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Discussion Comparing Edens Zero to other Mashima works

natsu x777

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2016
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In 100 chapters, Edens Zero is closer to Rave because of the tonality that he manages, which confirms the opinion of mashima with FT, he wanted to make a happy story and he did it mostly, what I do think that mashima never expected was that Fairy Tail was so popular, I think not even he expected it hahaha.

As I said at the time, Edens Zero separated from the essence of FT in Digitails and confirmed it in Sun Jewel.

Now he is trying to separate himself from Rave Master which is somewhat complex since time plays an important role in both series, Hiro I suppose he wants to give more variety to the time than in Rave, which is already very noticeable.

I feel that mashima has to work a lot with its main protagonist since it has a shape very similar to Natsu and Haru, it would be great if Shiki ended up being the antithesis of these two, and mashima has already given us a slight sample.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 13, 2019
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Comparing? as if comparing would be good. All of hsi works share many elements (and no I am not talking about that, that is something his stories need!)
Rave master was more of an adventure, a beginning of a story that fascianted me. After teh death of Evil King things may have gotten complciated, some arc villians were also a bit there, but the adventure and the journey were still there. And it was clear that Haru was more then just the Rave Master. He was Deestiny of Kindness. He was meant to show what happens when you unite people.

Fairy tail may have been his longest but there was not reallya journey there. Just adventure in one place. Poeple keep on being annoying about FT this and that but I feel FT had cleaner characters then RM. Dont get mewrong RM had great characters but it was easier to udnerstand the chracters of FT. There was a goal also, it ended in tragdye andthat is a theme of it all. Of course even I say that somethings did not look like they were planned all the time. But they were meant to be used to.

Eden Zero has more of a Rave Master feel to me. But also the easier character understanding of FT. It is clear it is meant to be darker then RM. And to be frank RM had soem pretty dark moment. FTals had darkness but they were more on the emotional side. EZ is more to show the burdens of the advnture and clear danger it had. RM danger tended to zig-zag.

We all can agree some of them have somethinsg in common. Small sidekicks. A Hotblodded All loving Hero, A Bubbly best girl, A Fighter best girl, The Other guy, Friendship Is Power and Wonderful Art.

I feel FT was the lighest in emotion, but it was also the funniest and had the easiest characters to understand. RM had the best story and road to it along with a nice cast but it was not better then FT, many were sidenoted and never brougth up again. EZ has a darker path then FT and an adventure liek RM but also higher stake. Fights are short like FT but it is also meant to play more on emotion. Maybe EZ can then be called the more Action Emotional advtnure story?


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
To me.... Rave master is simply mashima's best work so far. Mashima thought out a mostly coherent story from beginning to end and managed to tell it. It was funny, it was sad, the time travel didn't ruin everything.

With fairy tail... as fun as it could be, plotwise it never really delivered on anything it built. And the story was messy enough that a decent bit of it was given in the anime (like oracion 6 backstories or the stellar spirit arc) to manga reader's confusion. Most of the bits with the sprigans or etherious was never really satisfying. By the end it simply felt like FT had overstayed its welcome. To me there is no one arc that specifically sucks tbh BUT the thing doesn't work IMO when you consider the series as a whole. Events seem random and barely connected and inconsequential to one another. I mean, during the alvarez arc you could basically forget that the cast disappeared for 7 years and it wouldn't even change anything.

With EZ in turn... Well, with fairy tail it looks like mashima focused more on having fun with every arc rather than telling a single coherent story. EZ seems like a return to rave in that regard, there is a story he wants to tell. And so far its on a good track BUT its reliance on time travel is a huge risk. Mashima is surprisingly good at managing time travel in his stories but the risks of it always remain.