur Hölle sehe ich hier? Das kann doch nicht wahr sein... Gry-kyn, warum ist diese Nachtaktion legal?¿

No, but seriously tho for the love of jesus Shinobi, @Vandred what is this, and why is it Arjuna performing this? I mean, I can get you wanted to incriminate DD because of his assassin kill, but still tho lmao. For frik sake, I almost spit my drink out because of reading this. :lmao

Also for Vandred:

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Kind of felt like a bomb timer going off, though
Ah, so that's why the timer sound was so loud :lambirb
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Personally I feel like the mafia got too many strong roles in this, simply bc they have the massive advantage of knowing what each of them has and being able to discuss it. For townies you just need one or two people with a stronger role/stand combination who do badly with it/are mostly afk, and you potentially get huge problems (just take a look at who our sane doc protected, twice even... yes, I'm still mad, would've made things so much easier for me if my Vandred kill had went through :emobirb ). Not saying it was unfair, but in my eyes mafia definitely had it easier. Our win was pretty lucky all things considered :XD

All that said, balancing a mafia game is really hard, probably the hardest part for the host (besides the time investment). You've clearly put a LOT of thought into this, and I think you were plenty creative with the setup. Great job, all things considered, honestly.

As for me, it was often quite confusing tbh. There were so many roles thrown around I hadn't even heard about, that's why I rather let others speculate and explain stuff. I did try to incite discussions and went hard on someone when I felt like they were mafia (as people could see with greg :lmao), mostly to make them feel like I wasn't scared of dying - and making them wonder if I was a bomb or BP xD As someone who often gets targeted early on when I'm not mafia, I thought I might as well go all-in. It's also why I used my stand N1, I feared it would go to waste if I get killed early on. Vandred gave me that mafia feel, so I was willing to take that gamble.

Stands made the thing even more confusing for me, but also more fun in a way. For someone like me it gets pretty overwhelming when there's a new system involved + lots of roles you don't know, which is also why I had trouble in the game Magu hosted :XD But like I said, I think in general this is a good idea to spice things up.

Long story short, it was a bit overwhelming at first, as time-consuming as I had feared, but also a real lot of fun. Dunno when I'll join the next game, but once in a while it's definitely a nice event. Here's looking forward to a game with you as a player too :pleased
Huh strange you‘d think that, I still feel like Town is possibly a bit stronger than Mafia due to both Assassin and Vigilante. Fair point about some strong people afking, but that was the point. More power was placed in individual hands, meaning there‘s more a good player can do with it and also more a bad player can waste with it.

Maybe sometime next year :awe
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