Bam is technically immortal | MangaHelpers

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Bam is technically immortal


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 11, 2018
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I wanna adress the obvious. While he was in the cave, Bam never met anyone before Rachel. I dont know how many years he spent there but we can assume plenty. My guess hundreds if not thousands of years considering the timeline of the story. He didnt need to eat or drink and he didnt appear to age bcz he only aged after meeting Rachel and entered the tower, similar to tower residents where there mental age reflects their phisique. If thats not close to immortality I dont know what is. It could be bcz of Arlen's spell or bcz of the god outside the tower. I'm not saying that he cant be killed, but its beter than rankers get, which is eternal youth. They still need to eat, drink and sleep. But again, sorry for stating the obvious, I'm sure many of you thought about this.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 26, 2018
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United States
IS it obvious, though?


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
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Dominican Republic
I wanna adress the obvious. While he was in the cave, Bam never met anyone before Rachel. I dont know how many years he spent there but we can assume plenty. My guess hundreds if not thousands of years considering the timeline of the story. He didnt need to eat or drink and he didnt appear to age bcz he only aged after meeting Rachel and entered the tower, similar to tower residents where there mental age reflects their phisique. If thats not close to immortality I dont know what is. It could be bcz of Arlen's spell or bcz of the god outside the tower. I'm not saying that he cant be killed, but its beter than rankers get, which is eternal youth. They still need to eat, drink and sleep. But again, sorry for stating the obvious, I'm sure many of you thought about this.
He probably wake up by the time rachel found him
Story say that he build a mountain of rocks to escape the cave from a little hole in the ceiling when he reached there’s was rachel who give him a hand.
Baam probably spent few days in the cave after waking up.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Another thing is that Baam didn’t come back to life immediately Arlene was running around the tower up and down looking for another way to get out the tower
And after finding a way then she offered her son to god of the outside.. leave the body in the cage and rachel eas the guardian when came back to life rachel was there to see what could be the result
Why you think rachel knows baam is a monster?


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Long lifespan isn't really strange in this universe indeed. Once you become a Ranker you can pretty much stay young forever. I don't think SIU has ever talked about people's lifespan.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
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Dominican Republic
We don’t know the time she spent to do all of that
Another thing is that she was special in spells
And it was said that she was pilgrim with the body of his lover and son, conserved like mummy


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 26, 2018
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United States
Was it specifically said that Baam was alone for an extended period of time - something on the order of thousands of years? I'm not opposed to the idea of him being in stasis like an embryo floating in solution or cryo or something, but I'm not sure he was just plinking around - and even without eating? How do we know that again?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 11, 2018
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Was it specifically said that Baam was alone for an extended period of time - something on the order of thousands of years? I'm not opposed to the idea of him being in stasis like an embryo floating in solution or cryo or something, but I'm not sure he was just plinking around - and even without eating? How do we know that again?
All we know is that Bam stayed a long unspecified amount of time in the cave before meeting Rachel which left him traumatized. We also know that by the time he met Rachel he had forgotten even how to talk. A very long time in isolation does that to people, but at the very minimum a human lifespan, although considering that 5000 years ago during the last great war, I can't quote but Garam indicates this, Arlen was already out of the tower and Enryu slaughtered the 43rd floor guardian. So my best guess is that Bam is around 5000 years old. If you want exact quotations I can do that, but I lazy so search the wikia if you have inclarities, it's a good source of information.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 26, 2018
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United States
I see but there are several things I'm not tracking.

Did Baam *forget* how to talk, or did he never know how in the first place? I recall the later. It wasn't a function of time but a function of not knowing ANYONE until Rach showed up.

Did food magically show up? We don't know. Did he indeed survive with no food? No way to tell at this point. Did he produce waste and have access to water? Did he eat lichen growing on the walls?

Lots of questions remain.

Was he immediately resurrected? Or was he brought back at a later time? Perhaps grown as a fetus in a lab in stasis? Magic if not science. Maybe he was just 'born' after a long period, a few years before the story started.

He's certainly more advanced in age when he first met Rachel than the newborn infant we see swaddled up that Zahard killed. So, it seems he did indeed grow at least some in isolation.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

All we know is that Bam stayed a long unspecified amount of time in the cave before meeting Rachel which left him traumatized. We also know that by the time he met Rachel he had forgotten even how to talk. A very long time in isolation does that to people, but at the very minimum a human lifespan, although considering that 5000 years ago during the last great war, I can't quote but Garam indicates this, Arlen was already out of the tower and Enryu slaughtered the 43rd floor guardian. So my best guess is that Bam is around 5000 years old. If you want exact quotations I can do that, but I lazy so search the wikia if you have inclarities, it's a good source of information.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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We don't know how long but Baam was conscious. We have no idea how long he stayed asleep or awake but he stayed conscious for a long time. Rachel is the only one he met. If he had seen someone else he would have mentioned them for sure.

So I'd say it's pretty clear that Baam was able to survive in his cave without drink and food.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 26, 2018
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United States
We don't know how long but Baam was conscious. We have no idea how long he stayed asleep or awake but he stayed conscious for a long time. Rachel is the only one he met. If he had seen someone else he would have mentioned them for sure.

So I'd say it's pretty clear that Baam was able to survive in his cave without drink and food.
Baam is a child. (In the cave, prior to meeting Rachel) He has no perception, understanding, or even education about time. His even awareness of it would be negligible at best. He didn't know what a day, an hour, a night, a month, a clock, etc etc was.

Even a normal, well-socialized child IRL would think they stayed alone 'for a long time' if they were left alone for a week at that age. Increasingly so for a month. Or a year or more.

That's probably even much worse for a feral child. All they know is being alone. It would feel like forever. That's all they know. Doesn't mean we can automatically extrapolate that out to thousands of years.

And I wasn't talking about anyone giving Baam food in person. If they never showed themselves or spoke he wouldn't even know that was a person lowering it down the hole. He'd just think that's what happens - food magically comes from the ceiling. Hell, he wouldn't even think that was magical (not even knowing what magic is), he'd just experience that as normal.

For all he knew (nothing), he was the only person in his own little world.

Wayyyyyy too early to speak with certainty or clarity about Baam's cave existence in a total absence of data.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 11, 2018
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I see but there are several things I'm not tracking.

Did Baam *forget* how to talk, or did he never know how in the first place? I recall the later. It wasn't a function of time but a function of not knowing ANYONE until Rach showed up.

Did food magically show up? We don't know. Did he indeed survive with no food? No way to tell at this point. Did he produce waste and have access to water? Did he eat lichen growing on the walls?

Lots of questions remain.

Was he immediately resurrected? Or was he brought back at a later time? Perhaps grown as a fetus in a lab in stasis? Magic if not science. Maybe he was just 'born' after a long period, a few years before the story started.

He's certainly more advanced in age when he first met Rachel than the newborn infant we see swaddled up that Zahard killed. So, it seems he did indeed grow at least some in isolation.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
About your first affirmation that Bam never knew how to talk in the first place it isn't mentioned in my opinion for us to believe he was a feral child but bcz siu pretty much didn't reveal anything in S1. I say this bcz a child of Bam's age should either know how to speak or not speak at all. In our world scientists say that if a child isnt taught language before the age of four than the brain underdevelops and that child will never learn how to speak. In the cave Bam was not an animal. He behaved like a traumatized kid who was all alone for a period of time. Why is that we learn at the end of s2 is bcz of a spell that erases memories. I think Arlen was the one who wanded the obliviate spell on Bam, for whatever reason since Rachel cannot be trusted. His memory was wiped clean but he was still pretty much human. I doubt the one who erased his mind erased the functiion of speech, simply bcz it wasn't necessary. Even if Bam cried for help nobody would hear him. A feral child is incapable of speech let alone of strategy like we saw in fights of our favourite idiot (with all the kindness of my heart).
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Bam' s hair in the cave was super long. Human hair grows at 1 cm a month so in his case it took a few years. A few years in isolation is enough to break you but not enough for you to forget how to speak. A hundred years or more, sure. Plus we forgot about the pink elephant in the room which is Garam. Garam rebelled at the same time with Enne which is aoroximately 5000 considering Adori's age and the fact that Garam was one of the first princesses. That means that Arlen swiped Bam outside the tower some time before that. Now to the pink elephant :did the god outside wait thousands of years to revive Bam? To an axis it shouldnt be too difficult. But I honestly thought people thaught the same as me in this. I was conceited.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 26, 2018
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United States
About your first affirmation that Bam never knew how to talk in the first place it isn't mentioned in my opinion for us to believe he was a feral child but bcz siu pretty much didn't reveal anything in S1. I say this bcz a child of Bam's age should either know how to speak or not speak at all. In our world scientists say that if a child isnt taught language before the age of four than the brain underdevelops and that child will never learn how to speak. In the cave Bam was not an animal. He behaved like a traumatized kid who was all alone for a period of time. Why is that we learn at the end of s2 is bcz of a spell that erases memories. I think Arlen was the one who wanded the obliviate spell on Bam, for whatever reason since Rachel cannot be trusted. His memory was wiped clean but he was still pretty much human. I doubt the one who erased his mind erased the functiion of speech, simply bcz it wasn't necessary. Even if Bam cried for help nobody would hear him. A feral child is incapable of speech let alone of strategy like we saw in fights of our favourite idiot (with all the kindness of my heart).
Baam says Rachel thought him everything, and even the words he uses are hers.

He certainly didn't learn from anyone else because, as even you point out, no one else was there to teach him.

I'm fine with the prospect that he could have had a memory wipe, but that is totally speculative.

Baam started in the flashbacks with nothing more than a torn cloth - he was indeed pretty feral.

Even concepts that are easy enough to understand were new to him. Such as violence to defend someone. Basically, anything that is a human thought committed to words had to be taught to Baam. He seemed very much to be a total blank slate.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Bam' s hair in the cave was super long. Human hair grows at 1 cm a month so in his case it took a few years. A few years in isolation is enough to break you but not enough for you to forget how to speak. A hundred years or more, sure. Plus we forgot about the pink elephant in the room which is Garam. Garam rebelled at the same time with Enne which is aoroximately 5000 considering Adori's age and the fact that Garam was one of the first princesses. That means that Arlen swiped Bam outside the tower some time before that. Now to the pink elephant :did the god outside wait thousands of years to revive Bam? To an axis it shouldnt be too difficult. But I honestly thought people thaught the same as me in this. I was conceited.
I'm not sure what you mean "taught"...?

Repeating a speculation or opinion isn't valid. All that matters is the source material. We can allow our imaginations to fill the gap, but must be careful to not let what we think could have happened to steer us away from what we actually see. We lose objectivity that way.

Sure, we can infer and deduce, but at the end of the day we are guessing. Without a hard confirmation there is no point on insisting anything. So long as there are explanations that fit inside the story without violating the preset rules, then there are multiples of valid explanations and best not to settle on one and only one while disregarding others.

I/we also should fully anticipate 'twists' and shocks to what we think we know. Subversion of expectations as it is called.

And SIU has left us with a lot of gaps. Whether by design to go back and flesh it out - or by accident as those were the early days. Perhaps even then he didn't have a good explanation as to something mundane as what, if anything, Baam ate. Maybe he did however.

The mystery of what happened to Arlen and baby Baam is one of the biggest in the story. Other than maybe the whole point of the Tower itself and what went wrong with Zahard and crew. Could all be interrelated of course. I digress.

Baam's long hair further points to his feral nature. Weren't you just stating he wasn't feral?

You keep assuming he forgot how to speak. Nothing points to that having been the case, but rather that he didn't know how to begin with.

Hair growth rate is immaterial. If it were a normal rate and he were in there thousands of years... well, you do the math. So, maybe it grew exceedingly slow, sure. But, in your initial post you claim it's very well-known and apparent that he didn't age, and yet you're saying his hair grew?

How do you explain the discrepancy between Baam being an infant, a literal newborn, when he died/was killed and him being a child well into the years before he met Rachel?

Obviously, he'd have to grow if he were a resurrected infant, no? When did he grow those years in age progression? Where was he when he grew to be a young boy from an infant? In the cave? If so, then he did indeed grow in the cave after all - growth rate unknown.

I understand your timeline. It doesn't change anything because it continues to assume so many things: how long did Arlen continue outside the Tower? How long did it take the god to *want* to resurrect Baam (not sure why you insist it had to be immediate less it be a matter of difficulty)? Maybe he wanted him ready at a certain time, and back then was too soon. How many other Baams, if any, preceeded this version, the *25th*? What does that mean, the 25th anyways? It's always night underground after all, and who would have told him WHEN he was born even? Was Baam purposefully aged slower with magic or science? Did he exist in some suspended animation state? Was he growing fine, but like you said had a memory wipe, then put on ice? (Put away in storage). Is thr outside god a real god? THE god? An axis? Or the wizard behind the curtain? Is it a Demon considering Baam's monstrous existence and internal demons?

Did Baam eat? Maybe. If so, what and from where? If not, why not? Is he still undead? Was he magically preserved? Why would he need to eat later, or at all then? Why would he grow to crave food? Zombies don't require sustenance after all. Why have him in a room by himself for thousands of years instead of just waking up not long before Rachel showed. Let's say he's, what, 12? Maybe he was there for only 12 years. Normal growth rate, why not? He clearly wasn't an infant after all.

There is a lot more to ask, but you get the gist.
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