Games - Mafia Game 111 - Bleach II: The Hydra Wars - End Game | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 111 - Bleach II: The Hydra Wars - End Game

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Copy Panda

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Thank you for playing MG 111. I hope you had fun despite... Well, the game.

Thank you @Farfalla as always for co-hosting this game with me. Always much more pleasant to host with her by my bear sides.

I hope to see you all again next time 😤

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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:ikayumi MAFIA GAME 111 - THE HYDRA WARS :shunnao


"OMO Hydra, it has been a while. They say war never changes, but from this point of view, it seems the soldiers don't change much either. It's been thousands of days since the Summer Wars so I am rather pleased to see many of you still remain on this battlefield. For the first time in a while, you do not fight alone. You are bound by blood to your chosen partner. They are the one by your side you will spar with, argue with and ultimately survive with - should you be so lucky.

For you see, Hydra, the enemy this time around is particularly nefarious. Whilst I was looking for the ultimate power, I realized I was lacking for something. My first instinct was, of course, snax. I could never get enough of snax and should I ascend and become a higher being, I see no reason why that should change. So I set out to seek the ultimate snax as a colourful sidequest in my war against Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and God himself. However, so easy t'was not, hombre, for after a while it dawned upon me, the capital H Hunger that plagued me could not be satiated by filling my belly with warm and tasty snax.

The road was LONG and DAUNTING. Nature does not prepare anyone, supernatural or not, for the task of existing until we can no more. We are merely empty vessels that life both longingly gives form to yet neglects to fill up. We want what we want but why is that we want at all? How come Shinigami and Humans have desires high and low, greater and lesser, yet all partake in the shared subjugation to the object cause of desire? And if it is grasped, how do we know that it is enough?

Nuggies, McDo, ducky, takoyaki, spicy foods; though they certainly make my ursine insides feel warm, they do not for long warm the soul. It appears as though another kind of sustenance is necessary to galvanize my spirit. To empower me in fulfilling my ambitions. And as it turns out that force is camaraderie. Love. Bonds. But bonds are built on trust and really, what does trust come down to? It is not merely an outcome, I have found, it is more than that. It is a state of being. A status. A process. It is a glass chair supporting a metric-bear ton of boundary issues. To trust is to let someone in. This enemy in this game is not the stranger before you, but the familiar face hiding behind a red mask. The friendly hand reached out on the other side of the valley of uncanniness. A valley filled with snax. I should not have typed these paragraphs on an empty stomach. I have yet to do groceries.

Go on then, Hydra, head out to battle once more. Shed salt blood once more. Return alive once more. Though it won't be easy, for there are some 20 other enemies all pretending to be on your side."


POV: I'm hungry and you looking like a snack

Zanpakuto Mechanic :ikayumi

- Every Hydra is given two roles, a Shikai and a Bankai. The roles can be either passive or active. To use your powers, you must spend Reiatsu.
- A Shikai costs 1 Reiatsu to use, while a Bankai costs 2 Reiatsu to use. Every Hydra starts with 6 Reiatsu.
- Once you run out of Reiatsu, you cannot perform any Actions, except those inherent to your role (e.g. Mason accessing pad, Mafia being able to perform night kills).

- Passive roles (e.g. Bomb) do not cost any Reiatsu to use and therefore stay in effect even if you run out of Reiatsu.
- Role-acquiring roles target their 'equivalent' (e.g. a Pirate Shikai will steal the target Shikai).

- Similarly, recruiting roles only erase their equivalent (e.g. Mason Recruiter Bankai turns the target Bankai into Mason).


And let us not forget the Laws that bind us in general
Mafia Rules
Players will be secretly assigned roles. One group will play the "Mafia"; the other group will play the "Townies". The Townies will not know who other Townies or Mafia members are. However the Mafia members will know who their fellow Mafia members are.

During the "day" phase, all of the players debate the identities of the Mafia members and at the end each person will vote to eliminate a suspect. This is carried out in the "game thread". In the game's "night" phase the Mafia will privately discuss who they should kill. They will then send this person’s name to the host, as well as other actions. The goal of the Town is to eliminate every single Non-Town Faction. The goal of the Non-Town Factions is not only to have an equal number of members as remaining Townies, but also to completely kill off all the other Non-Town Factions, except explicitly stated otherwise.

A typical game will start with a minimum of 7 players, 5 Townies and 2 Mafia members. The members that will be Mafia and Townies will be chosen through a random list generator. There the participating players' names will be put in and after the randomisation the Mafia roles will go to the names at the top of the list. This is to avoid butthurt and favouritism accusations. :'[

Lastly, the numbers of Mafia Members depends on the number of participants!
  • 7 - 10 = 2 Mafias
  • 11 - 13 = 3 Mafias
  • 14 - 17 = 4 Mafias
  • 18 - 20 = 5 Mafias
  • 21 - 24 = 6 Mafias
This number is only for guidance, there can be more/less mafias than written here depending on the other roles in the game like two mafia groups, recruitable roles etc.

The game will be split up into two phases: Day and Night.


This is where you discuss/argue about who is and isn't mafia. As soon as the day phase starts, you are allowed to vote. The day phase will take place strictly inside the “game” thread. Any discussions regarding the day phase outside the thread will be dealt with severely.
The length of a Day phase is set by the host, usually starting at ~24 hours and getting shorter the less players remain alive.
VOTE KILL [user]
This will be the manner in which you vote. Make sure it is clearly displayed in your post though caps/coloured or bold font.
You will be only allowed 1 vote change per phase. So use your vote wisely.
The host closes the game thread during the night phases.
There should be no discussion about the game during the night phase, regardless of the player being still in the game or already out.

During the night phase, the mafia members will collaborate and choose who they want to kill. They will not do this in the thread, but via PM's with each other/other alternative communication channels approved by the host, such as piratepad.

At the beginning of the game the Mafia members will be informed of the other members. They must PM the host telling them their choice for the night's murder and the murderer from their team. There can only be one murder in the night phase therefore the mafia members must come to an agreement.

If the Mafia don't send in their night kill before the night phase ends, then their action will not be performed. The Mafia can also send in their night actions during the previous day phase, if they think they will not be online during the coming night.

The length of a Night phase is set by the host, usually ~12 hours.

  • Be active in every day phase and post at least three times. It's a Minor Violation if you don't do that and will result in Penalty Vote(s)/Hostkill and ban from future games (Hall of Shame). If you are going to miss out a period of time due to real life events make sure to inform the host, who is going to judge each situation individually and decide whether or not taking the player out of the game is necessary.
  • Place at least one vote every day phase. It's a Minor Violation if you forget to place a vote and will result in Penalty Vote(s)/Hostkill and ban from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Don't post more than 100 times per day phase. This is to reduce spam and the volume of posts per game. Nobody has time to go through hundreds of one liner posts with the same content over and over again (Imperium Copyright Rule). If you hit the volume restriction, it's a Minor Violation. You will get a Penality Vote per 10 additional posts you make.
  • No talking during Night Phases, except for some roles that it is explicitly allowed and encouraged to. The Night phases are only to send in Night Actions. The scale of punishment for players who are caught discussing game content in the night may vary from Minor Violation to instant Hostkill, depending on the seriousness of the comment and/or warnings given before.
  • Dead people can't talk, so don't post once your character is dead. You are not allowed to help or influence others in any way if you are dead, including liking posts in the game thread or discussing game content in the Discussion thread. You can, however, lurk the game thread. If you post or influence the game regardlessly, you will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).

  • Absolutely DO NOT discuss the game outside of the game thread (unless you are Mafia members discussing it with other mafia through pms/piratepad). This is so that people do not reveal their roles and ruin the game. Players violating this rule will be instantly hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • Do not directly comment on the current game, once you are dead. This is so you don't influence the players that are still playing. Violator of this rule will be banned from future games (Hall of Shame).

  • Post at least 3 times and Vote at least once every Day Phase.
  • Don't post more than 100 times per day phase.
  • No talking during the Night Phases, no talking about the game outside the game thread and no talking if you are dead.
  • You are not allowed to quote or screenshot PMs relating to the game, this includes quoting your Host, your role PM, or any private communication with other players. (You may, however, paraphrase in a way that leaves room for reasonable doubt). This also includes describing unimportant PM-details(color/font of text, fluff pics etc.) with intent to confirm your PM contents. If you do, you will be hostkilled and banned from future games (Hall of Shame). Fake screenshots and quotes will be treated the same as genuine ones.
  • Daytime-specific commands cannot be used in the last hour of the day phase.
  • Following the basic forum rules and the Fun Forum guideline, players are not allowed to insult nor bash each other, this will not be tolerated and will be punished. The infraction will follow the standard host approach for minor violations, favouring the host's discretion.
  • You are not allowed to ignore directions sent in to you by the host. It's a Minor Violation if you fail to respond accordingly.
  • You are not allowed to majorly edit the content of your posts, nor delete any of your own or someone else's post without the Host's approval. If you do, you may get a Minor Violation punishment or hostkilled immediately and banned from future games (Hall of Shame).
  • You are expected to play to your win condition(s). Intentionally undermining your team or joining a game with the sole intent to troll is not allowed. ("Bad" or "alternative" plays, however, are allowed, if you sincerely believe in their merit.) Remember that while you are playing for fun, others take the game seriously. Please do not play against your win condition or play in a manner that is deliberately harmful to your side, regardless of how small your chances are. (This infraction will follow the host's judgment or, if needed a second opinion, the Council's. It's recommended that the hosts don't do anything with the infractor during the game and only do so once the game is over.)

  • Minor Violations are "small rules violations", which do not result in a hostkill instantly, but are sanctioned with Penalty Votes first. For the first Minor Violation you get 1 Penalty Vote, for the second you get 3 Penalty Votes and the third gets you hostkilled. Three Minor Violations of any kind are a Major Violation and will lead to a hostkill.
  • If you disobey the rules above that are resulting with you being host killed and/or banned from future games, you will get registered in the Hall of Shame.
  • One Major Violation bans you from the upcoming game.
  • A second Major Violation of the same kind will ban you from the next three games.
  • A third Major Violation and you are out from all upcoming games.
  • No amnesty or prescription until further notice.

  • Each active player has to vote during a day phase. Each player has the chance to change his vote once.
  • A day phase can be ended earlier, if and only if one player has collected more than a half+1 of the second votes ("locked votes") of all players and each player has voted at least once (Absolute Majority Voting).
  • If by the end of the regular time of the day phase two or more players have the same amount of votes, the second votes ("locked votes") are decisive. The player with the most locked votes is being lynched.
  • If one or more players have the same amount of votes and locked votes, the time of the regular day phase won't be extended. The lynch will be randomised among these top voted players.

  • During the night phase each player that has a role with a night action may send it in to the host via PM.
  • The player may or may not make use of his action. If the player misses the deadline and does not submit his action within the given time, it is seen as not used action. It is possible, however, to submit it before the start of the night, if the player already knows he has no time to do it later.
  • The night actions are listed in Priority groups. The higher the priority ranking, the more likely it is that the night action is being executed successfully. First actions to be performed are those from P1, then P2 and ending with P3.
  • If two night action roles from the same priority group target the same player at night a coin flip will decide which night action is executed first.

With that out of the way....


Farfalla & Copy Panda


I. the BRAD hydra [Shad + Brandish]
II. the DIGIBAKA hydra [DigitalDude + Baka Taichou]
III. the GRUVIII hydra [Gryffindor + Juviii]
IV. the HARDYES hydra [Hardy + Erinyes]
V. the JAMESKY hydra [James + Sky]
VI. the JAMMINSPEED hydra [Jammin + Demonspeed]
VII. the KGB hydra [Kat + GB]
VIII. the LAMKO hydra [Lambu + Asako]
IX. the MARSUN hydra [Margi + GrySun]
X. the SIRORENJI hydra [SirSamuel + Marmalade]
XI. the UBERTAT hydra [Dr Uberfayt + Tatsumaki]
XII. the WOLT hydra [Holt + Wojak]


Let the games begin
Days Passed

:shunnao DAYS OF WAR :ikayumi

⚔Day 1 End / Night 1 Start / Night 1 End / Day 2 Start / Day 1 Voting⚔
The MarSun Hydra || Noble + Banshee || Day Killed
The DigiBaka Hydra || Sickly + Prostitute || Lynched

⚔Day 2 End / Night 2 Start / Night 2 End / Day 3 Start / Day 2 Voting⚔
The Brad Hydra || Detective + Restless Spirit || Day Killed
The UberTaT Hydra || Sane Apprentice + Pirate || Day Killed
The KGB Hydra || Necromancer + Necromancer || Lynched

⚔Day 3 End / Game End / Day 3 Voting⚔
The Wolt Hydra || Freeman + Townie Prosecutor || Day Killed
The SirOrenji Hydra || Hider + Spy || Lynched

The GRUVIII hydra [Gryffindor + Juviii] || Mafia Detective + Mafia Noble
The JAMESKY hydra [James + Sky] || Mafia Burden + Mafia Assassin
The LAMKO hydra [Lambu + Asako] || Mafia Boss + Mafia Escort

The HARDYES hydra [Hardy + Erinyes] || Bodyguard + Doctor
The JAMMINSPEED hydra [Jammin + Demonspeed] || Spy + Townie

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The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
'sup mina-san


DigiBaka and UberTat are funny names.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
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Everyone looking cute today.

So we have to decide if we want to spend reiatsu to use our roles?

If say, jesus doesn't spend 1 reiatsu when they die they won't revive for example? Is that it?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
So we each have two roles, with limited ammo for the active ones. Pretty cool mechanics.

Let's start claiming, people:

I wonder if there are players who an active and a passive role

We're active.

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Everyone looking cute today.

So we have to decide if we want to spend reiatsu to use our roles?

If say, jesus doesn't spend 1 reiatsu when they die they won't revive for example? Is that it?
Imo jesus is like the bomb example... imo ofc


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
If say, jesus doesn't spend 1 reiatsu when they die they won't revive for example? Is that it?
Jesus is passive though? so unless I'm not mistaken Jesus activates for free.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Everyone looking cute today.

So we have to decide if we want to spend reiatsu to use our roles?

If say, jesus doesn't spend 1 reiatsu when they die they won't revive for example? Is that it?
Jesus is passive so I think there is no Reiatsu needed for it.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
Reaction score
Jesus is passive though? so unless I'm not mistaken Jesus activates for free.
But it says the roles can be either passive or active making it seem it works for both.

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Well we can if we wanna... like be extra inquisitive... which is extra sus
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Well we can ask hosts if we wanna... like be extra inquisitive... which is extra sus


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
But it says the roles can be either passive or active making it seem it works for both.
Yeah, but then they specifically say Passives don't have to spend Reiatsu. We could ask hosts-chan to clarify.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Is it safe to conclude that you have a passive role, @Juviii ?

Baka Taichou

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 20, 2007
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Abu Dhabi
hey guys ♥

1. love the avis! (Wish we could have worn shikais tho')
2. good to be back
3. sth came up tomorrow and monday so I won't be active gomen, I'll try to check in whenever I can tho' and post as much as I can. Just a heads up cuz it was unexpected and just found out few days ago
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

is juviii jesus?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
Reaction score
Yeah, but then they specifically say Passives don't have to spend Reiatsu. We could ask hosts-chan to clarify.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Is it safe to conclude that you have a passive role, @Juviii ?
It's not safe to assume anything regarding roles. I was just trying to understand how things work.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Hello guysss so before the game officially starts, can you guys please like this video, it's related to my university projet and sadly we be getting graded with how many likes we get, so i could really appreciate it if u like it... Maybe with your multiple accounts if u have a lot


Anyways so it cool and all how we start with 6 points but how do we gain more ? Don't see it mentioned anywhere
I assume we can gain more form the fact they mentioned we start with 6 not that we only have 6
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