alphabeta's review of Bakuman 135: Succession and Interference | MangaHelpers

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alphabeta's review of Bakuman 135: Succession and Interference

Who is going to troll Eiji?

  • Ashirogi Muto (PCP)

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Shinta Fukuda (Road Racer Giri)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kazuya Hiramaru (Bokutsuu)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryu Shizuka (True Human)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toru Nanamine (What is Required)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one (Eiji will have it his way)

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Russian Federation
Bakuman 135 – Succession and Interference
A Review by alphabeta

First things first. I’m (kinda) back. Why kinda? Because I don’t know if I even will have the time to do a 136 review. Actually I’m not even sure, if I’ll be able to finish this one, but if you’re reading this it means I did. :yelling

Well then, let’s skip this (kinda) intro, and move over to the thing you’ve been missing so much, that (some of) you went and spammed my member thread, saying the Bakuman section is not the same without me *looks at jorped* :oh

Ladies and (kinda) Gentlemen, I welcome you to another (kinda) Review by alphabeta :3c

Small Summary:
The F from ASF and his two gothic-assistants self-satisfy themselves by watching F’s anime and assure each other how great/awesome/erotic/dunno-what-else it is. Yuujiro brings some new emotions in their perverted professional group of mangaka’s. He’s roleplaying an emo. (Recently my jokes, have been rather sex-eccentric… :oh)

Ohba bashes the Miura x Iwase pairing, by making Miura ignore Iwase, which pi**** her off, and she decides to pay him back, by gladly accepting Aoki’s offer to join the gang**** meeting in the so-called Team Fukuda (No, wait, I really am going to get banned if I don’t stop this kinda jokes…)

Team Fukuda gathers together and sits down… *waits for action* they talk… *still waits for action* they keep talking… *starts doubting to see any action today* they decide, that they need a leader, and visit Eiji-sama… *action, there it is :zomg* Eiji trolls them… *facepalms Ohba* Saikou says he won’t let Eiji… *action, there it is :zomg* Fukuda says he accepts Eiji’s challenge… *ACTION, THERE IT IS!!! :zomg* Eiji suddenly pulls out a feather and a pen and chapter ends… *where’s my sex?*

Long Summary:
Chapter starts with already two newcomers. Fukuda’s new anime and Fukuda’s new assistant. Both are ridiculously cliché-like beings, but that just proves us that both are fodders, meaning Fukuda’s Giri will end and he’ll get a new series, while his assistant can become one of the nameless warriors criminals in Light’s Death Note, for all I care.

Well, that’s not the part here. Yuujiro arrives at Fukuda’s studio, to pick up the new manuscript, only to get the following reaction: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU… (kuda :p). Showing suddenly his true emo-side he accepts Fukuda’s order to stfu and wait till the anime’s over. Shocked by this sudden change of behavior, Fukuda and his assistants leak some top-secret information, namely, that Yuujiro get’s rejected all the time :comfort. To make things even worse, Crow is first…

Don't feel like dancin, dancin ~ :dancin

Fukuda, suddenly awakens his detective skills, and jumps to the point. Eiji 1st place – Eiji ends manga he hates. Yuujiro is so shocked by Fukuda’s right guess that he doesn’t even notices that he suddenly has 4 arms instead of only 2 :fail. He asks for the manuscript, gets it, and leaves, leaving Fukuda and his assistants with a half-funny panel, discussing how bad Yuujiro’s pokerface is.

Meanwhile, Ohba decides to make Bakuman a shoujo manga, and starts off the bait, with his new pairing MiuraxIwase. They have a date at the local restaurant, and Miura is visibly thinking about something (or maybe someone) else, leaving Iwase sitting there like an idiot. Breaking the idiotic silence between them is a call from another test subject from Ohba’s love triangles - Aoki.

Miura, the next time you lie, at least try making a fitting face :thumbs

At first, like expected, Iwase sends to a far away place, but then she understands that Miura doesn’t plans on doing anything funny (and then naughty :nosebleed) with her, and decides to listen to Aoki’s offer. And that offer is exactly what Iwase needs right now. To chill out in the gang of fellow mangaka bro’s and chiq’s. :music. She has some doubts at first, but after looking at Miura once again, she bashes him, and leaves him in that restaurant drinking his cocktail, or whatever he was drinking at that moment.

Location: Fukuda’s studio. Topic at hand: Who does Eiji wants to troll? Participants: Team Fukuda and Takahama who apparently got lost in Tokyo city and someone from Team F, pitied him, and decided to take him home with them, because I don’t see any logic why he is in this team while Nanamine isn’t.

Shuujin gets his first panel in this chapter and it’s basically stating that they (unlike us readers) don’t even know whether Eiji really has the right to CaS even in the first place. Everyone (except Hiramaru :D) is making a worried face, that it might be his/her manga which will get the ban from Eiji-sama. Hiramaru takes his first part in this farce called meeting, and tells us basically, that he doesn’t knows a thing about who knows what.

Who’s the father of the baby? :eyeroll

Hiramaru hoping, that Bokutsuu will be cancelled by Eiji is definitely the funniest panel in this chapter. Takahama gets suddenly the role of the brain of this group and tries using logic in this he**-knows-what-manga-Eiji-wants-to-cancel-thing. His logic goes to the point that it’s only +natural, that Eiji will end Iwase’s manga since he’s also part of it. Nice try, Bro, but your prediction failed :thumbs.

Iwase, starting to feel, that she can’t take all this pressure, decides to put an end to all of this and commands everyone to move their a**’es over to Nizuuma-san’s place. Under the loud shouts of Hiramaru they move. In Eiji’s chaotic studio, we see him sitting before his desk, finishing his latest name of crow (When was the last time we saw some unfinished panels/names?). Everyone can’t take it anymore and asks Eiji if he really, really, has been granted the right to CaS, an Eiji answers: Yes…

Alpha needs this many reviews to become “Chapter Reviewer”​

However, there are some strings attached to it. He has to be 1st for another 5 weeks, and only then will he get the right to CaS. (Just like my reviews. I already did 5 and now I need another 5 to get a brown username :3c) Finally, the long-awaited and totally hyped up mystery is being revealed. The manga Eiji wants to end is… CROW!!! :yelling

There it is… the thing we’ve been waiting for over a 100 chapters. Our guesses went everwhere from real manga a la Naruto/Bleach/OP over to bakuman-wsj only manga’s a la PCP/+natural/Crow. Now let me tell you this. I don’t want to bash now Eiji’s decision to cancel Crow. I want to bash Ohba for failing so hard, to make this “plot twist” interesting. Hey, Ohba, this is one of the most anticipated and hyped up mysteries in Bakuman. And what do you do? You give Eiji one panel, that doesn’t even fills half a page, with a “I-don’t-give-a-sh**-look” on Eiji’s face?! Then you hype up Saikou giving him a panel with “I knew it” :fail

Well, we have what we have. Eiji wants to ends Crow. Logic? Wow, apparently he has one :zomg. He hates it. :oh Logic? Wow, apparently he has one even for this question. He hates the fact, the he can’t end a manga, whenever he feels like it… Well, I can accept this logic, but imho, if you already decide to get paid money for your manga work, then expect it to be used like a cash cow, if it gets popular, and don’t bitch around, that you want to end it. If you want to do something like that, make a doujinshi, and end/start it over again as much as you like.

I would’ve written Ohba in my death note if he’d end DN with such a panel :pwnge

Saikou asks a logical question? Whaddya gonna do, if you don’t get 1st place for those 5 weeks?
Eiji says he’s gonna start over and over again :fail. STOP, HAMMER TIME! OK, I can understand that Eiji wants to leave when he’s most popular, but hello, you can’t just make an ending arc, and then when the hero won the last battle and there’s only one chapter left, you suddenly introduce a new enemy… This is called trolling. Proffesional mangaka don’t act this way… *looks at bleach*… forget what I said :fail.

Iwase, relieved that +Natural won’t end, leaves Team Fukuda sitting there. Not that they really care, though :oh. They discuss what’s more important. A mangaka’s own artistic views, or the magazine’s sales? RL tells us, that the money always wins in this case. (Take Bleach for example)

What have you forgotten in Team Fukuda? You’re just a worthless fodder character. :guns

Takohama is thinking to much of himself and says that even Eiji doesn’t have any guarantee, that his next manga will become a hit. Are you kidding me? Even Ashirogi who only got a cult hit manga “Trap”, which didn’t even had 50 chapters, managed to do another series “Tanto”, which do didn’t even last one year, and then they did PCP which is already over 100 chapters. Are you saying, that we might actually see a chapter of Bakuman where Eiji is struggling to get serialized and is working his a** off, so as not to get canceled? Not gonna happen.

Page 15. The beginning of our new Team Fukuda vs Eiji arc. Saikou doesn’t cares about Eiji’s feelings, only about his one’s. If Eiji will end his manga, Ashirogi will lose the their enemy, that they always wanted to surpass, hence, Saikou won’t let him do that. Gotta admit, that this panel has something in it. Saikou did seemed kinda cool there. :D Next panel is Shuujin’s turn to side up with Saikou. Then comes Fukuda, who suddenly actually sees himself as a real enemy to Eiji. (Curse me, but I always thought of Fukuda only as a character who was inveted for some laughs, and not some serious danger in the Bakuman WSJ)

The last few pages are simply a hype for the upcoming battle between Team Fukuda and Eiji. The whole “Imma beat the sh** outta you” chit-chat isn’t really worth nor reading, nor reviewing. I’ve seen it to many times in Naruto/Bleach/OP that I just don’t know what to say. :fail

Another thing that Eiji and Light have in common. :fail

Now that even Aoki admits she has a god complex, and she seriously believes she can beat Eiji, Takahama thinks he has nothing to lose, and says that he too has a chance to beat him, but admits that he will probably lose, but only because Seigi no Mikata got a TV drama so late. The bottom last panel on Page 17 would make up the 3rd spot of this weeks top-panels-rating. It’s just :zomg

Eiji starts drawing his name, somewhere on the same level, where Light wrote the names in his Death Note. Seriously, what had Obata in mind, when he drew Eiji like that? Other than that, there’s actually nothing more to write about. As Team Fukuda’s leader Fukuda makes clear that he really does plans on beating Eiji, and everyone else (Hiramaru excluded) agrees with him. As to make things even “fake” interesting, Ohba increases the chances of Team Fukuda trolling Eiji. Now they have 12/7 weeks. Why that 12/7? Read MT to find out about Ohba’s mathematic skills :fail

My Thoughts:
Well, well, well, what do you know? Ohba finally managed to make me – probably the biggest Bakuman tard on MH openly admit that… this chapter sucked :fail. It failed, miserably failed, failed so hard I don’t know how to force myself not to make this review a trash of Bakuman itself :mad

I’ll leave the bashing without stating arguments for hatters who are gonna hate, so get ready to listen to my arguments :pwnge. First of all. The whole cancel-a-series was soooooo way to fu***** wrong handled. Honestly, the best thing in this cancel-a-series (called CaS in the future) was the first mentioning of Eiji, back in the early chapters and his second mentioning, saying he’d become 1st place. Everything else totally failed.

I already said this in the Chapter Disccusion Thread (called CDP in the future). It should’ve gone like this. Everyone is working in the Shueisha office, suddenly Eiji appears out of nowhere, goes to the EIC’s desk and says: You listen to me. I was 1st for 5 weeks straight. Now I declare that I want to end Crow and you stfu.

I don’t have to explain you what kind of a reaction this would have caused if Ohba made it this way, and not stretched something that could’ve been done in one panel into 3 chapters.

Last thing I want to mention. Math. Yeah, you did hear/read right. Math. We know, that Eiji has been 1st place for 5 weeks already. We see him state that he needs to be 1st place for the next 5 chapters as well, and only then will he get the right to end his manga, in once again, a 10 chapters. Here’s what I mean. Eiji said, that if anyone will be able to get 1st place before he finishes the last chap of Crow, he’ll keep drawing it, what means there are 15 chapters left, for him to draw. (He doesn’t mentions what will happen if the last chap doesn’t gets 1st place, but, oh wells :oh)

Now the math. 20 weeks till the end of Crow, from which 5 have already passed. 15 chapters left. Mangaka’s have 2-3 chapters already drawn ahead than the one’s we see published in the magazine, meaning, that there are 12 chapters Eiji has still to bring to 1st place. Now, why the he** am I writing this whole math-lesson in the first place. We see on the last page, on panel 5 with Shuujin’s face a text saying “8, no 7 weeks.” Curse me, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t see out of which part of the human body those 7 weeks appeared from. Either someone made a typo while QC’ing/proofreading/typesetting/translating this chapter or Ohba’s mathematic skills miserably fail :fail

Small Details:
While flipping through this chapter I finally noticed something I should’ve noticed WAY sooner. And that is the constant use of the “same-face-different-text-no-jutsu” by Obata. Latest example would be this.

I can’t do a full and deep analysis of why Ohba uses this technique, first of all, because I don’t have the time/will to, and second because it’s freakin’ not interesting for 98% percent of the readers of this review. I simply wanted to point this out.

Yeah, I do realize that Bakuman is a shounen manga, which is running in WSJ alongside such battle mangas like Naruto, Bleach, OP, but, OHBA, DON’T COPY/PASTE MILLION TIMES USED IDEAS. A race against the clock? Are you trying to troll me? Did I wrote you a letter saying: Troll on me (Troll on me) Troll me on (Troll on me) ~”?

No :pwnge

Putting aside the math I did in the My Thoughts Section (called MT in the future), Ashirogi has 8 weeks to troll Eiji. Manga law dictates that they will succeed only in the last chapter, to hype up this Ashirogi vs Eiji arc. But, oh man, it is this very fact, that the hero (Saikou/Shuujin in our case) always wins this race against the clock, which upsets me the most. It is obvious that they will win, and it pi**** me off, that Ohba wants to fake-hype up this arc using such standard ideas like a race against the clock. This is Ohba we’re talking about. Anyone can make up a race against the clock. I want something original :yelling

So, now that Bakuman goes a mainstream battle manga route, what is going to happen next? Another villain, another fake-hype, another epic fail win from Ashirogi, another filler arc, another villain again, another fake-hype again, etc./etc./etc. and then 21st of December 2012 arrives and the world ends… :oh

Is that what you are hoping for Ohba-sensei? Oh, yeah, the predictions. It’s obvious that Ashirogi will win against their “enemy” Eiji. I can only try to predict what’s gonna happen next chapter.

The members of Team Fukuda go all to their studios, totally bumped up. We see a panel of every mangaka working very hard (‘cept for Hiramaru who is either sleeping or doing something else, as long as it’s not drawing manga). We find out that the next chapters rankings of PCP are on the same level, Eiji is still 1st, but Giri rose. Next week. Giri rose to 2nd place, Crow 1st, PCP still somewhere around 4-5th place. Cliffhanger. Some personal problems in either Saikou’s or Shuujin’s family make the already small chance of Ashirogi winning to zero. Well, the prediction for the chapters up until the point where PCP suddenly one-panels everyone is, is basically making things worse and worse for PCP with every chapter, then someone gives Ashirogi some mindf**** speech (perfect chance for a Nanamine comeback :yelling), and in the last chapter of the duel between Ashirogi/Eiji they take 1st place. :oh

5th Review finished :dancin

And while I’m still at it, I want to make one thing clear. In the time that I was absent, someone asked me in my member thread *thinks it was Bugzee* whether I’m a “thanks whore”. I’d like to focus a little on this point, since I did mentioned all those “comment-my-reviews-stuff”.

What is the meaning of thanking (and after the update) liking someone’s post? The answer is actually pretty obvious and is lying on the surface. It’s to show that person that you liked his post. Now guys, don’t turn off your brain at this point. Look one step ahead. What happens when you do not thank/like my reviews? You show me, that you do not like them. Simple as that. And why should I write reviews, when you do not like them.

See, what happens. The flaw in this logic is, that you actually do like my reviews (I just know it :hurr), but due to the fact that you are too shy/lazy/egoistic you don’t click “Like this post” and thus only end up hurting yourself, since when I don’t see any likes/thanks at my reviews, I logically jump to the conclusion, that you do not like them, and thus I can just as well stop doing them. Well, actually I did mention, just now, that I know that you like my reviews, but this doesn’t means you can misuse, this knowledge of mine. I don’t plan on doing reviews for people who are too shy/lazy/egoistic. :pwnge

So, if you liked this review, click “Like”. And don’t do so because I told you to.

Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot dedications. :oh This review’s dedications go to

BBB Banana for getting his :bbb smiley


Iceiphoneix for becoming the new GC mod

CCC rules :pwnge

P.P.S: After a 4 weeks break, I somehow lost the “flow” of my reviews. I’d like to say that they became “cooler”, but that would be a lie. This review isn’t cooler. It’s simply more boring than my 129 one :fail

Quote of the week:
“The manga I want to end is… Crow”

Hatters gonna hate, but this quote is the only possible and at the same time logical thing that I could post in this section. :oh

No Bonus this week.

U MAD BRO? :bbb


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