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Recent content by ninjabot

  1. ninjabot

    American Politics

    He's not a leftist, he's a liberal. A socdem, like me. He's also not a Zionist. I'm not either, but I'm considering taking on the moniker cause it's a quick way to find out whether someone's political stances are thought out well or not based on their reaction to the title. Maybe I'll call...
  2. ninjabot

    American Politics

    He never said it's moral. Neither did I, neither did kckk. Everyone agrees that taking someone's home from them, violently or not, is immoral. Our point of contention is that what's happened has happened, and you can't take vengeance on the children of the people that are responsible for the...
  3. ninjabot

    American Politics

    You're nicer than me. I'd trick them into accepting a trade of smallpox-contaminated blankets instead. Just drawing a distinction for our far-left friends in here. You're not a colonizer if you didn't do any colonizing, even if you're living on colonized land. So, Briahna Joy Gray lost her...
  4. ninjabot

    American Politics

    If an entire tribe of Iroquois or Cherokee showed up demanding land back and the land they can proveably demonstrate was theirs includes the entire block you live on, what would you do? EDIT: Assuming you were an American citizen.
  5. ninjabot

    American Politics This too. Don't condone this.
  6. ninjabot

    American Politics

    Hamas weren't rebelling against anyone at the October 7th music festival. THAT'S the point. If I wanted to avenge the deaths of my family, I wouldn't go to a concert and kill people that don't even know my family. On account of I'm not a fucking terrorist lol. Destiny is the single best...
  7. ninjabot

    American Politics

    We would have if he had attacked a Republic music festival and gunned down civilians there. It's not a link to Destiny as the source just because it's on his subreddit. It's literally a Jack Posobiec tweet of the video. I just get my twitter links from other sources instead of straight from...
  8. ninjabot

    American Politics Queers for Palestine quiet right now lmfao. Gotta pick a lane.
  9. ninjabot

    American Politics

    It is genocide though. That was my point. And yeah, relocation would be violent, because how else do you relocate someone that doesn't want to leave? I already listed the things I took back. Also: that was another one I took back: the one about the main hospital in Gaza, thanks for proving...
  10. ninjabot

    American Politics

    So then are the Native Americans justified in killing me and taking my family's land? Did the new born baby Israelis born this year genocide anyone? JESUS FUCK I SWEAR I'M ROLLING ON MUSHROOMS OR SOMETHING!!! YOU ARE NOT JUDGING ISRAELIS ON THEIR ACTIONS. YOU ARE JUDGING ISRAELIS ON THE...
  11. ninjabot

    American Politics

    You're intentionally ignoring the question I asked you. The people in this scenario who raped my mother, sister, and daughter, oppressed and tortured all of us do not pass their sin down to their children and grandchildren. So I'll ask again: How can you claim all Israeli people are genocidal...
  12. ninjabot

    American Politics

    The whole population? Are you aware that there are Israelis that were born THIS YEAR? Are they invaders? Am I an invader because I'm not Native American? Jesus, you're making M3J sound reasonable. I want specifics. Did they call for the murder of Palestinians? Did they claim any moral...
  13. ninjabot

    American Politics

    Lol, ask xi0. He's the one thinking I should treat Judaism the same way I treat Islam. They do, but that's Jews that are hated, not Judaism. If I convert to Judaism I'm not gonna experience anti-semitism. My race will still be the thing people notice about me the most. They'll call me the...
  14. ninjabot

    American Politics

    I misspoke. I meant a South African Hamas advocating for an end to apartheid on behalf of black South Africans. The word govern came about because I was thinking of Hamas as the sitting government for Palestine. Do you think that's what he was advocating for? I don't think you do. I think...
  15. ninjabot

    Society Religious Discussion and Q&A Thread

    As an Atheist in America, I love it. I love the hypocrisy. To have someone use their religious beliefs to justify heinous actions, and then turn around and ridicule another group of people for using their religious beliefs to justify heinous actions makes me feel vindicated. Yep. Arabs...