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Best Female Lead

Best Female Lead

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MH's Most Friendly Member
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 30, 2008
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United States

Best Female Lead Announcement!

The results are in for the first Manga Awards Ceremony (2010) at long last! The moment you have been waiting for, has finally arrived! [Drum rolls]

But first, our thanks. We thank everyone for their participation in nominating, voting, discussing, critiquing, and suggesting ideas for future Awards Ceremonies. This wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of the staff and most importantly our cherished members and loyal fans of manga!

but secondly, let's review of how we got to the winner(s) of the Best Female Lead Category.

Clare from Claymore

Revy from Black Lagoon

Gally from Gunnm (a.k.a. Battle Angel Alita)

Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club

and now, the winners from the Staff's choices:

Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

and finally, what you all have been waiting for, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Members' winner choice [Drum rolls]:


Lastly, here some pics of why Clare is the BEST FEMALE LEAD:

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Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
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Torumekian Empire
I only really know three of them. Ouran just isn't my cup of tea, and I'll stay as far away from it as I can. I've only read first chapter of Claymore long ago, so I can't say anything on Claire, but she certainly didn't make a impact right at the bat, which is really important for a lead character in my opinion.

Nausicaä is amazing. Has that strong will of Miyazaki heroines. Caring, likes to learn, and doesn't really judge anyone and tries her best to understand the point of view of others, even the guys everyone else condems. And heck of an battler and flier. Very brave. Overall rate A character. But misses just something, flaws maybe?

Revy is just amazing, but in a completly different way than Nausicaä. Hot, crazy mercenary lady. Her fighting skill is just amazing, and her insaness makes her funny too. The thing is, she has mainly entertainment value. She can't be taken too seriously, though she has sad past too, and is in her way a touching character. Much of this however comes from her chemistry with Rock, and this is a solo contest.

Gally gets my vote easily. Epitome of character developement. For me the greatest personal growing journey of a character ever. Situation might change though, when current arc in Vinland Saga ends. Or I get on with Berserk. The beautifull cyborg who learns things about life always the hard way is just loveable. And he kicks bad guys ass too. Actually, she is strangely similar to Nausicaä, just more extreme and violent.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 8, 2005
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No contest for me here. I vote for Gally without even thinking about it.
Revy is second place. She is awesome ... but she is essentially a lara croft ripoff for design.


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Gally gets my vote easily. Epitome of character developement. For me the greatest personal growing journey of a character ever. Situation might change though, when current arc in Vinland Saga ends. Or I get on with Berserk. The beautifull cyborg who learns things about life always the hard way is just loveable. And he kicks bad guys ass too. Actually, she is strangely similar to Nausicaä, just more extreme and violent.

I second with Gally. This is the best female lead from all the nominations. Ustegius described it at its best. Gunnm/Gunnm Last order is a very good read and this is definitely thanks to Gally. Gally is a reason enough to read this manga. I had my doubts with Revy, it is a close call but well, Gally wins with a millimetre let's say
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 8, 2010
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United States
Clare from Claymore is the choice here, no character is as deep, complex, "troubled/disturbed", and lovable as Clare. She's such a greatly developed character, that you literally fall in love with and will find yourself cheering and crying along with her! And oh does she struggle! Always the underdog... You know how like with most mangas... hero is weak. hero get's pwned. hero gets magical power up. hero pwns. hero gets pwned. hero gets magic power up.. over and over. Well, Clare's not like that! she's always struggling and is just barely winning her battles... or just barely surviving/staying alive for that matter! the few "power ups" she gets, she earns or pays a heavy cost, they're very well done, very respectably. Unlike the "magical" power ups that come out of no where from many other nameless mangas...

And for all you guys+girls who don't know Claymore, it's very hardcore brutal serious. Clare is the female version of Guts/Gatsu from Berserk. The Claymore warriors in Claymore are all "business" which is "ruthless killing machines" (they're not actually machines though, just using the phrase of it. Claymore warriors are "living weapons").

Revy's awesome, but she doesn't even come close to Clare. Clare is so amazing on so many levels! and...

she's... a frighteningly powerful monster too :D. Clare the DEMON SCORPION WITH HER HUGE BLADE ARMS and STRANGE HORSE-LIKE SPEED LEGS along with holding/wielding a huge claymore sword too, hehe

Clare's Rapid Rise of Succession Over Teresa As The Most Powerful Being Of All Time:

As Human Child

1. Little Clare watches her parents get killed by a yoma, and than watches as a claymore kills the yoma in front of her.

2. Clare, now as an orphan, is not picked up by the Organization, but instead falls prey to being another yoma's toy being dragged town to town. She is beaten up badly by the yoma, and possibly sexually abused as well, though there's no direct mention of it. Yet, still Clare continues on, wow!

3. Than in one such town, a claymore, named Teresa, appears and kills 6 yomas. The last yoma is Clare's “master”. Teresa cuts the yoma in half and each half falls to the left and right of an un-phased Clare.

4. Clare see's the same despair and lifelessness in Teresa's eyes as in her own. Clare walks up and clings to Teresa.

5. Teresa, THEE MOST POWERFUL BEING OF ALL TIME, kicks little Clare, not once, but 3 times! Yet, Clare doesn't die, wow !

6. Clare is able to follow and keep up with Teresa.

7. Teresa hops down the cliff they are walking on the top of. Clare follows. She splats once on a ledge on the way down and again on the ground. Yet, still Clare isn't dead. Wow!

8. Teresa returns, finding Clare still unconscious (actually dehydrated) on the ground, and they finally hook-join up.

9. Clare and Teresa fall in love with each other (not sexually!). Clare tries to stop Teresa from getting raped by a bandit, and in turn gets brutally kicked-stomped on by the bandit. Teresa than saves Clare from getting killed by the bandit.

10. Teresa leaves Clare in the town nearby, but it gets attacked by the bandits now that Teresa had killed the yoma.

11. Teresa rushes back, finding Clare being dragged by the bandit that had tried to rape Teresa. Teresa kills the bandit and saves Clare. Teresa than kills all of the rest of the bandits.

12. Clare traveling with Teresa (with what should have been permanently), watches as Teresa is hunted and ultimately killed by an about to awaken claymore, named Pricilla.

13. Clare had nothing, no life. Than she met Teresa, and had something, a life. But, than she lost Teresa, Teresa was Clare's everything, Clare lost everything to Priscilla.

14. Clare, having watched her beloved Teresa decapitated right before her eyes, picks up Teresa's head and searches for an agent of the Organization. Clare just doesn’t know when to stop, when to give up!

15. Clare just happens to find one, and none other than Rubel/Louvre.

16. Clare demands to join the Organization (the first and maybe only one) on her own will and to be made into a claymore by having Teresa's head implanted into her.

17. Rubel/Louvre, gladly accepts, for his own dark and sinister reasons....

As a Trainee Claymore

18. The other claymores are uneasy about Clare, as she isn't like them. Clare is the only claymore made not from a yoma, but instead from another claymore, and not just any claymore, but the most powerful of all time, Teresa.

19. This causes one claymore (an older one) to want to challenge Clare in a fight, to see if Clare is more powerful or weaker than her. While in early training, Clare is coerced into fight by this claymore, when she (Clare) is still too weak to even pick up a claymore, let alone wield it. Yet, Clare does so, dislocating her shoulder out of her socket as she tries to swing it in the fight against this other claymore.

20. This other claymore laughs and turns away, thinking the fight is over. But, Clare smashes her dislocated shoulder against the wall, re-locating it back into the socket, and readies to fight against the other claymore with her jaw now hanging open. Rubel though shows up and stops the fight and ends the practice for that day.

21. For the final test before becoming an official active-duty claymore, Clare ends up not only being the only one to pass the test (killing a yoma), but also saves the very claymore who she had fought with earlier from getting killed. This is when Clare losses the long hair she had, and now is stuck permanently with her grown-up short hair we are familar with.

As a Ranked Claymore

22. Clare becomes a rank #47 claymore, with only 25% yoma (compared to 50% yoma) due to being implanted with Teresa (another claymore), and seemingly very weak-puny-tiny yoki and yoma power, hence her rank #47 (the lowest for the weakest claymore).

23. However, Rubel/Louvre, wanted it that way. He never told about the fight and how tough Clare was, smashing her shoulder into the wall to re-locate it after just dis-locating it from trying to use a claymore before she was strong enough to and ready to swing the claymore again. He probably also lied and said that the other older claymore had killed the yoma and not Clare or if that couldn't work, he down-played Clare's amazing performance in that final test.

24. Rubel/Louvre didn't want the Organization to find out just how potentially powerful this experiment with Clare is turning out to be. Clare was his "trump card" against the Organization, if Rafaela failed. Rubel/Louvre was actually a spy for the Dragon Kin and trying to destroy the Organization.

25. Clare kills a yoma in a town with ease and saves a boy-teen named raki, who now knows he's an orphan (since his last remaining family, his brother, was already eaten by the yoma, which the yoma used as a disguise for itself).

26. Clare kills her only friend Claymore from when she was a Trainee Claymore, and Raki had to cry for her, as she was still cold and emotionless, at this point in time.

27. etc

that's Teresa's wishes/desires... for Clare to "live as a human, live with humans, and die as a human".

This was Teresa's own desire/wish. This is the one time Teresa FAILS at something. Teresa FAILS at understanding Clare. Teresa WRONGLY assumes Clare shares Teresa's own desire/wish (which i just described above).

Teresa's wish/desire/understanding (of happiness) was to be human again. Teresa yearned to be human again. ~"my beautiful black eyes and long black hair stolen from me as I transformed into a wretched monster, a Claymore".

Clare did NOT shared this same desire/wish/understanding (of happiness) as of Teresa's. Clare HAD KNOWN humanity.... and it was CENSORED! her whole family killed and eaten. she being a yoma's "pet" and no human cared/tried to help/save her. instead, she was saved twice by Claymores, from the 2 yomas whom were involved with Clare. Claymores were more of clare's "family" then humans ever would be. Clare had no attachment to humanity, unlike the "yearning-for-a-return-to-humanity" Teresa. (which Clare gave/provided Teresa, a sense of humanity again, albiet briefly, due to priscilla. Clare UNDERSTOOD Teresa. However, Teresa for the first time, FAILED at something; Teresa failed at understanding Clare.)

Clare's already experienced human life was awful. Clare had no desire to go back to being human. Becoming a Claymore was a wonderful thing for Clare, as she now had the potential power/ability to seek her vengence on Priscilla. Clare NEVER looked back upon her lost humanity, never had second thoughts about becoming a Claymore. Clare was dead, until she found Teresa, then dead again after Priscilla killed Teresa. Now, the only thing keeping Clare alive or interested with life, is the pursuit of REVENGE ON PRISCILLA. Clare lives ONLY TO KILL PRISCILLA. This is all that is left for Clare which she cares about. As nice as Raki+love is, and as nice as comrades+friendship is, it just doesn't compare/substitute for what Clare felt from being with Teresa. Teresa was literally Clare's life and happiness. Now that Teresa is gone, all that remains for Clare is vengence.

NO. Clare's idea of happiness was NOT returning to humanity, as what Teresa wanted. NO, it was Teresa herself. Teresa was Clare's idea of happiness. Being with Teresa was Clare's idea of happiness.

again.... i'll quote Clare's very words:

~"I don't want nice shoes. I don't want nice clothes. ( <- HK's interpretation: I don't care about humanity, I'm not like you Teresa... i just want... -> ). I want to be with TERESA FOREVER!"

we're talking about Clare, so who cares about what Teresa or irene or others want of Clare. What CLARE wants is what matters for CLARE. Teresa and Irene and others are merely EPIC FAILURES, at understanding CLARE'S WISHES/DESIRES/INTERESTS. they need to keep their own wishes, desires, interests to themselves, and LET CLARE SEEK THE THINGS SHE WANTS/WISHES/DESIRES FOR HERSELF!

"As for the weird Teresa power rant I'll just look the other way >_> " -BM
my DRAMATIZATION (lol) of the facts:


1. Rig puts his hand on Clare's shoulder. Teresa cuts his hand off instantly.

2. Rig punches Clare to the ground and stomps on her. Teresa after laying on the ground and willing/uncaring about to be raped by Rig, gets up, grabs Rig's own dagger/short sword, and puts it to his neck. Teresa gives her famous "FREEDOM speech" and rig runs away with his head up his bottom.

3. Rig is dragging an unconscious Clare and says to Teresa how Clare had called out for her, "Teresa.. Teresa.. ". Teresa immedately takes off his other hand and slices his head in half at the same time. (Teresa then gives another of her famous speeches. ~"you DAMNED humans. you're worse then yoma. I'll kill each and every one of you!". which she does. hehe.)

4. though strangely, Orsay did not lose his hand or life, when he held Clare hostage... (Teresa should have done the same to him for touching Clare... V.V). However, Teresa did rescue/take Clare back away from Orsay, whom was going to kill her.

(Teresa only sacrifice her life for Clare. only gave her very life for clare. only. lol)

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MH's Most Friendly Member
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 30, 2008
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United States
I have no doubts all the girls in this award category are amazing; however, my vote for this category goes to Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club. I’m voting for her because 1) She is the only girl among the group who comes from a Shojou manga and that alone is pretty awesome and speaks for itself. 2) I like her personality; for instance she is cute without being overly sweet or sugary, she is smart but she is not arrogant, she is kind but she is not afraid of speaking her mind, and many other characteristics that make her a great girl in my eyes.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 8, 2010
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United States

Best Female Lead Announcement!

The results are in for the first Manga Awards Ceremony (2010) at long last! The moment you have been waiting for, has finally arrived! [Drum rolls]

But first, our thanks. We thank everyone for their participation in nominating, voting, discussing, critiquing, and suggesting ideas for future Awards Ceremonies. This wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of the staff and most importantly our cherished members and loyal fans of manga!

but secondly, let's review of how we got to the winner(s) of the Best Female Lead Category.

Clare from Claymore

Revy from Black Lagoon

Gally from Gunnm (a.k.a. Battle Angel Alita)

Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club

and now, the winners from the Staff's choices:

Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

and finally, what you all have been waiting for, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Members' winner choice [Drum rolls]:


Lastly, here some pics of why Clare is the BEST FEMALE LEAD:
