TV - American Gods (TV Adaptation) | MangaHelpers

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TV American Gods (TV Adaptation)


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
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This thread is the place to discuss the (at the time of posting this) upcoming Starz series American Gods, based on the Neil Gaiman book of the same name.

In case you missed it, or have never heard of any of this before now, the first episode will air on Starz on April 30, and be available for streaming on Amazon Prime. Yes, only a little more than a month left. *internal high-pitched fanboy scream*

Shadow is a man with a past. But now he wants nothing more than to live a quiet life with his wife and stay out of trouble. Until he learns that she's been killed in a terrible accident. Flying home for the funeral, as a violent storm rocks the plane, he is greeted by a strange man in the seat next to him. The man calls himself Mr. Wednesday, and he knows more about Shadow than is possible. He warns Shadow that a far bigger storm is coming. And from that moment on, nothing will ever be the same.
As someone who, ever since I first read it, ranks the book as my favorite of all time, I was sceptical to this series being made when I first heard about it. Then Bryan Fuller was announced as show-runner. Then the casting news started to roll in. Then the updates from Neil Gaiman himself giving nothing but positive vibes concerning the whole project (and that's a man who's had some negative experiences with TV and film adaptations). And as of today I am almost crawling out of my skin with anticipation for the series.

If you, like me, can't wait for this series; or if you simply think it looks interesting/stupid/weird/whatever; or simply want to know what it's all about, feel free to discuss here.

(I will most likely use this thread as a place to vent my fangasmic feelings whether anyone else posts here or not.)


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
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Alright. Episode 1! I liked it, although there are things I'm not completely sold on. Let's do it this way (I apologize in advance for the overuse of the word "trippy"):

What I really liked:

Shadow has to keep firmly rooted a story which in many other ways can go down the trippy path. While the Shadow in the book is even more of the silent hard-guy (I read him as showing as much outwards emotion in the whole book as in this first episode), that sort of character would only be a buzz-kill on screen, and Whittle's Shadow is a good "compromise". Still obviously the rock of the show but someone easier to relate to. Good portrayal so far.

As a reader I kinda agree with @Ustegius that it's not so clear where Ian McShane is going with the character (almost in comic relief territory; definitely less "intimidating" and more "charming" than the book, where he is equally both), but I'm just so biased when it comes to McShane in the first place.. He's so McShane-y in this role it's nothing short of delightful. I'm giving him time to show he can embody all of Wednesday's character sometime during the first season, but since he's clearly meant to be "the one to lighten up the otherwise pretty dark mood" until then I'll just enjoy his every line anyway.

Stole the show in the second half of the episode. You know they did a good job with a character when you, as a book reader, find yourself hoping during the first episode that they'll actually stray a bit from the book in order to give an otherwise not-so-frequent character more screen time. Seeing as I usually judge adaptations on how faithful they are to the books, that's a big up for him

Great update to this character, and really digging what the actor is doing with it. His and Sweeney's scenes were the highlights of the episode.

These are the parts which can make or break the show for me, and I really did enjoy the tone and storytelling of this first Viking one. Not sold on the gore and blood yet though. Let's get to that.

Things I'm not entirely sold on (yet):

I enjoy a dose of ultra-violence as much as the next guy, but does this story really need it? If they keep it to dream-like trippy sequences I might get used to it, but it's definitely where my deepest concerns lie at the moment.

A bit too zippity-zap-I'm-just-all-that. I mean, I buy it because I know a bit more about his character, but if I were a non-reader I suspect I'd just have found him a bit annoying. Definitely some great dialogue between him and Shadow though.

I like the idea with the totem, but altogether it's all just so... unmemorable. I never skip the opening credits so it has time to win me over, but I don't see it happening. Too screechy-wanna-be-edgy for my taste.

Everything in between was good. Great visuals, well-written dialogue and acting all-round and despite a fairly slow pace manages to keep it intriguing through-out. Also unlike Ust I enjoyed the choices of music.

*obligatory GoT-comparison incoming!*

I did feel a bit similar to when I was watching the first episode of Game of Thrones, obviously watching the characters come alive on screen really well, but also the fact that it's incredibly faithful to the book so far (yeah, remember when that was a thing for Game of Thrones?). I have actively stayed away from rereading it so as not to compare every single scene, but still remember most of it well and I did not miss anything.
(Okay, maybe a few more coin tricks.)

Not going evangelical about it just yet, but still a solid first episode.

Don't worry, I won't make a post like this every week.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Torumekian Empire
I need to clarify, that I didn't really dislike the choice of music, but rather the use of it. The how of it during scenes and transitions.

I'm not sure we´here I stand yet. It wasn't bad, but it was particularly standout good either. I thought Whittle was the best thing in the 100, and his take on Shadow is in a good direction. As much as I adore McShane, I'm not quite sure where his Wednesday is heading and if I like it or not. Technical boy was a great update on a time-worn stereotype what the description of the original character was in the book.

I earlier said, that I didn't get the new "Spooks", but I think I got it now.
America doesn't worship men in black anymore like they used to, but they do "worship" the power of anons. Faceless masses on the internet, that are quite easily utilized by skilled manipulators.

I wasn't really that captivated by Sweeney or anything in the episode really. I'm a fan of slow storytelling, I did have a little trouble to stay focused the full episode. This was somehow weird. Trippy. It didn't feel like a carefully constructed episode of drama, but rather like I was slightly drunk and going thorough different times and places. Which is kinda how the book works though.

I agree on the violence carefully choreographed in hyper stylized manner. I don't know exactly why it is done that way. And it does feel a bit forced. Because in all honesty, there is quite little of fighting and in the book overall.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Don't worry, I won't make a post like this every week.
Awww :(


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 1, 2008
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I so wish this was available on Canadian TV. You apparently can only get it on Amazon Prime in Canada... which is $79 annually.
I hear Amazon Prime in the US is much better than here. Here there is almost nothing available on it.
To give you a little sample, here is the entire Anime section:
  • ViVid Strike!
  • Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS
  • Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA
  • Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA A’s
  • Z: The Beginning of Everything (Febraury 24)
  • The Great Passage
  • BATTERY the animation
  • Shin chan Spin-off vol.1 Aliens vs. Shinnosuke
  • Chi’s Sweet Adventure (Subbed)
Yes... it is that sad. That's it. I copy and pasted it from here.​


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
I actually subscribed to Amazon Prime only for this show.. not a lot else I'm really interested in (although it's the only one streaming Seinfeld and Community, and I hear Mr. Robot and Sneaky Pete are supposed to be good.

Though now that I checked, it's definitely the streaming service with the best anime collection out of the ones I have (here in Sweden). Netflix doesn't have an Anime Category, but has some "kiddie" anime under "Children". Amazon has like 40 or so shows which is by far the most I've seen anywhere except Crunchyroll. Anime isn't a priority here, I guess.

I wasn't really that captivated by Sweeney or anything in the episode really. I'm a fan of slow storytelling, I did have a little trouble to stay focused the full episode. This was somehow weird. Trippy. It didn't feel like a carefully constructed episode of drama, but rather like I was slightly drunk and going thorough different times and places. Which is kinda how the book works though.
In a sense I agree that maybe they added a bit too many different elements of the story into the first episode without any sort of real "connection" between them. I guess that's why a lot of people are feeling that it's a bit unfocused and trippy (and not just in the way the show-runners intended). There's definitely a lot of jumping between locations and even "styles" (fantasy, drama, mystery, sci-fi) without any really smooth segue. I wasn't bothered by this to be honest, but in hindsight it might be a problem. Where shows like Dirk Gently definitely gained a lot by throwing as many loose ends as possible at the viewers, because it was a great way to set the tone for the show, here it sort of does the opposite and leaves the viewer not quite knowing how to feel about what they just saw.

I can see where it had its problems, only... I didn't have a problem with it. :tem

Ustegius said:
I agree on the violence carefully choreographed in hyper stylized manner. I don't know exactly why it is done that way. And it does feel a bit forced. Because in all honesty, there is quite little of fighting and in the book overall.
Yeah, if they rely too much on the violence, gore and fighting there's a risk it'll all just feel gimmick-y... Like you say, that was hardly in the book, and chances are that if they try to add these scenes just for the heck of it, it'll affect the brilliance that is the story.
This all goes back to what I said before, about finding the tone for the show. If they'd have kept the first episode in a sort of "True Detective" tone but with just a few supernatural elements to indicate the trippy shit that awaits down the rabbit hole, it might have felt more focused as a whole.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
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Torumekian Empire
Yeah. In the original the reader is pretty slowly eased in this trippy supernatural world. Or atleast I, actually hardly knowing nothing about about it before hand, took my time to realize that there is actual magic going on and these people are really gods. The show goes batshit crazy withing the first minutes. Though on the other hand, by this time most of the people turning into the show are aware of it's nature and, there is really no point to milk the mystery, but just plunge into the weirdness.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, it's the same thing as with the marketing where they just flat-out show pretty much all the God characters beforehand, which to me seemed strange since with the book that's something the reader is gradually led to realize. Like, it wasn't tough to guess that Wednesday was a god (or indeed which god) but the New Gods stuff is super mysterious until it's all explained. I guess they felt it's hard to sell a show by saying "there's this guy who gets out of prison and hired by a mysterious con-man... and then mysterious stuff happens" sort of. Like, they know people will need something more spectacular to pique their interest.

Going back to the True Detective comparison, I remember when the first episode or two were out for that show and a lot of people thought it looked really slow and kinda boring. At least here the majority of the people I've talked to started watching after season 1 had aired and the few who already watched it hyped it as the best show ever, but warned them that you needed to give it time. The Starz team might not want to take any risks since they've basically planned for the book to stretch over four seasons and they know they need good ratings from the very start.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Torumekian Empire
I liked second episode already much more. Guess I'm getting used to the style of the show.

I absolutely loved the depiction of characters in this episode. The monologue of Anansi in the beginning was just amazing. I pictured him older in my head, but meh, that was some great delivery there. The spiderform looked a bit cheap, but that just might be the low q version I watched.

Gillian Anderson as Media was also brilliant, loved how they did that scene in the supermarket instead of just Shadow sitting in his motel room like in the book. Brought totally different sense of alarm and activity to the scene. I half expected that they would have changed Lucy to Dana Scully, because she did became kind of an idol and symbol in that role, but very happy they stayed with Marilyn Monroe - can't get more iconic than that as a presentation of media.

I've always liked Peter Stormare, even if he is pretty much a typecast character. Enjoyed his take on Czernobog. I liked the slavic gods part all in all a lot. The interaction and dialogue between the characters in those scenes felt really natural, even most delightful in this series this far.

I think they are still relying too much on music at times, but this time it didn't pop out like it did for me in the first episode. Whittles direction I feel is bit overdone with the dramatic sights and covering head with arms movements, but I understand that inner feelings are very hard to deliver on screen. Loved the the rage cleaning scene with him though. If has been done before many times, but I still think that is an excellent manner to write inner emotion into action. Winced when he started to bleed. Even though I started a bit negative there, I overall think they did well with how Shadow starts to move on from his confusion and just surrender to the weirdness around him. Though surrender is a bad choice of words. Rather he is taking it all on head first now.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Absolutely agree. Though I liked the first episode, this is what I want the show to be like. Slow, subtle, mysterious while not relying to much on the supernatural. The supernatural is obviously gonna be there, but just throwing it in our face all the time would make for a pretty frustrating watch. Let's hope they manage to stick to the tone of this episode while showing us glimpses of the craziness from time to time.

I feel like I still haven't gotten quite used to such and expressive and emotional Shadow. While I like the show's and Whittle's take on him, it'll probably take another episode at the least before he actually becomes Shadow to me and knocks the book-Shadow from my mind. I agree though, that they're doing a great job of showing how he slowly is growing into a "fuck it, let's do this"-attitude and adapting to the crazy shit. Like Wednesday says, he's being eased in, and so are we along with him.
On that note, I'm getting more and more Wednesday and less "McShane" from McShane. Like, some scenes he's so Swearengen-anti-classy that I'd snap out of it and go "oh yeah, it's McShane", but most of the time I absolutely buy him as Mr. W.

After rewatching the first episode last week and watching this one, I see what you're getting at with the music but I have to say that I don't have a problem with it at all. It's absolutely fine the way they use it to segue between scenes, even if the songs might feel "obvious" at times. I guess you could argue that it feels like they're using songs where they don't know how else to "punctuate a scene". Like "how do we make sure the viewers are feeling what we want them too... oh, a song on the radio". I guess you could argue that, but I'm not gonna because the choices of music is just so great and it does go well with the rest of the scenes imo.

Honestly, with this episode there wasn't really anything I didn't like.
The opening vignette with Anansi was intense. Mr. Nancy was definitely older in my head as well, so the Orlando Jones casting news was one of the few eyebrow-raisers to me, but with that one scene he blew all doubts away.
The Media scene was great. I'm not sure I agree the fact that it was out in a public supermarket makes it more intimidating than the book (I personally think it's more terrifying to think someone can get so close so easily whilst in the privacy of a motel room) but it definitely was a good scene to show just what he might be going up against, and it happening in public made it more "you have to believe this, this isn't a dream". Gillian Anderson did a fantastic job.
The part with the Slavic gods was amazing. For the first few minutes I thought Stormare was over-acting a bit with his big hand gestures etc, but somewhere along the scene I found myself hanging on his every word. This is obviously as much to the credit of the writers as to Stormare.

I was a bit shocked when episode ended because it all went so quickly without the actual story moving along very much. And that's about as good a rating as something will get from me, because really slow and subtle story-telling which completely manages to capture the viewers is something rare these days.

Oh look, I made a long-ass post again this week anyway.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Episode 4 was a friggin’ master class in how to stay true to and adapt a story while completely reinventing and expanding the story. They changed some, made a lot up and yet everything was 100% faithful.

I was really sceptic against Emily Browning as Laura at first. Like, she always seemed a bit too bitchy. But that’s because I was under the influence of Shadow’s view of her (as that’s the only angle we see her from in the book). Seeing where they’re going with her character, she is pretty spot-on. And I’m not saying the show version of Laura is all bitch, because I really like the depth they managed to give to her character.

Definitely the best episode so far in my opinion. And it’s the one that went completely off book. My hopes for the future of this show only grows for each episode.

John Flume

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 3, 2017
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United States
Oh my gosh, episode 4 was insane. Laura's whole backstory is, while a bit risque, absolutely awesome. I can't wait to see what her role is in the future.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
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Torumekian Empire
Oh god yes this episode was genius. They went totally off book, but in a good way, and in a way the story needed. I mean, I liked the book, but it felt unwhole. Like segments from plotline 1, but the other plotlines were cut out. With the show I hoped it would become more... full. And with this, it really seems like that might happen.

Also the scenes

After Laura had risen from the death were just oh so good. Tickled my funny bone from the just right place. Particulary when she was caught by her best friend trying to stich her arm back to her torso. Everything after that was just pure gold on so man levels.

"It's embalming fluid, it's coming from every hole I got. It is disgusting, please turn around"

"Does Shadow know?"
"Yes he does. I tried to fuck him. On your grave. Seemed only fair."
"Yeah, that does seem fair"


Definetly the best scene in the series so far. Not only it was funny, but it was also suprsignly thoughtful and the characters, in a very bizzare way, acted in the most rational and realistic manner in the situation. Absolutely loved every moment of it.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Okay, I'm feeling Mad Sweeney now too. Laura is great too. And the new gods. Mr. World did not dissapoint. And I love the whole new scene with them

Trying to by Wednesday with the re-branding, the Odin nukes to N. Korea. Also poor Technological Boy. I really like his character. even if he is kinda douche.
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Whats up with that living tree thing though? I can't connect it to anything.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
So much to like about episode 5.

Gorgeous opening segment. Like I’ve said earlier, I feel the ”Somewhere in America” and ”Coming to America” segments gives this show such a unique touch. I like how Nunyunnini being forgotten sort of puts more weight and explanation on why Wednesday might be hard pressed to take Mr. World’s offer.

Speaking of Mr. World, how great was Crispin Glover? Intimidating, charming, cool. Just look at that Billie Jean entrance with floor tiles lighting up. Awesome. His whole ”sell” to Wednesday and the scolding of the Technical Boy was a joy. (I like the little detail that he wants to bomb North Korea, arguably the only country not to fit into his ”single global market” vision.)

The New Gods made this episode, really. Gillian Anderson is more brilliant every second she’s on screen. That Bowie scene was genius, the way she spoke in song lines without it ever becoming clumsy or obvious.

Overall the whole dynamic between the New Gods is amazing and intriguing. How Media and World act like Tech Boy’s parents almost, making him apologize for his missteps etc. Media even using his technology against him for the Bowie scene, that must sting. Technology and Media must truly not like each other, really. Just thinking about how they’re both so reliant on each other, while still probably wanting to be the more important and powerful one. Must’ve added a little extra punch to that teeth-knocking kiss.

The scene with Shadow and Laura felt… real. It was good. However, I enjoyed the scene with Laura and Sweeney even more. I want these two to have more screen time together. ”You’re an asshole, dead wife!” Like you said, Ust, how they took an essential non-character (she really wasn't that interesting a part of the book) and made her one of the best parts of the show is incredible. Emily Browning has never been this good.

The only part of the episode I feel fell short is the whole interrogation scene. It was a nice idea, I guess, but the execution just felt… eh. Thank goodness it was followed by one of the best scenes of the show so far.

As for the living tree thing… I dunno. Some people seem to think it’s Yggdrasil, or something to do with it, but I don’t see how that fits in. Really threw me off, that part.

Starting to go from really liking this series to downright loving it. If it keeps going the way it's going, I'll be going evangelical about it once season 1 is over.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Torumekian Empire
Yeah, the interrogation scene felt a bit forced in "recap hour". The police lady painting viewers the the big picture in words while Wednesday using clear words to summarize the gods thing this far. But It think that might have been a good scene for people coming to this from not reading the book and necessarily not being so well read in to mythology to connect all the dots.

Yeah, Laura and Sweeney scene was great! I'm kinda expecting that this will actually be a little comedic side-plot, which follows Sweeneys journey after Laura. This keeps both of these characters more relevant to the story, than they feel like in the book. Which is a great thing, since their depictions in the show are brilliant.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
I like how they are modernizing the setting this far. With the Pokemon reference and all that. Now I'm again expecting that, even if brief, we'll see Media as Dana Scully in some point :D


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Guess you're right. Listened to a couple of podcasts and some people definitely appreciated that they laid it all out nice and clear, while others (like me) thought it felt like exposition and sort of "making it too obvious". But I do get why they needed to keep that scene, since this is mid-season 1 and they need to make sure all viewers are still onboard. And for some reason a lot of people want to understand everything right away when watching films and TV - while I don't get these people at all, I get why they'd need as scene like the interrogation room.

I agree, Media as Scully should happen. Some might call it cheap, but if only for a second or so it'd be a nice touch.

One thing which had me kind of worried at first was that some viewers might not enjoy Media because they don't "buy her" as all these different characters (as in, she doesn't look or talk exactly like them). It was a good thing
they had Shadow recognize her as Lucy even as he saw her as Marilyn. That kind of indicates that while she can indeed take pretty much any pop-cultural shape she wants or whatever is relevant, she's still Media underneath it all, and recognizable as such (at least to some degree).

Also I loved how the guy at the end
in the mortuary is looking at horses and ponies. When stereotypically in horror films and stuff the lone security guard is usually watching some tasteless porn or something. Nope. Just put "horses" in Google Images and enjoyed himself. :lmao
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Just realized I didn't comment on last week's here (which really says it all - all in all the first "just okay" episode), so I'll just copy one of my comments from Facebook onto here.

I guess I liked the concept of Vulcan, good example of how an old God can stay worshipped in the modern age. But with Mr. World's proposition to Wednesday we already got the idea, I feel, so all in all kind of a pointless character when you think about it. And it was kinda obvious from the moment we saw how Vulcan had "franchised" himself that he had aligned with the New Gods, so the twist fell flat and with it most of the episode. And while I was overjoyed to see that the Sweeney/Laura road trip is happening, their part didn't really hit home with me either..

But yeah, the Coming to America part was brilliant, as they always are.

Also, the moment Wednesday said "Mr. Wood" I was like OF COURSE! Completely forgot about those 'underlings' but suddenly that tree thing made sense.

This week's episode, though, I really liked. As mentioned above, the 'Coming to America'-segments are usually one of my favorite parts of the episode, so the majority of an episode having that tone while still directly tying in with present-time events was great.

Read some reviews of this episode and overall people seem to just want the story to get on with it, get to the damn war, etc. And maybe it's because I know what's coming and that it's worth the wait that I can sit back and truly enjoy these diversions.. because I really do. Liked Sweeney more and more from his first scene in episode 1, and I love what they did to further expand his character and define his motives and relationship with Laura here. Like I mentioned above, I thought their scenes in the previous ep fell a bit short, so this episode redeemed that.

Not sure if Laura is supposed to be a descendant of Essie (what with being played by the same actress) or if she just reminds Sweeney of her, but in the end I guess only the latter part is relevant.

Also, idk if I've said this before but I love Ibis and Jaquel. Also, I have a feeling Ust might dislike the use of music in this episode (the 'Daddy's Home' part specifically, even I thought that was a bit too much) but I thought it was kind of genius the way the parts Ibis tells is flavored with old 50's music (which he's obviously a fan of) while the rest was more traditional.

And is that one of Easter's bunnies which is spying on Laura and Sweeney?
Expecting next episode to be fantastic. Please don't let me down.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
What a great show, it's been a while since i felt something like this about a show. Final or any other episodes didn't disappoint me. Gillian Anderson is a brilliant actress, i really really loved the scene when she played Bowie(Whole music, acting and theme...everything was wonderful). When i first heard of this show and it's crazy sex scene, i thought it is another show that try to gain people's attention as much as possible with nudity but i changed my mind. Theme is great, actors are great and main subject is great. I am sad that this season ended :oh
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Living tree(mr wood or something like that) is actually another old god who made a bargen with new gods to became who it is now. It is like a foreshadowing for vulcan i suppose.
And iirc it is working for mr world to spy people/gods.
Last edited:


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Well this is pretty much terrible news.

I honestly think they were a big part of what made the show work so well. They seemed to have a good vision for where the show was going (and that wasn’t always going to be “by the book”). The changes and the modernizings made in the story seemed to expand the universe instead of ruin it.

They might still get a good new producer/showrunner, but this is a show the previous show runners had wanted to make with a passion. The new producer would need that same passion and share their vision for season 2 to really go seamlessly with season 1, and honestly you don’t just find “that guy (or gal)” in a rush.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Okay, season 2 has premiered and I’ll try to watch it later today so I’m reviving this thread. I realized I never wrote anything about the season 1 finale

which I thought overall was good; I liked the dozens of Jesuses and the build-up to the house on the rock. Honestly though, the things I remember most (it’s been some time after all) is being sort of underwhelmed by Kristin whatshername as Ostara - it felt like odd casting - and also not really liking the Wednesday identity reveal. Honestly, to have such a big “I AM ODIN!!!!!” speech, when one of the ‘problems’ of the show has been that we don’t really get the guess-the-God game like in the book, and everyone has know from the beginning he’s Odin, that felt kinda.. “yeah, we know”. And I know it was to make Shadow believe in him, but still.. also not having that reveal at House on the Rock made me a bit sad because that’s one of the most iconic scenes really. I’m guessing we’ll still see it in s2e1 but it might have less of an impact..

Also wondering how they’ll go about that cliffhanger with Ostara stealing Spring or whatever. But guess we’ll see. I think I need a little ‘previously on..’ segment because right now Season 1 is mixing with events from the book in my mind.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Hard to say how I feel about the first episode of season 2 to be honest. There's a lot to like, and also a lot left to be desired. Orlando Jones and Ian McShane in particular are utterly engaging in their performances, and the rest of the cast does a fine job as well. It's too bad this episode sort of feels the need to reintroduce us to the key players instead of giving them scenes with any actual meaning to them... and man, I miss Gillian Anderson. Her Media was one of the very best things about Season 1. Crispin Glover is fine as Mr. World, but he doesn't bring the fun to the New Gods scenes like Anderson did.

The tone of the show is intact, sort of. The long, style-over-substance (that sequence of the inside of the fortune-telling machine) sequences feel like they serve even less purpose now, though, but I'm hoping the new showrunners keep up the feel they've created. Overall I think the episode is fine, but much of that comes from the cast performances I think. And The House on the Rock bit is just as weirdly magical as it is in the book, and a visual treat. I'll give it a few eps before I decide whether to worry about Season 2 or not.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Okay, never mind my earlier post. Season 2 episode 2 might be the best episode of the show so far imo, at least one of them. :nod
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 30, 2014
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Absence of Gillian Anderson is the only major problem for me. New media is cool and it is showing the growing asia effect but well Gillian was just awesome :(
Let's see how this season ends, last episode will be out soon.


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
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One of my favourite books and amazing adaptation! Can't wait for the new episodes!!:zomg
Indeed! This season has gotten very mild reactions, but I honestly didn’t think there was a bad episode. It was slower than the road-trippy first season but the themes in the episodes were always quite strong, and I didn’t find them overly “preachy” (the way they have been critiqued). Episode 7 of season 2 was one of the very best episodes so far, fantastic.

If you’re a big fan of Neil Gaiman’s books, there’s also Good Omens coming up at the end of the month if you didn’t already know. I’m so unbelievably hyped about that, I dunno when I last was so expectant of a show. Should be great.
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 5, 2012
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United States
Going into Season 2, I had to stop watching after episode 5. I completely lost interest in the overall show and I was hoping for something more, but it's just procrastinating to push more seasons later. No thanks, I'll pass. :no