Second Round - Darwin's Game vs. Rave | MangaHelpers

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Second Round Darwin's Game vs. Rave

Who wins?

  • Darwin's Game

  • Rave

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Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Darwin's Game
Hiro Mashima


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2016
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I am SO HAPPY someone nominated Darwin's game ! It deserve more love ! I'm definitly voting for it ! (Even if from last round campaigns Rave seemed great)
To people who don't know it, give DG a try you won't regret it ! (it has little gore though so I'll understand if some people don't like blood)



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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2016
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I dunno Darwin's Game, but i have heard of the name.
By the looks of it (just looking at the surface level here), it appears the series got its own duo of male and female lead, and its probably one of those supernatural series set in more modern times, and with a potential harem? Just a feeling :^_^ Will have to do more research to judge it properly

I said a lot about Rave in the match before, and i used a lot of my content, so im not sure where to start with this campaign lol :xp

As i already mentioned in my previous campaign, the characters are one of the main charms in all of Mashima's stories, main and side alike, and there are many interesting and deep side characters in Rave Master. The most prominent side characters have all good development, stories, cool interactions with the main cast and awesome individual moments. They greatly enrich the story.


The are many villains in Rave Master, almost as many as there are Dark Brings and more. Like in Fairy Tail there are various antagonistic factions that our main heroes encounter on their journey to save the world. Each faction has its leader and the leader has his own team of people that serve under him/her. In my previous campaign i mentioned various factions: Demon Card, Doryu Ghost Attack Squad, Onigami, Blue Guardians, Demon Lords and so on.

In the first part of the series the heroes are mostly up against Demon Card grunts, one of the Oracion Six Generals and the leader of Demon Card. While those grunts are just uninteresting one-note villains, they each possess a Dark Bring with an interesting ability, and it is up to the main heroes to find a way to handle that ability so its ok at best.

As the journey progresses, so does the level of opponents and their character quality. Deeper in the story, mostly in the second part of Rave we get deeper and more complex villains with individual goals and motives, dark pasts, tragic pasts, struggles and more.

ORACION SIX GENERALS - the more interesting side villains in the story that serve the leader of Demon Card. Each has his/her own motives and goals, they got different interesting personalities and character quirks, expect for Berial (fuck that guy).

The three most interesting members of the Oracion Six are definitely: Shuda, Reina and Jegan

SHUDA - I already mentioned him as a side character so i guess i spoiled it a bit, but he is definitely the most interesting one with a very solid story arc.

REINA - the second most interesting character in the Oracion Six with her own goals and motives, backstory and struggles. She has quite the moment in the second part of the series.

JEGAN - a sentinoid of the Dragon Race that has ties with certain characters of the main hero group

DORYU GHOST ATTACK SQUAD - Another one of the villain factions that is a nod to Thriller Bark from One Piece (Ignore Haru and Plue in the middle of the pic :xp )

BLUE GUARDIANS - sky pirate crew that fights against the resistance

These are just samples of villains factions and characters.

However the most interesting villains are definitely the leaders of each faction. I wont go into spoilers with them, but each is a very deep character with motives and goals and a good backstory. Each character explores a certain thematic and the level of madness they developed.

Madness caused by great family tragedy

Madness caused by racism and torture

Madness caused by great loss and depression

Being EVIL just because you are an evil corrupted bastard that wants war and destruction

And last but not least, the main antagonist of the series, Lucia, the Blonde Demon and the Dark Bring Master. One of the most interesting characters in the series as well as one of the best villains in all of Mashima's works. Madness developed by great tragedy and complete corruption. While an evil bastard, he is quite a tragic character.


The power system in Rave is not really deep, but it has some good variety and there are a lot of different powers implemented throughout: magic, alchemy, Etherion, Rave powers, Dark Brings (aka the Devil Druits of Rave), sword powers and other kinds of abilities wielded by different races of sentinoids like Mermaids, Dragon Race, Demons (well more or less they are actually wielding magic, but its cool to see the different types certain races use). The power levels are for the most part consistent and there are certain levels and rankings established among characters that are easy to follow.

The two most prominent and main opposing powers are: Holy Bring/Rave and Dark Brings

HOLY BRING/RAVE STONES - The main power of the series and is wielded only by two characters in the series: Shiba (The First Rave Master) and Haru, our main hero and the proclaimed Second Rave Master.

There are five Rave Stones in total and each stone has somewhat of a different ability, but for the most part they serve as stepping stone for Haru to gain power ups:

With the power of the Rave stones Haru is able to wield the Decaforce sword, known as the 10 Commandments. A sword that has 10 different sword forms with different powers, all stored in the Main Rave piece. During battle Haru is able to call upon the various sword powers stored with the power of Rave, which gives our main hero a versatile arsenal

The Ten Commandments Sword
1. Eisenmeteor - the main basic sword, that looks like Cloud's Buster Sword from FF 7
2. Explosion - sword that generates fire explosions
3. Silfarion - the supersonic speed sword
4. Rune Save - sword that cuts and seal magic (absolutely op sword power)
5. Blue Crimson - dual swords with Ice and Fire powers
6. Mel Force - the vacuum sword that generates a strong force that blows stuff away
7. Gravity Core - the super heavy sword that can break through anything
8. Million Suns - the solar sword that generates light and destroys darkness
9. Sacrifar - the berserker sword that grants overwhelming power but at a price
10. Ravelt - the super sword and mightiest of blades that negates magic, destroys darkness, conquers all evil

THE DARK BRINGS - The main opposing power to the Rave Stones. Evil magical stones that feed on human emotion but gives a certain power to its users. They are basically the Devil Fruits of Rave in the sense that they give various different abilities to its users. The only difference being is that the Dark Brings are mostly used by the villains since its a stone that brings out the evil in characters. Aside from different powers, there are also different classes of Dark Brings, and power levels.
Just a few Dark Bring powers as an example....

Dark Bring that can turn the user into smoke ... basically Smoker from One Piece

Dark Bring that has the same powers as Azuma from Fairy Tail

Dark Bring that can pull physical matter into darkness

Dark Bring that can turn your skin into metal.

Dark Bring that generates lightning

Dark Bring that generates explosions

Dark Bring that can freeze stuff and people

Dark Bring that lets you manipulate earth, basically earth bending

Dark Bring that lets you see through anything

Dark Bring that lets you move through anything

Dark Bring that destroy anything on impact aka Gildarts style

Dark Bring with the same powers as Makarov from Fairy Tail

Dark Bring that manipulates the frequency of sound

Dark Bring that lets you be Corazon from One Piece

Dark Bring that gives you the power to control anything

Dark Bring that makes you immune to physical attacks

Dark Bring that lets you manipulate water aka blood bending like Katara from Avatar

Dark Bring that lets you wear an elemental coat

and there are many many more with different kind of abilities .....

MAGIC - in the Rave World there are certain people that are capable of wielding magic, humans and sentinoids alike. There is a magic system introduced in Rave but not really explored.

Different characters can use different types of magic. Example; Mermaids can use Sea Magic, Dragon Race can use Fire and Earth Magic, Rave stones and Dark Brings take magical aspects from Dark and Light magic, and the People of Mildian, can use all types of magic and are able to combine them creating different types, like poison etc.

Here is a little something something where you can determine your magic affinity in the Rave World. By Mashima:

Looks like i got talent for Sea Magic if this is to be believed :s

SWORD POWERS - Like i already mentioned with the 10 Commandment Sword, there are swords that have certain powers and are wielded by certain characters in the series. You got all those powers i mentioned while talking about the 10 Commandments, then you got sword powers that can generate illusions, sword powers that generate fire and cut through it and so on.

ALCHEMY - Yep you even got alchemy. Some characters can manipulate certain elements like silver or gold and make various weapons with it.

ETHERION - the strongest power in the Rave verse and definitely one of the strongest powers in the Mashima verse in general

Just some pics for eye candy and to show some art :^_^

If you love fantasy journeys and if you love Mashima at his best definitely consider voting for Rave Master :smile-big
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Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
Reaction score
I'm a little sad Rave beat Berserk but this time around Rave definitely has my support.
It's a majestic shonen classic.
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