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Recent content by RichardMNixon

  1. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 802 Discussion / 803 Prediction

    Re: One Piece Chapter 802 Spoiler Discussion. I have a hard time believing he is either Whitebeard's son or worth that much bounty. Might be another Demalo Black sort of guy. Edit: Reddit says that he's the 7th shichi (again, really?...) and that the elephant is in fact, Zou. Maybe he got out...
  2. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 798 Discussion / 799 Predictions

    Swordsman don't automatically beat pugilists. Garp wouldn't be much good to the marines if they did. Luffy can dodge swords and parry with haki and the better fighter will win.
  3. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 793 Discussion / 794 Prediction

    Re: One Piece Chapter 793 Spoiler Discussion Sounds like he refused to help so that he could make the WG's shichibukai policy look bad. "Look at what this guy did and the marines weren't allowed to help. A bloody PIRATE had to save Dressrosa! Let's get rid of shichibukai now."
  4. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 792 Discussion / 793 Prediction

    We don't know that it was Akainu's pick, could have been Kong or Gorosei. Akainu's predecessor as Fleet Admiral picked Kuzan for the job but the selection process is clearly not that simple.
  5. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 790 Discussion / 791 Predictions

    He did turn the city upside down. I think Whitebeard is the only person we've seen do more damage to his surroundings. Maybe Ursus Shock in third place?
  6. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 782 Discussion/ 783 Predictions

    He's unambiguously a logia, Usopp cut him clean in half: Trebol was just bluffing to mess with Luffy. Law could hit him because he knew he had to aim deep and center to hit the actual body.
  7. RichardMNixon

    Why does luffy's power still work when he is in the water?

    Has Brook fallen underwater? I don't think Luffy staying rubber would be too different from Brook still being alive underwater, though maybe he'd be unable to use some of his soul powers.
  8. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 761 Discussion/ 762 Prediction - Chapter returns October 1st

    Re: One Piece Chapter 761 Spoiler Discussion Their heart would still be old though, I'm guessing that's why you need the fatal technique.
  9. RichardMNixon

    Discussion 3D2Y Special: Luffy's Training ^.^

    They also explained here that the Shichibukai as an institution is less than 30 years old; had we known that before? I guess the 3 great powers as a whole is pretty young since the yonkou weren't around during Roger's time, but it's still interesting. I wonder if the ones at the start of the...
  10. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 758 Discussion/ 759 Prediction

    Re: One Piece Chapter 758 Spoiler Discussion Yeah, I didn't see one in the scan either. Someone said last week that one of the spoilers had said so when first posted elsewhere, but that the note had been removed by the time we got the spoiler. I trust the Edited Mangas a lot more than that...
  11. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 757 Discussion/ 758 Prediction

    Re: One Piece 757 Spoiler Discussion I think Robin and Bartolomeo are fighting them.
  12. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 757 Discussion/ 758 Prediction

    Re: One Piece 757 Spoiler Discussion Well now it appears to have been removed. Was it from the same guy who has been posting the picture spoilers lately? Is that redon?
  13. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 754 Discussion/ 755 Prediction

    I'm pretty sure all three of them are "top executives." She just means that he's more frightening than running into Lao G or Gladius.
  14. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 754 Discussion/ 755 Prediction

    How would that have made it any better whatsoever? I think it's funny that the person with the drawing power is actually a very bad artist. That's a much more clever twist than just changing what kind of paint he uses.
  15. RichardMNixon

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 754 Discussion/ 755 Prediction

    Re: One Piece 754 Spoiler Discussion My first thought was the captain of Big Mom's ship that Sanji encountered, but yeah, Kanjuuro would also make sense, and he has the Japanese look.