Recent content by OKfarm | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by OKfarm

  1. Help [JP] Reading handwritten characters

    魔王様って普通ですね ( 今日も畑仕事がんばるぞ
  2. Question Translation Requests

    なんで逃げた... なんで通報しなかった... なんでこんなことに... Why run away...? Why did not called the police...? Why such a result...? いや、俺は悪くない ママ...千鶴... No,I am not to blame. Mama...Chizuru...
  3. Done I need help with some calligraphy/gyosho

    With much conjecture, 女房→wife 玉門→vagina 万らの→penis すいつく→stick to さまと→that kind of state the last line I can't understand.
  4. Done Barely readable name

    It's buddhist posthumous name,so not likely to be related with her family name.
  5. Help with this kanji

    諦めるーあきらめる give up
  6. Help Short & Quick Translation Request Thread [Thread for members with little/no JP/C/K knowledge. OP for

     無双 暗器 Extreme Dark Device 解放 Liberated 大縅錻 Grand- Close? -Plate   Claws? グラン・クローズ・プレート 全テ穿ツ黒キ渦  Blackhole-Penetrator ブラックホール ペネトレイター 我黒渦ノ先導者也  I am  Blackhole-fighter アイアム ブラックホール ファイター
  7. Done Boku?

    Yes it's felt vague,the boy(?) with soft serve means social affairs,frames...and so on, of nowadays Japan,but in the last cell they mean social studies at school.
  8. Done Boku?

    Things are not so complicated. Just calling 'boy' as the same like 'sir' 'ma'am' in english. These latter two are used as honorific,even when his/her name is known,but ボク is used to a boy,whose name is not known to caller,in almost all occasion.
  9. Help with this sentence

    いろいろ here means...nothing. パッとなる:become bright There're some things become bright when exam is over.Student's mind...and what else? Saying "いろいろ(all sort of thing)",he or she doesn't think of another example.
  10. Question Translation Requests

    書き下ろし小説=newly written story
  11. Help Need help translating DVD menu

    Another works by author Play Back to main menu OTMAR GUTMANN(1937-1993) The father of "PINGU",OTMAR GUTMANN was born in German,on 1937. At the age of 23,he moved to Switzerland and started his life as a creator of clay-animation. He started making short commercial film,then in 1970's,he made...
  12. Help Need help translating DVD menu
