Games - Mafia Game 104 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable - END GAME | Page 47 | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 104 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable - END GAME

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神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I care.... But I didn't have enough time to mourn for my son.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Deadpad link when BTW :arf.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2016
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I'm very late to say this but thank you @GrySun for the game and the great mechanics !
The avys were beautiful thank you @Farfalla

Congrats Town we did well ! :squee

Thank you to all the players who made this another awesome game.

I didn't read the whole convo post game but given how adamant you were that I didn't exist I hope you debated the role list :8C

Se you next time :tata3


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Lovely game @GrySun , i thank you for it now i can finally say i played a jojo game

Funnily enough I wasn't as stressed as usually when i played this game, was comfortable in that regard, my reaction may seem like i was but i wasn't, deactivating the notification for MH in google was a good decision it made me not stressed when a new comment appeared as I didn't have to think about it and had a break, yes it made catching up harder as pages can easily stack up but easier for me not worrying
Or it may be because i was a noble and for some reason I more was annoyed this game then stressed out like usual

Funny as now the game ended, i noticed i was mostly bullied by mafias at the start

So now to answer everything i been holding off as i didn't wanna write at the time

  • The Stand mechanic?
  • Mafia knowing all town roles mechanic?
  • Town knowing # of mafias mechanic?
  • Inigo Montoya? Uh, right, nvm...
  • Troublemaker I think for the first time being used and relevant?
-fun, hopefully this mode is utilised more as it holds a lot of potential, then again i can see the balancing will be even harder but i think for this game it was fine balance wise

-i want to see more of it, mafia main problem is always claiming, it definitely helps them a lot if they know the roles from the beginning but also to some degree as not everything works, it also makes townie think about what works in this game or not as they fishing out the fakes, no sad fall like claiming a role that exists in townie side, tho also I can see the fact it may not work in a normal game as in this one there also the stand so there some mystery still for the mafias, could be too op for a normal setup, who knows
But i did like it

-same as above, i liked it, there is no sad meme of townie being overconfident thinking they got all mafia and then the game continues, like for example this game if u haven't told us number, the chance is we could have lost from overconfident after thinking mary is final mafia and gnut could won
Tho I do wonder if traitors should be mentioned or not ?

-a shame, a pain for hosts

-this game it was used very well but I can see why it's isn't used that much by townie as it's two lynchs, if u lynch both of those wrong it probably game over so it's a double edge sword, rather hard role to use at the right time

Lovely game @GrySun . Seems I'll never be able to escape from that damn randomizer making me Mafia all the time though, lol. But thanks for hosting, it was a short-lived, but fun experience.
@gnut @Lady pompom @Maryxxi You three were nice teammates to have, looking forward to teaming up with you in future games :p
Thanks for trying to save me on day 2 Pom :hug Mary and gnut should have tried harder :hmph

But jokes aside, I enjoyed the game.
Can we switch positions, you wanna be a townie meanwhile I dream of being anything but green, I just don't wanna see green anymore in my pm

Overall ideas for game:
  • Game was built around Inigo Montoya mostly, more info below. It being a small game of 14 players, I did not want to go too overboard with powerful Stand combos like in the previous 2 JoJo games, this time including some roleless townies in the mixture.
  • 4 v 10 is already pretty advantageous for Mafia. thus the Burden and Jesus to help and avoid a too one-sides mafia stomp.
  • Knowledge-mechanic was meant to help mafia claim believable roles and to overall lower the impact of hinting+claiming roles as much as possible. Thus the main tools to find mafias and townread townies would be purely the playstyle, posts and votes. As well as give mafia more time at night to make proper strats and waste less time on thinking of roles.
  • Similarly, the mechanic is akin to MG100 and MG103 that shows the role list publicly, but by giving it to mafia only I can make more non-vanilla roles for town without giving them auto-confirmable players.
  • Game was expected to end fairly quickly, due to several roles and Stands that sped up player deaths, so the few active roles town roles were thus weaker than usual.
  • Knowing that people would look at the role + Stand lists of my previous JoJo games, I tried to either avoid combos I did before, or re-add them with a twist. Mentioned more below.
Thoughts behind role + Stand combos:
  1. Sane Det + Investigator - The usual Det to help find mafias, made Sane to help get results before game is over. 1-time use Investigator to help clear up at least one Janitor target, so mafia couldn't so easily take the role of the very first killed player.
  2. Sane Doc + Mortician - The usual Doc, there to put pressure on mafia's nightkill decision. Mortician can always be handy to have.
  3. Prostitute + Jesus - Pressure on mafia to find and kill Prostitute. Jesus to pad the numbers, as Prostitute is very likely to die asap.
  4. Noble + R. Spirit - Extra town voting power + somewhat resisting mafia Sickly and Stands to avoid any too-easy day-takeovers by mafia.
  5. Death Miller + Mafia Det - Very powerful Stand on a townie. Either try and use your results for yourself only, or reveal and try to make town believe you. If they don't, he dies as Mafia Member and tricks town into not believing his result.
  6. Townie + Bodyguard - Certainly the weakest player in the game. There to be there. 1-time BG use can, if used well, help save a confirmed townie while avoiding being lynched for the weak and intentionally-repetitive Stand + role.
  7. Townie + Spy - Spy can be really powerful in quickly confirming a townie or mafia if used right, so 1-time use only since small game. If used wrong result isn't useful and becomes an easily lynchable player based on convenient role + result.
  8. Innocent Child + Vengeful Townie - This one was put on Day 5 reveal, specifically to test just how lenient town is prepared to be in letting a claimed IC live til confirmation Day. It being late enough for the game to be already over is easily frame-able and lynchable, so VT Stand is there for when the poor IC is not believed.
  9. Bodyguard + Inigo's Father + Naive Traitor + Troublemaker - this player was meant to DIE. Bodyguard + Traitor was done in a past JoJo game, so it was meant to fool him into thinking he is real Traitor. Possibly even use Troublemaker intentionally badly. Get distrusted and lynched, or "try to be recruited" by predicting mafia's kill with Bodyguard and dying at night. As many things as I could've done to increase the chance this player dies. And he does not...
  10. Bulletproof + Inigo + Necromancer - The opposite of the above player, this player was meant to LIVE. Unkillable at night and puts pressure on mafia when nightkilling. Necromancer to reuse a town role if they die too early. And finally Inigo. Burden and Troublemaker add more lynches than usual, meant to increase odds Inigo's Father is lynches and thus Inigo can do the cool Inigo thing.
  11. Mafia Boss + Mason Recruiter - Stand was meant to look "just like in previous JoJo game" where it was a town Stand. Can try and fool a townie via dinner-date promises in Mason Pad + removing a role like Bulletproof or Noble in an inconspicuous way. Boss to avoid the town Det being too effective.
  12. Mafia Burden + Banshee - Burden for balance and more lynches, Banshee to help offset Burden downside by smartly using it ahead of dying. Can be a double edged sword, because mafia must keep the Banshee-tagged player alive, since killing him normally wastes the Stand. Dangerous if picking the wrong townie.
  13. Mafia Escort + Sickly + Mafia Noble - Escort is a trap, the few active town roles were barely worth blocking. So mafia figuring out to abuse Sickly was intended. Mafia Noble additionally can help offset a bad lynch, or for mindgames.
  14. Janitor + Assassin - Deprives town of extra info, 1-time Assassin was the "strongman" to get rid of BP or key target, or save it up for an efficiency-kill when Burden dies(totally intended all along...).
Overall I'd say the balance was fine and could've gone either way depending on how everyone plays. This game, Town started pretty badly but recovered magnificently. Mafias were all a bit too laying low and neither one could convince many towns of themselves.

Hope you all had fun and see you next MG.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Most notable players to me were Demon and Brandish. Never seen those 2 go so tryhard, as town especially. I am amaze.
You once told me never to build a role list around a role in KH, as they be the one to die first
I thought you knew now the curse of hosts :scry

I can't believe you made roles intended so they die XD

I agree on demon and brand part, I'm surprised especially demon, he never tries hard as a townie
Brand never try hard as townie AND mafia so meh

I just read that post by gry he really wanted you dead demonspeed and Asako was saying Gry would never try to kill a player xD

But you turned it around, all with will power xD
In my defense i never hosted with gry so different hosting style xD maybe

I don't think i was in any games as a host that a role we added as intended for them to die
But this inigo thingy is new so maybe now we actually see it

For IC, that just meanie but he did give insurance unlike BG

He really was even tho i been wanting him dead for no reason in the beginning

And survived as open noble....hats off niecey
--- Double Post Merged, Friday at 12:14 AM, Original Post Date: Friday at 12:11 AM ---
She was on point....i mean her 1st vote was a gag....and it was janitor:rofl
Surviving is my thing by now as I can easily be lynched end game for some reason

If only I pushed through with my meme vote...
I should have believed in myself more that mary is always mafia and not haha it off
I really need a backbone for my decision and stop being influenced

Tho that can go as bad or maybe worse

At one point I was throwing shit her way just for fun, the way she react is always funny, this kind of roles are too op on some players xD

Sir Sam actually didn't say he had fat fingers or something like that this game, he even survived a night while asleep, this was good.
I bet if I was anything but noble, I could been lynched this game

that s what she gets for voting me "for fun" hmph
I'm always doing these stuff tho in MG, especially as townie
Doubtful I do it as mafia as I'm more careful meanwhile as townie I just let whatever crap my mind says at the moment
And at that moment, i really wanted to vote someone

Asako says many things. Lots of apples to oranges comparisons too :heh

I'm never trusting you and gnut again xD

Just want to add James really made the winning move, town m.det is just broken ability, it like better recruiter since you get to keep your role xD

Why did mafia kill him tho? He already used his stand.
That is why BK is great, imagine the thrill you got when u get a role reveal among the chance of blocking and redirecting
I'm still sad my first role i played got deleted

Well that's it for my long ass post, i ain't reading it now as I'm going to sleep so goodluck if there grammar problems

edit: I fixed my grammar mistakes, btw I don't know why I write sometimes words that I wasn't thinking of like for example in my mind I should be writing so but instead I write as or completely forgetting to write was and wasn't
I do it even in writing btw tho its more noticeable online as I write in English more here
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