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Info Attention to International Manga Editors!

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MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 24, 2007
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MANGA COPS? WTF is this thing? LOL!
What about forming the Manga Editor Industry Association of America? :D
Suing rogue internatioal Edited Manga group is an option as well: I'm very curious what the judge will say! :D
This site is mangahelpers, mangacops was just a proposal for a usergroup name, which would look out for stolen scanations. I think I explained it pretty fine, don't just pick out one thing to laugh about it, like I said, learn to debate.

Leechers don't have anything to do with that. We're talking about native language Edited Manga groups, so I don't see where you're coming out from with this leecher thing. Besides what about explaining who is the leecher who has learnt how to write? Just curious, but perhaps you want to avoid being suspended for personal offences...
Fucking right. Your first sentence is quoted for the truth. As for your curiosity, obviously I meant you with the leecher.

I was referring to bax's statement in which he said I should start my own Edited Manga group myself and then distributing my work for free. I wasn't talking about examples about my opinions. :rolleyes:
I don't need to show that kind of proof to anyone to support my idea: it was pretty clear, perhaps you should read with more attention. :rolleyes:
Not to mention I explained my reasons as well, but one should read what I wrote to know... :D
I realize that you were quoting bax. And I also read you saying this:
I don't need to give anyone any example: I have evrey right to state whatever opinion I have without having to prove anything to anyone.
The stupidity of that line was just so enormous, I had to comment on it indvidually.

I clearly state that groups cannot whine about copyright infringments over something they don't have any rights to begin with, and the spreading of native translated manga is in the interest of the Edited Manga community. So groups cannot forbid anything, they can only ASK to be given proper credit as a form of courtesy. That's my opinion, I wrote it again for you. Now you can share it or not, but don't go telling around it's worthless while it points out undeniable truths.
And I have clearly stated that while we don't whine, we make requests. Not following those requests will result in warnings, eventually in exclusion from this community. Regardless of how morally wrong you think it might be, this is how it works here. Groups can forbid it on mangahelpers. Stealing won't be tolerated. As soon as that happens, mangahelpers goes into my little blackbook along with narutofan and bleach exile. Again, as a mere leecher I don't see you in any position to judge what's right and wrong here. You haven't taken any effort in providing Edited Mangas or translations to the community. You don't matter.

I don't care about Japflap, I was talking in general: Manga Editors who whines about copyright infringment are a curse to Edited Manga world, which is based on free translations made by fans for other fans, in order to spread the joy of reading manga. Not in order to have copyright infringment complains! :rolleyes:
Yeah, and of course you know best because... oh well, read what I just said above.

Manga Editors can't complain because they too are breaching copyrights by posting scans of their favourite manga on internet for free when publishers are losing money because now fans are not buying volumes.
Just saying
First of all, this is utterly off-topic.
And also, you're only seeing one side. Not only are many manga's not even licensed and won't ever make it to the US market, but also, to some dagree, online Edited Mangas made manga far more popular. It is arguable how much damage we cause in comparison to how much good we do. I dunno about the common leecher, but I for one got into manga because of free Edited Mangas. And now I have a few douzen volumes of my favorite mangas, and planning on buying more.
Ask yourself why huge sites like onemanga (ranked among the top 250 sites of the whole web) still exist and aren't being taken down for storing licensed material.
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Saint Markus

英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 21, 2008
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United States
well should any Edited Manga group be aware of the "illegal" traffic of copyrighted images licensed by the creator and official group. this whole thread is completely backwards and really has no weight to carry and further than legal group that allows this place to hold threads and downloads of content that would by law be considered "illegal". there's no real defense for a Edited Manga group's Edited Mangas to be redone and distributed by someone else when their guilty of the same "illegal" action. not being ignorant, just stating a fact when you take something from a magazine and scan it and then make it available for free to everyone online. this isn't my opinion by the way just a fact as everyone else has already stated in their own fashion.



Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 18, 2007
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I´ve being translatin manga about two years (and by my english, you guys can realise, I´m not from an english Edited Manga group...) (Irrelevant information, I know XP)

I obviously know since I started with it that tis is a hole ilegal action. The english groups don´t have de copyrights, an we neither, but I´m agree with Zidane, If we (all the Edited Manga groups) haven´t translated (or scanlated) a lot of manga, Most of the people would only read Naruto, bleach, an probably, One Piece also.

BUT!... the Edited Manga groups don´t have the moral right to ask to credit them for their work. They did it for free, they don´t have the copyrights of these mangas, the credit pages (or the mention of the "original" group) its only a mere courtesy matter. In my group, we do becouse we recognize the time they spent in it, most of the case, we even ask to the "originalk" group, but if they sai no, we give them the credit and translate anyway, becouse it´s a mere courtesy matter.

And, yes, they can stop Editing the manga, it woul obviously be hard, but no the end of the world.. in this Editing "world" there is a lot of "crow groups" that when some group stop of working in X manga, they re-take it (not only english groups..)

I really don´t see the difficulty of giving some credit to the english translation group, and to the japanese RAW scaner, but as I´ve being saying it´s just a matter of courtesy, and obviously a very simple rule of MH (fair or unfair, legal or ilegal, bit it´s a rule).


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 31, 2008
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United States
It is like a drug dealer running to police saying someone stole their drugs.

just saying
I can't decide if this is a thread for discussing the clear policy of this site as stated by bax, discussing the issue of ethics in an arguably unethical setting or a place for people to pull random metaphors outta their asses in attempts to distract others from the fact that their opinion causes them to come off as incredibly selfish and unappreciative.

I clearly wrote that I have no problems with making the credits to the original Edited Manga group: it's a given imho and a sign of politeness. I was referring to groups which forbids to use their translations and/or raws to localize a manga. I clearly stated that, but perhaps you missed that part... :rolleyes:
Yes but the foundation of Mangahelpers and most manga sites (not NF) rest upon mutual respect and integrity for each other's works. Let's say a translator reserves a translation for a certain group. He's still posting the translation so people who want to can read it (possibly before that group's Edited Manga is out) in order to benefit the community as a whole. You start disrespecting his wishes and he could go and stop translating, or just stop publicizing his translation. In the end, nobody really wins because you found this "law" to be "unfair".

I don't need to give anyone any example: I have evrey right to state whatever opinion I have without having to prove anything to anyone. Anyway I already stated that I wouldn't have problems in giving my translations and/or raws to whomever want them. If I would scanlate a manga I would do this for the sake of the manga community, not for showing off my translation skills or something.
Manga Editors who whine about copyright infringments are a nonsense in itself, a curse to the Edited Manga world: if this nonsense is where the Edited Manga world is going to it's better if it will cease to exist entirely.
Saying you have the right to state whatever opinion you want without proof is kinda like stamping the seal of incredibility on your forehead. I have no idea why anybody would actually admit to that. Nobody is actually being as radical as complaining about copyright infringement on their Edited Mangas (lolwut?). People who put hours of their week into delivering Edited Mangas just wish to have some of their rather simple policies adhered to. It's the same thing when you buy/use any product/service. You abide by the rules set out by the provider. You buy a car and you're expected to get insurance, you go to a restaurant and you're expected to wear clothes. Nobody (other than nudists I guess) ever complains about these "oppressive laws."

It's in the staff full rights to enstabilish what position to take... anyway when a place becomes too much strict and oppressive it's time to migrate somewhere else! :D
Yes, how dare the staff take a position which respects the people who put hard work into providing a service rather than oblige those who don't. I for one am outraged.

This is kinda like saying repealing the Alien and Sedition Acts were oppressive cause it no longer gave the government the freedom to do imprison whoever they wanted. This is like saying the First Amendment to the constitution is oppressive because it does not allow me to beat people for opposing views (boy that would be fun right about now). This is like saying international laws against genocide are oppressive because...well, now I can't commit genocide. What a grave injustice! (See? I can make wild metaphors too.)

On an unrelated note: The Society of Anti-Anarchy-Un-Freedom-Fighters(maybe) will be meeting on Saturday to discuss how to make all these wrongs in the world right. Oh yeah, and somehow bypassing the wishes of Edited Manga groups in order to cater to the wishes of those who don't put in as much time and effort is also on the agenda.

...Did I mention we have punch?


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 18, 2009
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Just voicing some opinions, since I already mentioned that I'm in favor of crediting the Manga Editors, but against the prohibition of using their work when no other Edited Mangas or RAWs are available.

MangaHelpers may have had it as a rule since 3 years ago, but an imperfect rule up till now because it wasn't enforced, so hence the reason why complaints should start now. I see no point in complaining about a rule that isn't being enforced, so that's why you didn't see people complaining before.

This week there were around 30 probably. Obviously english Edited Manga groups have no copyrights either, we are pirating the industry somewhat (though I still believe we also serve it to some dagree), but it's the complete disrespect to the people that's shocking and inacceptable.
You aren't pirating it somewhat, you are pirating it completely... As some international Manga Editors seem to be pirating the English Manga Editors (completely or somewhat, may I ask?).

About the anterior comment on international Manga Editors simply erasing bubbles: it's the damn truth in most cases. And those who take pride in redrawing out the english text, et cetera... well why not take the next step and clean the raws yourself then?
I've got a question. Would you be willing to unselfishly release to the international Manga Editors your raws? I mean, this could in fact solve many problems. None of the English Editing groups release their raws when they get them. The ones that are so kind enough to do so, make them public just minutes before publishing their "cleaned" version. Now, if you made them public as soon as you get them, you would motivate every single Editing group into cleaning their own RAWs because they would still need to wait a couple of hours for the "finished" version. You would also be helping the entire Manga community by acting in this unselfish way.

My Editing group would in fact be very interested in this, seeing that we started recently cleaning by ourselves the RAWs, but of course, we need to wait for them to be posted in MangaHelpers because it isn't in our possibility to buy them and have someone scan them. Be sure that due credit would be given. So, we think it would be very polite and generous of you if you would be open to the idea of sharing your RAWs.

Why not be generous to the whole community, and have the "courtesy" of being open towards this? (Note, I am not sure if you already are open to giving your RAWs to other groups).

Point of this all, for the big 3, I know of only 2-3 (mainly french) groups that actually clean their speedscans themselves, so all the other 50-60 international "groups" are completely addicted to the english groups.
Again, the English Editing groups motivate this because they don't make their RAWs public [of course, you have the right to not do it, as well as some International Manga Editors (think that they) have the right to decide whether to include or not your credit's page]. And still, though the first part of your comment is not a generalization, the second part surely is.

First of all, this is utterly off-topic.
And also, you're only seeing one side. Not only are many manga's not even licensed and won't ever make it to the US market, but also, to some dagree, online Edited Mangas made manga far more popular. It is arguable how much damage we cause in comparison to how much good we do. I dunno about the common leecher, but I for one got into manga because of free Edited Mangas. And now I have a few douzen volumes of my favorite mangas, and planning on buying more.
Ask yourself why huge sites like onemanga (ranked among the top 250 sites of the whole web) still exist and aren't being taken down for storing licensed material.
Hmmm, I believe you too are only seeing one side of this three-sided coin. How much damage do the international Manga Editors do in comparison to the good they do? (Like someone said, if an English group decides to stop Editing a manga for whatever reasons they have, another group will surface as has happened in the past). You persist in seeing this only from the point of view of an English Editing group, but not from the point of view of an International Editing group. You justify the English community using Japanese manga, but won't dare to think of it from the point of view of the International Manga Editors. Of course, I believe credit should be given, and am completely in favor of this, but I think that if a group denies you permission, and no other scans or raws are available, then the International Editing group shouldn't be prohibited from using the scans even if they are giving the corresponding credit.

So, English Manga Editors are allowed to "steal" the Japanese manga when it isn't available in their country... But the International Manga Editors aren't allowed to "steal" (Even if they give credit) from the English groups when they are the only ones that have the scans and raws... It's just this last part that I think is contradictory by itself.

There are also huge international sites that don't care if the english groups aren't being credited, and yet they too aren't being taken down for not crediting the English groups.

It's the same thing when you buy/use any product/service. You abide by the rules set out by the provider.
Would you agree that those rules include (Japanese manga publishers' rules) not scanning the manga and publishing it on the Internet... Right? And yet none of use are obeying that rule...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 28, 2006
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This site is mangahelpers, mangacops was just a proposal for a usergroup name, which would look out for stolen scanations. I think I explained it pretty fine, don't just pick out one thing to laugh about it, like I said, learn to debate.
LOL you remained without arguments so you're taking it on the personal level now? Is this the strength of your reasons? :D

Fucking right. Your first sentence is quoted for the truth. As for your curiosity, obviously I meant you with the leecher.
Another personal attack! You have lots of topics supporting you, don't you? :D
Anyway what I'm isn't relevant in this discussion: we're talking about crediting the work of other Edited Manga groups, not if drakend is a leecher, an editor, a translator or whatever... :D

The stupidity of that line was just so enormous, I had to comment on it indvidually.
I can state my opinion about Edited Manga groups and the crediting issue without being into one of them: that's what I replied to bax. He said to set the example and giving the translations and raws for free, but I replied this isn't related in any way in order to express my opinion. :D
I reworded it, I hope it's more clear now... :D

And I have clearly stated that while we don't whine, we make requests. Not following those requests will result in warnings, eventually in exclusion from this community.
And I said asking for giving credits is legitimate, but asking to not use your translations/raws is not.

Regardless of how morally wrong you think it might be, this is how it works here. Groups can forbid it on mangahelpers.
Oh yeah, but the world isn't only mangahelpers and the net is so big... so the possibilities to copy Edited Mangas will always be there! :D

Stealing won't be tolerated. As soon as that happens, mangahelpers goes into my little blackbook along with narutofan and bleach exile. Again, as a mere leecher I don't see you in any position to judge what's right and wrong here. You haven't taken any effort in providing Edited Mangas or translations to the community. You don't matter.
It isn't relevant. I'm a person with his own ideas and I have evrey right to state that without hearing bullshit like "you have to set the example by forming a Edited Manga group giving out the translations". No I haven't to do this... :D
Anyway you can't argue with me on the arguments I moved so you're trying to attack me personally by saying I'm a leecher, I have no idea what I'm talking about and so on! Can't you do better? :D

Ask yourself why huge sites like onemanga (ranked among the top 250 sites of the whole web) still exist and aren't being taken down for storing licensed material.
Because fansub/Edited Manga is good free advertising for companies, but this doesn't change the fact you cannot claim copyright over something you don't have any right to begin with. That's the harsh reality...

outta their asses in attempts to distract others from the fact that their opinion causes them to come off as incredibly selfish and unappreciative.
I appreciate the work of Edited Manga groups and I'm very thankful for it. What I don't appreciate is the nonsensical restrictions, because the only purpose for doing a Edited Manga is to spread manga among people, so limiting it is pure nonsense.

Yes but the foundation of Mangahelpers and most manga sites (not NF) rest upon mutual respect and integrity for each other's works. Let's say a translator reserves a translation for a certain group. He's still posting the translation so people who want to can read it (possibly before that group's Edited Manga is out) in order to benefit the community as a whole. You start disrespecting his wishes and he could go and stop translating, or just stop publicizing his translation. In the end, nobody really wins because you found this "law" to be "unfair".
As I stated more times: giving credit is good courtesy, denying the right to use existing translation is nonsense.

Saying you have the right to state whatever opinion you want without proof is kinda like stamping the seal of incredibility on your forehead.
Without proof? What proof? Someone said that if I don't start a Edited Manga group by myself giving out translations and raws I have no right to state my opinion. Another rude dude said i'm a leecher and other personal attacks. I only replied I don't need to do any of this in order to state my opinion, because it isn't related to the current thread. That's quite simple.

I have no idea why anybody would actually admit to that. Nobody is actually being as radical as complaining about copyright infringement on their Edited Mangas (lolwut?).
It was a metaphore in order to underline the absurdity of denying the authorization in using existing Edited Mangas.

People who put hours of their week into delivering Edited Mangas just wish to have some of their rather simple policies adhered to.
As I've already said... giving credit is good, denying authorizations to use existing Edited Mangas nonsense.

It's the same thing when you buy/use any product/service. You abide by the rules set out by the provider.
Yeah too bad the Manga Editor didn't buy the right to translate and distribute anything, so he cannot ask anything. Anyway I think giving credit for a translation is a sign of courtesy and respect for the work of others.

Yes, how dare the staff take a position which respects the people who put hard work into providing a service rather than oblige those who don't. I for one am outraged.
The staff can do whatever they like, the world doesn't finish here in mangahelpers... :D
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 31, 2008
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United States
A few things I guess...

About raw sharing, we don't because we have a high standard of quality. We do share our raws with HQ groups such as M7 but for the most part, we don't enjoy seeing Edited Mangas with poor quality and therefore don't feel very compelled to stimulate the process of making such scans. I'm well aware that many members of the manga community couldn't care less about quality, but we do, that's our stance and our reasoning.

Would you agree that those rules include (Japanese manga publishers' rules) not scanning the manga and publishing it on the Internet... Right? And yet none of use are obeying that rule...
Sure...but as far as I'm aware, most Edited Manga groups haven't been approached by Japanese manga publishers requesting them to stop...And the second most groups get a C&D, they do just that. The difference here is, International Edited Manga groups are being asked to stop.

Hmmm, I believe you too are only seeing one side of this three-sided coin. How much damage do the international Manga Editors do in comparison to the good they do? (Like someone said, if an English group decides to stop Editing a manga for whatever reasons they have, another group will surface as has happened in the past). You persist in seeing this only from the point of view of an English Editing group, but not from the point of view of an International Editing group. You justify the English community using Japanese manga, but won't dare to think of it from the point of view of the International Manga Editors. Of course, I believe credit should be given, and am completely in favor of this, but I think that if a group denies you permission, and no other scans or raws are available, then the International Editing group shouldn't be prohibited from using the scans even if they are giving the corresponding credit.

So, English Manga Editors are allowed to "steal" the Japanese manga when it isn't available in their country... But the International Manga Editors aren't allowed to "steal" (Even if they give credit) from the English groups when they are the only ones that have the scans and raws... It's just this last part that I think is contradictory by itself.
As many stated, many publishing companies look the other way on these things because it in fact is beneficial to them. People are being asked to stop stealing here, I'm quite sure most/all Edited Manga groups are not still Editing series that publishing companies have personally asked to stop.

And I said asking for giving credits is legitimate, but asking to not use your translations/raws is not.
You realize the ultimate result of such attitudes would be most/all groups not releasing their raws/translations to the public if people don't respect their wishes. It continues to perplex me how you could possibly think this is beneficial to anybody. Maybe thousands of people not getting raws/translations because some people were to stupidly stubborn to respect the wishes of others is a good thing...Who knows anymore right?

Also, how is asking people not to use a translation illegitimate? That part isn't even illegal. I can translate anything I want to. I can even post a translation to anything I want to. That doesn't violate any sort of copyright law. So...yeah, there is absolutely zero hypocrisy in a translator asking people not to steal their translation, the facts are:
1) He's put in the time and effort personally, not everyone else.
2) His translation isn't illegal in any way, so in fact, the translation is his property.

Oh yeah, but the world isn't only mangahelpers and the net is so big... so the possibilities to copy Edited Mangas will always be there! :D
What some more fun metaphors? Here we go! You're basically stating that MH shouldn't care about international scanlatiors taking the works of English Manga Editors because we'll never be able to stop the problem as a whole. While we're at it, we should stop trying to stop the spread of AIDS, stop fighting poverty, admit defeat against world hunger and stop fighting crime altogether. Hmm...for some reason, I just can't get myself too excited for your utopia.

It isn't relevant. I'm a person with his own ideas and I have evrey right to state that without hearing bullshit like "you have to set the example by forming a Edited Manga group giving out the translations". No I haven't to do this... :D
Anyway you can't argue with me on the arguments I moved so you're trying to attack me personally by saying I'm a leecher, I have no idea what I'm talking about and so on! Can't you do better? :D
Well it's kinda're not the one who's having his wishes ignored. You're the bystander that someone mistakenly gave an internet connection.

Because fansub/Edited Manga is good free advertising for companies, but this doesn't change the fact you cannot claim copyright over something you don't have any right to begin with. That's the harsh reality...
Once again, nobody is claiming copyright to anything. I know you're speaking metaphorically but using that term is out of place. People aren't claiming copyright to their Edited Mangas, they're requesting for people to have the decency to oblige to their wishes.

I appreciate the work of Edited Manga groups and I'm very thankful for it. What I don't appreciate is the nonsensical restrictions, because the only purpose for doing a Edited Manga is to spread manga among people, so limiting it is pure nonsense.
I'm curious as to how these "nonsensical" restrictions have personally insulted you to such a level that you have decided to come make an ass of yourself on a forum frequented by thousands.

As I stated more times: giving credit is good courtesy, denying the right to use existing translation is nonsense.
Which as most Manga Editors something they don't agree with. And seeing as how your weekly manga fulfillment is kinda in their hands, one would think you would agree.

Without proof? What proof? Someone said that if I don't start a Edited Manga group by myself giving out translations and raws I have no right to state my opinion. Another rude dude said i'm a leecher and other personal attacks. I only replied I don't need to do any of this in order to state my opinion, because it isn't related to the current thread. That's quite simple.
That wasn't me dismissing your opinions because you're not a Manga Editor, that was me pointing out how ridiculous it is to claim to have a valid opinion without having to back it up.

Yeah too bad the Manga Editor didn't buy the right to translate and distribute anything, so he cannot ask anything. Anyway I think giving credit for a translation is a sign of courtesy and respect for the work of others.
Basically what you're saying is people have the right to step and spit on Manga Editors because the Manga Editors didn't pay for the right to scanlate. What I'm saying, and what you don't seem to be realizing is that Manga Editors put in time each week to do this and they don't have to, and if you keep spitting on them, they probably won't want to anymore. So let's weigh the options:
We could either respect the wishes of Manga Editors and have manga goodness each week...
We could say "FU!" to Manga Editors and spend the rest of our time running around the forums arguing about things such as this. (Ever notice how these topics never come up on a Thursday or Friday? You're welcome.)

The staff can do whatever they like, the world doesn't finish here in mangahelpers... :D
This is very true...and since you keep repeating this as a disclaimer, I'm not sure why you haven't stopped complaining about the rules of a site you're at the mercy of which really doesn't personally affect you in any way...If you truly believed the MH staff could do whatever they wanted, you never would've posted in the first place. This is a pretty petty attempt at being condescending...

Oh, and since I have to compensate for your excessive use of smileys and my lack of them, here are a few to sum up what replying to you has been like.


Good day.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 18, 2009
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About raw sharing, we don't because we have a high standard of quality. We do share our raws with HQ groups such as M7 but for the most part, we don't enjoy seeing Edited Mangas with poor quality and therefore don't feel very compelled to stimulate the process of making such scans. I'm well aware that many members of the manga community couldn't care less about quality, but we do, that's our stance and our reasoning.
So I'm assuming that there was in fact a time in which you released publicly your raws, the moment you got them, so as to let all the Manga Editors have the same time as you have to clean the pages and hence avoid publishing poor quality works. I was just saying that I thought that if a decent quality RAW were to be released a couple of hours before the English groups release their final versions, then we might see more original versions instead of only ones using the English groups' scans. Plus, your policy not only does it deter people from cleaning RAWs, but it also stimulates the using of the English groups' scans.

As a side-note, would you mind taking a look at this version of ours and telling me what we would need to improve to stop it from being considered a low quality job and thus you could consider us as a group to share your raws with?

Sure...but as far as I'm aware, most Edited Manga groups haven't been approached by Japanese manga publishers requesting them to stop...And the second most groups get a C&D, they do just that. The difference here is, International Edited Manga groups are being asked to stop.
Ok, so you are basically saying that all Manga Editors are free to take Blinktopia's work without crediting, even though the credit page states something else, until they are personally approached by anyone from Blinktopia asking them to cease.

As many stated, many publishing companies look the other way on these things because it in fact is beneficial to them.
The English groups also get benefited. Take me, for example. Years ago I used to read manga in Spanish, but then discovered that they just edited the balloons and translated it, so I switched over to reading the manga in English. Hence, you get more viewers. And I am sure that I'm not the only person that has done this, because I've got several friends whose situation is similar. Sure, that's why I'm in favor of crediting the English groups that were used to make the International Edited Manga.

Also, how is asking people not to use a translation illegitimate? That part isn't even illegal. I can translate anything I want to. I can even post a translation to anything I want to. That doesn't violate any sort of copyright law
I'm sorry, but copyright law does in fact protect against translations. You surely can't translate something without permission legally according to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, which the USA is a part of. I guess you need to read a bit more on the issue... and suggest you read that International Convention. I might be wrong, if a later Convention was made in which the parties agreed that works aren't protected against translation, but I'm almost sure that that is not the case. No copyright arises out of works done illegally, as far as I know... Hence, the translator can not claim any rights, and you are in fact violating copyright law by posting it.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
May 4, 2009
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@darkend you are completly right, but i don't know why you need to spin a dagger in their wound over and over again.

Now to the topic:
Thank you very much for announcing this, i let you know i didn't break any of your rules and thank you for telling me this i have completly read it and i am happy.

Have a nice day and thank you once again! Thank you!


Intl Translator
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 19, 2008
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I think no one is completely wrong and no one is completely right, luckyly we all are able to see the multiple sides of the matter.

Personally I think that like many have said it isn't really such a complicated request the Edited Manga groups are making. If that's what they need so desperately to be happy, well, let's give them their precious credit and everybody is happy.

In the end, if any group "forbids" the use of their raws, is as simple as not releasing them here in MH and problem solved, what is right and what is wrong is a matter of opinion and always will be that way. To smoke marihuana is illegal in my country, all I have to do is move to another country where this is legal and that's it, or to stop consuming it where it is not legal if I don't want any troubles. ('cause I love my country, and I really like MH*) :)

Although what you may think, I did not smoke marihuana before I wrote this post xD

*MH is for MangaHelpers xD maybe I should have used another example.
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MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2006
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Actually I found this getting more amusing. I'm going to line out these things again in points, and this is what the issue is all about:

1. If you think the groups are a curse, so do you. Why would you being here reading manga if you're so ethical. Remove yourself from the equation before talking. So I was wrong saying that people like to talk but are doing the things they are talking against? I don't think so.

2. Walk the talk. Don't just say this is wrong and should be like this, or just saying I would do like this and that. Show some credibility in your words.

3. Credits are needed when they're due. Period. It has always been like that, and always been like that. Yes, it's only a courtesy and there are many outside MH who didn't do that, but this is MH, why talk about other sites?

These are the same rules since the beginning, heck, even before MH is around. Don't see where this issue of not having previously. This is a reminder, not an announcement of new rules.

4. This thread is not for discussing if the groups are wrong or not. Go debate it with them if you have to. This thread is for telling you to follow the groups' wishes. This wasn't a problem until today, just some people who can't even buy their own manga trying to make rules bend to their favor.

5. Edited Manga theft is not allowed. Perfect or not, that what holds the people together for many years. Dislike it? Go get the RAWs yourself, buy it, order it online. There's no excuse about it. Heh, saying that the group is a curse because they don't share, at least they bought a copy, they pay for at least a copy, while you took the easy way using something free and complain. If you really love the manga, buy it.

Aren't you just being selfish too? You can't get what you want, so you cry about it. As I said, if you want something, buy it yourself. Online purchase is global, they send the manga right to your door. There's no excuse about you don't have manga at your place. I don't have many selection at my place too, I order my manga right from Japan with ridiculous markup on shipping fee. I don't complain at all, that's the only way I can get my manga.

Now please go back on topic. This thread is about people crediting others, not about your hypocrisy talking about copyrights while you yourself read the manga online. Thank you.


With that said, let me say something...

There is a need to have order in Edited Manga world. The Edited Manga world, will sooner or later change. Everything will have to move on. The first phase of this is to have an order, a set of rules to contain certain aspects. What changes, I don't know myself. But the scene has been changing these fast few years. For the people who have been following manga since at least 7 years ago would notice this.

The publishers are starting to use the online models. Sooner or later, manga will be given by them instead of Edited Manga (online). If there's no order like not prohibiting people from rampantly doing things, then when it comes to that time, then there'll be no helping it. This set of rules on MH were made years ago, with the publishers in mind, although not as much as today.

One of the aim was to contain manga in a limited spread (in terms of where you can get it), so when the time comes to purge the Edited Manga of the said manga, it can be done easily. Well, it probably can't be done fully, but that's no excuse for not doing it. If everyone thinks that there's no use doing it because other places are not affected, then there might as well better not having the rules. No, I don't think so.

Take a look around you and tell me, how many of you read IKKI? I don't think that many at all. Maybe the titles are not that interesting or lack of knowledge about it. Take a look at this if you don't know what it is:

Tell me what is the agenda of the publishers here.
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 31, 2008
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United States
So I'm assuming that there was in fact a time in which you released publicly your raws, the moment you got them, so as to let all the Manga Editors have the same time as you have to clean the pages and hence avoid publishing poor quality works. I was just saying that I thought that if a decent quality RAW were to be released a couple of hours before the English groups release their final versions, then we might see more original versions instead of only ones using the English groups' scans. Plus, your policy not only does it deter people from cleaning RAWs, but it also stimulates the using of the English groups' scans.

As a side-note, would you mind taking a look at this version of ours and telling me what we would need to improve to stop it from being considered a low quality job and thus you could consider us as a group to share your raws with?
If you really want an answer, I'm going to have to defer this question to zidane. :P

Ok, so you are basically saying that all Manga Editors are free to take Blinktopia's work without crediting, even though the credit page states something else, until they are personally approached by anyone from Blinktopia asking them to cease.
1. Binktopia
2. Actually, the parallelism you made is an illogical one considering Manga Editors (or Binktopia in this case), don't take credit for creating Naruto...we very much do credit the mangakas.

I'm sorry, but copyright law does in fact protect against translations. You surely can't translate something without permission legally according to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, which the USA is a part of. I guess you need to read a bit more on the issue... and suggest you read that International Convention. I might be wrong, if a later Convention was made in which the parties agreed that works aren't protected against translation, but I'm almost sure that that is not the case. No copyright arises out of works done illegally, as far as I know... Hence, the translator can not claim any rights, and you are in fact violating copyright law by posting it.
No...posting it and publishing it are quite different. If translating a work of art and writing it down was an offense, then I'm afraid google is gonna have a lot of explaining to do with their language translator which may/may not be used to translate such things. The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artist Works is protecting authors/creators of art from having their works sold/published without their consent. This treaty is really dealing with international sales of works because before this treaty, works of art were only guaranteed copyright protection in the countries they originated from. This simply extends that protection to ensure that someone has to let J.K. Rowling or her publishing company know before they start publishing her books in...Icelandic.

Bottom line is, I don't see why you would disrespect the wishes of Manga Editors/translators when it will ultimately do more harm than good.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 28, 2006
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About raw sharing, we don't because we have a high standard of quality. We do share our raws with HQ groups such as M7 but for the most part, we don't enjoy seeing Edited Mangas with poor quality and therefore don't feel very compelled to stimulate the process of making such scans. I'm well aware that many members of the manga community couldn't care less about quality, but we do, that's our stance and our reasoning.
Uhm I think it's not a problem of yours whether the Edited Manga of others is poor or not: I mean the important thing is that YOUR work is good, am I wrong? I still fail to understand why people put all these restrictions over something thought and made for the community. The more manga are spreaded, the better it is.

Sure...but as far as I'm aware, most Edited Manga groups haven't been approached by Japanese manga publishers requesting them to stop...And the second most groups get a C&D, they do just that. The difference here is, International Edited Manga groups are being asked to stop.
By english Edited Manga groups? It's a nonsense... :D
I said it, I repeat it, and I'll always do!

You realize the ultimate result of such attitudes would be most/all groups not releasing their raws/translations to the public if people don't respect their wishes.
It would be better then reading costant whinings about this absurd copyright issue over Edited Mangas. Anyway it isn't most/all groups: most groups don't even care about what is done to their Edited Manga, as long as proper credit is given to them.

It continues to perplex me how you could possibly think this is beneficial to anybody. Maybe thousands of people not getting raws/translations because some people were to stupidly stubborn to respect the wishes of others is a good thing...Who knows anymore right?
No the reasons because of I'm so firm in supporting my idea are already explained in my previous post and I'm not going to repeat myself.

Also, how is asking people not to use a translation illegitimate? That part isn't even illegal. I can translate anything I want to. I can even post a translation to anything I want to. That doesn't violate any sort of copyright law. So...yeah, there is absolutely zero hypocrisy in a translator asking people not to steal their translation, the facts are:
You violate the copyright of authors and editors: did you get authorized to translate their work? Did you compensate them for this authorization? I don't think so, so you're making a copyright infringment. Any Manga Editor makes copyright infringment for the very nature of what he does.

2) His translation isn't illegal in any way, so in fact, the translation is his property.
Manga Editors should do their work for the sake of the community, to spread manga culture among the masses. These copyright infringment whinings are pure nonsense, as I've already stated. Manga Editors who think this way are a curse to the Edited Manga world, which should be based on free circulation of manga evreywhere in the world.

While we're at it, we should stop trying to stop the spread of AIDS, stop fighting poverty, admit defeat against world hunger and stop fighting crime altogether. Hmm...for some reason, I just can't get myself too excited for your utopia.
Totally wrong metaphore dude! ;)
Manga and anime are culture, so spreading them contribute to improve the general culture of the masses, in their own way. HIV brings death, so its spreading is only a negative factor for the masses.

Well it's kinda're not the one who's having his wishes ignored. You're the bystander that someone mistakenly gave an internet connection.
Now even you start with personal attacks? :D
It's the second translator in this thread doing so: ahah well it's a given I guess because my points cannot be easily argued with. So the easiest way to deal with them is trying to decrease the value of the one who has such irritating POV: thanks, it confirms my points are valid! ;)

I'm curious as to how these "nonsensical" restrictions have personally insulted you to such a level that you have decided to come make an ass of yourself on a forum frequented by thousands.
I have my ideas and I support them, no matter what. Anyway I don't think to have made an ass out of myself: the only ones who attacked me heavily are translators, while more than one user agreed with me. That's expected.

That wasn't me dismissing your opinions because you're not a Manga Editor, that was me pointing out how ridiculous it is to claim to have a valid opinion without having to back it up.
I explained the reasons, if you didn't read them or didn't satisfy you then it's your problem...

This is very true...and since you keep repeating this as a disclaimer, I'm not sure why you haven't stopped complaining about the rules of a site you're at the mercy of which really doesn't personally affect you in any way...If you truly believed the MH staff could do whatever they wanted, you never would've posted in the first place. This is a pretty petty attempt at being condescending...
Dude do you know the difference about stating one's own opinion and respecting the rules? The fact I don't support ONE rule doesn't mean I don't like Mangahelpers in general...

@darkend you are completly right, but i don't know why you need to spin a dagger in their wound over and over again.
Well because they keep throwing at me arguments not related to the points in discussion and offending me with personal attacks. Another evidence that my points are good! :D

1. If you think the groups are a curse, so do you. Why would you being here reading manga if you're so ethical. Remove yourself from the equation before talking. So I was wrong saying that people like to talk but are doing the things they are talking against? I don't think so.
Bax I said only groups which put insane restrictions are a curse. It's like making closed source software out of open source code... (even if raws aren't exactly open source... :D )

2. Walk the talk. Don't just say this is wrong and should be like this, or just saying I would do like this and that. Show some credibility in your words.
Following this way of reasoning a President can be criticized only by another President, because common citizens cannot understand what being a President is.

These are the same rules since the beginning, heck, even before MH is around. Don't see where this issue of not having previously. This is a reminder, not an announcement of new rules.
Well it was a good chance to state my opinion.
Anyway what about using some Creative Commons licence? It would be better than the current "the translation is only mine! only mine!!! I'm jeaulus of it! Don't you dare using it!!!" nonsense...

4. This thread is not for discussing if the groups are wrong or not. Go debate it with them if you have to. This thread is for telling you to follow the groups' wishes. This wasn't a problem until today, just some people who can't even buy their own manga trying to make rules bend to their favor.
I only said restrictions over scanations are wrong IMHO: it doesn't mean groups are wrong or not. They can do whatever they like, MH can use the policies which likes, but I think I'm free to write my opinion about it. Am I wrong?

5. Edited Manga theft is not allowed. Perfect or not, that what holds the people together for many years. Dislike it? Go get the RAWs yourself, buy it, order it online. There's no excuse about it. Heh, saying that the group is a curse because they don't share, at least they bought a copy, they pay for at least a copy, while you took the easy way using something free and complain. If you really love the manga, buy it.
If you put the situation in these terms then groups payed for ONE copy, not for the right to translate it and distribute it to tens of thousands of other individuals...

Now please go back on topic. This thread is about people crediting others, not about your hypocrisy talking about copyrights while you yourself read the manga online. Thank you.
Yeah I take myself out of this thread, because I think to have stated my POV quite exstensively and others have done the same. Too bad for personal attacks someone made to me, but I guess it cannot be helped when the points are good and cannot be argued with easily.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
United States
I thought I'd just point out something that seems to be missing (I could be mistaken): crediting the mangaka. I've read many an English scan that doesn't translate the mangaka's name and sometimes there won't even be a name in Japanese. If the English groups care so much about foreign groups not giving them credit (there's nothing wrong with asking for that), the least they could do is acknowledge the original creator(s).


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Uhm I think it's not a problem of yours whether the Edited Manga of others is poor or not: I mean the important thing is that YOUR work is good, am I wrong? I still fail to understand why people put all these restrictions over something thought and made for the community. The more manga are spreaded, the better it is.
By english Edited Manga groups? It's a nonsense... :D
I said it, I repeat it, and I'll always do!
On the other hand it's not a problem of yours whether we decide that quantity or quality is important to us. It's our copy, we decide what to do with it. On that note, we won't spread our raws. For various reasons.

It would be better then reading costant whinings about this absurd copyright issue over Edited Mangas. Anyway it isn't most/all groups: most groups don't even care about what is done to their Edited Manga, as long as proper credit is given to them.
Constant whining? I don't know what other forums you frequent, but debates like this are rather seldom. In fact, it's probably the first time I take part in one. Oh, and again the leecher knows best what most groups want.

No the reasons because of I'm so firm in supporting my idea are already explained in my previous post and I'm not going to repeat myself.
Really? (v1)

You violate the copyright of authors and editors: did you get authorized to translate their work? Did you compensate them for this authorization? I don't think so, so you're making a copyright infringment. Any Manga Editor makes copyright infringment for the very nature of what he does.
You didn't do anything to begin with. Do you even realize what you are complaining about here?

Manga Editors should do their work for the sake of the community, to spread manga culture among the masses. These copyright infringment whinings are pure nonsense, as I've already stated. Manga Editors who think this way are a curse to the Edited Manga world, which should be based on free circulation of manga evreywhere in the world.
Again you, a leecher, is trying to tell me what to do, and even the reasons I have to have. I'm doing it for my personal enjoyment, for the work itself, using photoshop and working with a team, that's fun for me. Not really for the "sake of the community", it's just a positive side-effect. You, a talking leecher, are a curse to the Edited Manga world.

Totally wrong metaphore dude! ;)
Manga and anime are culture, so spreading them contribute to improve the general culture of the masses, in their own way. HIV brings death, so its spreading is only a negative factor for the masses.
It's a valid metaphor. We were talking about stolen Edited Mangas, and those aren't a "positive factor". Obviously Asce was exaggerating to make fun of you.

Now even you start with personal attacks? :D
It's the second translator in this thread doing so: ahah well it's a given I guess because my points cannot be easily argued with. So the easiest way to deal with them is trying to decrease the value of the one who has such irritating POV: thanks, it confirms my points are valid! ;)
Really? (v2)

I have my ideas and I support them, no matter what. Anyway I don't think to have made an ass out of myself: the only ones who attacked me heavily are translators, while more than one user agreed with me. That's expected.

I explained the reasons, if you didn't read them or didn't satisfy you then it's your problem...
Really? (v3)

Well because they keep throwing at me arguments not related to the points in discussion and offending me with personal attacks. Another evidence that my points are good! :D
You're so easily offended... oh boy. Oh and, really? (v4)

Bax I said only groups which put insane restrictions are a curse. It's like making closed source software out of open source code... (even if raws aren't exactly open source... :D )
Oh yeah, they are totally a curse, taking their time and money, buying raws and Editing. Shame on them.

Following this way of reasoning a President can be criticized only by another President, because common citizens cannot understand what being a President is.
He can be critizised by anyone, but if it's a nobody, just like you, it's also taken as that. Actually, presidents are being crizised by ~49% of the population quite easily (those who voted for the other candidate), and later by even more %, since they have to take unpopular decisions for the sake of the community ;)

Well it was a good chance to state my opinion.
Anyway what about using some Creative Commons licence? It would be better than the current "the translation is only mine! only mine!!! I'm jeaulus of it! Don't you dare using it!!!" nonsense...
This is so utterly retarded. You are saying it's okay to disrespect the translators wishes and say, if a translator states: this is my property, I reserve it for my group, and then another group can come and take his trans and just release? MH would become a really lonely place pretty fast. It wouldn't be beneficial at all if translations wouldn't be published publicly because some asshats think they have the right to just take them without permission to throw them on some Edited Manga made with Paint.

I only said restrictions over scanations are wrong IMHO: it doesn't mean groups are wrong or not. They can do whatever they like, MH can use the policies which likes, but I think I'm free to write my opinion about it. Am I wrong?
Funny. Just above you were clearly babbling about translations.
Yes you are free to state your opinion, it's the free internet after all. But you aren't being taken serious by the people in charge, nor by the people who are actively contributing to the community. Ask yourself of how much worth your opinion is.

If you put the situation in these terms then groups payed for ONE copy, not for the right to translate it and distribute it to tens of thousands of other individuals...
I quote myself: "You didn't do anything to begin with. Do you even realize what you are complaining about here?"

Yeah I take myself out of this thread, because I think to have stated my POV quite exstensively and others have done the same. Too bad for personal attacks someone made to me, but I guess it cannot be helped when the points are good and cannot be argued with easily.
Yes, please do that. Oh, and really? (v5?)
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
In point 4 you are asking us to be ethical and credit the English Manga Editors (for what other reason other than ethics would credits be given... courtesy is a part of ethics after all) and in point 1 you are stating that ethical people have nothing to do here... I guess you are pretty right by saying "So I was wrong saying that people like to talk but are doing the things they are talking against?", because I can't help but find both of those points in complete contradiction.

Yeah, only solution will be to buy the raw manga ourselves. I'm pretty sure that that way of thinking will eventually lead you to telling people that don't understand Japanese to hire a translator and pay for a translation. It's a valid argument, after all, since it all comes down to paying money for something someone else did, which is the courteous thing to do.

And sorry, from reading everything that you've posted, it appears to me that the ones that cried out where the English Manga Editors pleading that a rule that's been here for several years be enforced (particularly Blinktopia since they've been the only one defending this issue, plus one of them said in a post somewhere here that the admins of this site are personal friends of his/her. I've failed to see up till this moment someone not being from Blinktopia defend completely that rule... I fail to see any other English Editing group debating here, and why this only became an important issue until their Edited Mangas got severely stolen this weekend (hence the reminder of the rule) and not when it has been going on with SleepyFans for some time, including previous weeks, makes me wonder if I'm actually debating against an objective, not biased admin that isn't just at this very moment backing up only Blinktopia's interests, although in the near future that same posture will, I'm sure, be backing up all the Editing groups' interests by preventing Editing groups from removing their works).

And the hypocrisy, as I clearly see it, is you telling all the International Manga Editors not to steal, while you encourage the posting of manga that is, in fact, stolen (given that they are posted by Editing groups). That's the hypocrisy that has been discussed in this topic and from which you wish attention not be focused to. Remember, you told me that even if credit is given, scans can't be used if we haven't got permission, so your rule is not actually that much about giving credit, but more of "having permission", so stop focusing only on the credits part. Ok, now that I think of it, your rule is only against the stealing of Edited Mangas, not of stealing manga, so I guess you have a point there about why your rule is valid due to a technicality. And yes, you are the administrator of this site so you can make whatever rules you wish to, there's no point in me debating anything. If people didn't complain, then things wouldn't be done. If Blinktopia hadn't complained this weekend, you wouldn't have posted this. So yes, I'm complaining, but so did Blinktopia, and so did you by creating both this news posts (You actually need to stop only judging other people and also take a moment to look at how you act, since you've very much done everything you are accusing everyone else of doing). I don't know, but just sitting back quietly and accepting things without trying to bring about change that one considers positive, is just being submissive. I'm sure that Blinktopia didn't sit back, but complained. Did you tell them to stop crying? I bet you didn't, and the easiest way for them was to complain to their admin friend, instead of contacting each Editing group and kindly asking them to cease. However, since they think like you do, you fail to judge them too... I think Blinktopia should be (I'm serious) applauded for complaining about something that is just plain wrong, which consists in not giving due credit, and trying to make a change.

Anyway, as you stated, my real issue is not with your rule, since I'll definitely be following it, but with the availability of RAWs (If RAWs are available, there's no need to use the English groups' scans), so hence I will leave this topic seeing that you are correct on that matter, and that I do think credit should be given. I've got to take my discussion up with the groups somewhere else, evidently, and ask them for their RAWs, instead of arguing here something that isn't the topic of discussion. Sorry for bothering you with these trivialities that I should have taken up with the Editing groups instead.

1. Binktopia
2. Actually, the parallelism you made is an illogical one considering Manga Editors (or Binktopia in this case), don't take credit for creating Naruto...we very much do credit the mangakas.
So you did in fact ask the mangaka for permission, and he gave it... which is what MangaHelpers wants people to do. If you please re-read what the admin posted, he is not asking as just to credit, but expressly have their affirmative permission.

Rule Summarized: Ask for permission. If affirmative and express permission is granted, then give credit. If express permission is not given (silence would count as not giving permission), then don't use the scans.

Even if we give credit, that is not enough to comply with the rule being enforced. I'm just explaining the "logicality" of my statement, nothing more, since you didn't understand it. Your equation failed, thus, because you failed to include the "Blinktopia has express permission part", and hence you can't compare yourself to the International groups' current situation. Of course, you can't give me the Japflap example because I expressly mentioned that the permission shouldn't be required when no other RAWs or Manga Editors are available, but I've already given up on this issue since things won't get changed. I only question the permission part, yet people seem to think that I'm against giving credit, which is not the situation. Anyway, the rule is a rule that's not going to be changed, so my arguments become pretty useless.

Note: The following has nothing to do with the topic in discussion.

No... posting it and publishing it are quite different. If translating a work of art and writing it down was an offense, then I'm afraid google is gonna have a lot of explaining to do with their language translator which may/may not be used to translate such things.
Now that is illogical, that argument won't stand anywhere... Google isn't the one that does the translation, in this case. You do it the moment you hit the "translate" button (you wouldn't blame a translating dictionary now, would you), as is the case with most programs used to make illegal things; you can't blame the program itself, you can't blame the application, as you can't blame the gun/bullet for killing someone and wanting the gun manufacturers to be responsible. You are the only one responsible of the use that you give to things, be it a legal or illegal use.

You post your translation on MangaHelpers, you are thus publishing it. Just because the button might say post (I've got no idea what it says), that doesn't mean your definition has to be the legal one. You are fixing it in a medium, probably for more time than can be considered fair use, and are making it available to the public at a whole, which is called "publishing". If you think publishing (in legal terms) only involves publishing things in a book that is going to be sold, you are way wrong.


Anyway, the rule is the rule, as I've already found out it's not going to be changed, nor any toleration given. So there's really no more reason to continue arguing this like the admin said. So, I'll leave, comply with any rules as has always been my intention, and part the reason why I wanted to get a little exception introduced into it. If anyone wants to reply to what I've said, do it but don't expect an answer, since there is no point in debating if people are going to get nowhere and debating is not encouraged.


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
To make this clear. I mentioned only Binktopia because that's my group. I don't see myself in any position to talk for other groups, but international stealings happens to them too, and they report it also. And I merely reported Edited Mangas that went against the rules of mangahelpers. Been doing that for the past ~8 weeks, after ignoring that whole scene for over a year and a half (and before I was one of you, an international Manga Editor). The stealing cases increased. It was fun seeing the process, but I wasn't crying at any point. It happens. Like I stated before, if it doesn't change, watermarks will follow. Not going to comment on your other babbling.

1. Binktopia
He just wanted to say it's Binktopia, not Blinktopia.
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