Recent content by WEERG | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by WEERG

  1. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    So part 3 is a big huge disappointed so far what is the author thinking its like we're reading spin off story like wtf years of waiting to have shit shoved your face.
  2. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    art quality is a bit meh but the breaker is back fuck yeah the last page damn shioon hope were gonna get flash backs of that old fart training him cause he appears at the end of part 2
  3. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    So since it's on Navor and that's a korean site will it be in english and can people from other countries actually pay to read it if not that's gonna be a huge down fall then
  4. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    they may as well just say they have no intentions of finishing it 😂
  5. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    So were gonna have to wait even longer now since they have scrapped all 12 episodes and redoing them again?
  6. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    seems liek the author is on episode 7 hmmm seems to be that he's just rushing to finish it we might get the 3rd part of the breaker but it could be crap just hope not
  7. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park hyped looks like i can see Sera Kang in that script according to google translation it should be out at the end of the year most likely start of 2022 i guess so hyped!
  8. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    just waiting for the were working on a new project again 🤣😂
  9. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park Hope is still not lost, people keep inquiring about finishing part 3 of the breaker. Seems like people have been pestering the author for part 3, hope this keeps up tbh so he can actually finishes what he started, you can't just make a great series and just fuck...
  10. WEERG

    Shounen Dragon Ball Super

    After meerus sacraficing imself so goku could finally achieve ui abd saying no one, even morro can't contest him, then who can tbh, ui is the pinnacle of power it seems and gokus about to achieve it.
  11. WEERG

    Shounen Dragon Ball Super

    So this is the end of dragonball I presume after reading chapter 63 if goku obtains up no villain should ever be able to contest goku so dbs must be near the end
  12. WEERG

    Noblesse Crunchyroll Anime 😁

    yes gotta get those frany memes and ramen memes with rai to and part were he couldn't open the door lol
  13. WEERG

    Noblesse Crunchyroll Anime 😁

    So hyped for this maybe the breaker will get an animation and the author will stop dissapointing us and bring out part 3, hahaha who am I kidding.
  14. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    The author said " Those who are waiting for Breaker Season 3 ... I'm sorry. When I'm stable, I will discuss with you. [출처] 연재 시작했습니다.|작성자 카마로" Hope not to long i got a feeling he will just keep delaying us :*(
  15. WEERG

    Manhwa The Breaker by Geuk-Jin Jeon and Jin-Hwan Park

    ohhh the breaker being published in japan could mean hard English copies in future to collect :P