Recent content by Makasa | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Makasa

  1. Makasa

    Books The Great Books! ( And What Are You Currently Reading? )

    I've been persistently advised to read Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand. Also I'm planning to read Black swan by Nassim Taleb.
  2. Makasa

    If you could get $1 million from these 3 items, which would it be?

    I've changed my mind 3 times. 1st I chose diamonds, but they are really not easy to deal with. Then I chose gold. I thought I'd exchange some part and leave the rest as an investment. But then I realized that waiting for the gold's price to rocket could take years, so I ended up with choosing...
  3. Makasa

    Learning Chinese

    I had been learning Chinese for a year I think about 7 years ago. Now everything I remember is: Ni hao. Wo bu shi ZhongGuo zhen:-_- (hope I wrote it understandably!). I think the best way to enrich your vocabulary is to have Chinese in front of your eyes and ears as much as possible. I'd watch...
  4. Makasa

    Discussion What did you eat today? - Cooking Corner Hangout

    Sorry for stepping in, but I've read that pangasius along with tilapia are not the best choices unless you know who grew them. They both aren't picky in food and dishonest producers may feed them badly. And today I ate a lot, starting with eggs and veggies in the morning, then potatoes, chicken...
  5. Makasa

    What's your New Year's Resolution and what're you doing about it now?

    I've made 2 pretty simple, but still requiring effort resolutions. 1st is minimize procrastination. 2nd is improve control of my finance. What I've been doing so far. Regarding procrastination, I started making a daily to do list and reduced time spent on social media and other time...
  6. Makasa

    At what age do you start feeling old

    Well, I don't feel old and I'm 27. Honestly, there was one moment about a year ago when I thought my life had been passing and I hadn't achieved much and etc. But I recovered quickly and now I try not to think of that and focus more on how life can be great and exciting.
  7. Makasa

    Life Share your dream thread!!

    Usually I can't remember my dreams. Actually, I can recall them right after waking up at night or in the morning, but immediately forget them if I don't write it or tell somebody. In my last dream I was running from somebody. I can't remember the beginning, but I was wading through the forest...