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ninjabot's latest activity

  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    He's not a leftist, he's a liberal. A socdem, like me. He's also not a Zionist. I'm not either, but I'm considering taking on the...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot reacted to kkck's post in the thread American Politics with Like Like.
    Welp, I am not talking about modern stuff, I obviously do not support what israel is doing. But there's no realistic way of simply...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot reacted to catagon87's post in the thread American Politics with Like Like.
    I didn't say anything about it being moral, you decided because you don't agree with what I said that you'd use that straw-man to argue...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot reacted to kkck's post in the thread American Politics with Like Like.
    Because everyone's ancestors have at some point or another conquered someone else if you go back far enough. Bringing up stuff that...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    He never said it's moral. Neither did I, neither did kckk. Everyone agrees that taking someone's home from them, violently or not, is...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    You're nicer than me. I'd trick them into accepting a trade of smallpox-contaminated blankets instead. Just drawing a distinction for...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot reacted to kkck's post in the thread American Politics with Like Like.
    I'd show them my property papers. I am not made out of money, I wouldn't give up land I bought with my hard earned money over stuff that...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    If an entire tribe of Iroquois or Cherokee showed up demanding land back and the land they can proveably demonstrate was theirs includes...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot reacted to catagon87's post in the thread American Politics with Like Like.
    "Invaders who stole land" is the precursor to most nations. For instance, every single country in the Americas. Also quite a bit of...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics. This too. Don't condone this.
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    Hamas weren't rebelling against anyone at the October 7th music festival. THAT'S the point. If I wanted to avenge the deaths of my...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    We would have if he had attacked a Republic music festival and gunned down civilians there. It's not a link to Destiny as the source...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics. Queers for Palestine quiet right now lmfao. Gotta pick a lane.
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    It is genocide though. That was my point. And yeah, relocation would be violent, because how else do you relocate someone that doesn't...
  • ninjabot
    ninjabot replied to the thread American Politics.
    So then are the Native Americans justified in killing me and taking my family's land? Did the new born baby Israelis born this year...