Favorites - Favorite Characters | MangaHelpers

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Favorites Favorite Characters


For the Empire!
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 16, 2015
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United Nations
What is your favorite character from Dr. Stone?

I am a real big fan of the MC and his brainiac mind.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 1, 2016
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United States
To be honest the only good character in this series is Senku lol. He's the only reason it's been entertaining to me. Kohaku is cool too but the other two protags are terrible.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Senkuu, Yuzuriha and Kohaku so far for me.


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
I love Senkuu and Kohaku. And Ruri seems really sweet. I love how she worries about her sister to the point that she notices if even her hair is out of place lol.

Purity of Magi

The Witch of Miracles
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Like most of you guys; Senku and Kohaku.

After chapter 17, they became my top favo characters in the manga so far. I mean, their interaction was (and still are) seriously pure gold. They make the manga more funnier, mostly because they are exactly the opposite of each other which is also one of the reasons that they are very likeable for me.
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神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Senku then Kohaku then Chrome.

The others are nothing special so far.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 10, 2017
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Senkuu is easily my favorite out of all the characters. Little competition there. Second is probably Chrome.
Even though I do like Kohaku, she's not Top 2, but she's probably third on the list.
Suika is super cute tho.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Alright, now that we've seen a good portion of the villagers and the manga has made a good amount of progress ever since this thread was created, time to update on things a bit:
Favorite male characters (In order)
Senkuu: No brainer here, easily the best character in the whole series. Stunning mind power, incredibly hilarious and with brilliant social skills (How he's found his way around the village this whole time has been a real joy to watch). He makes an excellent main character for a series like this.
Chrome: While he was nothing particularly special in the beginning, only serving as Senkuu's assistant and store supply for scientific agents, he slowly grows on you and fleshes out into his own character over the course of the series. The turning point was the sulphuric acid trial. Him refusing to be left behind was a pretty powerful moment, and ever since then he's been my second favorite male character in the show.

Favorite female characters
Kohaku: The best female character in this series. hands down. The gorilla gimmick is absolutely comedic that it just adds to her appeal. Plus we've seen she's a pretty good hearted person, based on her backstory with her sister Ruri, and how she thinks she should marry someone like Chrome to be happy.
Ruri: It might be too early to rank her owing to the fact we've gotten too little time with her, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here due to her soon to be explored relationship with Senkuu. Originally she was portrayed as too much of a plot device character (The girl who Chrome loves and wants to save), but that has the potential to change in the future. Her interacting with Senkuu is going to flesh her out largely, and she's going to become a major player in the scheme of things. Plus she's really, REALLY pretty. Easily the most attractive female in the show :blush
Suika: She's just too freaking adorable and loveable :zomg The sub plot with her gaining glasses is a personal favorite of mine in this story. She's a really great support character in the series, I like how ninja-like she is whenever she's lurking around people :XD

Favorite antagonists

Tsukasa: Again, another no brainer here. I've seen comments about how his goals are pretty short sighted for an antagonist, but for me he's a pretty enjoyable antagonist so far. I like how he manages to be intimidating and ruthless at the same time as showing a compassionate side to him, like on this part here:
Asagiri Gen: Oh, I'm aware of his temporary and shallow alliance on Senkuu simply over a bottle of Cola, but this man CANNOT be trusted, at all. That doesn't mean he isn't a good character, far from that, he's one of the most interesting characters in the manga. But with how quickly he is to change allegiances, he's a snake more than anything. Which is why I feel he fits the antagonist bill more than the protagonist one.
Magma: He is....quite possibly one of the most simplistic villains I have ever seen. He's kinda like an evil Taiju since really the only intimidating thing about him is his brute strength :XD But he is a remotely interesting character, I'll have to give him that. I feel as if his true potential as an antagonist can only be achieved when he's working under someone else and not with him as a stand alone villain, kinda like he is at the moment. So an eventful meet up with Tsukasa could turn him into something remarkable.

Least favorite characters (Just to complete the list:p)
Mantle: He's a freaking tool, and I hope he dies off in the most gruesome way possible. He kinda makes me think of a cockroach with how much he scurries around. Magma is honestly much better without this scrub around.
Taiju: In the beginning I was patient and tolerant with him since I figured with time, he'd grow into a really interesting main character, but with the introduction of Chrome, I LITERALLY have no idea what Taiju can do that Chrome can't. Chrome is a far far superior assistant to Senkuu than Taiju ever was, coupled with being an even more interesting character. He's too much of a cardboard cut out for me to like him.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
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^ Yeah, it kinda feels like the authors were like “man, Taiju and [the girl whose name I can’t even remember] really aren’t cutting it... let’s send them away for a while and replace them with these other, superior characters.”

Maybe by the time they reintroduce Taiju and [her] they’ll have more secondary character roles and it’ll suit them better, but as two-thirds of the main character trio they really were incredibly uninteresting.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
May 5, 2009
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Personally, I think that Taiju and Yuzuriha are getting a bit of an unfair assessment, though that may be because I actually like them both. I'll go over my reasons why here.

Think about the framing of the story so far. They're stuck in a world with no technology and only basic access to food and shelter. Neither of them have the smarts to draw up survival plans, so they started out being completely dependent on Senku for survival. I honestly get the sentiment. Taiju and Yuzuriha are both unproven characters. Characters ... develop within the plot through the choices they make and the things they do. They are often graded by the overall effect they have on the story. And, at that point in time, the only characters that have propelled events and moved the plot forward were Senku and Tsukasa. It's no wonder then that everyone likes them best. Because they've had the most development and they got to make the most choices and do the most stuff. Tsukasa can hunt and fight, so he can feed himself and not be dependent on Senku for anything. It was obvious from the get-go because of this, that he would have a heavy influence on the story no matter what he'd do. Furthermore, the conflicting viewpoints of Senku and Tsukasa are mirroring the nature vs. science dichotomy that is central to the plot of the manga so far.

Amidst all this, Taiju and Yuzuriha... are a time-crossed love story. I know, not a lot going on there, but I still like it. Sometimes simplicity is best, and the value that a character has can sometimes only be made obvious at first in how they support and bounce off the main character; Senku would be diminished as a character without the presence (or at least the existence) of his best friend Taiju. There's someting cute and disarming about Taiju's confidence and straightforwardness, and Yuzuriha... honestly, I find it refreshing by itself to see a story in manga in which the love between a young man and a young woman is mutual and uncomplicated. No frigid ice queens or volcanic tsunderes in sight for once, thank God. So, they're pretty much a couple from the get go. They're not my favourites, but I like them both a lot. As they're now infiltrating Tsukasa's 'empire', I hope we may soon get to see them prove themselves as characters that can stand on their own... or in this case, stand together with each other.

I don't think I have found a single character in the story so far that I didn't enjoy in some way, which to my mind is a testament to how well the manga works since the overall writing is pretty simple. There are no complex characters here, but their motivations, and how those motivations influenced their characters, are well-established. Kohaku grew up to become a boyish tomboy because she doesn't want her ailing sister Ruri to become obsolete. Chrome became a sorcerer because he loves Ruri and wants to cure her illness. Kinrou and Ginrou are probably the most enjoyable boke/tsukkomi pair I've seen in a long while. Even Magma, a fairly generic scumbag villain, becomes interesting in how candidly he pursues his goal.

But yeah, my favourites are still Senku, Kohaku and Chrome so far.
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 18, 2021
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Holy Britannian Empire
Favourite Male Characters:
  • I really like smart characters, especially if they inspire curiosity within me.
  • Despite his intellect, he's certainly not perfect at everything he does; he doesn't even get his scientific inventions right on the first time and doesn't understand everything there is to know about everything. He's just got a good memory and a desire to learn, which to me makes him more likeable than some of the genius characters out there who are always right and somehow know everything about everything. He's also not very strong physically, and abilities seem fairly average to me. Again, refreshing for a main character that's supposed to be really smart.
  • Even though he acts like he doesn't care and sometimes behaves snarky, cold or shady, he clearly gives a damn about his friends. I mean, did he really neeed to take Suika to a field of flowers to test her visions? Would he have shed a tear if he didn't care about his father? He just doesn't express his care as much as some other people do. Would he really need to revive all 7 billion people - which is what he talks about doing - to get up to space? Because it seems to me like he just needs the experts in the field, which coud result in him maybe needing a few thousand people at most.
  • His dynamics with other characters are hilarious.
  • He seems to see past people really well. He knows Magma saved him in that cave, and he knew Gen would be on their side, and he knows Tsukasa has more going on beneath that he says. (Although he also doesn't immediately pick up on Tsukasa being a threat until after he gets revived so like anyone else he first needs to get to know them to form an accurate judgement of them.)
  • I love the way his hair looks... reminds me of a spring onion. And the rest of his design is interesting too. Also I'm grateful that he isn't a muscle-head.
  • You know, in the dub, this guy is voiced by the same person that voices Marx in Black Clover. And I like Marx.
  • He says he's the most shallow man in the world, and may act selfishly, but he goes out of his way to surprise Senku with a telescope for his birthday and he even memorised that day.
  • I love his design... even when it somestimes makes him seem really shady.
  • His skills are great, and they've been plenty useful thus far.
  • I also love his love for cola. Honestly, I quite like cola too.
  • The fact that he's a coward and shares his English voice actor with Finral Roulacase (Black Clover) makes this even better.
  • The fact that he can impersonate an American woman with such ease is admirable, but it's also really entertaining. He's scary good at it though; I'd hate to have him on the enemy side.
  • His pig-Latin took a little bit of getting used to but I've grown fond of it.
  • Such a sweet dork. I love how he doesn't really get upset much - he is chill with anyone who wouldn't harm Ruri ending up with her as long as she is happy and healthy, and that's nice. Also, his ambition and curiosity is great, even when he tends to think of things that have already been invented. So, again, he's not some Gary Stu genius kid, he's just smart and inventive and unafraid to create new things, even at his own risk to make life better for others.
  • He's also pretty good at improvisation and his attempt at convincing Yo that he was actually really sick actually almost had me convinced he might have been ill for a moment. He could also become Gen's apprentice in the future.
  • Even though he's not much of a fighter he's very brave to stand up to Magma and to go collect that nasty gas with Senku without knowing if their gas-masks would actually work. His moments with others are great.
  • And I think it was cool that he could make colourful flames. Even if it is fairly simple, not many people even this age know how to do that. So don't be an ass about it, Yo. He might be a monkey boy, but damn if he isn't one of the brightest monkey boys in the stone world. Smarter than you, at any rate.
  • Is him being a megane a good reason? Well, it is for me. At any rate, I can relate to bad eye-sight.
  • Also there was something really cool about the scene where he wore Suika's mask - I think it actually suits him.
  • I actually find his seriousness quite funny... but maybe that's just me.
  • He also works as the much more tolerable foil to Ginrou.
  • I swear he's also somewhat of a tsundere. Or maybe kuudere, or something like that.
  • Ukyo is probably one of the few people who suits yellow - at least in my opinion.
  • Also, I do like archery... or at least, I enjoy watching fictional characters partake in it, so obviously an archer like Ukyo would capture my interest.
  • But it definitely helps that he's 100% a soft boy, with no desire or will to kill anyone. He became one of my favourites after he told Senku that his condition for joining his side was that no one would die.
  • Somehow I seem to have a fondness for people with self-hatred issues. (I mean, Ukyo considers himself a coward, which is pretty self-deprecating but also not really true. Being scared of one or two very reasonable things does not make a person a coward.)
  • I love how he sasses with Gen and remarks how his voice isn't trembling as it should instead of just flat out saying "yeah, no, that doesn't sound right, you're not Lillian, be honest." But seriously, his observation skills make him incredibly useful.
  • Actually, I'd love it if he got more screentime and the chance to actually do something more in the un-adapted manga arcs.
Favourite Female Characters:

  • As with Kinrou, I can relate to her need for glasses.
  • Besides, she's so sweet and helpful. She's also clearly got an aptitude for learning and desire to just help others.
  • Also, she looks adorable in the melon mask and I love how she rolls around with it. Though, saying that is strange considering I normally don't like kids at all in real life.
  • I mean, Kohaku is a lioness - not so much of a gorilla; she reminds me of a younger and blond Mereoleona Vermillion (Black Clover) in her combative, intimidating nature that likes to use actions over words... and isn't afraid of violence - and I find it hilarious whenever Senku calls her that, or Chrome calls her a Gorilla.
  • She's genuinely useful, good in combat, but she has her own weaknesses too, so again, not a Mary Sue.
  • I love her interactions with everyone, how deeply she cares for her sister, her determination, and her protectiveness.
  • Clearly, she's quite skilled. Not in every way, and she doesn't have much time to show off her talents, but she's good at crafting and this comes handy a few times - especially in terms of making clothes and putting together statues that Tsukasa broke.
  • She also cares for others - she even cared for the petrified swallows before the petrification device was used on humans as well - and is willing to put herself at risk in order to follow up on the task Senku had given her.