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Recent content by LadyVados

  1. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1111 Discussion

    That’s obvious to anyone with reading comprehension. Unfortunately, the Apoo victim’s fans don’t have that.
  2. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1111 Discussion

    It must have physically hurt you to type that. And Zoro put him out of commission for the rest of the arc. Get Luffy past Bonney first and then we can have a discussion about Zoro.
  3. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1111 Discussion

    Luffy is Stussy now?
  4. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1111 Discussion

    Condom stans are legit the most delusional fandom.
  5. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1111 Discussion

    Zoro > Luffy in AP pretty much confirmed. He literally just used basic hardening lmao. Still outperformed Luffy.
  6. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    Thin jaggy and narrow lightning is CoA. Curvy and wide lightning is AdCoC. Zoro was just using base hardening. Cope harder.
  7. LadyVados

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    Zoro splits the sky with Nusjuro. Ledon is crying because now the condom isn’t the only Sky-splitter in the crew
  8. LadyVados

    Team Zoro, Yamato and Law vs The Color trio

    Who wins?
  9. LadyVados

    Team Marineford with proper scaling.

    WB insta wifi diffs everyone but Mihawk. Mihawk insta wifi diffs everyone but WB. Mihawk mid diffs WB if he doesn’t get a heart attack, in which case he one-shots.
  10. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    Zoro is clearly not using AdCoC lmao. There is no Haki coming from his swords. This is just the standard CoA black lightning. I guess Ulti and Coby are AdCoC users now. Heck we saw the same effect during Nika vs Lucci LMAO
  11. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    If Zoro vs Lucci was a high diff, what do you consider Nika vs Lucci? Legendary diff. I mean Luffy couldn’t keep Lucci down either… Zoro just built different.
  12. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    I don’t think there has ever been a giant in history who is as strong as Luffy is now. Let alone as much stronger than the average giant as Luffy is compared to the average human. Luffy and Zoro were superhuman in Pre TS. At this point they are gods.
  13. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    I’m talking about those being the match-ups in the final war.
  14. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    Luffy vs Imu Zoro vs Garling Jinbe + Sanji + Mid Trio vs Gorosei I could kind of see it?
  15. LadyVados

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    BB wasn’t Yonko level back then. We saw Akainu get 2-shotted by an old, dying WB who couldn’t even use Haki. I think there is still quite a big gap between Akainu and a healthy Yonko. But he is still well clear of any commander, so right around where I put Zoro. I still have Shanks / Mihawk /...