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Recent content by miyi

  1. miyi

    Society Prop 8 & Legality of Gay Marriage

    Re: President Obama Wins! Now What? ok, my 2 cents on prop 8....I supported it. you can argue that marriage is a "religious" institution, not a political one, and it's been around for centuries, long before the government of America existed. If you want to argue on the basis of the...
  2. miyi

    Politics President Obama Wins! Now What?

    Re: President Obama Wins! Now What? congratulations to President-elect Obama, as someone who was favoring McCain, I will gladly support our new President, even though I will certainly not agree with him in many occasion. That's what makes democracy in America great, in my opinion, because we...
  3. miyi

    Politics Venezuela to develop nuclear energy with Russia

    like I said, I don't have any issue with Russia re-asserting their power, and for that matter, any country...whether it's Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, or whoever. I'm a realist, I see the world as a struggle for power, and it's just the way the world works. And precisely because I'm a...
  4. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    hmm...I haven't been keeping up with the news lately, so I have to look up McCain's alleged "lefty" policies....if that's the case, what the hell is he thinking? He needs to stay consistent. As for McCain/Palin supporters being so-called "angry" and "bigots", it's only fair to say that...
  5. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    lately I've been turned off with how the McCain campaign is going, and I've avoided the election since last week (well, I've read a few articles.....but it's almost unbearable). I've always mentioned here in this forum how it is legitimate to bring up the subject about Bill Ayers, Rezko, or...
  6. miyi

    Economy Economic Crisis 2008

    whoa, that's a long article...I'll read the rest of it when I get home later tonight. I remember that the only real reason why FDR managed to overcome the Great Depression, wasn't really so much because of his "New Deal" and welfare-state policies, although that might have alleviated some of...
  7. miyi

    Politics Venezuela to develop nuclear energy with Russia

    So you deny that Russia is asserting it's power? I'm not saying we need to engage in war ("cold war" does not necessarily imply actual, physical war)...I'm merely observing that in fact, Russia is consolidating power as evidenced a few months ago when they invaded Georgia (for energy), and...
  8. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    THIS is a thoughtful post. Astonishing on so many levels. Now, if you can support your claim, with evidence, that she is the MOST "underqualified" VP candidate in history, then perhaps I'll give your so-called argument some credence. having said that, here's my brief thoughts on the debate...
  9. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    we won't be in a depression, because the only thing that it will affect immediately are those who heavily invested in the subprime mortgage business, a majority of which are banks, and which also means that it will subsequently affect those who rely on "credit". If you're one of those people...
  10. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    wait, what? I don't get it. Democrats as in, those in the House and Senate. If you want specifics, I'm referring to people such as Pelosi and Harry Reid. btw, did you actually go through all my comments just to figure that one out? as to McCain's age,'s how I see it. I'm more...
  11. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    ok, since we're in the business of analyzing other people's quotes, let me add my 2 cents. what redcometfm said was: a more objective interpretation of his quote, without taking it out of context, and I'll attempt to paraphrase it, would be this: If Obama refuses to relinquish power while in...
  12. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    my apologies...I mis-read your comment. as to the Gwen Ifill controversy...hmm, if McCain already expressed his approval, then I guess it's a non-issue. Fair enough. Besides, I've watched her on PBS before, and she's alright. Too bad I won't be able to see the debates (is it tonight or...
  13. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    let's have a serious debate as to how Kucinich's request for impeachment has any merit. I can argue that he doesn't have a case. Clinton lied under oath, while in office, which is an impeachable offense. It wasn't so much that he cheated on his wife, and it was never about that. This can be...
  14. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    The drop in oil prices sure is a good thing, although that simply means that everyone in the world (not just America) is hurting. Thus, less people can afford gas...less demand for oil = price drop. it's becoming more glaringly obvious, the more I look into it, that the Democrats have their...
  15. miyi

    Politics United States Presidential Election Thread

    Pelosi wants to blame Republicans, as always....why does she still have a job, is what I'm wondering.. here are the facts: more than two-thirds of Republicans and 40 percent of Democrats opposed the bill. Democrats control the Senate and the House ... theoretically, if the Democrats are...