alphabeta's review of Bakuman 126: Analysis and Results | MangaHelpers

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alphabeta's review of Bakuman 126: Analysis and Results


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 20, 2011
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Russian Federation
Bakuman chapter 126 – Analysis and Results
A review by alphabeta
Small summary:

Shuujin says some cool things. Saiko & Miyoshi make some funny faces. Hattori talks to Ashirogi. Nakai plays “Detective Conan”. Hattori talks to Ashirogi, again. We find out, that Nanamine’s “50 people” consist mainly of high-school girls, and the likes. Nakai spits out the secret, that “What is required” is already in the double-digits. Hearing this everyone decides to leave. At this very moment Nanamine’s torso appears outta nowhere behind Nakai’s back, scaring the sh** out of him. Just when Nanamine is about to kill reasonably talk to Nakai, the hero of the day arrives – Kosugi, thus prolonging Nakai’s already failed life, for an undefined period of time. Nanamine, who has already forgotten about Nakai, asks Kosugi for the ranking, which turns out to be 19th. Hearing this, Nanamine goes insane.

Long summary:

8.00 a.m. Somewhere in Tokyo. A certain mangaka’s wife goes “HOLY FU**” after finding out, that her husband and his best friend, plan to use the same story in the next issue of WSJ, against a wannabe-kira-follower. Jokes aside, Shuujin said something that I already mentioned, namely the method Nanamine uses is actually quite a good one. (That’s why he’s my favorite character:D)

His best friend calls him Shuujin. His wife – Akito-san (WTF?)​

Meanwhile, somewhere in the darkest depths of the Tokyo-underground, Nanamine is chit-chatting with his “followers”. Nothing interesting, IF not consider the fact, that we find out, that CoT wasn’t written by himself either. He had 5 people helping him. Honestly, after this, Nanamine is just… super-mega-fail. Before this chapter came out, some people on MH were saying “Nanamine is not compete fail. He wrote CoT by himself.” Nah, game over, Nanamine has fallen so low, you actually want Kabuto to Edo-summon Light, only so that he can write Nanamine's name in his death note. (Well, and maybe also so, that we can get a new story of death note, with a resurrected Light:D)

Back in Saiko-palace, Shuujin is trying to explain why Nanamine has no chance of winning, but fails to do so, because of the intellectual level of his listeners. Steadily he lowers the grade of his speech, to the point, where a 2-year old baby, will understand him. Poor Nanamine is too weak, to carry a boat, with 50 people in it, on his shoulders, and that’s why he fails. The Scene switches once again, back to Nanamine, and his computer, only to find out that there are only 14 people left, who want to work with Nanamine, and that the rest now is bashing him through the whole World Wide Web. Feeling, that there’s a high chance that these 14 will too leave him, he tells them that “What is required” is still in the single digits, so there’s no need to panic.

Hattori comes over to Saiko and Shuujin, telling them that the winds are in their favor. Ashirogi is going to win for sure. Nanamine is telling his “followers” goodbye, not forgetting to mention, that they’ll crush PCP. Nanamine is going to win for sure… Eh… inconstancy, too many ideas rushed into a chapter, I feel like there are 50 Ohba’s. (just joking). So, the ultimate Showdown begins. Ashirogi vs Nanamine.

Nakai simply is NOT meant to be a spy (part 1)​

Yeah, we get to see Kosugi, again, following his “master” like a slave. Nakai, having finally realized, that things with “What is required” are going ridiculously fast downwards, decides to find out, what really is going on, by over listening through the door, the “conversation” between Nanamine and Kosugi. Results? He finds out “What is required” is in deep sh**, being since chapter four in the double digits. He is shocked. Well that’s all there is to it. (Honestly, why waste panel time on such a loser as Nakai…) Oh, yeah, his try to ask an assistant-girl, out for a date, is also worth mentioning. After adding another point to his losing-strike, he gets the idea, to tell “those guys”, to make up a better story, so that he can continue to eat pizza (I just found another character I want Light to write in his death note).

No comment​

Hattori visits Ashirogi once again, giving them a copy of their double-issue. After hearing, that Shuujin had made an analysis, Hattori wants to hear it too, with Shuujin saying that Nanamine has to be god to be able to manage working with all his 50 followers on a weekly basis. (We all remember, which character Shuujin is based on, don’t we?)

Yep, there’s also a secret meeting between Nanamine’s “followers”. Basically we just find out, that the “trustworthy and handpicked” people Nanamine had chosen are either, time killing high-schoolgirls, or 15 year old boys, with ******-posters sticking all through their rooms.

Nakai simply is NOT meant to be a spy (part 2)​

So, finally the day of the ultimate showdown arrives. The results of the double-issue. Nanamine, pretty confident, tells his “followers” to wait about an hour, when he will bring them good news. NOW Nakai finally gets ready to turn his master plan into reality (breaking a copier, so Nanamine’s going to repair it-_-;). It actually works, and Nakai finally gets the chance to speak to “those people”, telling them that “What is required” was 16th for two weeks strait. Well, the reaction was predictable. Everyone leaves Nanamine, without even saying goodbye.

Your death wish! I’m waiting…​

It happens, what has to happen. At the most inconvenient time Nanamine exposes his true colors, showing that he is “Nanamine of the Sharingan”, who can appear behind people, as if that’s child’s play for him. Asking Nakai for his last will, Nakai forgets to mention his desire to sleep with Aoki, and desperately tries to convince Nanamine, that what he’s done was right… he thinks. Nanamine prepares to fire a Chidori at Nakai, but Naruto Kosugi, arrives at the last moment, saving Nakai’s a**.

Kosugi wishes Nakai a happy new year (instead of a painful death), and notices that “sensei’s” door is open, what is rather strange. He enters it and sees Nanamine emotionless looking at his laptop. Without preludes, Nanamine asks for the ratings. Kosugi tells him the truth. Nanamine – YOU SUCK! 19th place. That’s the end. To make things even worse, PCP is 3rd, and those who usually voted for “What is required” now vote for PCP. Poor little Nanamine’s brain can’t take in all the information it just received, deciding to give its owner a one-way ticket to the nearest psychiatric clinic. Nanamine goes crazy…

My thoughts.

Man, I never thought writing a review takes so much time and energy. Back to the chapter. It has a really fast pacing this time. 19 pages – More than a whole month. November 30th to January 8th. Personally I liked the facial expressions, of course (who didn’t?). The arc too undergoes another step to its end, with Nanamine being 19th place in the ranking, there is practically no hope for him anymore to recover back to the top. I think it’s about time to start guessing what the next arc is going to be about. My personal guess – Ashirogi will finally start to make moves to end PCP and start a new anime-approved manga. I’m not saying the manga will end in 5 chapters, no, it’s more like at least 50 if not 100, but Ashirogi, too has to start making moves, if they want to achieve their goals. (Remember, Shonen Jump hero – achieves his / her goals)


Next chapter is going to be about what Nanamine is going to do, now that he has completely lost. He might even try doing something crazy, like trying to add H-stuff into his manga now, but it’s going to be of no use. Chances are high, that Ashirogi and Nanamine will actually meet in person. By the end of the chapter were going to know what the next arc is going to be about.

Small details.

On the cup Saiko is drinking of is a logo of “PCP” (page 1)

Nanamine is using good ol' windows 7 (page 14)

What would people say?

Voldemort: Nanamine, you free for a sec?
Nanamine: Sure.
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra.

Mikami: Nanamine Toru. Eliminate.

Bill Clinton: Make sure, you get the right interpretation there…muhahaha…gyahahaha.

P.S. It is no secret, that this is my first review, and that aside, that I’m rather new on MH (look at my post count). However, after reading Nefnora’s review of chapter 121, I got a strong feeling, that I want to make one myself. Besides, I’ll train my English skills at the same time, so why not combine something useful with something you like. (Russian saying) So, let me hear your opinions on this review, just how good or how bad it is (change of plan – only how good it is :D)
Oh, and yeah, as you might've already noticed, my review differs a little from the rest. I’ve added two new categories – Small details, and “What would people say”. The first one is self-explaining. In the second one, fictional and existing people interact / comment about the chapter or certain characters, like in this case – Voldemort, Mikami and Bill Clinton. Yeah, and one last part, this too is something new. I’ve decided to dedicate this review to… saladesu, for her constant contribution to one of my favourite mangas. Keep up that translations of yours, and I might actually fall for you:3c, and… well, just, be happy :-)

P.P.S. Feel free to tell me whether I made any mistakes, and where my review could’ve been better… if you have a death wish, that is.:grin


Since this is my first review, and Obata was so kind as too make such a large number of hilarious face expressions, I’ve made a little “compilation” of them, for your judging. There you go.

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 20, 2011
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
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