Recent content by Philia | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Philia

  1. Game New Prince of Tennis Fan League II Season 4

    Yeah @Kaoz I'm retiring
  2. Game New Prince of Tennis Fan League II Season 4

    @Kaoz I'd like to retire from this game if possible.
  3. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    Thanks for participating everyone. Congrats to @A.ulq for winning and a special thanks to our celebrity @Atomicus
  4. Game New Prince of Tennis Fan League II Season 4

    How do I get myself DQ'ed?
  5. Game New Prince of Tennis Fan League II Season 4

    If Letal wins his match then let him go to the next round in my place.
  6. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    @Vici @Darky @WithYouInSpirit left to pm answers. The game ends in 90 mins. MH INTERVIEW GAME SEASON 2 GAME 2 ENDS Here are the results for round 3: WITHDRAW 3. If you could be any type of car what kind of car would you be? and Why? Hint: French WITHDRAW 4. Did you could pull a prank...
  7. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    @Darky @Vici @WithYouInSpirit @lakhan220 @Zasz 17 hours left to pm.
  8. The Last Person to Post Wins - Infernape

    Never said that.
  9. The Last Person to Post Wins - Infernape

    Cha take me out of your "peeps alive to you" list
  10. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    If ulq doesn't answer
  11. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    I'll recalculate the marks and post where everyone stands after round 2 soon. Scores after round 2 @kira -1 @Erinyes +1 @EmptySoul +4 @natsulucy -8 @DiMaria Yesta -4 @Brandish --10 @Belserion -2 @zimbardo 0 @MonkeyD-Dragon -12 @Zasz -12 @Vici -2 @Organizized -8 @Darky 0 @lakhan220 +2...
  12. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    Round 3(Free Response) Begins Do not forget your joker and withholds Questions: 1.What is the strangest habit you have? Hint: Placing things in order/Doing HW in the last minute 2What dumb thing did you believe for a really long time? Hint: 3. If you could be any type of car what kind of...
  13. Life The MangaHelpers Confessional Thread - Part 3

    Chaxit? Fine as long as Chu remains
  14. The Last Person to Post Wins - Infernape

    I gave up spamming, Cha
  15. Games MH Interview Game S2 - Game 2 - Atomicus Edition

    Oh that's nothing. Even 13y olds understand the function of pussy.