Chapter - Claymore 142- Magic- Review | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Claymore 142- Magic- Review

Super Angillis

英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 12, 2006
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United States
Claymore 141- Magic- Review

Hello everyone. Some of you may notice that this is my first review in several months. Between a combination of Real Life and a lack of interest in the last few chapters, I haven't been reviewing. Yes a lack of interest. I love Claymore, but the last few chapters just weren't doing it for me. It felt like the series was spinning its wheels. And also the severe lack of Claire finally got to me. I really hope Yagi eventually remembers she's supposed to be the lead character and does something with her again. Honestly if you read from the start of Miria's assault on the Organization until now you'd be forgiven for thinking Claire is a secondary character. Anyways while she doesn't do anything in this chapter either, it is one that I enjoyed.

Mama Clarice-
We start with Clarice raising her Yoki to the limit. As Galatea warns her, Clarice remembers her past. She was a homeless girl who had nothing, not even ambitions. When the town she lived in was destroyed by an Awakened Being, she barely felt anything. It wasn't until she became a colored haired warrior that she felt pride. But of course she would later mean that having colored hair meant she was a failure. In short there was nothing to be proud of there. Meanwhile Audery and the others manage to save the guardsmen from being eaten by Maita. Clarice manages to get through to Maita in time to save Rachael, and Maita resumes attacking Europa. Knocked outside the city, Europa isn't able to pinball around anymore, and is torn apart by the attacks from Maita, the Claymores, and even the city guards. But all this is coming at a heavy price as Clarice is being torn apart from the strain of holding Maita back.

Priscilla's past... Again.-

Well now that Priss has finished off Riful-doll, she has to figure out what to do next. She can sense the Yoki from two powerful awakened in two locations, and food in another. But that's not what catches her attention. Nope, it's Rubel and Dae. And boy the look on Rubel's face is priceless. But for Dae seeing his masterpiece up close is priceless. And hey turns out that there is one last tidbit about her past. See after that night when her family died, nobody in town thought there was anyone alive in that house. So they left it shut for a month. So what did little Priscilla eat that whole time. Her fathers corpse. Dae thinks this attuned her to the yoma flesh that was used to make her a Claymore, and is a major part of why she's so strong. Sadly despite his best efforts he could never replicate the effect. Now this does leave me wondering... We have all these events adding up to explain Priscilla's unusual strength. But why was Teresa so strong? Anyways Priss tells Dae to talk to the sword. Man now we'll never know where the heck Riful-Doll came from.

Mother's Charm
Clarice's body is ripping itself apart as she struggles to pull Maita back from her awakening. While Europa gets shredded, it won't do much good if Maita still wants to eat everyone. Fortunately she succeeds, and of course Maita's first thoughts are of her momma. Maita is a bit disconcerted by the fact Clarice lost an arm, but Clarice brushes it off. And she shows how much she's grown into the role of Maita's mother by reminding her she shouldn't run around naked. I must say I really love Maita's expressions during this scene. The really do a wonderful job conveying her emotions. Getting back to the story, Clarice then tells Maita that she'll cast a charm that will make Maita stronger and stronger. As she puts her hand on Maita's head Clarice crumbles away to nothingness...
This was a great chapter. Clarice dying was a sad thing, but she had about a good a death as anyone in Claymore could ask for. Some series go out of their way to just randomly kill off characters in senseless and “Shocking” ways because they want to prove that anybody can die at any given time. That certainly happened to a bunch of characters in Pieta. But here we have a pretty noble death. Keep in mind that in universe nobody is going to be happy that Clarice died the way that she did. But she died in a way that perfectly fit her character development, and that saved her daughter.

Winner of the Month- Clarice. She truly was Maita's Momma.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 2, 2012
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