Discussion - If you had the potential to rewrite the series, what would you change? | MangaHelpers

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Discussion If you had the potential to rewrite the series, what would you change?


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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If you had the power to change/rewrite any event or plot line in this series, what would you change and why?

Literally anything could be changed, if you even wanted to remove a character, you're free to do so as long as you explain yourself.

No Order:

1) PL's TO NOT BE INTRODUCED - Nakaba-sensei introducing the mechanic of PL's really ruined the hype of several battles and turned the series into ''well, this number is higher than the other so the conclusion is....''.

PL's do more harm than good, considering we went from predicting that the Four Archangels, Elizabeth, Masters & Meliodas (and other top tier characters) were barely 100,000 to 200,000 in a single chapter... :derp

2) Explore the Fairy Clan & Giant Clan's more! - Nakaba-sensei has heavily disregarded the Fairy & Giant Clan's in this story despite both of them being very interesting and even the personal favourites of some people in the community. Why didn't Nakaba decide to use King & Diane's training to explore each realm, origins and history of both clans in proper detail? Having Gloxinia properly train King in the spirit spear after the flashback arc whilst teaching him the full meaning of the Sacred Tree (e.g its true purpose, how it was created, how powerful it really is) would've been much more beneficial. Having Drole teach Diane the history and origin of his clan as well in order to prepare her for the role of the Giant Queen would've been amazing. Whilst the Flashback arc, was amazing in its own right for what it did, I feel like it really missed out on an huge opportunity to capitalise on both Kings.

3) Introduce a Goddess rank equal to the Ten Commandments - Whilst the Four Archangels are considered the ''equal'' rank in the Goddess Clan to the Ten Commandments, they are obviously far above them in power. Thus, establishing the AA's as the highest rank in the Goddess Clan, even superior to the 10C's and introducing the Divine Lance Corporal's as more powerful and important would've been a wise choice. Not only would it emphasise the Four Archangels power, given the Divine Lance Corporal's equal rank to 10C's, but would've made the power balance much more logical given how it isn't 6 Goddesses VS the entire demon clan. Plus, we would've had more opportunities to introduce interesting characters in the Goddess Clan, imagine Jelamet or Nerobasta getting more characterisation?

4) ''Flash'' is a blessing of time - Instead of making it simply speed or a copy-cat version of the sun blessing through its ''fire/burn'' powers that Ludoshel possesses, I would've ensured that this blessing would be ideally the most impressive (outside sun) and definitely worthy of the Leader of the Four Archangels. Instead of speed, Ludoshel would be able to control time and bend it to his will within specific rules and regulations, allowing him to perform miraculous feats worthy of one of the AA's. Ludoshel's high-speed could be explained in him simply freezing time and unfreezing it after moments, giving the impression of ''teleporting''. He could also use this power for offensive, defensive and other utility purposes. Ludoshel can't bypass Ominous Nebula due to Zeldris magic immunity and vortex of darkness? He can rewind time to a state before ON was activated and strike down Zeldris. Ludoshel could even go back in time and bring back his original body (back from the Holy War 1.0) to present day, making his vessel issue no longer a problem. This is a blessing of the Supreme Deity, it definitely deserved to be amazing and ''God-like'' rather than just enhanced speed that isn't even on par/above everyone else.

5) Elaine should've never been revived -
I enjoyed Elaine when I first read her story of dying with Ban in the Fairy King's Forest, but her character felt insulted when Nakaba simply left her hospitalised in the Boar Hat's bedroom to simply just exist for Ban. It was even more ridiculous when Nakaba-sensei gave her a power-up to a decent 22,000 to merely have her bedridden again. She would've stayed dead, she had more impact that way.

6) Diane's Memory shouldn't have been manipulated with - Having Diane lose her memory for almost half the series was a regurgitated concept and plot point that it was almost insulting, Diane went from being a strong independent member of the sins in Season 1 (in fact, the most influential female member) to a amnesiac weak child until Gowther restored her memory.

7) King's & Diane's full power-up to surpass Gloxinia & Drole should've been against Chandler - Instead of King taking the spotlight away from Elizabeth & Gowther respectively in the battle against Mael, I believe he & Diane should've had their big moment against Chandler, in order to revenge their ''masters'' and predecessors, can even throw in a speech about equality considering Chandler was being racist against the Kings.

8) Elizabeth should've defeated Mael, with Gowther's assistance only - I still hold the firm opinion that after Derriere's death and Elizabeth's position in this war, that she should've been the individual to defeat Mael, given she had the most concern for him and was even requested by Mael to save him. How? Well, Elizabeth could've absorbed the blessings that Sariel & Tarmiel left behind and used their power to purify and purge the commandments from Mael's body, successfully saving him and once again be given the spotlight she deserved. Due to absorbing these blessings, Elizabeth would have the power to hypothetically equal 5C-Meliodas and would solve the hypothetical dilemma of which individual would be able to combat Meliodas upon his awakening.

9) Meliodas shouldn't have battled the Demon King as an ''equal'' - Another way should've been found instead of Meliodas battling the Demon King as an equal after struggling with purgatory fodder, his ''original magic power'' should've never been revealed as well when he's already one of the strongest characters in the series.

10) More Backstory on Goddess Elizabeth & Meliodas relationship - The most important relationship in the series feels lacklustre.

Gut's is the man

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
1. Make the Goddess vs. Demon the center of the story. With Liz's and Mel's love as just a introduction to it. It is no secret that the rivalry between the two has felt pretty weak and underdeveloped for the sake of the series main relationship. Their romance oculd never have supported the whole series and the war with it's orgins, reasons and impact on eveyrone is inherently more itneresting and contain more narrative pototial than what we ended up getting.

2. The Arthurian element should have been downplayed or outright dropped: Look this may be controversial but in honesty the connection to the Arthurian myth is pretty weak and almost never the most interesting aspects of the series.

3. The other clans would have recieved more development

4. The sins should have started losing promence or been outright disbanded with the others returning to their clans and getting more complicated.

5. The concept of sin is actualy the theme of the series. Wheather it be a sin unde rpseonal vs societal perception. (The sins would have actually commited the crimes they were found guilty of to a extent.)

6. Escanor would have to face the moment wher ehe chooses to either die attempting to defeat a foe for his friends or give up his grace so his friends don't have to watch him die.

7. Brittania isn't just the British isles and is infact name of the world.

8. Liz and Mel wouldn't be viewed as completely justified and blameless for the HW.

9. Estarossa would be a fake.

10. Mael would be a girl.

11. Elaine would have stayed dead and Ban would have to grow to accept loss and that trying to resuscitate the dead is ultimately a selfish aim.

12. Merlin, Escanor, and Diane, would actually have a arc.

13. The Commandments would remain a bigger threat ()

14. The masters would be explained as apart of another force of demons. (Commandments are subjugation force, while there is a combat specific force,)

15. Human would truly be incapable of fighting the demons on their own.

16.Mother of Chaos would receive more development.

17. A magic system actually exists.

18. Elizabeth actually has a rank.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 30, 2018
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I do have issues with the series as a whole, but I think it really started to fall non-stop except some saving graces after Estarossa killed Meliodas, so I would change going from there.

I don't have too much time right now to elaborate, and to be fair I really want to see what Nakaba has ready after 5C Meliodas is defeated, since it seems like not even him will be the final boss. I want to see a bit more until I really start thinking seriously on all the details.

But to sum it up: the curses thing would not exist or at the very least Meliodas would not know about Elizabeth's one at first, since it's stupid and contradicts the very start of the series. Once learning about it, an emotionless Meliodas could start this second Holy War on a similar way.
-Elizabeth being so similar to her original incarnation is lame on so many levers, specially when Liz exists.
-Chandler and Cusack would either no exist or have valid reasons to be introduced in the story besides plot.
-Meliodas would probably come back from Purgatory on a different way to just reviving, or he would come back withs emotions wiped out already.
-King would have a different training with Gloxinia, and the way his wings grow would be different as well (he would not get the final power up against someone so unrelated to him as Mael). His training, along with Diane's, would hapoen before the battle on Liones against the Commadments.
- More things to do for Diane and giants in general.
-There would still be a flashback of the Holy War, but Doldre would be way more developed. On a similar note, Gloxinia's story would not be as similar as King's.
-The Elaine/Melascula stuff would be different as well. There are a lot of possibilities more interrsting that what we got so far.
-The Four Archangels and their graces would be way more impressive , and Meliodas would not be as ridicuously OP as he is. The "balance" is such a stupid joke nowadays.
-The PLs and overall growth of the sins as both characters and powerful entities would be more fair, instead of being so extreme. The series has a bad habit after the first arc to have them seem hopeless againt their enemies, only to have some type of power up/bs explanation to make the villains look like a joke.
-Merlin... I would change so many things about how she was handled in the present time...
-Unless a better candidate shows up, a twisted Mael would end being the final enemy, and he would die at the end, with not real redemption. The reason Gowther Sr chose him would be totally removed as it's stupid, forced, and contradicts previous information we got.

Again this could very well change once I see what will happen after the Camelot battle, so I would rather not elaborate too much. Nakaba surprised me for good with the awesome Mael twist, so I'm willing to give him the benefict of the doubt regarding some stuff. Despite all the things I list here, I still enjoy the manga nowadays, just to a way less extent. Like, I have issues with the Camelot battles, but they are been pure hype and epic in some ways. Dumb but fun basically.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 20, 2016
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United States
Sunshine should not be a grace.
It ruined the whole Escanor is special dynamic when he’s basically just a lucky dude that gets a borrowed power. He’s like the Sasuke Uchiha of the verse almost.

Actually explore the fairy realm and it’s power before suddenly making king effortlessly on par with 4C Mael

Make Elizabeth act like a warrior instead of an idiot


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 30, 2018
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Sunshine should not be a grace.
It ruined the whole Escanor is special dynamic when he’s basically just a lucky dude that gets a borrowed power. He’s like the Sasuke Uchiha of the verse almost.

Actually explore the fairy realm and it’s power before suddenly making king effortlessly on par with 4C Mael

Make Elizabeth act like a warrior instead of an idiot
Oh, this too. The whole point of Escanor was "I'm a human, from the weakest race, but I'm still fucking powerful because even humans can be special."

I like the whole Mael subplot, but there should be another explanation to Sunshine than just "Goddess power on a human guy".


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
No ones called her princess.
The Four Archangels still reference to Elizabeth with the title of ''Lady'' which is of respect.

Why? Because she's the daughter of the Supreme Deity who is essentially a Queen, which makes her a princess.

People referenced Meliodas as ''Lord'' yet he's still called a Prince as well.

Hell, Elizabeth Liones is called a Princess/Lady , why is the Goddess Elizabeth not considered one?

Make Elizabeth act like a warrior instead of an idiot
He just needs to give her some good character development in this war arc, she can go from a peacemaker to a similiar mindset of Diane - only fighting when needed.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 30, 2018
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United States
  • Not having pretty much every single FUCKING commandment go down in one freaking arc!
  • Explore the other races (Fairies, Giants, Goddesses)
  • Not bringing Elaine back
  • Chandler & Cusack. OUT. They shouldn’t be in the story at all imo.
  • Not making meliodas so OP to the point he can fight on par with the fucking Demon King
  • Not making Mael and Estarossa the same person.
  • Not making every single character death pointless/meaningless (just to name a few: derieri, Monspeet, Drole, gloxinia)
  • Don’t make every antagonist turn “good” out of nowhere (Drole, Gloxinia, Derieri, Monspeet)
  • Let Elizabeth fight more.
  • Don’t have meliodas, escanor, and to some extent, Merlin completely remove the tension in the story.
  • Don’t have every fight that escanor goes through be close to noon.
  • I would also change the way that Kings powerup happened and how much of a power boost he got. Seriously, the power boost he got against mael was so fucking extreme!


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 13, 2018
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1.No PLs. While I don't care much about it, it could make so many people toxic and depend on it like it is the beginning and end of a character's power, strength and capability.

2. Give Merlin more moments, fights and interactions with other characters(ex. the Sins, the people in Camelot and Liones). Frickin' reveal some of her backstory.

3. Let Elaine interact with characters other than Ban. I freakin' hate that she seemed to revolve around King and Ban. And she should have joined the war by leading the Fairy Clan but no, she stayed in bed. She's a powerful fairy. It was a waste not to make her fight in the war where the fairies are in danger of extinction.

4. Mael shouldn't have been the one to kill Glariza. It darned threw the first Holy War timeline into a mess. He should've been a baby when she died considering that OG Gowther was already in prison back then and have made Doll Gowther. Also, the whole revenge because of a dead lover made me disappointed because I used to admire OG Gowther's sacrifice to end the war even if it meant dying.

5. Reveal how Goddess Elizabeth met Meliodas and how an emotionless asshole who kills Goddesses for fun fell in love with a kind Goddess like Elizabeth who was his total opposite in every way.

6. No memory wipes for Diane.

7. The Commandments won't die quickly. The Masters wouldn't be introduced or introruced with sufficient hints and foreshadowing.

8. More Estarossa/Zeldris interactions and moments. Heck, more moments of Ten Commandments with each other.

9. Meliodas' OG Magic shouldn't be OP enough to destroy the DK's arms and Wild shouldn't have died.

10. Ban wouldn't freakin' try to kill Meliodas.

11. Make Mael and Elizabeth siblings and not Ludociel and Mael. So many fans and manga readers have commented on Estarossa's resemblance to Elizabeth, too, after noticing how he looked like an older Meliodas which made them theorize that he is their son. And Ludo doesn't resemble Mael even a little bit.

12. Never ever put Arthur in stasis and make him lead the human alongside Hauzer in the war against tye demons. It was a waste because he was awesome despite failing to compete against the higher tier enemies.

13. There would be more Goddess characters and Nerobasta would live. Come one, we need more Goddesses because there are so many demons running around.

14. Ludociel wouldn't be made into a fodder just to hype his enemies. The ON was stopped, he shouldn't struggle against Cusack. It was very lame
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
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1. Derriere and Monspeit turning good, and the good guys not treating them like the trash they are. Also everyone acting like slaughtering Fraudrin wasnt completely logical and justified. Seriously, NOT torturing him to death would be a far greater crime than sparing his life. Meliodas picked a good middle ground by just killing him.

2. PL's, i dont necessarily want to get rid of them, but i wish it was emphasized more that they dont mean shit. Gowther said it when they were first introduced, but in the commandment arc they seemed so important that i kinda forgot, Merlin confirming it again is good though, wish she did it earlier.

3.. Human irrelevance. Its just sad looking at Gilthunder these past few chapters. My only hope is for Dreyfus with Fraudrins power, Hendrikson if he gets possessed by Ludo, and of course, Arthur. I actually enjoyed seeing Arthur slice up the masters back in the day, i honestly hope he comes back with his power awakened and smacks around 5C Meliodas.

4. Too few goddesses. I get that its a hassle designing and introducing new characters, but we really need more goddesses, bring back the goddess in the horn.

5. Sunshine being a grace. Knowing that there used to be someone who could do all Escanor could do, but better, kinda irks me. I do hope Nakaba makes something about Escanor's usage of Sunshine unique, the pride/buff thing is cool, but whats the point of only Escanor having that aspect if Mael is stronger?

6. Elizabeth being a pacifist. Her wanting to end the war is fine, but not wanting to kill demons and just talking to them? That just stupid, her not wanting to kill Monspeit and Derriere after she purified them really annoyed me. Human Liz was a soldier, so she obviously had no problem with killing, what happened to G.Elizabeth that made her such a pansy? G.Elizabeth lessened Elizabeth's character in my eyes, her love for Meliodas was much more appealing when she was a human too, but maybe that'll change if Nakaba shows how she and Mel fell in love.

I wouldve said introducing the masters too, but if they do turn out to be the split form of the demon the DK was going to give half his power to, i wont really mind, thats actually a pretty cool position for them, we'll see how it turns out.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
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1. PL should have never been introduced: Not only those PL are meaningless but it also tend to cause conflict in the consistence of the series. Not to mention that the way that Nakaba handles them it's not the best either. Sometimes a difference of 5K means stomp and sometimes a difference of 30-40K is way more closer than that.

2. Better treatment of the 10C: Seriously, most of them except Zeldris, Galan (who was fucking cool decimating some sins) and probably Estarossa, got a horrible treatment. Nakaba was actually doing it fine until the defense of Liones arc came. It's like in that arc Nakaba got tired and decided to let Escanor and Meliodas fodderize almost all of them.

3. Better treatment of the GC: Almost all of the battles that the GC has taken have resulted in a big L for them. They have been shitted on most of the time and they have only served as hype tools for the DC (for example, the Indura moment or Estarossa absorbing the commandments moment). I hope Nakaba redeems himself, it's not too late still.

4. Exploration of the DC and GC realms: Everyone in the series keeps mentionting the "Underworld" or the "Heavens" but Nakaba still refuses to show what those places are like and I don't know why, I think it would be cool to see them.

5. Giant Clan and Fairy Clan should have more depth and be explored also: This doesn't need any more explanation, the Fairy Clan and Giant Clan should have more moments and more depth, specially the Giant Clan since it almost looks like they don't exist in the series and no one gives a fuck about them. The same applies to humans, who after chapter 100 became almost irrelevant.

6. Power Creep: This is a problem related to the first point. From chapter 100 since now, most of the battles that have taken place have been stomp fights. Character A stomps character B, and then character B reveals that he/she had some hidden power and then he/she stomps character A (this last thing not always happens but the first one is happening since chapter 100 more or less, since the PL were introduced actually).

7. Ridiculous boosts in power: Some of the power ups that the sins got are ridiculous. King fodderized a 200K+ Mael because his friends died one after another, Gowther got ten times stronger just because he recovered his memories and Merlin somehow now is able to react and compete with the Highest Ranked Demons, even though she got blitzed hard by Galand and said in the same battle that they should retire from there since they were outmatched.

For now, this is all I can think about. Overall I still enjoy the series, it is still one of the series that I look forward the most when it comes to new chapters, but I can't help but think that some major things could have been handled far better IMO.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 29, 2018
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1. Numeric Power Levels, out. Season 1 was good without them. Or ... as an alternative, they should have used ranges, so charaters A and B can be in the same range, but the uncertainty of knowing who will win is still there.

2. Thoroughly explore the fairy and giant realms. I don't need to say why, most of people have already said it.

3. Deaths in vain is actually something realistic in a war, but I think there were a lot of deaths in vain here ...

4. I don't like that almost 90% of enemies turned into good guys. Maybe 1 or 2 enemies --> good guys is ok, but that's enough.

5. Although I'm a huge fan of King, I agree with almost everyone that the moment of his awakening (only the moment, not the amount of PU) should have been against another villain. Chandler was a perfect target. Nakaba could also use Oslo's death in this situation against Chandler if that leads to King's awakening (oslo, helbram, glox, diane ... all of them gave him the strenght for his awakening). But anyway, I'm ok with the great PU he had. It was foreshadowed multiple times and he's the leader of his clan, he must be the strongest, so it's not an asspull at all. It was about time the Fairy King looks like now the powerful King he should be, after all his life being bullied because he was a fairy king without wings.

6. I would have given Ban his sacred treasure waaay sooner. At least in the arc of the debut of the 10C.

7. Diane's memories being lost for the first time is ok (justified and understandable), but why Nakaba should have done that to her for the second time? Really, what was the point?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 13, 2018
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Although I get your point, I still like the current plot more. Being just a selfless charactsr who selflessly wants to stop the war would be too generic. In fact, I admire his intelligence and wisdom even more now. He completely bypassed the logics of his commandment by intentionally focusing on such a selfless aim, but chose the one necessary victim based on him personal agendas. The only way of taking vengeance for the bearer of the commandment of selflessness. After the spell was casted, he not only ended the war temporarily, but he also punished the one who killed his lover hardly. And just then, unfortunately for DK, Gowther was no more to be afflicted by the fu**in decree.
Well, I could understand the whole revenge part but what about the timeline? It became such a mess thanks to that one scene.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 13, 2018
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OMG! I totally forgot to include it in my first post again :facepalm
Though I need to ask if there were some kind of meeting between baby Mael and Doll Gowther? Cuz I've completely forgotten the details of the holy war arc, and the timeline. :wonder
None. They haven't even met before OG Gowther brainwashed him, I think.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2017
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1.No PLs. While I don't care much about it, it could make so many people toxic and depend on it like it is the beginning and end of a character's power, strength and capability.
It's really sad, that people think the problem in the power scale lies within the numeric value instead of the no consistent and decent portray of it.

It's so freaking sad that i have to step in and say this like for the hundredth time but it looks like i am speaking to deaf ears.

Look let us pretend that the power scale number had never been introduced so you have had a fight between dude A and dude B.

Dude A had been hyped for been super stronger through exposition and he already defeated dude B in the previous day by just using his snot but now they have a rematch and dude B beats dude A with almost no difficulty after 1-2 attacks and he finished him with an attack that's not even the best attack he can do because dude A thought about his friends and his balls matured and grew hair.

Can you explain to me how the lack of the numeric will make this fight better than the bullshit it is? The thing is even the action in art is a measurement to see the power lvl you may not know the exact number as there is no number but you know that someone is super strong and someone super weak.

Nakaba just cannot portray correctly during action how strong his characters and he has no consistency also his decisions of putting more broken abilities to his broken main characters totally downgrades every fight their main characters had so far.

There is simply no balance and only a few characters have some for of restrictions but the lvl of those restrictions is a joke and cannot even balance the character like how escanor may have the restriction to be weak during the night but the dude can one shot or two shots everyone during the morning.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
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It's really sad, that people think the problem in the power scale lies within the numeric value instead of the no consistent and decent portray of it.

It's so freaking sad that i have to step in and say this like for the hundredth time but it looks like i am speaking to deaf ears.

Look let us pretend that the power scale number had never been introduced so you have had a fight between dude A and dude B.

Dude A had been hyped for been super stronger through exposition and he already defeated dude B in the previous day by just using his snot but now they have a rematch and dude B beats dude A with almost no difficulty after 1-2 attacks and he finished him with an attack that's not even the best attack he can do because dude A thought about his friends and his balls matured and grew hair.

Can you explain to me how the lack of the numeric will make this fight better than the bullshit it is? The thing is even the action in art is a measurement to see the power lvl you may not know the exact number as there is no number but you know that someone is super strong and someone super weak.

Nakaba just cannot portray correctly during action how strong his characters and he has no consistency also his decisions of putting more broken abilities to his broken main characters totally downgrades every fight their main characters had so far.

There is simply no balance and only a few characters have some for of restrictions but the lvl of those restrictions is a joke and cannot even balance the character like how escanor may have the restriction to be weak during the night but the dude can one shot or two shots everyone during the morning.
The only thing thats sad here is how salty you are, so freaking sad that i have to step in and explain this shit to you. King did literally the same thing against Helbram back in the day, Helbram was mopping the floor with King, but then he went for Diane and King's power suddenly skyrocketed. King went from getting smashed around by base Helbram, to low diffing Helbram empowered by a dozen Holy Knights. PL's werent a thing back then, and funnily enough no one gave a shit about the drastic change in King's strength, in fact most think of King vs Helbram as an excellent fight.

But either way, numerical PL's or not, this is shounen manga, getting emotional and powering up is just how this shit works, i dont know what you were expecting when you picked up this manga, or why you are expecting it to be different so many years in, but you can probably expect more of this kinda thing.in the future.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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Meliodas battling the DK is expected when he is called next DK and fought against him for 60 years no stop.

His emotions can also get far stronger, nowhere it is stated that his emotions can't grow stronger lol.

And his Original magic power makes far more sense, you can't be a God without a God like magic power too strong for the mortal world.

Everything with Meliodas and his Original magic power makes perfect sense.

I agree with the rest excepted with the Elizabeth nonsense.

Yes, she should be far more useful in that fight but giving her all the graces? That makes no sense with her and her personality.

For Meliodas, it makes sense because he is seeking power ( like any MC lol ) but what about Elizabeth?

Is she seeking power to be far more powerful than ever? No.

Does she even think about it? Nope either.

Conclusion, you are once again fanficting her as always.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 13, 2018
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I was going to do a more specific version of this thread before the series ended, but noooo you had to jump the gun Otaku.
Now I'm curious on what kind of changes would you make of you could rewrite the series now. :awe
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