Recent content by Volume1manga | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Volume1manga

  1. The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill

    Those are what we call gender roles. Gender roles are not bad unless they are forced on someone. There is no law forcing women to be the main ones raising children. So that is not oppression that is a choice which is made between the man and woman. I don't see how communism would do anything to...
  2. The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill

    What do u mean "treating women as equals"? That's a vague thing to say. And there is also a difference between treating (which is also the same as pretending) women are equals and making them equal to men. If women were equal to men then no one should bat an eye if a man tried to fight a woman...
  3. The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill

    No. That's exactly what the leftist feminist movement claims they want. They already have equal rights. What right does a man have here in the u.s. that women don't have. Your playing g word games. What Equality then are you and your people striving for. Since you already have equal rights. I...
  4. The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill

    I find Actually, equality is not always a good thing. Imagine if ceos of businesses could not tell lower ranked employees what to do, because they have to be equal. How would they get anything accomplished. Or, if parents were all of a sudden banned from parenting their children for the sake...
  5. The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill

    I have only seen clips of Andrew tate but I haven't watched the others I glanced at. Well, I've seen fresh and fit, but they definitely aren't my cup of tea. They seem like pretty weak and lame guys posing as something they arent which is some sort of relationship or pick up gurus. You gotta be...